Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1947, p. 1

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-':' .' - \ -e' ?'i"5 »' * V* „ *' '«*' *« .-»av , X.JU-" # ** :- ••>. ': V^'<;*-:? "•• vri V* rx,v;- ;* jv.rr-^. -'In., i . J * ' V M b s ' ^" _ L'.-"_/." : t « 4»+ r'l . * J r ' ' • v""f;' •;» *> '•*• | » . «# ««# * * ***»-* ' <*>+ *' ' •*.' ' . '.1 - • i L".g~--r -...., .... ^ /V \ , ' > !> _ , - *' ) •' * ~'% > ' -F- v- « I v:'^ " ^ w$r*': McHBOtY, ILLINOIS, TUUSSDiT, OCTOBER 30, 1947 No. 24 £:>X ^Volume 73 VRVEY GROUP AS RELEASED MIST REPORT '• '. '-•• Pinal Accounting Tc| Made Pollowin# tkneral Meetings .•'.;.. The much discussed question of :• what type of reorganization of L^Ajhool districts should take place in '• '/f fleHenry county is a grain taking the > spotlight after " several months of study by the survey commit- That committee's temporary SKBVICK8 ARK H TODAY ros KATITX or THIS OOMMUHITY Relatives and friends in this community of George p. Bolger, 79, carpenter foreman at the Elgin State hospital for nearly fifty years, were sorry to hear of his death in St. Joseph's hospital on Tuesday evening, Oct 28, 1947. He had been in declining health for several months. Mr. Bolger was born in McHenry on March 10, 1868, a sdfi of Thomas and Ellen Frisby Bolger, pioneers of this county. As a young man he engaged in the carpentry trade in LILY LAKE MAN NUMEROUS IMPORTANT PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS The many friends of Edward M. Lannes of Lily Lake and Chicago will be interested to learn that beis now owner of the Albany Park bank building at 3424 W. Lawrence Ave., Chicago. Mr. Lannes has been engaged in the real estate loans and insurance business for the past twenty-five years, a great deal of time being spent in McHenry and Lake counties during the past fifteen years. PLEAS ON REMAP MLL WILL RE HEARD NOV. 11. jQgh Court tTifl \ Itodde Legality Of v Reapportionment Bill. •PV'-I i . • While the Armistice Day, Nov. 11, J."" "® lo^1 bu81n*88 man, in addi-< observance this year will be much the Woodstock area, moving to Elgin t on to. his new acquisition, own. ( the same as i» the past, consisting of in 1898 ind 6ntennf the employ m I the saretv rl^itnsit nnif« m i _i-f • DISAPPEARANCE OF TEN TRUNKS OP ANTIQUES RESULTS IN MYSTERY Some proud owner of recently purchased antiques is very liable to! find himself the possessor of stolen I McHENRY BOYS TO RECEIVE TROPHIES FOR FARM PROJECTS Two McHenry boys, Dan Weber and James Bohl, are in line to receive beautiful trohpies for out- „„ ,«,B,ess0r ox stoien standing agricultural wi^c as mem-1 articles as the result of a little incite" of the county 4-H organization dent which took place last week • XT q -t0 ?iven °n Friday somewhere between Lily Lake and night Nov. 7, at 6:30 p. m. at the Lake Geneva. chamniona farE, quantity of antique chmaware con- -- ners in demonstration, dress reviiw LiiJ'rake to^thtTWk8 *nTout? 'ropi! On« of the larg^t gatheringa and other economics Hack J?' W? ^ McHenry, certai^ their efforts having been awarded 1° }' J L authorities he one of the most excited and enthua- CROWD OF 1,209 IN ATTENDANCE AT HOMECOMING Color and Excitement Keynote Of Awnnii Gala Celebration 9 i \ ^ tr ». , i MMBe «s in tne past, ccnswunf or »na otner activities in home MonatniM lyv r r ;; /\ v vf w 144 «vnciujf, ten -- T--- - -- I? a L u l6IKlS k u? *n solemn memoriaf service for the I u a ^ac^etJ told en 8^^..80011 «fterw«;d- ^en h®! i^/:y/ar!l ban i k ^lld T 1 T n*' the real; war dead, at least one other im-| A ratings in competitio^ ha<* sec.ur^d t th T« in Ch cago jastic, was present to witness last retired two years ago, he was one of j estate department, the Hines Realty portant activity locally will take The n«* „/ „ . , ' * arrived at Lake Geneva only to Friday evening's homecoming game. . -- -- -- - * -- ^ j t h e f i r s t e m p l o y e e s o f t h e I l l i n o u C o . , t h e L i l y m o o r C l u b e s t a t e s i n n l a c e I t i * t h J m u e h i S i i u » i i « « A ^ i a J « i * u ® • t h o s e t o b e g i v e n f i n d t h e t r u n k s m i s s i n g . W h e n h e o n t h e l o c a l h i g h s c h o o l f o o t b a l l JIvA?lah?r P"n^ *"f. Tl" I Department of Public Welfare to be McHenry county, and the Lilymoor' hearing involving McHenry county i^1P n.V "M a^.ricultu^*^ club work discovered his loss he sUrted back field. The thrilling game climaxed 1 P the I placed upon sei-vice pension. j and Lily Lake subdivisions. He also wSwiU enteV ite ^ rta^es wh/n ^ Ga^en F™Wie over the same route. Near Lily a day of many hiihlights and saw *TuthoSd under House Bill 406 ! ^ deoeaBed was married to "?*«y purchased the highway lots CuJhT into ^urt g load ^ CrvsS^L^*11 ^ Lake ^ what. he the McHenry Warrkfrs defeat l Im Ste JKvwhioh WM' Catherine Hennessey on Nov. 12,1 *nd ^«,old la"d™*rk» the Sampson-1 a final determination of whether' rhamnion dSl® ' r-I!2.erVS W€re the trucks of china- strong Lake Geneva squad, whidi fJLSd rj?neT?945 H? niTe 11896' »nd in death by ^ Tower building at Lily Lake, this county will regain ^th Will' j Ha^Sd iald chlSSSn °2L>0i W*rl,but ?e «°nt«nts W l^n re- battled to the finish •tCKrs of the sunrey group have j J"®* thirteen >yean ago. Surviving .^h a I »«> cities in the, Bernard' Johnson of ^1,. *"1^-!,..^"-! u^!.ca^ .One of the very impressive portions lwld regular monthly, as well as' iv® ; fnny special meetings J-* ;-- : jfrhatMin their opinion, type of reorganization eoanty in general. It ia now im- ^ j ~~r j > .. . ~ ,, - » , ljortant that the people themselves seIff grandchildren^ all of firten to all arguments for district IK ^*r r ^ ,n CT VHRN^ Will HAVE flevision and that each separate ter- i ^ .^ro son8» an4 William, j OI • JUtlrl u WILL IiAYIJ titory impress its desires on the 8I* S1S 8. ln rAiirfnuITIAkJ PVIimiV b«in» h„ld CONFIRMATION SUNDAY lee be one which has the annroval of (TTiursday) morning at 9:301 1 Barrett for a w™ «i manaamus vnu ?t v vri «^(WU • ^ ••• --*<»-. «. nciimimicrifer; oiaen fhe majority of the citizens of the °'?Iock at St- Mary's church, Elgin,) „ . compelling Iroquois County Clerk . T^narvvntv , richfer last week as the result of alumnus with son on the team, Lester •ourtv i with burial in Mount Hope ceme-! ... Pera°n*» including Brainerd F. Anderson to com"plv with AiFNUFI) ANTIOIII* CHOW regular tax sale and the scaven- Bacon; oldest alumna with son on The nresent temnorarv rpnnrt ho ter5r- ^y^ne ch;ld^n 1 and ^ts,! the new reapportionment act. The 1 1/Ul II^UE OllUTV (?er sale. Of this amount, $16,947.07 . the team, Mrs. George Miller; best * telline of nrevailir^ ror^it'ions ' ° i ^L,V~k r ^on?intted at St. John s leeal procedure is merely a friendly ' , waf regular delinquent sale decorated bicycle, Bob Nickels; alumrecommendations to be studied Heart Attack Fatal To il ur8r' ^ 3 oclock next suit to test the legality of the act. » ^. , ®"d J2>352 from the scavenger sale nus who came the farthest, Bob recommendations to be studied neaxi Avl&CK raw •"> --_ Sunday afternoon, Nov. 2. Preced-1 Answering the petition, Counsel 0 crowd of more than (ten years or more delinquent.) The Doran of Wheaton, class of 1940; ing the confirmation there will be for Clerk Anderson has cited six ti per!JOT1* from throughout Mc- amount hid on the latter sale is alumna who came the farthest, Canonical Visitation. The last time: »rmr« it «enry county was present at the considered the amount of tax. Ruth Vogt Jones of Chicago, "1-tt S'*J *>, 'sk y/ torney General iP. Barrett to test the a"d ,.ho™e econoi .validity of the act passed last June ! cei 8 inv^Ho^ »"end and will by the general assembly. Ice,ve invitations this week Teat Legality writ of mandamus CROWD OF 3,000 PERSONS costume, Mary Ann Stoffel; best boy's costumes, Dick Becker and Eugene Westphall; best float, a tie between the Juniors and Sophomores; beet decorated car, Bob French; the clasa with the most alumni present, class i °f 1947; oldest alumnus present, The office of the county treasurer,1 Thomas A. Bolger; oldest alumna, A. Null*, was $19,299.07 Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger; oldest . :iTu£t o'riu'.i.tTo. w in the survey have been presented, time e^rs claims are "contained In the !?e!7y cou jty„ T?8 ^"^t *t ~ Vog ice was held at; bill. The answer cites ommision of w,n 12Wu* Hobby Show sponsored Amount of delinquent tax sold Ae table of contents consisting of ^ *,ear^ attack suffered ' last J^n^'was in?Juonnee . tthhrreeee vveeaarrss ! fffKco" fonm mf Sfi«ir«iAir oiiA«An /*:i tne nonie tSureau last rndftv and frAm o9«»k lAnmoUtn . w« a nn»A«*i •even chapters explaining the im- Thursday, Oct. 23, 1947, proved fatal - W*8 ,n Jane' three years the yortance of schools, the developing' to Mrs. Hazel Kinreed, f® WV«A •f our present system and the basic P*88^1, away at h«r homo i essential of a good school system. £°- °"e *•* th« Carney Gilkerson rne U FU„ TT„ „ y TXT- . ' , ! A m o u n t o f d e l i n q u e n t t a x s o l d O I town of Stiekney and alleges fail- q_r fllllj" ^le.?urlau l,a®t Friday and from each township follows: Ma- Approximately to close boundary lines between * »„*«r otu? *^°9dst?ck Annory. rengo $1,074.48; Dunham $619.81; mained after the *in districts, including the members of the or- Chenung, $1,325.96; Alden, $200.27; dance which wa J «.t- w. __ J , *"»nization. REPRESENTING TW*NTV.fiva •OAO orr. n « ; . Meetings 'Henry. A J.__ *J~ ««iei ur^ing^ wie supreme court to •-"-•-Mw.n.a neoron, orcnesira. une oi Three important meetings have Survivors include the daughter, JS KS SSM ' Kyn K" ! llohol,i the act "**» fi,ed ^st week j fhp c'?,ntv Jiil- 6Ver |,71 ,en*ed f'^mond, $559 25; Burton, $168.00; of the entire even ^n planned by the committee prior Mrsi Florence Gilkerson, and two AmnlH p j' i by^Atty' Barrett. fin* Suv * ^ MeHenrv, $30902; Nunda $2664.04; charming queen, of Marengo; also » f™|d CT®"nd' C^enne Freund, The attorney contends that it u J the outstandrng A1gonqUin $.^75.54. Bolger, was prese 'x Loren Freund, Melvm Frebnd, would ho . nf . qiHt and 4-H club exhibits. rn.« <5l,« r ., ' , . una. r mrence \jritK«rson, ana i to the drawing up of the final report grandchildren a Which will be voted on by the pub- brother ------ Be. The first meeting is for educators and will be held on Wednes day afternoon Nov. 5, at 2 o'clock w avrvaa i viici ill kaovlll U» j av vile ?e".78h'o^h<ftl r." taC. AUXnaAEY-SPOKSOREl) portant that all interested persons MINSTRXL SHOW WlTTTh Xttend this last meeting of uvvvvrip nAQDTTat •pinions expressed at that time will "Wofll AL. vod to decidedly affect the final l . report made by the committee. f The time is drawing near for the . minstrel show which will be pre- Smith, Betty Ann Stilling, Carol' TUT>-n«nn*TT« - Ann Stilling, Gerald Thiel, Thomas i TMPfiJBSSIVB BHMORIAL iThiel, Elaine Turner, Donald Weber, SFRVICK HONORS WAVY PeR^y Whiting, Mrs. Francis <•*** «« n« . n , in. Mrs. WAR DEAD or COUNTY 300 persons regame to attend the . was sponsored by the Coral, $174.91; junior class, with music furnished by Dr>T $1,223.48; Senior Dick Heuser and his Hebron, $34.39; orchestra. One of the lovliest parts ^$evening came when the Margaret -- presented with a docen roses. She and the homecomitig • | king, Tom Kent, both of whom re- I ceived their crowns during the after- • noon pep meeting, then led the j grand march. -- i There are numerous events con* The Woodstock Players do not tained in the crowded schedules of piny this weekend, but on Novem- the local students and adults dumber 6. at 8:30, the players open their .each year, but there is none that wedding veil*,"baby"clothes'"of'ereat °ur,ai" on " new and -exciting mys- ; eaijies the enthusiastic anticipation grandmother's day paisley shawls tery. pla,v- J'Love From A Stranger," aJ>d, the equally pleasant memories * - - ' hy Agatha Christie, is a play guaran-! homecoming. It is a day when teed to keen you on the edge of y°ung and old alike forget their in.:. --1-- cares for a few brief hours, the Priceless possessions along with THEATRE GUILD'S 'homemikerfS NFW SHOW OPENS APTITUDE TESTS FOR VETS TO BE GIVEN DEC. 18 Schmitt, Mrs. Vincent Tonyan, Lloyd Oeffling and Kepneth Ham- , •k$f*. , . . f. . A bounty Navy Day observance . ^ , -- « It is expected that a larfe group was held at the Woodstock high ~ '•"t'h attention of guests. The eningf, at which * Country Store was especially jntr>r- • I •_ _ Ot _ Q Inin tt/t n>nf > f grand mother's day paisley shawls, j.c*yv*d f;"i"^s from China, petit point, spindle beds, hand loomed "" T.' J"® „ f„„pr8 roomer tea kettles from your seat- Th,s "articular, play was c . ----- . s _ _ _ - A A. i « <*hn«pn h^Aiicto nf nnn>ant nAny. youncr to en^oy to the fullest tht pre* ." •" av iiciu bv tnv r sented on Nov. 8 at 8:15 p.m. at °f relatives and friends of the above school last Monday evening, wnicn -- the Woqdstock high school for the present to observe this solemn time an impressive memorial service contnini benefit of the woman's auxiliary of but beautiful service, which is a was conducted by Lt. Jj L. Swinsen,' ^.^t. egr* and the hospital in that city. The show «n«n»orable one fer those aaoetving chaplain, U. S. N. R., Great Lakes, T ' of . which ? _ _ I X I M I •. I . . . TNA VAJMATMAM^ „.1. _ A L * • MM • I ••• . 1' NAIIBA«TNHAO S\ritre^Wr<*. knitted lnce anH n 100. rho"pn hecau«e of the current "nopu- to en'Oy to the fullest the , v»«r-old PiKl»> Ffcoh hoo^h con larit>r of pcvchological dramas, both ""lorful results of their youthful ksi>?d wn»etWnr nPW* atid different K? t.he sta«e and on the screen. Planning, the older folks to find th«hr Needless to sav that Agatha Christie 'njoyment in reminiscence, is a nist-master for this type of Game Highlights vohHc. If you want to know what Coach McCracken's MCHS Wa*. ["•« , |is not to be confused with the drive the Sacrament • ' j/-' IJ for fun*dsM *fo*r lthve InIeV wW lh|VoOs|/pli Vt caali .• TX IhIeV A college education with atl:'*ex- 'a«*H>ary is an organization of wo- POUNTV TO SHAHF TM 'ftonses paid and a navy or marine men of the county who are interested ""'JJJ ^ AKB IW eerps commission may ,n FOR"" Mkrfo i ri Tllinnie vafArona .Canriaa VCftT tfiBV SDOHSOr One Dlfr DCnfifit. T^#TiTi ATTV WV3%TIVI A A M may be secured by in the hospital and its needs. Each STATE ALLOTMENT F0R~ \™d names, several Hf veterans. Service y,ear they sponsor one bife benefit, TMPPnVFlVIFtPr Pnino r°m this community, inscribed e"^trical enpliances. certain Illinois veterans, {nSfe rv«i)c«e> the proceeds of which are used to J!»J>1J5WT O* ROADS thereon: I A»*>onw those from McHenry who v--J «•"= Officer Philip E. Bierdeman of the the P^eeds of which are used to McHenrv county office of the Illinois promote services for the institution, ir-i n : : i j L*ast vear thev snonaoron » iriwu. | " r «iwr 'inn wu nrm v WIIU James Bailey, Raymond A. Barker, w<ire Mrs. C. W. Goodell, obert Barker. Charles E. Behan Jr.. F**iol Jones Mi«s .Ar-r, Fri«hy. «ioiiit!3 oauey» ivaviiionu a» oarKer^ Veterans' Comriiission has announced Last year sponsored a most McHery "ounty is one of eight Robert Btfrker, Charles E. Behan Jr., .lonps Miss "n F On Dec 13 1947 antitude te^ts su«essful style show. With money northern Illinois counties which share Oorge D. Behler. Richard Benson. ^ 12, C'«'»de Vickels. Mrs. 7ion "ibr the naval Wsorve officers train- earned thev have given the hospital 'n a nearly half million dollars in Rimer C. Bigelow. Marvin Botsford, r* JIT1; ,ThoTnas Kane. Mrs. teg1 corps program will be conducted two €lectrif ice cube machines, two townshin road improvement funds as Carl L. Bremer. Charles E. Burton. _1 W"kelma«. Mi«« Maym.e In twenty-five cities in Illinois. Pur- m?dem ;"" pose of the examination is to select ^ •nS,f!i jwong men for training as junior efficers for the line and staff of the purchased "To^be"eligible^ amcandidatePmust Ar,y°np who wishes to aid this 158 road districts. . mcl. not ' 17 _n OP tt-n worthwhile project may do so and at McHenry county will received $79,- James T. Mervin, William R. 21 vears of aire on Julv 1 1948 For the same time realize an evening of 487- Other northern Illinois counties -^.°, l then. Kenneth M. Montgomery, -V^t-entrs GiVfin Advice StJrans « nr^^.^n hL Wn %»»HI fine entertainment by attending the share as follows: Kane, $52,977; F Rieck, nnr,~a-„; V« „ , veterans a provision has been made niinstrel show on Nov 8 DTIPSM IFINSIO- TV>V<>IK CAOOCO. FranWlin .T PSIMNMO TR,<N.N_RI O_:I CorCSnUPff ILLSUR&L to permit those to apply who will ' . -- not haVe reached their twenty-fifth . . ™ • tw-' Krthday by July 1 in the year in H^SiT^ESSln' Ch£ which they can normally expect to H<mor 1,47 BM®b*U Ch*"pB Jb'ish a four-yea* college course. Veterans who meet the renuir-! w-j"j P«t'«g, containinsr fresh vegetables, u i .mvi.1^,,5 **w» r»-»»*t- ""d otV«er farm produce T «a .jen. stranger Hors rose to the heights before the r were sold to eager ^\i0i!!?m}l cl'da'^!tendencies-takes ad- Homecoming crowd last Friday who centered his Tribute on "World housewives. f°Uf "inht to beat a strong Lake Geneva Peace." c"est sneaker wm Martha Crane, . ' '/ y .u want to see eleven 32 to 20 and hold their record I At the conclusion of the unvailing WLS food commentator, v ho an- written fo^ ^'"^n mT nf V'n(r undefeated on the home sod. ! °f the bronze plaque, Lt. Swinsen ™ Friday Saturday's high- H a dX for November' 6 7 8 or 9 ^ -Warriors got off to a flying i read the following "«"">« "'ht was t e demonstration of fo ntte-fl the "Love ' From A st*rt» '08t a comfortable margin ^r«n*er" at the JVoodstock 0|>era JSIJLI TSfHIUE sUrJ^ House _ i » then showed they have what »• • . .. . it takes by coming from behind to In T>nhinction with the present wjn decisively twenty-four- week season of plays "Hessie" Miller kicked off for ^on^oreH W the McHenry County McHenry as the game got under Theatre Guild the Woodstock players way and raced dow^ fMd to tad£ alc0 preSe^ two-a-week radio pro- the receiver. Lake Geneva loetS grams on WJJD, 1160 on your aial. yards when a pass from center went Tn an effort to stimulate interest in wild, forcing them to punt, the players and the winter theatre; A pass from Becker to Miller season in the county, this program gave McHenry a first down. Becker M inaugurating a contest series, then fumbled, but regained his com- To learn all tbe details of this con- posure in time to complete a pass to f .' the public is invited to tune Don Peterson on Lake Geneva's IItheir dial to 1160 on Tuesdays and yard line. Lake Geneva braced, b*t Thursdays at 10 a.m. Remember the hard-running Thelen went ov«r ft nrnffon i « . .. . T?..:. * , ; Walter J. Portert. Kenneth F. Rieck. rt__. • nT T IKiPage. $60,319; DeKalb. $82,962; Franklin J. Reynolds. Elward SAILORS! OI Insurance Lake, *68 557; Cook, $58,611: Ken- Frederic G. Schroeder, La Verne T. : dall. $38,196, and Boone, $36,725. Schroeder, Robert Sweeney, Eugene A cantion'to vprerans ^. y\{, "J T' l -- ' -- Netices have gone forward from M. Weidemann. vour most valuable souvenir of ser- •er?. ° Woodstock players. They . Lake Geneva fumbled on their own -- the state division of highways, Gov- A field of white crosses formed a ";°e" has been issued by the Mc- {"Yvf. ^°'J ?c2.ulre the habit of , 83 yard line in the second period The Johnsburg Community club eraor Green said, to the various coun- background for the unveiling cere- ; Henrv county chanter of the Ameri- .a %iX'Tr.the to set the stage for McHenry^i ill honor the Johnsburg Tfgera, ty highway superintendents, inform- ^ony. while two navy men stood at:can Red Cross. Their advice is, "If ;c n o s e n o y s t a t i o n w j j p a s s e c o n d t o u c h d o w n . A l i t t l e d i p s y - O.k.ll _# U.U in* A .1 affontinn ..J t... ... TH««r MnMunMfiva - 1 " ' " jthat these programs are written, for a touchdown on fourth dowii veterans *'not to lose ^,rected. produced and acted by mem- Don Peterson kiaked- the point bers of the Woodstock DIavers. Thev, I.«IR« r .U.:. ».«nte »r>A y,n.. w- W1" "onor tne Jonnsnurg Tlgera, W nignway Tnony. wnue at c*n IT III"r B.oco"a wucnaown. A mue dipsym . J baseball champs of McHenry county insr them of the allotments, together attention and taps were sounded, vou still have GI insurance, hang on V * ? L doodle stuff showed up on, a paas nnnnrtnnitv » .. - -- • K • ^ • 7 -the new set of rules and regu- The plaoue will be placed in Se to it; if you have dropped Gl in- K! {?I radl° ^ows , from Becker to Miller to McColli it i written by vounar writers. I ««-J «. -- "ii • IV i „ DaseDau cnamps oi Mctlenry mar . 1Qi8 • 'ty to J" oil in the fall for 1947, at their next meeting at with uie or wm oe yi*c« •n/f nnivJl.ifif. °L VK?'*^° f >*S Nell's ballroom on Tuesday evening, lationtf governing use of the funds. , navy club rooms, ship 10 M fonr vtar 11th9 Sov- 4* ^e club also announces The superintendents and township1 ~Jf? Lw *hl ' n-t ff that this particular evening has been road commissioners will designate texthookJ a^d 8et *side u Ladi®» Night. Follow- such roads as they wish improved t^tbooks and Provide uniforms jng. a short meeting, which will be- and send plans back to the highway ! October 28 2* tft. Si ana retainer oav at the rate of m* s _iii v.. 1 _i * I -- .. _'ri#0*r z»' Z9> *•» *1 "^^fOMINO EVENTS _1 j' r'~"r ; mg a snori wnicn Will ana sena pians Dacx tn Snn mVefJ Jvsu ^ n r ?in at 8 Pm- ,harP. there will be division for final approval. 'White Elenhant ~ 9itlc flnnn'inr^ h. - ^22 * TIIL„T. LV cohere. i dancing and refreshments. The township road improvement Christian Mothers and A$taTs2^L£T ,n Woodstock. ^rthP1^" ^ ^ committee in charge of this program was inaugurated three years ©Sb£ It ' # >rL.u" i t important event includes Joe E. ago at the instigation of Governor, Hallaw*m Party St. Oam'* (W ffl^o *t Freund. Eddie Frett, Jim Hetterman, Green, when the legislature appro-' Ad^ * Cta»» Coart. the University of Illinois at jo. Himnelmann. Ben Wcmul. Patm nriated an initial tlS.000.0M for this t>._ __j /i.. . »„ . «i»ranW. reinstate it; if" you have j ^t^" by y°m* write™ iaever had GI insurance, apply for ffc." | For the necessary forms, veterans are asked to apply in person or ' write to the office of the Red Cross . ,. TY • .. J tllr*-; - rmunu, uuuw i-1«im neiierman, VXICWII, mien LUC Rfwmurc appro- Adults tjjf. °* IMinois at Joe Himpelmann, Ben Freond, Peter priated an initial $15,000,000 for this Bazaar and Cafeteria T »rtana._ and Northwestern Univer- j Freund, Jr., Peter F. Freund. Charles purpose, which marked the first time , Sponsoredby RhSwSd W?T7 aitv at Evanston . . . i BusCh and Joe Adams. in the history of the state i^en such M,,,™-. ^ W* ®* C* S* Applications must be received bv iiythe ^n | ' Muxiy's F«ll aid was extended. With this appro- ! Ntreaber S priation, apnroximately 15.5 per cent Altar and Rosary IM.H*. a*. ' " Patrick's Church HalK^ HEW OUTLETS MAKE LICENSE PLATES FOR 1 *48 EASILY AVAILABLE fe. na^f department by Nov. 10, | LEAVE CONFERENCE pi wwvii, «v.v pel ccm otmJ .rm,tion WH-I Crystal Lake was withdrawn as a of the total 75,000 miles of unim- **' ~y i Pr°*ram ™»y ®® member of the Northeast Athletic proved township roads in the state! November 4 "S1 , *ne McHenry county Conference at the monthly meeting were surfaced under the joint state-! Ringwood Unit Homo Itnr--•» W. „ WOOOIWCK. Community high school last week. It is estimated by highway division Nareaber 5 Crystal Lake bad little choice in the engineers that expenditure of the St. Mary's St, Patrick's P T A. matter as most, of the smaller and present appropriation will increase to November s some of the larger schools were approximately 81 per cent the total Circle S, W. S. C. S. lira. IftHmi Tilt DreMiit u>hnnl of rnaila imnrnvpH and brought the score to* 13 to 0, -- i Peterson's kick was blocked. Agnes Purvey. Sister-In-Law A SS yard pass netted a to«cfe* OUXf lL«oOeC&ali PnjewsiiuHeennvt , Ta n -» ' 5own or the ^tors and their kkl| IS MM j for conversion brought the score jS 18-7. * Mrs. Agnes B. Purvey, M. a life- | A dark cloud hung over McHenry% long resident of Huntley, died last prospects for victory in the thirja, Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1947, at Sacred quarter as the visitors took advan* Heart Sanitarium, Milwaukee, fol- tage of our mistakes. Becker, whft ' AMONG THE SICK withdrawing. The present school mileage roads improved, year will be complete in the con- 8*wi»h. Bast River Road Pinochle Clufc--Mrs. Albert Vales. C< D. of A. --Business Meeting-- 8 p.m.--K. of C. HalL November 14 win oe m tne Joseph Clement has been a medical ( ftrence but next year a conference TjOapH TAITA Man Ch&md Patient at St. Therese hospital, Wau- composed of Crystal Lake, Wood- TOt. ir.««.. T NRNN„-. N_ . •span. | stork, Grayslake. Libertyville. Zion, Wltll Petty LBTCeiiy, XIUMI Elaine Gustafson of LUy Lake on- ( Lake Forrest and Warren will be in nnreB dkrwent a tonsilectomy at the Wood- operation. Thus ends a conference Cn recommendation of Assistant Junior Class Play. sick hosnital the last of th* week, which has won much interest but St«t»'s Attorney C. Russel Allen, Mothers Club--Legion HalL Mrs. Albert Purvey underwent which fell to pieces because of some William Brown of Island Lake was November If forgery at St. Joseph's hospital, of the schools being so much lacger last week fined $25 and costs by Lecture by Judge Sbarbaro--Paraohi last. week. j thaa others. Justice of the Peace Charles F. al School H«ii Sponsored by Elmer Smith was a surgical *a^, tfent at +he Woodstock hospital the! »•£ week. j Have* of Woodstock, on charge of C. D. of A. NOTICE | petty larceny. The complaint was | November 22-2S wc"- , : ,The Ringwood unit of the Home T eon Smith, who asserted that, Home Talent PI ay Sponsored Dean Miller has been a surgical Burea" will meet at the home of "rown, who recently came to Mc- V. F. W. Auxiliary. fiwitteennit "ait tuhwe Wwooooodssitooccka hnoossppiiutaul.. , mMrrss.. Eiiilssiiee RKeeiikxeerr at Pnissttaaxkeeee Bay courtv from Texas, took a| ______ Mrs. Helen Seyman of McCullom on Nov. 4, not at the Legion Hall as 'la«h livfet a gadget for inflating! MAIL CARRIER'S CAflB Lake entered the Woodstock hoepi- originally planned. j ""tomobil- Hihea^valued at $5 from Hie state's ftal on Monday morning following an •ecident in which dm suffered an Isjured hip. bar • » • i hi« automobile. I Carson, Harvard,* KtirwPrml mafl WANTED AT ONCE--Lady book-! State hirhway officers picked up carrier, will he heard by * Jarr in keeper and typist; experienced; jrood a-d released him to Sheriff county court before Judge TTSWIJ L. . .... salary. Lennon Beverage Co., Volo. Fred C. Bau. , Cowlin, Friday morninc. ifav 7 ACCEPT NEW POSITIONS 1*. O. Address, McHenry, 111. *24-fp 1 -- i Carson is charged in an iafocmatiato Miss Annabel Nett, daughter of f HALLOWEEN PARTIBS filed in county mart by SUto*SA<±v |ke Nick Netts, leaves next Monday It isn't too early to choose the Be sure and remember the skating Don A. Wicks with driving a wr Daytona Beach, Fla., where she card which will be your greetings to p*rti««« which will be held at the ' vehicle in violation of a m has accented a position as recefp- ; friends at Xmas time. Select yours Just For Fun roller rink on Thurs- 'driver's in •»*•» he Ik tion'^t at the Williams hotel. Another now v hilp there is a large variety day and Friday nights, Oct. 30 and have his car equipped with a local resident and friend of Miss from which to choose. McHenry 81. The Thursday party is for the' and brake bar. Nett, Isabel Twaites. left a few Plaindealer. 22-sp p grade school children and will be i weeks ago for Daytona Beach and Is held from 7 to 10 p.m., while the! A total of 88342 navy, •artoa^nd now also employed at the hotel. Ij CwoiMmjpnlcewte _Une _ owf_ Luueie>' s• pyovuulitury/ Fi-1ri idua»yv partv wwimll buec fxourr tuhiee tweoeen - coast guard pe_ rsonnel were fcfflsd in ' remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me- age crowd from 9 p.m. to 1 ajn. . World War II. Annual Toyland will open at Al- Henry. 8-tf -- I - ittofrs Hardware store, West Mc-, <-- Beginning Monday, Nov. t, Bacon's: Complete line ... .. Wmry, on Saturday, Nbv. 16. Com Order your nrtber at TVs Bait 8ho» and gas stotton wfU be at Itirides DrMr i in and make your seleetSonft. 14-^ Plaindeafer. , „ v open until farther notiea. 24-Cp Henry. ,, T ' mmm ""6^ VA Wt UUSWSW. WHf lowing a lmferinf HIMSS« She was does a neat job of receiving and rea sister-in-law of Albert Purvey of I turning punts, had the misfortune, to this city. [fumble a long one that wag T , . , _ . » Survivors include the widower, covered by Lake Geneva. A neat KM an R _,™* William, and a son, Delbert, both of pass play scored for the Wisconsin mobile I'cen^e plate applications Huntley. L«st rites were conducted boys and they made their kick to g#r or^tL0^3iaid ,fr0mo®t" Mary'8 church Huntley, into the lead 14 to 13. Along cam* J Hnlast Saturday morning, with burial an interception that sent McHenry J Barrett is P^paring to distribute in the chureh cemetery. (into a tailspin, trailing 20 to 11 the forms to 30,000 points in the The kick was blocked State. I But> the home boy, didn't bog ' xxrBIRTHS : idown- This time a pass from Becker to Bock man to Thelen netted Last year Secretary Barrett upped the usual number of outlets for the application forms from 15,000 to 26,000, and this year added 5,000 additional outlets for the convenience of motorists. 63 I yards and a touchdown to gain a 24 i ' . ^ „ to 19 edge. Peterson's kick hit th* A son was born on Sunday, Oct. crossbar and bounced back to the 126, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chase of playing field Secretory Barrett said that mem- Wonder Lake. Mrs. Chase is the Don Peterson rave th. rrowri a bers of his office have packaged former Miss Esther Althoff of Mc- thrill in the fourth quarter as he supplies and that shipments would Henry. The proud grandparents are hit through the line, broke into th* he dispatched to reach all outlets, Mr and Mrs. Louis Althoff. d'an a^d r^80 v^» for ITSuch! by November l. | Mr. and Mrs. John Glosson an- down. Peteraon then faked a kick ..Jb® "°"taTy Sff that nounce the birth of their first child, for the conversion, passing to Bockthe 1048 plates will oe orange with a 7 pound 5 ounce son, James Joseph, man for the extra ooint and rivin** black numerals, a color combination at the Woodstock hospital on Oct. McHenry a 26 to 201ead. w ! 7 ^ , 1 M " - G l o s s o n i s t h e f o r m e r B e c k e r w a s e v i d e n t l y n o t c o n t e n t ^ * ,y or He sai<*v a Audrey Rotherme . to rest on the slim lead as he pulled new type of numeral chosen on the Mr. and Mrs. Al Amo of Kenosha, « surprise pass to Peterson for a basis of studies conducted by traf- Wis., announce the birth of a first down. McCulla raced" around r *2erts Is belnf- S^l,rlL 7%l: 5?'u*Jlt*r hospital on his own right end for another first U«1 centers which yrill be fur- Monday, Oct. 27. Mrs. Amo is the down and Lake Geneva was unaMe •^5 ^ °n the 1^8 ap- former Rosina Glosson of McHenry. to stop the inspired Warriors. Peter. plication blanks the end of this, „on Di.Ved hi* h«*t ram* nt th* week include daily and weekly news- WINTER MASS SCHEDULE reason, legged it arounS^rft end to papers, notary publics, currency ex- The winter mass schedule will go bring the count to 32 to 20. Set 5 changes, farm bureaus, automobile into effert next Sunday. Nov. 2, at yards back on a penalty. Peterson cMbs, automobile dealera and other St. Patrick s church, McHenry, and kicked and, for the second time, hit points selected to provide an even at St. John's church, Johnsburg. St. the crossbar State-wide distribution. i Patrick's masses will be at 8, 9:80 ! So the McHenry Warriors tucked i and 11 o'clock, the 9:30 being a high away another victory in the Swan! NOTICE mass. St. Johns masses will be at league and stamped themselves a4 Mi-Place Resturant iina Tavern,,8 and 10 oclock. St. Mary's church > a team to be reckoned with in the Green St., McHenry, will be closed j-will continue the same schedule as final standings all day every Thursday until further during the summer months, with T-»ir« Geneva-- dgotiee. 16-fp-tf| masses at 7, 8:80, 10 and 11:30 Touchdowns: Karee, 1; Melfep, 2,V ® . . . --T "T" , ' o'clock. Points after touchdowna: Kares. 2. * Coaae la daring the next week and • McHenry --' Come injo AlthofTs Hardware Touchdowns: Ihetan, 2; it tkf PJeiadaalSi ofiQice. This store, W. McHenry, on Saturday, 2; McCulla, 1. 'W N, e^r Nov. 15, when Toyland opeoa. A Points after toucbdeems: 24-fp real treat for the kiddies. 24-tp l; iMmmi, l.

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