Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1947, p. 3

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(By Mr*. Geow^ Shewed! Boee Jepeon enUalainod tin W> crab at her horn* Wed- A 1 o'clock taneheon wis sad yrises ware'swarded to Viols Low snd Mrs. i( Use Wiedrich entertsined the club at her home fhandsy Prizes were swarded to Say Merchsnt sad Mrs. Oscar sad Mrs. Weldon Andreas enthe BOO club st their home evening. Frists were to Mrl. B. T. Botkr sad Whiting, high, ud Mrs. Bd. ^Shepard i Heine hosts in 41ice Poet returned to Elgin Sunday sftsr s couple of sMk*i vacation with her a«Aet, Mrs. Leas Peet. Mr, sad Mrs. p. E. Lowell of Orlando, Fls., spent s ftm dsy* the past week with her sister fad husband, Mr. and Mrs. X. E. Whiting. Mis. Rose Jtpsou went to Woodstock Wednesday evening to stfend the eighth grade graduation exercises in which her granddaughter, Phyllis MeCaaaon, graduated. Dr. and Mrs. George Haberlien spent Wednesday with his parents, Mr^juid Mrs. George Haberlien, snd helper Mr. Haberileil celebrate his birthday.* Xn. Harold Weber returned to Chicago mh her brother for s two-day vML : V- • Helen Weber Says; ' •* •• > , v (f. iu . ' J 'i C '«• ••aUlK, IT'S A BIO JOB, lot it doesn't stun to both «r thig little man. *k8imilariy, no cleaning job I loo big for ns to handle. Our modern methods and equipment aasnn yon of oompteto satisfaction." jj* r* McHENRY CLEANERS 1Q4-M , ILL. * Helen Weber, Kgr. spent Sundsy Mr. sad Mrs. spent Lens w^m nH OP QUALITY ACCISSORIIS tat Jis PREMIUM PRICES I • Dick Khliey.Jtm sad. MlHiwi mm rsnea spent/ Wednesday evsatig la , Mr. sad Mrs. Karl Betta sad fsmily spent Sundsy in Chicago. Mrs. L. W. Etoder of La Cress, Wis- snd Mrs. nances Steinibrocksr of Toscon, Aris., came Fridsy ts be with thtfr sister, Mrs. NidcWtgasr, snd help care for her husband, who was *mt seriously ill sad passed swsay Tuesday. Victor Wegner of Wuukesha is visiting his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Nick .Wegner. Mr. snd Mrs. iLouis Hswley spent Thursday evening in Crystal Lake. Mr. snd Mrs. George Bacon spent Saturdsy and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, who Is ill. Mr. snd Mrs. Robsrt VsaDussn and ^daughters. Mr. snd Mrs. Curly Wilson snd Barbara snd Russell Laurence of Efein witt their parents, Oliver Laurence. Mrs. Wolf Shsdle snd son, Paul, snd Elinor Pries sttended the grsduation esceeisss st Champaign in which Psnlr flade received his B. A. in science in engineering ph8fi"«d Mrs." Weldon Andreas 'and fsmily spent Sunday in the Ernest Andreas home at MuaMsln. Mr. snd Mrs. Wsid Kattner of Elkfcoro spent from Pridsy until Saturday in ths Mrs. Ed. Bsuer hems snd sttended tin funeral of Jomb|i Kattner. Mrs. Robert Duff of Dundee Amda; afternoon with Mrs. Peet and daughters. Hfelen and Marie Bilstetn of Chi-, cago speat ths weekead in the Mrs. Mi?1ffseh<Hi£rieon is visitinr in tBs home of her daughter, Mrs. Glen Treon, at Crystsl Luce. Mr. snd Mrs. Roy Welter and family of McHsniy spent Sundsy with his parents, Mr. snd M Welter. Mr. snd Mrs. Jsek Lensrd snd j fsmily spent Wednesdsy sfteraoon in | the Phelps Saunders heme at Syca- ! mot<e. Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.t snd dsughter, Msry Ann, spent Wednesday evening in the Louis Winn home near Richmond snd helped hiai celebrate his birthday. , Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Luells Stepheson snd Mrs. George Shepsrd attended the county Legion Auxiliary meeting at Richmond Friday evening. Mrs. John Honn, Mrs. Alan Wagner, Mrs. Psul Hill snd Mrs, Louis Winn sttended the Home Bureau Victory luncheon Mondsy. Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., spent the week end in the Don Smsrt home st Wsukegsn. On Sundsy, with Mr. snd Mrs. Smart, they took Robert Smart to Cham pa i urn, where he will attend summer school. Mrs. Joe King snd sons of Chicsgo snd Msrjorie Whiting of Crystsl Lake spent Sundsy with their iveysionc nom sttended the 4R get meeting Ssturdsy st Mrs. Roy Wiedrich. m exercises. Msrion Jssa V tiie ,class, spent Wedneft- S r a t 1 o u t F » J-;"-' » Mrs. B. T. dsy in Chlcsgo. , Mrs. S. W. Brown was s Chicsgo! visitor Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and Mfc. aad Mrs. Andrew Hswlsy attsndsd ths sato races at Milwaukee, Ssturday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Weiser spent Saturdsy in Chicsgo snd sttended s wedding. Mrs. Rdbert Howe, member of the Keystone Home Buresu Unit get-tojrether girls' the home of Members of the Keystone Horns Buresu Unit dont forget to sttend the snnusl meeting which will be held in the Woodstock Community high school on Juno IS at 10 ©Wock shsrp, as iiaportaat 1 Milium will U cars of on that Wf. The Blngwood Happy Clover 4B dub ad at ths home of Mrs. John Ham on Tneedsy sfteraoon st 2 o'clock. The meeting w« called to order by Levies Beat Per roQ etll ws answered by saying how many glasses of milk w* drank each day. Grace Glaussr gave s talk on ths soag "Stars aad Stripes." Ths ns£t msatfaig will be st the home of Carol Harrison on Tuesday afternoon s* l'Jt Dariene Andreas, reporter. CffflVOUKOTTHRT/ S t t « ; . u t c • s i anoimo CA'NB bswitm . Amac«wr HESTER OILS "Tk Bast For Less" ran. OIL GASOLINE LUBRICANTS West of C. * N-W. ft. B* WEST McHBNRT. ILL. TBLBPHONB M*HENRT * J TEADI IN YOUR OLD TIKES ON KBVi Tirestones Walter tI. Freund --TUBE8--BATTBEIE8--A001 TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING ALL WORK GUARANTEED, ^ ^ W«»t McHenrj -- OPEN EVENINO® AND SUNDAYS : Phone m FREUND OIL 902 HcHXNBY s. W ' h 'V - ' . GRAND GIFTS FOR A GREAT GUY DAD WOULD BUy HIMSELF Remember the day- Sunday, June 15 Heavy Steel Boxes $ With Sturdy Locks CAMPING - FISHING - PICNICING \ Reel 'Em In with this New Mercury \ 5.491 o Sturdy spiral gesa o Quadruple m\ •z rRm boeeei • Hundred /!, '> I l7.9S^v> Compact Landing Nets for Trout 2.49 Doa't stretofc your loehf iMad thess ssMbr in tide ie fach ast. M^dloop e#sa. fagW*llJir. TELESCOPE STEEL, rod BAMBOO CASTING * ROD BAIT COMPLETE ASSO FLIES 19c to lOHNSON'S SPOONS .89c to TRIX ORENO 55c to 98e SHANNON TWIN SPINf? '" NER -- .89#-**:^ Outboard Motors HIAWATHA 3 hD. SINGLE MOTOR 187.50 HIAWATHA 5 hD.' Twin *'^ REVERSIBLE MOTOR S * .„ $134.5f Baked Eaund, Solid Steel Casting Rods 4.95 to 10.95 • Oaa-pieee 4M foot rdt" t Tan baked enamel finish 9 Stainless steel guides m Satin aluminum htintBi • Trigger and cork gri|l . .% iSe-i.' M Vi- -iendly Store Handy Stools for GompingCemfavt ' i ' ~ 98c f Carefully constructed of seasoned hard wood. Heavy canvas seat for long wear. 15* high. Seat * 1SW ' ' "' ^ ' ' • ' - •'Wk* George CoOette, maumn #^4,4 4*$ 111 Msia Street :t s-A- -•* West McHeary ; *' k Slip Into this one - end youH have to hang on tight to keep your spirits from sosring right oat of this world. There's no tittmefS tidier, fresher bit of automotive styling anywhere in sight, snd never in your life have you had more of the makings of fun and adyentufe right at your finger tips. You handle a wheel that seems moved more by your wishes then your muacle. • . ir You boss s big Fireball straight^ eight whose mission in life is tam- 7 ^ ing tall mountains and making the miles cry"Unele!" Yon take your esse on broad, soil Deepflex cushions -- flick tho proper control, and the door win* dows run up to serve as wind* " the top swings into plaM*^ , , - . * I W fk. 1* *•! . . r«M ifi MPrarrYrmOft. Mirfuaf N*w*t, Mumtar* and PtUay against e sudden storm, or the front seat adjusts itself to your perfect comfort. All the while there's the good steady feel of Buick solidity beneath you. There's the fluent, easy ^ count your9eif |ucky || your order's in. Or, if it isn't, count smartness -- nowhere but ia a Convertible do Buick power, size, eomfort snd steadiness psy off so handsomely in sheer joy in going (daces. stride of wheels cushioned all around by gentle coil springs. There's size -- and room -- and level ness -- and thst mastery of good roads and bad found only in a performer that's built to star in any company. buy? But naturally! Nowhere in Bui«k will you find all this yourself smart if you-nail one down without further urging. For while well take your order any time, with or without a car to trade, only you can make sure (by placing your order) that no one else is going to get ahead of you. BUICK HA« ALL THE vi-, •. CrUNOM SOMNS * ssavr zom soer moumtmos tiumnemmiONs ^sweot ir wu-tMuom rosQUS-msf osivi iihwo * stvpomfamons • oamn smtcimmoms if ttOMMIM Mmess it Cuai-ASOVMO SUMP at • mint SMAtr iaooas • soer sr White eMswaUtti r"%m\ R;, L Overton Motor Front St* West McHenry, lit 222 N. Main St., Crystal l ake. III. in

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