Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1947, p. 8

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51"ft.' .. :0: TWICE TOLO ef latanat Mn ftw the File* ef the ef Tmii Afi SIXTY TEARS AGO We learn that Robt. Richardson, who lives about four mUee from this village, on the Woodstock road, was residence, on Elm Stmt. They are not only handaome hut durable. The foundation. for Staffers new building, on the wset side, is complete, and the carpenters will commence work at once. E. B. Perkins is papering, Mint injf and decorating the interior of the M. E. church, which la a sure guarantee that it will be done in first class style. John W. Simon had the misfortune to get quite badly hurt, while unloading, at the depot, some heavy iron for the water works, on Friday. FORTY YBARS AGO To show the public how futile are thrown from his buggy on Saturday all efforts to regulate them, the rail- U-t, and had his broken in two at 40 eents, instead . _ I of 25 cents as formerly charged. We are informed that the sales at the lumber since Sept., sum of A heavy put an e: this vicini John Evanson in this village,1 up the handsome] During the formeriy charged, electrical storm of 4M night latt week her picking in Tuesday night, lightening struck the north said « the Schoenhoefen Brewing company's storehouse just west of the railroad tracks. Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Ross moved Id m and will in the future make ifr> 1 their household goods to Nunda last rday that village their home. * Co., are building Saturda a new and handsome storm house in front of their store. ] Fire last Friday morning destroyed i Math Engeln's barn, buggy and wood FIFTY TEARS AGO northern llr all odds the finest walks in town ari the'new cement ones, just pot down by M. J. Justen, at his new pOftHMt | shed, in Av_ suburb of Mc TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO A beautiful new archway of mat* sive construction is now Mac erected at the entrance to the McHenry Country/club grounds on John street. The Everett Ranter Boat company of this place is Just completing a carload of row boats for shipment to Mexico City. Albert Purvey, caretaker at the -:-31NGLES -:- -WHITE CHRISTMAS" Ry Bddy Howard -THAT'S WHAT YOUR HEART IS FOR" j -- By Artie Wayae : | .•CIVHJZATION" by Woody Hermaa r--r- j "APPLE BLOSSOMS" by E. Howard •you WT ALBUMS "PROM DATE" -TUXEDO JUNCTION" •DOROTHY SHAY" New children's albaau, noabreakable W Needles, Acceaaeries Party Records Phoae 12S-J OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. MILLER Woodrfock, m. FRL * SATn OCT. 17 - 18 "&ASK*DCLtJSIOHM with Craig • Lionel Bairymore LacUle " Jai -- Plus -- "THE* WEB" with Wa. Beadix Ella Raines SUN.". MON„ OCTr it - N If Tou-Bhjoyed "MarghiT Then B»n Will Etajof. ./'CYNTHIA" with EKaabeth Taylor . George Murphy & Z. •^Cuddles" Zafcall TUES. - WED. - THUBS. OCT. 21-22-23 ^BOOMTOWH'f^ N Clsrktxlble - SpenoerTYsey Clandette Colwrt « Hedy Lamsrr stock an/is now oeeawfaMr the Owen estate house near the mill pond. Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Pries left McHenry last Sunday for Europe, expecting to be away for two months. tapember when we used ft for breakfast. I. had FJ R*Ihn4 br WXW VnIbm. By INEZ GERHARD LLIOTT LEWIS, who is so well known on the air, may find himself in the movies the first thing'he knows. After he did that Ramp theatre show with Bette Davis recently she told hiiri he was better than nine-tenths of the stars now in pictures, and promised him she would get him in the movies "or bust." With her as a booster, it looks like a sure thing. Incidentally, in her new picture, "Winter Meeting," Miss Davis is bowing to the wishes of her fans. They liked her ^Ukir-do In "Deception," ao the win he seen in at least a few oeena with the same ohignon hair twisted in a long knot low on the neck. 'p - > They say that the average weight of the Columbia crew shooting the Evelyn Keyes-Cnemi* Ford picture. "The Mating of MlIDe," increased two pounds in fifteen days. Reason was a three-layer cake used regu- I can t« eat in mind a new two pants suit fbr $00, bat wenad up with a new of corduroy pants for $7.50 to go with a pretty good coat. By the way* I always wear out the seat of mf pants first. That reminds me of the man witli the blue serge suit. "The pants being shiny," he said, "is ne reflection oa my ambition." We had Steak for supper the other evening* whisk was quite an occasion. My wife asked me to dry enough to is the Mower of , your cultivators, yet, report mm&m how much it cost. My guess was about a dollar. It cost $1.80 for two grown-ups and three youngsters. At present prices, you csn see we are doing our pint to reduce the demand, Gordon Jones, leader of the Harvard Hustlers 4-H club and field- •man for the Pure Milk St. Mary'e/CathoBc Charch Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11:80 Holy Days: 6:00: 8:00: 10:00. Week Days: 0:48 and 8:0©. « F,/Bt Prid«y: 8s80 and 8:00. guess Confeeskms: Saturdays: 8:00 p. a. and 7:00 a. m. Thursday before First Friday- After 8:00 Mass oa Thursday; 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 a. m. Msg*. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. man xor see- «u*e Mtur association, reports that 'Stevenson Brothers in St. Patrick's CatheUc Charcb Dunham township lost some cows and heifers Maturing them in sweit corn staikfiekti. He also reported others had a drop in fat test of as A much aftafl ear cent, where they!Un paatureowrea corn stalks. Looks j like it would be much better to plow stalks for io humus Sunday 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 aad 11:08. Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00. Weekdays: 7:80. . First Fridays: 7:80 First Friday, Commmloa 4k* tributed at 6:80, 740 and beisn and during the 7t80 Mass. down the green and sow the fields to rye for early j spring pasture. Then pasture is \ really needed and rye is safe. To. dilate we have replaced two of *. these men. * Norman Johnson of| Woodstock, a recent graduate ef , . ---- >T in agricul-! iobirs Catholic Church, Masses Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p. a. and 7:00 to 8:0Q p. m. Thursday before First Friday--' 4:00 to 8:00 jua. and 7:00 to 840 Bev. Wm. A.DHourke. Pasta*. Crystal Lake high school ( MUlMMfl T H i l l I immi n I II i n i n n i i i n i anhotocihg opening or JKVO. CUSTOM CABINET WOBX ^'"fOTOHBN CABINETS : ' WOODWORK "" Wauconda 2686 after 6:30 p. Winn IHMIIIHHM •vi. THE OPENING OF Modern Home Decorators AT 117 8. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Barriagtea, IUsMfa •ataai ssade aphelstcred faraitare, sip eevenu draase; vsastlsa Uiads, shades aad ccaarrppeettsa.T ^I^ _ ^ ^ Wide Selection ef Flito Fahrta^;. Abo General FaraRure RefaU*^ . .- . Free Estimates Pteaipt aad Ceerteeaa 8ervke Telsphsae Barriagtea 188-R-l or Cary 6818 EVELYN KEYES larly in scenes during that time. A new cpke was baked daily, but only about one-fourth was used before the camera; the crew devoured the rqst. --*-- Robin Morgan, five-year-old belle of "Juvenile Jury.," has received many an orchid lately from her unseen public. If you sent her one and would like to know what happened to it--Mrs. Morgan gets the orchids Robin keeps the pins! Barbara WeodeD's role la "The Uasuepeeted" was described la the sertpt as V*b attractive yeciat corpse." Most ef her rale consisted of haagiag from a chandelier where she had beea hoisted after being killed by Claade Balaa. Posing for still photos In connection with "Man from Colorado,' Ellen Drew wore 8110,000 worth of furs -- two chinchilla coats, an ermine stole and a platina mink--and $126,000 worth of assorted jewelry. Three armed detectives stood by. • Movie fans have been listening to Walt Disney's voice for 18 years without knowing it. It's the voice ef Mickey Mouse. Mickey merehr gurgled when he made his denial in Steamboat Willie/' but with the years be^f pownmore garrulous. Joan Crawford's next film will lw "Until Proven Guilty," a dramatic love story set against the background ef a spectacular murdsr triaL Jerry Wald, *ho produced "Mildred Pierce," "Humoresquep* aad "Poaeeeeed" will be at the helm. Evelya delicate ture and who aspires to enter college, will replace Den Myer, and Wesley Nelson of Xenoshs, Wis., who is someday planning to go into artificial breeding work, will replace Arseneau. Can you help us find the other two replacements Many are talking about next year's pasture. Sow rye with timothy or brome and seed in a legume mixtures next spring. This should be ready for fall pasture and for a number of* years to come. On Rt. 47, marked by a sign north of Wbodstock. is an amazing demonstration of killing weeds in the corn. Paul Edwards and Earl Hughes finished spraying oats last spring for thistles and mustard and pulled into the cornfield along a drainage ditch. The corn waa about six inches high and the weeds were about ten inches. They assumed the corn lost. They sprayed forty-eight rows or out as far as the weeds .seemed bad. Now the corn sprayed is clean and will make about seventy bushels per acre, while that that wasn't sprayed will make about fifty and has smart weeds and rag .weeds waist high. Del Heidenreich, cur soil man, says the McQinn farnf in /Chemung township had a similar experience killing cockelburrs, smart weeds, ana thistles. Stewart Wells in Dunham township reports no weeds and increased corn yield too. All these instances are from farmers who sprayed as a- trial because they Sunday* 7:00, 6:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 8:00 Weekdaya: 6:86 and 8.-00 First Friday: 6:86 and 8M Confessions: Saturdays: 7:26 and 8:00 Thursday before First Frkhur*-- : 2:80 and 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. Peter's Cathobc Charek, Spring Grove Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00ter Weekdays: 8:00. 1 First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:16. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:16. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. 104* aJtt. llsOO aja. Wayne Priaa, Phstec. Weader Caster, Wsadsr LaM' , (Nonaortarian) Services mUe School--10:16 Worship Service--11:0t **1lidweek Prayer Servioe on Thursday Vranings at 8:00 p.m. A cordial Welcome is extended ta all the people of the commanity to worship with us. W. ANDERSON, Pestaa • Christ the 0:00 and 11:00 Friday: 7:00 On First fYtday, Communion distributed during 7:00 Masa, at 7:80 and 8UM). ^ ' Confeeakms: Saturdays: 740 to 8^0 », st. First Friday morning: (So to 7:QD . m. Rlagwoed Chareh RingWoodv IH. v Sunday-- Pubnc worship^ IdO. Chardi School: Choir ~ ning. Rev. George . eaaMa* WPRRfWJfp BaleOurebt^; IfMHCllfM Sunday ScM: 1040 a. m. Regular Service: 1140 a. m aeceaJ aad fourth Sunday. Bev. WWdnsoa. Eight cagoaa fbr dehydrating foodftufls. data that vacuum dsfcudrutedij fruits vegetablea are 1^1 4risd foods peep» wffl Uhe, One tffe the patents covers dehydration af *^- . '»~k- ^ ; PLAUfDEALEB DEADUNES Plaindeal^r deadlines for news and advertiaing are aa follows: Display Ads: Tuesday Nooa. Claaained Ada: Wednwday at 10 a. m. News: Tuesday at 6 p. m. Complete line of Beebe livestock , noodles at Wattlee Drug Store, Me* Henry. ^-tit Ziep Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St, H block east'of Hwy. 31 West McHennr, I1L Rev, F. C. Pudsell, Pastor Sunday Worship Service--10:16. Suliday School and Bible Study* 9 o'clock. Visitors and vacationists are heart* ily welcome in all services. Sunday school children may have attendance cards for their Home-church recoi Commanity Church > r*-Qr ,rk'ni^or^nnririf^fy'i^r|iriixru J»MI I HII l*»t»l l 111 I II IM Quiot Dignity " Those eh» sttswd seivhae here < never fail to remark on the serenity which reeulta from ] | ; the quiet dignity and smooth • > efficiency with which we carry out every fvneral plan. i * , t :: Jacob Ju$tM Sohs! • FUNBKAL DIBECTORS Funeral Beasa . Phaae MeHeary 108-R Greea, Cor. Bks» MeHeary in 11 Hiiiiimiinii 111 Colony McHenry, Illinois a FBI/-SAT. * EdamiS" O'Brien . Ella •THE WEB" Also Remember Wl "MINSTREL DAT Cartoon A News 'ftrinee SUN, - HON, OCT. 18 - SO Aaureea Olhn - Joha Payae "MIRACLE ON 84TH STBEET" Plaa WorM News A Carteoa TUESDAY (Oae Day) )hanni Darhia Teas Drake Adstph Meajou - William Beadix "TO* t Also - Short Sak|ecta I - v WED. - THUB& x Bart Lancaster - Hm« Creayn Charlse Biekferd Tvoaao de Carle "BRUTE FORCE* . -:t i *,? < Wbm: GRAND OFENlNe.. ^he McHenry Cotinty Thaatre Guild ^Tfee Woodstock Piayeie In Mark Reed's Hilarious Comedy . • ^PETTICOAT FEVER ' 'eStiFS ' ^4-'^ -. . | ' , .if . liit -pcoduetioa of their Memberahip Theafaw, V i. ,-lf play winter season. .•'& OnrlsiB Time--8:30 p. m. Ooromwifttug Thnrgday, October It j Throofh Sunday, October !® - ~ .• : In Reheanal " "CA1TDLELIGHT," A comedy by Sl^Hed Geyer. Thursday, Oot. 23 -- Snnday, Oct. 2^. Main floor seats $1.80, $1^0, 76c, tax incl.; balcony $1.20, 90c and 56c, tax incl. Box office Van Buren and Dean, Woodstock now open. Call Woodstock 807 for reservations. Now! Nowl NOME POMWUDIT Deluxe KM wNh Profossiaiial Herns fen leoasM Hsre's why^The newTOmhafsssisaal Plastic Cviers an % (60)1 more curling eurfaea). New DeUixe w8h ploslic cerien TheyYe rmmd. tot easier wiadlui; smoother cuflTheyYeriiaf i't slip. They're to g^ryeu awaeyl R&UKH,wUkomt cmrkn. M" Rtguhr Kit, /Utr emrim . H* AUprumplm km BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET MeHHNRY. ILLINOIS Is featured ssagslisss ea the CBS Tsd^ Martta skew. Is gulag he •sr fial hsslad Oreelea saadals. She's aat lee M, baft bar height has always beea W sieslllf peiat. Aad la two veeept serosa tasks for bapertaat selas la Mg fletares sbe abe was tea tall far 4TIMT/MCMNSNEYOa W I N T E R D R I V I •otter get buoy and make arrangements to hati fireslone 8oow and mud tires placed on your wheels. These tires go a long wayg in solving your winter driving problems. Then with a FIRESTONE battery installed your troubles are practically over. When you winterise year car let as cheek aeceeeary items to de the jok f over; We carry the WALTER J. FREUND • ^-4- _ Tires -- Takes -- Batteriee -- Aecesaerlee >• Tire and Wb» Vakanisiag . ' AO Work Guaranteed Jgf , . WMt dfttf EVENING® AND SUNDAYS ' ftp. i Helen TrauSri, leading Wagnerian ao^ano of the Metropolitan opera, will appear on "Duffy's Tavern' October SI. Maybe it's pure luck that Miss Traubel is a singer; she attended both her first concert and her first baseball game when she was' five. Who knows whst might have happened if girls.could be big league baseball players? She went to a game every day with her f a ther, sat in a box over the dugout. That was in St. Louis--and last year the St. Louis- Cardinals named her their honorary mascot. --*-- Angela Lansbury's performance in "U Winter Comes" won her the coveted role of the newspaper publisher in "State of the Union"- which 4he takes Spencer Tracy away from Claudette Colbert. And she didn't even test for the role! --*-- ODDS AND ENDS--BiUi* Bmk# i tigmim by Colmmbi* to stm im * »#- tits of tu>o-r*tl comtHtt. . . . Randolph Scott will tt*r m m mw tr*mcrib*d i*ri*s, "Frontier Town." . . . Dslya bm mt imports»t ftstmrod rob in RKO"% "Mystery in Mexico" btr third film to be sbot in Mexico. . . . Sent* MonUJs; Peliudes park bed its 8001st dummy throw* og its cliffs for Columbias Te *be Ends of the Eerth"; the cbember mf commerce begin keeping records w*y b*ck when the dummies fell for such old time producers ss D. W. Grifth. Tbomss Imee end Ceri "".^1 I ' ; 1 * The average state governor is It old. , "f, • V * " • ' /'% • tk*> W,' • "T*" Complete line of Leels poultry ---**-- ^ Watties Drug Store, Me- ^ 9M (jro-TOOTH) ON(yf|92HMiMc Ilbsynrw baei»-- In mtt thair glory. Fmturing tike patent--! Y-front atruetion found only i>Jiwhy r^lni BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 "" - ^ McHENBY * ,, , rf" ,>',A • i i * "' a 4*' o^ And arfl *jQSk€t( . O RJTS -; 95fe M7S. McGEE'S ©RMN ST. AAcHENRY, ILL. t: |V: £41" ' 1^!.

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