Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jun 1947, p. 2

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l i i M i m n n n i M mm ts Horton P Mrs. Wildie aunt and ilticle fellow. miy and Chock James an of tne new little and a vietttii* Mend ho was driving the By VtnesM Sells Harry Mack of McCullom Lake, two-year-old ' %ho really takes all WiM' fof aMotion. Last Monday, wtieh >Mw. Cwtoran and Mike departed tor Woodstock, "Bo-Bo" just couldn't kear the separation and he trotted in pursuit of the bus. Each time it stopped, he was sure it was waiting for hint and he redoubled his efforts toy catch it. Twice he came abreast of it and begged it, with his eyes, to s^op. ®>us driver for the W. A. F., is my | por more than a mile the panting %i can<"^ate *or most patient man! little animal fought the increasing ' - • the world. He not only waits for j distance between him and the bus ' j sleepy-heads that haven't gotten to ^ut whe" * 120' J"5 * • ^ their proper corners at the proper Jown ch«f.?; A.aJhe 'Stiine, but he brings this column into j u^,„ 5 w *, SVJ v -*? V#KcH5snry and h* helps discourage K c#tfh h,s breath Wonder Lake dogs who are deter-,/01" t e p back home. mined not to let their master or ' B8 get away. I There was a happy reunion at the winter lonjXa big, sad s*wringer home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Berry satVand mpurned after the this week when the master of the i Murdock rode household returned from a business stout matronly trip which had taken him to Los awn as "Spade," Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas and I* escorts Mrs!" Ruth Kolar to the high- Houston. .While in Los Angeles Mr. ; -. ifVwav. and watches the bus out of Berry visited his brother. Frank, a if sight. A small fox terrier that be- resident of that city. Flying both n ", longs to Bob Davis isn't the re- ways.. Mr. Berry Was able to cover - r »l»t 4, All '• ^spaniel , Z't has when •;away, and, daily^ * Beagle hound, k# signed type. He clambers aboard all of the above-mentioned territory jjfand has to be forcibly ejected and in * little over ten days. sometimes he has to be taken home - ,, Hfwhile Harry waits. ! It'* a boy, 6 lbs. f oz., for Mr. ,/-l However, it is "Bo-Bo," a laugh- ana Mrs. Claytoif Hovtbn Jr., of Chl- .V-lin* bull-dog sort of pup. owned by cago, born on June 14 at the Little HERE'S IMETHIhTG £ DELIGHT TO TELL -- ^ OUR CANNEDMEATS ARE REALLY [SWELL / OSCAt MAYER CANNED LUNCHEON MEAT OSCAit MAYER CANNED WIENOtS--In BBQ Saw* .can 48c FRANCO-AMERICAN BEEF GRAVY .can 18t *V (2 §/cy*u " 'fife £ DICKOW'5«« w M R R K E T m Mrs. O. Nielsen, now staying at her cottage in Wonder Center during remodeling, entertained friends and relatives for her daughter's birthday on June 15. There will be a big Jamboree in Wonder Center in July. Watch for more about it. The Rod and Gun club is busy planning lots of fun for younsr and old, with contests, prises and games. One of the features will be the auctioning of cakes baked by the local ladies. The cake which brings, the largest amount will bring a big price to the lady who created it. " Joe and Virginia Monteleone are on one of those vacation trips most people just dream about. They spent a few days in Atlantic Pity before going on for a short visit in New York city. They' are now in Canada and will return to Wonder Lake this weekend. I wonder how our business district will look after Broadway? You dont' suppose they will mix n, who _ kh he had just received lltajtion present, came to the _ before the Cristy hill oft' the back read from McHenry. Unfamiliar with the road, and with the blinding lights of another car coming toward him, a wheel came off the boy's ear, and the gravel at the shoulder of the road threw the car completely over. All of the youngsters were badly bruised, but Jack IVvlik was badly cut about the neck and "head which necessitated stitches and a few days' hospitalization. The others were able to return to their homes to nurse their injuries. The car was a complete wreck. Young Tommy Martin left this week to join his family in Aitkin, Minn. The Martin family spend the summer at a tourist camp they own in that fine fishing district. The Gospel Omtir wotfld like la remind all of tMaa fartensted that Sunday^ School is held each Sunday at 10:1* a.*., and that morning worship service is at 11:00 a.m. Anderson invites you to attend. Pl<ms are also under way to hold a daily vacation bible school at the center. Details will be printed later. Hairy Industry Planning m--:. mrtst'amttnf* efforts to#at#1»tif» Mitbrandt's with Macy's, you On last Tuesday evening it was IHIIUIIIIIII Mrs. Jane'Richards, who t left last week for Billings, Mont, driving her two-day-okf - '47 Pontiac, . dropped cards to her friends'* stating that she had run into snow in Wyoming so bad that she was unable to drive do I through it.. The Mike Burts, on their way to Denver, report that they ran k into water--lots of it, covering everything-- near Mike's home in Creston, Iowa. Gome and See The Speed Kings In Action . • i ."t:*1 4-H News The Handy Helpers 4-H held its sixth meeting at Harrison school on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. Betty Jo Wright gave a talk on how to introduce people correctly.. Etta ReinHard gave a talk on the care of the hands and Shirley Saranac gave a talk on creamed dishes. Gertrude Smith gave a talk on why milk is an important food. • MARY ANN MARTIN, Reporter. ffat* dairy ladwtty 1 A distribution of asHt and Its tr-pndBBts. . . . Operating on the principle that self-help will salve many donstto and International this group has records of achievement that wffl be in the near futurs as largely revotutkmary. Noteworthy, are the operations of same in the Industry whose .^energies have been Attested toward neonstttnting dry whole mile iso that It will have a good flavor with maintained nutritive qualities, thereby malting it available for ysar arouad consumption in countries - where raw nalft is scares and of Ipferior quality. >3 In liwdeo Cttjr, taasstlc and American capital erected a modern completely equipped plant finished in November, IMS, at a cost of •l more than HJOOOJOOO for the reconversion et dry whole milk powder Band the distribution af the resultant liquid milk to the ultimate S consumer. ... The latter function Is presently being perforuied ter a fleet of appradmatelj 10- tracks and is making the milk available to the Merino City housewife at widely distributed points throughout the city. The spread of such a plant as is now in operation in the Myleaa capital to other countries in the Western Hemisphere where climatic conditions exist and even eventually to the Orient vast implications toward the proper feeding of many undernourished peoples, and ths expansion of the dairy industry which i&iyj-last year produced a milk crop wor$i fUOOjOMJNQ. American dairy leaders who have studied the^^an hi the MEexloan have voloed conekkireble enthusiesm as to the possffinmee . . . Their enthnsfSsm Is shared to no less degree by the consumer who has found the reconstituted milk greatly to his own fresh m&k product THIS COLUMN IB SPONSORED BY MCHENRY CO. FARMERS CO-OP. FM. City ftouncil Proceedings Big Bill Fiala, who is one of the members of the Ballet Moose, probably received the most unique of dayerifts. . mittee as appointed by Mayor Oversented him with a pair of full-length ^r„ Q. W. Goodell ~ ~ Council Room, June 1*6, 1947. The dte Council met in regular semi-montnly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: AJtnoff, Anderson. George^ J. Freund, George P. Freund, Regner> Tonyan. Absent: None. , Motion by AlthofT, seconded by Tonyan, that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Reports of officers were received toy the council. Motion by Regner, seconded by AlthofT, to approve the appointment of the following named Library com- -*A nylons . . . for him to do his dance in! • She said she was determined to get even with him for presenting her with a bag of fertilizer for the rose bush as a Mother's day present. RACES Suiiday, June 22 H E L V E T I A H O T E L on Pistakee Lake, P 0 XLA X I , I L L Phone 2301 Under auspices of the Chain O'Lakes Boat Club of Fox Lake, 111. -- Races Start at 2 p. m. ---Trophies for Prises Delia Cheney and Jane Dtviaway returned to their jobs in Ringwood this week after taking vacations. Mrs. Dunaway had a trip to Missouri, but Mrs. Cheney kept house and did all those little chores she had been nutting off all winter and was so glad to get back to work where she could rest a little. For the past few weeks, on Tuesday evenings, movies have been provided by Horn's, free of charge. Last week.-, a western and a <Sbmedy kept the little folks, the medium andj the bi(r, all occupied from dark until' 11. They are to continue throughthe stfmiqer, if summer comes . . Mrs. C. J. j rger, Mrs. C. An g l e s e , M r s . i PHONE » 628 Waakegaa ihans H. Jpaker, Mrs. A. I. Froehlich, j Doeden was entered by AttorneyIcontinued generally, to-be taken George Kramer, George P. David R. Joslyn. Judge Carroll over-'upon notice. It is a $100,600 dam ruled the motion. Doeden then enter- suit. -- ed a plea of not guilty to the indict- j Neil Harrington was granted a ments. The case was continued until! voice from Doris Harrington July 14. ! Judgv. Carroll. v A motion %p quash the indictments against Paul H. Wilhelm, charged with< larceny and larceny of an automobile, was overruled by Judgfe Carroll. Attorney Floyd Eckert appeared in behalf of Wilhelm. He asked for a continuance of the case and it was continued to June 25. und, Arnold Anderson an R. Walsh. Motion carried. Engineer V. H. Kasser presented suggested plans for extension of water mains. The plans were referred to the Waterworks committee for investigation of costs. Motion by Anderson, seconded by Althoff, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. EARL iR. WALSH, City Clerk. AROUND THE ^ COURTHOUSE SELECT JURY » A jury was selected at Woodstai this week to hear the $100,000 dan age suit of Carl and Caroline BM man of Harvard against the SaM Oil Co., and Stanley Anderson ,4 Rockford. » ...v- 8U'* result of a call iiT^behalf! s'on between the Huffman car and M ' W F N R 'V S 'ti rV;.V We are sorry to report that ^Irs.. Grace Kunz has been auite ill at her home on Lake Shore Drive. She is on the mend now, but had a pretty tough time of it, we hear. Jed Alletag left this week for a two weeks' visit in the east with his friends and parents and the parents of his wife. Mrs. Alletag and daughter, Joan, left on June 1 for Warren, R. I., and will return the end of the month with her husband, Mrs. Millie Klebert had her sewW fng machine motor overhauled last week and settled down Tuesday to catch o* on a large batch of mend* jing." She doesn't know what the repair man did to the motor, but the machine will only sew baclo* Wards now. The only thing is, sitting behind It is so-o-o-o-o-o incoia* w th statutory rape and taking in decent liberties with a child, quashed. A sho"+ hearing was held on the motion, with the court overruling the i motion. Four criminal cases were continued .. . .. , . ... .... . .. in circuit court last week by Judge! ™ a*i.; J?'*;?8 I011 William M. Carroll. They were as follows: Attorney J. J. McCauley, appoint fd by the court, appeared in behall , . . . . Of Howard A. Mclntyre and moved' j"? owned by the oil company -- to have the indictments charging him i ^nven_ . which occurren William Doeden, charged with incest and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. A motion to quash the indi< Aug. 7, 1944, at the interaction two county roads, a mile south ef Alden. ' Huffman, director of music at Harvard Community high schee^ 7.T" j +Vi„„ ,; claims he suffered permanent injnr- Attorney McCauley then moved ( jea jn the accident and he seeks $50,000 and $700 damages for the car. His wife also seeks claiming serious injuries which aha suffered has resulted in her becoming a diabetic. lars. Hearings on this motion was continued until June 2&. Two "other cases were also brought before th^ court. tLSSfSi ItLINOISBELL aims lor n$w fop Can EARN a Bicycle by Securing llotte Delivery Subscriptions THE CHICAGO SUN Want a new bicycle? All you hare to do ft to get >16 new subecripn tions lor home delivery ol the dotty issue of The Chicago Sun. There's no money to collect To EABN a bicycle you must REGISTER YOUR * NAME. MaiTthe RegistratioB Coupon to The Sun TODAY. You will then receive stibscription blanks. Every qucdilied registrant can EAQN a bike---so start NOW. You will receive either a Sears I. C. Hiaains bievde. ihe famous or a lillMfflrtY Schwinn« Built bicydei :-.V Nli tNAHtL We've aet • 1947 foal of 12,000 additional telephones in the by Illinois M, And that'f more tKen 1,000 ifceotd. ,,, in our tnree-year, $3,000,000 farffl'^tM nitl " trying to bring service to aa many families as we can. We're also doing our best to make that servi have fewer rings of other parties on their lines. jnoclcl telephones cure beim by tYwdern Hundreds of miles of rural wire are are being installed. " ' -v . We intend to keep at it until we can make your service the finefg • ' .ever . . . until we caq provide service for everyone who wants it. • •••--frU ssu f i l l PM ft MB go-SA-v 1 'J • . . f « 9 l 9 mm l i l f l * « • . . . Carey Electric Shop* 11# Greea 8t. McHenry, I1L Phone 2li - ^*7' ' • • •• i' y V ' •- > ' - " 1 ; f " * „<• " •> • •, 7 - .. j " . - ' " . ,;l i; •/*' * • . - ;; • ^ 't < . , • " •" •... \ - V ^ * - K ' t ' " yl -- - • V f : . W ii«IIP PII I Y (ilKuET B't Ru-harcJ WWtPPl"T<--C3PMK NOW-- IT*# MO ' r » ; 4 •it 4- M't tOUR NABOI ja«mis. I THE CHICAGO SUN « 421 W. WASHINGTON ST. TODAT! „ .. . |.v i r ' t-r? fe • ^ ' • a CHICAGO •. union J I want to tarn a bicycle. Be«ietet ssr S •"Wf?1?? w®11* • HAWS > , S A j STBEET -RATE LETUS LONOS«T DA.V OR TWC VSAR. THE SUN ,r ' y A t~'-' i -i " 4 !•. ss MY MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS AU OUR MKERY (WOOSAT Riverside Bake Shop v . - i f J i t ' . A ' S s f e :

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