Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1947, p. 7

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tf 11, .v- >v f ' - - • ' • ^ * * :Sjyy *|P -f Jr • •-> ';J «• \ •-rT ^*t/ v *-•> - v . s f j£ _, yyr* - TxTlT:r?;'?g !^ ?fr' • \ ' v ^ ; ^ , ' \c. ' **• . , •*"• ?/*v* ;y;v , wyji A*™* ^ *r^v ^ y£ V^' ,# ••- it -• 1 " ^ • ?: ; ^ i, Subscribe for The Plaindealar ^IR NLI.W. DONNELLY *• Cfcirepeibt -- .M . ltt So. BrmMi Drtr* ITAIIYIMVA: IM».I»I|» BrnfatH ui 8anday Mtntafi by AppotetaMnt! (Abut p3at Wander W», DL ;- WELDING Maintenance Mi Canetrartioa Portable Efripcit E E. VANCB--McHenry #14 000 South Green 8L, McHenry. DL "• McHBNRT FLORAL 00. ~«f »*.' v , -. •• •.•. • ;:';M * mu of M«hmt7 -- * SI so to outto «tffl • i*t M j&Uta funs hm joiy ibovt 110 million acres of land. DEES, ran On fflfhnr SI -- Offke u4 Hi mifcBairj 11 Bevy. DL : 1 ml to S Mk ^ Tfcnndays If A|i»iil»il gfamm^mmmmm-------- p WBD9GAKT TRUCKING Sand -- (Smd nihiK -- Blade Dirt -- Lh*Mtane Trades far Hire 'N • Fraa &thnatiag TaL MMUI McHenry, 111. TWICE TOLD * - Am *•: (ten* ff hUmt MM the VUea of tka Plaindsahg ef Yean A|« m SIXTY TEARS AGO The first snow of the season in ft section, on Saturday evening Flavors far aU A. P. FBJ5UND SONS Biemtiai Contraetata Tracking, Hydraafle and Grane Service --ROAD BUILDING--- JM-M McHenry, HL Tsiephone New 000 8TOFFEL i REIHAN8PBBGER Hfcwann aiarta far all class as of fropsrty in tlw tat cNQudaa. Wset McHenry, IBIMU ggAMJs k ^mg: (J oJflST2oeta Attaraay * Pnkpr) II*W": 1M49M Nki Cmjiiji S4S Mala Street, wilt McHanry flnnr 4M WeeMeekllSS SURANCB . R. WALSH Fbik Aattoo,, FFaarnm and Life ffmimnitln REUABUBCmiPANIBB i yon need ipaarance of any kind Phone 41 or 118-M Green * Sin McHeaty When ART JACKSON Hanling Send -- Black Dirt -- Cinders Crashed Gravel -- Limeatoae Track for Hire MM McHeary 4K-V McHenry, IlHnais Teleplione All Branches Crystal Lake 1119 Of Sewer Work McHENRY CO. SEWER SERVICE Blacked Sewere Opened Withont Electric Catter Cryatal Lake, Illinois fe tfelaon Be* 1M "***- FRSIT BROTHERS General Cesitractors Residential -- Indnsljfcrt Financinc Blneprinta Woodstock 804 Waahington M» Ji Phone 500-W Phone 62S VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law ^Cer. Green and Btaa Sta, McHewry Tasedmy aai Mar Afterneeae Other Days By Appointment Phone MeHeary 4S AL'S WRUrtNG AND REPAIR 8HRVICB <•1 Main Si. McHenry SHBIQ C^j -H8B I, • a-*W• - --W• -*R-•V U«VT WaUPlSw AcetylMe Welding and Catting ALBX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone tl^W-1 er 404 ,f . MTOfRT, ILL. Bonslett A Stoffel have added a good improvement to the front of their store in the shape of a new storm house. Mrs. Win. McCannon is "treating the outside of her residence to a new coat of paint, which much' improves its appearance. The entertainment and oyster supper by the Good Tentplara, on Friday large c taining _ last, drew est a and was a very enterfenjoyable affair. ' FIFTY YEARS AGO John Dowe moved on Tueedny; from the D« Beers house, on Elm street, to the house just vpcated by John Stoffel. on Main street, owned! by Dr. Aunnger. The platform in front of Miss , Story's drag store is receiving some i needed repairs this week. We understand that R. Waite has secured the contract for building: the new reaidence of J. D. Lodtz, on the lota he fctely purchased for Dr. C. H. Fegers, in the north part of the village. The work of digging the trenches for the water mains has been commenced and the work in every branch of the water works system will be poshed rapidly forward. . FORTY YEARS AGO moving their houahold effects to this village from Johnsburg, where they have 'made their home during the past few years. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck moved last Saturday from the flat over Jos. J. Rothermel's ice cream Sarlor on Riverside Drive to the Irs. Mathias Miller cottage on Maple avenue. Chas. W. Gibbs has sold his farm on Irish prairie to James Larkin of Ingleside who has also purchased an adjoining twenty acres of J. M. Phalin. The public drinking fountains about town have been taken down and stored for the winter. DR. B. 180 Phase MJ Office Heufe: fraa 10 te 4. McHenry y and Saturdays by appoint- Phene McHenry MC-R-2 NBTT8 GRAVEL Gravel and Dirt . . Power P. 0.--^McHMry X>HN F. BRDA * SON Metal ui Feinane Wertt 1«1 N. Grew St. McHenry, DL Phene M8-R McMAHON REFRIGERATION _ SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 410 er Wonder Lake SOS 810 Main St, McHenry, Illinois HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fer Dtead and Criaplsd Horace, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitary Pew* Loading -- Taakage aid Meat Scrape fer sale. 110 er Chargee. Arlington Heights I6S-J-1. Reverae Rendering Service. WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Merae Ejector and Pamp types. All sites. Complete and Easy to install. ^Sga» pnn^ Take oU ISiSSntOM SALES AND SERVICE TeL McHenry SSS-W-1 (800 ft from Neffa Ballroom) A U C T I O N CHARLES LEONARD and ED VOGEL, Auctioneers Having decided to retire I will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Joe Kroh farm, located 3 miles northeast of McHenry, % mile west of Johnsburg, % mile east of route 31 on the Johnsburg Ringwood road, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 At 12 o'clock sharp, the following listed personal property. 45 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 14 ftEAD OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS--some cloae apringers, aosse with calvee by aide. 3 HORSES--1 Bhy Mare, 8 yean old, wt. 1500; 1 Bay Gelding, 9 years old, wt. 1400; 1 Bay Mare 12 years old, wt. 1100. HOGS--4 Brood Sewa, with 24 fall ?EEI -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay 80 to 888 fer OM Horses, lean fer down heraee and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH ^Jehnshnrg - Spring Grave Read Phene JehnaSnrg 814 CALL AT ONFCCEE ON DDEI AD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phene chargae ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Eleetrical Let as estimate job of next electrical off yenra. LEO G. BOTHBRMEL. Prop. Phene McHenry 272-M 804 Riverside Drive FRANK 8. MAT Tracking Said -- Black Dirt -- Crashed Gn»vel Cinders -- Limsatans W~*~' Track fer Hire --- Phene McHenry 800-M-l R-l McHenry EID--600 bu. oats; 12 ton baled hay, alfalfa and timothy- mixed; 1 crib hand-picked corn; 16 acres good hard corn in shocks; 28 ft. silage, in 14-ft. silo. MACHINERY -- Mc-D Model F-20 tractor on rubber; Mc-D. tractor cultivator, like new; Mc-D. 14-in. 2-bottom tractor plow; 14-in. Case walking plow; 1 hand cultivator; cultipacker; 2 horse drawn Mc-D. single row cultivators; horse drawn disc 8 ft. McCormick hay mower; hay rake; McCormick corn binder: Deering grain binder [Ipternational corn planter with fertilizer attachment; Buckeye grain drill, 6 ft.; 1 three and 1 two section drag; 2 iron wheel wagons, 1 with hay rack and 1 with dump boards; thousand pound scale; hay fork, rope and pulleys; 2 sets good harness; electric water heater; McCormick Deering double unit milking machine for 20 cows; 7 milk cans, pails, strainer and rinse tanks; oil burner brooder stdVe; also some household furniture. Other items too numerous to mention. Terms. All suips of 025.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. PETER SMITH McHenry State Bank, Clerking Chas. GiVens and family have vacated the; rooms in Mrs. Holly's ! building and moved into the Steb- > bins house, which he recently purchased. . The recovering of the concrete | walks about town has been the source of a great deal of dissatisfaction among many of our hqjusewives. Just a few ruined carpets, that's all. E. Hunter, of the Hunter Weckler > Boat Company, has starter the erection of a store house on his recently j>urelied ^joperty just north of the i The eariar-frosts have put a check to some of the corn and other produce in thia^ vicinity. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO j Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler are i Harrowing Has _ _ ,> The farmer of ancient and medieval times harrowed or bulverized the clods of earth stirred up by his plow by drawing bundles of tree branches over the field, thus smoothing the seed bed before planting. Later the branches were supplanted by ox-drawn triangular wooden frames through which extended raws of pegs. Modern harrows are' scientifically designed implements which break up the clods by means of steel teeth or by rows of steel discs. They accomplish in an hour the equivalent of days of hand harrowing. Under primitive cultivation methods, a man with a hoe labored long to remove weeds and stir the •oil around his crops. The first horse - drawn cultivator, invented over 100 years ago. permitted the farmer to cultivate two acres in a day. With the modern tractor-drawn cultivator he can easily work from 80 to 05 acre? of his land in a normal working day; 8lr*> Hangers Pay _ Transit passengers pay mm than $8,500,000 every day tb ride on the nation's street cars, trackless : trolley coaches and buses. | Order your rwbber stamps at The! Plainde&ler. 1 State Railway _ j Texas leads the nation H mileage with 15,880 ad jfc second with U.7M Pennsylvania, third miles. Read the Wsat Ada! CAB--Call If yon are in a hurryr For prompt and courteous ^jj)on't sta^t to worry. ' We have 24-honr servioo. IcHENRY CAB--Gill Y7 HARVEY L. GOINS A U C T I O N _jj: Charles Leonard and Edwin VogeU , Auctioneers McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Sxcavftting and Own Service Black Dirt -- Sand and Gtravei • ' .Road Grading v T'"",;'""' CALLMcHMIHYOT-J i ,i J.^IJ lATE PKLlVfH v f-Beam*, Oolnmns, Aligns Basement Sash of all Sixes y We Speciali XP in Ornamental |rpn Ballings To Order SCHROEDER IRON WORKS P. 0. Address: Bi. 3, Box 514 MoHenry, HL Two Miles Soath of MoHenry Oft QL State Route 31 ^ PYBOrAX OAS SKEVICS sunxioa BOTTLE GAS mbwxo* Magic Chef Ranges Water Beaters Serv^ Ctoi Refrigerators i TOWN and GOUNTRY UTILITIES Phon* 4M-W Apt • - 4t» Ibin St. Because of ill health the undersigned has decided to quit farming and will sell "hll his personal property on the farm known as the Greely farm located 1H miles east of Richmond on No. 173 and Vi mile south of No. 173, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock sharp the following described property, to-wit: . 54 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consist >sg of . 26 Good Dairy Cows--Mostly Holsteins and a few colors. 4 Holstetn yearling heifers. ' • One Holstein bull calf, 6 moe. old One Holstein calf. Team of (food work horses. 3 Chester White brood sows to farrow in November. 18 Chester White shoats average estimate 100 lbs. One Duroc Jersey bull." Hay, Grain and Machinery " _• 20 tons alfalfa hay in barn, 10 tons 2nd cutting aifalfa hay in barn, 16 tons liay in stacks, 800 bu. Vicland oats. 600 bu. corn in crib. MC-D. H. tractor on rubber with starter and lights, cab and heater and power lift cultivator, 2 McD. 14 in. tractor plows, 4-sec. steel drag with folding drawbar, 15 ft. Roderick Lean tractor disc, J. D. tractor ma/iure spreader on rubber, good as nrw, 8 ft. Monitor grain drill, endgate seeder; McD. corn planter with fcrt. attach. 10 ft. J. D. power grain binder on rubber, McD. power corn binder on rubber with elevator carrier and bundle loader with wagon hitchj new; McD. 6 ft. mower, 5 ft. mower, McD. hav loader. McD. side delivery rake, cultipacker, 4 rubber-tired wagons with hay racks, 2 with basket racks and extra hay rack, light spring wagon, flare grain box. Grain Buster hammermill, Model A Ford pickup truck. Air compressor, 2 steel water tanks, rubber tired wheel barrow, 2 steel hog feeders, wood hog feeder. Set of breeching harness. 3 farrowinjc houses, 75 ft. drive belt, single row cultivator, 2 row cultivator, garden cultivator, walking plow, clover buncher, grab fork, hay rope and trip rope, Litchfield manure spreader, dump rake. 30 hens. McD. milking machine with pipe line for 29 cows, 2 Surge milker unita, 8 milk cans, electric water heater, new, 2 sterilizing tanks. Also all small tools and equipment used in the operation of a farm and too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 0 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to. be removed until settled for with the clerk. HARVEY L. GOINS Owner first National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking & iQ iMIMIOOH CHRISTMAS TIME MEANS GREETING CARDS £ It is not too early to. place your order now, while the j J • * selections are good. We have a larger stock this year than ever before. Gome in and look them over. We will print your names for a small additional charga. McHellry Plaindealer On Route 47 > Woodstook, HL Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Fresh Loads of GOdD MINNESOTA Dairy COWS -- HUIFERS -- HOLSTEIN STOCK BUUA T. B. and BANGS TESTED J © Private Sales . ^ . Monday and Tiesday We take orders for feeder cattle and pigi ^ TERMS CASH OR CREDIT . t* >*.s§'" 1 -MM. Consign your surplus stock to this AXJCTIOH. We have buyers for every article 1 NEW LOW COMMISSION RATE--5% Best Calf Market in Northern Illinois , L FOB LIVESTOCK COME TO WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK COMM. SALES CO., INC. Phones 572 or 499 Prepare NOW to keep their whistle-wetter at a drinkable temperature AUTOMATIC DRINKING CUP--Her all Ifaertncfc. /er year *round use. Mo$t easily Uutmlled before ground freezes. Contain* heating unit, thermoetmt, treadle. Very low operating cost. Freezing vweather Isn't with us long before we realize that frozen stock tanks mean frozen profits. Icy, hard-to-get-at water quickly discourages animals from drinking the gallons of water they need to make more meat and milk. > „ The best way to end winter watering problems (and save yourself th$ work of chopping out the tank) is to plug-in an I Electric Stock Ttak Wkter Warmer. See your tvorite dealer today and learn in a minute how an ggr'V installed, economically operated Stock lbnk Wkter Warmer will save you time and work... how it will more than pay for itself by helping to keep production an# profits up when the temperature goes derail IMMERSION TYPE TANK HEATER--for efficient MM in barn or on range. Easily installed, II controlled, attention-free. m M •#Vt FLOATING DE-ICER-keepe a drinking M < (sui te aepera* weather. Flug-in and plats < ' • • ^3 '* ."v 1 " ^ ^ ~ ^ "41#aC t

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