Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1947, p. 1

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sms? mm iwass® «"«* vJL, 1>~«- ]- Wm* »W> i s^ti*' . :. -.. -X ' j# "gfjfgl SW'Tff *. s MiPf *N «r •&*!$? »3M^4Sj»5yt v -f> v :• *mm «S 5#*f8is?w*,-ift .iVtV. '»>* - isfc? * . »' :« ^K-uaM ...t - S,-.'^r-„, rn~ • ••^-INWm-. ^rr.-.iiA.v ;• safe#'/ Volume 73 MoHKNRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1947 Ko. 22 » ? it* «*»'. «[«•"- jpv«i " M < . ^ " ' ' " ^ ' •; _si /f.-^,>« . v $r\ v * *?&••*: fiOUIEI TO BE OBSEJip 1Y LOCAL Ctli.ES /^:' Mell Miitw To Hold Reoeption Fir* Smntj-Tlvi Oct. 18 m eoaples Jan reached the S point of eelebriiW their golden *v WUng uahuttry with the spirit :: ai wt for living which is dnnetnv * Mt ofMr. sndMn. IbD IMiaTM, - «i^ arc ibMrriiK the occasion on flaesalay, Oct. H Residents of this asutm unity for the post seven ysars, - Mr. and Mra. DeGnvas now nside ob Karate 1, McHenry near tho Chain Of Lakes CS«M Field. Thqr havi Mtod seventy-five relativee and (Hands to enjoy a reception, held at THXAXSS QUOTO WUTTWl 8X480* T~ oPKXs OCT u '•*•; * y I.,':: fev?" Date lip your beet girl and take time out for a trip to tho Woodstock Opera House this Thursday night, Oct 16. when the curtain ro«s up on McHenry County Theatre Guild's 26-walk winter season. The seane is the Woodstock Opera House where Orson Wells got his first taateof thaatn, where the top ghafcssparian asters from Europe have displayed Mr talents, and where eitiaans of McHenry county will have a chance to aee one of the top Biitoilwil theatre groups in the united 8tatec in a 28-week season of Broadway plays. Not since the eany eighties when grandpa in Ms Un s*« hat and walking ctea iqoM grandma in her poke bonlMt and hustle to a performance of MEast Lamn" has their been anything so brilliant and spectacular as the coming season of yon remember that the Mc- j Henry County Theatre Guild is composed of a glow of communityminded individuals from various of the county. This (ton- MCHS ANNUAL HONECNW 0CT08ERJ4 .; Hnndred* Expected Q to 8ee Grid Battle ^ Against Lake Geneva The very biggest weekend oi the year for students of the local high school and, in fact, for many of the *\ C. H. S. alumni will be next Friday, Oct. 24 when annual Homecoming festivities will be hold. The main* attraction will, of course be tho arid battle between the local Warriors of Coach McCncken and a strong Lake Geneva team, but there are many other preliminary features which will also prove attractive. According to plans which have been made to date, there will be a general assembly of the student body at 1:30 p. m., followed by AUTO-UTB DISPLAYS VAJUtTT or FKODOOTS nr McHnntT window pnOt orrudutioo la brbwtaw UtrW- f'.klfjr'il'L ^ m*" tb~tr* «® *<a-n ~™t,- parade. For those who have not yet noticed, there ia a vory interesting display at 191 S. Groan street, McHenry, containing prdoueta of the Electric Auto-Lite Die Caating division plant in Woodstock. The items shown include radiator ornaments, oil burner-, valve body, thei mostat-cover, trunk hinges, automotive handles, name plates and horn Mowing rings. They manufacture over 1,000 different types of products for eleven automobiles, refrigerators, radio and television seta, gas ranges, portable tools, electric mixers, laboratory equipment, washing machines, cameras and movie projector equipment, Oil beaters, air-craft, toasters and wa£fl<? irons. ", This is tho largest die casting plant under one roof in the world and employs hundreds of people. At the present there are more than 900 DEATH TAXES SEVERAL WELL KNOWNJN CITY Lengthy Illness 0|^ ; f Win. Bidder End«j T> . Elsa Maedg* Dies ; . y , The community this week mourns the death of a well known and respected lifelong resident of McHenry. He was William Bickler, 60 nan old, who passed away »t his homo east of die rivac^ ^t 1 a. m. on Wedneaday, Oct 16, 1M7. Mr. Bickler had been in flailing health since laat May a*d had been eonflnod to bed since early in July. Even in his _ „ „ I illness, however, he maintained a persons living in or near McHenry, cheerful spirit and an interest in CONDUCT SEARCH FOR THREE NEGRO GUNMEN IN LILY LAKE ROBBERY iA search has been conducted this Wfek fbr three negro gunmen who last Saturday evening staged a holdup of Pater Vallone's grocery store in Lily Lake. According to McHenry county authorities, tho robbery Ofcured about 10:46 p. m. Mrs. Vallone was alone in the store when the three men, entered, roughly dressed. When she remarked about the size of a largo order they had given her, one of the men pulled a gun and informed her YOVIIS OUCACO man Deix COLLISION' Daniel Moscinski -/ Killed Wben Auto Hit Road Machinery r • 4 , , Failing to negotiate a sharp turn i *5 that they wanted not only groceries i on the Pistakee Bay* black-top road. ^ • one of tho two or three counties in Illinois which haa a winter theatre. ... . , » , There is a graduated price of " *• °°ly "atur«1 1, ^ •tudents from 46c (plus tax) to $1.60 (plus j •™' A thaa* who will witness the tax). Seaaon's memberships are P*^® are hoping for as fine who are employed at tile plant. Teahers Will Attend Annual Meeting Oct 17 The annual meeting of the northeastern division of the Illinois Education Association will ibe held local happenings. The deceased was .bom in Wist McHenry on Julv 20, 1897. As a young man, during World War I, he entered service of his county and served in France for almost two years. Upon his return he joined the newly formed American Legion AAuur£o™ra on Friday, Oct. 17 TTe«aachh e,rns | mp°m8rvta AN o.. .4 91 in McHenry. Late? he from Kane and Kendall but also the cash. * I northwest of McHenry, last Sunda|y While he hold Mrs. Vallona at bay, vJLiJS?*oa Chk*5L. ^ ? hia two companions walked to the Pf * . . i *"1?^ m r cash register and removed |66. They' •" "phalt ,.»T[,r*mder then carried out the groceries, placed j T, corn"'iU8t » Vthoelmo in a car, and sped east, toward crash causing fatal intjJu,reirees,.u ^2Th«o young man was the ton of Mr. and Forester Officers To Be Installed Oct. 21 _ Installation of newly elected of- -v.,.* Q.jt _ fleers of Court 594, Catholic Order Mrs. Michael Moscinski, who purchased The Bridge just three weeks ago. Moscinski was driving south on the blacktop road, toward McHenry, Being unfamiliar with the road, he evidently failed to in time. . • , served as commander of the post, «P«Mv filling this post to the exof Foresters, will take place on Tues- T'^t thTunmarked day evening. Oct. 21, at St. Mary's- BuiekTiurlin.- iSt? fk. i.... St. Patrick's school hall, ^ew "*1^; ^ tS leaders are as follows: Reverend ^ spiritual director. Father Eugene wKi»k YB«anuHm»h• of^er*; .cnhnief» rr anger, GeFo»rge J. Mnneet the Pfstskee r.t available at $16 and $24 for the weather " prevailed last year, when I will meet in the West Aurora high Yh.V Yanda; vice-rangcr. Jacob Frenumnid>; S?.""®" Tth«ef lH stokeo Bay road with sixteen plays, plus two children's "bright sun and warm breeses made school, and those from McHenry »nd hi .nHU.rn.nMn/ thl 1,881 chie' rang®r. <»eorge J. Freund; ^Lidei Reservations can be made now by wlH ^ fcbe customary floats, calling Woodstock 807. All reser- which will be made in after-school vations must be picked up by 7:30,1 hours. representing the various ! the evening of the performance. The I classes and organisations. The pep ! opening MOW will be repeated Fri-' band will play from their places on i day, Saturday ami Sunday evanfngs i a slowly moving truck, and the men the game farm,"this next Saturday. A, this weak at 8:80 p. m. j who make up the Warrior team will at the eait The sessions and close at For seveKra„l ye--a rsti i;M r. BiDc„knle r- r.i. nanciai secretary, George P. *reund; fu_ f«.u ~thigh school building, i jt' -r" " ' *• m': epidoyrf by ,h. Illinoi. B,U T,lj, | ^^„ni„ con<lllc. .°t?' !Sf I» Li »o?KT Jt '{h. accident victim had come to McHenry from his Chicago home to Before the return trip, he told relatives he wanted to take a little ride McHenry before stopping mass of thanksgiving in their honor itoy?«to^n "* " sN"»m« Ouwd *18,000 The couple was married in Kowa- j Damage In Harvard nee, 111., in Visitation church, brick* in 1897. Theret is a bright twinkle i Flames whiah gained headway in in her eye when Mrs. I>eGraves tolls; the Moose club rooms at Harvard new acquaintances that her maiden | early last Sunday morning caused name was Nellie Houlihan. The, damage estimated at $8,000 to the explanation is hardly necessary, for rooms and an additional loss of more the charming little lady has a keen {than $10,000 to stores, offices and wit that only the Irish are famous; apartments Occupying the same for. Her interesting repartee is evi- > building. dently contagious, for her huaband | Smith A Green hardware store is too, possesses a humor which belies, located beneath the Moose club and his French name. (the other half of the first floor is The couple resided in Kewanee for' occupied by the Davidson drug store a time after their marriage and livedIn addition to apartments, a dentist, in Chicago for_thirty years prior to j an^attorney, and alao a beauty shop. also he present in their uniforms. The parade will march down Main street, cross to Wauktigan and go east to Green. From there it will proceed to the Park Pub, turn east .. _. . .. ... . to Riverside Drive and then to south noting, giving the students a day to Elm street before returning to vacation. at Northi?.trm 'jI«vrr,Tty*Clwho h°bb>' of &M»«ltly until I w.h,.irt. «»'"» to Chic«r> will a^Ol^rlfn ^He«^Md°^eUnlv#»r«itv' Survivors include hi. mother, Ina; of California University a brother> Carl j.. a Biater; Jni; McHenry teachers will attend this' an(^ a sister-in-law, Edith aAiistM MtutakM 4ka A > DlCKlCFi I™;."."' " 'uv,ni1' ^nvestiK«tiontUr"When "hill* ISrtJ?. director for the court. Loretta, reached the scene of the the high school. Several special features have been planned for between halves of the game at night. Prises will be awarded for the best decorated float, best costume, to the alumnus and alumna who came the farthest, the persons who graduated longest ago and also to the class with the | The body rests at the Jacob Justen „ {Sons funeral home until 9:30 o'clock V. *r. Wnr Sa pen*t. Cr!,_m-vb--u_s Dt\_a_y j on Saturwdi„a-y ^m ocronnidn^g,c tewdh etnh erae > brtiheef Excavating For Foundation I American Legion post to be present ' to pay last respects. A requiem McHENRY LADIKS AtLE ELECTED TO HOSPITAL BOARD Probably no one in McHenry cele- ™" J* s.un*.at ^ o'clock at brated Columbus Day in a more truly ^Rtn,ck s church, with burial, in American way than members of -the' M»ry s cemetery. local Veterans of Foreign Wars, who ' „ *, , fi'8* , . spent the day digging a well and! Rwidents of Fair Oaks subdivision j accident, the injured man wa* atreadv being taken to the Woodstock {.hospital by ambulance, but she waa able to identify the wrecked car as 1 his. « | Skull Fracture The Annual meeting of the Wo- j Moscinski, who suffered a skull rnsn's Auxiliary pf the Woodstock, fracture and internal iniuriea, waa public hospital was held last; Head before arriving at the hospitaL Tuesdays October 7, at the. His bodv was taken to the Jacob Woodstock Country Club. The many) Justen Sons funeral home in Memembers present enjoyed luncheon which was followed by the'! funeral arrangements. most n-cmbers present. I i'*y m wen ana! thi«' week^hear? "with^~^irrer"of""th,e I bu®ineM meeting. Mrs. Warren | he 2*J2ZS22 frSL'KL^r'iSS•»»««< .'r a dessert Henry and then to Chicago The fire is believed to have started either from a cigarette or possibly from £**rm. ' moving to McHenry. Four Children Besides their many friends who; . . . . will be present, the DeGraves four | children and six grandchildren who planned the reception will be on. hand to make the day complete -for their parents. The children are Thomas, . Marie, David and Bernadine, kll of i AGRICULTURAL LAUD Chicago. j Special guests at the wedding will he the bridesmaid and host man who were attendants at tho wedding fifty years ago. Happy memories of long ago will no doubt pass through tho minds of these four people as they recall, steo by step, the slow march to the altar in an old church. Iho best wishee at tWr in McHenry are extended to Mr and Mrs. DoGravos aa they pan a memorable mileetone in their long and interesting lives. An inquest was held on Monday orning, in 'McHenry by Coroner kins, president, has been largely re- i !!fT-^»l.aJ»nSrW!!^|Ch W1fl 5**1?! Home 'there "for sixtee^^eara"" M^ss i Jtms R*weifh« who was unable to Ehom, with a verdict of accidental Ce,^°n- *®r" ! week and, weather permitting and the Woodstock hospital on Wednes- ! UtT JflTflulSLf standand was first leaders, whe.have f^edin prepare-; c<.ment available, they hope to pour^ "loaning, Oct- 16, 1947, having BAUD OF OTPJMW^ ORDtREDTOXXAinf^ A band of^, including ap tions and who will add greatly to-the spirit of Friday's event will be Joann Andreen, Janet VanKanagan. Marcel 1. Sserek and Merlin. The band, under the direction of Paul Yanda, will add their bit to the big event by marching in formation on the field and playing several military and school marches. the foundation day. and floor on Sun- been confined there since the pr«< \iouR Sunday. She had ^een in poor The new building, fit) include dub;'"!?^ for nine months. ing committee#. Michael Mocsinski. the father, had left operation of his new busineaa rooms for the organisation and a kitchen will be a cement block structure with wooden roof. i For forced The following officers were re- to a son-in-law, and was in Texas, elected: president, Mrs. James Raw-! their foriper home, at the time of leigh: first vice-president, Mrs. War-: the accident. 'en Shoemakfr; second vHW-preaident i The deceased reside* at 276i If. , . i There will be special maneuvers also wave me by e?:-navy, coast fuaid, marine and proximately thirty-five adults and children, were ordered to ' merchant 'marine personnel, in honor Skocitv Uaita.^: i2IFw2? fcJ^ i of appi^ching Havy Day. Sheriff VnA l£ir7T?> # i The Jan,or class it sponsoring a *»««. JpUkta. ^nL^Tf t.L !I dance in 't,hhe? MeRanrv coun^r sonlng board ^o5f , gthm*a l8lr *made«m {iossri own Wdchu fftghaa. n wffl be a The land ia many years, until iUness i jjn> Frank (Wh; ttflVespondence Aahlantf" ITWiae, Chicago, where ho retirment, Miss Maedge secretary, Mrs. C. F. Pearce; record- ] owned and operated the Parkway was employed by Doming A Ry«>n, | ;nfr secretery, Mrs. Irwin Burger; Modal Bakery. raVrdashery shoo, located on La-1 treasurer. Mrs. Harry Abraham; as-' BesidOs hls.paronta, he is survived «»«? 'j ' Chicago. | «istant treasurer, Mrs. Donald Still. ' by his widow, Anna, of Chicago; a The deceased was a member of: n,e following directors ware re-' sister, Loretta; and two brother*, a Chicago O. E. S. chapter. | elected: Miss Jane Duhba. Mrs.i Gilbert and Michael, Jr., aU of Mc- Survlvors include a brother, Wil- " -- " ** 'W COURTHOUSE Ham, a sister, Mrs. Helen Kay, and one nephew and one niece. The body will rest at the Lain Chester Gould end Mrs. Charlol' Henry. Wright of Woodatock; Mrs. John T. TT->nni««n. Mi's. T. G. Sexton and Mrs. Austin flats, of Crystal Lake; (Leadership Training Sehool Tor Chnrches 9egan 0e$.14 An interdenominational Leadership Training School for churchn through MeHenrv county and sponsored by the MeHenrv County Ministerial Asaaciation wdl ha held, ea six Tueadays, starting m Oihf 14 and ending on Nomtar It The school win convent In the Woodatock Methodist church with Sov. Jack B. Jones of tiie Woodstock BaptUt church serving as dean. Much emphasis will be laid upon the history of American interdenominational cooperation, its current status and outlook, bv Rev. Roger Allen, pastor of the Marengo Pres- „iyterian church and preeident of the and renting to tourists or any h against the soning 8BEKS PAYMENT Arthur L. Ball is aaeking $806.47 llaattee" t7on Stnot ewvienniiMng!, 'rom Charles P. Kries for brooch suspence until of e0ntneU to a bin filed www uMpm m agauas uw senmg ; --<11^. disclosure «f the --knv 1 01 coniraci, according to a Din HIM SthTaditn !S"a®nCye pnehriscohn , firm, «cPo mthpaen yf aocrt 1 gwi w«o wui reiga aa amy aoa j in circuit court durinag nth e pa1s. t ww--eek corporation who violates, diaobeys or omits, neglects or refuan to oom- Pjr with, or «i^jN|iiito eafoctoesaent of any of the pinvliliM of tMs ordinance shall be subject to a fina of no mora than $100 for each reniiMMtea lusI- HhU I ^ Attorney Raymond G. Zack. Wau- *bis community lant Friday, Oct. 10, | w^ aS Jrill be^^ detected »ia!kMM1 rfc, hill tfa.t ** 1M7. when Leonard Smith. 78. died! *h°P» } funeral home at 6600 N. Ashland I »nd Mrs. Andrew Kuby a McHenry! avenue, Chicago, until Saturday ] The following new tnembera won I afternoon at 2 o'clock, wbpn last oMted to tiie board: Mn. James R. 'rites will be conducted there, with *11** »nd,_Mrs. George Stilling of .burial in Acacia cemetery. McHsnry, Mrs. J. Wallace Kruse and i4. _ ! Leonard Smith 1 Mrs. Wanda Todd of Richmond. ! *t Thursday) Death called a lifelong resident of j, There, was a beautiful display of ; in St. Adellmrt's cemetery. During the war. Moecinsld served with the army for two years la the European theatre, returning to the Statea in 1946. Hie body rested at the Joeeph Wojdechowaki funeral home at 219 W~ . WWeebbeetteerr aveaae, Clricago, with services heiw hdd from the chapel at 9:80 o'clock today (Thursday). voted on today (Thursday) by the entire body. However, names of the lu$ky persons will not be disclosed. .until Oct. 24. Candidates for queen an for a period months, or ~ the court.'* j .a a. _. 11 w f »• ™nc* ™•iixL'inagan anu niwno ivviii hJS r1 ^ndWatef. for king an Larry Hang, both, in tho discretion of Patrick Williams, Tom Kent and Birth* AQan TIim 1i man hondmade articles from the hoepital kegan. The bill asserts that the 1947, Smith, 78, died ( plaintiff and the defendant entered st Sherman hospital, Elgin, following.] _ >nTnwie»iaa, _i_-. » a written contract Nov. 2, IMS, an illness extending over severs)' UlW>WiiIfWiHf Wu4< whonkqr the plaintiff was to far- months. OFFBt OCKMMUMRON t ntsh labor, material, equipment ahd Mr. Smith was a native of Mc- -- construction engineering • hsrnsssiy Henry, born on June 1, 1869, the riin<t(« system in Mc-; son of Stephen and Ann Smith. He Henry for the defendant and for had farmed between hen and Richard A. May and Clinton C. j Crystal Lake until twenty years ago, Martin, at a price of $6886.90. Ac- when he retired. cording to the agreement, the plain- j His wife, Carrie Bertha Smith, and tiff was to receive $2188.50 within five brothers proceeded him in death. five days after completion of the, He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. j work, which was July 1, this year.: Florence Kelsey, of Crystal Lake; in tho county jail | *n2*VMK^Jf£n ^"lElaiir'jSn.'! ^ teBUl1 • in Mc- son of Stephen and Ann Smith. Sunday evening's accident waa tno third to occur on this eorasr during tho past summer sssssn. Warning signs st tfb point ssight ATHLXTIO TOLD rOHD WEBTS WITH SPLENDID .... u .. u t- - .. hwhawo «w miiiffTTlfflOT ; ^ $1827.05 wis ptid by Mr. KHm : two irtndchildnn; And two listen* uerulfoa UV UVMMUIVXTX aMOrding to the bill leaving a bal- Mrs. Mary Stahlman of Elgin and v Mr. and Mn. John Nachnbackl an 1 ATHLETIC FIELD 1 anee on this amount pf $808.47. , Mrs. Elisabeth Brett of Auburn, the nannts of a ibL born an Oct.! The drive for a new athletic field j ; ___. Wash. 10 at Sherman hoipt*»* «ig<^ j in the community has met with j . JtILL OF COMPLAINT The body was at rest at the War* m TUBUTf 1ft DXAD ^ aEstSSta Douglass D. Gotehell, department! OHAPTKR 0F7I0XR8 commander ,of the American Legioa amv* onm vaias in IBinois haa called upon all J TWO TSAKB Legionnaires in this state to "stand' . --" by during the ntnni of thd honored I Alpha Theta chapter members of war dead. Declaring it was the duty Delta Kappa Gamma, national honor of all Legion poeta to see that the society for women tMchera, met at proper honors wen paid to then the home of Mm. Mary Endns at heroes, he termed it a "tnmendoos Wonder Lake recently, at which reaponsihility of oil good* Lsgion- times offteen for the next two-year naires, a saend trust In which we Period wen installed aa follows: cannot fail.** The first of the war Florence Johnaon. Crystal Lake. Ixf. K 7, . w ; ' ^ 1m »rn at Sherman hoe- wonderful response. The goal was, A bfll of complaint asking damages ner funeral home in Crystal Lake dewl arrived in this country Oct 10. president; Verda Diersoi, Woo^teck, „ „ ^ 01 V1* T)ital, Elgin, on Oct. 8 to Mr. and set at fiVe thousand dollars. Humor-, for inj'iries received in an accident, anti I 1:80 o'clock on Monday after- . Outlining the. Legion planMrf tri- first vice-preeident; Eleanor Fole^. McHenry County Ministerial Assoda- , j{rg wiwett Erber of Crystal Laka. i 00* »>l renerous donations have, at, Oct. 25, 1046, was ^filed in ^circuit noon, when Rev. M. J. A. Dalrymple His subject will be, "The In terdt nominational Movement." , oomra KvnvTB McHenry friends wiO be' interested thU wrifing, swelled the fund to | court by Attorney Andrew J. Far- officiated at to learn that Mr. and Mn. J. iE. over four thousand dollars. Some; reu on behalf of Chanaa F. Sve«»r Burisl was Fletcher of Falls Church. Va, an bave not been conUcted and others j yd Arthur J. Schuster, namingJohn Crystfl Lake. - - « ai--i ii-- --in --" k. Mayer and Harold and Evelyn 1 *"-- A son _ __ ,, , , , ... ... Monday ^ to their departed cemradee in McHanry, second vies prasMsnt; Lit arms, the department commander lian fiolgor, MeHenry, secretary; urged that all employers see to it Agnes Tnocapeoa. Crystal Lake, that the veterans who will take part treasurer; Dorothy Gibks, MeHenry, 1 the parents of a daughter, bom on have indicated that they will maij, £• mw and naroio ana Evelyn, Charles A. KUag ( «b these many fgnoral ceremonies .an wrr^pondence •ocr^ory; Faith Oct. 6. Mn. Fletcher is the former! in their donations. j G*tzke, defendant*. Charles A. Kling. 84, a reaident of 1 time off ,to perform thdr Hairington. Crystal Lake, parttamsBMiss Hazel Howard. I The organisation group, under thp j relates that Charlos West McHenry, aied ip an Elgin I <mt|es it the church «nd gnve. He terian. services held then, in Union cemetery. •n after an1 Services , were coopei that beshtsssflsen 'everywhen Miss Nellie Doherty, chairman af nting iinn tthiiss rreessppeecctt.. the legislstion ccoommmmiitttteeee,. discussed Chicago funeral! The next of kin of deceased »mong others, the following nqnt s born hsve mai) j «*• Mayer Hai former | Gs^e, defendanU. ^ . October 16 I Miss the ">o bill Charles F. I in C. D. of A. Initiation. A daughter. Linda Karen, was1 direction of Chairman George P. STe*efF. ™ s carpenter and that he hospital on Oct. 7. 1947, Kanthly Ward Party of Legion born at a Sheboygan, Wis., hospital1 Freund, wish to express sincere 1 ^?er?t*d ,un<J?r terms of the illness of eleven months. Auxiliary--Downey Hospital. Ion Oct. 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Appreciation to the many donors. °Jkman s Compensation act and were h^ld from a Chicafcw » _... . -- -•« m. j . a . w. S. C. S. Luncheon Community Lund of Elkhart, Wis. Mn. Lund is They are also especially apprecia- that John E. Mayer a mason, also home on Friday, with burial in ^o notify legislation. BM 22>jaiead >stato Church. 7, the former Miss Msrie Johnson of tive for the time and effort put opersted under the Workman's Com- Acacis Park cemetery. the post commander when the final gr nt from $18 to 22 per eto^tteT October « I Pistakee Bay. Mn. Hilda M. John- forth by those who were actually ] Pensstion act. The defendants, Harold Mr. Kling ' and his wife, Clara, telegram is received from the war child and from $4 to $7 for each Fst-Luck Supper and Halloween! »»n is the proud grandmother. i cut on the firing line calling on *" ™ " ftety--6:80 p. m.--Riverview Camp, Lieut, and Mn. Eugene J. Justen : people to explain the proposed nro- SL N. A.--Members Only Meeting °' Chicago announce the birth of a ject and collecting the funds. These Follows. ' ~ daughter, Heidi Gene, at Belmont workers took time from their own October 28 i hospital on October 8. Mrs. Justen business pursuits, not for their own Itoblic Card Party and Auction-- >» the former Nancy Henderson, a personal gain, but to assure the O. E. S.--Acacia Hall. i summer resident of McCullom Lake.! success of a worth-while civic pro- Program. Card Party and Dance-- The couple has one other^ child, jecc. and Evelyn Oatzke, operate a truck ; moved to "this ~ community about department, announcing the time and high school child; House Bill 66 farm near Woodstock. I eleven years ago making their home pl*ce of arrival of the deceased po forbids school boards to discrimi- The Gatzke* entered into a coh- I on the west side* of McCullom Lake, that a representative of the post nate on account of sex in fixing tract with John E. Mayer to con-. Previously he bad resided in Chicago mt7 the goverment escort that salaries of certified employees; House struct a bin for 4000 bushels of after coming to the States from his wi» accompany the body. Bill 424 gives to all full time school onions. The bill also aven that Mr. i native Sweden in 1882. He was a Commander Dick Williams of the employees a minimum annual sick Svescar employed Arthur J. Schuster, carpenter contractor by trade. local Dost said that his post is ready leave of five days at full pay and Vok^SchooL October 24 Lynn, nineteen months old. It has been suggested that a com- J plete report pf the donations should be published. This has been referred jto the executive committee and no i doubt will be approved. However, the ! committee does not feel that the in complete list should be published Circle 4, w. s. c. s.--Henry Freund County Minstrel Show n. ». Jt I M»kta« Ita ProgwM White Elephant Sale--Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar Society.! "Something with some „ October 29 ; it" is what you'll be hearing at the • until all organizations and individuals Program -- High School--Sponsored county minstrel show, to be hold Nov. have had sufficient time to fulfill by Mothers Club anil Library, 8, in Wbodatock, sponsored by the their committments. board. j woman's auxiliary of the Woodstock] Those who have looked over the November - -v.. v- hosnitaL Mrs. James Rawleigh, re- grounds are enthusiastic about se- Junior Class Play. j cently re-elcted president of the curing additional space, particularly Mothers Club--Legion Halt j organization, is assuming genenl|a space for ice skating. November 16 1 chairmanshin of the show. I LLecture by Judge* Sbarbaro--Parochi- It is still not too late for in-! NEPHEW KILLED si School Hall -- Sponsored by teres ted persons to join the chorus. I Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lunkenheimer C. D. of A. • j However, they must be present this! and little son, Thomas, spent a few _ -- -- (Thursday) evening at the Wood-1 days the last of the week in Val- NOTICE 1 stock high school for rehearsal. J paraiso, Ind., where they were called Bacon Bait and Gas Station open i during October from 9 a. m. to 6j p. m„ Monday through Friday. Open five additional days at half pay and permits minimum accumulation to three times number of days. At the close of the meeting, refreshments wen served by Mrs. EndrCs. The next regular meeting of the group will be held at the Eleanor Hower at to do some carpenter work in the! The deceased was a member of to follow out the above program. building where the onion bin was Svithiod Lodge No. 1. constructed. On the foregoing date Frances D. Jensen Arthur J. Schuster and other em- Mrs. Frances Duffy Jensen, 48, a AlfnMa viiy eing ployees of Mr. Svezcar wen working j resident of Wonder Lake, died last Aniunu itf-Xt oil/A. in the building about three feet from Saturday noon. Oct. 11, 1947, at the ttti n sttst nttfutir the onion bin which was being filled Woodstock hospital. j by employes of the Gatskes when a, Survivors include the widower, Mrs. Orrin Kell and Mn. Wayne U; Mrs. wall of the bin collapsed and a ee- Lawrence Jensen; two daughten. Silke of Spring Grove have been Naperville. ment . block struck the ladder on , Mrs. Frances Smith of Chicago and medical patients at St. Therese hoe- _ ------r-- • which Mr. Schuster was standing,I Mrs. (Florence Freund of McHenry; pital, Waukegan, during the past WAR DEAD ARRIVE causing him to fall to the floor. AsJ and on son, Michael J. Duffy, Ring- week. One of the first of the county's a result, he sustained permanent wood. » ' Joseph Clement has been a medical World War II dead to come from injuries, according to the bill. The body rested at the Peter M. natient at St. Therese hospital, Wau- overseas was Harold C. Karsten of • Justen funeral home until Tuesday keran. Woodstock, whose body arrived at RECEIVES APPOINTMENT morning %t 10 o'clock, when last Mrs. Ed Breit fa ill at her home the port »t San Francisco. Calif., last Edward J. Chaplicki, manager of i rites were held from St Patrick's north of Volo. .week. He died in a hospital in the Chicago branch of the National | church. Interment was in All Saints »• " •--' ! wawaii on May !0. 1948. The widow. Tea Company food store this week cemetery. j RESIDENCE CHANGES I Lillian Karsten. received a telegram announced the appointment of Val S. ] Maria Frederick j ' j from the war department last week, Bauman as sales manager of the Funeral services were h£ld Satur-I by the death of her nephew, LeRoy BOY STRUCK BY AUTO Bond. The five-y# ear-old child wa__s - .. - - r..., Edward Portalski, 7. of Rt. 8. Mc- ' killed by an auto while crossing a Saturday, 9 a. m. to midnight. Sun- Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis | street near his home on Thursday day. 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. Buy your Portalski, was injured seriously on, afternoon. -permanent anti-freeze now. 22-2-fp i Tuesdav afternoon when he was! A ' -- ; struck by an auto while crossing the j It isn't too early to choose the -Don't delay 4n selecting your highway near his school. At 8herman card which will be your greetings to •Christmas cards. We have a largo hospital when ha waa taken follow- 1 friends at Xmas *iw* Select yours •election this yfcar in a variety of ing the accident, it was disclosed that now while then is a large variety styles. Come in today. McHenry he was suffering from seven scalp! from which to choose. MeHenry IPIaindealer. 22-fp lacerations and an injury to the left | Plaindealer. 22-fp • eye. Edward was crossing the road -- Complete line of Loo's poultry toward a car that waa waiting for! Tho navy its remedies at Wattles Drag Star*, Mo- him and darted into tho path of huts with 2-inch slabs of crushed ,|bnry. - .§4f -- ,<btvun 4qr a Wi Chicago Branch. Mr. Bauman comes to the National Tea Company with eighteen years of diversfied experience in the chain store field, and assumes the complete duties of merchandising and sales promotion. INJURED IN COLLUSION Mn. Marion Wilier of Lily T-ak* was one of ten oersons injured in a collision of two North Shore electric trains at Mundelein on Saturday morning. She was nlaasad after treatment at Condell pital, Libertyvflls. The day morning from St. Henry's . T i ? . , church. Chicago, for Mrs. Maria J"h"9 u^ Frederick. 76. who passed away the • ln the part of Drevious Thursday. Oct. 9, 1947, at!.'"® the home_ of her brother, Ed Bnit, j She had been in poor Mr,. Jacob H. h« m„™l iSS3"« 't* ENTERS WORSHAM COLLEGE shipped to Woodstock for burial. FORTY HOURS DEVOTION Forty Hours Devotion will be observed at St. Mary's church this north of Volo. ~ weekend, beginning on Oct. 17 Wo^h.™co1r«T3Oct ... • w ,n' Chicago. This school has become1 --: wJw ^i the brothir hU8band' | the outstanding educational collsgo Ml ****** . BtalSa S2»L.. |l. th. county h. I., lh> Jjgy -ST1- Mrs. ElHwbeth Goodman of » j all day every ThaisJaj uytil further Crystal Lake, and aunt of C. J. William Cowan, of Crystal Lake,. notice. 16-fb-tf ReOansperger of McHenry, died last! and two grandchildren. Fridsy morning, Oet. 10, at her home. Funeral services won hold at 101 Complete line of iMfes UusslBsIt at MD Dole avenue. o'clock Monday moraing at St! remediM ft WVtUff ICfPMr Hwr> Hit- ' Sarvivon indeia a daughter, Mn. Tfcomas Catholk chur^ Bmrnj. • '* 7 " fS

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