Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1947, p. 8

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MWfc £-rtt y~+*2't;~* « xc- T: :* j£ »*t^4K=* r-'^fr^ # "f*y: "* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Herman' Nye Wis., wherf they spent * treat (art of the Mise Maud Greiurer left last week for Elgin, where Me will spend the winter months with an aunt, Mrs. Ada Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, John Scheid and daughter, Am*, and Miss 1^-- S1Sfti>y~ *Y ' ' f' \ " i ' " U ' " f :• rf:>. , ' - LL „ attended funeral services tor Walter, Julia Stilling were Dixon visitors Vogt in Geneva on Tuesday after-: Sunday. noon. Kay Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Mrs. Loren McCannon and baby a few days the last of the week have returned to SanDiego, Calif., j with" her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie after spending several weeks with Bacon. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas! Mr. and Mrs. W. Gustafson and Pfcalin. ' daughter of Chicago visited her mo- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski _ of j ther, Mrs. Edith Hayes, on Sunday. Chicago spent the weekend visiting. Mrs. Kathryn Conway is teaching Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan and Mr. i this term in the rural school in Volo. and Mrs. A. F. Kosinski in Chicago.] Mrs. E. E. JDenman at Gurnee Miss Marguerite Johnson has re-! Miss Barbara Nelson is a new sumed her position as teacher in the 1 employee* at the McHenry State Bank Wheaton schools after spending the! visited McHenry friends one day summer with her parents, the George j last week. Johnsons. _ j Miss Joan Zimmer of Palatine Charles Egan of Chicago is spend- J spent a few days last week with ing this week with relatives in Mc- Mrs. Celia Knox. Henry. | James Hayes of Woodstock is en- Mrs. Math Lauers and son, Jack, i ioyinsr a two weeks' vacation from .returned last week from Lotog Lake, j his duties as pharmacist at Bolger's 1 druc store. j Amonjr those who attended the i funeral of Lloyd Ben well last Thursday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. . «£•••' - C O O L E D MILLER Woodstock, HI. nu. * SAT, SEPT. 12 ' 11 v All Color Program! ^ <4WAKE TO DREAM" In Glorious John Payne Color June Haver -- Plas -- "OUT CALIFORNIA WAY" Monte Hale' ia Color SUN. - MON., SEPT. 14 - 15 "GUNFIGHTERS" McHenry, IlHiioit AIR CONDITIONED Phone 84 FRI. - SAT. In Technicolor Betty Grable Dick Haymes "THE SHOCKING ' • MISS PILGRIM" # - Phs: News * Carto#*-^ Charles Suiman, Mrs. Haaal Ober, Louis Anderson and William Van- Natta of Crystal Lake, Dr. aiMl Mrs. Charles Rushing, Miss Myrtle Wright and William Wright of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinaala and son, Bill, attended the wedding of a relative, Miss Agnes Lohaus, of New Munster, Wis., to Fred Ehlin of Lyons, Wis., on Wednesday of last week. The service took place at St. Alphonsus church in New Munster, with a reception following. Mrs. Thomas Doherty, the Misses Florence and Evelyn Carey and Mrs. Anna Phalin, the. latter of Thorsby, Ala., spent Friday visiting in the J. Albert Woll home in Winnetka. Miss Marion Smith of Elgin spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda of Saynor, Wis., have been visiting relatives in McHenry the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns have returned to Hollywood. Fla., after an extended visit with McHenry relatives. , Mrs. Arthur Larson of Hayward, Wis., visited relatives in McHenry * Ear? R.!5£lsh and Father William OHourke attended Hie baseball game in Chicago on Tuesday. PLAINDEALKR DEADLINES Plaindealer deadlines for news and advertising are as follows: Display Ads: Tuesday Noon. Classified Ads: Wednesday 10 a. m. News: Tuesday at 6 p.m. it Brittou Bruce Cabot TUBS. WED. - THURS. 16 - 17 - 18 "DEAR RUTH Jean Caumeld HOMcq Billy DeWolfe Edw. Arnold THE OPENING OF SUN. - MON., SEPT. 14-15 Clark Gable Deborah Kerr "THE HUCKSTERS" Plus: World News ft Cartoon TUESDAY (One Day) Morgan Conway - Anne Jeffreys, (1) "DICK TRACY VERSUS CUE BALL" Bill Boyd Rand Brooks (2) "UNEXPECTED GUEST" WED. - THURS. Frances Laagford - Gene Krupa (1) '®EAT THE BAND" MargaretLodcwood - Ian Hunter (2) "BEDlSLIA" MODERN HOME DECORATORS at v lit 8. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY ^ "T b Barrington, IHinois Making custfpn made upholstered fw-nitnre, 'slip' * covers, drapes; also handling Venetian blinds, stades and carpets. ----------Wide Selection of Fine Fabrics Also General Furniture Repairs Free Estimates "Prompt and Courteous Service Telephone Barrington 138-R-l or Gary 5314 • -- w HOMES FOR SALE WONDER LAKE Beautiful year-round lake front home; completely insulated; 8 rooms; two and a half baths, all colored fixtures; all electric; oil burner; General Electric refrigerator; electric range; all steel blinds; sun porch, sundeck; screened-in patio; newly painted and decorated; all large rooms; everything Completely modern; hardwood floors throughout; natural stone fireplace; full basement and garage. One of the outstanding show places of Wonder Lake. Oozy, 4 room home with enclosed stm porch, ftuMiM matic hot water heater, completely furnished, located on 3 lots overlooking the lake and countryside. Owner moving to California account of health. Must be seen to appreciate. , RINGWOOD Large store with attached 5 room home, fireplace, . bath and basement. Built on large lot in the heart of town. Suitable for lunch room, grill and ice cream parlor or otiber businesses. * PISTAKEE BAY Sportman's Paradise, 6 room house, 2 porches, electric, electric pump and water system. Completely furnished. Lot JQQ'jUQO' on Coon Island. Priced right fox quick sale. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EDWARD AND NELLIE MASTALERSKI, ET AL, FOR ZONING RE-CLASSIFICATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, relative to a change or variation of the zoning classification, a j public hearing will (be heard before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of EDWARD AND NELLIE MASTALERSKI, ET AL, that thte zoning classification of the „ following described lots be chaneed from that of residence "R-l"< Classification to a Business District "B-2" Classification: Block No. 1--Lots 1-4 inc. Block No. 2--Lots 1-8 inc. Block No. 4--Lots 1-6 inc., lots 7-14 inc., lots 15-16 inc., lots 17-18 inc. Block No. 6--Lots 1-16 inc., lots 16-17 in**., lot 18. "lock No. 6---Lots 1-4 inc. Block No. 8--Lots 1-7 inc., lots S-9 Inc.. 10-18 inc., lots 14-16 in~ lots 17-18 inc. Block No. 9--Lots 36-46 inc., lots 47-/18 inc. lots 49-52 inc. ""lock No. 18--Lots 1-8 inc* lots 4-8 inc. " ... Block No. 14--Lot 1, lot 2, 'Lots 8-8 inc. " Block 15,--Lots 1-8 inc., lot 4, lot* 5-6 inc., lots 7-8 inc. Flock No. 16--'Lots 1-8 inc. Flock No. 17--'T o*s 1-4 inc. The hearing will be held at 3:0© HIIIMHIIIHIIUUIIUMIMIllim pOPOlAR Tfetaday, 11 MT o clock P. M. on Friday, Octeber 8, 1947, in the County Court Room in the Court H«*se in .Woodstock, Illinois, at pVUk time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. Dated this 9th day of September, A,n, 1947. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OIF APPEALS, By EDWARD J. DENEEN, > ; • I t s C h a i r m a n . 5 f <Pnk Sept. 11) Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. $-tf OHIO GIRL WAS SATURDAY BRIDE OF RINGWOOD MAN and an arm bMqut of and stephanetia. Attending: the Mde sisters. Miss Both CI „ natl, Ohio, Miss Dorothy Lou of Marion, Ohio, actitag a* maids,, and Mrs. George Marshall serving as matron of honor. All wen attirjfel in whit* satin with not overskirts of pastel shades. Stephanie Lynn Marshall, niece of BUPTOIED? IE tho bride, was the little flMmr girl, drussod la white net with, blue satin and! and btao hair riUwna. Rowmd Dale WaBdntton served his brother aa host man and uahers wore Robert Clark, Konneth HojH>er, Glm Walldngton and Otorgo Walkwas held in the social nwM church for about 100 gnosis. Upon their return from a honogA moon^tri^Jthe couple will reside sit; Complete line of Loo's remedies at Wattles Drug Storey Henry. -J At a candlelight wedding service performed _ last Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in the Greenwood Methodist church, Miss Mary Ann Clunk* (laughter of the J. M. Clunks of- Marion. Oh'o, became the bride of Mr. Robert V. Walkington, son of the H. J. Walkingtors of Ringwood. Rev. George Marshall officiated at the nuptials. The birde wore the traditional white satin gown, fashioned with a lace yoke and a Queen Ann collar* Her veil w»s held in place bv a lace j cap, she carried a small white biblaj Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry VISIBLE RUBBER CEaULOID rMlowing tho service, lead tho Want Ada • ...iM ^ <</('{<• ^ - . ^ MclSENgY PLAINDEAtni ^ PhoM 170 • Otmb Stract MelUmy, OliMit y-* Argyle-plaid Anklets .Nothing like Argyle-plaid socks to add seat to your outfits! These are well knit by Wilson Brothers of comfortable mercerized cotton in bold fall tones. Rubber treated tops. Come in for yours! MCHENRY "THE LEAF OF LOVE"" Ely Gene Autry "I KISS YOUR HAND* MADAMlT By Buddy Clark "SMOKE, SMOKE, SMOK^ By Tex Williams "WIFFENPOOF SONtt*1 KATE" By Eddie Howard Have large listing of farms and other choice homes and lots at Wonder Lake and McCnllom Lake. See me for your insurance needs. T. P. MATHEWS Real Estate and Insurance Broker. Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center P.O. Phone Wonder Lake 306 CHILDREN'S **Bags Banjf "Cinderella" "Hie Great A LBCTO ^iww/ty J Jd-M MM OPEN SUNDAY MOBKlK68w , iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiniiiiii •GENUINE CHEVROLET". SERVICE • * Will ^ • • • help keep your • tor running depeild- Ably and economically. Drive ia now, and at r e g u l a r i n t e r v a l s . You'll like our prompt and efficient work. IT'S It like -- parked here behind the wheel of this gorgeous style-pacer, with die Sun smiling down, the road ribboning by, the whole world pass- CLARK i-f CHEVROLET SALES McSaur, m. PtaOM 277 mj** you've sat on a headland, fiver the sea where you're one With the sky and the clouds and the breeze. There's a lot of that you travel in this Btiick. Qr maybe you've known the thrill «rf lifting a plane off the ground, •od felt your spirits soar to the •urge of singing power perfectly '/"'flt your command. there's much of that, too, In the _ eager answer of the eight big ; . Sirebail cylindecs unrtor |FOU§ • Buick's bonnet. .'"|-.v • Maybe you've cruised die lift and swell of a truly buoyant ride -- there's more than a touch of that in ^he way this beauty's all-coil springing floats jiiu over the stretching miles. Tkere is mastery here of time and of distance. There's die steadiness of ample roadweight, and the pleasant knowledge, that wherever you go you are carrying the banner of tomorrow's automobile Styling. Here's a big bang in the ejfcta conveniences you enjoy here -- a front seat that adjusts itself to jfcir comfort at a finger-touch, door windows that roll up and down at a button's command, a top that rises against changing weather at vouLAusuie on a handy control Here are all the pleasures motoring in measure to make you king for today and a thousand tomorrows -- so why wait longer to get your name in for one? Take our tip that when Btiick Convertible arrives it be much, much more than the most you expect -- and get a firm order in, whether or not you have a car to trade. tm MNKT i. TAYLOH. MvM Nctowft, Maedbys mmi ftMbys only mm has mi nan *«woamw«s *mmMumm * socnt zomi soor Mowrwes «aa »4ccuwi cruMum •oawwe •wirawsiowr, •awconsruNemo ^nuummnmomnm MMVS • pmii nut srrpuwo * ciauiao Asvqh Mmmm «un *mmtntur i *RNSMMTMMU *S0Mrsri Front St, West McHcnfy, 111. 222 N. Main St^ Crystal liake. mat

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