r* i£s, i", fY'fy *" »* -V mmmmmmrntfrnrn^ .' 11 0U9GWCMA OF WST-WAl PEMOB ffeis U the fourth la a series of IrJPTu^r^miw ft. cu» Tang Dik> Project in Clitaji ®® which Jfoeld sT Umy of Spring Grovs Is chfef engineer. m'&Rti. *> & -* ^ «*• *«* -4 v:* i: • '» -L, - . n ,>v • _* ,» " ,\ f ' "• fontirHr «f dw ,0. 3. Corps in China, and 8rt*etster Bfown, redhairod ex-U. S. trny infantryman, whose mission is not only to repair and maintain the equipment but teach maintenance to their Chinese colleagues. The seven Americans look on their 1 «!#3•* ment and MttlMiflB. Perhaps the lutioh the are sparking in tion in centuries it light nature, leling rivers nnd stant battle to the rest w la ' dykes paral* tain tag a cos> repair them as the «. -iiv^-W*-4' J ' V v^"' « l"Wi Iftmfcy Oowm tared that en continual food _ from the mammoth canbeaeeom ef the from the land eitht spur dykes paralleling the plans dykes projecting tw» . Taught Mahtaeaan v!?ll!SJZ task not only as * challenge to tame. -- ---- -- --» ---- - -mv p< the tricky river and help the fanners j river assault* the barrier* May i*i»tltt river. of Ch*jang. ^consider it an, proposed that the. _*««* of tSa a promontory «t the mouth of Bangchow Bay, the bureau wilt -build a kilometer-long spur dyke opportunity to demonstrate importance of heavy equipment in solving Chinas engineering problems, ami a chance to train a nucleus of Chinese workers, technicians and engiriver k be used against itself. To Catch, Divert Current May and his men plan to narrow the Chientang river, fare* it to eut a deep channel. purpoee to take the river away seawall and make it *i FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I-Be&ms, Columns, Angles Basement Sash of ill Sisee We SpecUHie in Ornamental Iron ftalfifcjfs To Order SCHROEDER IRON WORKS P. 0. Address: Et 3, Box 514 " McHenry, III Two MIIm South of McHenry on III Stale EoAe 31 They purooee ' frttm ^ decaying! eteeet thirty-.lx nil* navigable. They) stretch toward the farmland out «i Mirth hank, and four BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING WSLDINi PAINTING 608 Front St .Wreck Work a Specialty Over 20 yean in the Trade HANS FLACH Phone McHenry 244-E McHenry intend to create rich thousands of mow of what now la water, and life farmers security by chaining the river to one bed. Realising that the decrepit old seawall cannot last another thousand years, thev plan to make the wot*pt stretch of the wall obsolete by nu in* the river away from It. N< wealth will come to the province away with a shndbar in the the shallow,. wide river, r spur sykes, the southy- six miles away, alao , .... bar from the *rth will fofee the new channel fbm tin south hank. .Th# spur dykes will catch the force ^ l ^ the eurrent ami divert it, forcing *• «* » deep channel whoee Hmita wauld ha marked by the ends of the dykes. Pools of still water will bit ereatod in the lee of the dykes, fiver is heavy with silt, and the water will drop the silt to the bed." -Vi On Grand Avenue, 3/4 mile west of Gurnee, fi miles east of Lake Villa, 7 miles north of Libertyvilie. BUNDAT, OCTOBER S at 12:9e o'clock sharp LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS attention should be given to and palms, and for this |> scrubbing brash Is a great _ CtMn your nails also with the bruah sittce any sharp instrument ftcratchea the skin under the nails •nd these rough edges pick up dirt vouch faster. On Eoilte 17 Woodstock, 111. Every Wednesday at 7:30 pjn. Fresh Loads of GOOD MINNESOTA Dairy COWS -- HEIFERS -- HOLSTKN STOCK BULLS T. B. and BANGS TESTED Private Sales Monday and Tuesday We take orders for feeder cattle and pigs TEEMS CASH OE CREDIT Oonsifn your surplus stock to this AUCTION. We have buyers for eyery article NEW LOW COMMISSION EATE-5% Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois FOR LIVESTOCK COME^TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC Phones 572 or 489 "tkP CATTLE--S3 choice Hobteia and Guernsey caws, ceasletlng ef spring-] ere and freak cows, € outstanding Holsteta and Gueraaey heifenuj Wringers; 8 growthy HeMtein and< Guernsey heifers, open; 2 Helstein heifer calves, 8 sms Herd giro--Ravenglge* Senator aired tar King " tor, T.B. and Bungs HORSBS--Choice form team, Q and 6 years old, weight 3200 lbs. I MACHINERY--M-H 101 Sr. triftor.! on rubber, and cultivator, >With. starter ana lights. Ford Ferguson' tractor on rubber, F. F. 2-bonom 14! inch tractor plow; F. F- heavy duty < ft. power side mower; F. F. heavy duty two wheel trailer with hydraulic lift and brakes; M. H. HUSpeed, Hi-Clearance S-bottom 14 inch tractor plow, on rubber; New J. D. No. 290 tractor corn planter, with fertiliser attachment (on rubber) New Idea 2-row corn picker, on rubber, with wagon hitch and PTO, like new; Case corn binder with bundle carrier and wagon loader, PTO and wagon hitch (like new); Case silo fluer: New Gehl hammer mill: 10 ft. Case disc; McD. 7 ft. disc; McD. manure! reader, on rubber (good cpndi-' ..on); new Coby wagon 2 rubber' tired wagons; McD. grain, binjler; 3-1 section springtooth; S-section' steel; drap; culti-packer; 6-ft. Hoosier' grain drill; silo wagon; steel wheel: wagon and rack; heavy duty rubber tired wagon. MISCELLANEOUS -- New electric hand saw; Johnson 2 cylinder outboard motor (light twin), good condition; air compressor; electric welder; several electric motors^ (1% it 1/3 hp.); extra heavy set of tractor chains; cement mixer; 1% yard dump box; Model T Jeep; get of 4 steel wheels for Ford traftyr; New Jamesway feed e»rt; g-whlel dolly; wheelbarrowi I two wtaU carts; utility dump cart; peat drQI, MILKING EQUIPMENT--New Surge milking machine (one single unit); 2 sterilising tanks; Stewart Clip Master clippers. •' HARNESS--8 sets of harness, one set is new. ~ *; •FURNITURE -- Hotpoint electric stove; kitchen cabinet; Kohler apron sink, new shower stall; custom built davenport; Thor washing machine; antique wood or coal heating stove; 10x16 ft. rug; 7 piece dining room set. ^ TRUC1C--1942 Ford V-8; truck with 14 ft. stake and cattle^ body, new motor, heavy duty bus clutch and 2 speed rear axle. jt-. COLE FERRY, Owner All Materials AH Later Fiilly GUARANTEED Hw»I»H Iwhn esphsk dkiafle raef st Sests wesih««hile ssvlags* |$.#e per ma. ~ Phone 10S*W ^ FRANK GAN8 m Riverside Drive McHenry The preachers theme was "Wortf ." He says, "TJon't worry about tomorrow, it will -have plenty of its own ***** It gets .here. Most troubles that people worry about never hap- Pen." Ho says, "Worry is a sign of civilisation. It is necessary for progress, but when it theatens happiness, it should be guarded against." "We worry about trivialities but, ^Mdttnflinelifnfflsr in the face of JWMtor because in the latter in- 5&f\k? JJ*!1 I draw, ^ that if that is human | "r"® there is not such a thing as f , U f person to perform a ! heroic deed in case of disas ' , r i , should have his head examined for sadistic tendencies. Hassil Schinck, president of the Indiana Farm Bureau stole the show at the State Chamber of Commerce f In , Agriculture Industry Conference held t was recently at Waukegan with his I ings Bonds. "1down in Indiana" brogue and dry | year. a law or something 4egslnst fcgjjjg three-day old calves for veak. Wisn the difference?" ' ' humor. .When the great American question that has plagued the New Deal for a decade now was again brought up, he aroee to his full 6 ft* danged Last year 7 p»r cant ef the gain in savings of the American people in their holdings of U. 8. Sav* - In the first half of this >i, 17 per cent of the gain was Savings Bonds holdings. 4 in. stature and said, "Them danged[ Hdfii#: ^rdus*a*b!t ef So pouSk as is" atn50lnMA,ihIt! •nfe' plu* cream ebmm dWerence does it make^rhe^e^he' "ndwich tiler. oroes in tn livestoclr faed or some i tablespoon of ! wajlers him. He was a * of grated orange rlnu w - free enterprise system I a<e ^ cream cheese. Mix togettier ns and democrats alike' until fluffy. This Ailing la partial* War II. If those {l&rly good in sandwiches made fro«| goes in to lives toclr «• darn human swajlers victim of our fr that republicans fought for in W$rld ... u 1irir,T «. Hua.wlw piers were too young, why not pass | nut or fruited braadi. i > wbwo iS»UvRnPr RnmISEiwD Ii r _,f f« Know What Uim Seals, Corrmtap and "Mr Wot* ar. Co«.lo9 y«rl jt; # MICItOMKT : • Prevents Lime Seal* . • Controls Corrosion • Clears Rwty "IW" Water *eu need no longer tolerate clogged up coils and pipa . corrosive decay of your water tank, heater, pipes and fixtures ... ugly, discolored wtKlk 1 At the right is the efficient, inexpensive Microfnet feeder that requires filling only once a month J -- • ' • . V\ • AL-'-';. " C*ff *t for infotm*ttOH on this rmartd$ti ntu> sctnafjtc kttkod §f Mtrr correction, tk*t costs only * few cents a day! Descriptive folder mailed on request. -- DEALERS WANTED -- WE SUPPLY PLUMBERS AND DISTRIBUTORS AT VAU4I.DI8GOUNT8 FEEDER *16.60 MICROMET 93.ee THE IA UP TO MM GALS. OF WATER PER MONTH CONDITIONB) WITH V* LB. MICROMET. - ^ * FRED F. PRELL CO. WATER CONSULTANTS CHICAGO OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE -- 4M W. Kinsi. St. -- All Phones Delaware 5»M BRANCH OFFICE -- Big Hollow Rd., Lake of the Hollow, Rt. 1, Ingleside, IlL, Fox 82S1 Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Public Auction Servic* Co., Clerk RILCO "9 --iio FOST-PHU -- INTERIORS tievi as O &ACNINI SHIPS • WTIUTY BUIIM • l|pANM BAtMt Swill with RILCO Laminated Weed RAVTMIS... 11 fin-mil with Wsathsr Tight M«liilrf U+m- I'M SAVING rune, FUEL* AN0 PISH* WASHING WITH THIS SIMPLE i «r* S«S!SS5®£~SBrrurttTajx-rjartrsrsa h • riaib mmn f <• s«SS»«« • «4S mmm m MMS* SMM sucons--comwcnow •tico stu cOnhxuom • Hcrc'a the modem way to buU4'every type at htm building. Strong Rilco Rafter* ere factocy fUiriceted end engineered for wind reaiatence and snow loeda. Let us tell you the may ueea, end speedy ecofcenkal erection oftheltilco utility buOdin^Here'e i ImBiWih you can be proud to 09m. It*e easy to get ell the materiela you nebd ri^ht r. Come in end talk to ua about itl NOTE: War-born Moyi in •xpcMitfofi of tho natural gat plpollno malco If mcmtary to tomporurtty rottrkt now tpaco hooting and htdui trial vies . • • to protott tho $w>ly Hi h*jM« " €:/• '•"•NS*,. ON "movie-going evenings," you'll welcome e one-uteosil .meal. Cooked oa' one top burner, in your family-size skillet, it is tempting, delicious, and a time-and-fuel saver deluxe. Here's how it's done: Brown your pork steak in the large skillet, arrange thick slices of potato, raw carrots and large slices of onion over the top of the meat, cover the pan, and turn the gas low! Cook slowly for 33 to 40 Serve, tastefully arranged on one platter. « Cooking with gas is sure cooking. You get flexibility, from the tiny simmer position to the falf-on posi* tion, with the fast blue flame. Use your gas range wisely and economically... remember to cook on low heat when* ever possible. * v / ^ . ' * OAS AND UICTRIC COMPANY " 1 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. >ioil MeHXMBY ft, y -w fr v;- & .1^./'^' ^ •_ 1 -;v f A 1,"* 1 . a • ' •~C r, m* J , . , • • • ' ( , x «l»s'<nt5»iWR " '•>-" ' , - " ' -'i I I j Ii<1 Wi '•t •••'• • f V H