Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1947, p. 2

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Two % \ * : : ' v . , - J i ' i ^ > < * c ' V * " •"W1^ -^ <- i ,«• ' - "««•• V »> • ;." <:1 t ' •-, 'X*. j* t jt'* ' *'*. " •- ,» .' - I f •. &••< t,sv ' - ,i% J""'. WA * fMM I ' V* 4 III %>' §<fc£ *1^ ,'i4: SUMY ROAM AHEAD MHVI tMRY -- ON NNf GOOD/9EAR TIMS KT > - •b t\ - %t:A:'till 90* el all tire trouble occurs In the last 10% of ftftr* 111*. Sell us "the kmt 10«V'A plaa tax iMzll 94% MOVtf NON-Sm MlLiAOl HumiiilllnliiiniiiHIIIIIIIlllHttBmWimiWUlHHMHiroiW W;.: EAS¥ TERMS ' HWUM--inimmHiiimin--•--inniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiMWi«'l ]iJ MARTICK and NIXON TIRE CO. tlf E Ebi St, MtHtnrj Tet 4M ' nmiNHiiniHiHitiiiHNtiiiiiiniNiiitiiiiiiniuuiii A, estate, and that in tfcr debts of Ma Mid CMtM is now . Court against you and o And you art further notified that unices on or before the lit day of December, 1947, yoo shall appear and defend in said cause, Judgment by default may be raftered against you on theday following or thereafter. R. t>. WOODS, Cleric of the Above-named Cowl (Seal) (Pub. 6ct 80 - Nov. 6 - 18) VERNON J. KNOX, ATTORNEY NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Maria Anna FYeund, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that December 1st, 1947, is the claim date in the estate of Maria Anna Freund, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. JOHN R. FREUND, Executof. i (Pub. Oct 28 - Nor. 6- 18) :. ADOPTION NOTICE TO MARILYN R. TYRRELL AND ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on the 27th day of October, A. D.f 1947, a petition was filed by EDWIN C. ROBERTS *•$> Sf. V•; " lv IftlN I I I ! I t t r "* " * * * " last Saturday at St. Mary's Coronada church on the south side of Chicago. | j The lovely ne\v bride is the former • Angela Delacotta. After their brief ^ p I honeymoon the* young couple will rrauq Moron- • Se*e*al»- t» Mnh •( Western 0>IM (kl _m* HiiiUlt OiaNir: Western 0nlU4 Gas and Electric Con* nany hereby lira notice to the pubite Sit It has tiled with the llllnoS Commerce Commission on October SIS. 1947. new Rate 43. tatsrruptlbl* luaas trStaelr voicreo,c easvslaRilfat bDleu tropro secse. rtain In* - • 1 IAfatf Mto* (By Yardstick) Greetings, Folks! There will be big doings at Blake's corners tomorrow night. The annual Halloween party for all the '"Children of McCullom Lake, spontored by the Screwy Dozen, will be --gin promptly at 6:30 p.m. and, according to Messrs. Jerry Cerinak and Barney Graff, no expense will be spared to make this year's affair a big event in their lives. A varied and interesting program has been planned. There will be games with cash awards to the Winners, movies, weiner roast and enough cookies, candy and other goodies to fill the tummies of all the youngsters to capacity. Awards will also be made for the best costumes, so get busy on your get up right now ldds. The newly married Mr. and Mrs. John Salamendo chose the Hart's tottage on Orchard Drive for their honeymoon retreat. They were wed i make their home in the big city. ! The Roy-Al bowling team, Recked | out in their new shirts, failed to ' show their sponsors the value of new material. Since adorning them- 1 selves in this fancy rainment the boys lost two games, but still hang on to first place by a one game margin and this we will say is a j wee bit too close for comfort. The j boys hope to stretch their lead after tonight's series and we do, wish thenr luck. ... pat Service. hat been refll(__ „ ft* me to the Industrial customers noW belne sunnHmt thereunder. A COOT of the oronosed changes may be Inspected bv snv interested party apta nvan y business office of this Com*- AH InWMtfrt In thts mutter tnar obt*'n Infcftrstlon with respect, tne-eto either »1irrryv from this Comwiny or bv *d-1r»«tnr the Secretary of the lll'rti!* Oomnerce Commission •at Snr|n<*fVM riM-.ots. WFS-'-FitN irN'TTKT) GAS AND Er.KCTHir COMPANY by /«/ c. ^ COLTJNS K. ROBWtTS, Wa wife, Court of MeHenry for the adoption of MARTHA LO >UI8E you appear within days after the data of this notfeo and show cause against such application, the petition shall be taken ae confessed and a decree of adoption entered. R. D. WOODS, Clerk of the County Court «f MeHeennrryv CCoouunnttyy,, Illinois. Dated, October 27, 1947. 24 Need Rubber The Plarn--aier. Stamps? Orders at "Armored «oar** |g j tfrm to canned mA by OXe dur. Cf tho war. More then tear MXUae cans are produced la tbe United States. . iwi jwi Of For the entire ft-year period from 1879 to MSI, saya a TweatioQi Century fund survey, the yield par aero of com averaged JS.9 bushels. Uaa of hybrid seed and other improved practices has resulted in an yield in ozccss of 88 bushels to the aero. *^^•^ii^irii*vvvv|j-u-_ru^r-^^^^rj*irl*yy*ifu*u\ruTj Saving Corn Means Dollars M importance of using every measure that will preserve or imocove the quaUty of corn nas never greater than at preseitt. OM careless methods of handling feed that were used when s were low must be discarded for those aiTived at through experimentation and experience, or farmers will find profits itad bankrolls disappointing at the end of the crop year. Only a few years ago ear com was used advisedly as a fuel When it was shown that 60 bushels of corn would produce as much beat as a ton of coal and could be used on that basts. Today, iven the thought of such an experience appears ridteulous. . . . One of the important considerations now Is the handling of cora> when it la cribbed. It has been proved conclusively that bettor corn can be taken out of the crib In the Spring if care Is used when the grain Is harvested in the Fall. rUfw preparation Is one of the most Important factors in the Storage of corn and re-husking by hand may prove extremely profitable this year, according to authorities. . . . Careful operation and adjustment of the corn picker to husk as cleanly as possible trill help It Is said, and so will using a screen In the elevator at the crib to remove shelled corn and fine debris. ... In harvesting corn Of Myh moisture content, authorities advise the use of a picker with ample husking capacity and an effective fan for blowing out loose husks and other light debris as it Is said to work better than a tnirhlmfr these features. Q THIS COLUMN IS SPONSORED BY MCHENRY Go. FARMERS GO-OP. ASSK. MWwwgh the Uhited » world in milk prpdMcUw, tffia ranks only IStfa aa a fBflb* oonamning country. ^ Bow te Fatal •eal-/ The weather should be WMMI and ed. day dry before the The wood shouM be It tehee «t seta it sep to yield one syrup or eight pounds et . Let ef ^ Tbhecoo need in to peoduc#elaet yw. tie ear Into 1J trflUon dry end kept dry during peinthig. . i made to the United Stetee. 1 " ; « AimuAi, oosTtmx - % §M .. .is, • '-•jfei'- }rM-: On SATURDAY. : 1 is • i- i V: ^ . ^ ^" From 8 p. in. nntil ??? , At • I"*' i liiLvikooK oouirraY _olubhot;sz " Bt. 120, east of McHenry ' " o Admission 80 cents, tax indaded. i . . Sponsored by Lilymoor Property Land Owners Improvement Association, Inc^ A ' . r- U'iti: • Music bv A1 Ace and his Orchestra ; | Come and share in the many big prises to be offcredl I"--.':?. V/^7, SrtUZlt ,1>y Jim 'Downs rioo yoj CAKE FOR NO, X WAIT ON TABLES/ Congratulations IPs- Mrs. Anna Stacknick on her 25th birthday anniversary, Oct. 25th. Peter and Pearl Nerstad on the third aniversary of their tedding day, Oct. 25th. ^ ® Nuts and Bolta These days there are many young couples looking for a place to live and a new car to get away from it. One way to keep nosey people out of your business is--raise skunks. ADIOS. For something really different in motoring enjoyment and comfort come in at DOWNS NASH SALES and ask for a demonstration in one' of the new medals mw on display. DOWNS NASH SALES & SERVICE ^05 FLM ST PHONE 48* MCHENRY, ILLINOIS LEGALS VERNON J. KNOX,. Attormqr State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. Ih the County court, in probate. Ernest P. Riehl, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Lohmuller, Deceased, Petitioner, Elizabeth Heinz, Michael Lohmuller^ Maria Hansinger, Anna Riehl and Unknown Heirs, Defendants. Petition to sell real estate to pay debts. Notice is hereby given you, Eliza** beth Heinz, Michael Lohmuller, Maria Hansinger, Anna Riehl and unknown heirs, that Ernest P. Riehl, administrator of the estate of Henry Lohmuller, deceased, on the 27th day of October, 1947, filed his petition in this Court to sell Lots Number Thirty-two (32), Thirty-three (38) and Thirty-four (34), in Block Number Four (4) of Rose's East View Addition to Crystal Lake, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 4 of Plats on Page 66. Said Addition being located in and being a part of Lots Number- Five (5) and Fifty-two (52) of the Plat of the Farms at Crystal Lake according to the plat thereof recorded in said Reconler's Office in Book 22 of Deeds on page 1, and being a part of Section Number Five (5), in Township Number Fortythree (43) North, of Range Number Eight (8), East of the Third Princi- K1 Meridian, and situate, lying and ing in the City of Crystal Lake in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, owned by said decedent at the time of bis demise!, to pay c* President.. PHONE 29 S2S Waakegaa Rd. 10 Point Plenie by . Naah Motors C. J. DOWNS, Owner •<HIH H 1 ' M t t 1111 I I I M"t 'H"H' H" H" !• 'H' Ml* If* 11 fr CONGRATULATIONS TO DOWNS NASH SALES C 405 ELM STREET, McHENRY r-T' ON RECEIVING THE NASH 10 POINT AWARD N ASH MOTORS is proud to announce the award of the Nash 10 Point Select Dealer Plaque to this outstanding dealer. : 5u«hly for this^ award requires meeting 10 standards which are ®e highest in the industry today--encompassing every phase of a dealer s service to his customer--sales, service, financial responsibility, business methods and the other qualifications described below. •jtyj invite you to take advantage of these outstanding facilities. J|isit their modern service department staffed with factory-trained ^Mechanics. And in Mobiles of the year--the sensational Mash "600" and the distinguished Hash Ambassador. . -- You most see the Nash "600" to realise how far into the future this big car takes you today with economy that means 25 to 30 miles on a gallon at moderate highway speed . • • girder-strong unitiaed body and frame ... no squeaks, no rattlofc • S Onh Nash offers such headline developments as the Nash Weather " e Conditioned Air System and the Convertible Double Bed--an led feature. Drop in and get acquainted with your Nash 10 Point Select Dealer. i'II agree with us they are fine people who do fine work. iiw HALLOWEEN PARTY Fri., Sat., Sun., Oct. 31st - HOT. In My | NEW COCKTAIL LOUNGE I Featuring Nightly From 10 p. m. til Closing Time NINO RENALDO Mid His Famous Musical Comedy Orohestra . DOROTHY OLSON on the Piano and Organ . Dinners will be served as mail Specials; T-Bone Steak 1/2 Fried Chicken in the Basket etc. THESI 10 POINTS OF ACHIEVEMKNT MIAN YOU'LL INJOY Tttf FtNIST SKRVICI AVAILABU ANYWHERE ,t(i CAPiTAl--Strong financial standing it proof that this fiitaUnding dealership it a teond busineaa organixation ~»*ready to meet your automotive requireaheate today mxd in the tomorrowi to come. ^riooa ttMI-YonH find adequate fleer space far ybnr comfort in all departments--new cars, ased cars, . ^service, parts and accettoriet. a# i. lOCAtlOM--Located for yoar convenience ... easily accessible from all »ecti«At of the city. 4> IMHIWICAtlOH--The approved Nath tin identifies Ibis dealership as the home of fine cars and friendly • service. Leek Cat the distinctive Nash sign. S. APPSARANCI--From the very first glance yonll like the looks of this progressive dealership. It's light, clean, attractive--a place yonll be happy te visit, a. SiSVlCl--Bring,yonr car in for any service yon need. Here are factory drained mechanics, modern tools and equipment to provide Cast, thorough work on every* thing from a minor adjustment It a major overhaul en any make ear. y. PARTS--This is your, parts headquarters. Complete stocks ef factory4>uih and factory-Approved parts and accessories are carried far all Nash models. S. NSW CAft SMOWKOONI--Examine the new Nash "Mf and the new Nash Ambassador fa the metall showroom. It's large enough to avoid overcrowding ... especially designed to permit yea to examine these fine ears from every angle. f. UM CAft BM»IMr MaimiS-Youll likely find the ased car you want at this Nash dealer... a good, clean car that will give you many miles of- driving pleasure. And yoa can look it ever in eoasfort in the attractive ased ear deportment. 10. ACCOOHTHie All business transactions are properly recorded in the Nash Standard Accounting System. This means net only that the Accounting Department Is modern and well organised, but that all transactions With customers wflD be handled in a barinemlike way. 4H No Cover or Minimum Charge LOUIS' PLACE Phone Gary $051 FOX RIVER GROVE, ILL. Rudolph X. Gorke, Prop. MiimHUMUuiiiimimnmimn K > t ^ * • •»•*+ b "V. ^**r • *£!._'•'-< I- „ ' - f TP »• Pt fV* " mmm mm.

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