Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1947, p. 6

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' L A S f l F I E D SECTION NOTICE of ni great number of aft which aw In the each week. In tow found it imponitito to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ad* which are paid for before this section ef the paper_joes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mornings will be pririlsi. FOR SLA LB--Model "C" Allis-Chalmers tractor, 114 years old; fully equipped. Phone McHenry 606-M-2. *17 FOR SALE--Very reasonable, two electric incubators; one 3-tier chicken coop. Mrs. E. Edmiw, Weingart subdivision. Phone McHenry 665-W-2. \ •17. FOR SALR~-Simmons box spring1, rose covering; perfect condition. Price $8. Tel. McHenry 233-J. *17. FOR SALE--Used Water Witch Outboard Motor, 2^4-h.p.; good condi- ~ 's Store, West 17. tion. Bargain. Gamble' McHenry. FOR SALE--Cribben-Sexton circulator stove heater, $10. Phone McHenry 571-R-l. *17 FOR SALE FOR SALE McCullom Lake 6-roomj ware; china; and hearse lamp. Private furnished home; lake front, north i ®com, Richmond »15. *17 FOR SALE--Antiques! Lady's desk and chair; cradle; caned chair; glassshore on I<ake Shore Drive; modem. party. 'Phone Richmond 915. *17 HXLP WANTED HELP WANT!© -- Dining rooi Ing help. School/ Woodstock, 111 Write Miss kitchen, and cleanina room, Todd Collins or phone her at Woodstock 896. 17 HELP WANTED--Woman and man to clerk in hardware store. Vycital Hdwe.. Green St., McHenry. Phone 98-M. 17-tf HELP WANTED--Pin setters, 16 years old or over. Schaefer's Recreation. Phone McHenry 481-W or 126-W. . • *17 moor (By Sara Nade) J • Greetings, Folks: -, Your reporter hasn't quite gotten her bearings after the holiday, so if you'll please excuse the briefness of this column I'll continue. Mrs. J. Mann and her two children have arrived here from Detroit, Mich, and are guests of Mrs. V. Bassi, her motl)er. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kurbuym were Mr. and Mrs. A. Vol»and their'dog, Punkie. Mr. John Eop, Jewel's brother, the comedian HELP WANTED--Man for janitor work, part-time, five days a week. good wage. Write 'Box "C," care, , Plaindealer. 16-2' °f the .family also added to the • - - --i gaiety of the party. HELP WANTED--Experienced weld- J Mrs Summers, who recently left Soni sj^r*MfiTc™8 1 "or,<l* ••"4 '• " "ewcomer «° our delein, HI. j subdivision, has been bedridden for Phone Mundelem 1*3<U j,everaj jays. Sorry to hear you're Will rent for winter to responsible j FOR SALE--Clothes Wardrobe and ill and we wish you a speedy re- Phone McHenry 276-J. full size coil spring. Phone McHenry I HELP WANTED--"Snuffy's" Ham- roI1Ty- Jtunlay nights and Sunda• Vy onor|16 £1111 -MU -1l . • l na . " III- TIlT' Riverside 3743. A. G. Elarton. 17-tf. Good Will Luncheon Thursday altarnoon at 2:00 p.m., Sept. 18, at Club Lilymoor. An invltpliotf^js extended to all who are nftembers or wish to be. The admisaion'is a bowl of salad, a jar of olives or whatever you may have on hand. Oh yes, who was it that Hid could ride some horse named Boy" here at Lilymoor. Some fellow showed signs of being a rodio star but first he had to put a saddle on the horse. I mention this because few riders ride with a loose saddle but that's beside the point. A little 6-year old girl helped him * --WANVbb \i) MIYWe pay M to $18 for far down MATTS MINK RANCH Jabdng . Spring Grave Read Phone Johnsburg %14 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOdt, HOKSBS AND CATTLE Wa pay phono charges WAfih PUMPS *17 hurmr PI.M mnbi • In. TVr« "•"'ll be n slight intermission .F airbanks Morse Ejector and Piap mo fiii c |•> , - quire at 126 Riverside Drive,' Mc- ^ some pictures taken of (yp^ All sisee. Complete and Easy __ I FOR SALE--13 acres of silage on Henrv Bl-tf Mi'inac. Sr., and the five large *o hisUll. Samn Damns. Take «M FOR SALE--Building lots; buy now, Howard Wattles farm. Phone b"87-R-l j ^ •• . _ I_jfi>h h« just cai^ht. The pickerel pwmp' in trade/ take time to_ pay and build later. I George Hartman, West McHerry. *17) - .... < . j ran ire •from to 36 inchcs Ion*. As < ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE Walter J. 608-R-l. Walsh. Phone McHeniy J _ - -----_ I ------ I * result of big catch. Hazel ll ; FOR SALE--16-ft. Thompson out- HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND Fl»geler is riding into Vol* for some . , » i T> .. I board motor boat, including steeringGIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR- luck. TH's is sort TOR SALE--Motorola Auto Radios, wheel, radio, horn, windshield and TUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST- of a •tory »nd will let you Fit all cars. Gamble's Store, West cpver. Seato 6; good condition. Phone ED IN THWTYPE WORK. AP- know "income next week. McHenry. 17.;Pi£takee 633-M-l. *17. | PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO, 2M PTA; v-m itc rnnptViiv meeting FOR SAL&--One Oibben * Sexton FOR^ALE-Good tawnmower, tWllSKSPff 'S.?." eod he.Ung on. small co,l; he.wr, six for three or four rooms. """" " " " Z v V «U» It*. Crt Ifc «: W. MAw, '17 LOST Oct n Mri &h in -- - f ^ Jfrn«r. 1, is also an im- Henry 665-W-l% Saturday or Sunday. *17. FOR SALE--Immediate possession, 7-room modern year 'round home on north shore Petite Lake; 1 bath, 2 half bathe; shower; large living room; electric kitchen with cabinets; electric hot water heater; hot air best with stoker; overhead insulation; ' copper screens; storm sash; built-in garage and speed boat room; B ISO-ft. water front; private pier; good boating and fishing. Shade trees, FOR SALE!-- International truck, B-3, dump Tel. McHenry 584-R-2. LOST--Heart-shaped pin with three 17 blue stones. Finder pleue return to | «*»•» ' jn the string events. FOR SALE--1929 Pontine, good condition. Mitt Sand & Gravel, McHenry Tel. 584-R-2. *17 FOR SALE--McCormick-D^ering silo filler, ready to go. Plenty of pipe. Call McHenry 608-R-l. *17 "Mrs. Geo. Worts. Tel. McHenry 60-M. j Prone^v Ass'n. is nre- *17-. i •««*«»•'» nnrnml ^asnuerade dance T "v»noor. Mrs. F. Svoboda is LOST--Nurse's gold wrist watch atjtv» Bolger's Drug Store, Saturday. Inquire "Houck^ at Bolger's or phone 566-W-2. 4 ' *17 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEi--Brand new 12-guage , Stevens double barrel, $45.80; brand j SEPTIC TANKS and GREASE garden plot, flowers, lawn, j new Winchester .22 automatic riile, j TRAPS cleaned, built, repaired; a asphalt road and mail delivery to $29; brand new Smith & Wesson .38 i complete drainage service; modem door. All city conveniences. Best! Special, $56.50; excellent 16-guageJ equipment; complete mot on Chain of Lakes. By Owner, j Remington pump; very good 12-guage' ®V>r call Pistakeej Winchester pump. Shells in stock. *17.] Fred Chase, Box 93, Ringwood or Oak Drive, Wonder Lake. Ti.nw4nV ^ftprnnon club was held ft. M»*« w Jhome. At this meeting it was decided to have a appointment -M-2. FOR SALE--New Coronado circu-, 17 lating oil heater; 13-inch. $87.95. FOR SALE--Seventy-five lb. capa- Gamble's Store, West McHenry. 17 city ice box in eood condition. $5. ~FO R SALE For immediate occu- Tef McHenry 545-W-l. Walker. 17 pancy, new 4-room year 'round home,! FOR SALE--Fur coat, sable-dyed ene mile from McHenry. Tel. Mc-; muskrat, perfect condition. Size 14- Henry 227-J. 16-tf; 16. $65. Phone Wonder Lake 451. *17 fOR SALE--4^4-room, year 'round FOR SALE--8x8x7 "building, double MUM* fnllr inenUtait* AAmnlofn . x n n bathroom; gas hot water heater;; Howe, McHenry. Tel. 610-J-l. large lot with beach rights. Phone: -- McHenry 639-M-2. *16-2 FOR SALE--Corn *n shredders, one 1 a,1"^r~U^hoJ^'?^ l*ke, 111. Tel. 7911 FOR Ideal rooms, large sun porch, automatic lys *17 oU heat hardwood floors, canvasedi FOR SALE--Summer home, West walh^deep well, garage, Urge lot, shore Beach, McCuUom Lake, four maulir^Uy landscaped, natural fire- rooms; two enclosed porches, inside place. Pnce reasonable. For appoint- - nent call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR at Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37 or Chicago 1833. 13-tf 1910^ Chicago. plumbing, electric. Thia cottage is most comfortable. Including 40 ft. lot. Price $3,500. Phone Beverly o. *17 ItHt SALE -- TOWN PROPERTY 1 HA1W ~ " ! IN RINGWOOD, 81 acres, modern 8- J2£ SALE ~ Cement mixer, two room house, automatic oil heat; barn, J|«k ™afhin 1 e-. P^ect co"* sHo, also other buildings. Price! f^on; 400 7 T°0»rnooth, W0AK). For appointment call JA- JJ° fi™* face^ blocks. Inquire C. COB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johns-1JJ- Coalman, Box 14, Solon Mdls, engineering Clogged sewer? Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Lake County Sanitary Co., Libertyville, 111. Preston Woodall, Eng. Phone 1346. 17-tf FLOOR TILE--Asphalt and rubber linoleum; sink tops. Ray Irion, Woodstock, 111. Phone Woodstock 699-M. *17-8 CEMENT WORK -- And Carpenter Work. J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park, McHenry. Tel. 634-W-2. *16-2 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN; WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHfniy^ Telephone 93-J. 10-tf TREE SPRAYING AND KILLER SPRAYING -- Frank W. Henkel. Tel. McHenry 681-M-l. 52-tf bmrg, Phone McHenry eih 1883, Chicago. 37 or Lin- 13-tf •16-2 WANTED TCI 8ALE -- 6-room house and 10. •cres of land in Johnsburg; very! POSITION WANTED--Public stenogdesiiable location. Inquire at Schaef- rapher. Available for all kinds of •rs Store. Johnsburg. 11-tf: typing, etc., by hour or day. 20 Or- FOR BALE -- JOHNS-MANYILLE TYPE A HOME INSUUkTION. chard Beach. Tel. 797-R. •17 n IwlattwllWANTED-Ptet time office work; JL J 8ix ***** experience. Write P. O. * Bo, 32. Ringwood, HI. ^17 liTRmn Q . I •* J .-- - 1 W A N T E D -- R i d e r s t o n o r t h s i d e o f ihni «« 5t/xS50 ft-»; Chicago five days a week. Leave IgJJoute 31, about two block from|*fcHenry 7 a.m., return 6:30 p.m.; iSr^cHeii^^T&J ^ I through Volo to Half Day, Wheel- Ka" «b tab SALE--Modern house, fur- ; Venetian blinds; automatic 28-tf! ing, Nilee and Peterson avenue to Sheridan Road. Tel. McHenry 188. *17 SHEET METAL AND FURNACEf WORK--Gutters and furnaces rend. John McDonald, Regner Rd., McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf CARPENTER WORK -- Itemodelmr and repairs of n kinds. A. Leasard.- Flione McHenry' 634-R-2. CALL ROBERT E. KNOX--Phene! 691-R-l when in oaad of Insulatfsi» or a new roof, sab--tss, or insulatnl brick siding, weatfter stripping, m Combination screen mmi storm windows. Free estimates^. Durfee Bros^ Roofing Co. 43-tf fflBPTIC TANKS ANP GBS8 POOL8 cleaned. FredWells, XJ8 Ellsworth St, Crystal Lake, In. Phone MS-M or 716-M. . 42tf WE BUY AND SELL 1E8ED~CARS --CLARK CHEVROLMT SALES.. McHenry, lit Phone tCT. 4^-tf windows; CO] Vunk Reiss, Birch Wonder Lake 178. us, Rt. pper screens. lf HcHeniy or 2006 Sheffield Ave, Drira. FJOM ! Chicago, Fnone Lincoln 1333-1304 tf. 52-tf W ANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Becuty Shoppe.) 15-tf -WANTED TO EENT_ EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGFRY AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Bos 163. Phono 2M-R; W. McHoary, IIL 40-tf TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machlnev nplired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immeka^ Jr., 103 Main St, McHenry. Phoas McHenry 203-J. 52-tf ALh WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator- Phone 615-W-1 or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. DR. B. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway II -- Office-and Home TeL M^ttenry 666-J-l McHenry, 111. Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 pus. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment •ERNON J. KNOX Attorney- At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sta* Tuesday and Friday Afterneons Other Days By Appefarttfwut Phone McHenry 4S DR. R. DeROMR -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292XJ, Offir* Honrs; It s. m. daily except WWeiiinnesesdlsi y, bjr appsinimst. Tel. Wender ' Lake 49 DR. R. H, WATXINE Dentist Hwaii| ft flntnrd^ra: VutMM Eisn Iwm and DR. E. W. DONNELLY PmI fOt 8a. Riverside-Drive aT McHhsry by Wedneedhy JOHN WA1DZUNA8 ysfclan A Surgeon Jehnstarg^H-R-l f Office Hems: iVftsk. te 2 pun. and 7 pja. la 9 pun. lle> loan Thnrsday lradn|» GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let. us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. ReaaoAable rates. Regular year _round_ route. John E. £our i Henry, Phone 365. P. O. Box 274, Mc- NEWLY CONSTRUCTED MOD- . ERN 4-ROOM insulated year-round Country Home, 2 bedrooms, plumbing, gas, electric, lake rights. TERMS. Phone McHenry 674-M-2 or 50O-R-2, or see Ed Lannes. 50-tf FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein -WANTED TO RENT--Three or bull calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur- room apartment in or near McHenry! WHITEWASHING -- Barns, base- «iM, Ragapple and other leading i or Woodstock. Tel. Richmond 31l0.|ment8 ^ chicken 4ionses; also Hood_ Hnes_at farmers'^ prices. Hick-| 17 spraying with Carbola DDT. A1 8mllh' WANTED TO T*L <33 R' 410 i ant wishes to rent summer home on; ' FOR SALE--Generators, armatures,; the Fox River in the McHenry area MOTOR REPAIR--Electric motors sigtanrittieorns , fuel pumps, distribu„tonr s and fo, r 1948 • season, preferably in a repai• red., rewound, redesigned, TinHs«-- cars McHenry 615-W^2'16-Vf nriumvn *n#* omr Johnson Bronze, CMARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Jealvn ft Pftrfcer) Office We#ssa4sy Afternesna l.i0'8.00 Jffleo Kod>r Supply Csanpaar, $0 Main Stneet. Weat Hraenif Phot McHeniy 49t Weedsteck 1185 s INSURANCE EARL B. WALSH TeL McHenry 852-W-l (800 ft. from NoITs BaOroom) HIGHEST CASH PRICE8 paid fo- Dead and Crippled Horsea, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage and Meat 8eraps far sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Revenc Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 419 or _ Wonder Lake 568 510 Main St, McHenry, Illinois C. J. MEYERS General Contractor Carpentry New Work and Repairs _ fcHenry, HI. TeL Ptotakee 64*ImT JOHN F. BRDA A SON Sheet Metal and" Furnace Work 101 N. Green Si, McHenry, IIL Phone 248-R Plwne McHenry 584-R-2 -- Basement Excavating _ NETTS SAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot FHItag . . Black Dirt .. Power Leveling and Grading. S. E. NETT Jehnabnrg P. O. • McHenry AUCTION CBARLES LBORAR]^ Jtentioneer wiuitf of Nick to dis- 4M on^ Utur Fir*. Ante. Far, snd.Ufe Repisaentlug iBLE COMPAQ lition parts for Ford and all other ci08e proximity to McHenry. Write ^wo»n,j rs. Seaco Sales ft Service, Lily- Box "6", care Plaindealer. *17 ®"U"* ^ >or, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. Carenco «rton motor brushes and 7 _ . * * . . . - I A K N A A N ' U A K A « % I B A AM I L WANTED TO BUY FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- ^ „ITV „ J ^ . ING MACHINES. Service on all WANTED TO BUY--Round Oak or Waukegan Road Johnson Bronze, cored bars and ready to use bearings. McHenry Electric Motor Service. 102 West Phone 181. 1-tf makes. Also ribbons for all makes; Heatrola stove, medium size. Call -- " A ¥ ~ T carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., McHenry 127-J. 17 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash RELIABLE COMPANIES Wins you need insurance of any hind Phone 48 ar US-M ft Elm Mulsuiy On account: thai Kennebeck, we are continue farming and Geprge Scheid' nasnk bcaftad 4 miles, southeast of MbHenry, and 4 miles^ northwest of Wausomis,, at Griswoldi Lake, on the HMr Rlwnr Ehud, on SUNDAY, SEPT. 14 commencing, ate Cfc8D>Hh. nn, the foltlowing described! pnopactgK. to-wit: 85 HEAD DAIRY CATTLE conaiafihflt of 17 Holstein. Milk Camm, several! Sringers; 8) haad HsBAein 2-yr. tifers; 5 head Ytsdtag Holstein Heifers. All. TE and; Bangs tested. HORSES --Tasut off p«i, mare, 8t| Stars old, and! geldings T years oldi; ack mare«. ft' years «M. Lot oC Harness; 3' set^ dbubfe Baraess., HOGS--40* fXuwfer pigs, weight from. 1.100 to 150> lhn. emfti CHICKENS, -- liOO Hem, year oldi; 170 Pullets, readlsr te start laying. McHENRY FLORAL CO. • Phono 404 One Mile South of McHsuoy on Route tl Flowers tor sll amaslwal Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf WANTED TO BUY--House or cote, on IVi tage located on or near river. Write and he 'VB," care Plaindealer. FOR SALE--Country hoi . beautifully landscaped acres; appl^. Box iherry and pear trees; 4 blocks to! --1 C- & N.W. station; 6^-room, all WANTED FOR CASH Unodern home; oil heat; new Hot- Homes -- Farms -- Businesses %oint 86-gal. hot water heater and EDWARD M. LANNES Jjarge water softener; full baesment; Real Estate Completely rock "wool insulated; 2- Route 2 McHenry, 111. Henry 674-M-2 McHenry 667-R-21 Chicago Phone Keystone 2060 j 40-tf rices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day _nd night, Sundays and holidays. 52-tf Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86-tf*1 A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating ContraMsr. 'Trucking, Hydraulfcs " and Crane Servleo --ROAD BUILDING--. TeL 204-M Bit it on. So help mo, it's the truth, e accomplish*! * feat that re^itas skill. Flnr stars can rido with their arms around the horses node and one foot in tha air. If you see said local boy walking around bow-legg< it will be none other than Johnny MUinac, Jr. .' """ Laek Phydelam A survey reveals tlMl New York •tote had 1 physician for everj WSft •ooa in 1M0, while - l^fcf every 1.784. ' rfcfimlnsl Materials only proteins but the •r basic food materials, fate and carbohydrates, constitute available substances for the manufacture of chemicals, as do such food acceseoriea as vitamins and minerals. These materials, however, are rarely found in nature in a degree of purity comparable with that of some mineral deposits, usually occurring in heterogeneous form. These multiple combinations must be separated into their components if they are to be utilized in the chemical industry. New Lavatery vitreous china 20 Indies wide and It inches from front to back, has a raised shelf bade, anti-splash rim, -nmrsaled overflow, snap action pop-up waatt •ml modern atvlin*. > % Subscribe fcr The Plaindealer WELDING • Maintenance and Constructfoa Portable Equipment ; H. E. VANCE-MeHenry 51-X 909 South Green Si, *McHeary» IS. FRANK & MAT TVittki Sand -- Black Dirt --Crushed Gravel Cinders -- Limestone Truck for Hire . Phone McHenry 589-M-l R-l McHenry RETOOTH AND SHARPEN SAWS AND LAWN MOWERS By Machine Also Greasing and Repairing Cars WILLIAM BUCMERT <01 Front St. McHenry • ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contractors Radio RiDftin Lot as estimate that next electrical job of yours. LEO G. ROTHERMEL, Pfep. v Phone McHenry 27241 804 Riversida Drift aOOOE-ftVMOVTH VIAINfi MBCHANIC% AS. Blake Molar Sales Phone 150 801 E. Peari St^ McHenry HAVE YOUR CESSPOOUT CATCH BASINS C TANKS CISTERNS Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE sum* Hurr, TELEPHONE MCHENRT 290 IcHenry 'SMMI an! Grafd Co. Kzoavatiiv and Cran» Black Ditt -- Sand : " ' l||iodui Ondikisr JACL MoHENRT 98*4 18th Centnry Furniture Most of the period furniture seen in American homes is what is called far garage. Occupancy Oct. 15th. L. McHenry 2i "18th century." Decorators call this B. Drake. Call McHenry 687-W-2. j .Chicago ^ < century the golden age of furniture 1' design because no furniture madei before or since has possessed similar grace, intrinsic beauty or gracious charm. For more than 150 years "18th century" furniture has been favored' by the English-speakingi peoples of the world. FEED -- 6» ton AlfsMa and small amount of T6»«6hy». mixed, same baled: 560 ftu. eats; 2S acres stands ing Conm. ^ MACHINERY -- Fkimall No, 20» tractoi with cultivatar attachment, good condition; 2-bot. 14-in. tractor "plow, new; tandem tractor disc; 4- section drag, new; lS-in. Papec silo filler, with pipe; McD. side delivery rake; corn planter with fertiliser &'e~ tachment; MeD. corn binder, new; disc pulverizer; gang plow, 14-in.? 3 corn cultivators; Appleton 4-roll corn husfcer; coltipacker; McD. 5-ft. mower with trucks, new; New Idea hay toadet; New Idea manure j spreader; endgate seeder, McD.; lleHaarv IR , M-W. 10-in. hatnmermill, brand new; * tfr-in. burr mill: fanning mill; hog i feeders; wood wheel wagon with top Telephone No. 800 ;box; 2 steel wheel wagons; rubber- 8TUFFEL & MUMHHa warfl Insurance agents for all clauses oi^a^d sterilizing tanks; milk cans; property in the bee* companico. RcHENRT CAB--W 472-J If y^n are iM a huff For prompt and ubarUM Don't steal to worry. htm 24-honr MCHENRY CAB--Gall 472-J West McHenry, Illinois Helen Weber Says: "Watch this space more closely in the immediate ^ future^ Twill be of interest toyou.• » flcHENRY CLEANER^ 104- ll^rontY, ILL. Helen Weber. Mgr. Read the HVant Ads FLOOR SANDING Reftnishing, varnishing and wax ing now and old floors; also Kentile. a lifetime floor. Vrae estima «»« Call MeHonif 497 ART JACKSON Hauling Sand -- Black Dirt -- Cinders Crushed Gravel -- Limestone •v* Truck for Hire Phone 685-W-2 McHenry, Illinois Telephone Crystal Lake 1119 McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewers Opened Without Digging By Electric Motor-Mole and Boot Cutter Crystal Lake, Illinois L. Nelson Box 108 FRETT Bft6fUUUI " General Contractora Residential -- Industrial Ftaaaelag Woodstock 804 Waahingtea St. Plnm S09-W McD. double unit portable milking j machine, very good. i 1 IT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS--* 1 Dining room set; chrome breakfast set, like new: cook stove; G. E. Mixmaster; tables: chairs, dressers, rockers; odd chairs; beds; choice goose feather bed% and nillows: Ouilts; dishes; silverware; pnts and pans; electric heater; electric wash Machine, very good condition: Airline radio, antique game set of plat- All Branches'ter and 7 plates; lampe and many Of Sower Work; other articles too numerous to mention. " Terms: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount eash; over that! amount a credit of six months a t ' 9 per c,ent will be extended on notes annroved bv the clerk. Anyone d«»- siring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled teas. LAURA KSNHSBBOK and F'QBORGK SCHHD McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking Livestock at Auction On Route 4f Woodstock, nL Every Wednesday it 7:30 pjn. Fresk Loadi of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy COWS -- PEIFEKS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK BULLS V T. B. and BANGS TESTED Private Sails Monday and Tuesday K^ We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs TERMS CASH OR CREDIT Ctengi^n your surplus stock to this AUCTION. We have buyer* for every article ~~.: NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5^ .' Best Calf Me^et in Northern Ulinoi| A•»' a fOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., ING Phones 572 or 480

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