4KS3. 'T9mSR - «*&*•? Barbfatn Bm, iwfcai. ' * V ?' •- "*\V% Amount coll*tld uver to »t m v Total *•«•**»_ A FINANCIAL STATEMENT of • '£» Town of McHejrwy, Metlenry T*»n Eg RSSlSnlt r Illinois, for the mr A. D.; *945 • • made by )Mi nT Scmitt, Bsrl>ian Bros., Himi tl>in of nkl Town: i _P°°r •• Amount revetted from ^re- ' Thos. P. decsssorin offtoe ,*8,944.17 for A lex a no Amount r*cei**d^ from any eieA-ee f0r poor Ser'Luntber Co^ coal A I MJkQ IOr poor 6,199*8 €rjcks P RoyftI mm storo, tor oil #W £# ' * Aether sourco (taxes) pweries tor poor L. E. Hawley, transient Lanjfhorst A Leiehetr, PAINTING HINTSl Barbian Bros., groceries^for ' poor ILLUSION AND VISUAL EFFECT Peter .TJSchsefer, froceries Ea room con be made to appear Cricks Royai Woe Store, J&ZZ ,**. «.--te'jjss 75 'cZ S3 upd even aa if it had a higher or a poor lower ceiling, simply by the proper - Aaffust 13 •election and arrangement of color®. J. G. Steven*. County Tn*»- Tlnts and shades of red, March and Afrrtt .. and yellow are known as warm or justen Bros. Burial of poor jtdvanctn* colors. Their use In Barbian Bros., grocwh* tut decoration produces a warm, cheer- poor . ..... fAl, and stimulatinf sensation and Sehaetor, froceries the visual effect of advancing. |Pw°u r ml PoS cZ"fu^"caT'flir To make a lerfe room «PI»«' ffttaller: use warm colors, patterned for poor Wallpaper, make trim a • different Barbian Bros., groceries for lalor from that of the walls. j. poor ............... ......... 'PeterJ. Schaefer. grocenea. To make high ceiling appear for poor ?. fewer: use warji colors, drop ceiling E R- PMeruon. splint for «ith molding, borders. «>r j. fN» wall deaign, if any, should Mr un>r, board at N county In horiaontal gradations. home, May and Juno -- Woodstock Public Hospital, hoapitalixation for poer - Barbian Broa* qgtfwa for POOF Kathryn Conway, rcnt I pAr -- iRalph Trigin, rent tor iDr. Wm. A. Nye, for poor -- Xwffcir IS Across rtnia Depot1 National Tea Cos., groceriaa Dr. J. ^Harris, medical at County home .-- Wm. Pries, groceries poor .It.ito.ao u IPS????1 Paid Lrf . 11.12 lis 88.57 87.96 1&90 152.00 15.76 19.19 15.06 1037 . Stunk, ^oor Barbian Bteew rsocarlae tor poor ...-- --•-- Warn era Funeral Hoase, burial $t poor .................... Alexander liinltt Co., coal for poor J. G. Stevens, County IVaaa* • " at -- ' * Home, J«*» Md An*uat Gladstone^ Depart Crystal Lake aint Store U0e Moore Paint |Nmm 11*9 I CUTSTAL LAKE. ILL. tor •It Store, clothlng feraoor « J. G» Stevens, County Tfcfias* unr, beard at County Home, SeptoaJbar and 0»> tober Jake StoffM, frocerlee for POOP Barbian Bros., groceries tor poor ,.w«.-- Alexander Lumber Co^ coal for poor Straeka Grocery, gioceilea for poor -- -- National Tea Co„ grocertea ~mm for poor TWw George R. Justen, ambulance service for pew 15.08 Barbian Broa., grocerlea fw ia» poor ---- Dickows Grpcer^ guess Isa • for poor 4w Alexander Lumber "Co., coal „ for poor .»».•••».... Mareb 17 Barbian Broa^ gioeeriee tof^^ 11J8| poor 80.14 . Dickows Grocery and Market, groceries for poor » j Alexander Lumber Co., coal for poor - - ,i 159JS Hester Oil Co^ fori oil for poor a 19.0H Adams Grocery and Mar- ^ ket, groceries for poor ^ 15.W B. T. Butler, <oal for poor • «•8•. 0m0i Treai^urer , board at 0>wk ty Heme, Nsv>BJbu 46.09 Henry A. Nulla, County Treaaarer, beard at Coun- U0 tr Hease, December ... Barbian Bros., giocaiiee tor 1944 partial pair 2,000.00 L787.71 property, taxes 18.W ?SS *"** 459 Sftd.1 %' ~ 490 Robert- 45t Wb. 452 Al^jSd^ 4tt Pmxd 4,684^5 lOotfaanUl National Bank MM , A, Truat^Co. of Chicago, ^•^jlatAMt, $1,087.60; Bank charges, J^Loo --4 1,04189 .. . r Jely 1« "bntw Oli Co., balanae oil sealeeating roads on contract ptember 5 ' r, balance ring on contract I I ........ .MM Pwinbii 85 Mtinealal' ^National Bailk A Tniat Cb. of Chicago, Bonds duo, $7,000.00; Intareet on bonds, $1,087.50; 90u09 tasr MJ0 8SJ4 ml 72.57 cbarges, *14.00 -- 8^61^9 Northwestern Railon returning cancelled 10.00! bonds tor 80,00 89.90 14.44 CLARENCE'S SHOP to order. «»' Kitchen cajbinets and cupboards Full Em of lawn chairs, swings, pier benches, jfo •k tabW sots, children's play pens, sand boxes, trelli9W. (Ifiket fwoos, window boxes, bird houses, etc.' Qennine leather man's and ladies* belts, r* CLARENCE SMITH TtL HeHwi; 63544 '2iL iahnstarg Dlekows Grocery and Mar. ket, gtoceiiea tor poor fester OB Co, fuel oil t o f t a££ Grocery and Mai^! ket, grocerise tor poor B. T. Butler, coal tor X TRBA Fire Protection District ANNUAL 454 Tom JJiedridb, Peceuaftot 18, 455 Jim Petktos, aafau^ m* December 12, 1945 .... 457 Earl Doweil; salary to . Decerafcer 12, 1945 458 Gu^lM, salary for# chief, December UL. 1945 ^ ifit^O 459 Harold Hobba, issisflaiil «' too chief, sdair tor. «ix months to Deewn- ^ ber 12, 1945 " «M0 470 Tpd Mflter, assistantfire r , chief, salary afar* months to December 12, 1045 €71 Mffltgy Firemen's Fund, for practice" time 1^.60 478 Gus Freund, misc bills for. gas, oil and sup- ' . plies fw lire trade 478 City of McHeary, aix:^ ^ months rent tor ke^> ; ; of two fire trurks,. > , vv vf May 1, to Oct. 81r ^ , 1945, indushre fi.00 474 Illinois Bell Telephone,1* 4 * six months siren aer- > vice, Nov. to Ap«H?^",^ indnsiva -- 1M0 .57 1945 to May L Wl X. Regner, Treaanra Tasrask^ Fire Pro- McHenry, that tha McHoby^ _ Fire Prntatlisn District funda tor the 16-84 J"«*r ewdlng May 1st, 1947, la traa 14_33 and cemet according to L. S. Hawley, g«>eeries tor. poor '• Alexander Lumber Co^ coal ^ for poor r -j - -r " Henry A. Nolle. Ceorty*' ^ I STATE OP ILUNOIS, ^ ^ T r e a s u r e r , b o a r d a t C o o n * COQMtT OF McH£NRY, a l t " ' ' •' I tj Home, January awl. Subaorihad aod swore to before mo ftbruary 16U99 tb» Clftr day of May, A. D„ 1947. Butte. Bw. tor [ , "ZVWON J. KNOX. 1TJI s *%_'•%>& • Notary S«J9 604 87 J6 Wl 487 H<8«ii N4 488 loeepff It, 489 G 510 Q&drU VIM-% ',40a, she a 490 Ed. Conway, April " 492 R^rt^ 498 Baity to 494 Gus aalair aa ^ Apri|l 495 Haroli siatant i ' (April 89, 495 Ted Mltter* 496 Ed. 499 Ari*Do%L fAprfl 39, Anli-MMtai Muteo ' Each^iSS^^Cha^ on a Chicago lift krMfi eeSil# 60.00 loed of appradmately «HL8l| | 59j99| • I 7JO I 2.00. In 1949 facturer had liT salea fat 55.08 par cent In Ave 475 Freund Oil Co^ gas tor fire truck ... of1475 Matt N. Schmitt, pn> *.18: HcBtwy S|hI ail Gr«T(j % and Crane Serrtee tlon insurance policy 477 Villa Hotel Resort, firo^ men's and telephone reception and J-01, 152.16 knowledge and belief. «U0 a JOSEPH M. REGNER, ' Treasurer. '-f t H ] Kj yW' 1 . 1 •; '• *• -- Band and Cbifii ' 5,ir, ., - 04LL MeHEHET .uyi i - f X.lf t pnha an track 481 Bari R. Walsh, urer's ^ / Amount received Amount paid .*>£ " ; \ \ DR. HENRY FREUND __ , OPTOMETRIST ^ 4t 514 Main St, West McHnry Steftan's Jewelry Store <Closed Thursday Aftenooasl Eyes Ittnisd -- 61hm Fitted Yfcual Training -- Visual Complete Visual Aanfcrew t la It aod 1 to 3--Saturday PVOKB NcSENIT 452 t ta 5^9 pjac Balance on hand STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry County, Town of'McHenry. ss. I Math N. Schssitt. Is^j• iTm " i Iji of said Town, do hereby certify taxes that the foreran* sUteMst k Coaatr WITNIESS my hand, this 24th day Gsunty of March, A D. 1947. math n. acHMrvt; SopemiMr of Tbwa If'MdMy. TOWHSB1P TBXASinUBt'8 AHUUAL UPOST load Fnd Ho. 1 1949 Math N. Mnik, on J. G. Steven^ County Trsaa «r*r, advance payoMBt ef ^xes .88,515^73 Beleare en hand as of May .89,170199 1. 1945 2,S15l73 County Tisaaui lt, from tan County Cawaty HOOTS RESTAURANT au a am si C;' -^-4 main, nx. ' yA xrnw opitm - Attention Fishermen - BACON'S BAIT/SHQi Located Jast last of Fox Ktar B^dgo m \ BLULATHOK gAS 1Kb OILS Wbite Gas For Outboard Ho(on -- H%fet Crawlers -- Fties -- Cai Open Sc30 ul to 11^30 pjm. daily D. BACOH, Frefu ;.w*K .5*- --M - - Livestock at Auction On Koote 4?T Watdstatk, UL Every Wednesday at 7i30 pju. Trmb. Loads of GOOD HHMStfTi P^y COWS -- Ilinis -- HOUSTEZK SlOCt BULLS k- and BAN3S TB&'llil EF-.:. and Tttwdby We tab* e*ieBs> ftw fee^er cattle and pxgp TEMEB CASH OIL CMDrt JQWC sur^lns stock to ttas AUtmOH. Wo kave Imyevs for mtj acttidb KKW LOW COMBQSSIQX 1ATV~5% Calf Market in Northern XHktoia mi uvxsTtKx can to Woodstock TRUSSES #--jW. * rr^~-9 - rr vj-"* E. NOONAN, Pwp^->- m m-.MM nM Bote's Drag Stare County This* 1944 hack taxes ...-- Keaesaher 81 J. G. Stc^ven, Oaantty Treasurer, final Haaiasnt et taxes oxer. -.f,rx / SfnhSUi.4# -9 for one uei r y LEADQfG COWBOYS AND 'T'l' tantdft £ar 44ft Kcncnry puhlishiny annual 44» Ma'> 447 Bott's W< ®*y*en 448 Shri 8, ance « ««9 J. W . Meoth < Cfe* auditing: 4B> HI i aaiu,. •nuicipal; W""1* M Mi 972.63 tions 4SI Pteund CM Co*, ana. Sac fire* The Vo^r Itoaaa Ck, -Mirnr lUNKI Continental ffiiiiuinf 4 Trust Co. ef 4 J- * sr ** ^ . > r-; ^ •)«. IT I-"*' j Deeauifinr A. f;4i»fhatf ••"V.V*"* Ji£j6-a|Si „ \ tT« HAVE YOUR .v^r» SPEW'S SHNffS SANITARY SHtVKX J i n . . 1 . . . A. i M e » . ... . ...