mm mmo*lla*»hjs NOTICB Because of the (real number of classified ads which am sar in the Plaindealer each week, we have found it impeesible to keep books on sulh small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid.-for before this section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings Will be printed. ^ FOR bull Ragapple Hood lines at farmers' prices. H}ck~ j WELLS or? Creek Farms, LAO J. SntRh, mgr. WATER T«V>MfaCT«7t.M-». 48-tf • FOR SALE--Modern boiM, wren Sjj" Str**t' rooms, 2-car garage, Ave acres land on Fox river, near McHenry, I enry. ,, Jacob Fritz, realtor, Johnsiburg. Tel. McHenry 672-R-2 or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 50-tf chicken / SPRING GROVE Carbola Tel. 433-R. 0 Park i. The evening was spent irle- Pleasant memories of their silver Refreshments C. J. H. DIBHL M'HENRY. COUNTY PIANO TUNERr 526 WASHINGTON ST., WOODTelephone ! MOTOR REPAIR--Electric motors 10-tf {repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of B-line quality motors, wedding will always linger with Mr. we*® FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, •J9CK- PH<>NE 208"W' Woodstock starters, fuel pumps, distributors and FOR SALE SALE -- Gas water heateri $6; j grindstone, mounted, foot treadle, f&r two casings and two tubes, can be used for spares, 6.00x6, $3 for all. 303 Court St., McHenry. / *5 Lib^SHEET METAL AND FURNACE moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop! Tel. i ^9^K_~Gutter3 and furnaces re- McHenry 615-W-2 ' 10-tf Paired- 650-R-l. Adam, the style Regency, wfiich was infli by styles developed by French dgners. In the United States tinctive styles were develop«d, «». Duncan Phyfe, 4he Federal Ameril can and the Colonial Empire. These! American styles borrow freely DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash j ^emtB gatored'at"the"Viiin clu¥, M"- Charlei fVeund and Mrs." Geo. jjj® < hi prices paid for cows, horses and j £istakee Bay, at four in tha after- w May. «** French ferntture. of the peno* -- bogs; no help needed to load. Day i n00n and a delicious dinner was1 Mrs. Tillie Jung and son, Irving, France the L<ouis XIV, John McDonald, Regner j and holidays, j served at six. In the evening, there j of Oneida, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. ks, j was dancing, which was enjoyed by George Bell and sons were visitors Carenco carbon motor brushes and and Mrg. Charles May, who celebrat-j j ^^3/reu?d' Johnson Bronze, cored bars and , , ^ M ... a i Johnsburg, and Mrs. Mary Henseler ready to use bearings. McHenry ;ed that ®CPEsion on Sunday, June 8.{and son, Wallace, of Marshfield, Electric Motor Service, 102 West The day began with a high mass of-; Wis., were dinner guests in the John Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 1-tf fered in their honor at St. Peter's home on Tuesday. In the afterchurch at eight in the morning. The _t«©X called at the homes ter Rd., 1 end night. Sundays and holida; -1, McHenry. Phone McHenry Calls Wheeling Rendering Wori FOR SALE--Year-'round comfort and economy with fire-proof Johns-Man- TREE SPRAYING AND WEED rille Rock Wool Home Insulation < KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. Blownin" walls and ceilings. Call! Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. LEO J. STILLING, McHeniy 18. ! 52-tf 36tf 44-tf' Wheeling No. 3; reverse changes. 36-tf XV, Louis XVI, Regency, Diri toire and Entire period styles wei approximately 200 people. Mr. and in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John! evolved. These affected both CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone 691-R-l when in need of Insulation electric Hawai- v°R SA^Eu-- WONDER LAKE --i or a new roof, asibestos, or insulated HW 6 months i?ear'rPu"d home; 7ady \°. m°ve - brick siding, weather stripping, or lnl lar*e h™* large kitchen, di- combination screen altf-storm win- FDR SALE -- Regal ian Guitar with amplifier. old; price,- .$80. Telephone McHenry | ,,et*e 2 ige. bdrms., "bath; plenty i dews.1"Free estimates."QDurf ee Bros* ; i closets; full finished bsmt; hot, cold , Roofing Co. 43-tf w\o on v _ j . . (running water; .oil heat; price $11,- *so5li5d ^o atk"-; two iron fjo*!ld*-i n1gC e co•t*s.' 475- jn Ton--y an Constructi-on, McHen- Sunde, one block west of Lily Lake j /it school house, fourth house south of' Phone 152 or Sunday, 115. route 120. •5' FOR RENT % , Phone Woodstock 699-M 512 Clay St. ° Woodstock FOR SALE OR RENT -- Is;and ,,nB ni,VT Lake, all year 'round modern unfur-! T® ^"rry S : COl nished 4-room cottage; electrically a Z' PhnnA M^PnrJ fiifi P i »k dispose of yeur controlled furnace, stove and rofri*- Adams. Phone McHenry 616-R-L *6 [ nr ^nftener if era tor. S. Warman, 415 South 8th! WAWTFH ifift OTTV I rates. Regu Ave., Maywood. Tel. Maywood 1950. j WflX,1LU PU X [ Jehn E. Hill ^ _ "^ WANTED TO BUY -- Small home Henry> Phone 865 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGFRY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box ML Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, 111. 40-tf Lorty al^!{S i GARBAGE COLLECTING - Let us Noise Filter Promises lesiredf Reasonable Clearer Radio Reception WANTED TO BUY I R«?»lar P.y,^6>xn274r0MS • A -tiny gadget devel°P«d for mak- ~ tf TOR SALE -- Electric powered con-',n M<f^TY A Address crete mixer in first class conditionj j Plaindealer. Box 25, in *5 real bargain. Tel. McHenry 227-J. *5 j WANTED TP BUY Good used TYPEWRITER SEE ters and adding mac and -rebuilt, Mrs. May Were the happy recipients i Jung on Saturday. of many lovely gifts in silver. Con-' Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers Kwfttulations are extended to this: met at" $ve honie of Anton Widhalm happy couple and may they have'on Thursday night. A meeting was many more happy anniversaries. held and. cards were played through- Graduation exercises for the class, ov't the evening. A lunch waa served, of 1947 qt* St. Peter's school were i Sympithy is extended to .Clarence held at the church on Monday night, Miller, who was called to ms home June 9. The graduates entered the!,n „wadeath of his father church led by page boys in white ^on MeMay. , f JK. j suits and capes lined in yellow. On , ----*-- their heads they wore white tanis BWttel P-'-' , with yellow plumes. He two little; c -1 _u j boys were Raymond Martin and Ed- ^ra ii ^ *Veg#" ward Russell. Preceding the gradu- ./? ' Probabl> are the most senates were two little flower boys, all 1 •*tive to conditions at harvest time in white, carrying bouquets. The *nd in storage. / flower boys were Bobby Nelson and Danny Freund. Their leader was J Dennis Schmitt, in white suit, whO| led them to the front of the church; where the graduates received^ their j diplomas. After the distribution of < r diplomas, a most impressive talk was I ing better radio reception possible I 8'vcn 'by Father Daleiden. The exa• board. the- gi.a nt B-29s wiU b_ e an ! netrtefhis eHs cnwoneirpet appropriately Floor Tile ' ? Genuine Asphalt 1 and Rubber Floor Sanding and • r;^; Refinishing 5 RAY IRION lish said American design. The XV . and Louis XVI styles aire el< gant, pretentious and beautiful, y< at the same time comfortable tasy to live with. H BMk * iPeanut butter and peanuts are im-f! jwrtant sources of thiamin; yin and niacin. The peanuts' riditaess in quality protein and food energjr, plus the generous amounts of the three vitamins, give this', legume a leading role in group five-' of the basic seven foods. closed |v ! with Benediction of the Blessed Sac-) FOR SALE -- Fireworks. One block j jickup trurfc, ^4-ton east of river on route 120. Tfcomas. Marj°r'I ! 2-tf Stanley Brown, McH size. 145-W. yiCE-Tjrpwrrl. brtter ; oStaiiM"" w."rV""Joja.! • jrepaired ^omes Schmitt. Robert May, Thonuis Freai« iuilt. Ribbons and carbon elsewhere now that industry again is . an^j ,QeorKe McGrath. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103; on a . peacetime basis, according to j M Mr_ pu * FMl SALE -- McCullom Lake, lotjtage located on or near river. Write iii^11 ol KUL5,1 7 41, block 8. West Shore Beach Sub-! Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf j y' Phone 277. WANTED TO BUY--House or cot ri' .nrTr7C""le Dasls- accoraing W j Mr and Mrs charl Freund en. rv 203 J' Phone McHen- engineers. j tertained in their home on Monday f y • Known as a radio noise filter, the i night in honor of the graduation of j " WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS j dev^ce is being widely used to elimi- their son, Tom. Guests were Mrs. fioitt where I sit... £y Joe Marsh Can't Break His Good Habits^, division. Inquire of Frank Kempfer, 306 N. Court Street, McHenry. *5 FOR SALE -- Health-Mor Vacuum Cleaner and attachments, $12. Tel. McHenry 584-M-2. *5 FOR SALE -- Complete furnishing* of eight-room house; everything practically new. J. W. Goodwin, Lake Shore Drive at Oak street, Wonder WANTED FOR CASH Homes -- Farms -- Businesses EDWARD M. LANNES Real Estate Route 2 McHenry, 111. I ^CLARK CHEVROLET .SALES,! nat® 8ta*ic or buzzing in electrical 49-tf ©Quipment, such as household appli- CARPENTER WORK - « ?n°eS' 80 the disturbances wil1 not and repairs of all kinds. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. Lena Muellenbach of Helen Weber, daughters, Betty, Mrs. Paul Gernsch and fch Iowa, Mrs. j Sis and><« n . w MIC QlalUIUdUvCs Will QOl ; , , lff Remodeling interfere with radio "listening pleas- dren- ^r-„and^rs," GS!Sfr^1 A. Lessard.! urg " I Mr. and Mrs. Charles_ Mic|iels;__Ricl 3-tf Rich-1 r . flrd and iLorraine, all of McHenry;'I In the case of the B-29, the motor the George W. May family, Mrs. Lu- SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS' whicl1 drives the gyro used in the cille Nelson, son, Bobby, Mr. and u-n0„ru «7a. M 9 ein p q cleaned. Fred Wells, 123 Ellsworth' complicated gunfire control was pro- Mrs. Walter Brown and Pauline Ann, Chicago Phone KevstonJ 2M0 I St" Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M ducing such a buzz or hum that it 'Paul Weber and Mr. and Mrs.Georpe l, tcago Keystone "^ ^lor 716-M. 42tf was difficult for the crew's radio op- McGrath, sons, George and Karen. : ' erator to pick up distant signals, i The firemen held their regulajf Lake. *5-2 WANTED I FLOOR SANDING -- Refinishing 1 ApplicationTof the^filter" to "the'g'yro' meeting at Town Hall on Monday _ I varnishing and waxing new and old although it was Darticularlv Hiffln.l* ; night. Cards were pfayed after thi FOR SALE - Motorola Auto Ra-1 WANTED - Position taking care of Ji rfi, *1* ™* ^ due to the limited space available, meetin* and refreshments served £os, fit an can. Gamble's Store, ctliIdren *t odd hours. Call McHenry fjenry 497TR evening.^Mc- 8toDued the Histi.rhanra ,» I Mrs. Albert Britz entertained tl West McHenry. 5, ^ '55--221 FOR SALE -- Owner must sell, ac-' W:^NT?D, ~ ^ C0«Ples to live count sickness, modern brick ranch! Wltl\ elderly gentleman m two-aparttype home, attached garage, large imen* house near McHenry. Car is tot, full basement, automatic heat,' stopped disturbance before it reached the radio and greatly im- Order your ruober stamps at tilt < Proved tlie reception. thi members of her pinochle club at her home on Tuesday night. Prize win* ners were Mrs. Math Nimssrern. Mrs. Harry Myers, and Mrs. Arthur Katt- Bert Childers was saying, it's funny how so many of our w^rtiate habits stick with tas. Bert likes plenty of butter on his bread, but even now he can't get over spreading it like it was scarce as hen's teeth. And as a warworker, Bert used to stick to a temperate glass of beer on time off; and he still holds fast to beer and moderation. Same way with Bert's wife. She not only has no trouble saving used fats, and waste paper. She's learned from wartime necessity to save every single thing that fright possibly be used again. From where I sit, it's mighty good that so many of these common- sense habits like thrift and moderation have stayed with us. Because they belong in America-- along with tolerance, and mutual respect for one another's rights. They're habits that have helped to make this country strong and neighborly and free. 7 Copyright, 1947, United States Bremen Foundation Address Box "S," ... of Plaindealer. 5 W1NTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED -- W* nave cash buyers for summer homes, city property and farms. List your property with us, Jacob Fritz, Main St., Johnsburg, Rt. 1, McHenry or 2006 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Phone Lincoln 18S8-18S4 tf. FOUND air-conditioned, $8>750. J. W. Davies, old Geneva highway and Ravinia drive, Spring Grove, 111. *5 FOR SALE -- Dining room and living room furniture; oil heater, Frigidaire. See Anderson, (Lake Defiance, on weekend of June 20. *5, JtHl SALE -- New hi-standard .22 Automatic pistol, 6% barrel; new Shnith A Wesson, military and police, J8 special, 5-in. barrel; .410 Stevens over-under, excellent. Also in stock: Remington Express 12-gauge shells, Kleanbore .22 long rifle cartridges and other guns. Fred Chase, 515 W. Waukegan Road. Phone McHenry 139-J. *5 FOR SALE -- Revere copper bottom stainless steel pressure cookers, $15.95. Nickels Hdwe., West McHenry. Phone 2. 5 FOR SALE -- 420 rock-faced concrete blocks, steel reinforcing bars. Tel. McHenry 137-R. *5 FOR- SALE -- New shallot well, D pump with motor, $69.50; immedi- "ELP WANTED -- Two boys or ate delivery. Gamble's Store, West n?er _,for general bowling alley work McHenry. 5 81X day?.a week; must be over 16 FOUND -- Watch, in Ringwood. Identification and payment for this ad will ibe required to obtain watch. Dr. Wm. Hepburn, Ringwood. *5 LOST LOST -- Lady's Elgin watch, in McHenry on Saturday. Reward. Virginia Miller, Ringwood. Tel. Richmond. 635. *5 HELP WANTED ~ FOR SALE--360-gal. per hour elec- > Palace Recreation, 119 Jtouth Green trie water pump, large kitchen cab-1 Street, McHenry. inet, coal stove, apring and mattress P- m for double bed, miscellaneous screens. Tel. McHenry 675-&-1, *5 years old; $30 a week guaranteed. l19 South r Call after HELP WANTED --r Two waitresses at The Bridge, route 120, east of SALE -si English type house; 1 river. See chef. *5 f?1 near PERSONAL -- I missy our "smile burner; lot 98x150^ ^ and those blue eyes. Please come churches and schools: *«-«»*»• h to depot. H. J- Schaffer. Phone Mc- nome- Henry 83-W. FERN. 3"? i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES--Sub. JkAA ' distributor for Kirby Vacuum FOR SALE--1668 Plymouth Coupe, CVeaner Co. One who is organizagood tires and ^gocxi condition. tion-minded to work with national McHenry 686-M-l. | com-pany; for McHenry and Poone 0., v ninw&tha Doodle Bue counties. Write for interview. L. V. ?^e^edffi!B.Mwtaf Waukegan Hotel, Waukedelivery. Henry. GaraUe's Store, West Mc- gan 5 111. __ j HELP WANTED -- Housekeeper, Ky'K bS50,ro'm | HELP " WANTED--"SnuffjrV* depot. Inquire at 715 Ceater St..burger Place wants a waitress. In Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf! quire at 126 Riverside Drive, Mc ; Henry.--1- ----ol-tl l FOR SALE--80 ft. 1%-in. copper, ^ ^^ aipe with couplings. Ben Bleeker, j , MrfIe??? 4&-B-2. HELP WANTED^--" WOMEN AND SgaTn iatleterr 17 TPn^i ^l-tf TGUIRNLIST YT OF OSRE WTH. OGSEO OIDN TOERPPEOSTR#- FOR SALE--Modern house, 'ur-1 £D IN THIS TYPE WORK. AP* nished; Venetian blinds; auton tie; PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. COh «il furnace; air conditioned; electric, RIVER8IDE DRIVE, MeHENRT. ket water heater; tile bath, built-in PHONE ». >$-tl tub and shower; cabinet kitchen; S-ear garage; asbestos shingles; full windows; cower screens. Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Phone Wender lake 17$. tt-tf SALE--MeOritosi Lake Wifurnished home; lake fient, north shove; modern and complete; ft onOn Half®* Saturday or Riverside 8t48. A. 52-tf choice location on Lake fhone MdHenry 276-J In# Sunday C^Elarton. 8ALE--New Perfection Veroiend stove with five long drijnhey §urnlsa and right side oven; good e^aditSen. Mrs. Joseph Klein, Jokns- V FOR SALE--7-room house, one-c* tanse, at McCullom Lake, Fountain tln« and Hickory ftive. Call Mcffenry 678-W-2 after 6 p. m. 2-tf KEWLY C0N8TRUCTED M0DHtN 4-MOM insulated year-round Country Home, t bedrooms, pltupbfag, gas, elejBtrfc,- lake rights. fKkM8. Phone McHenry 674-M-2 «r 6M-R-2, or aee Ed Lannes. 50-tf HHLF WANTED--Short order eookt abo dishwasher. Mi Fines, Green St, McHenry. S-tf HELP WANTED-Mttflrasd man] to work in itm Al |MM Hears Agencf. W HELP WANTED--Gferl to dsck la WBLP WAMTfQ ^ MEN e - 2nd and 3rd SHIFTS MO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FOR SALE -- 4^4-room house, toilet and hnth^teaenent with furnace ^ t ai^l garigai Inquire John, the lor. WsJrt MWteWty.' •• 4-tf |R 8ALE--^Lot on Main St., Mc- See owner at 1)10 Waukegan upstairs, McHenry. *4-2 - ->|jr-fe-r •!-- TOP WAGES PRODUCTION INCENTIVE APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC AUTO-LIT* CO. 'WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Need Rubber StampaT The Order McHenry Post, 491 / Invites You, Your Family; and Your Friendf tgj Biggest Summer Event lU tbe take Region Entertainment of all Kinds New Concessions ana ->ki - f, ¥*• : 3: A-,. S' ' TO BE HELD IN THE ILL. SATURDAY SUNDAY 5 •• m %>£,: '-.A*. >*"' 4-i sir, iaiiCix,