Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1947, p. 4

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OM T«* Wi nr. mm! Mn. Louis toon* and at | daughters of Wub(aii spent the Hf»trTft. DL : mw«ad in the home of her mother, Ml ; Mn. M. J.Walsh. | Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wnaan and r mm'Mt. and Mr*. IVanete Wwam of ^ i Crystal Lake attended lnrtriT Mrs. Stasia Mikn»o» Moniday Mr. nd Mrs. James Oram, Woodstock, were McHenry eallsrs on Mon day. Mrs. Clarence ftnghn spent Friday in CUeuo. Mr. and lbs. l#nn Smith and son, Dennis, of Rocktxm, Mrs. Bd. Holle of Oak Parkand Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the Martin Conway home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller are CDnORIAI-- IATION Receipts Itafldtagf .Fand Bntiittwrss __ General Control for i Salaries, Janitors and Engineers (lass deductions) Insurance .. Other Expenditures Repairs and Replacements Display ads for the Plaindealer will be accepted until Tuesday noon «f the weak ad is to appear. Classified ads will be accepted until Wed-, needay morning at 10 o'clock. News ! be in our office by & o'clock spending the weak fa Wisconsin oa Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Dwight -Williams and son, Jack, of Jackson, Miss., are spending two weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FYed Cooley. Guy Duker and son, Paul, of Alton, 111., visited his parents in. McHenry the last of the week. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLICATION 45, Range 8 Eaal^M' in McHenry County, Illinoii, a Jaly 1, 1946, to June SO, 1947 . DISTRICT ACCOUNT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vincent and 1 children, Carolyn and Edward, of DePtere, Wis., spent Tuesday visiting. inlthe C. W. Goodell home. Mr. and Mrs. George Worts are vacationing in Wisconsin this week, t Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benson Mid! Miss Esther Jean Orr have returned fro] from a two-weeks' trip to California.! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butemuth of ' ^aukegan visited in the fibme of ! 3 ate and Tom McLaughlin on Sun- - day. I Mrs. Kate Peterson and Mrs. May I'dhles of Elgin attended funeral Ralance July 1, 1946 t trvices for Mrs. Stasia Malone on, District Taxation Jlonday. > Ronald and Cheryl Haldeman of > Woodstock have been visiting their grandparents, the John Phannenstills. S jnday guests in the Phannenstill home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank £ pieker of Burlington, Wis. 847M WJS 788J8 8640 1,988.87 . fotal Operating Expenses S,361.40 New Grounds, Buildings and Alterations (not repairs) ......... CasV on Hfend . . I . June 8C, 1047 «, 6^38.98 VOTAL Educational Fund J.62^49 DISTRICT NO. IS fitailding Ffend Receipts * Total Receipts i--.. 13.22 400.13! tion) 54.80 Receipts .$ 1,754.39 Educational Fund Receipts _ i balance July 1, 1946 $ Edward Buss, Jr., has been attend- Distribution of Trustees .. ing business school in Elgin this! District Taxation summer. | All Other Sources (includ- Gloria Johnson DeRoche of Chicago infT tuition paid prihaa been spending a vacation with! vately and transportaher sister, Mrs. Peter Freund, east of the river. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Bradley and children of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wegener and children were; Net Receipts $ Sunday visitors in the home of Mr.! Building Fund end Mrs. Anthony Wegener at Maple Expenditures Park. 'Salaries, Janitors and En- Warren Jones attended the interna-! gineers (less deductions] seminar at Todd school in tions) 4, Woodstock last Monday evening. Hie Insurance ...... discussion was on "South America." Repairs and Replace- _ James Winkleman spent last week' ments -- .............. with friends at Delavan Lake ciub, ' _ A _ ' Driavan, Wis. i Total Operating Mr. and Mrs. William Marum of ' . -- ** 283-14 Chicago were recent visitors in thejCa*h : - June 30, 1917 1,471.26 Boards, Business Offices and Compulsory Att. Services -...$ Legal and Accounting Services Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers' Salaries (less deductions) - Text Books Stationery, Supplies, etc. Libraries Janitors' and Engineers' > Salaries (less deductions) •••••.. Fuel ] Water, Light and Power .f.' Janitors' Supplies, IVeight, Express and Drayage Insurance - Transportation of Pupils to and from School ...... Health „.r. wu*8& j Other Expenditures .... e i tka to! Repairs and Replacements ' Pension Funds (deductions from salaries) Federal Salary Taxes (deductions from salaries) 763.54 178.89 118.85 17,445.94 369.16 902.05 <841.27 2,451.75 ? 705.79 C 596.63 707.60! 5,540.00 867.44 283.17 914.79 Ttotal Receipts -- J 4*00(187 Mat ItMipts 8 4,006.67 VVnd OtSTE^Wi^re. Repairs iitfBeplaceraents Interest an »en<ls ....... 78.97 882.51 92.12 818.75 ting Bonds New Grounds, IBbildings and Alterations (not repairs) Cash on Hi June 80, 1,047416 1,000.09 7,407.65 TOTAL Biacational Fund Expenditures Business Offices and compulsory Att. Services ...$ Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers' Salaries (less deductions) Text Books Stationery, Supplies, ate. - Libraries -- Janitors* and Engineers' Salaries (less deductions) Fuel Water, Light and Power Janitors' Supplies, Freight, . Express and Drayage .. 110.40 Insurance Health * e Other (Expenditures Repairs and Replacements Federal Salary Taxes (deductions, from salaries) 10,179.37 Psnslsn Funds (deductions _ fceas isderiss) Federal 8u»y Taxes (d#' (tactions from salaries) fflMQpnatini •2.00 8.708J0 New placements) Cash on &nd June 80, 1947 WTAL ..... 8 60,12887 (not re- 1,704.72 .8 88£88Jl DISTRICT NO. 188 SPECIAL BOND ISSUE Sale of School Bonds ..^..,8296,000,00 Premium* and Accrued Intent on Sfehool Bond! '.".^TVSl.95 All Other Sources (include. tuition paid privately) . 105.75 V;, • --- v Total Receipts ^4^. |295,737.04 618.00 2,018.27 Total Operating q ?i%9 ai ^ Expense ....•••••.^.••8 34,669.49 3,752.64 £jqUipment (not replacemeifts) ; 5,000.90 Cash on Hand June 30, 1947 0,973.85 Total Receipts ...^<.4 4,220.49; 4^20.49 W0TAL $ 49,644.24 i DISTRICT NO. 17 • I Building Fund Receipts {Balance July 1, 1948 % 17.51 64.901 9.02 .16 of her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Justen. The latter returned home! with the Marums for a visit. ' I The Edward IBtas family is Total Receipts 8 -• -" • -- '• Jfct Receipts .8 Educational Fund Receipta > Balance July 1, 1946 District Taxation 17.51 17.51 171.34 400.00 ing the summer at their rwnner Lake, Wis. y spend-i cotx^m^ Wi TOTAL s Educrtional Fund Expenditures Boards, Business Offices Mrs. Damon Danger, Dtows, Io^a, snd . Compulsory Att. fato been visiting in the Robert!. Serves $ Krakrweta and Tom and Kate Mc- LeP*1 and Accounting Ser- LftUfUhi honiM jwrs tihi# viik ! vic6s Cheryl May of Chetek, Wis., vis-! Administrators, Supervisited in McHenry last week. ! ors and ; Teachers' Sal- Mrs. Anthony Wegener and daugh-i arie" <lcss deductions) .. ter of Maple Park and Mrs. James Iext. Boo:klB - ; * Batsman of Virgil spent Friday vis- Stationery, Supplies, etc. itin* in McHenry and Volo. j Libraries ................... Mr. aad Mrs. Nick B. Freund spent] Jajnitors. and Engineers' the weekend visiting at the Dells in' Salaries (less deduc- Wiseonsin. ! tions) -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Middlecamp of! Kenoeha, Wis., visited Cal Dibble on Witer, Light and Power Sunday afternoon. The meri served Janitors' Supplies, Freight, together in the marine corps during Oppress and Drayage ..... the war. '(Rent Mrs. Ed. Lartfn of Efein visited Other Expenditures McHeaarv relatives and friends h«ti Pension Funds (deductions Monday. from salaries) Earl Dowdl of LaFayette, ImL, r apent the wadtend visiting^ his grand- . Mrs. Oartrnda Mrs. Delia Warner has returned ta fcer h«m« m Washington, D. C., after parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^ famfly and Dan and Mary Co#ey of WOaMtte attended ftmaial serviees for Mrs. 8tasia Malone on Monday. Mm. John aad daughter, Msrctdss, of Woodstock ware McHenry caBers en Mr. and Mrs. LdUiy Canway~ left an ftaxUiy for a vacation trip into Wisconsin. They w«rs aeeon^aaiad Ir' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lnwrenee CUcaga. Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. aad Mrs. Clarence Elgin viaited relatives in wi Sunday evAiing and also the wake of Mrs. Stasia Ma. Tbm Harry McKinley and Iaw families of/Oak Park «rs spendfag the month o#July in the A. K. Burns cottage at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Math B. Lauras and apn, Jade, who have been spending the summer at the Laura* resort at long Ukt, Wis., visited relatives and Robert Federal Salary Taxes (deductions from salaries) 1,784.39 65.00 15.00 w 132100 54.00 .84.20 19.50 -^24.00 280.95 , 68.92 •74.01 • 45.00 23.82 06.00 810^0 , Total Receipts --4 571.34 Tuition of Transferred and Noa-Hi Pupils Paid 24.00 Total Deductions 24.00 Net Receipts . Building Expendi Other Expenditures. Total Operating Expen Fund, lituresifl 547.34 17.51 se» 17.51 TOTAL 8 17.51 Educational Fund * Expenditures ;j+ Transportation of Pupils |Cto and from School .4 tW.OQ Other Expenditures ......... 481.34 Total Operating Expense Cash on Hand June 30, 1*4? TOTAL . 3*340.60 4,220.49 DISTRICT NO. ® 1 • . Baildfaw Ptnd Bacaipta Balance July 1, 1048 ....--$ 31.62 District Taxation 4£26.08 Sale or Rent of School Propei ty ^140.00 Premium and Accrued Int- ~ erest on SdMol Bonds .. -62.60 All Other Soureaa (include, tuition paid privately) ., 431.11 Received From Other Township Treasurers Total Receipts 8 11,82632 Total Operating - .Expenses TOTAL 547.34 DISTRICT NO. 84 Building Fand B*Unce District Taxation 54734 1,188.06 1388.48 TVtal Receipts ^..3 8371.54 Set (taceipts '....1^M..8 Eiueatianal Fund Bmslpla . Salanca July 1, 1846 „J telihiUuu of Trustses ».. District Taxation All Other Sources (including tuition paid privately and transporta- 2,671.64 1381.80 775.09 836431 6,474.51 191.88 > 281.33 40.00 499.00 Mil.18 248.48 256.10 256.89 267.10 93.47 48.53 377.00 Total Operating Expense New Equipment (not placement*) Cash on Hand | June 30, wj .... re- .$ 8,309.69 11138 1,854.30 TOTAL .3 4,066.67 DISTRICT NO. 37 • -fff7 BuiMUng Fund """ Receipts Bala^fee'^lily 1, 1946 ........| l£$i®38 District Taxation 214.63 Received From Other Township Treasurers .... 155.91 Total Receipts ...........3 2,640.42 Net Receipts' $ 2,640.42 Educational Fund Receipts Balance July 1, 1946 $ 924.5$ Distribution of Trustees .. 97.58 District Taxation 890.34 Tuition of Transferred and Non-Hi Pupils Received Att Other Sources (includ- / ing Tuition .paid pri- - vately and transportation) Received From Other Township Treasurers .... 441.63 Total Receipta Net 135632 677.82 434731 Recasts' 8 BaUttsg Fund ^xpenditarea Salaries, JamtQrs' and Engineers'* (less deductions) «........„..3 Other Expenditures Repairs and Replacements i" Total Operating Expenses Cash on Hand 4,58731 15.00 1,500.00 44039 1,96539 2,640.42 Total Receipts 6,721.18 Hat' Receipts --3 1138832 " Ednrstisnal Fund Rdcdptft Balance July 1, 1946 $ 15,559.59 Distribution of Trustees .. 3,001.48 District Taxation Receipts -- Building Fand Expanditorsa Salaries, Janitors' and Engineers' (less deductions) 3 Insurance .............................. Repairs and Replacemente 6,721.18 75.00 96.31 145.00 June 80, 1947 ! ^roTAL Boards, and Comaolaory Services .TZT..... Administrators, Swarvisors and TeaChexr Salaries (leas dedHtfoiik) Text Books Stationery, 8upplie*, eta. Libraries IFViel Wst«r, IMt and Power Janitors'Supplies, VMght, Expraaa and Drayage .... Other Expenditures Pension Funds (dednctkms from salaries) ........u.... Federal Salary Tana (deductions from salaries) Total Operating 'i*' Expense Cash on Hand June 30, 1947 •830 138435 1834 7830 1030 110.48 8838 M0 8838 131.40 176.80 2,198.65 2,388.86 N« Receipts .... .8295J8734 BuidHng Fund Expenditures Other (Elxpenditures .....$280,080.75 Interest on Bonds 3,639.75 Total Operating - Expense ^.....$283,7«0.50 New Grounds, Buildings and Alterations (not repairs) ; 4310.00 Cash on Hand June 30, 1947 ...... 7,706.54 TOtAL .............^.^.:..$295,787.04 DISTRICT ftO. 85 ! Educational Fund Receipts District Taxation $ , Total Receipts ...$ 1,527.69 Paid Other Township- Treasurers «...^.„3 1,527.69 Total Deductions 3 1,527.69 DISTRIBUTIVE FUND Receipts Income of township fund8 74.25 From county superintendents 6,815.00 From other sources ^ 669.85 \ 3 ' • ' \ * -* 1 '• - 1 iw' Vi ' "--w" MOft a shopping for the home is doae by the women of die family. They know a bargain when they see one, but they are usually willing to pay a fair price for whatever they buy. When die asking price gets outrageously out of line, <he women shoppers of the nation can take effective action as they have done in some instances, by sim- »' . v-. r pty not baying the pcioe is lit of the moot effective swiw of prices from running wihL It's « yeto power that s largely In die hands of thoqe who hold the family parse strings. Spending carefully is another habit of thrift. Like depositing regularly in your bank account, this habit pays handsome dividend*# r«: ; v! MeHENRY. STATE BANJK i Member federal ftoservo System llember Itdml laitmukoe Cwporatiw , i*i mi in ft t fl i in 111 mi |i i > mmm i i mm| n1 1 ^ girl participating in giving tsis o f good health. LOCAL ACHIEVEMENT each DAY IS PLAIINED BY synopsis vraawnnniv miTM The club is really very civic-mindai. RING WOOD 4-H CLUBS f ; Together with the Sunshine girls, -- they were responsible for the eree- The Happy Ctorer club of Ring- tio" of fl th® Ri"Srwood honor roll and wood held its last meeting on July,8 II.w T ?° a* «.• . ^ _ wffk .11 ,.uLi *vl' The L0®*1 Ach^vement Day of 15, with all members reviewing the both of these clubs is an event aR TOTAL Expenditures Incidental expense of trustees 3 For publishing annual . statement .V...., Compensation of treasurer Released to districts. ........ Paid for Treasurer's Bond 6,659.10 19.60 39.50 50.0ft 15.00 335.00 TOTAL 3 6,559.10 TOWNSHIP FUND Receipta Bonds on hand July 1, 1946 9 4,000.00 TOTAL 8 4,000.00 Expenditures Bonds on hand ; f June 30, 1947 4,000.00 TOTAL ........................3 4,000.00 i ' S. W. BROWN, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of July, 1947. L. E. HAWLEY, (SEAL) Jiotarr FufaUc. Total Operating Expenses 2o!ii033' JCash on Hand June 80, 1947 316.81 2355.23 i , ' 'Afl'* ** **' "J'« mm fLAVORS FOR JUL* '.'"iit'fi.. °W - PINE^Pfl^ • CHOCOLATEi- V tt- 'r : M M MINT V v. I. BRICK EACH WEEK-END. -- 0 --,.. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE tmum* • • mmrnmmmm - ..UJ •„ 1 1 •' n • " ••• TOTAL 8 2,671.54 Educational Fund Expenditures Boards, Business Offices and Compulsory Att. Services $ Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers' Salaries (less deductions) Text Books Stationery, Supplies, etc. Libraries Janitors' and Engineers' Salaries (less deductions ....... Fuel Water, Light and Power Janitors* Supplies, Freight, Egrets and Drayage Other Eqpenditarss ......... Repairs and Replacements Pension Funds (deductions from salaries)_ Federal Salary Taxes (de- . ductions from salariaa) TOTAL $ 4,587.91 DISTRICT NO. 150 < Building Fund Receipts Balance* July 1, 1M6 8 1,491.15 District Taxation 14,968.16 AH Other Sources (includa tuition paid privately) 800.00 Total Receipts 3 16,769.31 88^5 3,593.21 93.00 83.18 80.00 21.75 61135 8630 44.8? 33.46 10.00 148.00 249.76 r Total Operating Expense 4,026.12 New Equipment (not replacements) 8236 Cash on Hand June 30, 1947 ....^**-- v 762.50 1.4 PS»48 DISTRICT NO. 80 Building Fund Receipts IBalanee July 1, 1946 ..,,.~3 419.88 District Taxation 2,243.27 Sale or Rent of School Property - 2.00 Sale of School Bonds ........ 7300.00 Premium and Accrued Interest on School Bonds .. 1432 Net Receipts ? 8 16,769.81 Educational Fund Receipta Balance July 1, 1048 ....--8 1,812.44 Distribution of Trpsteea •• 917.90 District Taxation 49,678.92 All Other Sources (including tuition paid priately and transportation Reimbursements by State Board for Vocational (Education 11360.58 8,756.95 Total Receipts 3 63,896.91 Net Receipts .. ....... .3 68386.91 Building Find Expenditures Insurance 3 425.24 Other Expenditures .•--.... 8,000.00 Rapairs and Replaeementa .,2,604.58 Total Operating Expense Cash on Hand June 30, 1947 .~8 11,119.82 ... 5,689.49 Total Receipta WH Receipts 10,179.87 TOTAL Educatkmal Fund „ Expenditures Boards, Business Offices snd Compulsory Att Services $ Legal and Accounting Services Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers' Salaries (less deductions) Text Books Stationery, Supplies, etc. Libraries Janitors' and Eugii fciST. °»* 8 16,759.81 Arsksologists UMartfc l8f EVMnon «f 0M §ilt«ro8 New expeditioos and continuing research have pointed up the archeological wealth of the Americas. In his eighth season of delving into southern Mexico under National Geographic 8ociety and 8mithaao> ian lnatitotion auapicaa, Dr. Matthaw W. Stirling found five more ooloaaal atone heads fashioned by the peoples of the pre-Columbian era. At Monte Alban, also In southern* Mexico, Mexican scientists concluded 18 years of fleld work on Mixtec and Zapotec culturea iriiidi led bar Spanish invasion, tasks and necklaces, carvof stone and }ade were found in Near HMsfeNaftaMnga, Qua* temala, restoratian awk 00 y!ertt~ leu, one of )i»mwn buried Mayan eoanmuaMas in the region, revealed a pyramidal foctreas, temple, altara, and a court far playing a religious ball game. Zaculeu was abandoned after withstanding attack in 1888 by soldiers of Hernando Cortta, whew 400-year-old casket came unexpectedly to light in 1946 from hospital walls in Mexico,City. Near the Mexican capital, a Carnegie Institution group found implements and fossil remains believed to date frem the close of the ice age, 15,000 years ago. In Arizona's Ventano Cave, and near Berkeley, California, human bones preserved for four to ten milleniums were found. In southern Wyoming and in Alaska, newly discovered fossil remains represent fantastic beasts believed to date back 40 to 85 millira years. Scientists of the Institute of Andean Research noted evidences of pre-Christian cave dwellers in northern Peru's Vim Valley, and studied its Mochic. culture of A. D. 800 to 1,000. Eeae Disease Black Spot ia the moat disease with which the rose grower has to contend. First aigns appear in the form of tiny, irregular black spots oa the upper surface of the loaves. As the fungua grows, the spota become larger until the leaves turn yellow and drop off. Stunted buahea, bearing a fsw email blooms are the result. This diseaae eeriouely wefkdna the planta attacked end makes them more liable to arbiter injury. V Roees do not always appear ragged in midsummer, contrary to the idea a many gardanera. Often the falling^ of leaves in July and August ialdue to Black Spot. ~ The disease is especially prevalent during hot, humid weather and it is ...3 10,17937 Fuel 'h «- "f past summer's work with satisfac- will want to attend. It will be held tion. The club carried the project at the Ringwood grade school on "Dairy Foods," their work being IW 24 8 P ™-. . wi,l • ^ „ . ... / style review and interesting foods* made more interesting by the sub-1 exhibit, with everyone cordially insidiary material offered by the Milk | vited to attend. Foundation National Dairy Council; There is still more to be done and the Bowman Dairy company. To these enterprising 4-H members top off this entertaining study, the j ter county camp and achievement entire club took a tour to the Bow- , day, they are planning a scrap drhre. man plant at Round Lake. j Their enthusiasm and ambition All of the girls are 11 or 12 years old, Jean Betts, Jane Betts and Darlene Andreas have had three years club work; Grace Glauser, Mary Hogan, Jean Muzz and Louise Hunt have been in club work two years; and Carolyn Lawrence is the only first year member. In May, the Happy Clovers gave a Mother's Tea to show their appreciation for the help they had re-r ceived. On July 16 they were the guests of the Home Bureau, wilal makes them a very definite asset to the community. " Mrs. John Hogan is leader of tka Happy Clovers and Carol Harrison* junior leader. * , j fv Complete line of Beebe remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo- Henry. 8-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer' •aMt Featuring Everyday Needs at «1 Great Saving to Yo® .... ' ijmiJj.'Jjfifti' jjiui'iliii" .i .. Housewares s Plastic Handled SUinlMS Stool Utonsilo, reg. 69c, spod«l 64e DDT Bombs tic Okrthos Baskot Linors Special „• ^.. Tic Decorated Beverage aiasses, 9-o«. --9c Miring Bowl Soto, 5-pos., original price $2.25* special $1.96 Presto Cookers 2%-qt. sise $11.95 4-qt. sise $12.95 National Preosure Canners Special -- $18.85 J ' . Electrical Appliances pop-up il$19.96 Oanflekl Automatic Toaster O.K. Oscillating includes federal tax... Jfhck Frost Fans, 8-fn. Ooronada DeLoxe Cleafner, tank type Portable Exhaust Fan, fits any Window ^___Sg$18.90 -- Screen Wire -- 26-, 28-, 90- and 32-inch Quantity Limited! 10 - in. $15.94 $59.95 Sporting Goods Stool Casting Bod* originally $8.45, special $5.96 8Uk Casting Line, 30-lb. test, reg. $1.98, special, spool $LS9 Snelled Hooks, reg. 6 for 25o Special ._ 15o Wet Flies, reg;. 19c .l.. Special for 85e 5 bp. Outboard Berenible Motor, reg, $134.50 Special $12150 -- Shotgun Sheila -- 20, 16 and 12 gauge - 1947 Stock! Steven's Shotgun, 12 - gauge Hi-Standard Automatic Piitoi iBtif Softball Me Hawaiian Wiggler $1.10 Hula 8kirts ^ Lunch Kits, compJete ......$2JS Auto Accessories White Sidewall Rims Set of 4 . Fan Bolt... $6.96 Tire Pump, apodal $1.7» Hydraulio Bumper Jack $8J6 Seat Covers, fits popular cars, Special $6.95 to $16.50 'A,. ' • •*'.:% :V ' . ^ ' .••v..*. %

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