YOUR WATER SUPPLY Together With YOU BREA*TH] Are The Two i'-tf HQS! ESSENTIAL AND HOST ECONOMICAL Wiomifiw In Your Daily Life Tolerate ugly discolored hard water- Clogged up coils and pipes--Discolored • fixtures, etc.--KNOW and enjoy the economy of clean sparkling corrected water. STOP RUST IN WATER HEATER TANKS AND LINES STOP LIME SCALE STOP CORROSION MICROMET VHtMON 1. KNOX, ATTORNEY NOTTCI or. CUlM DATE tfate of Mart* Anna Fftund, D» Is hereby given to all that December lit, 1947, is In the. eetate of Maria Anna Frewnd, Piwiiii,jMBd- _ in the Goontr Court of McHenri County, Illinois, Mid that claims may bo fllid aiaioat the said ostato on tor honors said date without issuance -of summons, JOHN R. FREUND, Executor. (Pub. Oft. Mi Hw. «- It). VtRNON J. KNOX, Attorney --State of Illinois, CtuntrV McHenry, ss. Ih we County court, in probate. Ernert P. JUoU. Administrator of the « Estate of Henry Lohmaller, Boot ceased, - Petitioner, *"• VS. j Elisabeth Heiny, Michael Lohmuller, llaria Hansinger, Anna Riehl and AUCTION UakMwi rmtfcm debts. UtNhoitdicMe i^s /•fin'v ^.r ' shall and hy default wqr be you ontheday follpwfaig Ernent P. RtohL attfw oftre toft cloth. trator of the estate of Henry Lohmuller, deeoasdl on th* m day of October, 104*7 filed his petition in Court ^ sell Lots NfMaber Thirty-three ^|M) View I), in nock i s East CHARLES iJfeONARlV Auctioneer FEEDER $16.60 MICROMET )SAI THE LB. UP TO MM GAIS. OF WATER PEE MONTH CONDITIONED... WITH % MICKOMET. * Prevents Lime Scatr » Controls Corrosion * Clears Rusty Water Red" Having decided to quit farming, die undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Adams Farm, located two miles north of Johnsburg, on the Johnsburg-Wilmot blacktop road, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 . Commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp, the following described property. 52 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Twenty-three head of cattle, consisting of seventeen cows, 16 Guernseys and 1 HolsCein, mostly young cows; five Gnernsey heifers, (all heifers and several cows vsccinsted); Gnernsey stock ball, 7% years old; Teem cf horses. - Ten feeder pigs, 199 lb. average. ;• 199 chickens. ?'EED--1200 bales mixed hay; 800 u. Vickland oats; 20 tons DeKalb hybrid in crib; 85 ft. silage in 14- ft. silo; baled straw. MACHINERY--Farmall "A" tractor on rubber, with 16 in. plow and cultivator attachment; very good condition; McCormick mower; Rock Island side rake; McCormick-Deering hay loader; dump rake; Rock Island corn planter; Desring corn binder; Buckeye grain drill; Deering 7-ft. grain binder; S-section John Deere rrag; 2-sction drag; spring tooth drag; walking plow; fanning mill; rubber-tired wagOn; woo<J-wheel Wagon; steel wagon; 7-ft. double tractor disc; bob sled; corn sheller; electric brooder; tank heater; cultipacker. . Chicken coops; grapple fork; prime electric fence controller; Universal double unit milking machine V'ith pipe line and 2 cylinder vacuum )ump. ' Water heater; 6 milk cans; pails Ind strainers; tanks; Firestone tractor tire and tube, 8x24. responsible Car accidents. Terms: AH sums of |25 and under that amount cash, over that amount credit of six months at € per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit, kindly make arsangvments before purchase is made. No property to h* rtmoved- until settled for. €UM ADAMS "flcHenry State Bank, Clerking this to the Plat thagaof recorded in the Rccosdeifs Oiflee of McHenry County, Illinois.*! Book 4 of Ptoti on Page if. Jaid Addition bsing located In and hang apart of Lots Number' Five (SI and Fifty-two (61) of the Plat ef the Farms at Crystal Lake acconltai to the plat thereof recorded in said Recorders Office in Book 22 of Deeds on page 1, being a part of Section Number Five (5), in Township Number Fortythree (43) North, of Range Number Eight (8), East of the Third Priafli- GI Meridian, and situate, lying and tag in the.Gity <of Crystal Lake in the County of IteHenry, in the State of Illinois, owned by said decedent AUCTION at MONTVNIER FARM Located on Hwy. 22, being 8 Mr miles east of iFox River Grove, 4 miles west of Lake Zurich, on THUR8DAY, NOVEMBER 29 at II o'clock K A M LUNCH WAGON 44 -i. HOL8TSIN CATTLE -- 44 choice Helstein cows, consisting of i, halmilking good. are registered. Two of the' cowe 12 springers, S recently fresh, lining ;ister« tandii. ing. of 4 springers, balance bred. 4 heifer calves: 1 Registered Holsein 11 outstanding HoUtein heifers, consistin bull, King Re<ifield Ormsby Gypeie. T. B. and Bangs tested. HORSES -- Dapple grey team of horses and new breeching harness^ HOGS--8 Chester White brood sows (bred); Chester White boar; SO Chester White feeder pigs. FEED--1500 bushel oats; 2700 bales 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa; 15 ton of alfalfa hay: 700 bales of straw: 370 shocks of corn; 12 acres of standing corn (may be picked by sale time.) MACHINERY -- J. D. Model "A" tractor on rubber (excellent condition); J. D. 2-row power lift cultivator; J. D. 2-bottom 16 inch tractor plow; J. D. 10-ft. Jractor disc; 4-sec. drag; new D. B. 8 ft. grain drill; new 4-row rotary hoe; new Britton roller; M-M 8 ft combine (with mounted motor and pick up attachment); J. D. 6 ft. mower; McD. side delivery rake; new Avery hay loader; J. D. manure spreader (on rubber); J. D. corn binder (with wagon loader and bundle carrier); Appleton silo tiller and 50 ft. of pipe; rubbed tired wagon and rack; 18 ft. grain and corn elevator; McD. corn planter (fertilizer attachment); New Idea On Wisconsin-Illinois Rd., being 2 mites east of miles east of Hwy. 88,S of Hwy. 46, 2 mifog nortH"of 17S, on SATURDAY, NO at 1:30 P< CATTLB446 choice Wisconsin Holstein and Guernsey dairy cows, .all being close springers; 10 Holstein A Guernsey heifers, all bred, some being close springers, baUance to freshen early spring. Mack Ai heifers. PONY--Black Shetland pony, gentle. SHEEP--20 Youhg &wes. 1985 Ford V-8 1\4 tontruck with stock rack. A. J. McGREAL • • Robers and Dam, Aoctioners Public Auction Service Co., Clerk. Itim-Vm* dmhfal ieWKWi flsSMt a nidi* In H>M>et interior- OSSSPOOLS HAVE Y S1PTI0T*BKS -- »•»><fr-r- attttsm Cleaned By "-1 MDDIE HUFF, Pi*p. TELEPHONE Mc 6 roll corn-shredder (like new); new D. B. 13 inch hammer mill (with - Surg* single units; Surge electric water heater; 2 ster. tanks; 2 milk coolers; 19 milk cans; etc. MISCELLANEOUS -- New 60 ft. 7 inch belt; hog feeder; hog waterer: barb wire; a large number of small hand tools. BUILDINGS--8x18 ft. portable hog house. TRUCK -- 1939 Chevrolet 1% ton heavy duty truck. FRIGIDAlRE 6 ft. DEEP FREEZE JULES MONTENIER, Owner Ed Schumsdher, Mgr. Froelich and Wick, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Cleric • Regenetrol and Signalarm are found oofy on Modern Wanr Soften* •a. They make the job of Mfentmtioo so simple... ssvc so modi tims and bother. With them, yon know the job is done right So ... be sure ' yours is a Modern Water Softener. It contains ModerneX, the extra hig}icapacity mineral that not only gives you all the soft water you want, bat 4 also filters out iron and sediment. • • leaves the water clear and Your Modern Water Softener will actually pay foe itself through diact ^ savings. There's a riw to Mat yottr needs and your bmifst LstustsUyon nbtwt them. % S".* o u t isp -us » HENRY FREUND _ .1--OPTOMETRIST ^JAt514 Main St., West McHenry Steffan's Jewelry Store (Oosed Thursday Afternoons) Eye* Examined -- Glasses Fitted- SENT TO YOU ON lO DAYS BMMHX «iood tfiorowgfi trial Inyoiir homo. Wash •vryfWng according to IhsIukHows. During 10 days trial, If you fntiroly saftsflod wMti its laarvelous porformanco, than ws wM four aianoy and your lO days trial w« not havo cost yai s Vlsnal Training -- Visnsl Rehabilitation *'• Complete Visi^l Analysis Honrs Dally: • to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: • to 8J9 * PHONE McHENRY 452 Address MATT. THIS COUPON TODAY FRED P. PRELL CO., Rt. 1, Ingleeide. 111. Without any obligation to me. send me further information about n Thie Micromet Method of water eorreetiouih|it costs only a few cents per day. *• . "" SThe New Modern water softener 'which I can purase, without an^- down payment, for as little as. $1.96 per month, - : • Have your representative call to analyze my present water supply system for low cost correction. Name ~ "ir.': - Phono THE OPENING OF - Modern Home Decorators AT 117 S» .NORTHWEST HIGHWAY r--Banington, IUinoU Making custom made nphols ered furniture, slin covers, dranes: also handling Venetian blinds, shades snd carpets. , Wide Selection of Fine Fabrics . Alee General Furniture Repairs Free Bstimatee Prompt and Conrteana Service . )• Telephone Basrington 1S8-R-1 or Csry 5S18 u Now! Nowl Tel** NOME KMUNDIT Dalwxa ICS wllh Professional yfi', •' •' ' WB SUPPLY DEALERS' USUAL DISCOUNTS fRED F. PRELL CO# 2ft WATB& CONSULTANTS M" Ph^J^p»W$6 ,0Uca^o10, Illinois ' ^ 1 ^ t « 5M2Sg?eee wwsy2anie5 nreiwi rTiO&WIr P!rSo- 7inhg,t srmrto other cutroLrT *h*e*y*'r*e wribi°Md- •Hsjonsi nssac vuners are tig so your hair won't sUpw They're (5»» more curling surface). r+tumbU, to save yoTmoaeyt Now DsUxe Kit S*llKit, without curlm . ^ Rtgutar Kit, fiber aaitn. *1M AU prion pius tm ^ BOLGER'S DRUG STORE an» mm IUWIT, nXDCOU and SAVMS WATiM SAVfS SOAP" SAVMS SAVMS YOU UNMX Dl lUXCl day wMi HmH old wrasher. You can pat a worth-whllo «|* lawunca m H, mmI an|«y workless washdays wHhu now Bandix automatic Waslier hwaisdlatoly. Horn's your chancel liberal trade-in allowance and now easy monthly payments , n *40« T0 »100M uss 1HM - OTHER AHT0MATK WASHERS! And only SO to 60 dollars more than many wringer typo washers. /, JtHEfllY « sfOh, - '* * .•* & >•; H.E. BUCH & SO 133 Nortti Riverside E)rive - McHenry, Illinois - - . J,. t ... , WW* ' 'jil