Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1947, p. 4

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% OM Year . I* JMM f>o«toffla**t -- Ifce eict df Hey >» 1S?>. • ^ ^ g_ To _.l. ..$2.60 ' Meet June » . v i Thr lust meeting^ of tl» ««nmer ! season of th€, W. S. C. $• "will oo | held in the Methodist church hall cn Thursday, June 1*. Following a pot- I luck luncheon at 1 o'clock, each cicile } will present their portion of a ! planned program, -c • v ! * W'tv» 'r- Christie* Mothers • v . : L^. -L, CPlan Kwi|» Sale - IpSf!«« x . ' v" The Christian Motihere Mil Altar Party Juae l# i-jj-i-of lnn« "ill rto^ bJeV he^ld joSn LJu.n*e ,1851, 7?9 "SS th«, "F^.w° A ^iS^^^ u^i .**«•* Patrick's school hall. There will a fifty cent donation and those nA <iu •«> [attending are again reminded' that HeldUstMeeting any gifts of cigarettes and^maga- 21 in the Buch bui^c^ side Drive. ^ . > * tt 7/ db will be held at the will be used to Dentin ine veteran a on Friday afternoon, at Hines hospital, A * > s . mp of young musicians ' 5' ^ 11 be prssent to enter- Shower Honors • |.|f : • ? j; i - r s •- . - - .V'-('ArtiU TA Rii •rk. i..» meeting of the season of sines will be appreciated. Proceeds the Mothers club «t the; will_h> to benafit the vtfmn s Legion Hall on Jane 13. A group from Elgin will h«, r-- -- „ D (tain the guestk ^ </.,* , , - , j shower -vma given , in sr^JL^' v w- x,5cwf The East River Road Pinochle clob Mrs. Earl Paddock and Mrs. Cletus met at the home of Mn. M. A. Sut- LaFontaine acting as hostesses. ton last Thursda.y a-- f-te-rnoon. Prise winners were Mrs. B. R. Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. M. A. .tv*ov nn. aann~daX «mM rrsIe* oBmruinwLo 1Ji uueeirjjwenps.. «M«r«s• rt \l Vales will be next hostess to the Mrs. M group on June 19. In attendance were Mrs. Ronald Sutton, Paddock, Mrs. Earl Paddock, Sr., Sut- Mrs. Albert Huff, Mrs. George King, Mrs. Frank Jung. Mrs. Leo Michaels, , Mrs. Joe Karls, Mrs. Arnold Michaels, Mrs. George JZarustorff, Mrs. Angelo DeBona, Mrs. Jake Thiel, Mrs. Ben Stilling, Mrs. Mark Sweet, Mrs. Joe F. otve.«. - Michaels, Mrs. Leo Miller, Mrs pcrty held last Sunday at the Carey Clarence Michaels, Miss^ Ardeil home in Wilmot, Wis., honoring Kreuger, Miss Anna Schaefer, Miss Miss Catherine Carey, daughter of Thelma Lay, Miss .Bernice Hiller, the James Careys of Twin Lakes, Miss LaVerne FreUnd, Miss Esther _ ... « V I • • I _ T1 I 1#!.. M ICO ,fp^ - Attend Party For Bride-To-Be Several McHenry folks Freund, Miss Betty FreUnd, Miss ^ Marilyn Miller and Miss Junilla Mrs" Walter Carey and sons, Freund. - ~ ' Bunco and five hundred were rlayed, with winners being Mm Al- Huff, Margaret Paddock, who will be a July bride. Present from McHenry were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and daughters," Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty, play* bert the Misses Florence and Evelyn Melaria Thiel, Mrs. Jo4 P. Miller, Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dobyiis, _ Marilyn Miller, Ardelle Krueger and and son, Gene, and Mayor and Mrs. liernice King. R. I. Overton. A tasty lunch was served at the .close of the evening, and the •bride MILT MTOM*. ' KAOILFLFN Honor Graduate At Sunday Gathering Miss Mary Heuser. who graduated from St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school last Sunday, was honored at a dinner and gathering held at her home ii: tc-bt presented with many beautiful gifts. ' t * * ..V P. T. A. Elects -- •- New Officers ana ^mnerin^ iit^iu ai nci uumc u> St. Mary s-St. Patrick4 school West McHenry later in the day. P.TJV. met last Wednesday in the Those attending were, Mr. and Mrs. school hall for the annual election Paul Achor and family of Cutler, of officers. Alida Wirtz was elected Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and president, Lillian Anglese, vice-preefi- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jordan of Chi- dent; Margaret Siemon, secretary; cago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaube and Cornelia Nye, treasurer, and family of McCullom Lake, Mr. Following the election, Rev. J. A. mnd Mrs Henry Weber, Miss Laura j Vanderpool and Rev. Eugene Baum- P. T. A. Pfcefc . j- 7 Well AH , , , ^ Moro than 900 children angiMny mothers were present at WWkups Woods, near Crystal Lake, hff school P.TA Mrs. Ray Mevm chairman of the event. d • • * Ladies Pfa« For Picnic, Outing A picnic pot-hick lunch MM outing for members of the C. D. of A. will be held at the cottage of Ella Buss, grand regent, at Bohners Lake, Wis., on Thursday, July 17. Those who wish to make the trip should call Marie Yegg* or May Martin regarding transportation. ^ • • • * * C. D. «f A. ' Pluming ' Day of Recollection •Hie local court, C. D. of A%, is planning a day of recollection ^ at St. Mary's church on Thursday, June 26, beginning with the 8:30 mass. Members are urged to attend and bring their friends, ^ V Large Ckwwd At . * \'.I Style Rcine V The theater was filled to capacity last Thursday evening to witness the style revue sponsored by St Mary*s- St Patricks school P.T-A. Much of the credit for the neat success is due to Mrs. Albert Barhian, chairman, Mrs. Roy Kent and Mrs. Herman Nye, co-chairmen and to Mrs. Albert Foley and Mrs. John Bolger as members of the committee. Mrs. A. J. Wirtz was ticket chairman and Mrs. Edgar Landgren, assistant. Hostesses were Mrs. Henry W%ber, • Mrs. Margaret Siemon and Mrs. Wiljliam Doherty. Mrs. Fred Rogers, president, and jthe "P.T.A. members are grateful J to Betty Nielsen, the ladies who so I graciously consented io model, to I Mrs. Ray McGee, annottacer, and to jthe general public for tbeur patrona g e . / • . i « ' • » |C. D. of A. Held [Installation ! Court Joyce Kilmer, No., 578,. C. j D. of A., met in St. Mary's-St. i Patrick's school hall on Thursday ! evening of last week to enjoy a pot- , luck supper, followed by installation I of officers. About seventy members I were in attendance at the impressive service, at which Mrs. Ethel Ronan, • district deputy, served as- installing officer and Mrs. Bertha Jensen as Trust**. LatnaW Announced that Father Eugene Baundiofer will again act as chaplain for the ensuing year. Guests of the court for the evening wnre Father BSaumhofer, Mrs. Ronan and -members of her court from Elfta. Follovrang the installation, several games of cards were played, with, prises being awarded to Elsie, Winkel, Laura Phannenstill, Maynie i Jackson, Ross Staines and Catherine J Guzxardo in pinochle; Katherine L.| Freund, Gertrude R. Weber andj Elizabeth Schocwer in auction, bridge; EUa/Buss and Mildred Kinpatient for He waa united in marriago to Anna Thelen on Aug. 20, 1896. She passed away Aug. 18, 1944. To this union eight children •w* tere born, six sala in contract bridge; and Nettie Fleming Jn five hundred. The nail and tables were beautifully decorated for the occasion with bouquets of spring flowers. Mrs. Olive May tafcd Mrs- Olivia Hiller, chairmen, and their committee were reasonable "fbr the very. pleasant evening. j CARO OF THANKS In this maiuter we wish to thank iends and neighbors for floral ferings, spfaritual bouquets, donation* of cars and the many other kindnesses extended us in our bereavement. W® are especially grateful for the services of Father Neidert. ; * Mrs. Htaunr £. Klapperlch Joseph Xjagtterich Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Klapperich Mr. and Mn. Frank J. Klapperich Mr. and Mrs. Nick P. Miller -Mr. and IDS. Albert J. Weber. cf which survive, August of Chicago, Amelia Miller of Richmond, Olhria^ Bauer of Ringwood, Alfred of Richmond, Gregory and Arnold of Spring Grove. Alvis passed away July 8, 1946 and Edward died in infancy, three great grandchildren, one the William and one sister M Freund of Spring Grove survive. The body rested at the Jacob Justen Sons funeral home until Saturday morning at 10 o'clock when a requiem mass was read at St. Peter's Catholic church at Spring Grove. Burial was in St. Peter's cemetery. Complete line of Dr. Hess' poultry and animal remedies at Wattles Drug Store, M&Eenry. 43-tf-p5 TOO HIT? Get SLIMMER His vitamin candy way Have a more slender, ' graceful future. No exercising. No laxatives. No drugs. With the simple AYDS A U C T I O N ICE CREAM FLAVORS FOR JUNE, URAL STRAW BEBBUT V,;, VANILLA 4 TOASTED HAZELNUT lCK RASPBERRY SPECIAL BRICK EACH WEEK-END* o BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PH0NK 40 HcHENXY Chandler & Elfers, Auctioneers , VitaminCandy Reducing Plan you don't cut out any ^neals, _ Marchcs, potatoes, meats or butter, you simply cut them down. It's easier when you enjoy delicious (vitamin fortifiedi A YDS candy.bclare meals. Absolutely harmless In clinical tests conducted by medical doctor,, more than IN p»m«» l»*t 14 H M *•- avarmgm to • Urn Wh» with AYDS Vitamin Candy Redndac Han. BASEBALL -- Hon of automobiles Increases In volume, ;; £>1 |nany people " ask themselves queslike these? "How ty miles are left In my ^ ^pre-war car?" ... "Is It i*-;s Worth rePairiI1sr u y0" ! I need a car for transpor- 11 ; ; taticm and cannot be as- ;; «<»«»istired of early delivery of 1 * new one, talk to the automobile mechanic who as serviced your car regularly. Ask him to estitjAcHENRY •fW". Sunday, Jtme 15 McBFENRY at^ Hebroi^^;yP;^g JoKnsburg at Richmoi Huntley at Algonauln* Dundee at Crystal Lake. Wednesday, June 18 The newly-formed Clem's team of Elgin play* the Shamrocks At 6i8Q. -- SOFTBALL -- ~ mate what It would cost to" pUt it in safe running xp«ler. If you can salvage a years mileage for $100 or $200, it may be to your advantage to make the repairs, even though you may not recover your expenditure on a future trade-im Loans to make automobile repairs areavailahleat our bank. If you need one, come in and talk it over : ..VO ' 4 )•* -? i-4t .-^Jj with m No obligation. frr ^ JKember Federal Resent SystHH V Member Federal Deposit Xnsvraiice Corporatioi •"V'V A* # • I1 f " t * i • # •' v • :<L- & *V-ll » « >#MYI IT t II IMHH II in >•:< • Thuraday, June 12 The Case Eagles vs the • Newsboys at 7:30, , Co-ops vs TNT at 9:00. . , *v SCORES FOR THE PAST Due to lack of space, the following scores are all that will appear on the games of last week. In the softball league the Case Eagles took a 'beating from the Co-ops. Bbd Thennes pitched a 12 to 3 win. „ In the second gartue the Newsboys forfeited to the T3fJT, but -an exhibition game 22 to 21. CARD OF THANKS » X ' v CARD OF THANKS V § I would like in this way to ex- In this manner I wish to press my thank* to all those who friends and neigHbo^ for floral ofsent me cards and gifts and who ® . visited me during the time I was fenngs. cards and donations of case confined to the hospital. These at the time of the death of kindnesses were_ jmich mother." I would also like ,W re much appreciated. , mowier. , i wouia aiso line to thaS NICK N. FREUND, i niy -neighbors in the Country Cftll ----'^riii j, strodivlsicm for their special gift. RAYMOND KLEIN. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. • • 3 for The Plaindealer Regular sixe$2.25. Triple size S5.50. You tetmnlu on vary firit bos or Money back. Call or phone THOMAS P. BOLOEB Green Street s- tin the County league, the Shamrocks traveled to Dundee and with Murphy's superb pitching won by a score of 6 to 3. John^burg lost to a snappy Algonquin team 7 to 4. • Wednesday, June 11, the Shamrocks lost 5 to 4 to a Lake Zurich nine. , 5. ' »i 1 mile south of Russell, 5 miles northwest of Zion, 10 miles east of Antioch, 1 mile north of Rt. 173 on SATURDAY, JUNE 11 1:30 D. S. T. w New Machinery McD. "B" tractor on rubber (starter, Jights, etc); tractor snow plow, MID. 8-ft. grain drill( fert. attach.) ;• cultipacker, grass seed attach; McD. |5 ift. tractor disc; McD. tractor manure spreader; McD. 3-bt. tractor plow, on rubber; McD. 4 see. drag; Case side delivery rake; steel wheel wagon and grain box; rubber tii ed wagon and rack. ' Feed, Fertiliser and Seed 150 bu. shelled corn, 266 bu. oats, 900 lbs. steel pellets, 600 lbs. linseed oil meal, 385 bales hay, 26 hales straw, 3300 lbs. fertilizer, seed corn, 65 fbe. Laduce clover. Miscellaneous Fttd sacks, 5 steel fence posts, 45 steel, posts, 79 cedar posts, barb wire, 100 rods new woven wire, IS rolls heavy roofing paper, lumber, 2 spruce logs (37 ft), 40 cattle neck chains and brass numbers, tatoo makers, etc. Fisnitare 2 Fire place sets, Westinghouse 4- burner electric stove, new dining room table and buffet, chairs, walnut twin beds and dfcesser, 8 piece divided davenports porch and lain furniture. POWER LAWN MOWER EARL D. AM3LER, Owner Public Auction Service Co., Clerk K. of C. DANCE The Gift *f Gifts forthe Bride co omit d in RMtehMl' ee§8fj ov Ir •) ^dnesday, June 18 Nell's Ballroom QUAKT JOHNSBURO tiie time o: Johnsburg School 1 Kre, The Knights of Columbus of McHenry Council promised to do tlieir small part in reconstruction. The ^hool will now share benefits of this big dance. --THIS IS A PUBLIC DANCE-- --BVUtrtODY URGED TO TAKE PART-- ' 0 " ' ' • ' A 0000 TIME roa OLD AND TOOKO _ j f i l l l l l l If Ihs Frien<ffy Slo«e 4 quamt : h ?? ,, T. PXKSTO Cooking m--iw mot nouriab» ing, noon ririnrtiiriny toodg, man qukskly .So roO *"^1 wotrii befoni they begin; FIMTO Cooking makes food budgete go further. George Collette, Owner Phone McHenry 459 Authorised Dealer - V 521 Main street , * 'V; < - ' X :- i 5 '.-* ^ ? 4/ r "f - FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 15 This store is just the place to select Ubtet gift fog Dad on his day, Sunday, June 15. Below we are listing a few suggestions: PENS AND PENCILS New reduced Prices on ^CA" Eversharp Pens. r We also have Parker, Waterman and Sheaffer Pens and Pencils. Bemingt<m ... Scftiick Schick Super Sunbeam > ELECTRIC SHAVERS MOVIE CAMERAS 8 mm. Cameras .... Universal Projectors - 8 mm. Keystone Projectors - 8 mm. ; BILL FOLDS We will personalize bill folds purchased here by imprinting Dad's name in gold lettering, free. ~ ^ , Also a good selection of "Um^ Rent's Watches and Binge Steffans Jewelry # ItolM West McHenff JI19J0 15.00 18.00 PlanneJ McMENRY, ILLINOIS :M; yr' ,„„j|64.50 and.$66.50 ifot. :£e t ' ,

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