Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1947, p. 10

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P .t\|- ? f^-} 4 m ; .*( *+-- iv'li <-.-V«..--*•>-- - *|» ; •«« •' ~" ' }** 7-r •'••,•-- JkOUMOOlDK LAKDUttDS, TUTAWra HI ratal mmmTi A Hat of "doe and don'to" for the of landlords and faaauta voluntary lease ",U » : • £• - pokingtips^ i 'i'Kj;>S. 7;^V t" Thtwdaj, f 94 iMf v" > : v . its inenupf rants up M not more than--1® per cent were 5*i n • lit". outlined last week tgr Norman B. Shogren, Chicago area rent tfwctor. Tfce "Des" 1. Bear in mind that the la* Myi leases are to be signed by ; landlord and tenant "voluntarily, and in good faith." No tenant can be evicted for refusing to dfi> • lease. 2. Put the lease 1 in %ritingy~ Kent* cannot he raised hy oral agreeinent. 3. See that the Increase is no more than 15 per cent of the legal maximum rent in effect When the lease becomes effective, ft may be lees. • 4. Beware that the lease is - executed^that is, signed by both' * landlord *nd tenant) by Dec. 31, 1947. _ '5. Remember that at the earliest the lease must not run . *' ont before Jan. 1, 1949. <5. If you are a landlord, file' three copies of a Registration of Lease form at the time you file a signed copy of the lease. Get * the registration forms at the tent office. 7. If you are a landlord, file a signed copy, of the lease with ithe rent office within IS dajrs %fter the date . of execution (signed). If you and your tenant sign at different times, the later date Is the date of execution. ,. __ . _ The "Denta" 1. Don't include provisions in the lease which decrease the essential services, furniture, furnishings, and equipment .which were included in the rent in effect at the time the lease was feigned. 2. Dont include provisions •which permit the landlord to terminate the lease at his option.. The lease must run through the entire year of 1948. 3. Don't inclvtle conditions, provisions, or minor covenants clearly designed to evade the %w, such as provisions which jxrmit the landlord to exact penalties or to terminate the lease "before the expiration date. Lily Lake P.-T. A. ~ ; Will Meet Jaly . ••y-* i The next Lily tJfik® "fh-T. A. executive meeting will be held at the home of Jo Doeeh on Tuesday evening, July 29, at 8 Thirty Ladiea ' • ./> - At, R.N. A. Picnk Thirty members of Riverview Camp, R. N. A., were present at the pot-luck supper served On the spacious lawn of the George Reiker home in Weingartl subdivision last week. Games were enjoyed outside, after which the ladies gathered indoors for an hour of cards. Choral Clab to Have Wiener Roast The McHenry Choral club met last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Peter Roche, 'with about eighteen Their next meet- NttUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nam URIDBGROOM DfBS , - • ^Less than twenty-four' hours before! members present. his wedding, a Chicatroan, Henry Den- inp will be at the home of Mr and oytt, 46 was fatally injured as he Mrs. Joseph Monteleone at Wonder I dove into three feet of water from Lake, where a weiner roast will he l a pier at Pell Lake. He and his enjoyed. Anyone desiring informa- ! bride-to-be had arrived at the lake tion regarding entrance to the club * only a few minutes before the ac- should contact Mrs. Harry Barr, , cident. Miss Margaret C. Burner director. •>„ Rat in the car and watched her • . .v I fiance go down to the lake for a w. Hettermann */> dip. H® walked out to the end of To Wed in October' j the pier and not realizing the water An October wedding is favored by I was shallow at that distance from Miss Arlyne Eleanor Reddish, whose ' shore, dove into a/bout three feet of i engagement to LeRoy W. Hettermann water. (A Genoa City physician ar- Was recently announced bv her parrived on the scene and examined the ^nts, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Redj body, he, declared the man had died dish of West Roxbury, Mass. The ' of either a skull fracture or * broken; bride-elect is a graduate of Boston neck. ! C"lerical school and a member of the ! ' ' | Junior Philomatheia club. Mr. Het- ^ , ii. ter/nann is the son of Henry W. Complete line of Lees P0UiSr^, Hettermann and the late Mrs.a Cathremedies at Wattles Drug^ Store, Mc^ erine Hettermann of Johnsburg. He X clouds from the sky? the J mon, Merita Mid tform was swept'and Grace Murphy, and the sale of lee j Jackson, Ann cakte progressed, uninter-: Mary Anrt >out the evening. bt{Dohertjr. hat chilly Winds, thej The public is eavdiaHy Invited to the refreshments www attend this ~ party next Thursday, e Entertains Seventh Man Lynn, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L B. Murphy, celebrated her seventh birthday anniversary w ~ a t , her home. A. v a r i e t y of provided entertainment, with awarded to winners. At the close «f the afternoon, Mrs. Murphy served a tasty lynch from a tame attraccommittee for the Show outlined final ing held recently at Mrs. Zion Baker. The held from 2 to 9 p. m. Aug. 7, in the grade ium. An admission irty-five cents will be August plana nt the •how on Thursday school gymnas charge of thirl made. All members are urged to exhibit one or more entries in the various classes, which include ii miscellaneous group. Entries must be in by 11 a. m and removed at the close of the show. * " For further information, members are asked to call Mrs. Lillian Cox, general chairman, or any other members of the general committee. , Henry. 8-tf Read the Want Ada ir 'ft* - SffWLcb - 1 WONDER, I WONDER, I WONDER" Eddy Howard , I BELIEVE" Prank Sinatra DO DO DO LIKE YOU" Johnny Mercer "CECELIA* The Hire4 Sims %AG TIME COWBOY JOE* Eddy Howard "AN APPLE BLOSSOM WEDDING" Eddy Howard 7 •fEUDIN* * FIGHTOP" Dorothy Shay BLEEP" -Tsa Baker ^ ALBUMS - THE THREE SUNS ORGAN REVERIES *ESTEBN COWBOY CLASSICS POLKAS BOOGIE WOOGIES * WALTZES . MARCHES Stefan's, feumbuf Phone 123-J ^ OPEN SUNDAY .MORNINGS. ftumiHiHiifiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiitniiiiimn McHenry, IUinoia AIR CON Dri'IONED Phone 254 -- Summer Schedule --- Week Days . . Onore Open 6:15 am A* «:39 . . Price changes at 6:45! Friday - Saturday Aim Sheridan - Kent Smith "NORA PRENTISS" -- Cartoon and News Sunday - Monday Jaly 27-28 Jefat Wayne • Irene Rich "THE ANGEL * AND THE BADMAN" Plan -- News and Cartoon " ~ Tuesday - One Day Birbara Britten - Rudy Vallee (1) "THE FABULOUS ** SUZANNE" Beverly Simmons - Fay Holden (2) LITTLE MISS BIG" ^Wednesday - Thursday Sonny Tufta - Diana Lynn Barry FitzgerfcM "EASY COME, EAST GO" served as a lieutenant (jg) with the naval air corps during the war. * * • • Ice Cream Social Was | Success Despite Weather J ' Intermittent showers last Sunday several times theatened to postpone j the old fashioned ice cream social [planned by the Mothers club to ! start a fund to erect a new city li- | brary. However, little more than an hour before the big event, blue skies Air Conditioned MILLER THEATRE * PHONE 32 Woodstock, 111. Nl»w! Ends Friday, Jaly 25 Bing Cvanhy in •«LUE SKIES" Saturday Only - Jnly 26 "THE FABULOUS SUZANNE" Barbara Brftton • Rudy Vallee Richaid Denning "THE LAIT FRONTIER UPRISING" . . in Tru-color . . Moate Hale - Adrian Booth Snnday and Monday, July 27-28 - Humphrey Bogart • Birbara Stanwyck - Alexis Smith "THE TWO MRS.* CARROLL8" Tuea. - Wed. - Thar®. July 29 - SO - SI "DESTRY RIDES AGAIN" "WHEN THEPDALTONS RODE" At Housewarming v i Mr. and Mrs. E„ : E. ; Denmaiif: fo r m e r l o c a l r e s i d e n t s , w e r e p l e a * j antly surprised by a .gi'Qtip of friehdsj at a housrwBi miiiR at their nowr home at Curnee l tst Sunday. The I gathering also " porvt'd as a birthd "v I celebration for Mvs. Denman. A delicious pot*Iuck lunch was served! and enrds played. The Denmans werej the recipients of a lovely gift for; their home, a present from their; McHenry friends. I In attendance were Messrs. and Mesdames Jacob- Justen, Fred S c h o e w e r , J o h n M u r t a u g h , ^ J o e S t i l l # j i n g , P e t e r W e i n g a r t , S t e v e S e h m i t t , j Ben Bauer, John R. Freuftd and! Francis Sehmitt (Laura Denman)."| Others present were the Dnman's two' other daughters, Alta Mae, and Mr ( and Mrs. Charles Cerniak (Vpne) of Antioch. • * • Altar Si Rosary Plans Annual Dessert-Bridge One of the loveliest social events of, the summer season, the dessert-; bridge sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's; church, will be held on the lawn of, the Walter Carey home on Waukeganj street on Thursday, July 31, beginning at 1 o'clock. There will be ani admission price of seventy-five cents. | Prizes will be given to winners of [ each table and there will also be \ special prizes. f Mrs. George Stilling heads the com- j mittee in charge of the party. as-| s i s t e d b y M r s , R a y M c G e e , M r s . W a l - j lace Dobyns, Mrs. E. J. Frett. Mrs.; H e n r v M i l l e r , M r s . T h o m a s P h a l i n , j Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. "L. B.! Murphy, Miss Margaret Larkin and! Miss Genevieve Knox. 1 Mrs. Fred Wahl., Jr, is chairman in charge of the girls who will serve. | They include Sally and Nancy Sie-; ty lunch rroi tively deobrated in' pink *nd yellow, with a neafttifully decorated birthday cake as centerpiece. Those preseht at the party were Marilee Liptrot, Bryan Thomas, Joan, Richard, Bobby and Cathy Smith, Karen Kralowetz, Julie and Therese Tonyan, Georgia, Mary Kay and Susie Stenger, Carol Ann Schaefer, Dennis Conway, Patty Blake, Jimmy Justen, Patricia and Jack Walsh, Michael Briggs. Buddy Karls, Michael Low and Sandra and David Wirtz. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf A PACT TO KEEP Lenth£ric makes the kind of pact you like to keep. Face powder pressed (irmly into a medallion for your utmost convenience, in a light-weight cardboard box, puff included. A fine misty ^-soft powder that clings for hours. "Tweed"-scented and avail* Vable in the four most popular Lentheric shades. tl.O« • plusm Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHfnry KlIIKtmit III! Vmm* , the fliek itHn iimi»h»iiiiw l i i t t ) Mrs. Emma King is a surgical patient at St, Therese hoapital, Wa»- of Mrs. •it. %"SSSkH.'i SkSf SS2^*S has been a patient at a Chfeage lMapitaL Woodstock hospital. | N E. Klein of Waukegan, a for. mer local rasidesit, hM been quite ' sttttrar w at ^ha' St* Tlui*" ^ - •* wwlitodt hoq>ital last week, I Gravinia underwent surgery at ! the Wbodstock hospitd thi| wtdt. Charles llfflir of West McHenry patient at the Joe Baur underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last weak. Rudolph of West i , : ' i CARD OF THANK8 !- I w«M like to express my stntafi thanks to friends for letters and' eards Mi& to me while I was confined to the hosbitaL 10 MiSy RITA STILLING. % For Stole--Sags, metal kitchen inet, fireplltce screen, andirons. < ork bench, surgery at thai tores, books. foMtar troninc Woodstock hospital this last u the j cooking utensils, fttc. Very yeaaonwceR* ' {able. J. W. Goodwin, Lake Shorn Berndt Huntington, of Johnaburg, Drive and Oak street. Wonder Lake, underwent surgery at St. Therese III. . ^ - .> *11 •«*» . v£ta*/ mm 6.00x16.^; 411.95 pins 6.50x16^ -S14.5S plhs tax other sixes priced proportionately low Ask about our special prices on TRUCK TIR^SI TRACTOR TIRBS . . . ALL SlZX&l " * * tk)me in and see the new , T f | ] t X 8 T o i r i 4 W h i t e S i d e w a l l T i r e s -- FIRESTONE BATTERIES We allow from $2 to $4 trade-in on your We have Seat Covers ... all Phone firm ~ Tubes -- Retteries - Tire and TMbe Ynleanising All Work Guaranteed ^ OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Want McHenry ! w /-. rn^tr. 12.95 $3.95 $4.95 SWIM TRUNKS From all Famous Mitrm; Reduced to $1.95 Included in this group are colorful Boxer trnnk^as weB as ayljl WM) Ujuodsls. T - - w:;t .v, ,4J5£;.-LPi 'A. Zr,? - vY South Qreea ^ McMENRY shlnea _ brighter when you and this Buick are enjoying the day together. Somehow the sudden summer shower seems more of s lark, less of a bother, when it's pattering on die snug shelter this tidy number throws up automatically at your touch on a control. Somehow autumn air is more winey,^ twirling winter snows more fun when your choioe is a Buick - mnd a Convertible as tight and •U.wMthernwdy aa this one. Maybe it's because ywir style sense telh you dieae aleek linea and diis rich treatmeat are goingto stay the fairest of the automotive fair. M*yhe it's beemiae you find. In Ae big Fin|ill atraight-eight under your treadle foot, an eveif-bager,^ _ ever-lively companion adventure diat acknowledgea M> peer for life and lift and velvet-smoothnesa. It could be the r^re and pleaaurable steadiness given an cpett _ ear by good, solid Buick aon^ struction. It could be, aimplyf HINEr JL Mnoe, N^wwt. Mwi*nrs wid that here at laat you |md aixoand ability and smartness and finish to matdi your dreamt of a perfect travel mate. All we know is that this is one of die standout favorites in a line of cars that stands out as die most wanted in America. So when good friends oome to ua gat one of thoec snappy Buick Convertiblee?" ear ra nd forthright anawer is always the same: ^ up for one, sir - soon as you can. The sooner »have your firm orderior one, the sooner you start limbing up our customer list. we promiaa you: YouH mount that ladder feather or not youhave • ear to trade. • cimwowa R# L Overton Motor Sales ront West McHenry, IIL 222 N» Main S *"* 4.-"^ .r». ,1m i ,f. "'wLi.* Cr. vitLL"£ ^ Vf/. - . V .. ' ~ * t. .

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