Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1947, p. 8

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ftvfer* - --«se¥** : Cip> « . « ' . r . r - - ' iS»f •; • 'ii^V <*$»* Eipkm >v lading exists amen* small mptoyera m to the inclusion of Mr eaaployees under Mdil security," says Bernard Barnett, manager of the Waukefan. Illinois Social Security board field office. Many such employers believe that their workers, because they have only three. or four, perhaps only one, arfe not covered by the act. Many of these workers themselves do not know their own status. "The fact is, "said Mr. Bamett, "that every worker, even every part time worker, in a field covered by the act (and the act covers nearly lUIIIWIimiHMMItlttfllllllllllllllllllllllll InllmlUllllnVBVniflllllllllillllHIIIIIII! all coiMMieial and iadastrial work-1 efs) is cvtenM. Ifcete is no differ-1 •nee with reapaet to beta* covered; under social seeuritar betweea the j worker wh^ is the sue employee and; thcr worker who is one of 10,900 employees in a large industrial plant." Both workevs mUit secure a social t security account number card from the nearest Held office of the Social j . Lt - nn_, Security board or an application for ~PLt iil„ .7°™. to one from the nearest post office. The i widely much M M,pw cw in employers of both must deduct one; ^ CM* ®f ^ popular hybrids. As ft rMUilt com |iowtn wn off these days may be growing and selling new hybrid corps bred to supply more corn oil when processed--and worth more on the market because of this increase in oil value. This applies particularly to grow- Breeding a by-product value tola corn--an increase of oil la the germ --has advanced , as an ecoosmic possibility as a result el research by department at agriculture chemists. They have ftsund that the ofl cob. of hybrid corns may, , differ as a "dependable ^ Of determining the laying \ at hens. In all yellow-skinned the pullets will have an of yellow pigment to the stda oflhe shanks, feet, beak, *ent, and era rii* before they start laying egg* This yellow pigment comas from the feed that the birds MtTjaOMr «orn and crMn fMd ar* chief sqigftas of this pigment. Once a DuOet starts laying, however, this yeSoW pigment goes to the yolk of the egg rathef than being jlepoeited in the skte. This moans that as the pullet continues to lay, her skin is not regain eoHtdftosMBS and rate to the * "* * SINGLES -the turntable song*, "f "LADY FROM 29 PALMS* •TTS DREAMTIME" 1 By Canaen Cavallaro •®hr HEART 6 A HOBC By Biag Creaby tMBOKE, SMOKE, SMOKE" , By Tex Williams >•:- ALBUMS ~> ^ TRIBUTE TO GLENN NIUUBR* •^PpXEDO JUNCTION" By .E. rakme Hawkins r ' ( • Needles, Accessories aid.:' ' >• Party Records percent from their pay checks each pay day and mast make a matching contribution of one per cent. Both of these amounts must be reported quarterly to the nearest Collector of Internal Revenue. Both workers qualify for exactly taneSrwymenu' f? from work after attaining: the age *"es pr ,uc®' of 65, and benefit payments ^to their starch, alcohol, breakfast foods, survivors in the event thatJthey die v hominy and oil. The oil reaches the before the age of 66. public and industry in a variety The benefit payments of both! commodities ranging from shortworkers are based upon their wage1 ening, margarine and salad dressrecords. Thus, both workers have ings to soap, paint, varnishes and equal interest in seeing that their printing ink. wage records are correctly reported,. xhe importance of corn oil In the and that, when the appropriate time United states-production aferaged comes, they will be e"^^^®s^,^-more than 200 million pounds annul w ally from 1MQ to 1945-atorted reworked and which they have m™*., at the department's Norths lern Regional Research laboratory, Blrart ftbspul Payfls 1 Peoria, 111., to discover the range v Pupils of the eyes of the Bombina, 1 *>fl consent in hybrid corns, whether fire-bellied toad, are shaned lika 1er fb® variation is wide enough to -hearts when contracted. 1^7^-' -;;#>e significant to both growers and . c/-,i--;:-:ifprocessors. P. Ifc Earle, J* J. . w „ v 1 Curtis and J. E. Hubbard found that FIREMEN ANSWER CALLS , ^ commonly grown hybrid varie- McHenry firmen received two calls ties showed a difference td at least «a Wednesday morning of this week, 39 ^ in their yields of oiL the first at 11:15 to extinguish a mMt corn the oil is mainly in grass fire at Wonder Lake, and the, ^ B dissecting many kerseoo'?(! J?**0™1 Af ' when curtfms n^js uui the parts it was caught fire in the rear apartment of the Wolff building on Elm street. Ifound hybrids did m>t differ from Repairs first"-' Before any painting is done, all necessary carpentry, masonry and other work should be attended to. Loose boards should be securely fastened, badly split or rotted lumber replaced, mortar joints pointed, loose chimney brick cemented, corroded gutters and downspouts replaced, shingles installed where needed, roof coatings used where necessary, windows and doors calked, new windows panes subsft fated for broken onel. Bead the Want A|| IMMMJwmmmm »Ha* •* a Ipot fad IkMN Whkh kfi Mm «rllk rtata lk« ciimi m^wtl kf , Bolger's _Drug Store Green fltieel J McHeary The apartment is occupied by the Richard Jagers, owners of the Riverside bake shop. The fire was said by firemen to have started as the result of a child piayipg with matches. open-pollinated varieties in their physical, proportions. Oil^was still confined mainly to the germ whether oil content was high or low. tale th# stock's "Opera is one ef •fthrsatres, of the Irenes', "Mewury Players and Orson Tbeatm." OMN SUNDAY MORNINCS. SUICIDE VICTIM * A coroner's jury last week ruled that Joseph Stimes, Dunham township farmer and a familiar figure in Harvard, died of a self-inflicted bullet wound in his temple at his home. Testimony bv Mr. Stimes' brother, - Henry, age 78, revealed that the aged farmer was found lying on his back on the kitchen floor about 8:30 a. m., as Henry was returning from chores in the barn. MILLER Woodstock, 111. FRL A SAT. - SEPT. 6 - 6 "MR. HEX" with Leo Goceey Heatz Hall and the Bowery Boys -- Plea -- "CRIME DOCTOR'S MAN HUNT" Warner Baxter EUen Drew SUN. - MON. - TUES. SEPT. 7-8-9 Back By Bequest!, |v A Picture Ton Gaa See Again and Again! HERE SUNXMLYF m Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- Henry.- 8-tf j Colony McHenry, Illinois AIR CONDITIONED PkOae 2S4 FRL - SAT^ SEPT. S - « Anne Baxter - William HeUee Sonny Tufta || "BLAZE OF NOON" Mm - News A Cartoon SUN. - MON, SEPT. 7-8 Loretta Young • Joseph Cottea "THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER" Plus • World News A Cartoon TUESDAY (One Day) Alan Hale, Jr. - June Preisser "SARGE GOES TO COLLEGER Glenn Vernon Marcie McGoire 'DfNG DONG WILLIAMS" ' WED. - THURS. Ray Milland - Teresa Wright * "IMPERFECT LADY" T Lli» Qoldtt In lelsetiiif Darablo Home Fnrnituri Here are some guides to help you in deciding which piece of furniture will give your family the greatest service: Frames should be well-seasoned hardwood with dowel (peg) or tenon joints and fitted corner blocks 8t the points where there is' the greatest strain. These should be glued or screwed in place. Springs should be made of well-tempered steel and tied firmly to each other and to the frame with a regular spring tying cord. This will prevent the Springs from shifting. The springs should be sewed, before tying, to interlaced strips of woven jute bands tightly stretched across the bottom of the furniture. This type of construction is more resilient and simpler to repair than any other. The cheaper the piece of furniture, the wider and farther apart the webbing is. Of the padding now ased in furniture, sponge rubber is found fa the highest priced and best pieces. Next in quality are horsehair, down, feathers, • cotton felt, moss, cotton and excelsior padding. The outside cover of the furniture should be firm and closely wove* to give durable service. Simple tailored lines are the most practical Ftirni. ture with straight legs looks %-the majority of rooms. VISIBLE CELLUL0IQ LABEL HEAVY RUBBER CUSHION RUBBER PRINTWG DIE • q i r l E cHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 170 Green Strep Illinois * 1 mmmfm:* :sii . "J 'W • 0 • ; M •A Bando Fabric Samba Qoth**Sportshirt - • v • ' . i» Luxuriously soft perfecfly tailoredl This Skipper Sportshirt by Wihon Brothers Is made pi ooot • | comfortable Samba Qoth---a Crown-Tested Boadb Fabric ttei's easy to launder. Convertible » ^ % collar. Whtts, natural or Uus;. .Grand lor yo# | ^ % leisure moments! r«** * :: AAcHENI#' »<• 111 - 1 1 I I I t Ml 1 1 1 »1 I I - 1 1 IM t H I 11 I I I H H I I I I H I I I I H H - MM cap *• BOAOMAmS % • 144 h.p. Rwball itralglit >lgM, If (<vm yon prformonc* rutty to b* (owid in e cm «f .erth dsstr rooM olid wpcriilivily Itt kilifiit Snish« Find Prinittve Man Skeletons of men who lived *r the Sacramento delta region 4,000 to 8^ 000 years ago have been found1 by scientists. PLAINDEALER DEADLINES Plaindealer deadlines for , news and advertising are as follows: Display Ads: Ttesday Noon. Classified Ads: Wednesday at 10 a. m. News: Tuesday- at 5 p.m. Complete • line at remedies at Wattles Henry. Lee's poulfey Store, Me- Mf HAVE THE MINT ir wires ON YOUR STREET HOUSE P AI ^ j. MORE THAN AN ORDINARY PAIN1 ^ IT PROTECTS MUCH LONGER The new scientific method of making BP3 HOUSE PAINT gives it the unusual smooth, glossy finish ... the attractive appearance... and the outstanding durability so much desired by home owners. ** The sparkling beauty of your house ..; when painted with BPS HOUSE PAINT wilt make you more proud of your home than ever before. You* heart is set, well say, e*~ something really superfine, You want smartness -- a handsome appearance diet you proud in any crowd. You want ability -- a car that doee ami with effortless ease# _ You want size -- size lor interior room and size for steady, level going and serene disregard for the roughness of the road. You want fine finish -- truly riflll interiors in perfect taste with the unmistakable touch of quality in every detail. '>% Against this prescriptie«k < v we ask you to put the Buick Roadmaster -- match it, if you will, against any other oar regardless of price for all-round excellence. T i < We don't have to point eel lie smartness -- you see ds| e But did you knew that under thii* bonnet is 144 horsepower of smooth Fireball power? Have you sampled how its 4400 pounds and 18 feet of bigness --. mounted as they are on four lerior trim, the fittings with die precision of we silver?. ,'k fine thing to see, a wonderful dung to drive, die Roadmaster ia indeed a prideful thing to own. We honestly believe that nowhere 1Mb coil wrinf. -- level (fa*, *" SodJ~h 'IP,ri*0,J?- rHMcdOS. t<oo ioMaulbrovommn stmmowoofeuMwMaspr ^8, •iinzoe*> handling, ride and finish. Have you tried its light handling If your standards are high, your -- tested its smooth,easy lift under expectations great, eome see us your treadle foot -- inspected the now about placing an order--with fine rich fabrics, the tasteful in* ' or without a ear to trade. Hilir BUICK HAS ALL WSSW ONLY PEK GAL DRUG STORE JUKBNRY, -u:. .J V-:. •V • AStfOft NNDKt * HUMU Ml *aaei*nicn«ND«so*jMo • rnmmommm * HUNT ZOHK SOOT MOUW7MM Sr SWOOKMUMSMie *1 * fUi^uNom roaoui.vuss ouvt *v * monrnm KMU *, *MHUXa« *1 i, | * iw sautr dobsi • soar sr Tvm In HfNKY J. TAYIOR, HMmI HHwmk, Mm#vi and ftldmrt five • automobiles BUICK •i sr %.• K. L Overton Motor •n."' >'N - flout St*, West McHenry, 111 222 N. Main St* Crystal Lake* HL

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