Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1947, p. 6

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v « •• * -•'• * *- NOT*CR *p^,r gflfffllPW *• ^7 **» ' » "* *' V £•', - *?" y«A ^ Became of tin pNt classified *ds whkk am Plaindealer each i found it impoeaible on such will accounts. ftn, in the future, only adi wUA an paid for before this section of the papar goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings wiU be printed. FOR SALK ^*FOR SALE--Papec silo filler, goar- 1 jrnteed good working order. Wm. ^ Staines, West McHenry. Tel 607-R-2. *16 FOR SALE $69.50. Gamble's store, Henry. New sump pumps, Wast Mc- FOR SALE Cement mixer, twoi MNMMENMIP^P Mock press machine. Perfect con- MiWllili 1WWUB dition; 400 metal pallets; 700 smooth, .• 1 R'" "• 100 stone face' Modes. Inquire C. CEMENT WORK -- And Carpenter W. Coulman, Box 14, Solon Mills. I Work. J. M. 8tangarone, Emerald 111. •16-2; Park, McHenry* TW. 084-W-2. *10-2 FOR SALE--MUSCOVY gpringducks, Tel. [«nry 632-M-2 •16 FOR SAUS--Car radio, Motorola "66," excellent condition. Tel. McHenry 1S2,W. *16 FOR SALE -- 82-in. Eclipse power lawn mower, brand new, with a sulky. Immediate delivery, $466.60. Crystal Lake Hdwe., Crystal Lake, DL 15-2 SEPTIC TANK and GREASE TRAP CLEANING CoaaU allien. ispaiiiag. Modern equipment. Competent Brt* gineering. (Lake County Sanitary Co. Phone Libettyvile 1840. 18-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER 8Y8TBM8--We sell, repair stall pumpa. Bill Bacon, >06 Street, McHenry ~' and install Main 98-J. Telephone 10-tf FOR SALE -- New modern 5-room home; fully insulated; ftill basement and attic; fumaoe heat. Tel. Crystal Lake 1302-J-2. *16 16 IFOR SALE--Antique oak book case Jaild desk combined, $5. John Anderson, Shalimar subdivision, McHenry. Tel. 643-R-2. 16 FOR SALE--Reasonable, four woolen skirts, site ^4; five woolen sweaters, site 38; two formals, size 9. Call McHenry 675-J-l. *16 FOR SALE -- For immediate occupancy, new 4-room year 'round home, one mile from McHenry. Tel. Mc- ~ Henry 227-J. 16-tf FOR SALE--Walnut finish, 60-in. flat top office desk, swivel arm chair, like new, $75. J. Bastian, R-l, Ringwood, Wonder Lake, Hickory "Falls, *16 IFOR SALE--1936 Chevrolet coupe; igood mechanical condition. W Phone McHenry 188. *16 FOR SALE--Many useful household articles; also antique bedroom suite and hand-crocheted aprons. Two doors east of grocery store, Volo. *16 FOR SALE--Country home, on 2H beautifully landscaped acres; apple, cherry and pear trees; 4 blocks to C. & N.W. station; 6H-room, all modem home; oil heat; new Hotpoint 86-gal. hot water heater and large water softener; full baesment; completely rock wool insulated; 2- car garage. Occupancy Oct. 15th. L. B. Drake. Call McHenry 687-W-2. *16 TREE 8PRAYING AND WEED KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. HenkeL Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 52-tf SHEET MOTAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDoitald, Reaner Rd., R-l,_ McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf FOR SALE--1966 Chevrolet coupe; motor, tires and body in excellent condition; radio and heater. Darold Thomas, 1 block east of Bridge on 120. Tel. McHenry 27. *16 FOR SALE -- Ten-can Victor milk cooler, |399; six-can Victor milk cooler, $319; 18 cubic foot Victor freeser, $425, all new. Knight's Refrigeration, 312 Elm St., McHenry. 16 -4- FOR SALE--For immediate delivery. I-beams, columns, channels and angles basement sash of all sizes. We tyFOR SALE--Saturday. Sept. 6 only j specialise in ornamental iron railings «--6%-in. cotton double face milk to order. Schroeder Iron Works liter discs, 98c per box of 100. The I Box 514, Rt. 3, McHenry. Tel dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry. i 617-M-l. Located two . miles south *16 of McHenrfy on Rt. 31. 16 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Pnone McHenry 634-R-2. •18-8 's carnival. It and tha firemen wiah all who helped make this Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prosser and fawOy of Chicago_ visited relatives *nd attend the Firemen's carnival on Staterday night. A gathering of the Wehers was AH jM MffAH SERVICE in St. Mdhvr Portable Weldtag WekHngsni Cutting WIRF8, Operator 615-W-L or 411 Aeetylene W« AL|«W. gSS$! 'it") %;«' .V-*> i 4 1047 Order your TO opened. TB§ Plaindealer. mg JtSm who Pupils of thepubHc school to their classes on Tuesday. On Wadmorning the eh heU at the hofaae of Martin Weber Day. A Those present were Mra. Mr.- and Mrs. Walter children, Mr. and Hn. : and family, Mr. and 1 Weber and daughter, Judy, -wuim m , ILL. We pay If la ttK for leas ffor daw a horsse nl MATTS MME RANCH •shyi • MM Cnw B CALL AT WCBON %U!D 1 HOiBJM AND CATTLB We pay DR. H. S. FIKE Veierinsriaa Oa Highway SI -- Office and Homo TeL McHenry 666-J-l McHenry, I1L Ofiee Hours: 1 p.u. to 2 pM* Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment WATBft M ZJector aad Pamp Complete aad Bui Take old Fairbanks types. All to install. Sump pumps. ENGSTROM 8ALE8 ANt> SERVICE TeL McHenry S52-W-1 (•00 ft from Nell's Ballreom) CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phone 691-R-i when in need of Insulation or a new roof, asbestos, or insulated brick siding, weather stripping, or combination screen and storm windows. Ftfee estimates. Durfee Bros. Roofing Co. -43-tf SEPTIC TANKS AND CESS POOLS cleaned. Fred Wells. 128 Ellsworth St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 543-M or 716-M. 42tf WE BUT AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, I1L Phoae 277. 49-tf EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 16S. Phone 298-R; W. McHenry, nL 40-3 VERNON J. KNOX , Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts« McHenry Tueeday and Friday Afteraoom Other Days By Appointment | McHenry 48 HIGHEST CASH PRICES Dead and Hoga ing -- Tankage PRICKS pi Crippled Henna, -- Sanitary Pawer ankage and Meat paid for Cattle Load- 8crapa Cor sale. Phones Arlfayrteu Hoickta 116 or McHenry W9-J-2. Reverae Chargaa. Palatine Rendering Sorvka. DR. R. DeROMB -- Dentist -- 124 Green Street . , 202-J. McHtarf OYfee Hpurs: 10 s.m. te_f i.m daily axeept Wednesday, by appointment TeL Wander Lake 41S DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hour*-- Tutaday tk Saturdays: t a.m. to 5 M>. Evenings and Sunday Morninga w Appointment! Lookout Pont Wonder Lake, HL FOR SALE -- Studio couch with | FOR SALE--One coal and wood cover; reasonable. Call McHenry! kitchen range, cream enamel, in good . 670-W-2. »16 condition; 3 steel cots; quantity of r- -- j 2-at. fruit jars. Tel. Round Lake |POR SALE--Cottage, year 'round. | 2223. *16 4 rooms with bath; access* to river.' -- Call McHenry 53-J before noon. *16 J DR. R. W. DONNELLY ^ Chiropodist -- . Foot Specialist TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired R paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 J Phone LVt McHenry Main St., MCHenry. Phone McHen- Office hours: by appointment ry 203-J. 52-tf j Daily and Evenings HELP WANTED GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of yeuf garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf WHITEWASHING -- Barns, basements and chicken houses; also spraying with Carbola DDT. A1 Tel. 433-R. 410 Park 61-tf FOR SALE 4 U -room, ^ year 'round I HELP WANTED--Girl for clerking, Iiome; fully insulated; complete in store Bolger's Drug Store, Green | Phannenstill. fcathroom; gas hot water heater; ot itf# St., McHenry. large lot with beach rights. Phone - ! ^ McHenry 639-M-2. *16-2 HEW* WANTED--Man for janitor MOTOR REPAIR--Electric motors i-ad o iTp t-> . . 7. : : work, part-time, five days a week, repaired, rewound, redesigned. Dis- ^>uble bed, coil spring, good ^ e Write -Box "C," care tributors of B-line quality motors, S:Srmfoin^t reS3' pnCe I4,0, Plaindealer. 16-2 Carenco carbon motor brushes and •Tel. McHenry 591-M-l. *lo j^ 1 Johnson Bronze, cored bars and HELP WANTED -- Boy, girl or! ready to use bearings. McHenry oPTrl°r housewife, with driver's ."license to Electric Motor Service. 102 West dnve lady's car for her. Work will Inanle inn * w!S not interfere with school hours. Good Jty™pe , perfect conditaon'^ $lf4n0. salarv by the hour. Inquire Mc- feet Heniy 203.R after 6 c.clock p.m. Polan, Emerald Pk. McHenry, ?all Saturdays or Sundays. *16 ;? R SALE -- Rye; lambs, either or ewes; ear corn. Francis P. rady, Jr.. 4H miles north of Wood- -fp*---Utock, RFD No. 3. *15-2 *16h . FOR SALE -- Stove, can use as (bottled gas if connected by a Cole- Inan gas regulator. Phone 447-M or 4tall 204 E*. Waukegan Road. *15-_2 f'OR SALE -- Model T Ford for one farm wagon, good rubires. Wm. Buchert, 601 Front rfELP WANTED--Experienced welders; good wages and •working conditions. Sparkler Mfg. Co., Mundelein, 111. Phone Mundelein 1430. 16-tf Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 1-tf HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER Five Days a Week McHenry. *14-31 Starting Salary, $175 Moatfc VOR SALE AT WONDER LAKE-- Send application letter to Box "A," Ideal all-year country home, five! can McHenry Plaindealer, giving fooms. large sun porch, automatic fpU particulars. 14-tf . hanhrood floors, canvased frails, deep well, garage, large lot, peautifully landscaped, natural fireplace. Price reasonable. For appoint- 'inent eall JACOB KRITZ, REALTOR £ Ph0n® McHenry 1^LlHELP WANTED--Man to clerk in i/l»icago 1385. 13_tf hardware store. Vycital's Hardware SALE -- TOWN PROPERTY' Store- Tel. McHenry 98-M. 13-tf HELP WANTED -- Waitrees and dishwasher. Mi Place Restaurant Green St, McHenry. 14-tf RINGWOOD, 81 acres, modern 8-1 HELP WANTED--"SnuffyV - autoasatac o»i heat; tarn,:^ Place wants a waitress. also oth«( holdings. Price at 0- For Appointment call JA- Henrv. FRITT.. REALTOR, at Johns 1 Thone McHenry 87 or Lin^ 1383,-Chicago. 18-tf ln- 126 Riverside Drive, Mc- BI-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, bosses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. -8; leveise charges. 3*-tf Closed Wednesday J». JOHN WAIDZUNAS ^ Physician & Surgeon Tel Jehnsburg 644-R-L Tel. Johiisbarg 580-R-2 Tel. Crystal Lake 36-M Office Hours: , 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. No Hours Thursday Evenings CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney ' (Joslvn & Parker) Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:00 Office--Koehr Sapply Company, 542 Main Street, West McHenry Phone---McHenry 480 Woodsteck 11SS WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near riven Write Box "VB," care Plaindieirfer. SC-tf WANTED FOR CASH Homes -- Farms -- EDWARD M. LAKNZS Real' Estate Route 2 MeHenry, IB. McHenry 674-M-7 MeHenry 6CT-B-S Chicago Phone Keystonv 969 dMf WANTED TO BENT INSURANCE EARL* R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm and Life Represent ing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need1 insurance of any Und Phone 43 or II8-M Green ft Elm McHenry McHENRY PLOSAL CO. - ^ Phone 404 I ^>no MBe South of Clnwera for aB. A. P. FRBVIfB* SONS ^Excavating Tracking, , and Crane Bsrrleo --ROAD TeL 204-M WANTED TO RENT--Desirabre* tenant wishes to rent summer lwmv on the Fox River in the McHenry area for 1948 season, preferably fir a close proximity to McHenry. Write Box "O," care Plaimfeailer. *16 SPRING GROVE --inu1 WANTH) -- WOMEN AND iR SALE -- 6-room house and 10. GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPO& acres of land in Johnsburg; very, TUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTMesirable location. Inquire at Schaef-1 BD IN THIS TYPE WORK. AP- •r*s Store. Johnsburg. H tf, PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 FOR BALE -- JOHNS-MANm§£ SSXSS1?? DBIVE, McH1£ISSJf TYPE A HOME INSULATION. rHUWIS Guaranteed not to settle/ Installed by the Wallfill Co- Call or writex Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., TeU McHenry 18. 9-tf (by Mrs. Chariaa LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., on Route 31, about two block from depot. Inquire at 715 Center 8t< Tel. McHenry 278-J. WANTED MEN fat, ind aad Srd SHIFTS 22^r JR> EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FOR SALE--Modern house, furnished; Venetian blinds; automatic oil furnace; air conditioned; electric hot water heater; tile bath, built-in tub and shower; cabinet kitchen; 2-car garage; asbestos shingles; full storm windows; copper screens. Frank Reiss, Birch Drive. Phone Wonder Lake 173. 52-tf TOP WAGES PRODUCTION WORK INCENTIVE SYSTEM APPLY IN PERSON AT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FOR SALE--McCullom Lake--Six- GOOD TRANSPORTATION AVAILroom furnished home; lake front,(ABLE FOR PERSONS LIVING ON north shore; modern and complete; ROUTE FROM WAUOONDA, BURchoice location on Lake Share Drive.! TON'S Phone McHenry 276-J Saturday and Sunday, or Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 52-tf BRIDGE AND McHENRY. 4-tf WANTED NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MODERN 4-ROOM insulated year-round WANTED--Modem furnished 2-toed- Country Home, 2 'bedrooms, plumb- room house, apt. or cottage, in or ing' j electric, lake rights, around McHenry, Wonder Lake or TERMS. Phone McHenry 674-M-2 McCullom Lake, for school year or •r 600-R-2, or see Ed Lannes. 60-tf ionger. Best of references. M/Sgt. SALE -- Registered HolStein calves--Carnation, Pabet, Cur- Bagapple and other leading lines at farmers' prices. Hicklonger. D. G. I Woodstock. Baumann, County Court House 15-2 WANTED--Do you have a nursery- --. _ _ T-_ ... kindergarten chair tucked away in % 1,11 325» i yow attice ? Our kiddies are in need McHenry 670-M-2. *** " of them for Sunday school. Condi- FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, t'on of chairs not important. Please startera, fuel pumps, distributors and Ignition parts for Ford and all other can. Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily- 5MtH£^ngry L615---W-2 P r o p " 1 0-tf f o r s u m m e r h o m e s , c i t y p r o p e r t y ' a n d Ust phone 65-M, Zion Lutheran church. *14-8 The Community Chifc held ita i ular meeting at St. Peter's pa hall on Monday night. Cards were played after the meeting and refreshments served. Mrs. Steve Schaefer «f Fox Lake entertained members of her club an Thursday afternoon. Those from here who attended were Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Edwin May. Games of five hundred were played and prizes were awarded Mrs. Edwin May, Mrs. Ray May, Mrs. Arthur Klein and Mrs. Nonwrt Klaua. A lovely lunch was served to complete the party. Mr. and Mrs. George Freund and son of Ohio were visitors in the home of Mrs. Mary Freund on Wednesday. Henry Heinle Jr.; of Janesville, Wis., spent the past week with his grandparents, Mr. an<T Mrs. Frank JVagner. Mr. and Mrs. William Koenig of Stacyville, Iowa, visited friends here on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Britz and family have been vacationing here the past week, visiting among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter spent the holiday weekend with her sister, Mrs. Lucille Nelson, in Sharon. They also attended the Walworth County Fair in Elkhorn. Carl Brown and Mr. and Mrs. "Sonny^ Brown of Stacyville, Iowa, were visitors in the homes of Walter Brown and Clarence Miller last weekend. Once again a large crowd attended No. m STOFFEL ft RBIHANSPKRGKR nsntanco agenta for stt daaaaa of property in tha boat ,< Weat McHanry, Illinaia ART JAC&SOS Hauling, Sand -- Black Dirt -- Cfafcfeva Crushed Gravel -- Track far Hioa Phone Mft-W-2. McHenry, Hltawin Telephone Tar Cryatel Lake 1110 Of Sowey Work McHENRY CO. SEWEK SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opened Without By Electric Materials and Cutter Crystal Lake, L. Nehon Bex 1M McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND 8BRTK3B McHenry 411 pr Wonder Lake SOS §10 Main St, McHenry, Illinois C. J. MEYEK8 Otneral Contractor Carpentry' Naw Work and Repairs McHenry, HL TeL Pistakee S42-M-1 JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Metal and Furnace Work 101 N. Green St* MeHenry, IIL Phone 243-R Phone McHenry 584-R-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates on Read Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black Dirt . . Pawet Leveling and Grading. J. E. NETT Johnsburg P. O.--McHonr) W. P. BROOKS ft SO# Painting and Papering All Material At Coot \ TeL 181-R 116 Washington St. McHenry, Illinois H. E. VAN( I South Croon 8t* BBTOOTH AMD 8HABFKN SA . AMD *LAWN MOWBB8 By Mathlns and Repairing BUCMliT Aba Ml Front WILUAM rnsnsr WttSON*S RADIO SHOP -- Appliances RepairSvOn All Makes Homo m Auto Kndlos 200 E. Elm St. MeHonry. Qi 400 ^ ROTHERMEL BLBCTBIC SHOP Iff h Electrfsal Csntfiitess , Radio fipata .. . . Lot us ofttento^tintjMtl eloetricaf UO G. ROTHBBMHL. Pr^ Phono MeHsnij 2T2-M . 804 Rhrersido Drive - : ^ ' HAVE YOUR ^' V ^ CESSPOOLS c , . ^ , 8EPTI0 TANKS CATCH 0ISTERNS EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE KDDIE rnnrr, Prop. McHENRY 290 IB \/. r McHenry Sand add Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane *r* Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading CALL HcHKHEY 97-J McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J if yon are in ft lrarry For prompt and courteous service, x ,• - . V. - pon't start to worry*, 4 We have 24-hour aerviei. McHENRY iiiBiiiiiiMpiiHMBiuHiiiMiiimiiimiiiiiiimMiiiimMmiiHiiBmiiiniminiHUHiiiHnmHiiiiiBiminiiiiKiiyiiHwiiiiii GIRLS ADMIRAL CORPORATION offers you FRETT General Coni Wsidential Financing Blueprints Woodstock 804 Washington Phone Si our^new rsa->!i A UCTIONi On the Town Line Rd., being 3 === miles north of Gumee, 2% miles, ass southeast of Wadsworth, 7 miles (-- southwest of Zion, 5 miles northwest | -- of Waukegan; 1% miles west ofiSZ Green Bay road, 1 mile south of Wadsworth road, 2 miles east ot Hwy. 41 (Skokie) on, SATURDAY, SEPT. IS, at 1:30 o'clock. (DST) CATTLE--39 head of well bred cowa, heifers and a buIL There are 21 Holstein and 3 Guernsey cows consisting of 2 springers, 12 recently fresh, balance bred back and milking good. 14 Holstein heifera, consisting of 0 bred two year old heifera and 8 yearling SB tfers. Registered Holatein hult SjSS years old. T. B. and Bangs toatod. S McHENRY PLANT ,507 ELM ST, McMENRY (jrormerly KaisocJPntfior Agon«y BWg.) •o- \ WHY TBAYEL FARTHER, when you can seeure tfBiployment at or near home? Wte pride in your job! Join the vast throngs who build Radio Seto WANTBD -- Wo nave caah buyers WRITERS, ADDvf/ f-i- - FOB SALE--' KG 1 " ^^;psLvii«IUCtayi^ farm*. Jacob Frits, List your property' witn us, Main St^ Johnsburg, Rt. Sheffield Ave„ Lincoln 1888-1384 tf. Service on all MeHenrv or 2006 Ave., ins for all makes; CMeago^Ilione pni. tSADE OR SELL 1980 of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part 18-tf fh Sun. MeHenry 216-M. Cleaning Hint If food boils over on your electric RANGE unit, it'a best to lot it ohar and then brush off. FLOOR SANDING Refinishing, varnishing and wax ing now and old floors: also Ksntile, a lifetiaM flair. Free esti mate. Call McHenry -- - - - 497'R FEED--300 bushel good ear corn? 1000 bushel Vicland onto (raised from certified seed); 18 tiushele Vicland certified seed oata. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- New Surge milking machine.""^ single units, complete with motor, heavy duty pump and pipe; 4 now milk cans; 10 other milk cans; electric water heater. USUAL TERMS ----- LBS WORTH. Owner Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Gurnee, and Antioch, 111. Public Auction Service Co., Clerk ~ *' Wis. Experience Not Necessary #ome in and visit our Employment Counselor. Talk over yonr futiirs in the Radio Industry with him.

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