Volume 73 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 10,1947 Ai * ' .-4- J No. FARM ACCIDENT nova FATAL TO" KICK KENNEBECK ^ Malhr^ of Community v Died/on July 4th After • Fall Through Chute V plans for celebrating the holiday «en cut short for relatives and friends of Nick Kennebeck, 60, who were shocked to learn of his death | a minute on two-lane route 12, near | at 1 a. m. on July 4, 1M7, in the! Volo, and twenty a minute on route] Woodstock hospital. He died just ten 21. east of Elgin hoars following an accident which! While the accident; toll in the Chioceurred on the afternoon of the cago area was lower than anticipated NEED FOR WIDENING 01 ROADS 8TRK88ED ; AT COUNCIL MEETINd The great need for ftather widening of roads leading from Chicago into the lakes region of this part of the state and southern . Wisconsin was brought out by speakers at -a hlncheon meeting of the Fm Valley Area Council of the Chicago Motor Club at a meeting held on Monday of this week in Elgin. According to Lt. J. H. Fitzgerald, head of the state highway police in the Elgin district, a check made Sunday evening showed forty-five cars moving southward toward Chicago on route 41 each minute; thirty FLYING DISC OF: T GRAFTON PRIlsft - IS CIRCULAR SAW _ They just wont let those "fijlng disc" stories die. The first to have any local significance came io light on Wednesday of this week as the Tesult of radio and newspaper publicity. It seems that Father Joseph. Brasky of St. Joseph's church, Grafton, Wis., who is very well known in this community, awoke on Monday morning at 5 a. m. £ to "find a circular saw, red hot, in his rectory yard. According to Father Joseph, it was about fifteen inches in diameter and had a jagged edge with a peculiar wiring arrangement from the middle to the outside edge. PLAN FOR ENUUI61Ne COUNTY HOSPITAL - 180-Bed Addition to Woodstock Institution - Discgpsed at Meeting IEV. F. A. GRAHAM ACCEPTS CALL TO I ' CHURCH AT LYNDON The 108th annual Rock River Conference was brought to a close recently by Bishop J. Ralph Magee of the Chicago Methodis£ area when he read pastoral appointments for the coming year. McHenry residents were happy to learn that no change has been made in the local Methodist church, with Rev. Wayne Price again serving here. Rev. George Marshall has also been re-appointed. to the Greenwood-Ringwood church. over the July 4 weekend, the number was still stated as "deplorable" by sal'ety officials. previous day on the farm of his brother-in-law, Leo Scheid, at Griswald Lake. Mr. Kennebeck was helping store baled hay in the barn when he evi- LILY LAKE SUMMER dentiy lost his balance and fell pvarnvvr RlTTffBin through the hay chute. His head ««81DBnT SUFFERED •truck the floor ten feet below. FATAL HEART ATTACK little hope was held for his recovery, . _____ 1. tfken Irt0 the A heart attack suffered last Sunday, £r*J Jul7 6- 194?, Rfoved fatal to Jack accident by Mrs. Scheid, who had, Pitfuckf 71, a retired Chicago brush * to the barn on an errand. maker, who died at his summer The deceased was corn on August. home in Lily Lake. He awakened 15, 1886, on the Kennebeck farm at 4 a. m. and called his wife, Rose, Mar Ringwood. He lived his entire and son-in-law and daughter when he Itfetime in this locality," #«e he (was taken sick. They immediately chose farming as an occupation. He, summoned a doctor, but he died hehad resided with his wife at Gris- fore the physician arrived. wold Lake for the past thirty-four j Coroner Ehorn held an inquest at OF SEASON NEXT SUNDAY, JULY 13 irs. jthe Peter M. Justen funeral home, Mr. Kennebeck was a genial, in- the jury finding death due to natural sstrious man who had acauired a causes. The body was taken to the hast of friends here during his long; Alberts funeral home on Central residence. His passing will long avenue, Chicago, for funeral, services, be mourned oy family isndj l acquaintances alike. I gJXTH CONCERT The deceased was a member of ;•***»*** vv"* ' j the Catholic Order of Foresters and ef St. Mary's church. Survivors include the widow, Laura Scheid Kennebeck; two chil-j _ , _ Mrs. Irvin Nester of Chicago' The*i*t^ J**"1 concert of the sea- Elmer of Wauconda; three sis-i80*1 ^ ^•ce„ otl ***• ten, Mrs. Anna Boley of McHenry, I "ch®?1 grounds next Sunday evening Ids. 'Elizabeth Anderson and Mrs. *4 8 P- ^ following pro- Kathryn Wienke of Chicago; two'***™ V, ftrathers, Henry of McHenry and IJ11® Sl?£T ®anner T" „ INp of Johneburg; one step-brother, itijtitin of Cleveland, Ohio; and two Wal£: in Three-How step-sisters, Mrs. Genevieve Fonrler V.re* Stols. of Pea Ridge, Ark., and Mrs. PauHpe j Selection, "The Merry Widow" -- Niasgern of McHenry; also four! ^ Lahar. • , grandchldren, Susanne and Cheryl Oy«rture,^May -- Clerisse^ mster and Curtis and Larry Kenne-1 CabaUdro -- Olivadoti. hade. [Walt*, "Sweet Roaie O'Grady* -- The body rested at the Jacob1 f'jjf Buchtel, Jasten Sons funeral home until, VocaJ. J 80,0*: y. J»L, AL Da^in*l. Monday morning at 10 o'clock, when Cadman; (b) SiagMe to Sleep last rites were conducted from St.! Greene --- Adele Froehhch, solo- Mary's church. Interaient was in "•*: M_ . _ • „ «be church cemetery. F®1* »*' Clarin*t -- arr. Serving as pallbearer^ were six ' ^^ . , asphews, (Donald Kennebeck, Bernard f°* "Dlnah',--ar». by Buchtel. Kennebeck, Charles N. Freund, Selection, "On the Range" -- Fraitg- Cbrence G. Freund and Warren. kiser. & _ ^ Scheid. • Piano Accordian 8olos -- Otto Pyii. w j» if v j Spring Grove residens are sorry to Woodstock hospital board, pre-jiose their popular pastor, Rev. F. A. siding at a me^tinf htld m that city ( Graham, who with his wife left on last week, a ^unty-wide program; Tuesday 0f this week for Lyndon, _ , | f° fi»ai}ce a 180-lbed addition to the i3o mnes west of Chicago, where Father Brasky said he found the| institution was launched. [Rev. Graham will serve the Methooject after hearing a swishing and Representatives from all cities injodist church. No appointment to fill a minor explosion and added that j the county were present, with Earl < the vacancy at the Spring Grove it was too hot to handle. t He said.R. Walsh and Mayor R. I. Overton church has been made as yet. liehtnh!«r rod lnJured the church attending fromMcHenry. Mr. Walsh, While Rev. and Mrs. Graham are xt ?• . . ' ! was hamed chairman and will be reluctant to leave their manv friends Rr^°W that ^atheJ assisted in a future drive for funds, here, they are happy that the trans- S well-known author of | in this community by Mr. Overton fer will bring them so close to pleasiSr 2? \he ^°?.d|«nd Atty. John Loose. ^ «nt memories of former years. Lyn- JT7, uw! In «xP|aInln«f p,a.n8» Mr: OBnenjdon is located just five miles from meiX wn8 tha fV he M pointed out some interesting facts1 the city in which they were married ^ ?u riuf .er Pa8f® concerning the program, He sug- fifty years ago and where many of ' l1s k- t gested that Woodstock being almost , their relatives reside, i. * . W1ient ,^PtKB'in the center o£ McHenry county, The Grahams were the first set- 8 °xvev fnfnd- was the logical place for a large hos- tiers in Oakhurst, having purchased Father Charlie (Msgr. Nix) who,|pital. Because that city already; the first lot and erected the first knowing the Wisconsin priest s abil-1 has a hospital with a functioning house in 1921. «j•prf,var!c.ate 18 <lu^e sure that professional and business staff, he • - the disc which came through the [pointed out that the public interest avwttat VAAWV ntw skies on July 7 at Grafton, Wis., was > could be best served by enlarging _ J_ DAY , taken off Father Brasky's own buzz- j the facilities of that hospital rather TO BE HKt.TI AT LOCAL saw. At least it makes him the firqt " person who has actually held orie of the mysterious objects. Mare Beds Needed • At the present time there are about sixty-six general hospital beds in Holiday In McHenry RECOIta CROWD FILLED CITY TO ENJOY FOURTH NAUOM'S DEATH TOLL INCLUDES'" LOCAL VICTIMS • ::-w ous" pointo"*ho*pitala ' COUNTRY CLUB JULY 17 There was little doubt but that; Two fatal accidents occurred inth# McHenry was the metropolis of the nearby community over -the. July 4 i - lake region last weekend as throngs weekend to mar an otherwise ver^ f - of visitors crowded into our city to pleasant holiday. The death toll wa| enjoy the pleasures of four vacation two while four more were taken to •: days. the Woodstock hospital for treatment Mr. Weatherman was a very; of minor injuries. genial host to whom, the general, i Miss June Peterson, 19 years old. public and the local Legion post in of 1144 Latrobe avenue. Chicago, died * particular offered a prayer of grate- in the Woodstock hospital early on fulness. Clear skies and sunshine the morning of the Fourth from in- . reigned through almost the entire juries sustained when the car iit 5 time. Rain clouds were in evidence which she was riding with four other briefly on Saturday night but pnly persons hit a bridge and went down served to settle the dust on the car- an embankment into a creek between - nival grounds and then withdraw Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake. until a more convenient hour. 1 Miss Peterson suffered a punctured Never have local lakes been' so bladder, broken leg and other in* f Crowded with fishermen nor golf juries in the accident, which occurred*,! Courses filled with young and old at 2 a. m. on Friday. She died on alike, attempting to establish re- the operating table at the Wbodi" cords which would make the holiday stock hospital as surgeons attempted^ memorable one. Likewise, never in vain to save hy life. had the carnival grounds been so The young girT was riding in 4 ^ Thursday, July 17, will be Hookey filled with pleasure-seeking folks car driven by Richard Alvermon, Sol Day at the McHenry Country Club! who came eany and stayed late to ot" 987 N. Lartimie ave., Chicago*' the countv fortv>-five of which three years ago that the enjoy this attraction to the fullest. Others riding in the car were Joaii are wSdstSf h^nita! The l/" 1 such a day stouck the minds j Legionnaires, who were responsible Donahue, 18, of 5107 W. August* United States Public Health Service JwvfT .mew> Tft6? reaa" for mis yeiu-'s gigantic undertaking, fclvd., daughter of a Chicago polic# recommends that four and one-half^ lit? ^ M nothin* unfinished to make lieutenant; Charles J. Suffivan, 20, J. W. NORTH REVIEWS ANNUAL AUDIT WITH CITY COUNCIL _ t w u « r!Tmwn!end"I turt /OUr and one-half u'their&7h^xf days of plaVng J. W. North, whose firm recently beds be available for every thousand hookey The plan clicked immedi completed an annual audit of the population as an absolute minimum j ately. Members and their friends city books, attended the city council for modern health care. In view welcomed a day when they could - of the above, if county residents are j leave all cares behind and head to conform to this minimum stan-jfor the great open spaces. dard, at least 180 more general hospital beds must be available to serve1 in*t!tn H^°me M an Its resident population of 40,000. , rT./Ve^lP-Ul!:L Mr. O'Brien stated that a year ago Henry Country Clufc. Those who atmeeting Monday evening to review the audit and discuss the financial structure of the city. It was found that the city had made progress during the past year although expenditures, in line with general conditions, were high. New equipment, notably a new truck and snow plow, w«a purchased. Funding bonds and interest were met prompt- r r-- -- ...... _ . , ly. In general, Auditor North re- been drawn up to add 180 beds, 1. Committees have been named as ported his findings of the city finan- bring the total to 206. f follows the 1947 event one of the finest ever of 4936 Rice ave., Chicago, and two held here. Highlights included a hitchhikers, John Jorgsnsohn and. very enjoyable patriotic band con-.Samuel Wyatt, both of Wonder Lake, cert and a colorful fireworks dis- j The latter two escaped injuries an4 flay, both on the night of the; left the scene of the accident before ourth. ' i the police arrived. Miss Donahaeit The only unpleasant thing about ^lverson and Sullivan were taken to the long holiday weekend was the! ^e, Woodstock hospital, where in* hazardous condition of local high-1 Junes were found to be not serious. a promotional committee was organ-1 J®nd t^Ai*hey£*rs wer® hi^h | where an unending stream of . . . • * - tnftir praiae of th« manner in I tnrfflc could k viewed for f Sullivan nwt tw fins 'iSSKl" h"" "EM hH,. K.V. W months plans and specifications have' cial structure to he in excellent condition. The new appropriation, ordinance was passed including construction amounts that anticipate the construction of a new bridge on Green street during the fiscal year. A report from Police Chief Lester R. Bacon, indicated efficient handling of the huge crowds during (he holiday period, with no serious dents. In connection with tha aforemen-' n^n..?n"l"ri!?.BI1' tloned plans, it is interesting to note „m * E*rl C* ^ *nd that McHenry codnty has recently, . _ ' been designated by the United States! ~°'£ an® handicap: Ralph Ben- Public Health Service as an integral j'f chHirman; Dr. J. ®. Sayler. Vale part of the Chicago Primary Hos-! ^ J* Downs and Richard pital district and as such is the log-; He« j r* „ . . ical location for medical center activ-; __ Johnson, chairman; ities. The Service rtiesses the ^ Homer A. Fits- According to Alverson's story, h| at endeif m to Mc« than Grey's eaitaph read on ow"ofj?*nry- ^*1 * - 1"- * '4-1 • f' -f ...VWv, Lake and were driving them Mc* (•- • ".r -.Ji". holj- importance of supplementary hos-, ^ •cci-; pitals, especially in emergency cases Refreshments: Charles F. LAsch, the leading radio stations last Sun-Tfv and UP the hitehhlkers; day evening without realising how, Alverson said he lost control of tl>4 timely it was. Mr. Grey, it will,"1" when an auto approached front be remembered, was the gentleman! the tl?PP®*I 1 te direction flashing tw# who believed so strongly in his right 'Patent" in his eyes. of way that his life Was cut cbn- . **»• ^SSL ^ . . siderably shorter than otherwise 11?0"1 j" Chicago on Jwte 2, 1IU, A# s might have been. Certainly his epl-! ^^hter of Mr. and Mrs. Waltef | taph, recalling his one fatal mls-i A ^°eterson. . . . * | . take, will be familiar to most people: i by her mother and i Here lies the body of j£athin Thirty Crippl«d Children oa Vad&tion at Pistakee Camp ritz. Overture. "A Day in the CottonfieM" -- Smith and Zublin. Trombdne Oddity, "Noisy Bill" -- Losey. Thirty crippled chUdren. victims March "Queen of the Rodeo- -- Sch^rfe1 C^Mi^fe Pinal«U "God Bless America"-Berlin. n^f aW«mpf°It l£ta!ne Bay' j ORCHARD BEACH GROUP ^gTc,XPfoV8c8S^Chl^ne TAKESSTEPS TO CURB ' The youngsters are enjoying th* DRIVING CARELESSNESS plassures of a vacation and at the --* time receiving physio-th«rapy The Orchard Beach association trutments. Meals are especially held its first meeting of the season planned and an ex^ive ttroapram; on July 6, with a Urge number of their physical re- • enthusiastic members present. The MDiutation. s j agaociation's primary interest ts ------------• j community improvement, and as a Announce 1947-48 Boani definite step in this direction a plan /« i. . I was approved by which the Orchard For Methodist Church ; Beach road will be improved and j reconditioned this summer. The Methodist church hoard -for' The organisation is beginning a the year 1947 - 48 was recently an- special drive on speeding and care^ aounced as follows: less driving to insure the safety of Trustees: C. W. Goodell, Lisle the children of the community and to Bnsett, Dr. Harold Fike, Itenald prevent accidents. The Orchard . Blount, L. J. McCracken and Harry Beach association asks all automobile B*rr- . , drivers in the vicinity to cooperate Stewards: Mrs. Howard Collins, in this drive. Stanley jBrown, Miss Ethel Jones, The group is having a party Lester Adams, Mrs. Carrie Ensign, Saturday night, * July 12, at the Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Mrs. C. W. home of William G. Barclay, No. 11 Klontz, Mrs. L. J. McCracken, Mrs. Orchard Beach. There will be grames James Downs, Dr. R. G. Chamberlin, and prizes and a good time is as- Mrs. Donald Barger, Mrs. Fred s^red all who attend. A special Nickels, recording steward; Lon invitation is issued to McHenry Smith, treasurer; Mrs. C. H. Duker, folks to join in the July 12 celecommunion steward. sibration. F^k^La^Srt1 SuperinUn<tent: •*< •»»« President of W. S. C, S.: Gygi. . i President Youth Fellowship: War-) . tea Jones. i Infant Daughter of Nick. Adams Passed Away July 9 where time is*of the utmost value,: ^air7an:„ ^a?*2» _?*?*?* and pvoviding the best in more normal general medical ear* to residents of the hospital service area. Kinsala. Harold F. Miller and John A. Thennes. FIRST COMMUNITY PICNIC ENJOYED BY OAKHURST RESIDENTS The five-day-old baby daughter El fflTO-fillffll CBftW of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams died tMnf Vv early Wednesday morning, July 9, TA M imn AlinVCT 9 1947, in the Woodstock hospital. The! IU Mj "" " AUuUuT I infant, who was christened Elizabeth Ann. was taken ill with pneumonial _ on Monday and all efforts to main- For the first time this year, the tain life failed. : Mothers club is nrasenting i t s Overwhelming succ"*s wu^'due to^the i[u,y the Oakhurst Improve- ^•ntp^«s«v»j®tion. under the cnnable n* lt^ oresident. W. F. Tesow. its first community oicnic Besides the bereaved parents, she! Flower and Garden Show in August n"tirin«r helo of all nf !£, j ' ®Jr- and _Wrs. September. So many of our summer their services behind the re- F.dward Thompson and Mrs. Jacob visitors have expressed themselves *--eshp>*nt stand »nd at the Ubles Adams. ^ ! at various times as desirous of Th»» elder residents wer» h<v*t* and T 'VJ1** ?*vat Jacob witnessing the display, that officers h^stess#»^ to the newcomers but soon J,u^" J"? fun®ral. ho1™? «"«»' » felt the show should he held at a all bonds were hroken and I hS o clock Friday morning, ^ien short; more convenient time. Thus, the 1947 "ffrnoon enioyed bv everyone services ^U1 held ^at St. Mary s | display will be shown on Thursday. Sw^min?. baseball and races were churph. Bunal will be in the church August 7, between the hours of 2 on the program. ccmetery. [ and 9 p. m. in the grade school gym-, u. DBrni__ ^ . . . j imsiow. There will he . .h.rffrf' J!?!!!!* AAKTVA •uiims . thirty-five cents admission. ! f?im ffn/i V COMTNG EVENTS I Mrs. Lillian Cox has been named ^ mT Zh*Ht v General chairman, to he assisted by ' c™, P.« Algonquin P.H., ^ Christian Mothers and Altar Society.; Publicity: Mrs. Ota Gv«ri, Mrs. "»dry will service Lily Lake P. T. A. i viov " July 12 : kins Fox River Valley Can^>, R. N. A.--, Tickets: Mrs. Charles Brda. Mrs. to the othei "McHenry business "men n u n e_i. f L i 1 FrM WahI Mr* E ^ Ward, who were so generous. mSrs of Orchard Beach Association--Party-- Reception: Mrs. Huirh Murphy and the association are most grateful Grey Who died maintaining his right of way; He was right, dead right, as he sped along, / But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong. It took only a short ride, yes, a very short ride, last July 4 to be convinced that there live today many Jonathan Greys who only through the courtesy of their fellow drivers were alive on the Fifth. It is the one *ad note each holiday throughout the entire nation that the impulse speed on the part of dnvera was taken to Chicago for funeral services and burial. An inquest wa§ conducted at the Merwin flmerai home in Woodstock. k Kshirt Hatchiaeea A holiday accident also took the life of Robert H. Hutchinson, 79, of Chemung township, a farmer, wh# was killed outright when the ca# in which he was ridta* with a nephew, David Hutchinson, 50, als* of Chemung, crashed into the Brook* dale bridge on U.S. route 14, five miles west of McHenry. A crushed chest and other injuries caused the elderly gentleman's deaths ^Its u7Ms^ nneMedd^leessos« ^deeaatthh^^aarn^dd ssuuffffperHinngos^, Hjuins esn eaPnldw ww «a"caa^p£ll^ wdi^thh mei nfoolrl oiwn** intelligence of the American public which must be eradicated before*we can be considered on the high intellectual plane to which we sometimes elevate ourselves. V'hite Laundry will fn™rc<su XTiK? wis the coffee by the Riverside Dairy; Mrs. Robert Newkirk. Mrs. our \monv the Slrk RESIDENCE CHANGES . Mrs. William Bishop is ill at her home on Riverside Drive. I Dolores. 10-year-old daughter ofr: The William Klapperich family has Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, suffered al a^ved from the Goettsche apartment broken leg1 on Monday afternoon east of McHenry to a farm near when an overhead door on a neigh-j Jehnsburg. The place they vacated bar's garage wa» being lowered and is being occupied by the Joe Glos- j her leg was pinned underneath, aaa family, who have moved from Mrs. Olive Wallace has been a ths home of his parents- • medical patient at the Woodstock Mrs. George Thalr" has sold her hospital. heme on Riverside Drive and has Frank Schteiner returned last Friimbved to Chicago. I dev from Sacred Heart sanitarium, Mr. and Mrs. William Phalin have' Milwaukee, where he had been con- * moved from Fort Wayne, Ind., to \ fined for five weeks. He, is much McCullom Lake. improved. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Baur and fam- Mrs. Joseph Huemann has been a fly have moved from Chicago to the medical patient at St. Therese hos- George Thall residence on Riverside: pital. WaukegrfK. 'Drive which they recently purchased.1 -Mrs. Blanche Moffet has been ill ~ ^ - t her j,ome jn Ohkhurst the past ELK HORN RACE MEET ;week. I Mrs. Elizabeth Fiala of Wonder > Over 160 of the fastest harness Lake has been a patient at .the horses in the middle west, including Woodstock hospital. Captain Cash, the too money winner , the 30-day California meeting, ANNOUNCEMENT w01 be battling for $5,400 in cash I will start as a wholesale truck' •nit trophies in the Legion sponsored distributor of Phenix Pabst-Ett' •arty race meeting at the Walworth Cheese and salad products as well j . Oourtv Fair Grounds, in Elkhom on as other food specialties in McHenry j Saturday and Sunday. j countv on or about July 15 coming. • 'Complete line of domestic and im-i Free movies shown outdoors at ported cheese. Any mail or phone ] ChA Lilymoor every Friday night, orders promptly taken care of. All Main feature on July 11, "Tanks A business, largt and small, greatly Million." phis two cartoons. In appreciated. Sigurd Jacobsen, route case of rain, will be shown inside. 1 West McHenry. Tel. Wonder Lake WSP. M*. ' 8-fp W. G. Barclay Home. July 15 Riverview Camp, R. N» A.^Reiker j Anglese and Mrs. LeRoy Conway. Home. --' - -- - -- -- * July 1C Ringwopd Home Bureau--Qa Hogan. July 17 C. D. of A. Picnic and Outing. Esst River Road Pinochle Club- Mrs. Thomas Thonneson. July 18 O.E. 8. Bake Sale. „ . „ , f T". 0_ - i vited to exhibit any articles which Fow?_ Sale--Jacob^ Jus ten Sons Fur- • vvouid be of interest to the public, ritnre Store-Snonsored by AlUr Committee members who are in A Rosary Sodality. j doubt, as to their duties, pleaae con- Chicken Dinner and CaSival - St.! ^ Peter's Church. Sorine Grove. ,**neraI «"*nr«»ents committee, July 24 Highlights of the afternoon were Remember to Visit ' K Mobile Unit Today > ' Residents of McHenry and the suring day from the hospital The deceased was corn in Ireland but had been a resident of McHenry and Lake counties since 1911. He is survived by a son, David*, of Woodstock; three daughters, Mrs, George Hogberg of Woodstock, Mrs. Martha Gott and Mrs. Jeaaette O'Brien, both of Waukegan; tw< sisters, Mrs. Richard Hutchinson ai Mrs. Davis Strain, both of Wauke* rounding territory .r.'.(.ln rSnln'j- in H-.h"1/'; Hen'^'todT, M^l"L""it '• '?h"C'! ^ IdSay^ind Fridav for th^nuriJ^^f ioc,ock on Mon<,a>' afternoon at the ri l™"'viVJSE 1purpose Of Merw5n funeral h with ^ A. ches7 ^ rav„ ^ Tavenner, pastor of the Methcated at the" city hall I hours of 10 and 12 a.m. and 1 and m Dunban cemetery. Chemung. , 4 LTrv ^ . . ! SPECIAL TECHNICAL Every person over 16 years old is i __ . urged to take advantage of this op- TRAINING OFFERED portunity to obtain a free medical GRADUATES RY ARMY - checkup. Children between the ages U A "X /-• of 6 and 15 years of age must be . . . .. . . . ' accompanied by a parent A,n announcement of vital interest Table n.c<.r«ion,. Mrj. Cl.rence, the prF„,nt<t1o„ & ,mweU ^ to Mrs. Joanne Rulien, local school' school graduates wis ivade G.Sen".:M™ R. i 'T° Sr.??™'? hlTwork^'untiri'^iy in"«- the "• «• *2i unitto^ ^ Goodell, who'has acted as chairman trainine in forty-one specialized jobs of the survey committee. • '°r which the high school graduate The Public Service company has •"•he direct application. done a great service by providing a ®°me °? specialised training Mrs. George Flowers: Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Thomas Phalin. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Mrs. C. H. Duker. Refreshments: Mrs. M. L. Schoenholts, Mrs. Ray Miller. Mcs. C. J. i "If Reihansperger and Mrs. A. J. Wirts. ipemsion * a committee. All members of the club are in- Mrs. Marcella Peters, and a "for your new home" gift to Mrs. Joe Schwaller. by John Braeske. The end of a perfect dav was celebrated with firewori* under the Birth* A daughter was born on July 1 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henning, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dean of Wonder Lake anounee the birth of a girl at the Woodstock hospital on July 2. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Colby of truck and operator, and citizens are courses offered are: Control tower Dessert Bridge -- 1:90 p. m. --i BensenvUle Institution o.Ts *" - 8p0M0Wld Seeks Homes for Children Pohlic Card pirty^-Sponsored by' Th* BansmviUe Home, which is, Altar A Rosary Sodality-Walter •e'Tj'Ur about * jf ty '^|Wr« fa, its Richmond are the parents of a son, Carey Home. priI bom at the Woodstock hospitol on C. D. of A. Meeting. ™te who Wl11 m»ke «ome of|July j , August 7 • ^^ these children a part of tlyir own j to forever celebrate amidst! Ffow^r a«d Garden Show--Grade *™up;. Th*8e i the noise 'of firecrackers was the School Gym. grateful to the city of McHenry for ;n><»rator bombsight mechanic, photosupplying the power. i 'thoerapher, weather observer, pho- There are few people today who tngrr^pher, draftsman, electrician, are not aware of the seriousness o? technician, tuberculosis. The fact that it is cnrptographic t-chpreventable and curable should incite airpraft welder and parachute every citisen to use every precaution rigger. to keep it out of his community. vwtnva mrrnvr The Mobile Unit is one of the first _ r!,l ll R WJOYS OUTING opportunities the public has had to! Th«L.Jo,,y ^ c,ub returning act in this direction. Be sure to '. c>sro take advantage of it! NATIONALLY KNOWN GOLFER TO BE AT CHAPEL HILL CLUB this weekend after ••"-day ouMn<r snent at Pistakee Aiwut 125 members were presat ca<y»o. which is located at a ! Vmer prfvately-owned estate on the recently purchased bv the« rTtalian Welfare council of Chicago. f<»r th?™ | dauirhter »-hich arrived «t the Wood-!. Ko]S^ *»ewn -1« > t o c k h o . p i t . 1 on J u l y 4, b e n . to ' " J * ."S . . » " • * headed by Joseph R. cago business man. Salerno. Chi- , .. • IIUS„IW „„ ,, win «, , • ..... „ j- , , ATTENDS COUNTY MEETING Rummage Sale-Buch Building-^u«eof"l^^orji omeo^^ Mr and Robert Donnelly. Mrs. j hole exhibition on Sunday, July IS, Pauj y.nda. local Red Cross chair- Sponsored By P. T. A. , | Donnelly is the former Miss^ Mario* * the Chapel Hil\ CounterJHofc man. attended a county dinner meet- August 15-16-17 their children Uiemselves. Krause He will make shots from various ine he|d at the WWstock Countrv ;°t «*! A daughter was K>ra on the holi- Prions and will follow this by a n«b on Tuesday evening. July 8. ^ 'urn,. ^i- cs"dren • . ®n day, July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Clair *ul1 hour show of tnck shots that nw,t sneakers were Mr*. Clara Bun- V. F. W. Summer Henry Park. •take Sale--Sponswwf by Rin(wMd' £, Home Bureau IMPROVES FROM INJURIES Henry Lowe, son of Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Lowe of McHenry. is reno rted improved in a Spokane, homes with children are urged to j write Miss Connie Fish, Bensenville, ' Home, Bensenville, Illinois. Subscribe for The Plaindcalor ^ SefthjsH Te«ighl_rsL MARRIAGE LICENSES A license was issued last week in Wash., hospital where he is recover- Waukegan to Wandell Milburn,' Lily ing from injuries sustained in an Lake, and Ruth Weiseman, Graysaccident while enroute to California lake. with his mother and sister to spend j a few weeks. I The management of the 'Bridge Nautical Inn dining room announces Complete line of Beebc livestock that they will *-~r>edies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- luncheon, Henry. 8-tf. 15. ' ' " ' 'J a 75e noen-dajr Taesday, J^r •m. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crain of Ringwood are the parents of a daughter, born July 7 at the Woodstock hospitol. Mrs. Crain is the .band:.'a b,»ndfolded; former Lucille Esh of Spring Grove.! driving a ball left-handed with.nght- A daughter, Patricia Lynn, was j handed clubs, driving a ball 225 lows: Driving a ball over 200 yards iWnev. m.. and Dr. M. A. Jaeobwith both knees grounded; driving ehief ^ laboratories, also of a boy»rrg~]Dall suspended on a rub- Downey. MEET' JOE LOUIS , ^ , , . , , . . , . , . _ A ttirillin* experience which aaade born on Julv 7 at the Woodstock yards wiui the back or a club; driv- them the envy of their friends washospital to Mr. and Mrs. William ,n^» ^M£f0,"a«tting position. r*«lix«d last Saturday by Jerry Salzman of Woodstock. Mrs. Sals-' Mr. Roberts will be on hand at the r.ukei Wegener and Richard man is the former Miss ^Lucille country club at 4 o^clock m the Mi<-bcli>. who spent the day at Weingart of this city.. ; afternoon. A small charge will be Tam O'Shanter country dab * „ ! made for admission. ! rsk-ago. While there tW Complete line of Lit'a poultry, _ . - T" . _ pleasure of naeetinr the remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- , ,*r ,TOUr rm^*r ****** •* Ai champion boxer, Joe Loais, tad ah* Henry. 8-tf Plaindealer. v | received his autograph.