Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1947, p. 8

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WK ' r > • %, • A , - ( \ C * ti«»V|fat '^* i,V;: i< 3ft < • " TXf u ; : v : . r ; : m • ' w ; ' **. **t*ZX' FILES DAMAGE 8TJIT Arthur J. Schoster filed suit a« cicuit court list 1UPTUHED? ; VrV.. • {SiSaafcw «"A »Vl damages in the amount of $50,000 in1 for personal injuries received in an - accident on October 25, 1945, while weef, asking working for John Mayer. Harold and ' Evelyn Getike, cement and masonry contractors. Schuster charged in his complaint that he was working for the defendants in the construction of a cement .wall at their place on Route 2, Woodstock, when the wall crumbled and part of it fell on him, throwing him to the ground. He charges that he was seriously and permanently injured. - U.-V pufcamiiLim- ** RINGWOOD - L4, (Br Mrs. Georre SlMswd) * 4. : Rinse Milk Glasses Rinse milk out of glasses and Utensils with cold water before putling them in soap suds. j'jffsjstssras.w S'Jsssir s: gc.'ass SZrtiKt e. Abdominal Supportaw. BlW TT " V Brocaa. •*«, >]Bolgers Drug Store Creen Street McHenry Thus Ice Tea Begat* Iced tea was invented as an emergency by an Englishman in America at the 1904 St. Louis exposition, i His name was Richard Blechynden i he dreamed up an elaborate ex- ! hibit in a costly pavilion to promote } tea as the English drink it. His iced ! item made an instantaneous hit . . . CONSTRUCTIOIT*XK 4-4 Building Repair and Remodeling ELECTRICAL WORK - Painting Phone McHenry 7W-J 510 Main St. McHenry (Route 12 and Oak St., Fox Lake. S. W. »»d the and RED WATER la Ugly Far Drinking. Cooking, Washing- It Stains Fabrics MICRO M ET f iiectlv PravMfs *R«d Wafi* qt>ri up waMr, iMfi it®tal*s of flxttirM mS by 4IimIv*4 Iron In wall *r IUY MICROMET PROM LIME SCALE Clogs Coils and Pipes, Reduces Hot Water Supply, m Wastes Fuel. ~ MICROMET Prmvmnts Seal* Stop* cN«kta0*«f wattr line* and htaMri. XlMiMtM cNtty of lioator colli mm4 *•**• SUY MICROMET FROM CORROSION Eats Out Water Tanks- Wrecks Plumbing Systems. MICROMET cot I illv Controls Corrosion . •••pa "leUng wf of water ptpek taiika. S®eps fobvtcs. BUY MICROMET FROM TOUR WATER SOFTENER Protect this costly equipment by installing Micromet ahead of the water softener, for greater efficiency of the zeolite in the presence' of iron salts and to control corrosion which occurs in tanks and" pipes because soft water is highly acid. Most leading water softener manufacturers recommend Micromet to be used with their products^ '* * » MICROMET - is made from Calgon, a food grade form of Sodium- Phosphate, which was used in 92 army posts since 1941--to ^prevent scale, control corrosion and prevent red water. WESUPPLY PLUMBERS AND USUAL DISCOUNTS Office ft Warehouse FRED F. PRELL CO. v 4W W. Kinzie St. ££ill»106m WATER CONSULTANTS Branch Rt. 1 Ingelaide, I1L Fox Lfio 5221. your dealer cannot supply yon, call us for information on this refuublt method of water correction that casta only a few cents a dfcy. Mrs. George Haberline entertained the Women's five-hundred club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained their fWe-trar*fred club Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Ed Whiting, high, and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Kenneth Christy, low. Mrs. Ralph Simpson of Crystal Lake was a visitor here Wednesday. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago. On Saturday Mrs. Rose Jepson, Mrs. 6. E. ! Whiting and Mrs. Hawley attended | the Ice Capades. i Mr. and Mrs. George , Haberline and Harold Weber spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Roy Neal attended the Lunkenheimer-Etten wedding in McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard attended the wedding of their cousin, Dorothy Colby, and Walter Felts at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. The teachers and pupils of our school are holding a Halloween party at Muzzy's hall Friday evening. Everyone is invited. Jack Brennan of Aurora was a supper guest of his 'parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Harold Weber of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haberline. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas attended an alumni dance at Marengo Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hiedrich, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart spent from Tuesday until (Friday at Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard spent Sunday evening at Aurora. Jack Brennan accompanied them home to Aurora, where he is employed. Darleue Andreas spent Sunday with Janet Winn, near Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and, daughter. Carol, were Sunday guests in the Henry Marlowe home afc- Huntley. Mrs. Emma Anderson and son, Robert spent the weekend in the Felvey Davis home at Crystal Lake. The Ringwood Home Ifureau will meet in the Legion Hall at McHenry Tuesday, Nov. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coonrad of Colorado called on Rev. and Mrs. Collins Friday evening. Leland Berg, Peggy and Butchie Lenard were visitors at Aurora Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W..A. Collins of Beloit spent Sunday afternoon with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck and children of Arlington Heights spent unday with her father, Charles1 Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Joha Shadle of Champaign spent the weekend with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Dr. and Mrs. Young of Spring Grove were callers in the home o£, Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons Charles and Joe, were visitors at jBrookfitld Zoo, Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth 6w Elgin, Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of Crystal ;iLake and Mr. and Mrs. George Bacoig of Antioch called on his mother, Mrs! Jennie Bacon, Saturday. ** Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mrs. Rose Jepson spent -the weekend in the Paul Norman home ai Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Harrison an family of 'Burton's Bridge spen i Saturday evening with his parents^ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison. % Mrs. Clara Deinlein of Liberty# ville spent from Friday until Stn%. day with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family# Mr. and Mrs. Dawson of Wauke* sha spent Sunday with hsr m0thei£ 5 Mrs. Wegner. Leonard Brown of Oak Park viaita£ Mr. and. Mrs. evening. Gordon Foslum Richmond spent her parents, Mr. Mrs. InaHf Cristy. Mrs. Ed Bauer, daugh\er, Joan, and son, Marvin, and Mrs. Clara Deinlein spent Saturday evening in the Fred Nordmeyer home at Wauconda. w Among those from here to attend the Hobby and Antique Show at Woodstock Saturday were Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mrs. Gordon Fossum, Mrs. Lnella 8tephenson, Mrs. Paul WaHcington. MMi rs. Agnes Jencks and Muriel Butler. Mrs. Viola Low attended the tenth anniversary celebration of the Richmond Community church on Sunday. watenuu riant ^ is a fiber plant used far textiles. It li indigenous to the orient, where thfc ancients made it into coronation rajbes for kings. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. . . AA nfrif> wMkmmmmm* ••rep' t A bottle of erator or a piece of rubber, may have little to do with the weather, but esMA hes been found capable of ofMlair a snowstorm or making saOw, the General Electric company reported. According to Dr. Barnard • Vonnegut, of the General Electric research laboratory, supercooled water droplets in a cold-chamber cloud can be transformed to snow simply by uncapping the bottle of "pop," bursting the toy balloon or shooting off the popgun, in the cloud. In a similar experiment out-of-doors. Dr. Vonnegut reported he has been able to change supercooled <og in hia harkya d into snow by firing a poptain. Wax Furniture Feet When waxing floors, wax the feet of furniture, too. Then when the furniture is moved around it wiU not scratch or Mar the floor. AUCTION mile# eonthw 4J.IU. n^fc--* north erf Grand u\ Hwy. 41. on Subscribe for The Plaindealer horses, breeching harness. MACHINERY -- W-s&W ,« • Wawt.T'-Jh, m Owner Elfers, 2 nW southwest «f Wadsworth, af Qninee, S miles! ave^ H wile west of *9- 41, «n ' MILXtNG BVNBAI, &0VEMBXR 2 doubltffaUtj at l ^el|* 12 WATCH FOR A9CTfpN ARROWS KJtM LUNCH JTAGON , . CATTIJfe--11 HektsieVand Guernsey, SS* cows,, cawslsliag of S Ouarnaeys and °nT'u n t tjs-m. i jsa-rtSr^B'SW Helsteia heifer; Mtaia haU. U Sf M aMnths aM. Ttey are exeee&gly be*t; 26 steel heavy niditiw, have a yearly; h*y . average herd test of 4.4%, wer* ""troller; clean oe the area T. B. test, and ^ p- elL were clean on the Bangs test for <Bd » p* the sale. BUILDING -- HORSES---Good farm pair of work brooder house, LARS RA8MU88KN. Case model "C" tractor; 2-bottom 14 inch tractor Chandler and Public Auction CLARENCE'S SHOP ien cabinets and cupboards made to * Full line of lawn chairs, swings* pier benches, picnic table sets, children's play pens, sand boxes, trellise*, picket ffcices, window boxes, bird houses, hand woven baskets, «tc. Cknnine leather men's and ladies' belts, purses, ^ CLARENCE SMITH . -• Johnsburg ^ »n > i # > i t e e n mnin n 111 >• * w •m-i-i-i-i »m »ei >m ANNOUNCINQ OPENING OF Spi-'Ber Woodworking Cor MFG. CUSTOM CABINET WORK KITCHEN CABINETS , WOODWORK 11 WauConda 2686 after 6.v I 1 1 1 1 I t 'll'tee 1' I I'M' 1 i I'l 111 1 l I'll 1. > ||.•» >» •». •>. T •> <• ,|. 4, > It I !»•»• McH«ry Sand *nd Gravel fo. Excavating and €rane Service •;;* Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading ^l""-- HAVE YOUR CSSSPOOlil CATCH BA3iNl| *' j Cleaned By EDDIE'S SANITARY SERVTCE EDDIE HUFF, Prop. • TELEPHONE McHENRY 290 ^ iDR. HENRY FREUND I OPTOIOSTEIST ' • 41914 Main St., Wert WxAirj ; Steffan's Jewelry Store , .. t (01««ed Thnr»d»y Afternsoa*) ^ •;* *• - -'x • v'"'- Eras Ezaadned -- Glasses Pitted .Yianal Training -- Vienal BehehUltatka \ CompleU Visual Aailjsto ' . »- Hears DU^rt • to 12 and 1 to S--Saturday Evenings: I |a liH PHONE McHENBT 45S THE OPENING OF Modern Home Deconttocs «- ' ?' ^ AT 117 S. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Harrington, Ilttnois Making eastom made nphob<-ered furniture, slip efears, drapea; also handling Venetian blinds, shades and carpets. •. , Wide Selection of Pine Fabrics Also General Fnrniture Repairs Free Estimates Proatpt and Coarteena Ostvfce Telephone Barrington 1S8-R"! or Cary SS18 RI LCD 'ZttiCity 'BuiidcHo BIG POST-FRU-- INTERIORS S I R V I AS a MACHINI SNIDS a UTILITY BUILDINei Built with RILCO Lominatad Wood RAFTERS.n • • • Covorod with Woathor i»ht Material iuai Reeflnf or Wood Shsultilwg end CoaiposHion toeflnf <'JL CALL McHENRY 97-J NOW... free model plans rrr: x Wr-- WnarHi. «MIUd wive Mdy far wscSen, art to mm! »lCO KIDGI CONNICnOM SSm Saltan an Mciaraty MhsMSm taaf >M«a wMt I JjJMjJJJ Mge >!•>»». taSM M m0 mmd MM to S' 1 sSaSTinai JltM --fcaaw>«»*»*--<«S>».eaSwe I • Here's the modern way to build every > type of farm building. Strong Rilco Rafters are factory fabricated and engineered for wind resistance and snow loads. Let us tell you the many uses, and speedy economical erection of the Rilco utility building. Here's a building you can be proud to own. It's . eaey tQ get aU the materials you aeedj-ight now. Come in and talk to us^about itl * 'ilnto-* t- ' ' e. TBOXS MeHEKKYjl ALE^NPER LUMBER CO. --^ " WIST McHENRY, ILL. *ir: .Cf-' mW" your now kitchMi now! Let our Kitchwa Planning Swtki mak* a WHtBscale layout of die perfect Idtchen to meet your needs. todH get photographs oi It in an attractive folder, to keep lor the day you bufld or remodel•+•YouTl see exactly how It will look with modem equipment ' Simply stop ui at one of our stores and tell us year Ideas. You wBI get photograph for a completely equipped kitchen, "custom-pkmned" tor j>liances, cabinets, and work esnieni will be uiianged to save you time ... and to fit your budget! Visit one ef oitf stores today, cmd ask about this kitchen planning absolutely free ... no obligation to you. We furnish the local appliance dealer. ss«v I- : V'_*" i.' ,• . •' :m:.--rr > . V ft* #• •'*' '•"Hfc !w" • 4 ,'k:. Ii',w r-'J- •" ' '!*» <<•

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