Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1947, p. 3

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•>. , - ^. *< \* - . . c - i»'*. ,4. home I Dick decided she was tittfid for ! him. « •-. y mm ii»i»<ii»a< gi (By Yardstick) Folks! iw^ipipeipiw •*? i V ) ?v- Last Sunday we had the extreme preparing the big ones that never get away from him for his evening meals. It's vacation time for George and what better way could on« find to relax those tired, nerves. wiU / . 4 • ) Dm etnMy dMnb has also boen a Mt of bossing over at the _leiisure of Fred of Frank Freisinger*s Manage, where Buriingame, Califs one of the early Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saflarriri are, pioneers of McCullom Lake. Mr. enjoying a'week's honeymoon. This Colby first saw the light of day 1 t - . t o_tMWiav _* th„ Wr. . _f Qi. i soon after the end of the Civil war, at ?» lMt Saturday at the WoodmMmma " ST~ and spent most of his life in this It's a boy! All 10 pounds of hiaa, born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doran Cornelius church in Chicago last part of the country. His stories of ' of McCullom Lake young couple was i_ „i„t1. Af MinArtiM # |]ie Saturday at 4 and after their wed- the early history . SJCS_ T^ir. thi. -.jrir !*Nf reception at the home of the were most interesting. He is at preat MeCuuom Lake this w«k- mnin's parents, at which seventy sent enjoying a month t flatarday Vera Sund of Ridge- guests were present, Ed and his his home here before flacked one of McCullom Lakes lovely bride took off for McCullom Buriingame. n - jm. •Toots" Lake with the Freisingers and, thus • • • wm' their married life began. | Mr. and Mrs. Wilbar Heel* and , . „ .„ . their lovely daughter, Betty, en- 5ff -*~~t h., M ».»IWC stock hospital. His name will be Robert, Jr., that's the way grand- Winnie gave it , to us. "Blitxkrieg" Jimmie is anxiously awaiting onthWatfoTit th® .arriv*1 °1 hi,8 "e t w brother Acreturning to co™»n* 40 the latest reports both i Jerry and her new ton at* doing jnieely. Congratulation* To Carol Ann Miller on the secong, to make her bis bride. The took place at the Lutheran in McHemry, after which a June nth at the home of Mr. and Stony of Chicago at their home on a was held at the home of, Mrs. WinfieW Putsch, when o Dick. Maple Hill over the weekend. Wrthil^PKtn Hay th. 4th. ttotlgck, » •""r...«? hor--m»nahip U,t Ttat wifVU . p««j .ith nothlnt Did You Know NEAR8T NEWS KILLED IN LEAP ' . Nylon Fabrics ,-iP,icause nylon fabrics art both liioth and mildew resistant, they are suitable for upholstery and rug materials and for umbrella* " * Wfht Setttag „ to proper tightness is most important in assembly opera* line Weingart, Da- »y. <«jy (Htim, m. n estate of Jssa Deceased,yending la rt ofMeHenry Cow* f^crotr Z^°Uam During the past few years good paint has been almost unobtainable. You can now get my paint in reasonable quantities, with the assurance that it is the same good paint we have always made. Paint for the outside of your buildings and paint for interior decoration , is available in many lovely colors. JUST COMPARE OUR PRICES shown below! Be fair about it and compare ours only with those of other high-quality paints. You will find that purchases of these Kelley Premium Products will mean money in your pocket! Money you will SAVE! Write or call my Belmont Avenue store for information (address and phone shown toelow). Color charts and catalogs sent immediately upon request. PAINT FOR HOMES, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, RESTAURANTS, STORE FRONTS * INTERIORS. HAMBURGER STANDS, GASOLINE STATIONS. FTC. (discounts allowed on quantity purchases) •imOUTI WAMIL "The W h 11 • • t a» Whites" for kitehew, bathroom., woodwork, funutor*. W«lw HEW WAIW PATTCKMS HeedreA e# Tftesif: I pun ami TUtKMTINI. M. «s* 1 far* MM «r MW I UnsHd Oil $2** 1 fto TMT CMMNT) The latest Headblocked designs and jHTNK modern weaves, all in • t a c k . WASHA81E ^0 AN4 COLOR FASTI Come in and sae our paper* befora *«• make up vour mi ad. Yoa won't bo sorry! swci I KILO-KOTI OUTSIDE •Jts FiiitH HOUSE PAINT . . . 1 4&SSArttS& Long • Uitingl Went W O II d • r ful (01 KHMQ{|V| crock or Chip ill «pit« k»ck«n, bathroom, ! ngF'Lrot "^,ircVcV fhc. .l1 l1, . .>nnddw woooodd - AH'N©H F A 0 6 RESIST- CE-c0,orj .•ay bright • »>• j >nd c|##r A pur# lift- •Mhed repeated I* 1 tca<i oil paint. Tha fmmtt of pigment» •i t h o u t d ama g a . a i v a . t j t . g r a a t 1hiding ^%< . c o i ° 2 : W".t* and. 1„ ! .b.a.«.- 1 Wh i t . C r a * T i , F*f «.S« e1h. Gtar aSy-. S f i e k( 1t4e df. trful eoterj. JJIf | gallon cant. Nr * MI-MAT FUT MIBT G e n u i n e OIL PAiNTI Dries to a velvet • like finish. Won't c r a c k or chip. 1 d a a 1 for bedrooms, livingroom t. Washes well, too. White and 1 p a s t e l s . Per ijlf Gallon..„ . KILO-VAR VA1MISM Tonal), Ourabla, "MADE TO BE WALICE0 ON . thi. varnish it frea - flowing and waterproof, driet to a high lustra withaat snowing brush marks. Scrub it, draq famiture across it -- you won't dull it. high lustre surface. $Clt fbr Gallon ® BUCK SN1CI nAMCL S g m m * • t almost neret Protect Krean wire 1 frames from Vs.4 -utt and decay nowl 39® I MAKE THE PAINT I SELL TOU GENERAL OFFICES & NORTH SIDE STORR 1542 Belmont Ave. "Just East of Lincoln* Phone: Buckingham 6868 NORTHWEST CHICAGO STORE For Your Convenience 4918 W. Irving Park "Just. West of Cicero" Phone: Mulberry 4600 Sunday. Somebody should have; to wear but needs five closets to riarW warned the guy that the Wonder keep it in? ' Lake nags aren't very well uphol- That children are little people who stered. If you don't believe us, ask shortly after we have taught them Francis Eastlund who too has been to speak, we must teach them to eating her meals from (he mantle-la^&t up? this past week after an hour's ex- That Otter Ebert swapped his perience with the critters. 1 overalls for a pair of ruffled pa- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Passalagua! jamas? - > ADIOS I had as weekend guests Mrs. Frits,! i^iii'.-n^; iiMiniV v . i Miss Nancy Passalagua and Mr. and ~Vilke, all of DON A. NOTICE Estate of Jo* ceased. Notice is hereby given to all as* sons that Monday, July 7tfe,lM7, is. the daim date in the phine Weingart, the County Court ty, Illinois, and that May ba filed against the said estate on at before said date without issuance gfU summons. r v" JULIA COMSTOCK, K AGNES NELL, AdinistratoMb. . May 15-22-29) •.*:*$ east of Kirkland, til. Both arms of pre-set torque there's a click, a i ' Tap Vessel 'f the victim were broken, his right leg reading on a dial, and a bump* to 1 The luxury liner America is was amputated by the train wheels the hand that is said to stop turning 1 largest and fastest passenger i» and his skull was fractured. He by reflex action. sel ever built in this countrr was dead when a section crew ar- " rived. The force of impact hurled' the body ypnto the eastbound trades.. A social lecurity card in the man's pocket bore the name Orval Lindsey A middle-aged man was insUnUy m assemoiy operakilled at 2:15 p. m. Tuesday after- i a2d ^an°us devices including noon of last week when he leaped or - * "f°n 1fas1?' show when the desired fell from the speeding Chicago, Mil- ^ue "as ^>een reached. Aay workwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific stream- i nrJa"' no matter how much preocculined train "Hiawatha", and rolled PM, would seem to respond to • j beneath the wheels about two miles wrench recently announced. At the I, 111. ~ I Mm John Wilke, Chicago. i Mrs. „ Danielson entertained Mrs Fred Thoma of Peoria and Mrs Aneltnf^ Contlaf Ottict Prtvts Safiritr to Mafhliit RESUME w< A toy balloon bouncing kt the end. of a 2(K-foot string provided the only ] touch of novelty last week as thi Illinois Bell Telephone Co. Elgin exchange shifted back to normal 1. operation. The toy balloon idea waS'! . employed by pickets of the comply munications workers to let opera-i tors on the second floor of the Elgiaj exchange know there is still a picket >' line about the premises. On onaj S p r i n g t i m o time r . The curious counting device called .. . . . . . William Lonergan of Chicago over the ab.CUs, which proved to be fast- , s,de ,.of ^A e 0^,0°" '** lnZ the past weekend. The Fred Thomas er than meehanical calculating ma- ! "^1SW On Stnke', and I&? ^-L^°n?!nT!.1.t.y ***} chines in contests at Yokohama and to the lines of a Tokyo, is usedby .ver, or,.ma, n,,. ; Tracy residence from Mr. and Mrs. j c ant' bookkeeper, banker and 1Z. M. Tracy and hope to enjoy a money changer. Many of them click pleasant ystftaimer here. j the brightly-colored wooden beads for such simple sums as two plus ' funny face. The many improvements Mr. and. two. KILLS TWO • Walter Guertin, 59, of 148tj Madison St., Chicago can cut antwo. Though the principle is pos- nother notch on the stock of his ;fl , . ..... . , - Mrs. Harry Reiiner have begun onj sibly of Egyptian origin, the abacus j Douglas'DeHart,1 40*of 617 Edison! their estate on West Lane Drive will' was developed by pre-Christian ' St. _ft__ h.j A-.-j , c v<,nTfc on completion make their home one Creeks and Romans. old' high school girl into the apart^ of the show places of this beautiful Pebbles were first used on the ment building where Guertin reside*, N®?*- . .„ , . \ counting tables, wl.lch were lined in ; it was on April 2, 1945, that Guerueorge Harker ml for the "ext parallel columns for units, tens, hun- tin shot and killed Joseph Olivelr two weeks keep Aunt, Clara busy j «tc. The pebbles were moved 1 Starr, 50, of Elgin, when he fount* up and down, just as abacus beads him choking Mrs. Sara Wilke, 2(kf - - • 1 --* nt ml WHO W are pushed an their metal' wires j who occupied another apartment or rods. The ancient abacus pr> j the same building. gressad to a board containing parallel grooves, with longer slots be- JOkajr in Grandma's day -- but you'd prefer so ijKkk to your automobile, wouldn't you? So 'Idrive in today for that ^f»riag ch Rid your car now of winter-worn, s toe oil before it rfeb you of a car. Ask TRAIN JUMPS TRACK v™ .«,» .hnrter ami ahnvp in th# ' Beores of homeward-bound Elgin J .mall »ooS i commuters were delayed one eveninf es were inserted small woot jast week by an accident on the Chp] cago, Aurora A Elgin railroad atj , , Laramie avenue near the wfesterni. been introduced into China in the ed** 0f Chicago. An Aurora train! 12th century. Japan did not adopt j jumped the tracks at a switch anih' the mathematical wonder until the j collided with an "L" train. Although' 16th century, naming it "soraban." no one was seriously injured, traffic 1 groove .Knobs for counters. The abacus is believed to have TA60LENE BEAUTIFUL GIFTS lor the GRADUATE Large 8eIectioti of CARDS 110 S. Green St., McHenry Phone 145-J Chinese and Japanese work the abacus from right to left, and read it from left to right. There are ten rows of counters. Five lower bobbins on «ach row count as ones; two uppers as fives. Each column represents a power of ten, and the operator can "borrow one" or "carry two" and can express totals in billions. Urge Care in Deodorants The careless use of non-perspirants or deodorants may do as much i>r more damage to garments than Inspiration, according to textile and Clothing specialists of the department of agriculture. When a good tiress goes to pieces under the arm Or changes color, even skillful patching may not make it wearable again. |n using tnese chemicals women Should be careful to follow directions on the label. Any chemical trong enough to stop perspiration (nay rot fabric or cause the dye to fade or change in color. Cotton and rayon fabrics especially are likely to be rotted by preparations that have an acid reaction. on the line wm« delayed for mora than an hour before the tracks could be cleared and service resumed. Chicken Liver Omelets Make chicken liver omelets tlk vary your menu. Saute chopped chicken livers in fat or salad oiL season to taste with salt, pepper ana Worcestershire sauce, then plact over the omelet lust h*»fr>rf> serving MOTOR OILS FREUND OIL CX). PHONE 202 McHENRY, ILL. ^ You or# «ntitled to •njoy BIG-CAR QUALITY M LOWEST COST . . . and p n l y . Ch»vrolf jt» BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, wtth all dial IMS iMCMit in f xt» >> "-' '4 Only Chevrolet gives you the beauty and luxury of Body by at lowest prices ! Only Chevrolet gives you the Big-Car performance and dependability of a Valve-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine... together wtth such remarkably tow SOSt of upkeep I Only Chevrolet givee you the oomfefewd Ho-Car comfort and safety of the Knaa- Aetion Ride and F\»ltive Action Hydrau- •0 Brakes . . aatremeiy tow operating costs! ' (MmO' iVmI VO^OOy - -* 'v•IfM_ava vOO• » ' WPP PmmI. lw ®JM mw 1^47 Cfcswislsl. Knfoy Mm U lotaHm saHsfnc Bmi *0 wMck ym w wMtod... BIO-CAR QUALITY AT OOff. •. fa and uly IslMs rr- CHEVROLET • t ':C 4 : Clark Chevrolet Sales McHTMBT. ILUMOlS - - * ,*1 rit' i irniwu^t f t ^ Burn Over Forests Fire each year burns over forest lands equal in area to New York State. Color & your yarnooxo. FUST LIRE CIEST THE Ml CIEST TIBE...WMT Jk BBY!! You're hound to aoue wfan a tuba (and a fine quality CREST Butyl tube at that) is fadnded with every , CRB8T tfaee are positively guaranteed with a written pro-rata guarantee PLUS a lifetime guarantee Liberal trade-in, 1 4M-4M1 U HlB* 7NiU .....fO JUT 4SM7MIII»..|11II* MiU HT4T 4TS4Ns •$ >& LOW PRICE VARCON 45 *nd 51 Plate BATTERIES Regt lar Low Price $10.4§ Sale Price $8.95 Ikf himckt U&m : *:• Ail®. / .k . "jt i*.. -li/- «... 0-^ Carey Electric Shop lit Grsaa St . *. "*<• v' ^ r _ - .'-i *. V, ....... ii,. Jtjm,. ...r. tl*4. MtiL. tJ'.li*. <sa

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