r> V " "£ & ' ' ' mz 10, 1M7 THBHcHlilKY PLAHmSAXJOt IM HER R1NGWOOD (By Mia. Geocre Showrd) Winn and daocliter, Janet of Rich- Woodstock, spent Sunday with her mond spent Sunday in the Fred ; mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Wiedrich, Jr. home. - ^ Mrs. Rose Jepson spent Thursday Danny Woods, of Mollne is spend- afternoon at Woodstock. i ing the summer here with his uncle Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, j and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebas- Marion, spent Thursday afternoon I tian. at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Viola Low entertained the Virginia Jepson R. N., and Glady_ *1 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew.. Hawley# Women's JbOO dab at her home Wed- Mohler, R. N., left Wednesday morn-; left (Friday on a two weeks' vacation nesday. A on* o'clock luncheon was! ln<? for Los Angles, Calif. | at Lake Chetek, Wi. served and prises were apnrd«e d a. to! I rlaMMri s. VstGa+eAo*r. g•e•• <>•S• hepard ain.d Mrs. ! Mr. and Mrs. JMck Olson and * m . j j _ iff 10] eararded Mrs. _ Mrs. Rose Jepaon and Mrs!. Lester \ £|ara ^Foster were visitors in Elgin,1 family attended a family picnic at nue for the current fiscal year, the I Loss and cost of Collect? aggregate sum of One hundred one in|j Taxes ^ thousand nine hundred and eighty- i Contingentone dollars and no cents ($101,961.-] Auditing 00); that the object and purposes j for which said appropriation is made' and the amounts appropriated for j the same are as follows, to-witr i Interest on bonded in- i debtedness $ 760.001 Payments On Maturing _ . j Special' Salaries and Wages Supplies Printing - Election- . Insurance' Sundry * P™1?®9?8 or in a like .. 1 <300.00 made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Onttnance sMI 225.00 take «ffe«t from ih 1ih,6m00a.0a0 apcacSo8r*dPin'g ®toP lParwov.a l. and paMfatffea, 126.00 Passed this 7th* day of Joly, A. D. • "lie R OII^ Pa LW TUB. OIU AASOLIirS LOBRICAMTS ' West of C. A N-W. ft. WEST McHENRY, IL|L. TELEPHONE M'HENRY %U Carr. I Thursday. , the home of her parents, Mr. and Mi's. Wm. Cannon entertained the ' M.r- and Mrs. Paul Norman and Mrs. Dimon at Ostend. Bunco club at her home Thursday j »m»y, .of Evanston, spent the week- Mrs. Hittroth and daughter, M«rie, •ffciriiooiL Priin wtrt vwirM to, ? with her mother, Mrs. Rose of Elgin were c<eis at the home Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs. Oscar | 'ePf°n' _ of Mrs. Lena Past Sunday lifter- Berg. I Mr- and Mrs. Glen Benoy and noon. , Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiting are I visited relatives at Crystal Lake, | ** Ub»r. -B*n°y_ anS *»n»ily of enjoying a vacation at^ Lake Chetek, Wednesday. , Crystal Lake, Ray Benoy and Mr, Wis. > t Dr. and Mrs. George Haberlnfa of! ?nd, Mrs- Wm. Wurtsinger and Mrs. Mae Harrison Is visiting her Chicago, visited his parents, , Mr.I *am,1y °* Woodstock ware callers daughter at Crystal Lake. ' and Mra. George Haberlrin Saturday the Paul Walkangton home on Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon, of evening. I Sunday. - Antioch, spent Sunday with " j Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son,! Frank Henderson and Marion Her- mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. _ ViBilL, of Wankegan spent the weekend I bert, of Chicago, spent Tuesday eve- Owen Carlson and Mrs. Shirley tin the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Ining with Mrs. Rose Jepson. Zimmerman and family, Woodstock, -! Mr. and Mrs. Leiiis Macek of George and Nancy Aingir of He- spent Sunday afternoon m the Clay- Nokomis and Mr. and Mrs. Otto.bron are visiting their grand-: ton Bruce home. , ; ; Bergh and Charles Rah of Chicago! parents, Jfc* and Mrs. George' M,ss Noma Whitong of -Grays- * & spent Tuesday wih lift and Mrs. Shepard. lake, spent Sunday withi her parents, i % *; Mitchell Kane. k I Mr. and Mrs. Meiritt Cruikshank M^- and Mrs- R,R wj?,lt,nK- -! Salaries-- ' < M r s . Louis HawKey and MTS. lof Morton Grove spent July 4 and „^rs* Wattes and son, Glen, of Mc- Police . -../J1 Andrew Hawley spent Thursday in : the weekend in the William Mc- Henry spent Sunday with her daugh- % Chicago. I Cannon home. iter, Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin of Tulsa, . Mrs. Agnes Jencks, Mr. and Mrs. > Sycamore, Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Okla., are visiting her sister, Mrs. *j€° Newlm and Mr. and Mrs. Harvard, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis A^nes Jencks. / Charles Stevensr are_s pending the Bonds Special, Assessments ad? justment fund Public Property-- Improvements to park property Materials and supplies Labor and Repairs Telephone ...» Light and Gas Miscellaneous New Equipment M his: Water Works-- Salaries Equipment Purchases.... Labor and Repairs Power Meters Collection fees Miscellaneous 2,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax Total 100.00 1947 .T on SSSJ ,, . R. I. OVERTON, "^ 20,000.00 Mayor of the City of McHenry. 4,60a00j ^TION 27"Aii' ' ^ : EARcity' Attest: L< IP14*' City Attoniey ...1......,^' City Clerk '. „ Mayor, and Aldermen f<:; 1,600.00 I £ vlvlm# • ' •»; lances of a»|y item or items of any i Published: Julv 10 tftlt , i *' appropriation made by this 7 ' lm a.uuu.uo Ordinance may be expended in! • . ---I J'®®0*®® i making up any insufficiency in any! -- Irregular Aglag f - ««a item or items in the same general ap- vartfljia parts of the body j|fr . ^TS'OO propriation and for the ;»"»> genenQ.110* ®row °» •* the same time. 100.0«i £,500.0+ <6,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 T 800.00 176.00 K 250.00 2,500.00 200.00 420.00 4: * ..'<4'3 McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J you are in-a lwnp^- • - For prompt and courteous servioo, Don't start to worry. We have 24-hour service. McHENRY CAB--Call 472-J Treasurer •• - 120.00 and'"Mrs/-Ted" Knoistra and week at Lake Bula, Wis. " ' ; St^tTllTd Alte^ 120,<^ (fanjily of Shacop, Wis., spent July Mrs. Mayme Harrison spent Sun- Salaried ! 4. - with hey mother, Mrs. Emma with her daughter, Mrs. J. C., Lightine : Anderson. \ Pearson jind family.^ ^ ! M&erials ^d"roppiiS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich Dick Ke ley and Mi ton -Laurence Construction and family of Caleadonia spent July S^«nt Su^X. j£ Miscellaneous 4 with his parents, Mr. ind Mr^ trMr' and M"- ^egner of Mc Fire Protection "1 Fred Wiedrich, Sr. 1 5^ tTnt n^h^T Wlt her Legal Fees and Court | Mr;. and Mrs. Charles Stevens and rSKT' 1 COsts -- «!«.«• Zd bS: .«• " Sew.r«e M^:,y sr sar t ! Afternoon callers were George and Tir \?«™m! tJjBand ......... | Nancy Ainger, Hebron, and Mrs. ^ # Library 'George Shepard. --- - Benoy and daughter of;- PrintiiM fiom^4iere I sit Joe Marsh Bites Woman! 7 Plant-- Labor and supplies .. Construction Sewer Fund Support Insurance Salaries 3,000.00 2.500.00 . 2.250.00 90,000.00 800.09 400.00 900.00 McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Sxcavjatinff and Crane Servie# Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel load Grading . f.X tsi m"UV£ ^ sr d irwa%ssir,,s&' •JET'uS.'SSSS ier ^TnHM%r MMrr- Sf 8£; Mr.'ir Ainger ,nd "»» H.,ri..n .nd j W 8 P e n i i ? l y n W i - h A N O R D I N A N C E MAKING THE Mrs" Geor*e ANNUAL APPROPRIATION Chictgo, ,p.« J..,i =^"^S1L M= 4 in the Oliver Laurence home. I . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and' >kv pr OROAlNiSTt nv <nn* MMiinnnn.,y FFrriWdaayv ^mn orning ffo'Tllo1w iTnogg ma' |CITY COUNCIL of the City of Mc- Henrv n,inoi«: 7 trip of several weeks. Printing 2,000.00 l.ooo.oo 300.00 150.00 150.00 836.00 800.00 375.00 Willie Wells was esMKit !**• from Seward's Creek the other evening with a string of trout, when a stern looking lady (visitor at the Boxwood Inn) stops him, and tells him a man his size could bejyetter occupied than catching fisS^ Willie tells her off real goodnaturedly by saying: "Perhaps you're right, but if these fish had liytMng^ ttat trouMe. Nobedy wfcs knew the facts would ever criticise Willie's right to go fishing on his one day off--any more than they'd r' v deny his right to come heme to a mellow glass of beer. \ From where I sit, thle slower we " Are to criticize--rand the quicker te are to recognize another's tastes, the better well get along - together -- whether those tastes K'0i kept their mouths shut, they wouldn't be here." ( At that, says apply to beer or fishig^ Willie, laughing out loud, she looked just as if a fish had bit her I) Blabbing inoaths never caus|^/ -^r Copyright, 1947, Unittd Stotes Brewers Foundation ^ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and Henry, Illinois: SECTION 1. That it is deemed MBCoIUUSienoKvi HAVE YOUR CS8SPOOLSJ : - --J _ .r , SfPTIC TANKS OATCH BASimf o I 'j OXSTWUfS f: M • " i? ' to; Gleaned By ?$ SANITARY SERVICE . | EDDIX Hurr, Prop. ' TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 mmm mmm§ mm corrective treatment for V 1 uibiaiiiat vSlla^mirt mother' Un' of said City for the current fiscal! Axel Carlson and granddaughter, a"d n t^,he"; Joanne Zimmerman of Woo&tock,' hP.?w ™ ! spent Friday morning in the Clayton i ^ ^ other reve-j Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting and son, George, spent July 4 in the Roland Jadoson home. Mrs. Perry and children, Mary Lou and Ronnie, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Marie Wegfier. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and son, John, are visiting their daughter and family in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Betts and family visited in the home of their daughter and family at Plymouth, Wis., Sun' day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse of Crystal Lake spent July 4 frith Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shadle left Monday fof Natley, N. J., where they will make their home. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary, attended the races at Harvard, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. nana Dating and daughters, India end Wanesa, of Springfield " --^ ntil Satur "SPEEDY* MV CAPS WEARING OUT 6PCEOY- 60 rM PQACnONCi UPON MV MICHWKM* TCOMQUE SAVE "THE \NEAP and TEAR ON NOUR THUMGl CHUM MOW? NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE MJUVKNATE YD*. ^ Wf TAKM6 IT TO | mck auu.cn : s>nam6«tMi 008 nORT STKSKT ROUTE 31 PfiOMi 10S-K - •i'M : WAltR SYSIEMS (K>NT&OL8 Corro^ioii (rn«t) ELIMINATES Lime Scale FEEDER $16.60 CLEABS "Bed Water" Feed It Ri^it Into Tour Water Supply With An Automatic MICROMET FEEDE& Y6uf ISfealer ors General Office. and Warehouse ... ..hIOO W. Kinzie Street * Chicago 10, Illinois ^ " . ! _1„ P" ' All Phones . *;. I>el. 5986 C-- Sesideiioe Bnni^ Route 1, Ingleside, * Fhone Fox Lake 5221 mmm. •MICROMET $3.00 the lb. Up to 6,000 gals, per montfe Of water Normalized pr&ii turdajr la the MHehaO Walter WQOSK, 10 MAVTM PASTS. 9 COLOSS iX^mco*aMm X Follow tin Northern Illinois Highways to scssic and bistsrit landmarks 1. Richmond M9I 2. Underground Station i. OOiburn Store 4. Artnqton Hotel--Wautcegdn 3. Lyon House--Waukogon - 4. 'HaKday Inn 7. Ml--Prairi* View 8. lorrinqlon Center Qmrdi •i hi West Dundee 10. Botsford House--Elgin 11. M. E. Churdi--Arlington Heights 12. Gtone Point Lighthouse 13. L«<hei uii Church--ChurchvMe 14. Hoidomonn MM--near Addison 15. OM Dutch MS--Mt. Emblem M. Carpenter Shop--West Chicago 17. Whoaton CoNege It. Rve Comers--Glen By* 19. Peck House--Lombard 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. > 26. 27. 23. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. '33. 39. River Forest Scheel 40. BeRevue Place--Batavia 41. Lutheran Church--22nd & Wolf Rood Graue AAiR--Hinsdale 42. FuNorsburg lm--Hinsdale 43. Lyonsvflle Church--near La Grange 44. Rogers Hows*--Downers Grove 4 ' 45. Blacksmith Shop--Downers Grove 46. Tanner Mansion- (Aurora Historical 47. Sdtiety) 43. Hebert Shop--Oswego * ' ' 49. The Hoieosteod--Hone 50. lm--little Rock . 51. School--Little Rod 52. Courthouse--YbrfcyMo 53. TiedtvMe lavem--TiedMMe 54. St. James of the Sag--near LeOtonl' 51 Grain Elevator--Lemont 56. Canal Office--Lockport 57. Halfway House-- Ptainfleld Building--Joiiet German Loan and Savings Bank--' Joiiet Gougar Homesteod--near JoBet . Lock No. 6--Channahon Aux Sable Bridge--near AAorirb Artesian WeN House--Ottawa Sulphur Springs Hotel--near Otto#j • Churdi Bowbwiuii --: Yates Hbuse--near AAomence Tisdei House--Warren t Tiger Whip School--near Stockton Jane Addams Home--CedorvMe Cedarvile Inn and Store *-- St. Peter's--Grand Detour Nachusa House--Dixon Grout House--near FuNaa UnionvMe Mil--Morrison Keystone Bridge--ntor Morrison At yew request. Mils map and these location* are Bulletin. If yew wish a copy of the Bulletin map, write to your Public Service store. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHEIB ILLINOIS Open Evenings and Wextends! ^one-quarter^pousd . . . j Cafey EleCtClC SllOJ» TV- 119 Green St. •% I-*-} P $ IE. h'I'M'..* -t. jJS