Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1947, p. 6

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-vy*'} <hff ' •i;'.f. J»r-> ?& C 4 •:1i.rifor r- 4|i FOR SALE--TWo^|«et parlor suite, like new; kitchen set, floor lamp, ' RXLPWANTED bottled gas cook itam, used four - months; vacuum cleaner, bedroom HELP WANTED--Married man to FOB SALS chair, kitchen cupboard, oil heater work on dairy farm; living quarters stove. George SteinsdOerfer, West furnished. Address Box "B, cat# McHenry. *1 McHenry Plaindealer. l;tf SALE -- English type home, IIT1M school, churches; lot 80x100 ft.; hot water heat; 10 min. walk to N. W. depot. Call McHenry 88-W. 14 ! FOR SALE--Built-in type kitchen sink; double compartment; three; faucets and spray attach.; chrome fixtures. Tel. McHenry 107-W. 11 FOR SALE--French love seat, maherany carved frame, down-filled;. reasonable. Tel. McHlenry 237-R. 1 TOR SALE -- Studio couch, |45; white oak dinette set, $30; drum-top taible, $1«. AH furniture four mos.! old. Call McHenry 202-J. *1 FOR SALE -- Tree and orchard spray and 1%-ton two-wheel trailer, both practically new. Chapel Hill Country Club. Phone McHenry 6B1-J-1. , * *1 FOR SALE--J*»ir girl's roller rink skates, site 6H." . Tel. McHenry 205-M. *1 FOR SALE--We have a few new one-hp. single phase electric motors left, priced at $60.95. McHenry Electric Motor Service, 102 West Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 1 FOR SALE--5-section Ideal boiler, water tank, radiators, pipe and fittings for a complete installation. Price $300. Adam Brand, Hickory Drive, „ McCullom Lake. Phone McHenry 656-R-l. 1 FOR SALE *- Pump, shallow well, HELP WANTED--CARPENTERS-- practically new. Tel. McHenry wanted at ence for Veterans' Hous- 491-W. 1 ing Project. A-l men. $1.96 an hour, $2.15 after June 1. O. W. Potter MR ffinia St., Cryitd lib, JXL Crystal Lake S26-W. EXT*A! BOAT CO. SMf HELP WAUTTED--Girt to clerk la' drag store And fountain work. Bo)- j gvru Drug Store, McHenry. .#8-tf j WANTED CARPENTER, WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 684~R~2. 51-4 KILLER Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M 52-tf GET A FUBE ESTIMATE on roofing and siding; material or labor. Frank Gane, 800 Riverside Drive McHenry. Call or write. Phone McHenry 10®-W. Guaranteed by Sears. Roebuck 4 Co. Free delivery^ 42tf WELLS WATER STf and install pumps. Main Street, McHenry. 9S-J. OR DRIVEN, We sell, repair BiU Bacon, ^06 Telephone 10-tf FOR SALE--80 ft. 1%-in. _copper ^ Sons, General Contractors, Waupipe with couplings. Ben Bleeker. con(ja minois. Telephone Wauconda . «... i&gy 8 -- 14f:*££ 8$ FOR SALE--1946 Chevrolet dump {£*£* £' truck; two-speed axel; 4 yd. body; X„®, Riverside DriTe' excellent condition. A. R. Quain- Henry- 61"tf 1 tance. Phone McHenry 677-W^2. 1-2 HR| p WANTH>_Man one day per 1 FOR SALE--4-bedroom, ltf bath,'week, preferably Saturday, for work home, on Fox river, 2-car 'garage; in yard. $1.26 per hour, 8 hours. All lone mile south of McHenfr. Phone tools furnished, including power ' Glencoe 2476. , D?.ow«r- C„a" „^turd*y or Sunday» i -X- j Pistakee 645-W-2. 1 j FOR SALE--All year 'round 5-room w ' I house, two lots; double car garage, HELP WANTED--Salesman; opporrunning water, bath; j*lst off Rt. 120 tunity for men with sales experi at Ulymoor. $5,500 cash. Geo. ience to sell stfeel buildings and steel i Steinsdorfer, West McHenry. *1 form structures. Commission basis. i------------ Must have car. Northern 111. Steel l FOR SALE--Double work "harness, Bldg. Co., 206 E. Jackson St., Woodoak tanned, new; McD. bundle loader, stock. ' 1-3 Springdale Farm.' Tel. McHenry ------u--~ 623-J-l. *1 IiiiLP WANTED WANTED -- We nave cash buyers for summer homes, city property and farms. List your property with us, Jacob Frits, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Fnooe Lincoln 1883-1314 tf. WANTED TO BUY I CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone 691-R-l when in need bf Insulation or a new roof, asbestos, or insulated brick siding, weather stripping, or combination screen and storm windews. Free estimates. Durfee Bros. Roofing^Co. / 48-tf WANTED TO BUY-- House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plairidealer. 52-tf , truck Man for local deliveries and yard work. FOR SALE--Modern*new" house fac- Steady work. Alexander Lumber ing Rt; 120 in Volo; business zoned. Co. . 53-tf Can be used for beauty or barber ^NTED--Girl for general WANTED FOR CASH Homes <-- Farms -- Businesses , EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate Route 2 McHenry, 111. McHenry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-2 • Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 40-tf WANTED TO BENT Five rooms and bath, full H . .. . r „ ,, ! basekent and furnace. Call Mc- housework; -own room, bath, radio, i WANTED TO RENT--Small apart- HenrV 667-R-l. 1 Family of two, Good wages. Pis-jment or house in McHenry-or vicin- EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE 8URGFRT AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Bex ICS. Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, I1L 40-3 PIANO SERVICE--Pianos rebuilt, repaired, toned: member * Amerii Society of Piano Tecnnicians. Harry C. Calhoun, 217 Church St., Woodstock, 111. Phone 190-W. *51-4 MOTOR REP A LR--Electric motors repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of B-line quality motors, Carenco caibon motor brushes and Johnson Bronze, cored bars and ready to use bearings. McHenry Electric Motor Service, 102 West Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 1-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Lot us! dispose of your garbage each week, I or oftener if desired. Reasonable I rates. Regular year round route, j John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf FLOOR SANDING -- Reftnishing varnishing and waxing new and old floors.; also Kentile. a lifetime floor. Free estimate.. Call . .evenings, McHenry 4d7-R. 61-*3-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No.' 8; reverse charges. / Fire Incidence i Every minute, day and night, firs break# out somewhere in the United States. . Every- hour « life is lOSt.. FOR SALE -- House, garage and chicken house with one acre of land; located in Volo. Mrs. Chas. Miller. Phone Round Lake 2222. *1 FOR SALE--1942 Ford tractor; new engine; vacuum brakes, good tires. Also 1941 26-foot GMC trailer, cattle rack, new floor, vacuum brakes, complete outfit, a real buy. EDGETOWN MOTORS, Intersection Routes 14 and 47, Woodstock. 1 FOR SALE--Nickels Bros, hybrid seed com produced at Hebron; early and late corn. Earl Paddock. Phone McHenry 105-R. *1 FOR SALE--1941 model Servel refrigerator. $90. TeL McHenry takee Bay. Tel. McHenry 652-R-l. i FOR VgALE--Five A-l grade Hoi- 51-4 stein Tkjws. DHIA records available; two freiih, three milkin'g; one year- HELP WANTED -- Girl or woman ling heifer. Farmer's prices. A. C. for plain cooking in private home at Clemons^ Kries Farm, Ringwood, 111. Pistakee Bay; small family; no •1-2, cleaning or washing; come and go I every day, six-day week; transpor- FOR SALE--Modern house, fur- tation can be furnished; top wages, nished; Venetian blinds; automatic : Address Box "KL," care Plaindealer. oil iurnace; air conditioned; electric j 51-4 hot water heater; tile bath, built-in ity. Tel. McHenry 678-R-t. MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewri ters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbonN paper. Frartk J. Immekus, Jr., 103 Main St., McHenry* Phone McHenry 203-J. „ 52-tf BOUGHT AND SOLD--Hay, straw/ and grain. Pape & Guenther Bros. Arlington Heights, 111. Phone 515. 48-2&4-tf tub and shower; cabinet kitchen;! HELP WANTED--Girl or woman 2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full j for cooking and general housework storm windows; copper screens, i no heavy cleaning; middle-aged Frank Reiss, Birch g£>rive. Phone I couple. On Pistakee Bay. $40 per ... x„ri... Wonder Lake 173. 52-tf'week. Mrs. Kelley, phone Pistakee! BRANCHES OF TREE SUR- 565-M-l. 1 |4f;GERY; also spraying for scientific weed control. Anderson Tree Service, McHenry. Tel. 113-R. 50-5 FOR SALE--New nationally advertised table model radio-phono combination, $107.96; any playing table model radio and $80 gets it. Ringwood Electrical A Radio Shop. Phone Richmond 883. 1 FOR SALE--Pair twin beds with box spring mattresses; folding cot with mattress; three oak chairs. See Karl Kretsch, Regner Road, E. Pistakee Bay, McHenry. *1 FOR SALE--Davenport, large Roper gas stove and breakfast room set.! Tel. McHenry 143-J. 52-2 j FOR SALE--McCullom Lake--Six-1 room furnished home; lake front, i north shore; modern and complete; choice location on Lake Shore Drive, i Phone McHenry 568-R-2 Saturday i and Sunday, or Riverside 3743. A.' G. Elarton. 52-tf i FOR SALE--80-gal. hot water tank' and large coal stove. Price $35. Phone Wonder Lake 751. 5?-tf HELP WANTED -rrrrr MEN • -- -- 1st, 2nd and 3rd SHIFTS WOMEN 1st and 2nd SHIFTS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TOP WAGES RODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM FOR SALE--Kelvinator refrigerator; j , ,, ... 5V4 cu. ft.; good condition. McHenry 415 *li - NEL DEPARTMENT, FOR SALE-->144 capacity Coca Cola bottle cooler, A-l condition; reasonable. Paddock's Sweet Shop, Riverside Dr., McHenry. *1 FOR SALE--Servel electric refrigerator, $25; high chair, $3. G. Haherline, Box 87, Ringwood, 111. *1 FOR SALE--9x12 Broadloom rag; newly cleaned; good condition. Reasonable. M. Casey, several blocks north of Bernie's CKasis, Lily Lake. 1 FOR SALE--Cemetery plot of six! graves, irv St. Mary's cemetery, Mc-| enry. Call McHenry 83-W. 1-21 FOR RENT ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS GOOD TRANSPORTATION 52-tf AVAILABLE FOR SALE--Gas stove, table-top', with broiler, $50. Inquire at Gladstone's, Green St., McHenry. 1-tf FOR SALE--Coolerator and 9 cu. ft. nfreete. Howard Hackman, Rt. arengo. Tel. Harvard 418-R-2 between 8 and 9 a. m. or 8 and 9 FOR RENT--Four-room year-round j "-- • • --; -- cottage; inside toilet and running water. Mrs. E. Fleming, 5506 Au-: gusta Blvd., Chicago 51, 111. Tel. I HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND Austin 1496. 1 GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTFOR RENT--20 acres work land and ED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APpasture; % mile east of Wauconda; PLY RIVERSIDE MFG, CO.. 200 also garden plot ready to plant. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. Phone Wauconda 3721. 1 PHONE 39. 20-tf WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, 111. Phone 277. 49-tf SEPTIC TANKS AND GREASE TRAPS cleaned, built and repaired, modem equipment; competent engineering. Lake County Sanitary Co., Phone Libertyville 1346. 47-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., R-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M or 716-M-. 42tf The Schroeder Iron Works of Chicago is now located at McHenry, 111., on Highway 31, two miles southof the city. We specialise in the fabricating of ornamental iron railings, ornamental iron gates, balconies, grills, fences, clothes poles, steel stairs, steel doors, steel sash, window guards, door guards, lanterns, angles, lintels, deanont doors, joist hangers, pin anchors, pipe railings. ( In addition to our general fabricating, we can sttpply you with the following stock items: Factory sash, basement sash, glass block sash, beams, hollow metal doors, corrugated walls for are*waf«» corner wheel guards, steel basement columns. Also a complete line of bar stock, including pipe. For particulars, phone or write SCHROEDER IRON WORKS R-3, Box 514, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 617-M-l im:% :- "*1 m _ RMM. fifgi f /• 4 ^ mil itWrfcm alwrv^ onyittf with Carbola DDT. Fbannenstill. Tel. 4S8-R. 410 Farir-' St, McHenry. 51-fcf LET US DO YOUR RUG and fir. niture Heaning in your home. Wei also do mechanical wall washimr.i Pasder* Rug Cleaners, Cary, HL| Phone Cary 6181, evenings. *1-2' Pick Dp Broken Glass For safety's sake, pick u; small pieces of broken glass with damp, ened absorbent cotton. k*s-. Fswl Pox | Fowl pox is most prevalent in fall k and winter. It can be controlled | by vaccinating all bird* (between | the ages of 8 and 12 weeks. The J symptoms are raised, yellow or i brown scabs on comb, face and wat- ! ties. Greyish-yellow membranes ; known as cankers are found in the | corners of the mouth, throat or t windpipe. I • 'i For Safety's Sake V ' ^ J Accidents do happen to motorists who neglect to keep their cars in condition. 4 Donl wait for breakdowns that can cause serious damage to your car...and to you! Take advantage of oiir liberal service terms. Enjoy top car in confidence. CLARK CHEVROLET CO. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 277 l ;:;3i P. m. " " 4 FOR SALE--Thousands of vegetable plants, all kinds, 20c doz.; flower plants of all kinds at various prices; bushes, trees and roots. L. M. Fierce, 843 Wheeler St., Woodstock. •1-8 FOR SALE--Platinum dyed coney coat, sire 14; practically new. Calli McHenry 670J-2. *i | FOR SALE -- Enamel sink, fully j •equipped; dinette set, table and four ; chairs; 9x12 rug; 9-in. electric re-! volving fan. Tel. McHenry 591-J-2. j I 1 FOR SALE--Used Zehith radio, cab-! inet style; good condition. Priced reasonable. Wilson Radio Service,, Elm St., McHenry. Tel. McHenry 469. 51-tf j NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODERN 4-ROOM insulated year-round Country Home, 2 bedrooms, plumbing. gas, electric, lake rights. TEJtMS. Phone McHenry 674-M-2 or 590-R-2, or stop at office. Tower building, in Lily Lake. 50-tf FOR SALE -- All kinds of garden Slants are now ready at the Mc- [enry Floral Co. Get your order in Tel. McHenry 404. 50-tf . NOW OPEN RIVERSIDE BARBEQflE • ;^ fOMPLETELY REMODELED V Featuring % 4 Genuine Hickory Smoked Barbecued RIBS " Chicken -- Steaks -- Chops -- Fish * - Spaghetti -- Sandwiches Bottled Beer ft Mixed Drinks * 5 p.m. to 2 a(tn. CLOSED TUESDAYS Illinois... FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein Irnll calves--Carnation, Pabst, Curtiss, Ragapple and other leading Mood lines at farmers' prices. Hick- Credt Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. Tel. McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf FOR SALE---Generators, armatures, Starters, fuel pumps, distributors and Ignition parts for Ford and all other ears. Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily-; moor, Fred J. Svobod*, Prop. Tel.! McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR SALE--Year- round comfort atiri 1 - economy with fire-proof Johns-Mantille Rock Wool Home Insulation ' fBlownin" walls and ceilings'. Call iVv t^O J. 8TILUNG, McHenry 18. 86tf. ^ Perhaps you can still save that Hot Water Heater and clean up that lime scale and red rusty water for less than $50.00--city or well water. MICROMET The Wonder Work* See your plumber or hardware dealer or RINGWOOD ELECTRICAL & RADIO SHOP Wholesale and Retail Dealer--McHenry County PHONE RICHMOND 883 RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS Hands with Varied SUDs •# sad Vast Experience ThERC are two and a quarter million factory and office employes possessing more than 2600 different main classifications of skills in Chicago and Northern Illinois... bomt of tb* mtt dhHt' tified *nd exptritmctd mtu «*d women im tb* world. More than 12,000 various industrial, transportation and service establishments in this area, , utilizing the skills of this great labor force, produced and delivered ten billion dollars in prodiMRS each year during the war. All the important skills required for low cost manufacture and development of products are present in this area. Records of the United States Department of Labor confirm the great diversification found here. In just one group of a quarter million men and women are experienced tool and die makers, machinists, millwrights, bench assemblers, set-up men, inspectors, finishers, and cutters. Almost a half million workers in Chicago and Northern Illinois have a substantial amouot of industrial experience. Here, also, are 150,000 people skilled in the operation of the fat* reaching transportation facilities, /most m tbo world. It would be impossible for workers ia a region dominate^ by one or only a limited number of industries to gain the broad experience found in craftsmen here.: V LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x550 ft., '.•A #n Route 31, about two block from V dapot. Inquire at 715 Ceater St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf From where I sit Joe Marsh ' • . 1 1 t : i ww1-." jyij When Id's drops Fai1«4 *0« 8ALE--Afco ut 100 acres, ninefoom tfbuse, other farm buildings, 60 acres plowland, rest pasture, part subdivided, % mile Nippersink n*akr Pistakee and Fpx j ALSO-- | 4 TearHroiind home, fas heat, Foxl •r ! >|yer, north of McHenry; also sum- • / ' / l a e r . hemes on Fox r i v e r and Pisp IJIBPI May for inspection. Jacob home, seven acras land y, Jacbb swM Mnteg. Tot Me- •VMM er CWcafo, Lincoln • • • • - A ' - ; - ia# Three years ago Ed Sadth's lack Went bad. His crops failed, and it ( Wasn't long before Ed's home and * furnishings were up for auction. Half the town turned out, and Ed must have thought hip neighbors were a bunch of hungry vultures-- buying up all his precious possessions for a song. When it was ever, aad the aactiooeer had left, 8am Abonathy tarns to the crowd aad says: "AS right, folks, let's tain time eat fat. , JI glass of beer, sad then put tUI haekwhetelt ^wo hours later, Ed was in possession of his home and furnishings; and the folks who'd paid for them were sitting around Ed's firs enjoying a neighborly glass of beer -- to show their -dfriemiship aad their conftdenoe in Sd. Tedsy, Id's hack am his feet--another constructive fitakr ef the eeemaaity. Aad frem where I alt, we've all bsea well repaid--a good investamit in a good ma. T' Home of over « half million>clerical and professional "white collar" employes, rhira^p and Northern Illinois offers these people access to die greatest number of professional and trade schools and research facilities in the world. These schools help equip the employes with the scientific and economic background necessary to meet the problems of world-wide competition. Employes in this area are exceptionally stable. Nearly 70 per cent of diem were born in Chicago and Northern Illinois ... Me largest porcanUtgo of nmttvo workers of may major industrial center. These employes are high in education, too, since the proportion of high school graduates la larger than in any other great industrial area. It is this tremendous force of educated, experienced and stable workers which has trebled this region's industrial output since 1939. The good pattern of industrial relations has been developed by fifity years of rvpsrieis at the conference table. Sound collective bargaining by experienced leaders has consistently reduced the amount of time lost from labor disputes At ptesal,sho propdrti of man-hours lost is substantially less than the ratio of the country as a whole. The diversity aad experience of employes In Chicago and Northern Illinois ia another reason why this Company, with a long record of service in this area, in its M Ms area asve MM Mhoed Castor ef *e (MM Stales • W«M Alrpert* hMWumwyi* OissrspMcsl Cswlsr e>U. t. NpilHw • Oraet RMMM Cwtfsr • Urn "OTMI Csslssl Mwtof • fro<mh| end hmMhf C«S*rt lasisr in ISM end Stael Mawfectathe • Oeed Ufcsr BSMSM Recent* 2^00,000 WsiieWs ef NwinTiissnim Ceel >SISIWI» OCMI OOVSIMMNI* Oeod IMns Coprri^u, IMf, VoitU SmmBmoon FomioHom a." ' TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PiBilC SIKVICI COMPANY Of Mtlllll IttlMlt ' •v

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