Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1947, p. 3

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<2$ Wn. Louis Bavlqf spent Wi V in Chicago. _***• 8. W. OKonu wu a visitor at Woodstock, Wefewdey. Mts. Rose Jcpaon spent Wednesij night in the bom* ct her ion,! and family at Dundee. j Cherles Stevens of Milwaukee' Thursday night with his sister, { Agnes Jenckjp. ltr. and Mrs. Mark Hutson shd and Mrs. James Carlisle and children of Woodstock called on Cora KeHey Wednesday eveiMrs. John Smith and Miss Dorothy > Sauth entertained at a pink and blue •hower for Mrs. Wilbur Benoy at ~tts honw of Mis. John Smith Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Paol Jolitx and sons, Jade and Terry, and Clarence Wart Friday in Elgin. Mary Lynn Ainger of HAxon spent Saturday with her crand- Mr. and Mrs. George Dr. and Mrs. George Hafeerline and Mrs. Harold Weber of Chicago spent from Friday night until Monday night with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. GeocveJEMberHne. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Heine spent from Saturday until Monday in the George Shepard home. On 8unday they and the Shepards attended the Elkhorn Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Wick of Chicago Tr. and Mrs. Curly Wilson and Bar- | bara Laurence of Elgin spent Sunday and Labor Day in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting and "family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth BODY- AND FENDER ^REPAIRING Wreck Work a Specialty' . Over 20 yean in the HANS FLACH 609 I*©nt St. Phone McHenry 244-R McHenry _««w ?AtKT '* USlfeH.M&TES --it lust isn't good econoBy to welt too long beiore npaintiitg yew No dm. * fteesinufion Is Am watchword today. <md skat's )ust where MOOBE*B HOUSE PAMI comss to your aid. ft holds oflfeevaq^ f fcsg htm ol tfane end wece. * So launch your own DBFEIWE PBOGHIM Pi De It today! •m • 1 - ' 1 CRYSTAL LAKE PAINT STORE T? Exclusive Dealers el Benjamin ft Moore Painta Phone 1169 Crystal Lake, I1L Located Across From Depot • hi Your Painfing MUmi Ihi To Oi, 0> E W I N G M J t C H I N E S (NEW -- REBUILT) . '. 'V- • •. v , «•" i- 1 "'i0 ELECTiF^-RfiPAjfi^G t AiX -MAK£S or SEWING MACHINES SKPAIl£tr Have your old treadle converted into an electric, portable, console or desk model. ,, ALL WQRK FULLY OUARAHTEEP, Our representative will be in McHenry Tuesday, September 9. WjMe &« % " rs) • o ; , ; ' % WALKER'S SEWING SUPPLIES ^105 W a s h i n g t o n St Phone 9050 with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. & Whiting. Clarence War burton spdnt the weekend witwh relatives at Cedar Grove. A; W. 8mith and S. W. Smith attended the Elkhorn Fkir Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent the weekend with ner daughter and family at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and ions attended the Elkhorn Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Writer and family of McHenry spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. Mrs. Joe Wfcgner and Mae Nim%- rern of McHenry spent Thursday with the former's mother, Mrs. Barbers Laurence. Wm. Harrison and wife of Round Lake spent Tuesday «ve with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanDusen and daughters of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. Mrs. Mayme Harrisoh of McHenry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family. Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and daughter are enjoying a trip to Lake Chetek, Wis. Mr. ,and Mrs. Jack Leonard and children attended the Elkhorn Fair Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart W .Waukegan spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low attended the Elkhorn Fair Sunday. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinte spent the weekend with friends at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wilmette spent Thursday with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mrs. Huson spent Thursday and Friday in the Roland McCannon horre at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Alan. Ainger and children of Hebron *oent Monday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. . Ben Walkingtoy j and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington ! and family spent Sunday in the Frank Walkington home at Libertyville. Mr. »n<l Mrs. Roger Collins and daughter, Lynn, of Elmhurst spent Saturday evening with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Roland MeCannfin and familv of Woodstock spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Evanston were afternoon and evening guests of Mrs. Jepson. Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, Mary. Ann Wiedrich and Mrs. Walter Winn spent Wednesday in Chicago. v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., and daughter, Mary. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart Pnd son. Bill, attended the Elkhorn Fa'r, Monday. Tom Bressjver of Chicago spent the weekend in the B. T. 'Butler home. Sundav guests were Mr. and Mrs. S; W. Smith and A. W. Smith. Mr*. Louis Scheur, daughter and <">n of Waukegsn spent Tuesdav -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hwj^on. In the afternoon they all visaed in the Vem Malseh home at Lnko Geneva. Malcolm McCuaig of Park Ridge ,fi si ted in the Clayton Harrison home Fr'^ay and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter. Janet, and Mary Ann Wiedrich visited the Brookfield Zoo Monday. Wayne Fom, Weldon Andreas, Mrs. Andrew Hawley and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a teachers' meeting at Woodstock Thursday. Sunday: 7:0t, SM, 18:00 and 11:88 Holy Days: 8:8*: fcOO: 10:00. Week Days: S:4S and 8:00. Vint Friday: 6:88 and 8:00. Confseatons: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00.>p. «. Thursday before lint Friday-- After 8:00 Masa an Thursday; 8:00 p. as. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Sunday 8:00, 940, 10:00 and 11:80. Holy Days: 8:80 and 8:00. Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:SO On First Friday, Communion distributed at 6:80, 7:00 and before and during the ;7:80 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8K)0 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to8:00 Rev. Wm. A. OTtourke. Pastor. St. John's Catfcolts Church, Johnshnrr Masses: -r'.vV'J Sunday: 7:00, OHIO and 11:001. Holy * Days: %00 and 9:00 A U C T I O N On Hwy. 58, 1 mile north of Rand Rd., 1 mile south of Hwj-. 88, being 8 miles north of Palatine, 4% miles east of Barrington, 4H miles south of Lake Zurich, on * SUNDAY, SEPT. 7 at 1 o'clock aharp (DST) WATCH FOR AUCTION ARROWS . ON HWYS. 12, 53, 83 29 HEAD OF CHOICE CATTLE-- Consisting of 27 Guernsey, 1 Holstein, 1 Jersey. There are 20 springers, 6 recently fresh, 9 of the springers sre coming with their first calf. This is a young herd, having an average teat of 4.8%, and are heavy producers. There are 7 registered Guernsey csttle. Herd Sire--Lancreese Joe, born Jan. 16, 1944 from G. Os , Fairweather herd, Barrington, 111., and 6 Guernsey cows from %the fsatous Guernsey herd of Leon R. Dygert. Springviile, N. Y. This offering preeents s wonderful opportunity for yon to start s foundation herd of excellent Guernsey cattle. T. B» and Bangs tested. ' SAPDLE HORSES--Black 5 gaited gelding, 8 years old, weight 1000 lbs., gentle and a very good lady's horse; Buckskin gelding, • 6 years old, weight 1250 lbs., gentle, broke to ride and drive. MACHINERY -- McD. Model "M" tractor on * rubber (with starter, lights, wheel weights, power take off and power lift. This tractor is like new, 'being a late 1946, and has been used very little. McD. 2-row power lift cultivstor; McD. 3-bottom 14 inch tractor plow (like new); rubber tired wagon and new metal flare box; Culti-packer (like new). MISCELLANEOUS--5 Met), single unit milking machine pails (complete); 12 milk cans; single harness, breeching harness and collars. "" A top buggy with new rubber tires. A real good, nifty rig, in excellent condition. Usual Public Auction Service Co., Terms. JOHN C. MORRIS, Owner Froelich and Wick, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clerk Weekdays; 8-J6 and 8:80 „ Fbnt Friday: 8:85 and 8* Confessions: Saturdays: 7:85 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday- 8:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, St Peter** Cathefec 8prlng Grave Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11 KM. Holy Days: 8:80 and 9:06. Weekdays: 840. First Friday: 8:00. V - Confessions: . . . . Saturdays: 240 and * Thursday before First Friday-- 8:80 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Paster. Zien Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St. % block east of Hwy. 81 West McHenrv, 111. Rev, F. C. Pudeell, Pastor Sunday Worship Service--10:18. Sunday School and Bible Study-- 9 o'clock. Visitors and vacationists are heartily welcome in all services. Sunday school children may have attendance cards for their Home-church records. Community Church Church School: 10:00 s.m. Wbrship Service: 11:00 son. Methodist Youth Fellowship, 7:45 p.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. | Gospel Center ' Wonder. Center, Wonder Lake (Nohsectarian) Services 8nnday Bible School--10:18 ait. Morning Worship Service--11:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer Service oft Thursdsy Vrenincs at 8:00 p.m. A cordial Welcome Is extended to all the people of the community to worship with us. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor? Christ the King Misaiou Wonder Lake Masses: Sundays: 9:00 shd 11;00 First: Friday: 7:00 On First Friday, Communion distributed during 7:00 Mass. at 7:80 and 8:00." = ^ Confessions: Saturdays: 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. First Friday morning: 6:30 to 7:00 a. m. Regular Service: 11:00 „ eeoool and fourth Sunday. Rev. Wilkinson, pastor. ELECROCUTED James Moon, 24, of Baraboo, Wis., an employe of the Western United Gas A Electric Co., in Aurora, was killed last week when he came in contact with a high tension line while painting a tgwer near the intersection of River and Cross , streets in Aurora.. His arin rsms in | contact with a high tensied line and P®h hurled him from the tewur "ground, a distance of appnatr thirty feet. His back wa> broken snd his skull was fractured. Nearly 6,000,000 thrifty Ameri are investing something each payday in U. S. Savings Bonds on the Payday Savings BOND DAY. Make every payrs DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 514 Main St., West ;; Steffan's Jewelry Store i(€losed Thursday Afternoons) &es Examined -- Glasses Fitted Yisaal Training -- Visual »^«H itsllea ' Complete Yisnsl Analysis i • ,!• 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Eveaings: 8 to 8dt y ( PHONB MeHENRY 458 y:i • * Rinpwood Church Ringwood, I1L ' Sfmdsy--Public worship, 9:30. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wedne««lsy ,Tying., Eev. George Marshall, ^ Lily Lake Bible Church Nonsectsrian Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. Wi ANNOUNCE The Wholsale Distribution of :: JlAUUTOOL COMPANY PRODUOti PORTABLE POWER TOOLS SAWS"-- PLANES -- DRILLS -- SANDER# YOUR LOCAL DEALER CAN SUPPLY YOU Koehr Supply Company SUPPLIES 542 Main Street^ West McHenry, Phone 486 HS 'f•' ki '4 ^ Right now's the time to feed grass yiecRO! Helen Weber Ssys: It pays to beat the rush witli fall ifleairing. Have your summer lightweights cleaned brfore yon put them away and get your fall clothes ready now. 'Tea, it really pays off to start early--Bring your garments in now. MeHENRY CLEANERS Phone 104-M I i;1 . 1" jjgili ^ , 103 ELM ST., HeHXmtY, ILL. Helen Weber, Mgr. JOHN J. VYCITAL HDWL Phone W M McHenry HOMES FOR SALE WONDER LAKE Cozy, 4 room home with enclosed sun porch; automatic hot water heater, completely furnished, located on 3 lots overlooking the lake and countryside. Owner mov. ing to California account of keaHli. Itout b« sen to appreciate. * -- ' R I N G W O O D " ' ' * ' 1 * ' » Large store with-attached 5 room home, fireplace, batb .and basement. Built on large lot in the heart of town. Suitable for lunch room, grill and ice cream parlor or ottter businesses. ^ PISTAKEE BAY % Sportman's Paradise, 6 room house, 2 porches, electrit electric pump and water system. Completely furnished. Lot 100'x400' on Coon Island. Priced right for SJfi^sale. Have large listing of farms and other choice and lots at Wonder Lake and MoCullofn Lal% . P. MATHEWS Lake Shore Drive; Wonder Center Wond^ J^ Illinois ?. 0. Phone Wo&der Lake 306 -ri£ Car and Truck Owners Attention 1 PIONEER PRODUCED HIGHEST YIELD OF CORN i 11NOLIUM • FLOORS • WALLS WOODWORK • AUTOS • FURNITURE \ M Trm jparpnf A 36 itwof-7eno Colors Hhi'W A* eai Is jkmmmm nhj m*d itwbShs ol MMtea InsI JM Mi so eay<lMk| taaiMiat far «k^ er Mdb Dm** mm 34 HmOi-Km* jaM farswsry --wWa>KiSi li isihIiiI$^#^9 is saseseT (Ass* Ike Ish. Overt IN HLIN0IS 1946 0FFICIM COM PERFORMANCE IESIS Conducted by University oi Illinois records show ever recorded in as well as the the Official 5 yew SOLO BY M i: McHenry Lumber Co. PHONE 48 « fSteT McHENBY, ILL. Route 1 Ringwood, Blinois IJJ ENGINEERED AND BUILT BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION FOR . • * • Am /Vetv-AfofRefa/'/f/ DODGE AU BRAND NEW ASSIMIliD AND MOCK IfSTID AT FACTORY A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES . . !'• . i- "H ... - .vf-"i : : .••v. 'i

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