Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1947, p. 10

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' Jft -i >-p I1«%| •-f-Vi •v/4>;;^ e V 2 HALLOWE'EN SHOWS v We Dare You To Sm Our Supernatural Hair Raiser Midnight Show FRIDAY, OPT. St Open 11:30 - Starts If All Seats 44c "THE BEAST WITH FIVE FINGERS" KfckHe Matinee Party iAT., NOV.fg; Contest on Stagey 5c Candy Bar to ^ Every Boy & Giii^ MILLER Woodstock, HI. FRL & SAT., OCT. SI, NOV. 1 You Read Tkni in the Comic Strip of Newspapers Now See Them on the Screen! JIGCrS and MAGGY in "BRINGING UP FATHER" Flu Your Favorite "OENTLEMAN J : PALOOKA" SUN. & HON, NOV. 2 - 3 "CROSS FIRE" Robt. Young Bob Mitchum Robt. Ryan TUES. - WED. - THUML,* ' N O V . 4 - 5 - 6 "DESERT FURY" in Biasing Color John. Hodiak - Bart Lancaster Elizabeth Scott isvnwt mwncB In an effort to .secure better transportation for Woodstockcitisens between that city and Chicago, the transportation committee of the Chamber of Commerce met last week with representatives from various bus lines in order to decide ^nether or not the Chamber of Commerce should6 endorse the Cardinal Bus Lines petition to the Illinois Commerce Commission to operate > intra state. They are, at present, interstate carriers. An "aecalode" in American miltary parlance is a scroll, signed by the President and sent to the next of kin of all persons who die while serving in the armed forces. gBG YOUR PARWM; In the ad concerning the HalToweei party to be held at the Just Fbr Fu. roller rink tonight, Oct. 80, mistake was made in the hours the party. It will be held between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m. / Admission will be 46c. Complete line o: remedies at Wattles D: Henry. Oetew 30, w 'jJr Store, Mc- 8-tf The choice of an appropriate greeting for your friends at Christmas time is important. Choose your# today from an imposing variety at The Plaindealer office. 24-p 10 McHenry, Illinois FRI. - SAT. . Artnro de Cordova Dorothy Patrick -NEW ORLEANS" Plus: News A Novelty SUN. - MON-, NOV. 2-S In Technicolor* Dick Haymes - Celeste Holm "CARNIVAL IN COSTA RICA" Plus: World News - Cartoon and Novelty TUESDAY (One Day) "HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN" ' Plus: Three Short Subjects WED. - THURS. Gail Rnssell - Claire Trevor -THE BACHELOR'S DAUGHTERS" fltlMMt tv WKU fMturca. By INEZ QBKBARD - HAT'S a nice deal Ckk\ Henry Morgan, radio satmade with Screen Plays, They are producing "So Is New York" for Enter* •rise Studios, and starring lenry--the deal is that he will recehfe $100,000 and a percentage of the profits for his screen debut. Well, after seeing him on the stage last summer in "The Man Who Came to Dinner," and hearing him on the air, I think he's worth it, especially if they give him his head. Virginia Grey plays his wife in this I* Hmnw • Hi Tfutint leaflet Povtr In two separate investigations, six physicians found penicillin an effective agent In the treatment of scarlet fever. Writing in the Journal of the Medical Aseoctation, they report that they used penicillin it) the .treatment of 86 patients w<+h scarlet fever and found that: --Penicillin brought a prompt fall in temperature, decreased toxicity and practically - eliminated the danger of patients carrying the disease and infecting others. --Penicillin was more effective than scarlet fever antitoxin in the prevention of complications, --Throat cultures were free of scarlet fever germs within 48 hours after penicillin treatment was started. --Use of penicillin eliminated the frequent occurrence of serum sickly ness following the use of antitoxin. In another Journal article, Drst Archibald L. Hoyne and Rowinf dramatization of Ring Lardner's! Hayes Brown, who ar? from the "The Big Town"; she was excellent Municipal Contagious Diseases ho* in the stage production of "Dream pitel of the Chicago health depart. Gir1-" w ' ment, relate how they used penicilf --*--' i lin exclusively on 116 scarlet fever'* Jane Wyman portrays the news- ££t!e&t9 dyfog the last 14 monthai paper editor of a small town in They found that: Robert Riskin's "Magic Town." Big-| --Penicillin is'equally as good S town newspaper women have (therapeutic agent for scarlet fever 1 as convaleaeent scarlet fever serum. --Penicillin is superior to sulfonamide drugs as a therapeutic measure for scarlet fever. --The big* Advantage which the penicillin-treated patients possessed was that fewer complications followed its use than occurred with other torms of treatment. . ijftynMtpg!' Htm • ftadgors a»nre' Aan«rii(MMtarto*r* well in ridding. arid i*|ttte of gophers and similar burrowing rodents. Badgers formerly werehunted for sport in England, badger baiting being a common practice. Their pelts are valuable as furs, and the hair is used Cor a medium quality grade of artists' brush. The AmerJ^an badger's prevailing color is hoary gray in winter and yellowish brown in summer, with the under parts generally yellowish white: a white stripe running from the nose over the forehead to the neck. Badgers are about two feet long. pOPULAn JANE WYMAN •v flocked to see this RKO picture. But --it's the small-town newspaper editors who will know if "Magic Town' is good. -*•" ' " > Summer Tool Protection TJWess protected, most metal tools and equipment will rust rapidly during warm humid weather. Oxidation is even more rapid near the coasts, as salt in the air accelerates the process. Thorough cleaning of tools and giving them a good coat of red green lead paint and keeping them under shelter are effective in Dreventing rusting. Toyland, the dream of all kkiddies from now until Dec. 25, opens at Althoff's Hardware store; West Mc- Jack Carson's home in San Fer-j Henry, on Saturday, Nov. 15^24-plO • l l t iU l l 1 M 11"||< 1I -U < U W'W'!"H AT Mi$l7 WiE CAN AVE YOtt GENUINE HORMONE CREAM (NU-YOUTH) $1oo JL ONLY PLUS TAX Contains 7,500 Unite of Natural Estrogenic * substance (female hormones) nanda Valley is nearing completion J with a swimming pool, bath house | and steam room completed. But; why a steam room? Carson's sched-| ule calls for frequent sprints between "April Showers" at Warner Bros, and the "Village Store" at NBC--it seems unlikely that he's going to need any help in keeping his weight down! ---*--- Very ttm British Juvenile players have been elevated to stardom- Freddie Bartholomew, Roddy Mc- Dowall, Elisabeth Taylor; n<K : many. But if you've seen "Great I' Expectations" you must have noticed Anthony Wager, who played "Pip," the boy. Edward Small tested him for the role of the boy in "Cagliostro," cabled his London of- See to sign the boy; now he's headed for Rome, where the picture is being produced. Orson Welles plays the man whom Wager plays ax a boy- . - - . • * PLAINDEALER DEADLINES Plaindealer deadlines for news and advertising are as follows: Display Ads: Tuesday Noon. Classified Ads: Wednesday at 10 a. m. News: Tuesday at 5 p.m. "WHITE •XNGLBB CHRISTMAS" J"! "YOU DO" by Bing Cmby ••ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE" by Guy Lombardo "SMOKE, SMOKE, SMOKST by Tex Williams "I HAVE BUT ONE HEAJM" by Vic DwiOM • ' Aj-Busllf;; lOVB SONGS by Donald Dsm MERRY CHRISTMAS MUSiC ' by Perrjr Coaio BUGS BUNNY by Mel Blank Anyone desiring to receive lists of new records or literature pertaining to records, send your name and address^ to us, or phone Mc- Henry 12S-J. Velto# Aatpeves and Watts The three units, volts, amperes Sfd watts, measure de^Med pre*- sure, quantity of current, rad the power received. It is therefore correct to say^that watts burn, the bum is caused by die generation of heat (power) at the point ofN contact. The statements that volts cause shock and amperes kill is a little too simplified, since both factors enter into shock and electrocu-, tJfa. The volts (pressure) combine with the resistance of the body to determine how much current will flow, but the path taken through the body has a large influence on the damage produced. . > ' • . Iml imrki Embracing 4SJ per cent dl the total jpopuMkm, ruril America it, divided approximately into family farms and towns of less than MP1 population. Catebes Paiat ea Handle feu won't have to worry asp)* more about paint running down thft brusht handle and onto your hand and irih. A paint brush has been patented which takes care of that annoyance. The new brush is de* scribed ss having en improved 'means for catching, trapping axtf» returning paint to the bristles. p i Complete line of Beebe Order your rubber stamps at The remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- Plaindealer. i Henry. 84f Wlat«r Storms Smartly in Tb# MALLORT C R A V E N E T T C D There's one worry off your mind when this smart hat is on your head! You know that bad weather holds no threat to its trim, sophisticated lines--for The CoAST-to-CoASV Is style-protectod by the famous Crmvenett* process, an exclusive MaJlory feature. Another reason you'll like The CoAST-to-CoAST is because it's a lightweight hat inoreas* ingly popular with discerning men for year 'round wear. You simply can't realise how flattering -- how distin» guished--this handsome Mallory hat is, until you drop in and try it on. In your choice of Kooning new color* an excellent investment Siefyatt'd, flewebuf West McHenry *14 W. Main StM McBeiny OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS. MALLORY HATS FROM $740 to fit McSEE'S McHENRY ii BOLGEFt'S DRUGISTORE ^ I PHONE 40 McHENBY Pork Prices Are Down PORK LOIN ROAST - - lb. 59c PORK SHOULDER ROAST lb. 55c BULK PORK SAUSAGE lb. 49c or Half FRESH HAMS Home Rendered LARD . SLAB BACON 55c Maybe you agree with thousands of fans who have written Smiley Burnette, protesting that the hat he wears in pictures is not in keeping with western fashion. Well, he says the old black chapeau not only fits in with his comic characterizations,; but also it's a good luck omen given him by his grandmother when he. started acting. . -- ; -- --*-- Shirley Temple defied superstitionf? by removing her wedding ring before each §cene of "That Hagen Girl" at Warners'. "Nothing's going to happen to my marriage," she declared, and explained tyat two hours after her wedding she took the ring from her linger, "just to prove that' I had no sympathy with superstitious nonsense." -- - Frank Papp, NBC prodaeer-dtree tor, has returned from a threemonths' tour of Europe for World Church service. He made wire and tape recordings of interviews for a radi* series to be produced by the Joint BeBgioos Radio eommfttee and broadcast ever SM stations. A IS-tregram series, composed of his interviews, win be distributed by the Mst Religions Radis « nUttee. Bob Hope has a nickname for each of the gang supporting him on his Tuesday night broadcasts. Vera Vague is "Our Gay GaL" And if you hear Bob break up in the middle of a script, it's usually "Our Gay Gal" who jnade him do it. . .... lb. 35c lb. 69c QUASTERS OF BEEF FOR SALE 35c up to 52c Vender ROUNDS SIRLOIN STEAKS lb. 69c Tender RIB ROAST RUMP ROAST fr lb. 69c HALIBUT-,. HADDOCK FISH and OYSTERS 4to BULLHEADS 42c PERCH _ WW**: Take this for what it's worth--a prediction that two major show changes arc expected before next option time; on one, a singer probably Will bow out, leaving his show to a comis; on another, the whole program will change networks. --*-- ODDS AND ENDS -- Am *hnrtiriB$ ! bndgftt •/ $100000 bss bin ft for "Intrigmf ttsrrmg G«*rg* KM* **d Jum Httvoc.... M«l Tormt tots o§ tb* mr « tbt tnd of tbit month, vm btor, unltti tomttbiiig bspptm. ... In TSmok» Eoton? Amoricdt fr* fabtor* roctiv * film ssimtoi Uft tbt now "This It AmtricJ' rr (MM. ... Jon Hsll mmd Vrmmcts Longfor* etltbrmftd tbtk nintb wtdding mtmvtr tsry st tbty sUvoyt km*--* bom* sm don*. . . . Jomit Cmtor ntotr tmokts m privott Uft, but tbt bst ytt to mpptmr m pictmrt tb*t dotnft rtfmrt btr to do Taxation Forever! Beginning with e tariff levied on distilled spirits in 1790, says a Twentieth Century Fund report, lUfuor taxation in the United States has been imposed both for revenue and for control of consumption. Three-fifths of the individual states impose taxes on incomes of individuals and sales tax H in use in 22 states and two large cities. Twofifths of the states levy special taxes on chaift stores. . warBvicks mIV w> Iwrd Ifceded' 'Aoaeendg- and Aouthe answers " sandsof miles of smooth, spirited 1M7 FhrmbmU enyiae paft • y - ^ service. . , 1 . „ While shortages of bodies and* ..... today'* BpmrhUmg Xtp Imf bth<_r ^ 3|ow up compi.^d H doWt loo«-to ten tone cars, Buick engine production hat *^an 1 *wou^1 ove forged ahead. So engines are available now--ready to go into your car and step it up with today's up • to• the •minute power performance. jroor 1937-194* Mek JF* yiso've been itching to get the thrill of a power-packed 1947 Buick engine under your treadle toe, here's the quick anp happy solution. It's a factory • fresh Fireball engine right off the 1947 producticMi line. It's exactly the same mighty package of-power that goes into the flashing new Buicks. You can get it now to re power any Buick built in the last ten years. How can we do it--when ne#' And it's as simple as this: We take out the old engine--put this new one in its place--and your car's young again, rarin' to go, with s new lease on life often at less cost. Convenient payments cap he arr^n^ed, if you like, rf_ < It's the next lest thing to getting I new Buick--and a good investment because it makes your ear llrorth so much more. Certainly well worth while looking into, isn't it? Gome in and %t's talk it over. * -S J V , R* . Overtoil Motor Front St-, West McHenry, IIL 222 N. Main St,, Crystal Lj I

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