Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jun 1947, p. 9

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•*'(*$ , . (MH 1 to 10 , . >• hone stand- •ilillltMHij»lltIHltM>H' The ai»*e item appeared in "So - <BrT«*tiek> . 11 ""V* w*^* -"P y* « v in five it to you l<Aa again this Greetings, Folks! , %>7-.v v - I week fin our column tot courtesy of "Maybe you €an't ml hf theEarl R. Walsh, the author. In our weather, but therelare other rare opinion, nothing contrimtea more to •km. tw . the development act any community liens that the summer season is patronage of the business hire. Everybody and lus toother in the community. In short, it's the hits town to peddle merchandise that, local business man who always has we should hay from our Real mer-1 your personal interest at heart. He chants. >is ever ready to contribute to any "Our merchants aren't fair weather worthy cause. He shelters your chilnds. They are Hare all year, dren during the bitter winter mornown merchants are great fel- ings while they wait for the school Wtssivkea are %wgr at Now, letfs compare the peddler gives *»1 T.B. AMONG CATTLE wibit. . . First he is Guests at the lt*Ptt Thompson j, McHenry coeaty board _ a person from the outside, horaeon Sunday we» William Van-| have been promistfd that then pays no fee for wrecking the roads Natto of Crystal Lake and Mr. and **j no in .the^present prot {your roads) with the heavy trades.; Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron. eradiation tuberculosis in iTie quality of his wares is inferior,! Cillers darings thf„ day were Mr. t,e ,n. the county. This news he establishes a business at yottriand Mrs. Fred -* « front door in spite of the fact that' stock and Mr. and V FATALLY INJUIBD! ^Hkhard East, IS, son sf Mr. andl v jt -I4MMUMBast of Watenttan, was „ * *• 22"* fctaHylnjured at 8 a.m. last Thur*-- # day when his motor scooter was : °' ??*, **1- •trade by an automobile at the inter- , ve walised. The . -- section of state routes 23 and SO, far,e* became exceptionally the weekend just east of Waterman, ajbout ten Public places of i miles south of DeKalb. Richard old t,rte 9p,nt' . - was taken to Glidden hospital at games was ur „ ;oop of Wood-,m a letter from C.E. Fidler, of the!DeKalb but died Shortly after ar- af. wel1 as collections). Reason rs. Vern Thomp- state Jgricttltural department of' rival at • the institution. / wave of depression which -,uuu • -"-JJ D i _ ; tied over our usually bussing* conk* munity ? Pedersoti is gone, enjoying The letter came in answer to a' BECMVES APPOINTIIEKT his first vacation since joining l5nresoiution passed at the last board , ? Woodstock high school board Plamdealer staff a year did a half of education, Ralph Peacock, presi- ago. street is restricted to resi- son of Chicago. * Arnold P. Benson of Batavia property. He's, there to take j Miss Nellie Doherty and Mrs. Jen- 18 ^air,m*n' i KILLERS We carry *:'«omplete stock of the „ new, 2, 4-0 weed killers lit power or liquid foim. Enough to completely eradicate all thistles, mustard, ettvin an aore of land. Costs only $3.00! We also have available a- complete line of fly s|>rays, including DDT concentrates. Prices wholesale or retail. West McHenry, I1L Tel. 92-R fore we desert the home standbys for the unknowns." The McHenry Business Men's association isgiving our local mer- em?k>yee at the chants splendid cooperation in nd- w.v t Talmt ding oar community of these beav - y parents, the C. H. Romeisers, counties Pistakee ~ meeting for the program to continue ? eoucauon, naipn reacocK, presiw as it has. Fidler said in parts that t^1®.we€k "nnoiyiced that Ralph; all counties are accredited on the Ch K e"?W„e.thA Pnnc,P^, ^ /he high i three to six year basis and that school at Potomac, 111., had been se- ' Welding Electrodes -- there Will ^no^nTterferenceTroni^hls ^ the ?{ t Hfrry G/! J* »ticksof welding eta* jtorm is the new division on this with reference tb the . who^ resigned to takeover trodes made during the war were Bay. Miss ISeanor »one company, number of teste"to '^"'placy"into i" First NationaJ ^snk; Elgin and her effect durinir a calendar vear *?r- Chenoweth was recommended for - . .- . , sister. Sister Mary Frances Paula, ** , ., v . . ^ ' , , the position by Nelson Storck, who at foundations ud a cinpanion of Clin- He *lso sa,d- ^ ,nfect,on h«d "?* recentl- was appointed superintendent of McCuUom Lake business. lt/0n Iowa, called on relatives in Mc- ^««e in the county and this cf the public schools by the high Henry lak Thursd^. i8 evidenced that the program should | school and grade school boards. A \m rZL be carried out in an intensive man-1 ? ! t_; Mrs. Dmcan Stoden of Oakland,! ner. : '""Iheen 'vuSr'S th Robert1^iim*S'i Letters were received from Rerpre-' ' ^ ?rp' tentative. Thomas A. Bolger of Mc- f y= ; rul,t - ili i" W*nry »nd Harold KelseT of Rar-, Hickory Creek Heilo Renown was last ^ Wednesday m M,l-!rin ' 8ayi tbey were in accord with the resolution passed %y the' Wis. -'.board. The hoard rehired Dr. B. F. nelly for another year with an laid end to *nd they would extend around the world at the equatot 290 'tinies.. Here are the vMults of the ing of the prise stock exhibit The Hickory Creek Farms 6f Mc- Cullom Lake at Harvard last ThursdaV* ory was1 *ue8t "swarded Subscribe lor The Plaindllfe r v>mc* IWDU Mnvwn WM waiikM. Wis •ML •nnt>lfri^^i-ln< the grand champion trophy ^J^8' TT"1 day of the show in the senior buU calf i wu ,mn<u at Fort Atkinson, \ showing. Creston ftetje Gloria, a daughter' „ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund and :of the $19,500 herd fire, Twenty family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake and j Grand, was awarded first prize in daughters, Blaine and Eleanor, and the senior yearling class. > Miss Virginia Witt attended graduj Roeschlind Aaggie Posch won first •tjon exercises at Libertyville high • among the 3-year-olds. school last Friday evening. Alan , . . - - - -- ---- . . Hickory Creek Model Perfection! Rosing, « nephew of the above men-1counVM i» the nation and; 'won first prise in the junior bull calf ironed, was a member of the class, p**® board members ^eel that fvery J I judffinff. • Mr find Mrc. Martin flrwivivi anil 1 pOSSMt should 4)6 (IfMltht ' (5yde Hill Alta Farinakinr, second j her son, William Jcske, of Chicago j pnae in the mature cow class. | visited Miss Christine Adams increase in salary/'from |2,040 to $2,400, with $60 pbr month traveling expenses. ' McHenry county is one of the big-1 Our congratulations to you,; Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Frank Howard and Leo! Mr. and Mrs. George Schreiner and i Smith, your manager, in spite of the! Mrs. Frank Schreiner visited the lat- -t,ff competition Hickory - Creek ter's husband at Sacred 'Heart sani- Farms stock proved to be the cham-1 tarium in Milwaukee last Thursday. , pions. r\ HO MOT N€W \ --'f jtw «'*t» thftl^cui be yotir too, if you send your clothes te us tar «|M&- »' '4. .'\rtie-: : McHENRY CLEANERS 103 BLM ST., McHEKRY, ILL. f 10441 . . Helen Weber, Mgr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leninski, their sons. Harry, Jrl and Gerald, [spent a nleasant weekend at their T&ottare on Orchard Drive. „.^r *nd Rif": S?Hen Christensen; 0f 3,200 feet or morgAhe majority firk ,„d 5™&S?-,chri.£sn}lrf 650060 -r"1'•• Skine, Denmark, visited at the Jeppe C. Jepsen home last week. Miss of^Bob and Perpetaal 8prtt^|,;:':* Costa Rica has been described as a central plateau where, in the perpetual spring of aif^ elevation S A L M O N Prefabricated Buildings^ 18x20 ft. Oarages, reg. $385 16x24 ft. Utility Building, reg. $728 24x24 ft. AU-Purpose ^ouae : .now 1298 1650 (1336 now i j 1 SEARS ROEBUCK 6- CO. Call Frank Oans, Sales Representative McHenry 106-W ^ 300 Riverside Drive, McHenry Willard and Therese Schultr. who oS1>ut!n8f«„18r-S!?, . k~ are en.ioying a two-weeks' vacation ^ .Ann Christensen of Johns- •t th. OI„n cotf^. wer^ pl^nUyi jf; ,nd ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. Krueger of Kisse- W. surprised by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Levesque of Lowell, Mass., . • last Monday. We all remember Jake! ' visited in the C. rs the gent who hasjbeen giving the h£TJL!"LWee£i mosauitoes such a bad time during Enjoy bier at its best... X,, LUXE |XT>A fAtl 1 Blended with Imported Bohemian Hops Distributed By Arrow Beverage Service, 15 So. Elmwood Ave^ Waukegan, I1L Phone Majeetic 48S6. _ Marguerite Johnson comthe last war when he piloted one of he 1 r n of teaching at Uncle Sam's aerial crates. i » h^ton-J,' la8^ wee^ and,1 le^t for Jake, his one and only Evalynne,!Boulder- C0'0-, she will attend and the boss of the house. Chrysand, isu!?^e^?c °°!^ , • made the trip from Ixjwell by motor' , . . ,'s®es Margaret and Florence and hone to take a few big ones H* n Sunday for California, iback with then? in about two weeks. w ® t'iey W1" «njoy several weeks' J vacation. Wr. and Mrs. A1 Wetle had as .M™- "*"5^ and daughters weekend guests at their castle on °» Hammpnd^^Ind., and Carol Rapp Maple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur °' ^lk^IVIfi?ht8 spent last week Wetle, Mrs. {Catherine Wetle and visiting m the home of Mrs. Zena daughter, Loretta, all of Chicago, j Ba.c„on- , „ The Harry Reimers of West Lane .. *nd Mrs. Leo Blake and famentertained Mr. and Mrs. Jones Frie- spent Sunday in the Walter Mansen and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. "Schmidt Pingl kome in Oak Park. Eleanor of Winnipeg. Manitoba, Canada, over "lake remained to spend a the weekend and after a sample of.1***** vacation. the Reimers' hospitality, our Can- . Mr., and Mrs. John Murtaugh at the Budget-Wise! You'll find delicious foods of every description . . . from alphabet soups to Zwieback . . . conveniently displayed and attractively priced at. your A&P Food Store! adian friends reluctantly said bye with a promise to return repeat In the near future. Mrs. Charlotte Mitchell, herJsolK, ,yi tended the wedding of their nephew, Eugene4 Cow, «M1 Miss Florence Nicholson at St. Gabriel's church in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Gillifonl and Johnnie and Dickie, are enjoying a *j>n have been enjoying a trip to week's vacation with Mrs. Genfgneve Florida. Menloe in German town while their j Math Laures is spending the sumhubbiei are desperately trying to'mer months at the Laures resort at fulfill the promises they made to! Long Lake, Wis.. Mrs. Laures and their neighbors in Chicago to bring i son,_ Jack, are joiaing him this week, back an sota. 'ew herrings from Minne- Mr. and Mrsr f;- C. Jepsen were callers in the A. E. Nye home in Harvard recently. Mr. and Mrs. John R. iFreund and daughter, Diane, and Mr. and Mrs. Freund snd daughters spent Iss .Carsummer Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid weiy two mighty proud parents last Wednesday when they witnessed their son; Joe George's graduation with honors at Sunday at Holy Hill, Wis. the Northern Illinois Teacher's Col- j Mrs. Eleanor Foley and lege at DeKalb. After his well- olyn Bauer are attend ir earned vacation, Prof. George Reid school at DeKalb. will be atsigned to teaching at the! Miss Mary Kinney left Saturday Waukegan High school. I for Minneapolis, Minn., where she Our congratulations to George and j will attend summer school. to Mr. ana Mrs. Dave Reid. Mr. and Mrs. William Pries, Sr., and Paul W. Shadle attended gradu. Hugo Carlson and Charles Tyrell, j ation exercises at Northwestern Uniboth weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. versity on Wednesday of this week. FYed Chullerstrom, were freed on | Mrs. Shadle was a member of the charges of trespassing, preferred by! graduating class. Ted Breyer before Judge Albert Robert Richardson returned home ^Krause in McHenry last Sunday.1 lest week, honorably discharged from kludge Krause ruled that since no the army. warning signs'were displayed on Mr. Breyer's property, there was no violation and dismissed both defendants. w*0*taM FREUND OIL CO. PBOMS 303 HcHKN&Y, IUL A vastly superior new kind of robber, and more coeds in a new of OOSMttUCQOOf tbese new tires dae safest, longest -wearing in Hood's history. _ 25% io«t ' Srrongnr C WMar, Sellei freed -- this owe rubber on the road the load... longer, more ...leai unftng... wavimi New, Ni-S«aslty Cerd of greater tensile strength and 22% aaoce cocds hteisw^ fi*iag y Mr. and Mrs. Frank Passalaqua have as guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Irvin aad daughter, Carolyn, of DesPlaines. Mr. and Mrs. Beil Barteldes entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bar- . teldes of Chicago over the weekend. | McHenry friends on Sunday For a full evening of entertain-; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reihansperger ment, remember to attend the Screwy j were Chicago callers on Saturday. Dozen's married folks' dance at the t Mr. and Mrs. John Murtaugh at- Bridge on June 28th. (Just a re- i tended the funeral of a brother-in- BIG VALUES AND BIG SAVINGS COMSTOCK BRAND SLICED APPLES ...... . . . 15c KQ- TltlDtH "**' HMA SWEET KM .... 2 for 21c "• * ! •NCOtt SRSANO MHS. 1Mb OR Wlb MM EM MODUS • ANN »AM. ASSORttO mHKLEM«B|i.2 mm. . IONA MANO. miNOllit * ^ out OWNMAMI Cat MEM BEAM • • • 2for25cTUMLU • • • KM SANOWICMH 25c DILL H8KLES OSANM PTKOC ANO HKOS 14c OUR OWN TEA 4fzr"'" +AHDiN-FllE$H PRODUCE FANCY, RED, RIPE STORE ADDRESS 9VMR Martha StofTel of Washington, D. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel. Mrs. Jsck Walsh has been released from Augustana hospital in Chicago and is recuperating at her home, here. Mr. .jund Mm. George Miller and family w Chicago are ^pending' this week with Mrs. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frett and daughter, Helen, of Auror*^ visited SERVE GENEROUS PORTIONS FOR DESSERTI CAUPOftNIA MOWN, VINMimWS 8w8sl OMISISHM CALIFORNIA, LASM. SWISTTUNT, tie VALUBS! tie SAVIM9SI MWIOWHDCS ins SkartMisi 3 m H" NO SU9AR STAMK NHMB> _ IM » a f^ir M -U. |i| mv iM N|v n ias w * * • : .I : " .-'CJFA.PA ^• i » - ' ~'i' PUMftO 9§Lm • e EACH W" FA ROSA e -v#' CALIF. MOWN. 2M-2M MSB, VAUNCIA . * SwS<>0fM|M ooz. STM With ASF "WW-RLFM" STMKT, MU IhIHISI . 29c For Tatfy S«Udt! Florid* & Cscsnliers' 2 FO* B* CUIAN CROWN. SWEET (M SIZE). Wseappls e • e BACH 2SC minder!) law, Burt Lackstone, in Oak Park last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Krapf and daughter. Gertrude, of Chicago Spent Sunmakes | day in the John Lang home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney of Oak Nats and Bolts One thing worse than being alone is to be with someone who being alone a pleasure. Saddest thing about liquor is that Park spent the weekend in the Frank a man drinks to anotehr person's i Weingart home here. health and ruins his own. j John Dreymiller, Paul Yanda, When you argue with a fool, be Mrs. Catherine Weber, Mrs. George sure he isn't similarly engaged. P. Freund and Mrs. -Martin Wegener, The difference between a grave and representing the local Legion and a groove is only a matter of depth. Auxiliary, attended "Milk Day at ADiOS. Harvard last Thursday. ' , • Clarence Anglese and daughter, Kathleen, spent the weekend visit- MILK QUEEN fog. relatives in MorHson, 111. Miss Anna Connely and Miw Joan Iftm Dorothy McCormick, 18, bru- Murmane of Chicago^ spent ft few nette. and extremely pretty, was dayS )agt week visiting Miss Helen crowned queen at Harvard's third; McGrath at Emerald Park. annual "Milk Day" festival last Mr. and Mrs. A. L*. Kosinski, Mr. Thursday afternoon. The coronation and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and family,!! ceremonies were presented before a, Miss RoVena Marshall and Patricia throng of thousands in Mary park, > Lee Marshall attended the wedding and were broadcaat nationally over reception of Miss Jacqtfdine Montthe Dinnerbel! hour of Radio Sta- i gomery and Grant Concannon in Fortion WLS, Chicago. Daughter of Mr. i est Park last Saturday. The Montend Mrs. Raymond McCormick of gomerys formerly made their home Harvard and a graduate of the 1947 j in McHenry. Hy-- of Harvard Community High | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bickler and son, school. Miss McCormick stepped from Jimmy, of Chicago spent the weeka replica of a towering milk bottle end with Mrs. Annabel Aicher. _ to receive her queenly honors from i Mrs. Dorothy Bochert is enjoying Miss Jeanette Thompson, last year's1 a vacation from ner duties at the Millf Day queen, and Miae Norma local telephone office. Jazrett, queen in 1945. BARN DESTROYED. Miss Dolores Do well, an employee at the local bank, is spending a two weeks' vacation at her home in Wau- |conda. Lightning struck a barn on the' Mrs. Annabel Aicher, Mrs. William Chester G. Blasnik farm, four • miles j Heimer and Mrs. Erwin Laures spent southeast of Marengo in Riley town- j Wednesday of last week in Chicago, ship, one evening last week, start- j where they attended a shower held ing a fire which destroyed the struck ; at the A. W. Bickler home; honoring ture and resulted in an estimated • Miss Virginia Swanaon, whose marloss of S5,000. The bam was about riage to Jack Steilen will take place 80x70 feet and contained about four on June 21. Ums of hay. and $160 worth of feed. ! Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall of Stock in the barn when the fire started was led to safety. . Net Insects ^TiKpideri U* not insects. Ttaj 1w> loog to the Arachnida family, which ie composed of rfiites and scorpions. Crystal Lake visited relatives here on Sunday. Father Walter Conway of Notre Dame spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey visited relatives to Cirstal Lai* Sunday. ANNFAMRRANO M MR- »--• - rwm vm kjuimk MMICHB), WHtTI SmmUM ---- miii wmmfwmm rwm • • baa^mr NIW LOW FRICC Crim SlwrlRin 3^1" NMT LOW Frkal Cimoti. Md MISOL« PlbknFlNr IA6 FINEST QUALITY. MB4MIM U Ah^laia /fiM. PK6. FOR SAKINO. SWANSOOWN 44-OZ. n Cake Flo* • nee »» PANTRY SUGGESTIONS! W OUR BAKERY OCfT! ENRICHED, SLICED. WHITE MARVEL BREAD WTTH SCANS, ARMOUR'S CHHJCMOMNE 16-OZ. 9|! e CAN ARMOUR'S, DELICIOUS VIENNA SAUSA6E *OL nt a e e TIN •• PURE, SAFE LOAVES IV8RY FUSES. JANE PARKER, CINNAMON. MAIN OR Sumi Bssris OUZ, OOES SVESTTHIHGI DIIZ SOAP P0WBES • IN a • e ntfii, A REAL ASF VALUE JANE FAR KIR. CARAMCL' " mTCNEN klerzer 3 FOR TOILET OR RATH Issi Lifsr Mi PURE, WHITE, FLOATING SWAN SMP wWhlsB mg 6skd. • EACH * SCMUIZE S RURCH FLAVMMUSTSALTMES TOWN HOUSR. FRESH SAnnirs 0m ARMOUR'S STAR MILO ANO MELLOW COIfEE tomi Bs«f Hash JUNE ISSUE WOMAN'S DAT MAGAZINE NOW ON SALE -V • *• * ^1' 1 :

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