m',! iliiii , B y V a n e s s a S e l l a > ' * "Ai, Ai, Ai," which is what the tooth tAmcric»m sine, or «hat the «mtte North American tMnfcS a South American sings, was sane with great gusto at the school on Sunday afternoon when a Mexican fiesta was held on the grounds. Stily dressed senoritas, from todin( f size all the way up to mamma itze, cavorted gaily on the platform tiii ft* K. * did ^riridi hod the oceaatoa., ' -The an MM to be, the weather «m mtaetly wfcat for a flwto sheoH he. Tha of aurtttail prevailed with boys, and evan some of the little girls doing twnbllng acts, and singing Spaniah songs. Mrs. Durkee, d*strict, pw . 'v Criaty, lb a short narie vHMd the piano •ecompaniment. Not on the prigtam, but in the fiesta spirit, a«#w«| of tha little boys, and two frown»qp boys, shinnied up the flag pole Mid slid down again. The ^bright cheerful colors inspired much picture-taking among laddies, much of it on color film, tha school board, watel of ftMNfcl^Mfc Mm inanity club. Mr. Criaty a watch aa agiR tint Om* ' 1 " compMtM eleven years of service on the baud this year. Pot-luck dinner was served at the deee«f tha afternoon with of tfy> WaiHer Women ai Pat Wfade and Grace flellek co-chaixnen of the kitchen mittee. which suoceosfaly persons. Mrs, Lotjte Hallstrom, not of the committee, but seeing dire need for help in the busy kitchen worfoed all evening, as did Alice and some of it in Movies. jNoren. Both were greatly ap- Pollowing the children's program,! predated by the chairmen. ' j * An interesting visitor at Jthe fiesta | was Wm. Turner of Hfpron, who came with his daughter, Mrs. Cornue, and his granddaughter, Irene Cornue. Mr. Turner just recently celebrated his 90th birthday. frOSS wars, haaidas Mrs. Cheney, Clara Cristy, art, Moras Murphy,, iteleone, FMnk Lambert ' -ill »W. That yjsllewUU ahalkwr saoi ware unable to to illi in the family. On Wednesday of this weak,' Mr.j erS?, HK%S53B3s2lg2§ _ ji*Engiewtod school of nursing in f™* j>olier, ls he Chicago. Attending the graduation r. "f;« • ^ f* ' withllr. and Mrs. Berry were Mr. tbe hi]l eTery d-y 1 •- '%morial Q« ; Specials BIRDS EYE Froaen Turkeys, lo Hfc.ii «».. li * m'tik- BIROS EVE Frozen tyaaters, Average S lb. 89c- • •• . . , . ; B|RDS EYE Frozen Fryers ;• Average, 2 lb. ..'.'...:~..~.....L,..79ci JbC; BIRDS EYE Cot Corn .......19c Iwi BttDS EYE Mixed Vegetables * .......... • 25c bK BIRDS EYE Sliced Peaches ..29c box BftGLE PASS Crushed Pfneajple 19c box ARDES Apple Sauce * issse Jl#c box TRY OUR DELICIOUS TASTE COMBINATION Sickling Milwaukee Rye Bread and Uainger Braunschweiger Liver Sausage I- DICKDW 5 ^ MPRKET * MCMENRS? 5 i- 'l: yi SH are the famous DELUXE PA881NOE* OAK Tl&Sd TOUAVmto PRICES. r~ . • 4W)x?l • R 00x19 fi.ROxIS : * RR0xl7 RROxlR * fiOOxlfi - . * ftROxlR , • •• * ft ROxlfi V Si 7 OOxlR * 7.00x16 $ 9.86 9.86 10.6$ 10.79 11.99 14.13 14.55 16.07 16.49 * Plw fax Compare these prices with any other W*4 t»ke *dt~ an£age of this sa& rich covering. I soma f aimer n iuvmjr »«i/i iww •* is „ . -- apntowr parmat her graduation from ^* »#»o» dl^v« P"t slow • «™ holler, "Is he drunk?" or somecows walk around V*5 "HV °*r instead of up and and Mri»15arl Raymond of Min- down but their moral standards are neapolia, Wbo drove here to be pres- neYef questioned. ent at tha occasion. The Raymonds . Ii,Jrn9**r ^^Hiintley^ recentwill also spend a short vacation at asked the question. Should I the Berry home plow under sweet clover now or 1 J , wait a week or two so that it gets William Deckard 6i Wickline w c Berryg attend a a J""le J™™ gro^V' As far as Woods »s a patient at the Wood-: convention of the Fishing Tackle addcd nitrogen is concerned it wont stock hospital. Mr Deckard is the Manufacturers association at the Pal- make any differance I'm sure. Any rather of Mrs. _ Agnes West and mer House " in Chicago from June 1 fiTrow^h made so far is from nitrogen grandfather of John West pf the through June 31. J stored m the ropts last fall rather seventh grade. I hear, via the grape-, ; ' » ~ 1 than adding any. vine, that when transfusions weM The Wonder Lake Gospel Center 0ui; soil testing program is pronecessary for Mr. Deckard, thaTwi|i hold their monthly fellowship! Sresswt* s!owly because of the late Jed Alletag and Mrs. Kennfeth Par- night on Tuesday evening, June 3. wet aPnn»- Samples brought in lour were two of the neighbors who A special program will be presented, now cannot be tested in time for donated their blood. I with Mr. atid Mrs. Milton Peterson Corn 'ei^ilizer recommendations any McCullom Lake presenting a *nore\ . y°u wish us to pick up AHSH talk oSntlnue. petsans either poorty to grind. . . . That | aboormally high Is fii only.one Individual or a te% * . of hnmhMint depr^oh •latemwits coma frgnt to Jndga or who hava K. may Important os* t reoogntwrt ... To say, 9 Is responsible Is either ti dlaoord. . . . Prices are Idgh because •j", ^ p • at acuta shortagea. In most IMtancifs battsed by demands Jn of supplies. . . . Tbey can be lowered by adptlnM buydV bat that of Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Leonard travelogue, of pictures and slides 8amPles please get your request in Nelson, who were married in Mc-j taken on their recent trip to old now 80 that we c*" K«t them this Henry last week, are already in-, Mexico, New Mexico and Arizona. sum™er:. We have twenty-five farms stalled in their new home in Indian [Refreshments will ibe served. :on llBt now whjch will constitute Ridge. . | at least two months' work picking „ . , - s , _ ... ... . # Mrs. Luella Jacobs of Milwaukee uP_ar,d testing. Friends of Barbara SelldQ will be jg visiting here this week in the a X sampled and tested were glad to know that she is home for home of her sifcter, ,Mrs. Alan Spring Grove; William good. Barbara came home Friday Armstrong. It is too bad that the gierer, Marengo; Robert Hoffman, night after having spent almost visit was partially spoiled by illness p- Nelson Woodstock; M. nine months m a Rockford hospital [Df Mrs. Armstrong, which necessi- g- ? Bn®n/ Harvard; and iBarl M. with polio. Now well back on the tated hospitalization. Upon her re- Hu^hes' Woodstock. road to health, Barbara is home I turn to Milwaukee, Mrs. Jacobs will. again and will take her place in take Bob Armstrong with her. the seventh, now the eigth . grade I Young Philip Armstrong will make °rT^h e' ££o y 8CSic ouit s, the Cr ukb Scc ou»t s a visit to Green Bay, Wis. -• or through production snffldent to . Tood costs are considered oot-of-lihe with ether s H. a result of the world shortage of farm products high world prices.'. . .^Demand for our record holdings haa terrific tor foreign relief purposes, as weU as from oonntrfaa ha» dollars or dollar credit. This is expected to continue for many months. . Purchases have been made in our markets mostly by agencies Of the United States government In competition 'With buyers for domestic use. . . . Urgent competitive buying generally causes rapid price advances. ' V Food prices have not been set by any group. . . . They are made by markets extending from producer to consumer, therefore repre- < sen ting activities of alL . . . Distribution of supplies and controls of production become automatic by this procedure^ ... It is our Individual enterprise system in action. . . . Recent experiences have . proved It impossible for any single group to determine a fair price for a commodity so that an ample supply might be maintained jtt all times. Who "greedy people" are is hard to determine. iCertainly farmers to the : have produced .limit of their capacity and have marketed groducts M' fa8t ^ transportation and processing facilities cOOld . - . V-.'Tr IS SPONSORED BY mcHEiiRY Co. Farmers Co-or. Assr. PHONE 29 523 Waakegan BA» Cholera Fatal An attack of cholera may prova [ fatal in one or two hours after 11 and the Boys' Rifle club members _ will all combine in a Memorial Dayi . ww.ft . ' LJfeboatSi, program, which is to be held at I the superliner Queen Milbrandt's corner in Wonder Cen- Elizabeth's lifeboats holds 145 peris noted. ter at 2:30 p. m. on May 30. Pastor IPrank Anderson will speak a' few words, and a volley will be fired by the flHng squad from the Woodstock American Legion post. The recently erected flag pole will havej a brand new flag and a wreath, i donated by James Flower Center,' will be placed at the foot of the flag pol^r in memory of all soldiers; dead. Everyone is invited to attend this ceremony. Happy Birthdays this week Ernest Meyer, Fred Sells and Mrs. William Tilicke. The High School auditorium of McHlenry was almost 'full on Friday everting when the members of the McHenry Choral club presented their first concert. Floral arrangements in a striking pattern made a beautiful frame for the singers. The ladies were all in pastel dinner dresses. /Virginia Monteleor^e, accompanist for the chorus, also played • •• hero's hew tt »b yur iM cir Ink lilw v. mm, sons, more than the total passengers on the Brittania, first Cunard steamer. I Rail Outgo | The ratio bettreen railroad expenses and revenues exceeded 80 per cent\in 1946, the greatest for any year sine); 1920. ^•fa- Imported from The soy bean came to us from China as did peaches, apricots, chrysanthemums and scores of othr er plants. Wash New Hose New hose should be washed before they are worn and as soon as possible after each wearing to avoid perspiration damage. Pat>er Bags One of the possibilities of the tature is the use of paper rugs. secret, of course, is a flexible plMtic. Gay. colors, durability, water* proofnesS, stay-putness, and eaae ef cleaning are mentioned as ether advantages. The material may ha** other usea, including coverings flir furniture. Subscribe for The Plaindealer " WHIP MAMMA , WHY OlON'T DAD0V SO "TO "THE OFFICK TOWKV IS TWS 6UNQAV? • NO THIS ISN'T 6UNQAV, "••• - Wr*Ma IvPP ITV, IT^'$ DECORATIONJ! AOCWe 60tN9 lO OSOOAA-TC OAOOY, MAMMA ? A.R.I. MY MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS AU. OUR BAKERY GOODS AT • Riverside Bake Shop Wk "S:.' zj' Announces lis FORMAL OP£KiNG Carey Electric Shop : .. . y ; 1 lift Green St McHenry, 111. Phone 251 = ii - " . a . F;". tl Svdryone operating one or mora trucks will siti considerable money by buying at our sale prion. We have in stock all sises of track tires. Prices gladly tooted on request. on 'r.'r'. r* ^ . v ' \ ? 'A IJ p ^ • •• ir . * ^ V'T MEALS SERVED DAILY ^ NO RESERVATIONS e specialize in the highest standard of cooking and pastry baking^ •Js-. t . ; l -- K «r • -* . - ""' T • djglfc • K?"*- • ^ t r LL' D7e also do wheel ^ balancing, wfaich inereases mileage of your tires. BA.TTSR1K8 - Oommordial and Fassen|er - ill sixes Walter J. Freimd TI&Eg-'-TUBES--BATTERIES--ACCKS80RIK8 TO1 AMD TUBS WLOAMIZIHa kkt&eadikg AU. WORK QPARAMTEED f)HH 2Mi*' ' *->."• wMt KsSssi; We will keep those graduation suite and lorely drees ss aa smart as on the day they were fast worn. Periodic cleaning is a sure method to well-groomed appearanee always. Reservations taken lb Luncheons. ; .' :-t _.: U . ' Enjoy 9 Ipsure ^ ^]ax * 9^S?aut^ul M^r» Cofilttail Loungew ; c ' v - " i f «« ; f.' : Located at Fistakee " I:.' . r Ik Jill or i - » ^v * * * . - • McBXNKT •; •» ^ -JW A,* »• •• J" <">»•< i - •