Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1947, p. 6

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trr'Vn iiirffiirf'iilaii * FOR SALE -- Sable dyed muskrat fur coat, size 12-14; excellent condition, $65. Call Mrs. Montleone, Wonder Lake 451.. 26-2 f t . * V* - * , " Because of the tml BQinber of classified ads which appear In the Plaindealer each week, we have ffand it impossible to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, in the futon, only ads which are paid for before this section ef the paperjroes to press at 10 o'dock on Wednesday mornings til be priitkiL FOR SALE -- Two Winchester guns, model 12, 12 and 20 guage; 8 millimeter motfie camera and projector. Write Musynski, Rt. 3, Box 362, McHenry. *26 FOR SALE -- Coal and wood circulating heater, brown enamel; like new, A-l condition. Priced reason- ! able. L. Kirchhoff, Sunnyside Beach, ! Johnsburg. *26 FOB RENT -- Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with or Without bath; ideal. Oak Park Hotel. Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 20-fcf WANTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage with some land. Can be in city or outside. Address Box "B," care Plaindealer. *25-4 WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf FOE SALE !;V* FOR SALE i-- Registered Poland- China boars. Dan Weber, McHenry. Phone 664-W-l. *26 FOR SALE--Tavern and large ballroom; also 10 rooms, on Fox River, including property. Owner will tak# improved property as part payment* For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 25-tf FOR SALE -- Garage and modem four (4) room residence, 100 feet frontage on main highway near in- FOR SALE--One man's navy blue i tersection of State 81 and 120, in dress suit, siie 40; one man's light j McHenry. JACOB FRITZ, REALblue plaid sport coat, size 40; one TOR. For appointment call Mcgirl's dark green coat, sfee 15; five .Henry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. girl's all Wool skirts, _in verygood J 25-tf OMilidt"io n, waist 26. 1S6-MX. Tel. McHenry •26 FOR SALE--Kindling wood by the : -- 1 truck load. Ivar Fredrickson, Phone FOR SALE Electric stove in good • Wonder Lake 221. 23-tf condition. Call McHenry 62. *261 . FOR SALE -- Lake front 6-room FOR SALS -- Oil burner and res- house, at McCullom Lake. Partly taurant fixtures, stools, counters, cof-1 furnished. Reasonable. Phone Mcfee maker, griddle, dishes, silver and Henry 276-J. Sat. nights and Sun- National cash register. _ Leonard i days. Riverside 3743 week days Uroberger. rj- Phone 210-MX,. McHen- ! *26 21-tf ri FOR SALE--1935 Terraplane; good tires; plenty of mileage left in the old girl. $74.98 will make her yours. Phone McHenry 566-J-2 after 6 p.m. ~ »26 FOR SALE--Fast, safe and gentle, New Hinman Jiffy Milker. Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry. Tel. '78-M or 684-J-2. 26 HELP WANTED BRICKLAYERS WANTED -- Top wages. Long job. O. W. POTTER & SONS, General Contractors. Telephone Wauconda 3231 after 8 p.m. or at project site, Forest Garden 3tates, 1)4 miles west of Wauconda on Route 176. 24-3 HELP WANTED Saleslady at FOR SALE--Four-cylinder %-ton o* 8 Chevrolet truck with wooden box; 1 ' nr^ laay Gladstone's Department Store, Green " 23-tf ™uJd„ good farm truck; run- | HELP WANTED--Laborers. See I. Mng condition. Tel. McHenry 92^M. Fredrickson at Wonder Lake or call . .. •• • 26! Wonder Lake 221. 19-tf ¥i0R SALE--Electric water pump I and pressure tank, practically new, J65, also Roper gas range, excellent. HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND condition. Tel. McHenry 92-M. *261 GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORP*> R SAIF _ ' V„.; TUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTbeds comrLte- to nnlftJI! ED IN TH'S TYPE WORK. APSkire- child®?erS. sn^ liift i'iTP PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. *CO., 200 6; chiid-sh,p1n\XnchUl°aWsnoUw' su" j 'gf DRIVE- McHEN 9^; sise 3; girl's navy spring coat, size! 6: all in good condition. Tel. Mc-; Henry 631-5-1. „ „ CARPENTERS AND FINISHERS 26 , WANTED--Top men only. Long job. , $163.20 a week. O- . w< POTTER & FOR SALE -- 1940 Chevrolet SONS, General Contractors. dan, radio and heater, good cwTdi- j w Uener®1 1 \££rac}?TS-a lele" tion. Phone Richmond 736. Call phone Wauconda 3231 after 8, evenines or apply at project site, Forest • -- | Garden Estates, 1^4 miles west of FOR SALE --"Army surplus goods- I Wauconda og Route 176. 24-3 baby clothes; girls' and boys' coats; , ladies' dresses and other used items ; at Gen's $ Is's store, located third MISCELLANEOUS bouse on East River Road, going i CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling south from State bridge. 26' and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *25-8 FOR SALE -- Turkeys and geese, *nd dressed. Tel. McHenry 612-W-2. »26 GENERAL HAULING -- Available for general hauling and moving. Le- __ ... , , jRoy M. Smith. 419 Main St., Mc- -S --' calibre bQlt.action | Henry. Tel. 499-M. 21tf ^OPma^cftL ' St, Marjr'^ektMii Cknd t Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:80, 10:00 and 11 JO Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00: 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00.• First Friday: 6:80 and 8:00. Confessions: , ' Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday-- After 8*00 Mass on Thursday; 8:09 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick'* Catlnlk Charch Masses: Sunday: 8.00, 9:80 (High Miss) and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:80 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:15. First Fridays: 8:00 Communion distributed at 6:30, 7:00, 7:80 and 8:00 and during 8:00 mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rev. James C. Vanderpool* •- Administrator." St. John's Catholic Church, Johnetarg Masses: Sunday: 8:06 and 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:85 and 8KM Confessions: J Saturdays: 7:25 and 8:00 Thursday before First Friday-- 2 :30 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. Releaee4 by WNTJ Fntum. By INEE GERHARD THE week's most important event in the entertainment world is the testimonial dinner given for Jean Hersholt, marking the 10th anniversary of his portrayal of CBS5" s "Drr. Christian." T~h e guest list includes leaders in radio, pictures, medicine, public service, charities, music and education; he is as famous for his philanthropic activities as for his skill as an RINGWOOl> Z (By lira. Georre Sbeoardi , Mrs. Rose Jepson entertained the women's five-hundred * club at fyer home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Louis Hawle; Mrs. Edgar Ti the bunco club at her home in Woodier Th< lomal entertained St. Peter's Catholic Church, . Spring Grove Masses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00; Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Sev. John L. Paleiden, Pastor. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John St. % block east of Hwy. 31 West McHenry, 111. Rev, F. C. Pudsell, Pastor Sunday Worship Service--10:15. Sunday School and Bible Study-- 9 o'clock. Visitors and vacationists are heartily welcome in all services. Sunday school children may have attendance cards for their Home-church records. rifle, $5.00. *26 Call McHenry 278-R. SEPTIC TANKS and GREASE TRAPS cleaned, built, repaired; a complete drainage service; modern equipment; complete engineering. Clogged sewer? Have the electrie rod cut out the obstruction. No dig- W>R SALE -- Just received carload ii s*?rm saa^1 and aluminum gutter, all sizes. To get a free estimate «aU or write Frank Gans, 300 Riv-, U,K. erside Drive, McHenry, phone 106-W\ j ging, no lawn mess. Lake County Representative of Sears, Roebuck & Sanitary Co., Libertyville, 111. Pres- • • 26 ton Woodall, Eng. Phone 1346. 17-tf SALE -- Electrolux in perfect condition -with all parts; reasonable. Pel. McHenry 136-R. . # »26 W>R SALE -- Florescent light, 40 inche~s ~ " McHenry 233-J. long, $15. Tel. *26 FOR SALE -- Young, cbnfinementraised turkeys, 23 to 28 pounds, dress birds WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry 93-J. MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric motors repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of Johnson bronze cored bars. McHenry Electric Motor Telephone' lOitf 8'-^•o5oc-j ePiSS?- rPto;nun^d.n /Eedj.M Sc,h^mieile- i^^ce- 102~West Waukegaa Ro'ad. i phone 181. 20-tf 't So' West McHenry. vl3-R-J Phone *26-2 SHEET METAL AND FURNACE ' WORK--Gutters and furnaces re- Community Church Church School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Rev. Wayne Price, Pastor. Gospel Center • Wonder Center, Wonder Laiv (Nonsectarian) Services Sunday Bible School--10:15 a.m. Morning Worship Service -11:00 f.m. } Midweek Prayer Service on Thursday Evenings at 8:00 p.m. A cordial Welcome is extended to all the people of the community to worship with us. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. JEAN HERSHOLT actor. His radio program really belongs to the public, since each week a prize-winning script sent in to the Dr. Christian Award contest is broadcast; it's a program written by the listening audience. W'": ' * FOR SALE--Eight (8) bowling at leys, includi~~ ' Overlooking WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, III. Phone 277. 49-tf including tavern and property Fox River; all-year business. JACOB FRITZ REALTOR M Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or i TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewri- 'Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 25-tf jters and adding machines repaired -ortD a ii d „ T I ; and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon *UK SAL&--Feeder pw3 and ponies, paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 mN, p. of Salem, Wis., on Main St., McHenry. Phone McHen- Bwy. Ko. Phone Bristol 62-R-13. ry 203-J. 62-tf Wesley Saucerman. *23-4 GARBAGE COUJBCTING -- Let us FOR SALE--(Immediate delivery on dispose of yeur garbage each week, M. E. Rotary Tillers for garden and or eftener if desired. Reasonable Sarm use. Paetz A Son, Richmond,1 rates. Regular year round route. % • • -- - " v " i « i v u u i v i . u , r « i r s . l i e g u i a r y e a r Phone Richmond 10. Call for free John & Hill. P. O. Box 274, Mcemonstration on your soil. 21-tf Henry, Phone 865. Christ The King Mission Wonder -Lake----- Masses: Sundays: 9:00 and 11:00 Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00 Confessions: Sundays: 8:30 a.m. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 'to 8:00 ----- Rev. James A. Vanderpool.-- Ringwood Church Ringwood, IB. Sunday--Public worship, 9s80. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals--Wednesday evening. Rev. George Marshall, pastor Lily Lake Bible Char# Nonsectarian « Sunday School: 10:00 a. m. Regular Service: 11:00 a. m. every seconi and fourth Sunday. Rev. Wilkinson, pastor. Writer - Director - Producer Orson 'elles decided that Actor Orson "elles would drive a station wagon in Columbia's "The Lady From Shanghai" -- he forgot that Welles couldn't drive. Refusing to have a double, Welles^ took an hour's instruction, got behind the wheel-- and drove the station wagon into a sound truck. It's a double you'll see driving. v Of course it is a feather to Sam uel Goldwyn's cap that his "Tht Bishop's Wife" was chosen fot showing at the Second Annua! Royal Command performance be fore British royalty "in London No vember 25. But--both male stars. Cary Grant and David Nivfen, arc British born, and two of the supporting cast, Gladys" Cooper am Elsa Lancaster, are English. --*--- Newspaper pages really come trlife in the new March of Time "End of an Empire?" It tells th« story of Dutch attempts to sal vage what they can of Indones:a; will send audiences away wonder ing whether the era of the whitman's rule In Asia is ended. It i colorful, beautiful, at t.:mes -- br most Important, it is thought-pro voking. *. sy Production of PRC's "Brooklyn. U.S.A.,", starring Brooklyn Dodgci first baseman Jackie Robinson, starts December ,5; it will be leased by Eagle-Lion Films. Branci Rickey, who gave Robinson hi chance in the major leagues, ha been added to the cast; * stock Thursday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Lester Carr. Mr. and Mrs. E. EL Whiting entertained the five-hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to Mrs. B. T. Butler and Louis Hawiey and B. T. Butler, low. The W. Thursday, Nov. 20, with Mrs. George nan Sunday afternoon. son, Robin, of Chicago weie Sunday I Ann, spent Saturday afternoon at supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John; Harvard. W. Smith. j Mr. ami Mrs. George Bacon of Mrs. Ed Bauer, daughters, Lu' Antioch visited his 'mother, Mrs. rAnn and Joan, and son, Marvin, end Jennie Bacon, Friday afternoon. Mib. Cruikshank spent Sunday eve-> Mr. and Smith ning in the Joe Diebold home at Grayslake. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Clara Dienlein, who will spend a week in the Bauer home. Mrs. S. "W. A. W. Smith spent Sunday with and Mrs. John W.Smith. First ChampieasMp a A-', Michael Phelan and John SeeJiiiib'1 Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of t er played the first national chamv.; * x X' '-y ' ' ,> j"-)1- Sycamore spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. home Mrs. John Blackman spent Thursday and iFriday with relatives at Kenosha and attened a shower for Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Madifeon of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Elgin spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. FQX of Auroral S. C. S. will meet, on visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bren- j plonship billard match in Detroit in 1899. Phelan won the title and a $15,000 stake. 7 S'-nait by Jim Downs Marshal at Greenwood. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marion, spent Thursday afternoon with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodicker of Chicago called on friends here Satur- . and Mrs. GeOrge Haberline and grandson, Harold W\eber, spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. Rose Jepson spent the weekend with her daughter and family at Woodstock. a James, Dick and Marjorie Wiedrich of Keystone spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday in the win. Heine home in Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Hebron spent Wednesday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Emma Anderson and son, Robert, spent the weekend in the Ted Kooistra home at Sharon, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. George Haberline of Chicag<$ spent Sunday with his Sarents, ne. Barents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haber- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn daughter, Janet, and Mrs. Fred i Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary GetRUof Them! Loathiom* CacIcroacHsi. Silvarfltfi, Spiders, 5«<1 Bug*, Crickctt and many '. Radio melodramas have paid ofl "for Actress Lurene Tuttle. Noted IrrigatlM In Egypt Prior to the reign of Mohammad Aly, Egyptian agriculture depended mainly on winter crbps irrigated by the. annual Nile river flood. This fOR SALE -- JOfiiNS-MANVILLE DEAD ANIMALS -r Highest cash WOOL HOME IN-: prices paid for cows, horses and CULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, hogs; no help needed to load. Day Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or an(j night, Sundays and holidays. SfiteT^°M^^linig« 200 E" Peafl Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, great reformer brought about"iii St., Tel. McHenry 18. tJ, wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. FOR SALE -- For immediate occu- j .. T>ancy, new 4-room year 'round home, 4>ne mile from McHenry. Tel. McHenry 227-J. 16-tf WANTED WANTED -- All-year homes, in or near McHenry, from $8,000 to agricultural revolution by introducing in Egypt an intricate system of perennial irrigation in order to increase those areas allocated to summer crops. Mohammed Aly's successors developed this method to such an extent that perennial irrigation alone now fills the needs of the rapidly increasing population LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., on Route 31, about two block from $15,000; must have possession within depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. 30 days ^closing deal. JACOB Tel McHenrv 278-J 22-tf FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. •--' ' - < Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lin-1 of the Nile valley. This sytem ne- FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein coin 1333. 26-tf' cessitates the storing of an adefcull calves--Carnation, Pabst, Cur- TO~. . quate supply of water in summer, SKd nld? "iwr Nini.! only through the loiyCreek J. Smith, mgr. Green street, MdHenry. (#ro„t P.rt; construct.on ol a series o dam. Tel. McHenry 670-M-2 48 tf of Claire Be: uty Shoppe.) 16-tf! and reservoirs, many of which are, * 'or will be, located in the upper by screen scouts for her work'-or "The Whistler" over CBS, and or. Peter Lorre's "Mystery in the Air," she is working in Metro's "Home coming" with Clark Gable. --*-- --Beginning November 30 and for fsur Sundays thereafter the com pfete story of the birth of Christ will be dramatized on ABCf's "The Greatest Story Ever Told." It has never before been imse ia this way. FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, WANTED -- A home with elderly starters, fuel pumps, distributors and people for an old gentleman; will ignition parts for Ford and all other pay up to $100 per month. Write cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lily-, Box "K," care Plaindealer. *26-2 moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- SITUATION WANTED -- (Female) ING MACHINES. Service on all Years of experience in cashiering snakes. Also ribbons for all makes; (teller wk.) payroll, personnel mgr., carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St« records and supervision and switch- Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tx board. May consider other employ- I ment. Call McHenry 673-J-l; if no FOR SALE--5-hp. garden tractor j answer call after 7:30 p. m. *26 Henry 574-J-2. ilr with rubber tires, plow, cultivator,; disc and steel drag;1,000 chick oil-1 SITUATION WANTED - ^rning brooder; several feeders and ol typing to do at home, heated fountains; Laurel gas range, Htm oven; Elco electric violet-ray ^health unit, including vibratory maslaage and osonator; Frank Hoi ton * silver plate, gold bell cornet; ampliphonic guitar. All in best condition, priced reason- j Also two intricately inlaid iend" tables, plate glass tops, brand .jww. Frank Holmes, 1 mile south McHenry on Green St., turn east st first gravel road; Bally 0*Greg 1M). ?26 Any kind Call Mc- *26 regions of the Nile. The'completion of future projects of this type will require enormous expenditures, which Egypt alone can afford to spend. The benefits of these expenditures, however, will go to Egypt and the Sudan. \ Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. Blanche Stewart, once famous for her work with Jack Benny and as "Cobina" on the Bob Hope show, resumed her radio career recently on the CBS "Blondie"; she is on crutches and wearing a brace, after an automobile accident. --* More than a dozen highway patrolmen were needed to tmtangle a traffic snarl of 1,500 automobiles on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge when Humphrey Bogart and Lauren' Bacall did a location sequence there for "Dark Passage." --*-- Ray Milland and Marlene Dietrich did not want even to hear the word "fish" after they had to eat a rich fish stew--at length--in "Golden Earrings." Richard Denning, on the other hand, is all for fish; his wife, Evelyn Ankers, gave the "Caged Fury" star a complete spear-fishing outfit for his birthday, equipping him for his favorite sport. ODDS AND ENDSr-Grouebo M*rx, bach on the mr with 0 ww show. "You Bet Your Lift," Mondays on ABC. announces that be will be narrator on "The Sidewalks," a Ban Hecbt story which his brother Gumtpo Marx will produce for the Screen. . . . Weary of riding 20 miles to take a dip in Dennis Morgan's pool, Jack Carson now has a swimming pool in bis own backyard. . . . Evelyn Vardtn ("Young Dr. M*lona") did more than run into royalty ona day soma years ago at the Victoria Hotal, in London-- she bumped into the Dmke of York oad nasrh knocked bim o§ tba stakrti Subscribe fcr The ffaindaaler GIRL WANTS WORK taking care of children and light housework, after school and Saturdays; 15 years old. 1 Phone McHenry 66-W. » *26. \ FOR RENT FOR KENT OR SALE--Music boxes (juke boxes) for recreation rooms; used; A-l condition. Come early for choice of colors. Call for appointment either McHenry 436-R or 567-J-2. *26 FLOOR SANDING Refinishing, varnishing and wax ing new and old fibors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimate. Call MeHenrr 497-R Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and daughter spent Sunday in the home of her brother, Russel Beatd, at Hebron. Mr^w, John Hogan, Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Andrew Hawley attended a school meeting at the Woodstock high school, Wednesday evening regarding the consolidation of schools. Miss Annabel Wagner of Lake Geneva and Miss Violet Wagner of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of their brother, Alan Wagner, and family. k Mrs. Lonnie Smith returned home Saturday evening from Elkhorn, Wis., where she spent the past week caring for her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Benoy who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ray of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze and' Mrs. Mae Harrison of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs.! Lena Feet and daughters. The members of the Round-up club met with Mr. and Mrs. Paul | Walkington Saturday evening. Rev. Marshal led the devotionals, after which games were played and a' pot-luck supper was. served at 9 o'clock. I Jack Brennan of Aurora spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr.; home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and j family of Huntley, Mrs. Wattles, and son, Glen, of McHenry spent! Sunday in the C. L. Harrison home. • Carol Harrison, Ferol Martin, 1 Muriel Butler, Dorothy Smith, Mrs.! John Hogan and daughters, Mary and j Charlotte, Carolyn Laurence, Jean ] Muzzy, Grace Glouser, Jean and Jane Betts attended a county achievement program and banquet given by the Chamber of Commerce of Woodstock at the Woodstock high< school Friday night. , The teachers of our school, Mrs. Hawley and Weldon Andreas, attended teacher's meeting at Woodsfock. Friday. Wr?. Lrcma Eeatty and Mrs. Viola Low spent Sunday in the Alan Van- Avery home at Spring Grove. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs- Lena Peet, and sister, Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stanek and1 son visited his parents in .Wisconsin; over the weekend*. MR and Mrs. Paul Walkington moved to their new home on Sunday. Seaman Robert Betts is home on leave from Great Lakes. ! Ray Benoy of Woodstock spent Sunday with his sister,, llrs. Pfcuf Walkington and family. Calvin Mohr' has secured a posi-' tion with a chemical company in East Liverpool, Ohio. i Mr. and Mrs. Hope and family of * Lake Geneva were calliers fa. the John Hogan home Sunday afternoon.! Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andfeeas and family attended the Andreas reunion 1 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Gilli- ( land at Winnebago, Sunday. They also celebrated three birthday anni-i versa ries, those of Mva WeUen Andreas, Mrs. Ardis Redmond and Mrs. Mirtgel Andreas. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Clinton Martin attended the Ice Review in Chicago Sunday. Duane, Audrey and Darfene* Andreas spent from Thursday night until Sunday with their grandparents at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kattner and family of Solon Milts spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, Sr., of Mundelien were Sunday supper quests in the home of their son, Mitchell and famity. Air. and Mrs. Ben Walkington have home from a month's visit with relatives in Tennessee and South Carolina. Mi', and Mrs. Harry Connell and CRAWLING INSECTS < On* Appikath* el > 1068 TENSITE Contain, VWsicof TOM Kilb and bom a film which remains deadly to crawling InMcts, for many w«»k* -- mam, economical, easy to uto. Ctnd CttnftaMf. \ CHICAGO, ILL for Safe by Bolger'sDrug Store Oreen St. McHenry I WANT TO TAKE _ KIO. 7 --ITS USUALLY AS LATE ANY/ CATCH A LATg TPAIM TO NEW Loss of Light Dust on electric light bulbs vents from 15 to 20 per cent of the light from coming through the glass, New Butter Use Butter is being used as a barter item in Germany. A tenor of the Berlin municipal opera refused a guest appearance until the manager would guarantee him a pound 06 butter aa one of the ramunera- Ooni GET RID OF DISEASE GERMS! 5*1 wMh Beebe ASEPTIS01 Don't let die oommoo diaeue 1 Malted ia yoar pens, buna, or Unifmmi! Clem1 1o p. diiiafcct < Beefee ASEPTISOL •n* W BOTBC DUAFIKIMT BLUDAI, OMR powofal, ad Cm boa objectiomfalt "HMUT <UP~ o&m. U*e k fmc- BOLGER-S DRUG STOM McHenry •/ For dependable sales and servtal On your Nash, come in at DOWNS KASH SAIiES--where you are assured of getting nothing less of .Complete SATISFACTION. DOWN! NASH E and R ELECTRIC CO. 9 REFRIGERATION, ELECTRICAL & MAINTENANCE Route 31 -11/2 miles south of McHenry.- TEL. McHENRY 617-R-2 * * 1 to 5 Acre Homesites 1 mile East of McHenry, on Hwy. 120, % mile Lily Luke, priced $550 and up. Can build 3 or 5-room houses, interior unfinished--1750 to $5,000, in two weeks. * : FRANK M. KLIMEK R-1142, 410 N. Michigan, Chicago. . Phone Bittersweet 7200, Apt. 417 Solution^ Thetr ettoctivonesa is measured By the amount oi isioctod ma covered. X-ray retaarch h Ska milSorWy far a««* Mi- Si.25 BOLGERS DRUG STORE PBOKE 40 McHENRY WSJr Helen Weber Says: TALKA80UT\ HOUSING SHOnme... IKK a no HOUSMK SHOKTASi hr MOTHS They may be homesteadmg right now m your favorite suits or dresses. Bettor protect yo«r dotting witfc U-San-O, Hie Insured Mothproof Oeaning System. U-San-0 is part of our regular cleaning sorvico. Call m today Mid forget yo«r moth tronMai. McHenry Cleaners 104M 103 Helen Weber. Mgr. ICDTICB: On and after Nertmher IS, IM7 ' will daae en Tlmrsday afternoons.

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