Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Oct 1947, p. 2

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Papular Oaeitt Certain beetles, parasites which Bve In the homes of ants, are «o well cared for by the ants that often §M» ants neglect their own brood to tend to the gu»v*s. Garrison Finish A Garrison Finish is the result of brilliant climactic effort on the fprt of the performer and has ita origin in the racing style of the late Bdward H. (Snapper) Garrison, faanous jockey. His farorite,trick was to hang hack during the early part Of the race and come through in the home stretch in a burst of •peed. The term was earned by fcim in 1886 in the Eastern Handicap ft Sheepshead Bay when he pushed Dutch Roller from the,rear to j(1b| Order your rubber stamps at The % a nose i Plaindealer. Atoms- are ao'amal! that it tak^s 100,000,000 of them laid side by aide, to extend over a linear inch. Nuclei are so much smaller yet, that it would take 100,000 of them to span the diameter of an atom. Neutrons and protons inside the atom have properties in common with the earth: they rotate on an axis and they are magnets. These tiny bodies circle and spin, and make collisions with each other of whic the consequences are described by physicists as closely as though they had before them the report of a traffic accident. These descriptions defy the old notion of the solidity of solid matter and the deadness at dead weight. «« TF fbu didn't want tf marry 1 the widow," asked the lawyer, "why did you proposed" "That's just it," answered his client. "She proposed to me." "Why didn't you turn her down?' (By Yardstick) I couldn't. She worded her pro- Greetings, Folks! +!mt bromide about life fcairinnt and since .this was Ms"40th he was- just beginning to live that'he did Amonp the guests who helpe4 make that day a memorable one for -f.3' ; ^ On -Farad* 4»•>»•• + < 1 « !»• M"> Mrs. Fred Edmonds, Jfr. and Mrs. . , , , j Lee Sawdo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred posal very cleverly . . she said: The ever increasing number of new j Thomsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oster* 'Will you marry me? Have you any; applications for membership, in the by, Charles Kreillng, and others. ection?' Thus, whether ^ said Property Owners Association of Mc-1 The delieious buffet supper.* a| yes or no, she had me." Cullom Lake coming from the folks well as other refreshments served "Not at all, not at all. You should UP KnoHwood way has prompted the; by the genial host, was enjoyed by have preserved a discreet silence." ' °ff'c®rs of that active organization! all those presnt. ' "That's what I did but she fell to *ive the people of that section It is our sincere hope that yo' i„t« o Jlc Yw «L I representation on their board enjoy many more such happy oeJ .*?*° my arm?' murawmg-tta^si. I °f directors. The officers of the; casions, Otter! * 7 1 lence "ga"ve consent/ j Property Corners Ass'n, at their last I O T I C E Having purchased the trucking business of Francis Ray craft, I am now ready to haul your livestock' to the Chicago yards, and do trucking and hauling of all kinds. ||: J GEORGE GLOSSON • SS'IS&I '-"Located -on Route 120, west of tlie & N". W. tracks, West McHenry : ALL AT ONCE meeting, decided that the interest of !* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rourke en | the people of KnoHwood could best: joyed the company of Mr. and Mrsi ; be served by businessmen, therefore i John Rimell of Adrian, Mich., on i President William Creutz appointed I the weekend. Lee Sawdo and Paul .Struck to serve The Warren Barbers of Orchard; in that capacity. Lee Sawdo is a Drive journeyed from' South Ben# 'senior partner of Lee and Ray Elec- Ind., (their permanent home), tc| trical Engineers while Paul Struck i enjoy a weekend at McCulIom Lake; operates the local food emporium. In) Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Erban havi the past both of these gents have i too decided to make their home ori been very active in promoting the'Orchard Drive their permanent adV welfare of our community and it is; dress and to them we say Welcome. | their aim to enlist 100 per cent! Neighbor! i membership in the Property Owners j The improvements Mr. and Mrs;: Association from KnoHwood so that i George Costa bej?an on their pro-.* ' this section can enjoy the same good j perty about a month ago are rapidly* roads and other improvements Mc- j reaching a finale. Their new base-? Cullom Lake Estates has gained ment and heating plant should make!*' j through the efforts of the Property j their nest a cozy one during the1 t Owners Ass'n. ! Coming winter months. VISIBLE CELLULOID LABEL HEAVY RUBBER CUSHION p RUBBER V * s*\ printing J die McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 170 Green Street , Illinois The Knollwoodites can help speed up the realization of this dream by making application for membership to the Property Owners Assn. to their newly appointed representatives Harry Lock has a problem on hist' hands these days. He spent all summer building a concrete foundation for his garage, now to find' someone to move the building front, The absent-minded bum was crossing the street when a speed- _____ _ri ing auto hit him. Ten minutes lat- ' or by contacting Bill Creutz, Hel£e Jea.r his property onto the er, an ambulance arrived. A young Davidsen or Georpe Gof-enson. The i foundation. _ interne examined the injured manJ next meeting of the board of direc-1. • an" . • ®°y Blake are enjoyand shook his head gravely. j *ors wi,,_ ** held at Mr. Creutz's! tl?e ^c" "Your head * cut op«n.'- h« Jtat- : °n S»t„r*.y , | ITi" L.'^v'Sa «. ed. Im afraid 111 have to take: j^ow to get down to the officers I tur»ed last Monday after enjoying UXrr?r uSeV6Ii^ CileS' n „nto„» other great McCulIom Lake! * w«ek * Yisi* with Mr. and M The bum nodded weakly. Okay, organization, the Screwy Dozen Charles Fritz, Jr., in Chicago, he said. "And while you re at it, : Social Club. This worthy gang of Frank Tomasek was out to resurwould you mind sewing a button on | jjoodfellows held their regular rect ^'K potatoes this weekend. He my vest?" ; monthly meeting last Sunday eve-'^e5®r^s a Kood crop. ning at the home Mr. and Mrs. Win- . ®nA Mrs. Harry Reimer and Progress During Inflation lintH the jayad for farm products continuing at a Mrrttts Ettfc *T and at Inflated values, many farmfcrs an reported to be advantage of the current opportunity to pay off king-ten ~ obligation*... They are finding it goodJwInw to use MSLB9 a corn or HI a hundred pound hogs to liquidate loans made tat or thereabouts, when com , was 46 cents and hots HiO. . . . It i . hardly possible to some that ft takes only 400 bushels of corn % to pay off old debts that would have required over 3000 bushels •» « v, short while a^>. . . . That Is tile opportunity offered to soma by period of inflation. ... On the ether hand, however, the rtafe : p. ; : contracting heavy debts, at a ttne such as this. Is emphasised as tt ^, , • . suggests that the situation could easily be reversed so that later It ^ •Quid take twice as much corn to pay a debt as at present. , ' There Is nothing in «i|ht to lutifitt a in demand for farm products In the nest six or eight months. ... The undertone of domestic consumer demand Is strong while other battens await;# eagerly any supplies we decide to send their way. . . . The plan for aiding Europe should eventually result in their needing less from us but that time appears a long way off, possibly 18 months or move.* The Marshall plan calls for a program aimed at putting Europe on its feet by the end of 1951. . . . But the report of'the economic commission shows that even after taking full ef: the supplies which they can produce for themselves and which they can hope to obtain from the rest of the world, the participating. countries will require large quantities of food, fuel, raw and capital equipment from America. . . . Without this flow of" feeds, tt ts said, the whole recovery program will be in jeopardy THIS COLUMN IS 8PONSORVD BT - fi CO-OP. ASSK PHONE 2S RARE ANTIQUE 523 Waakegaa M. ! appointments to come to Barrington As' Valuable art piece has been t° inspect'the piece, according to knocked around the attic of the Ed-! rs , win Plagge home at Barrington for . " < Mil Erosion realizing that they possesed a rare Where corn was grown three yeara anUque. The figurine has been tn succession on a 9 per identified as a group Meissen calledi BinrM> vtvxs Ai ... the "Balcony &ene." From infor-! I ^ Bis^Enouch fieia Pietsch. with President Jerry Mr. and Mrs. Tony Doolin enjoyed a ™Y°n MMfrss.. _PPllaaggggee_ ggaaiinneedd ffrroomm aarrtt sod ^the aXal lo»TWa« ^W Thp wifp Bpirn tEprnporuf gha hardware i Cr^ermoaik- p--residting. h At i thiss mmee eettiinngg r -u -*-*--e -d w e e k e n d a t t h e i r "c o"t "t asg e-s ! iM nn ^ C h i c a g o , i t i s w o r t h a b o u t 1 0 9 8 w " • " V The wile entered ^naroware , Entertainment Chairman, Barney, J®an Blake suffered painfull*300 store. She said she wanted to see j Graft and Musical Director Otto py.: bruises where* it. don't show, when ao or ritz proposed plans for our children's I s^e R^PP®d and fell down the stairs annual Halloween party, as well the ^ her apartment above the Roy-Al Several experts on art have! ^ pounds an acre. biggest Christmas party for the Easting her meals standing is some ash trays as a present for her husband. The proprietor brought out a number of ash trays, but the lady kept shaking her head.' ; - j youngsters of all of McCulIom Lake a new experience for Jean. She finally pointed to a huge ash | that they had ever enjoyed. Their „ Edwi" Horn, son of Mrs--Ann can. "How much is that one?" she proposals were most enthusiastically Horn, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. inquired i accePted by all the members present, ^am Nathanson last Sunday. The proprietor was puzzled. "But, 1 ,r TJe M ladies.. of the Screwy Dozen j d that ,G.eorSe Kid' ladv " he rried "that's no ash trav i^od b,e8s them) will be unusually! ye,sen ,1S. well on the road to recovery . Thi»'« on och 'nan " i busy for the next two months sew- *ro?l »njunes sustained in an auto I hats an asn can. j insr costumes for the children par- ac^dent about a month ago. • ^ nodded. That s all | ticipating in entertainment program:, a happy month1 right," she explained. "My husband which Messers Graff and Pyritz have for Will and Therese Schultz jf the j IS VCry DC3r~Si^ht6d I" n l n 1 1 n * I p I infnrmQfinM littlA Vnwam ii r__ A NEAT THICK . .TL • Sy\ & •• If 1 , A • "IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK" Is your car, track or tractor ready to meet Old Man Winter? If not SEE SEACQ Ho model too old or too new- We have generators, starters, armatures, distributors, fuel pumps and other electrical needs for all models. Rewinding--Rebuilding--Motor Tuneups. Authorized Delco, Remy and Autolite Dehlon. . Prompt Service Starting, lighting and ignition experts 28 years experience , ^ Authorized Delco, Remy and Autolite Service SEACO SALES & SERVICE : ^^Lilymoor, West Side of Lily Lake, McHenry, 111. ^ FRED J. SVOBODA & ^ Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 ^ DIRECTIONS--Turn south off Route 120 a( Lily Lake School; turn left at third road leading to lake, second building right side. Man (at police station)--Could 1 see the burglar who broke into our house last night? Sergeant--Why do you want to planned for the Sunday before' 'I}forniati°n little Karen Olsen, their! Christmas. Just a word to all the'"1*0®' imparted to us is on the level, j mothers of greater McCulIom Lake,'and We ^°Pe it's true, i i see that your children are registered! y°u folks holding stock in' jfor this big event in their lives at i e Coco Cola Co. are assured of! 1 Struck'g Grocery before next Wed- an '"creased dividend this month as' inesday as Mr., Pyrifz informed us! Barney Graff has become addicted! ! that reheftsalg Wil! begin on the fol-!to the f^tuff. Breakfast in bed is. 1 lowing Wednesday. ' am.onff the many luxuries Margaret < ! To add to the many gifts Santa j ®nJ°ys since her spouse switched; Claus will pass out to the children; "ard well water to Jhej ' this year President Jerry Cermak ab°v® beverage. I itells us that Earl Walsh, McHenry's: _ ~~--~ ' • ( 1 city clerk, and famed columnist on .... .. Congratulations To the Plaindealer staff, has kindly con-' Winfield Pietsch on his 98th birthj sented to act as judge in awarding | "aj£» Oct. 3rd. j I the many autographed trophies1 se-! George Pederson on the 25th anni- j .cured through Mr. Cermak's effort^; ve|_sary of his birth, Oct. 7th. from national sports organizations1 Tony Doolin on his 19th birthday,! !to the boys and girls whose efforts , 4' .22n<y , , ,. , , in their studies and conduct merit *®tsy Jensen on her 10th birthday I these prizes. .With so much activity | ann'versary, Oct. 31st. in the right direction by so many _ : right-thinking people there is a great j „.... Nnt® *n,d "o'ta^ future before us. ! Middle age is that period in life " | when you'd do / anything to feel Last Saturday our Otter Ebert ^tter excePt giving up what's if you'll let us help you plan your Anniversary party fiirthday partj: *Club party ^ v > PARTY LUNCHEONS OR DINNER8 PRICED TO FIT EVERY BUDGET. For Arrangements Call Leonard, McHENRY 1$S • OAK PARK HOTEL Fistakee Bay, •" ^McHenry, Illinois ^anMt an-I'd like to ask him how he! P"8e^an.?ther milestone on his ro&d , hu|.t'"er . got iinn wwiitthhoouutt wwaakkiinngf mmyv ww^ifiee . i through life which made him a bitl t e.w men _can keep secret gad His g]oom was soon disoelled' °P:'2,0n ot themselves. 1 when about 8 o'clock in the evening "you sense enough to be happy A Fesw Repairs . ! at least twenty of his close friends j you have 86,18e enough. ADlOS. An antique collector, passing j and neighbors came marching through B-- through a small village, stopped to j the portals of his castle to con- « Bottermaking Cream watch an old man chopping wood gratulate him on ^his happy oc-| Far home buttermaking, th# with a very ancient ax. j ca8l®n- There was a tear in Otters i cream ahould be of such richness "That's a mighty old ax you have ajl J1* ^eeted them mdi- that one gallon will yield about th--ereo,"" rr.enmnoarrikr-eHd tthh*e c^oolllleocrttonrr.. I tv'dually, and just five minutes later 5„ ^ • v£u^' ^ ^ « later ^ pounds of butter. This means "Yes," said the villager, "it once for tears ^t for Je- cream ot bu"erfat content about 80 belonged to George Washington "Not really! It certainly stood up well." "Of course," the old man said, "it's had three new handles and two new heads."' joicing. Otter then recalled the old Per cent. Weather to Order Madam--Have you been touching the barometer, Mary? Mary--Yes'm. It's my »lfht out so I set it for fine. mm Made Him Cough Uf> Walking along the street, a man was attracted by screams coming from a house. He ran to investigate and found a frantic mother whose son had swallowed a nickel. Seizing the boy by the heels, he held him up, gave him a few shakes and the coin dropped out. The grateful mother was lost in admiration. "You certainly knew how to get it out of him," she said. "Are you a doctor?'A -,, "No, madam, I am from the Internal Revenue bureau." * A Big Help An absent-minded passenger was Strap-hanging on a bus. His left arm clasped a half-dozen bundles. He swayed to and fro. .Slowly his face took on a look of apprehension. Noting this, a young man. standing beside him said, "Can I help you, sir?" •"Yes," said the man with relief, "hold on to this strap while I get my fare out." N () TI C E McHENRY McCULLOM LAKE ULYLAKE FOX LAfcE Foryear'jronnd laundry and dry cleaning servicer-- callus. PHONE: Lauadfy, 655 --^m? I^eaafers 901 410 Clay St. -- 229 Main St. ... Woodstock, 111. (We pay service calls.) Mwtmr busts aheadnoncr YOUR out HOW! # Your car's ia for lough sledding this coming w inter. Get it ready mw for cold-weather driving-- ouke sure it will terve you while it wm yo«i mooey. let us drain and refill with SKELLY fortifitd TAGOI.ENE, (Winter-Weight) MOTOR OIL. Let tit check your car lubrication from stem stern and it to )<m "Fmtifitd" for protected motoring. FREUND OIL CO s ' McHENRY, HJST W!HI 1!PIPIITV IllDluET ^ Richard Ja^er if FOR SERVICE > PARTS • ACCESSORIES Clark Chevrolet Sales PHPNE 277 McH£N»Yf ILLINOIS Good Money , j "Here's that suit I bought from you last week," said the angry customer. "You said you would return i my money if it was not satisfactory " "That's what I said," replied the merchant politely, "but I am happy to tell you that I found your moiiey entirely satisfactory." wuiPprrv, FW THAT/ (CATTM TUB ubavbc FVBCTK*. THAN 1 CAN RAMI TUVM fi V Ii:J •k; Fan Land Dm Better methods of increasing soil fertility have diminished the need for clearing new lands for crop production and pasture. Thus, timber crops can be grown on the less fertile and rougher portions of the farm producing an additional revenue and making full use of all the land on the farm. iV, ^ WHY MY MOMMY ALWAYS BUYS AIL OUR ftAKEgy GOODS AT JtfverskJe Bake Shop Need Rubber Stamps? Order at 3%e Plaindealer. , . " . ^Quality is the Secret of Our Success^ Drii RICHARD JAGER \ PROP, 5"'-r' j •v.V.v-ir.v.vkfl - '1

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