Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1947, p. 7

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• V 3 - ' , n . A. Wkk^ AttenMT K«l I«7, m I5TAAS-IS7 State of Illinois, ) . or partiee interested in said property: and to Tiniai or MMmms of neord; to nalmswii hetta at tow, lagateaa or •flM Wearier Lake 411 R. ft WATEOfS tMjpy.A gttgfap: •ip«--*i Wearier LiInl ID. Of. tL W. DONKKLLY -- Feet SpodaHat 1SS So. Riveraide Drive U7 McHenry Office hours: by ipfoiatMit " ~ and Evenlnga -Wedaeeday PR JOHN WJ Physician| TW Jehaoburg 444-R- l Mahijl, JohMbnrg, DL , TaL Cryetel Lake SS-M rAJPZUNA8 k nnrgeoai rt S44-|S*.nL V to S>a. • W Hoars Tharaiar ~ " •M DR. H. .8, FOB TetttMMdia it! W, Waakegan Rd^ Phane SI McHmtj, I1L Heure: 1 pjk to t pB. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appoftftnent VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-A V Oar. Grim and feba Bta^ McHenry *aeaday and Friday sStaraaa-- lARUBl I I1 ftlllBH. Allaiwaj * Parker) „ . . Qg^llww: , M Wednoatef 1-SS 8.W imikuMk EARL R. WALSH Fire, Ante, Fana nl Life Repn RELIABLE ^ Whan yon need lnaaraa»o of any ktni Phone 4S or 118-M ~ Greea ft Bha Telephone No. SM 8TOFFEL ft RE1HANSPERGB* Inaarsnce areata far all deaaaa a# property is the baat Weet McHenry, ITlinoia IE McHRNRY FLORALCO. 4S4 M# 1 "%S t Om Mfla Sooth at McHenry ob • imu n ;•» I Flewera for aB occasional m* at any mta The time of -- , 1 1 a> r^ - - * • - M •BB IK ^ylWi the ok- £5 of provided tt 1M> of Of 1MB. .or lota iMi taxed for in tin nama af George ULUAN K. VBNABLE, Kedeaaptfcm should be made at the office of the Qtubr Clerk. (Pri». May S»-June 5-12) ^ *• .vafl Cert Nai llS'Vol Man AAS4M Stata of Illinois | §5%" haSRto7' and Kathryn ; to tvitf panon ia poeaeaalon |f taa proBuaaa hnv* _ kid; to tha mwmm, af, et Vartlee intareeted or aftd to Trntctaea of . __ record; and to the Unknot* OWnera and partka af atiMMH Revtoed Statutes at ItSS. elf lata vara tanad tor the jeer 1M4 intha nwne of-W. Lady- 'dMr'.:M4 Krthfya 8wyd» CUean 18. lffiMia, Redemption ahoold be made at tti office of tha County Clerk, (Pi*. Miaty rone nnwftj, f M^mauy, a Oirenit Court or •WUOB NOTICE: That eta sale c£ afbreaaid, LIUiAN M. MI4 N. HMUI AMMW 18, ItowiiTethWedoTli day of OctawrT A. Block H 1 Lily Lake diip, aitoatad. in State, for McSenry Coonty, ttfaak In tha Maitar af the PMtion of Find Richard Boortatt Petitkm for Leave To Chttn Name. PUBLIC NOTICE ia henfcf given that on the Slat day of July, A. D.. 1M7. the undenlfned wUl file a Petition in aaitl Cm aiking that he lie given the legal right to change hia name and of imnfag' and bains known by the said changed name as Mm: from PaulIUstiaxd Bonalett to Paul Richard Omton. PAUL RICHARD BONSLETT. (M*. May 29-June 6-12) ^ State of Illinois, County of McHenry, In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Blinois. Frieda Jantsen, Plaintiff •s. Charles Jantxen, Jr., individually and J#l Ml XII » | | IaSamTpoy*n, Jantam Mtteon, Jantaan ttiui of Oaok, anc ------- N#e Aid Commisskm, In Bujufty, Gen. No. S07S5. Natko of Sale Notice ia hamter given that ths foOowtaf dsaeribed real esUte will be eUtered at public sale at 10:00 o'clock a. % oa June 23, 1M7, at IW• 4"iN(W' the. Mdienry ^ad^r Ccwir^BBWMe^ in th§/City^of noia; aoeh sale to fee made for caah, su^|eet to general .taxea for 1946 oant years and to the art Interest of R. J. P%dM»!®r 4t * tax sale oil ©ctaher 14, 1945, of general taxea_for the year 1944 for $l7.64r "i feet of Lot 82 L. heinsr « subdivalun fractional Bast Dated thia SSth day of May, A. D. 1947. HUGH A. DBNMPI, § (pek s»rs5*$Beee,k Nonci %l the Plat thaceof m uno SO, 1988, in Book 0 of Plats, on page S , The hearing will be held at 8:00 odock P. M. on Friday, July 11th, in the County Court Boom in the Court Bouse in Woodstack, IHinola, at wihch time and place any peraon o r -- . . . - - • - •PI DON A. WI< NOTICE OF Estate of >tice is hereby given to all parthat Monday, Auguet 4m,Wai > » he fkini Am±m in #W • persons desiring to object to such r THE MATTEH OF THB application will be entlted to be APPIJCATK MAtifcL AlfD CONSTANCE', SSS^V TOSUT? IXSUK HAB-!_ «, BOARD OF APFCALS.* HIS WIFE, % Edward J. Deneen, Ita Chairman BUILDING <"» ON8. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN MARSHALL, HIS WIFE, LEBOY MARSHALL AND RIET J. *POR VARIATION OI RESTRICTK lb June 12) in compliance with the that rovisiona of the in of a port. of' ____ half of Ua North West quarter of Section 1 Township 44 North, Range 8 Bait of the Third Princi- |>l JltWlM. J» surveyed by C. 1>yon on Oc^er 5, 1893 «Med tn BooBl of Plats and on provui the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, relative to a change or variation in claaaiflcation, or in building restrictions, a piribBc hearing will be1 heard before the Board of Appeala in! connection with the application of Richard Marshall ana ^ Conatanee; Mlarahall, his wife, and Leroy Mar-' shall and Harriet J. Marshall, hia wife, for a permit to construct a two family dwelling on tha following described real estate: Lots two (2) and three Block two |2) in Schmitffc View Subdivision, McHenry Township, McHenry Chanty,- Illinois,! . .. Less en Clothee Pirm families apend considerably leas for clothing than rity dweller* tai the aame income cracket Notice sons is the claim date in the eataio of ' Christina Nell, Dferased, pending In the County Court of IfrBanry County, Illinois, and that claima be filed against the said estate or before said date without of summons. HENRY M. NELL, (Pub. June 12-19-26) Throaty Sireaa The sirens of super Queen both can be heard fully ten away, but they are tuned to tave which is hardly audible '§hM far Biro SS0-M-1 TaL PalntlBg I8S N. GRBSt IT. McHENBT a*v»1 $tsMW. P. BROOKS A.80N:4 t llhtiag and Papering i AB Material At I M IS1-R • • t§9' 'I lit WMhlngt* St -! ilti i , , " PRAMt B. WBQJtt vjuHimrxm Tmanuttm Pi^M MeBmrr SSMT*S Painting. \ 1 M-kUr: ji * ). "w m light Unfailir>g "Jj ' > I \ Hie light of faith never dims ! I the hearts of those who see in ! the passing of a loved eternal rest. In serving the i, bereaved, our light never dima I either, for our services" are available 24 hours daily. • i h FUNERAL DIRBCTOR8 » . -• • '-fmh-. ' Fan era! McHenry 1SS-IK Groen^ Ott. 'Vm,* MeHeary 'I MdENRY CAS--CaD 472-J ^ ^ yw are in a hurry For prompt and coirteong i*t start to worry. We have 24-hour servite. McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J McHenry Sand and GraTel Co. Excavating and Orane Service IMk; JHfX -- Sand and Oi&¥el Road Grading ; • CALL McHSNST 9T-J McHENRY GARAGE General Repair Seryice Parts and Accessories | Call: Arc-Acetylene Portable Welding Equipment O H1AVY-DUTY TOWINQ SERVI0I CK P. MILLER ' Front St, Rt. 31 Sliop, McHenry 108-R--Res., McHenry 53-M A W N I NGS TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS lllarfe Selection of Materials »KDBR KAKLV Sp*(il«M«lin in Stor* and lwMtone» Awatag*^ • i McHenry Awning Co. Phone MeHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson Prop. I; u. nois it. -m Fatare Medical Cspitsl sf the WorM uif : A. P. FRBUND SONS Excavatiag Cantractar Truciing, Hydraalie " and Craaa Service --ROAD BUILDING-- m 204-M McHenry, BL Telephone All Branches Crystal Lake lilt Of Sewer Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SBRY1CB Blocked Sewena Opened WHhont Electric lbto^lole and Boot L. Nelson Catter Crystal Lain Illinois Bex 1»S AL*S WELDING AND REPAIR SERYICB* SSI Main St, McHeniy Electric Portable WeMmg ' ' Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 4S4 M'HENRY, McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERYICE McHou-y 41S or Wander Lake 5SS SIS Main St, McHenry, Illinoia WATER PUMPS 4 Fairbanks Morao Electee and Pa nip typea. All aisee. Complata and Baay to install. Samp pnaagn. Tak« old pumpe in trade. BNGSTROM SALES AND SBRYlCfi TsL McHenry SSS-W-1 (SSS ft from Neira BaOroam) PRICES paid Crippled Hmos*, C akngo and for Cattle HIGHEST CASH Dead and and Hoga ing -- Tankage and Meat Scrape for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 11S or McHenry S5S-J-2. Reverse Chargee. Palatine Rendering Servke. FRETT BROTHERS General Contractora ReeMentiel -- Industrial Financing Blneprinta Woodstock St. Phone S2S-M-1 }>Aj C. J. MEYB88 ^ Casiaral Coatracta^ Carpentry New Work and IB. TtL Platakee S4S-M-1 --WAlil'ED MjVWo pay SS to f» far OH Imb far dawn hsraaa ani MATTS MINK RANCH Jafcnahnrg SSS^I-S JOHN P. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Parnaaa Week 1SI N. Gnen SW ClOTHIS PIANNI iicHenry tH-K-l Nirrs BAND ft GRAvBL Gravel anr Let PIBtag .. Back Dirt... Pa wet Leveling I Grading. J. 1LNBTT P. 0<--McHenr} .... Include our spring clothes clothea their program of dndee Local Cleaners dry ins WILSON'S RADIO |r|M -- Repalra 'on AB ft-Ante SOS B. RBTOOTH AND SHARPEN SAW* AND LAWN MOWERS Alao Cmaslag ana WILLIAM BUCHERT ^ SSI Prsnt St. * MeHaawy LBO G. HOOTS t/.. ^ 1 ^ * ««pnfMaavgMpa0 ?ks»vf J flsi iiiML Dinnsrs and L from ll i^ te IA .1.. ,|l ,| mmmm E. NOONAN, . A % •„# , 4-t •' .Vf-! • •- • •*--*• .•» s - » i ' v "f „ ' v * "SM \ "• ?* t y iy known throughout the world for its school* of tnedt* ctae, institutes of scientific research, sod large. welJ-suftd hospiuls, the Chicago and Northero Illinois arcs will continue to attract important men of medicine from the world over. the area is the site of four medical and three dental schools of highest standing. Practical training is carried oa in the 174 hospitals, and 27 sanitariums and infirmaries containing 71,349 beds. Here, also, are the homes of s dosea national and international organizations in medicine and re* lated fields. The territory is now the world center for medical information... more than forty medical and allied (oaraala are published here. Within the nest few years, Chicago and Northern Illinois is destined to rank above all the great medical centers in history. Three tremendous expansion programs arc far ^eyond the planning stage with most of the laid for the buildings already purchased. Public and private wurces have pledged additional funds for the establishment of new medical facilities, hospitals and laboratories to cover many acres of land sad to cost hundreds of millions of dollars. In the Medical Center District proiect, the University of Illinois an<N.oyola University, the State Department of Public Welfare and the Veterans' Administration will erect a community of new buildings for the study of public health, industry and aviation medicine. In another of these vast programs. Northwestern University plans ten new buildings, including an Institute for Medical Research in such fields as heart ailments, cancer and high blood pressure. Other buildings in this group will enlarge the facilities for special medical studies, hospital care and the nursing school. As part of this project the Veterans Administration will erect a hospital, and Mercy Hospital will install a one thousand bed hospital unit aad a research center - At the University of Chicago still another of these expaaiiaa programs is under way. Four new clinic buildings and four buildings for atomic research, including the Institute of Radiobiology and Biophysics, will be added. Extensive investigation will be conducted into the new possibilities in medicine, particularly in cancer, opened by the development of atomic research. Throughout «// of Chicago and Northern Illinois •any other groups have announced plans totaling more than 200 Bullion dollars for hospital facilities. Students and doctors seeking opportunities for research, advanced study, and actual training under foremost physicians and surgeons will turn to the many hospitals and schools here. As the land is being cleared in multi-million dollar programs, and as the fioest hospital and laboratory equipment in the world pours in. future world leadership in the field Of medicine is assured for Chicago and Northern Illinois. . ;vt fv % • * , 1 %. ' i'v ""V :%• , &' V * . - » • » * " V / 'y. :*% ih «Ms nron ImvO these oalalasiai nd»anta|0ai RoSrood Center of the United States • Wforid Airport • Inland e Osoprnphicol Center of UL S. PopdoMow • Great Ruanda! Center • The "Great Central Market' • Food Producing l*e Coaler • leader in Wen and Steel Mawfcirturing • Good labor Relations Record • 2.500,000 Kilowatts of Power Cool Reserves • Good Government • Good living • Good Services «er lbs DeSfts. Sen* for H-- 4 * '£m***.> Z . l i " • i ; M • TERRITORIAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT WB.^ICtVPVICl COMPANY Of MOBV4IIKM t&tlMOIS

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