OfltoWr i '** r-i-- % * i~z* "v • fcf*4/* r-s yf^:,-> . - > . , - v, , a ,;';r>r.> -;";*•• Engineering studies an beihg made of a recent proposal to create the world's greatest co-ordinated McHENRY FLORAL CO. Om Mile 8mA of en Rente tl for aO transportation and distribution center in Chicago. The original concent of the plan includes national ana interna tion air facilitioa, national nil and highway stations, intra-urhan surface and subway transport all located on a SO-square mile tract knd XI miles south of the tup, first Adftrtlim The first regular vertisers were booksellers. A» P. FRHUND 80N8 ^ Jfreevatlag , Cantragor ^ , syftncHng, Hydranttc and Crane Serrice --ROAD BUILDING-- 894-M McHenry, II Telephone No. 899 8T0FFEL Ac REIHANSPERGER Iasaranee agents for all classes of property la the beat coipsnlea. West McHenry, IHiaoiS CHARLES & PARKER. Attorney (Jselyn ft Parfcar) Once Boon: ^ Wednesday Afternoons 1.H-I.M Office---Kom1 542 Mate Street, Wool Phono--McHenry 4M Weiwitk IISS INSURANCB , EARL R. WALSH Fire, Aato, Farm and lifo TWICE TOLD Im TALKS gSSKf 'TilSk Items of Intoreot Taken Pram the Files of the PUtndsslsc of Tears Ago SIXTY TEARS AGO RELIABDS COMPANIES When yon need insaranco of any lrtnd Phono 48 or 118-M Green ft Eta McHenry McHENRY If you are in a hurry "For prompt and courteovs ••rvice, . Don't start to worry. y We have 24-hour servio*. McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J T R U C K I N G Having purchased the truck from Vic and A1 Idler. I am now in a position to take care of hauling livestock to Chicago and general trucking. When in need of anything in my line, PHONE McHENRY 492-R. Prompt Service. pat doOglas v DR.£ HENRY FREUN& OPTOMETRIST M 514 Main St., West McHenrjr Steffan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) v ------ Eyes Examined -- Glaaaea Fitted fhul Training -- Visual Rehabilitation '- Complete Visual A nalysis Honrs Daily: I to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: f to • M PHONE McHENRY 4S2 Ship Your Poultry to Chicago VIA •-- '.j 'm' " 1111 • . • JfcjL • i " HKrickl Motor Service TEL. McHENRY 569-J4 ? We Furnish Coops, One Coop or a Trtiefcfcoad PYROFAX OAS SERVICE *J;, H J supemob BOTTLE GAS^^i HHic Chef Ranges Water Heaters -- - S e r v e l G a s R e f r i g e r a t o r s TOWl* apd C10UNTRY UT114TIES " ^ LeROYM. SMITH ^ Phone 499-W Apt) j}* 419 Main 8t. McHenry NOTICE, SKATERS SKATING 8 TO 11 PM. EVERY NIGHT ~w Except Monday & Thursday Tuesday 7 to 11 p.m. 1 hour of Skating Instructions. JUST FOR FUN ROLLER RINK McHENRY, ILL. NEW W.A.F. BUS SCHEDULE To and From Rink Sun. North Bound Tues. 'South Bonnd To Wed. Homo Rink Fri. From Sat. Rink PM PM Barrington 6:06 7:15 McHenry .....2. Tower 'Lake ^.... 6:18 7:27 Mineral Sprgs, Wsuconda ........ 6:22 7:81 Emerald Park Slocum Lake 6:27 7:86 Hickory Grg. Island Lake I 6:29 7:87 Oakhurst Island Lake III ....... 6:89 7:47 Griswold Lake Griswold Lake ........ 6:43 7:51 Island Lk. Ill Oakhurst 6:46 7:64 Island Lake I Hickory Grg. Emerald Park 6:47 7:66 Slocum Lake .. 6:48 7:66 Wouconda Mineral Sprgs. ........ 6:80 7:68 Tower Lake .. McHenry 6:62 8:00 Barrington .... Wed. FrL Sat. PM 11:05 11:07 11:09 11:10 11:11 11:14 11:18 11:28 U:S0 11:34 11:88 11:60 John Evanson is building a now barn near his residence on the West Side. Gottleib Boley has been putting in a new horse power, for grinding malt, at the brewery. Fred Schnorr is treating the iron fence in front of his residence to a coat of paint which much improves its appearance. Smith, Son ft Co., have been building a new air-tight lime house, near the depot. It is a costly building. * < FIFTY YEARS AGO § a leaky condition and will at once ho repaired. - , g'* - - FORTY TtiARS A# J. D. Lodts, the tailor, has opened a branch shop at Mmb and will make weekly tripe to that village. Roy Hankemayer is jumping counters for M. J. Walsh, Math Laurea havinr resigned Ms position in that capacity. We have bOen informed by good; authority that unions the McHenry Hectric Light company or the get busy mill race removed and the street filled in. J. W. Frfund, the West Side clothier, has made a few changes in the interior of his place of business ueetric eosspnay holders of the tmortg*fe soon, the bridge ever the in Centerville wQl be ren TWENTY FIVE YEAR8 AGO C. Unti and son, Felicia, expect % leave soon for Italy, where they will spend the winter with relatives. Clyde Kent has further enhanced the oeauty of his residence on the corner of Green and Waukegan streets by the addition of 1 pergola. Walter J. Freund, who has been conducting a vulcanizing shop in the M. A. Tnelen harness shop on the West Side, during the past several months, is this week moving his '£$m *r •>, i ) 1 pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that i claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, Administrator. •frg^Pub. Sept. 25-Oct. 2-9.) used as a store room. E. J. Hnnly and wife are packing up their household goods prepartory to moving- to Chicago. Frank Hutson is building a new barn on his farm, west of this village. C. T. Eldrcgige is hauling in hundreds of lo^s of dirt into hU lots bordering on the mill pond, for filling purposes. The tin floor, in the belfry of our public school building is reported in ART JACKSON Hauling Sand -- Black Dirt -- Cinders Creaked Gravel -- Lim< Truck for Hire Phone 685-W-2 McHenry, Illinois Telephoi Atl fera, >rc!MM Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sewer Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blocked Sewer* Opened Without Digging By Electric Motor-Mole and Root Cutter Crystal Lake, Illinois L. Neleon Rex 192 Genersl Contractors Residential -- Industrial - Financing Blaeprints Woodstock 994 Washington St. Johns burr Phone 599-W Phone 62S-M-1 WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 81-J > South Green St, McHenry, IIL FRANK S. MAY Trucking y Band -- Black Dirt -- Crushed fhrifil Cinders -- Limestone Truck for Hire Pkone McHenry 589-M-l R1 McHenry RETOOTH AND SHARPEN 8AfS AND LAWN MOWERS v By Mschine Also Greasing and Repairing Can WILUAM BUCHERT 691 Front St. McHenry ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contractors Radio Repairs Let as estimate that next elsctrisal Job of years. LEO G. ROTHERMEL. Prop. Phone McHenry 271-M 894 Riverside Drive --WANTED TO BUYWo pey $9 to $25 for Old B lees for down harass and cattip MATTS MINK RANCH Johnshnrg • Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOG& HORSES AND CATTLE We .poy phone charges WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector snd Pump types. All sizes. Complete snd Easy to install. Sump pomps. Take old pumps in trsde. ENGSTROM SALES AND SERVICE Tel. McHenry S52-W-1 (899 ft from Nell's Ballroom) DR. R. DeROM! -- Dentist -- 189 Green ^ PWae S9W. . . Office Hours: Tnssday and Saturdays from 19 to 4. Evenings hy appoint* ment. luals in this country nowi have almost $200,000,000,000 in li-' quid savings, mostly in bank ac-< „ MlM, ...»' 5^?unts. and U-. S. Savings Bonds * equipment to the Laures building' on ^ 18 times what they had Main street. i hefore war. Of the. $350,oOO,- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear are now ®P?nt on the war, about occupying their comfortable new $l25,000,000,000 went into the home in the Edgewater subdivision,; ')e°P 8 savings and stayed there, east of the Fox River. • , - » ~ * * r Topping Carrots Topping carrots at harvest helps to keep them fresh. When stored for seven days at 70 degrees and under moist conditions, topped carrots lost 40 per cent less moisture than those untopped, and they were muth fresher looking. LEGALS ' Tel. Wemisr Lnke 418 Tatoday ft Batnrdays: ImlUIml " * Mora lags Lake, H VERNON J. KNOX. Lawyer NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of 'Barbara Lawrence, Deceased. - Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, November 3rd, 1947, is the claim date in the estate of Barbara Lawrence, Deceased. AL*8 WELDING AND fcihklfc SERVICE 991 Main St- McHenry Electric Portable Welding Pkone 915-W-l or 494 M*HENRY, ILL. The American grape wine industry waa foe cinnati by Nich<das 1823. Seventeen years later einsfc *" yards were establitfied on the Erie islands, and the nearby ebonS /. , of the mainland and proved to kw « superior to the older plantings the southern part of tho state. ^ ^ - -- . n " - brapense ' \ Figured draperies can be wtth figured rugs. Hie thing te fle w ,r to repest the colors of the rvg ta thsC* •' draperies so as to arrive at eoW> harmony. Suitable pMtofne in : peries should be selected whieh gn I - well with the rug designs. In gea« v eral, it is wise to avoid ove; phasis of solid colors. Mssrts of unrelieved color generally ire fatiguing to the eye. ' .{-.l . N«ed Rubber Stamps? Order **.- The Plaindealer. DR. R. W. DOffHiLLY Chiropodist -- Viset Specialist 191 So. RtvswMi ttrive Phone 41T McHenry Ofler honrs: hy |g>ilil»iit Daily and C~l osedi wi JOBM WAH4NA8 mm DR. H. S. FIKE \ Veterinarian On Sighway 81 -- Office and Heme TeL McHenry 664-J-l McHenry, HI. Office Hears: 1 pa to 2 p.su Except Tharsdays Evenings by Appointment CESSPOOli CATCH HAVE YOUR SEPTIC TANKS ^ CISTERN* ^--Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE t EDDIE HUFF, Prop. TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 HHMI r ?•*"! 19 a.m. to 2 pm. aatf T PJ». to 9 pM NW Honres Ttaniat M^eollia gs . VERNON J. KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sta^ McHenry , Tusoday and Friday Afternoons Other Dsys By Appointment Phono McHenry 48 Sand and Gravel Co. Xtttvating and Ona« Service Blftok Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Grading ,. o GALL McHENRY 97-J CLEANING -PRICES LOCAL CLEANERS . " .'^hreeii Street, McHenj^F" . SUIT OR DRESf^»i; , .. /v Cash and Carry SUIT .OR D^^SS Delivered ALi Otiber garments priced in> proportion EFFECTIVE OCT, V 1947 PHONE 20 H.00 11.15 nsnpn mmmqm HIGHBST CASH PRICES paid tor Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Power Loading -- Tankage and Meat Scrape Car sale. Phones Arlington Heights 119 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 419 or Wonder Lake S 119 Main St, McHenry, Illinois m C. J. MEYER8 fieneral Contractor Carpentry New Walk and Repairs McHenry. 111. TeL Pistakee 941-M.l JOHN F. BRDA A SON Sheet Metal aad Furnace Work _19^-ii^Greea St, McHeary, HL Phone 243-R " Phone McHenry 584-IU8 , -- Basement Excavating -- NBTP8 SAND ft GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel aad Lei VUU*t • • Black Dirt . . Powei Leveling aad Grading. J. E. NBTT Johnshnrg P. O.--McHsnry Replace f/?AY60 Cords NOW! 'it®. "i- Rppies aren't the only ones who cfta harm themselves with worn-out electric cords. The entire family, from infants to adults, are endangered by worn-out wiring ^ 1 Exposed wires are often the cause of blown fuses, wasted electricity and shoit - * circuits. your home for this common hazard and eliminate it. Safe, adequate wiring is again possible after wartime shortagfii You oo longer have to "get by" with makeshift, inferior wiring--replace every frayed / 4*' cord with a new one today. Educate each member of the family in this gafigty rule wmrjwsl ss tltctric ctrd handle only the plug when disconnecting from a wall socket v-V ruiuc WUWK1 ««MfMT or NonnnN iuinok jf. a Win"" if-" r1, f'. . -i-W- rr'.fFr r vi'rfff irtif iir^i1' ?.v,; ' i 9 V, t:" ;; -v,^