Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1947, p. 2

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< »•»»• | second vice-president. The office tenture is for two yean. The meeting of the teachers, who arememmmm . • _g-_ bers of this sorority, was held in WW 01IQ«f Lu[8 i Wickline Bay at the home of . Mrs. | Mary EndrCs, superintendant of , " , dated district in Illinois. By Vanesse Sella j -'^A* . MMnf *,«,•{„» nf th» Mr deepest sympathy to Mi;, and #P. a recent meeting of the mem- j_ Novak over the death of Mr. bers of Alpha Theta chapter of j Novak's brother in Chicago on Oct. t. Qelta Kappa Gamma, nationataociety! ---- for women teschert, Mrs Eleanor | Congratulations to Mrs. Ann Land- Foley, superintendent of Harrison : man, who was "Si Again" on Friday, school, was elected and installed as Oct. 10. Mrs. Helen Reuter, NcHENRY CAB--Call If yon are in a hurry • For prompt and courteous servioe, ; > Don't start to worry. We have 24-hour servioe. MCHENRY CAB--Call 472-J '-i'-V daughter of Mrs. Landman, surprised | Auxiliary, her mother With a "party of herj the detif closest friends. Wp limlii•f |Q t Halloween Games' were played. | dance, whfchwill take place on Oct. 11 1 125 in the American Legion Home, Libby Repati and Florence Dean are | Woodstock. missing the sunshine hew!, but are i 1 basking in the Florida variety. They j Bill and Nora Wright of the are spending a vacation in the winter < Handy Pantry left on Tuesday momhome of Mr. and Mrs. James Pavlik. j ing for a much-needed vacation. Mrs. Pavlik, who has been at her I They plan to take baths in not daqghterV side during her recent Springs and» may wander down t» confinement, plans to fly from Nor- New Orleans and over" into Texas man, Okla., to Florida and will motor Back with Libby and Flo. Birthday felicitations to Mrs. Olive Armstrong, also a "81 Again" member, who celebrated her ' natal day on'Oct. 13. Mrs. and Mrs.' Armstrong have just returned, from a vacation in ^Florida. '" over while they are away. The store was left ifi charge of their daughter, Mrs. Mslvina Knacksted, of Chicago. > • Mrs. Frances M. J« der Lake, 68, died at the af Wonroodstock sp | suffered a heart attack. She is sur- | vived by he* husband, Lawrence. | Burial was in All Saints cemetery | in DesPlaines, 111. j Mrs. Marian Cannon was hostess Ion Tuesday to the members of the | committee of the (Rod and Gun A U C T I O N 12 miles west of^^id^Lak^H mile?! •} a stork shower. Mrs Peg AUeUg iwest of Grayslake, 5 miles northeast! «t jS' « Wrede 9* !of Volo, 5 miles southeast of Fox Spring Woods, Mrs. Mane i Lake, 1 mile south of the Gas Ball, I Chnstiansonand Mrs. Esther CTiaae, 1 mile north of Hwy. 120, on jb°th °/ Indian Ridge, were those honored. A group gift was pre- £ATURDAY, OCT. 25 rented to each of these ladies and " at 1 o'clock potluck refreshments were served. 1 WATCH FOB AUCTION ARROWS! A*" .hfhi" k 4 M Lunch W.*» On Ground.^" J-J-. £r jgj- CATTLE--IS choice Holstein iows,'of Ringwood W%s resspQnaible for consisting of 6 springers and 2 with j the decorations, which were greatly calf at side; balance milking good.1 admired. j 2 Guernsey cows (one is 1st calf hei- j ' ' fer, springing, other recently fresh); Probably the first 1948 automobile ! 1 Jersey family cow (springer); 2 in all of Wonder Lake is that beau- 1 Holstein heifers (7 months and 16; tiful and breathtaking green Buick months old); 1 outstanding Holsteini being driven about by Mr, and Mrs. bull, 12 months old. This is a heavy A1 Horn of the Lake View Tavern. I producing herd with a 4.0% yearly Is it really true that the customers average herd test. T. B. and Bangs have to help keep it polished? Friends of l£lttr Viola will want to a card at the Augustana hospital in Chicago, where sne will drop her underjp) week. for goitre , this Shirley Sarinac of Indian , RlHge underwent a tonsillectomy at the Woodstock hospital this week. *• 'V ' • i fv ft". •It-'i'- • • ex- * f?; • r * . fk 5Pr;' "IT1S LATER THAN YOU THINK" Is your oar, truck or tractor re*djr to meet Old Man Winter? If not, see' "<•' ^".r- • ~v.j V *'• *' SEACO " Ho model too old or too new- We have generators, starters, armatures, distributors, fuel pumps and other electrical needs for all models. Rewinding--Rebuilding---Motor Tuneups. *: Prompt Service Starting, lighting and ignition experts . .. . 28 years experience * Antbwi»ed Delco, Remy and Autolite Service SEACO SALES & SERVICE Lilymoor, West Side of Lily Lake, McHenry, 111 FRED J. SV0B0DA A SOH ^ ^ Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 ' DIRECTIONS--Turn south off Route at Lily Lake School; turn left at third raad leading ta lake, second building right side. - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wencel of Woodstock are parents of a daughter, born in Woodstock hospital on Sunday, Oct. 12. "Eddie" Wenzel is a former Wonder Woods boy and Mn. Wenzel is the former Grethen Rietheimer of Chicory Hill, rural Woodstock. For members of the Sip 'nd Sew club were surprised last .Wednesday |tested. j FEED -- 20 ton baled alfalfa and timothy hay; 10 ton of good clear 1 ^mothy hay, jfi568. = 20 Poland China pigs, j Vrfe&fied, average weight 40 lbs. ; MILKING EQUIPMENT -- 2 Now i Universal milk machine pails; 8 milk | cans, stirrer; tanks; etc. I POULTRY--65 mixed yearling hens. MACHINERY A MISCELLANEOUS, ! McD. manure spreader; 2 section i springtooth; steel wagon and rack; and- miscellaneous articles. , NF,W BREECHING HARNESS FRITZ SEEFELDT, Owner Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clfrk earsome time MUwint sen was • little as goes td press. City Council Proceedingn Oetokw 1H1 T|ie Cit/ Council jm$-H somi-montnly maetina' <aCUi Overton preddin, sent: Althoff, Own J. George P. Freund, Regner, Tonyan! Absent: AndersOQ. Motion by George J. Freund, seconded by George J. Freund, that the minutes of the, last meeting, be Tonyan, that th» trW be approved l»': read. ried. report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by George J. Freund, seconded .by Tonyan, that the elerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. _ Motion by Regner, seconded by George J. Freund, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: Motion carried. Anton P. Freund ft Margaret Freund, Municipal athletic' field $800.00 Lester R. Bacon, salary 185.00 John J. McCarthy, salary 161.10 William Lundy, salary 161.10 Philip M. Themes, salary ...... 140.20 W. C. Eelta, sajfy Earl R. Walsh,'office expense Mayme Buss, salary A com> missions Edward J. Thennes, police duty 102.00 McHenry Lumber Company, coal A "pipe 49.46 Pittsburgh Equit. Meter Co., Meters 172.80 Milwaukee Lead Works, Lead? pipe A supplies 606.11 Suburban Oil Company, Premix The American City Magazine, subscription Buss Motor Sales, oil Math N. Schmitt, insurance .... John R. Freund, supplies Freund Oil Company, kerosene 1.70 Lee A Ray Elec. Contr., labor on waterworks The McHenry Plaindealer, printing & publications A. S. Blake Motor Sales, re •pairs to police cay A Heating, Service gas r, Octobv 16, 66^4 'Btowwr Fiuii* FredC. Felts, salary 186.00 se Buss, salary ........... 20.00 -Bait Qa, chains 4 cross- #d feacs 79.40 Hath N. Schmitt, insurance ... 15J1 OMmi Oi{ Company, distil- 7M mvevaama accept t read, ef Ing Cooif 48.67 and to Italic 8erviee Co., poWir ft light It was moved seconded by George the ten-year pro;_ the Ballman ft Mate pany in connection with contemplated issuance of bonds for street widening and new i>rldge over Boone Creek, (green Street. Motion carried. Motion by Georgto P. (Freund, seconded by George J. Freund, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. .j^EARL.R. WALSH, '/#• • •- •• : i 1 Cltar Clark. : / R. I. OVERTOIT, !• iy -«A Mayor. LEGALS ^ iSlHtNON J. KNOX. NOTICE OF CLAIM DA' E*D«eeasecl DMtu'a ^°°x Notiee is hereby given to all eons that Monday, December 1047, is the claim date in the of Anastasia- Knox Malone, pending in the County Court at Ma- Henry County, Illinois, ana AM claims may be filed against said estate on or before said, without Issuance of summons. Ifc 7#st ' " Administrators .with the WiB Annexed. C?ub. Oct. 0-16-28) ||,r Balttai Mouse Tfrraf l' i If you do not have a piece cheese for the mouse trap, trf cotton. Mice like it for their neat* 12UK) 66:00 60.42 v lit ' i t I >ft t: * n •; ;V * *'•**1 # v'*"v '5^r Si' . fiiOfl ,rA"i-vi1 0AU> MeBXMRT " * >'• ' • 4 jExcavating and Crane Service ,<%» . ^laok Dirt --» Sand and Qravel load Oradinf --»--0 * :4r£f- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Blank of Wickline Bay will leave this week for the new home ^they have purchased in Woodstock. They nave been residing in a home aimed by j Weber Plumbing _ the Richard Doyles. 1 Installing water meter w r-r 1 |John J. Vycital Hardware, I understand that the members i supplies of the Rolaine Grill bowling team Henry A. Reese, painting signs disgraced themselves by losing tSi™ F. Pettibone ft Co., supthe Mill Inn team last week and had ! Plies to entertain the Mill Inn boys. Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe:, sup*, | plies On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harold | Holly's Service Station, ice 68.18 8.00 1.28 76.18 .35 2.001 28.10; 6.04' 3&S8POOL8 • CATCH BASINS HAVE YOUR ~ r S*PTIC tANKB ^ ^ - CISTERNS Clean&Bl EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVICE L;i BDDIB HOTT, Prop. * 4 - TELEPHONE MCHENRY 290 Smith moved from Indiftn Rid^e Clark Chevrolet Sales, truck where they have been residing with L_B8tTofra^gee y - - - - - Mr. Smith's parents, to an apart- "£ irfent in Woodstock. - George P. Freund, broom ft James Aodino, who has been confined to «ih% Woodstock hospital for Ob Roote Jvt- . Di Every Wednesday at 7:30 pjn. rmh Load* of poop MEHinSOTA IM17 00WS JBBIFSBS. -- B0L8TKIX STOCK BULLS t.M. iad MROa nSTia' FHvaU Sdw We take Monday TERMS cattle and pifi CASH OR CREDIT your surplus stock to this AUCTION, e have buyers fer every article NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois tOR LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES £0., INC. - Phones 572 or 499 CLARENCE'S SHOP Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order. Full line of lawn chairs, swings, pier benches, pienie table sets, children's play pens, sand boxes, trellises, pickfet fences, window boxes, bird houses, hand woven baskets, etc. Genuine leather men's and ladies' belts, purses, ete. CLARENCE SMITH * < ^ Johnsburg 6.87 4.28 4.0CT 2.39 8.11 .65 10.00 8.18 shovel 6-14 Edward H. Nickels, supplies.... 1.62 Badger Meter Mfg. Co., waterworks supplies 4.22 Public Service Co., power and light 248.48 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., telephone service 19.70 Collector of Internal Revenue income tax 164:60 fflPOWNEW P A g r i c u l t u r a l N f w: I NPTU1ED? DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST ~ Aft 614 Main St., West McHenvf Stelfan's Jewehry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Ryaa Examined -- Glasses Fitted v •isaal Training -- Visual Rehahiliutlaa * • Complete Visual Analysis Hours Daily: • to 12 and,I to &--Saturday Evenings: I ta 8:80 pji. PHONE McHENRT 452 __ . HOOO . t i r e pk» FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I-Beams, Columns, Angles Basement Sash of all Si^es We Specialize in Ornamental iron Railings \ To Order SCHROEDEE IRON WORKS P. O. Address: &t 3, Box 514 McHenry, 111. Two Miles South of McHenry oin III. State Route 31 Bolger s Drug Store! Green Street McHenry Pnpmrtd by Agricultural Dept., Chicago Journal o/ CoiwmwI^ Grain Saving Tips ANATXON-wrbS campaign is underway designed to save urgently needed for relief abroad while at the same time maintaining livestock, poultry and dairy enterprises deemed necessary ta letata this country's present high nutritional standards and ta frevent further inflation. . . . Much of the savings in grain la ' ixpeeted to be realised at the farm level. . . . Out of this csmpalgn have come numerous practical suggestions which the farmer mar t to aid in solving his own feeding problems and at the same enable htm to contribute substantially to the grain conservation. _ram. Enjoying the support of both government and trade leaders, tks fampaign has been bunt around the belief that there Is enough feed. Jf properly utillasd, to maintain this oountry's livestock, poultry and j little grain for maintenance If plentr or other roughage Is fed along with the- ^ enterprises. The Improved roughage situation provides ith a favorable basis for saving grain, the Department of Agrteultaaaints out ... Hay sgppftf per animal unit for 1947-4S are expesML be the largest of record. The men efficient use oC roughages for aB clsssss ot llvastock id. Vtemaia ars urged to reserve a good legume or ire for hogs next Summer. Experts declare that cattle eatves Ming carried through the Winter to be plaoed on jbext Spring US nq M good quality hay, gsesasaiy high protein wpplements. :,= H»e amimnt of eon^i fad to hogs oan be redneed »e fsf^jng of ^eianOfd tattans. that Is, "'irttih tlm sSsbttiu •ifinuTiSl 'maaSmslMhtffihor savings can be- Itaallasd by culling and soiling noo-producint birds and the raUoos of Idle work stock. THIS COLUMN XS 8FON80f«> B* , ' . MCHENRY GA FARMERS CO-OP. PHONB 29 8tS Waekegaa f ~ " r i^r rwvvw^i. NOW SELLING - AT LESS -- THAN PREWAR -•At prices now lower Am 194J„ popular Hood "400" tires give you more for your money--more mileage, greater safety than ever before. Come in now for a liberal Srade-in allowance on your Old tires. Get set with Hood 'lor thousands of miles of ^Smoother, safer drivfag. If it's Hood-- . it's good! 1 TMADi IH YOlflJt Oft* TOtfg To All Who Worked at; th* Legion Carnival over the 4th of July. ONLY *14*. 6.00«lt •PLUS LIFE FREUND OIL CXX PHONE 202 McHENRY. A dinner will be served at the Bridge Ballroom at 8 p. Tuesday, October 21st. We wish to show our appreciation to everyone wUio helped make our Carnival a success. In order that we may know how many will attend, please call or* of the following numbers, on or before Saturday, October 18th: , McHenry 116-R, Friday or Saturday before 5 p. m. McHenry 205-J, after 6, p. m. ^|" McHENRY POST No. AMERICAN LEGION ft- , 1 ' . , ; T** - SIO POST-rRIB . tNTiRlOKS - S«»V« A« a MACHIN* IHNt • UTILITY gUILMNet ^ • WAPINgiAIIII Built with RILCO Laminated Wood RAFTERS • • • Covered with W«afhor-TigHt Materia Mdi at CairugaisJ Aluminum Reefing or Wood Sliaullilno and CempeaMon I M1CO HDOICOHNICTIOH O Here's the modern way to build every type of farm building. Strong Rilco Rafters are factory fabricated and engineered for wind resistance and snow loads. Let us tell you the many uses, and speedy economical erection of the Rilco utility building. Here's a building you can be proud to own. It's 4^ easy to get all the materials you need right Come in and talk to us about it! - 1 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO.' jpoin HsHXNUY 5 1.: WXST KoHXHKT, IUt M ' I Z - « « i" » ' ' »' ' ^* v -Lt • 1> t^ I - itrrr-ter "HiLtJSEr ; ."• } • > I ; " ••• ^ ^ • i 'T

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