Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1947, p. 1

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* I .* - -\ 1 ~ .? .^-*4-1 • Vohute 73 McHKHBY, ILLHTOIB, THUMPAY, SEPTXMBIB 4, 1947 No. IS ONE HOMO FOR couiin is run SURVEY GROUP l*XPOKT LOCAL ., .ACCTDKHTS OVS* */'», HOLIDAY KEMUl) While the nation's death toll roee to new heifhti over the Labor Bay weekend, climbing even above estimated figures, McHenry county also had its share of accidents. George Kiddelson, 66, of McCullonj Lake, was taken to the Woodstock hospital in critical condition early Monday as the result of an accident which occurred on the Ringwood| blacktop road. Mr. Kiddelson waS driving south and failed to see a turn onto the MeCullom Lake road, his car crossing the intersection and crashing into a culvert. J. J. Roberts, 25, of Harvard, was killed and a companion Erwin E. Evenson, 23, also of Harvard, was severely injured early Sunday morning when their ear side-swiped the abutment of Brookdale bridge, five miles northwest of Woodstock on TT. 3. Rt. 14, and overturned several times. Roberts waa pinned beneath the vehicle and waa dead when tmsri by passing motorists. SveMan wtii token to the TTnoilator1f"i hoe|t||el where his condition remained critical Fe suffered internal injuries and Educators Met to - Disctias Argument# In Favor, Against tentative plan has been pre- _ __ by the McHenry coanty school surrey committee, which would make the school setup in the county a gnigfe administration unit. Roland gfcCaimon, superintendent of schools, atated the past week that under anch a setup one superintendent, and a county board of education, cpmansnl of nine members, not more lag three from any one township, amrid cover* the schools of our «re county. This is a tentative setup and the ltport must be filed with the state advisory commission on school rethis system, it is stated, on 16» l5l7» liiaa^*Irene principals, or the head of the various j «hoek internal injuries and Vasey of Volo. The couple lived in achool, would he appointed by the' _ " * I Lake county until twenty years ago, hoard and superintendent and these Traveling southwest toward Wood-! when they moved to McHenry county. Ife turn-would select their instructors.! Hrck.tne car went out 6f control i purchasing a farm about a mile west After the state advisory commis-i*"" hlt ttte bridge railing, swerving cf thjs city. Here they resided until moving to Wonder. Lake a short time ago. Mr. 3enwell's Occupation was fanning throughout his lifetime, being interested both in the actual art of farm production and in its mechanical aspects. He was successful in both endeavors. Church Mi MOTOR BOAT STRUCK 16-YEAR-OLD YOUTH; FOOT BADIfY MANGLED Henry Ehmann, Jr., 16 years old, of Chicago, suffered a badly cut foot last Saturday evening about 7:30 o'clock when it waa csftight in the propeller of a motor boat as the lad was swimming off the public beach at Shalimar. Friend* watched from shore as Robert Rautberd, 14, of Huemarm's subdivision, driving a speedboat, failed to see the swimmer, who was about thirty feet from shore, j Young Ehmann noticed the apa j proaching boat and (lived into the •ion on school reorganisation passes J down an embankment and overon the report it would come back to i „seVerm* times. the county, where public hearings j Roberts' body was returned to would be held throughout the coun- i Harvard for fnneral arrangements, tjr for the purpose of giving thej . nearbv Lake county, Harry jppM$c a chance to discuss the plan. Martin Hevl, 64, of Chicago, lost his Following the public hearings the!'1*® ?n Monday when an outboard .committee then' would file a finali„ "J" ]? an^ ^is son-in-law, report. The next step would be for:, , Stanley, 30, overturned in Long the county superintendent of schools' „ e' a» u.* 'Wit miles from Mcto call for an election so that the! « »s thought that Heyl, who voters of the county could either ! "a" sonie knowledge of how to swim, adopt or reject the plan. , was injured as the ho"t tu>ped over. Educators Meet I J^men from Fox Lake located the At a meeting of county educators about an hour after the accilyeld last week, opinions were ex-1 dent, but all ef orts to revive him pressed on both sides of the question. Those^favoring the new plan cited the uniformity of taxes, the possibility of a Junior college in the aounty and the greater opportunity to aid the maladjusted child. The opposition detected flaws in most of taese arguments pmd above all stood adamant In their opinions that such „ . , iA^s.'s^tT^sU: ".sa z,'ss sa. are sfEBuis s.*asa LLOYD OEIWELL, . RESIDENT OF AREA, DCS" * Two Months' IUnott Fatal to Well Known ' , ; Fanner of Community Friends of Lloyd C. Benwell, _ „ _ lifelong reeident of this area, were! water, hoping to escape being hit shocked to learn of his death on He was aMe to swim to shore follow- Monday evening, Sept. 1, 1947, in in* the accident, after which onlook- St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, where ers rushed him to the Woodstock he had been confined for more than j hospital. •There he was found to three weeks. Previously he had been have suffered a fracture of the left leg and torn muscles and tendons in the foot.*** An investigation of the accident was made by HSarold HoMta, deputy, and Lester Bacon, chief of police, * GUY COUNCIL TAKES ornoN ON PROPERTY Propose Hew Athletic •Field on A. P. Freund Plat West of Ball Park At a regular meeting of the City Council on Tuesday of this week an option was taken on property PRIZE BULL "TWENTY GRAND* a patient for a short time at the Woodstock hospital. jMf. Benwell died of a rare nervous disease after a two months' illness. The deceased waa born on Oct. 30, 1894, on the Benwewll homestead in Wauconda township, the eon of George and Adell BenwelL He redded there, engaging in farming until his marriage tMrt April 16, 1917, to were to no avail. SEVERAL HUNDREDS SAW WATER FIGHTS itself ... and 100 interested aass wwhnoolieehneeaarrtteedailyy • jammed the sidewalks to witMJM frfe, to determine the .McHuney bounty champions. pressed against. McHenry residents have lonr been known for their extreme loyalty and progressive spirit and for this reason it is doubtful If single administration unit ~ will meet with favor here. Hie fhet tfcat Ike plan stifles initiative and the to improve and excel can fteadily be seen, even by its aft*-' fates. Where the desire now exists to make McHenry schools among the hading educational institutions in this section, carrying out of the new plan frould riot permit this school, or Inv other with similar hopes, to develop to a point where it would surothers where less interest was The uniformitv of taxes would be accomplished, but in the case ef Mc- Henrv. with more valuable taxsfcle property for its «i*e than most comfpanitie*. it would only mean that ibpre neonle from this locality were ^intaininp1 t^e connty system. The possibility of a Junior college ' • fc excellent, but amounts to l'ttle more than merely that--a possibility. Several nearby cities with no^ula- Ipona greater than entire McHenry aounty and with benefit of having #iat "population more centralised, • iksirr found it A fight to maintain such an institution. , Even after «ne vear of. existence, they have found it almost impossible, financially. to keep in operation. If large «itiea with populations confined to a - email area cannot, maintain a jun- - lor college sncceasf^Ily under such . Ideal conditions, thet is little Hone smaller number of people in larger area ee« do better. FHaadal Problems They were thrilling from beginning to end, and all the more so because MeHeavp • the winners Preliminary fights between a few ef the etHUitv teams had been held previously this summer throughout the county, but this was the first time that all Photo by Dairyman's Supply Co. The prixe animal pictured above is Creston Twenty Grand, twenty- "tiine month old Holstein owned by Frank Howard of Hickory Creek iFarms, MeCullom Lake, which was presented to the 1,500 members of -the Illinois State Holstein association who attended the annual picnic held mt the local farm on Aug. 24. Corn April 12, 1944, his seven nearest dams average 20370 pounds milk, 4.4 per cent with 883 fat. His eighty-seven nearest tested, .dams average 22735 .pounds milk, 3.70 per cent, 856 pounds fat. Twenty Grand's sire is Rag Apple Chief, classified very good, 20 H. T. daughters. His daA is Montvic Bonheur Pietje B., classified excellent, five and one-half years, 964.2 pounds fat. M'HENRY BIDS FAREWELL TO CITY VISITORS . Approximately 14 > - Patrons Served 1 - . Local Post Offices •m-' llall ^ AGRICULTURE STUDKNTS elect DOLORES WILDE COOTEST SYRPIOS G AS "MISS WONDER LAKE" The Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Cbtnpany of Illinois has offered free In a summer resort community the prime requisites for a perfect weekend are blue skies, a bright sun and, warm breezes. When all three prevailed on the last big weekend of the vacation season it was only natural to suppose that the many prayer* of thousands of local residents and summer visitors wera being answered. , With a Hope that the weathermiit would be on their side, McHenrjr itself and the many surrounding subdivisions had planned* many hours of entertainment for the public in general as a fitting climax to summer. Golf courses, public beaches and tennis courts were only a few of the inviting spots which beckoned to those who would treasure these last leisure hours for many months to come. For those who find their enjoyment in merely being spectators, the McHenry firemen and those from several nearby cities na& on thrilling water fights on Rivaty^ side Drive on Sunday afternoon Both Wonder Lake and McCuHont Lake sponsored gala festivals which were jwoll attended, attracting not only resident#, of their own subdivi sions, but' also many, McHentyr people. .. , y : ' V.: The deceased was a member of the local Community Methodist ichurch. l Y „„w Mr. Benwell was one of the best, ®^p®d by A. P. Freund for the pur- corn "to vwati^nar airriculture Labor Day, was filled with tense-< M . , . T > - n known and most respected residents establishing a municipal, SenTforl SSwiff^Sntest 1 ness and excitement at Wonder Lake on U&™ freet^after Labor Day of the rural area surrounding Mc- athletic field. , ^ u i ,• as that community hel, a late sum nev"~ ~ Henry Hi, timely p„,in|t un- The Plw for . ..hietio field iHSS.U ™L .« of Ch"rS« doubtedly be mourned by the entire j root some months ago when it! have Tnte^d 1967 bSys in a community. I ^as learned that the present site of Survivors include the widow; two' V?e., baseball diamond will be sub- 47^ daughters, Mrs. Yvonne Charles of] divided into lots. At that time, A. Woodstock and Mrs. Winifred Dimon' Tony" Freund promised a group ?~nd:' location for athletic events. He "heaws corn and a valuable watch will carried out that promise. * As the plans have worked out, the new baseball diamond and athletic field will be located'west of the present diamond. Diagrams of the new location have been drawn and poeted at various points throughout the city. A peek at these diagrams will help many visualise the new field. Many sports-lMnded persons, who have the welfare of McHenry's youth at heart, have urged the parchase of this site and have promised to contribute toward a fund to establish this new athletic field. A separate - „ _ _ -his purassembled on the same day to con- been forced back to school by the | P<>®« -and your contribution can be ment Because the familiar sound of the bell. Ton and | made at the City Clerk's office. children; Carol Ann Charlee and David Allen Dimon. The body will be at last at the Peter M. Justenfuneral home until 2 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon, when Rev. George Manriiall of the Greenwood Methodist church, will officiate at funeral services, burial will be in Woodland cemetery. ADAxsoHiLD&xN aapBEsraranvx or "SHACKLED" PUPILS Summer breezes have pat a wist- ^ ,uI look in th« eyes of ,manjr foung.^. , t repreeentatlves had 1 boys and girls this week Who have!fum* has been set up for this purduct such a tournament. firhts were so very successful, the i I can only guess at what choice state Mission. Little sound was growing contest. A total of hear<1 during the final seconds when in cash prizes will be given ^he, vot^« ..^ere being counted and in the seventeen vocational agricul- Dolores Wilde, 19, of Wonder Woods, ture sections of the state to the boys ?PIlouncf<^ j®?,n a t°t*l Ardell Kru^gtr with yield ^ be given to the boy obtaining the! On Friday evening, the opening highest Pioneer yield in the state. j day of the festivities, an amateur Considerable interest has been *^ow, with eleven contestant^ was shown in this corn growing contest J1*"' w,UlxrPfiM1 *wfn*ed throughout the state. Suggestions L0™"? °* W®2?stock, acfor getting the largest yield wer« ^ordmmst. *st and Jv*»_Tllicke, sent to boy* enrolled in the contests: Wonder Lake, second #ir" her songs, as well as help given by the voca- A ^ Saturday aftertional agriculture teacher. Free seed brought out dosens of people was also given to fifty-seven high w.'L * iSF*! ^ j1*^ , an. school teachers for ^hool projects class demonstration plots. Ten * t S, yV samples of "Zoo" or freak corn nn-Insh 5*^ owned bv Frank Last weekend, and in particular! u lt wasn,t f.° y«ars a*°w th** LW n«v filial With 1 the saying you can drop a bomb nrt never hurt a person" was a familiar While a bit exaggerated, th«m was a good deal of meaning, liter-. ally, to th° exnression. W»ik;ng through McHenry last Tuesday morning was only necessary to disprove any truth in that statement this year of 1947. Little differenca could be seen from any other Tuesday morning of late. The fact that local schools recorded greatly increased attendance, too, was just another proof of the steady growth of McHenrv's permanent residents. In the high school alone there wera nineteen new pupils in the three, upper els sees on the first day. A surprising - feet to most folka will be the astounding figures released this week by both McHenry poet offices, whose patrons the past summer totaled While that nunsbes will show decline in the woeks to come, the j high figure remains indicstive of the For toy^lo||^a small chiwas Hyland of winner. Mary varieties were also included for the I ^ ! . . school plots to make the corn plot more interesting. Over seven bun- J dre<J G. I. agriculture trainees were, *5" ^ ™! Henry is now" home either part-ti also given two Pioneer ssmples suf- th® ! or permanent!* ficient to olant one acre ofeach. The Gustav^on JJX fiwt^Tn the <£d- A total of 11, 092 of these patrons G. I. trainees are not eligible for a^ alsTas a Jrick^ to*.1™ served at the_McH«»ry post of- Lou Miller's dog was a^ed fi^f^i^^^ . r . - --, According to the-new plat, a rokd- the vocational ^rriculture high-yiela | ftee on Riverside Drive, whoee terri McHenry County Firemen s Asso- memory of summer fun is occupying; way extending Front street, north «orn growing contest, but the train- includes Pistakee Bay, Lily cif tion hopes to make this an annual j their attention, but Elliot Robinson, from state Highway 1-- -J" .-^1--. .--.. . urge** to make weighed uuoo with a ribbon bow and it was!5or> mc,uaM riww*® y* ' ™ * NWON BOW ana « was affair. | of Ineleside, photographer for the* to the new location. Outlets on other I yield tests. This i* the only way J?le. Teams competing were Crystal i V*1^. News, pictured one represents- i roads in the subdivision will avoid y>e'd can be accurately determined. v_r Pu7i klrA RIAW IfaDMiM* > iianf • »• - ! tive bov and even his plnum dMnrn ! onrfn.U. I B .L:- ^L. n: »TS ' OWnefl CT •« nil tiastings. Hebron and Bist Dundee. Woodstock was the only member wf the association una'ble to attend, hsving been called out on two fires earlier in the dav. • - Members of the successful local Lake, river residents, Griswold Lake, Slocum's Lake, Johnsburg and Burton's Bridge, in addition to the east side of McHenry. Approximately 8,215 patrons are served from the West McHenry office, the area inwill lead j ... us«ul net was the baby Lake. Cary, McHenry. Carpenters- j Vve even his elusive dream! traffic confusion. I For this program the Pioneer Hi- >• ^t^rda^^evlniinv's flower ---- -- ^ r ° , ^U - * ^ -- i d a v e v e n i n f l r ' s e d i t i o n o f t h a t ! A 1 port rag ^ I Company has z'v-n 750 8how, Mrs. Frank Wend? won first y evenings eauion 01 tnat Ample space has been provided to (bushels of seed corn or enough to _ i paper. . . , allow for a snacious baseball diamond j olan* ovpr 6.000 ac-e? of corn. It r gun(j#y waB "baby-day" with eluding MeCullom Lake, part of Of Mr Adll^. 5 M-T^1.1 V * separate diamond for 's the vHd rbove the cost of pro- many 0f t>,e niost beautiful children j Wonder Lake rural West McHenry PtnissTtaaKkeee T^o^avy , wwnhoo ^ovaydarreeaammss iinl^ tihnee *^of tbpar1o1m- oNte®d d,no uthht:e. fouthtuerre .s ports will j dnction thst pr">f it m in the ecnty participating. Five' tK.t *«rt classroom as his little sister, )Dottm The new fieId wjII cover rpproxi. •earn include Eddie jHsten, Bob ^ earnestly looks at he* color book, twenty average city lots. Thurlwell. Dick Miller, Hatry Fer- i I^nny's dream appears high in the|About ^ of'this was nurchased by werda. Jerome Buch and Ted Mil-1 nicture, the image of himself, sun- A_ p prpiinH from C s nJZTMr sport Teams aasemUe on either aide of a large barrel, which Is placed in the center of the street. At a riven signal each team focuses its two and one-half inch hose, wih 1S5 pounds pressure, on the barrel, hoping to j drive it across a given mark In tar- In providing better care for maJ-|rit«rv assigned to the opponent. £nsted punils, the question of eostj Following the regular fights on important. The argument favor- 8'mdey. * rrvel exhibition match this admirable work is that it;was participated in by Gert Barbian 1* be done "bv schools of the} "id Pauline Pries which ended in a that exist in this county unless tie. Some of McHenry's youngsters. werda, Mil-, , , , , a ler +*nned and rsrefree. with his There was nothing lacking last £*?* hapoHv • ,itt,e Sunday, even to a refreshment stand, which was conducted by the Legion Auxiliary. Those who have not yet had the pleasure of witnessing a water fight will perhaus he interested in a few, naanrrrpw THVBATDRNT of the naviculars of this interesting! rABTUBB lMfKUVM*Hf , j A. P. Freund from C. S - Freund then donated fishing on Sullivan Lake. The scene was typical of the day- vwe„ dreams of manv another child this pertv piua the actual coat of filling week, aalloonnagr with the vveerryy aapppprroo-- A s * kpriate title "Shackled." BAT WAS ATTENDED BT 3.000 FABMER8 IN ARKA hand together in nroviding the services of special teachers and the like. Commendable as the venture Is, however, in many places modi larger than McHenry county where fhis plan has been carried out.< lack funds has eventually caused its discontinuance after a few years. Oven such large cities as'Waukeganj future fire fiehters. also "nnt on an exhibition, with Richard Dickow and Kevin Carev as hose men for the op^sing teams. All in aH, it was a fine bit of entertainment and something which onlookers hope will be repeated in the near future. ^ ; # and Elgin have very limited programs] •ajrrrnTT nTflf»TTBBTftlt •In this regard. To carry out success-! MUCH DlBUUBBlOfl IIP fnilv a similar program over such . |n extensive area as an entire county --Wo»lH only increase expenditures. The fact that the election of board members provide^ for not more than McHFNRY REGARDING HOSPITAL FACILITIES More than S.000 farmers from Kane, DeKalb, Boone Lake and McHenry counties were present last week at Pasture Improvement Day at the Fred Becker farm northeast of Huntley, soonsored by the University of Illinois -agricultural service, coo Deration with the McHenry County Farm Bureau and farm Machinery manufacturers. The idea that "It isn't good for anything so we call it pasture" was disproved by farm experts, as high on a rolling hillside they demonstrated land contouring to prevent soil erosion. They plowed an island on the hill and raised an edge lengthwise through the center. Later they terraced it. On a 26-year-old sod- ,'bouad pasture they demonstrated modern methods of pasture improvement with streamlined machinery; They cut and fertilised and demonstrated seeding the nstsure. They learned t^at the most practical source of nitrogen and organic matter is a good grnwth of legumes. Much discussion is going on in this three from each townshin still does! area regarding hospital facilities. Hot eliminate the possibility of the, With Woodstock's plans for a larger communiites gaining control, 200-bed hospital equipped to meet hut legumes are acid and often low ef that group, thus allowing no voice' all requirements came a demand by in phosnhate and will not grow In matters by the smaller towns. | many McHenry citizens for a hospi- < abundantly on most depleted pas- The single administration unit wasjtal in this city. tiires. It. is then important to do formed to fid in^strictlv rOral com- j There are many pros and cons. On I what is necessary to make good, inanities, where it\ar» be seen that one hand it is argued that one large! legume growth possible by apnlvjng many benefits coul<j be derived- That jhfanlal centrally located in the j l'mestone. and on some soils' phosanch a program would prove to the,fanfty will provide better medical phates. Reseedine with legumes will likinr of McHenry residapta ^&llaiV&. On the* Other hand, several Mc-, add nitrogen and organic matter, ouestiotiable. : 4, - Iwnrv residents feel that our com-1 In conclusion they learned that "• • 1 munity is growing rapidly and that, j in McHenry county 98 per cent of 'with the increased number of perma- ' nent residents in the surrounding area, McHenry is ideally located for a new hospital. Some of these individuals have offered substantial donations toward a building fund. ' A small group of enthusiastic residents met in the city hall last Thursday eveninsr to discuss the problem. Opinions differed and it was decided to ask for a survay of the community by medical organisations to help determine the issue. Cost of building and maintaining Mi-Place CHI I T>RKN ENJOY OUTIWG * Two W.AJ. buses were chartered |»v Senator Dueey to take childrea from the Jolly Boys camp at PSsta- Jcee Bay to a soft ball game tm the . south sid" of Chicago, evening of last week. is t NOTICE A W.A.F. has timetable for transporting -patrons of the Juit For Fun roller rink to and frota their the vicinity of McHenry ' t*»a oermenent pastures are in need of immediate improvement. JO»Nf* CHAMPION TEAM * Dan Weber was one of two boys from McHenry countv to be honored bylbeiiHr c'lwwm ihy^the <v>nntjy champion 4-iH baseball tctnm of Huntlev to accompany them to Champaign last week to complete in a statewide tourney. NOTICE _ Resturant and Tavern. elesewhere in this isane. It! an approved hoapital are found to be: Green St., McHenry, will be cloaed Id prove of great inteieai to very high. Some feel Hud' McHenry! all day every Thursday untfl farther is ready to tackle the jobs Others; notice. / 16-f^tf fad that heat results can he had in ----------- taining the county-wide program. A Complete Mne of Loe^s poulfary thorongh survey wiU. no dwdtW hcbeg remadka at Wattlas^ Jteaf Stea, Jfo- Mf: out the answer. « ^ Hemy. .. f 4t Complete line a»Wattiee(Dru« nr. Owen. Mr an additional two acres. The cost of the property (S25.000.00) is based on the amount of purchase* nrice of the Owen nroin the grounds. At subdivision prices that cost is considered very low. * In accumulating a fund it will be kent in mind that a grandstand and a lighting system will toe necessary hi time to give McHenry the type Of athletic center desired. The management aad direction of the facilities sfforded by the development of the new prolect will nrovide sports recreation for participants of all ages. Encouragement of young people in aports activities is uppermost in the minds of those who are working hard to carry out the plan. In view of the fact/that snace within the city limits is now limited, snorts fans arc commending the City Council for their actidn in taking steps to secure thi$ nroperty. In recognition of the portion of land donated b" A. P. Freund and his efforts in plnc'^e this space at the disposal of McHenry's youth for many years to come, it has been proposed that the name of "Freund's Athletic Field" be used in the designation. Enthusiastic sports flans in McHenry and the surroundinjr area are invited to make their contributions (large or small) at an early dat*. Other Council Activity The Council authorized the Water and S«*wer committee to proceed with- plans and arrangements for the extension of a sewer main on duct ion thst determines the profit in j"n the ~ cwntv ~ narticinatfne Five1 and city residents in that part of so that yield is the outstandS? biW^wSTchoSen from, town. primary factor that should be em- these, arid Jacqueline Hknsen. 1 A novel feature of matt service in phasized to increase the profits in|year 0]d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McHenry is the marine route which Marius Hansen, was winner. "Jack- operates from the Riverside Drive ie" Hansen was also chosen as the 1 office. It is the only marine route cutest'toddler. Patricia Nieman, 4% in the state, covering twenty one months old, dsughter of the Edward i miles, and serves river residents ha- Kiemans of Woodstock, was named tween June 1 and Sept. 15. cutest girl baby and Tommy Rish-' it is no more a question of ccrn production A simple and yet accurate yield test, including « noistur® test. *jll be made in the fall by each vocational agriculture student entered in the contest, under the supervision of the vocational agriculture teacher. Some very interesting results should be obtained. Hospital Auxiliary To Sponsor Minstrel Show A call for talent has been issued to take part in a minstrel show to be given in Woodstock on Saturday, Nov 1. sponsored by the woman's auxiliary of the Woodstock public hospital. Anyone who sings or dances is invited to the first meeting on Thursday. Sept. 25, at 7:80 n.m. at the Woodstock high school for the tryout and to meet Mrs. Musfl, who will direct the show. Mrs. J. G. MacArthur of Rt. 3. ling, 7 mopths old, son of Mr. and' Day weekend meaning the end of Mrs. Jay Rishling of Chicago, was j activity for McHenry. While we th^ cutest boy baby. Marilyn Miller, • bid adieu to many of our summer 6 months old, daughter of the Ross I visitors we say "welcome" to the Millers of Chicago was the livliest {many more who. each year deckled baby and Diane Moreau, 6 months i to live with us permanently. Thin old, daughter of the Robert Moreaus gteady growth is not just a chance of Wonder Lake, was voted the babyj happening but the effort on the part with the most personality. ^ McHenry's nermanent residents Fifteen little girls with decorated to mafee our little city attractive to doll buggies paraded for prises after visitors. the tahy contest* and three were' ____________ awarded prises. Roberta Moreau, 4, mwairra nv of Wonder Lake placed first; Susan I TENANTS OF PPP _ Stensrud, 7, also of Wonder Lake. • FOB PAST THIRTY-FIVE was second; and third prize went to Xgrnn Gustafson, 2, for the moat brigi"- l outfit Little Carol Larsen, daughter of the Walter Larsons, won first nrixe ' • YEARS HOLD GATHE&Wfc If walls could talk, those in the Coup," one of the cottages in the, • 1 lMlfA V » Woodstock, is general chairman of| among three entries in the diaper jLasch subdivision on Riverside Drive, the event and is prepared to five {derby contest interested persons any information desired. Her phone number is Woodstock 1645-M-2. COMING EVENTS September 4 C. D. of A.--Legion HalL September 5 Lfiy Lake P. T. A.--Regular ing--Schoolhouse. September 7 . Meet- Gifts for "Miss Wonder Lake" were from the following McHenry would have had a busy time greeting old friends on August 26. At a spontaneous gathering it shops: Nylons from Katherine Bar-' discovered that all present had bian Apparel shop; a red and white tenants of the cottage, which checked taffeta formal bag from *>ee«? occupied for the past Betty Nielsen's; a rhinestone neck- by Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sleeper, lace from Steffan's: a rinestone hosts of the evening. T . "^cklace from Noonan's; a slip from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laschots Gladstone's; bathing suit from Mc- cupied the Coup thirty-five years Gee's; a blouse from Gamble's: cos- ftheir daughter, Mrs. Uorak "•netics from Bolgers; and handmade thy White, was a oaoy. Veterans of Foreign War® PlCfk-- Conway's Woods. Septemlwr_8 A Advance Night, O. E. S. Front street (Route 31) south from! 1 W^.C.S. Mrs. R. John street. I ' Senteaiher 10 A letter from the local V.F.W. was gt Mary's-St. Patrick's read at the meeting thankin? the] pf A city for cooperation in ^puking the Summer Festival a success. Special tribute was paid to McHenry's police department. Members of the council expressed their appreciation of the manner in which the V. F. W. conducted their festival and for the Splendid condition in which the city park was left after the event.- NOTICE TO PEOPLE OF WONDER LAKE Hafrison school will open Monday morning, 8ept. 8. Due to our building not being completed we will work on the following program schedule un> til further notice: First graders coma from 9 to 12 a.m.; second and third gradera from 1 to ttt p.m.; fourth and fifth grades frem noon to S:S0 p.m.; and sixth, seventh and eighth gradera from 8:t0 to neon. HARRKON SCHOOL BOARD v WALTER TMPBLLn t ® day from San Francisco. Calif., tell- BW jjy gk Clara'a Court' 'n^ death of Carlton D. Ross, 1^. o ..p.- small handkerchiefs from the Agatha shop.; Through the years the ^cottage has McHenry merchants who donated ^ ;e" enJoy ^ <T andM rs. Oeorge for the baby contests and doH-bugjrv 3 'parade were: a pink corduroy overall Walter Hopkins, the William Schute^ ~ j suit from the Toddler shop; a big aRd Mr. aiid Mrs. Sleeper. I m»mma doll from V^xital's; two Perkins, who has seen most « taa A. Rix. I nibher dolls from McHenry 5 and tenants come and go was also proa* i 10; Johnson powder and oil set from e"t_ u„ „ . School Wattle's Drug store; a doll house The 1® ^ * J from Althoff's; and two yarr dolls, cupied by Mrs. Dorothy white, who Septeadber 11 ! which were gifts of the Toddler . I85 vacationing with r two East River Road Pinochle Club 1. jjrs. j shon. daughters, Dana and Christe, v John Braeseke. • \ Many other items were donated by (toe past two months. ^ •. ^ September 12 Woodstock shops and by the business' ' ..... - ; tr' Mothers Club--Legion HalL ^ t men of Wonder Lake. j HENRY MINNICH DIBE^ * " • September 14 J ;-- " " McHenry friends of Miss Mildred Public Party -- Sponsored by Altar J CARLTON ROSS DIES / , Minnich. former teacher in the local and Rosary Sodality. i _ . :. , . t* • ! hi*h school, were sorry to learn <rf Sponsored W.C.O.F. . Seotemher 2C - 27_ ^Rummage Sale -- Btadi B u il d i njf, Riveaside Drive -- Sponsored If O.E.S. October I k Altar k. Rosary Sodality Meeting. PURCHASE SCHOOL Thomas Thonneson purchased the Emerald Park school buildmg and property on which it stands for $810 CARLTON ROSS DIES # ... , , . . mrd w«, received here 1«« Fr>- ^ T^TuSr.'" Minnich, in Chicago on August 38, - U/.Uo„ i .. M, 1947. Last rites were conducted from r the chapel at 6453 Irving Park IU h e r e m a n y w h r a» nd™h i t^j ^rr -pH»hi burial in Greentown, IncL, of the local Masconic Lodge at the, r time of hi. toth. i NOHCE | New sfce hours, eflhetiva • • 'J* I. NOTICE TO EX-SERVICEMEN Schullen' n*tion*»v taown sitarSr'^a.iS^t©1 carrdd trick expert, anil be at( m Atlantic 4 Legion meeting on Sept. 8, to entertain. men are invited. "DUCK" WIUJAM9, Monday < Ordsr Tha OKT * ..'Id... A. t

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