• W"~ ' ' Hgt WW MFFI RINGWOOD of Mr*. Flora Harrison _ enjoyed. H» next iaMttai wfll M at the home of Mn Qewie Marshal at Greenwood. Mrs. Elisabeth Weber and Eether, of Antioeh visited Bauer, Sunday afternoon. «*n. tTnmA rwi* was entertained Mrs. Ardin FVisbee of Greenwood "™ S u% C if lEElw. ; mother, Mr.. fto. Har- Thursday. Mrs. Oscar Berf and rison, Thursday H. Viola Low were assistant osteoses. A fine program in (By Mr*. Geonpe Steaasd) Mrs. Rose Jepson is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Axel w v: DR. HENRY FREUND OFTOMXTKIST At 514 HUin St., Wart McHenry Steffui'i Jewelry Store - (Oloeed Thnnd»y Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted - v • Visaal Traiaiac -- Vlsaal Rehabilitation ; Complete Visael Analysis Hoars Daily: » la 12 and 1 to Mttwday Evaalags: • to StM PHONE McHENRY 481 * THE OPENING OP Mod^tin Home Decorators AT 117 S. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Harrington, Illinois castoai made upholstered farnitare, alip covers, drapes; alsa haadttac Venetian blinds, shades and carpets. Wide Selection of Fine Fabrics # Also General Furniture Repairs Free Brtimates Prompt and Coarteoas Telephone Barriagtoa lSft^R-1 or Cary 5S18 Can you think of a grander gift? • V Wouldn't you rather have a new portrait of your favorite than ' any gift you can think of? (Your "favorites" may be your children, your parents, or any other loved one.) They undoubtedly fed the same way ... so arrange right nowXo , let us do a portrait of you tor thmir Christmas. By doing it nar^ you'll give us plenty of time to get every bit of your charm andn! personality into your portrait. And your lucky favorites will get exactly what they most want--! your Christmas portrait--th» gift that only you can live. Before yeu»feffpt,-call AteHwu-jr 275, and nuike ^fM appointment. WORWICK'S STUDIO 117 RIVERSIDE DRIVE AcHENRY . Btfdd Weber, „ _ to Ojfca«a. Mrs rta Aahs an to their lwae in Elffin Sunday after a three week's visit with bar mother, Mrs. Niek W«*ner. Mrs. Viola Low and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allan of Hebron visited relatives at Wfcuwautosa, Wis. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will* Stanek have moved to a farm north of Spring Grove from the Sebastlne apart- BMtit. Mr. and MTS. BUI Phalin will move fion the Fay apartment to the Stbasthe apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and childreh of Hebron spent Sunday with her pirenta, Mr. and Mrs. George ShepaM. Mr. and Mft. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Beatt^-Low home. Mrs. G. E. Jonas and Mrs. Rosa Winn of Spring Grove were visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Collins Monday. Roy Wiedrich of Keystone visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Monday morning. Charles Carr and Leland Berg left Sunday evening on a business trip to Evjuurville, Ind. Kenaeth Cristy, Jr. of Chicago spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley, Mrs. Wattles and •ton, Glen, of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and daughter, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek of Ridgefleld and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stanek of Richmond spent Sunday evening in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. "Bob Lenard, Roberta and Kathy, of Lake Geneva were visitors in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home Sunday. Mrs. Clara Dtenlein and Mrs. Ed Bauer visited Mrs. Fred May at Spring Grove, Friday. Mrs. B. T. Butler, with a group of teacners of District 10, visited the grade schools in Winnetka, Monday. Mr. and Jirs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, and Mrs. flFVed Wiedrich end dsughter, Mary, were visitors at Harvard Saturday. Mrs. Ruth Oxtoby of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eufrene Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch visited his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. were visitors st Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Frank Buchert of Richmond visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Thursday evenine. % Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughters, Lu- Ann «»nd Joan, and son, Marvin, and Mrs. Clara Dienlein, visited Mrs. Joe Shrer at WSukegan,. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and <on, Dick, of Chicago were callers Now, your Homo Nrmonont it EASIER! EASIER I r EASIER! wM MW, roimj PLASTIC CURLERS •xduslve with *2M BOLGER'S DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY Mr. and BurthMKon were callers in the Mia. Lena Ibet home, Friday evening., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son, Dick, of Chicago were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman Saturday evening. Mrs. Mae Harrisoh of Cystal Lake Mpeat Sunday afternoon with her son, Raymond Harrison, and family. Mrs. Lena Feet and daughter, Alice,. were visitors at Woodstoek, Sunday afternoon. Mia* Clara Dienein and Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughters, LuAnn and Joan and son, Marvin, visited Mrs. Fred Walters at Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wick of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanDuaen and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Curly Wilson, Barbara and . Russel Laurence of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Oliver Lao- Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter spent Sunday wth their son, Roy, and family at McHenry , Early Use af Plyw«N4 la the United States the piano industry was the first to use plywood as we now know it. Starting about MSO thin-sawn maple was cross laminated into pin planks. Tuning pins forced into holes in this pin plank were gripped tightly by the constant contact against the ends at tin wood fiber on all aides. The •vat known United States patent issued in this field is dated 1866. The ftrst reissue in 1868 used the term "scale" or "scaleboard" to refer to veneer. During the next quarter of a century, the cross-laminated veneer assembly industry appears to have been particularly active in the Michigan- Wisconsin - Indiana area, with sewing machine cabinets, perforated seating, organs, desk tops, furniture, doors, sleighs, and barreltop trunks as popular construction Hams. Subscribe for ihe PittindeaMr FRANK HABBLEY A U C T I O N CHARLES LEONARD, Phone 478 Auctioneer FOR A GAY TIME GO TO THE "'ii Screwy Dozen's ANNUAL The undersigned having decided to quit farming and having purchased a home in Woodstock will sell at public auction on the farm formerly known as the Murphy-Kelley farm located 2V£ miles north of Woodstock on Route 47 and 8M miles south of Hebron on Route No. 47, on MONDAY NOV. 24 • Commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, towit: As this is one of the largest sales that will be held in 1947, it will be tiecessary to start promptly at 10:00 o'clock sharp. All small tools and machinery will be sold before noon. 106 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of «il8 Choice Holstein Cow* 3 Guernsey cows, 16 choice Holstein heifers, 5 yearting Holstein heifers, 1 Holstein bull 2 yrs. old. • Hie above herd has recently passed Bangs test and all heifers are calfood vaccinated. This is an outstanding dairy of Holstein cattle, many of which have been raised on the farm. They are all well bred and a good producing herd of dairy cows. 10 of the above producing are first calf heifits and 15 of them will be either fresh or ready to freshen by sale data. The largest percentage of this dairy are first, second and third c&lves. • Good Horses "aa Follows Gray team 7 and 8 yrs. old; roan gelding 8 yrs. old; gray mare 8 yrs. old; bay gelding 6 yrs. old; gray mare, 6 yrs. old. Sshoats. White Rock chicken* Hay and Grain 3,000 bu. corn in crib; 1,200 bu. Vicland oats; 35 tons 1st cutting alfalfa hay, haled; 6 tons 2nd cutting alfalfa hay, baled; 60 tons straw, wire baled; 18 it. silage in 16 ft. silo. -"Machinery McD. F-20 tractor on rubber, with cult, attach.; McD. F-14 tractor on rubber with power lift cult.; Maasey Harris 2-bot. 16-in. plow; J. D. tiff. tandem disc, J.D. 3-sec. drag; 8- cultipacker, J.D. corn planter • * i!1 »v# 22nd ROY-AL INN A? MeOULLO* LAKX Mode by the Com Popp«n : * : : ORAFT, Chairman, ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE. •."'i. •*- with fert and horse step attach., 10- ft. grain drill, 2 McD. Big 6 mowers, MdD. side delivery rake, J. D. hay loader, McD. 8-ft. grain binder, 1934 Chevrolet ltt-ton truck, just overhauled; Mc£>. corn binder with elevator carrier: New Idea manure spreader, nearly new; Advance-Rumley 22x36 threshing machine. McD. special 6-roll corn husker, Papec sflo filler with 60 ft. pipe, U. S. grain blower, J. D. No. 10 hammermill, 2 rubber tired wagons with racks, steel wheel wagon with rack, 2 wagons with grain boxes, 3 double sets of harness, single row cultvator, walking plow, fanning mill, 160 ft. hay rope, grab fork, Jamesway silage cart, 2 drive belts, oil burner tank heater, Premier 260 chick brooder, 60 gals No. 20 oil, winterized; 30 gals. No. 80 oil, winterised; Jamasway 9-ft. brooder house. Milking Equipment 4 single units Speedway DeLaval milking machine with motor pumps and pipe line for 46 cows, 20 milk cans, 2 sterilising tanks, electric water heater, pails and strainers, also all small tools and equipment used in the operation of a farm and too numerous to mention. This sale will 10:00 o'closk. start promptly at There will be a lunch wagon on the grounds, i Terms: All sums of 9264)0 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 9 per cent will-be extended on notes approved by the dark. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase Is made. No property tb^ba removed until settled for with the clerk. FRANK HABBLEY, Flint Natiaftal Bank af I. Ckrtdag Owaar oi mm lag tea taflmdi' cardays of the trail harda of cattle ware driven to railhead. Today if a a tar to more cat** from to market in higft «aair **«cks or by train. A atrenttiltead nuatatfaia aystem makaah pqaatbtofST livestock growet to aall* hb cattle and^ receive cash for tham day. Ifa ali a matter ot of improvements, ot _ business through standanfinliri practices and speeding up movements. Subscribe for The Plaindealar v i r GOLD GLASS WAX Cleans, Polishes^ and Preaerves the Lustre of Glass, Silverware, Metal Surfaces, and Keeps Theisf Sparkling 59c Pint ^ Try This Wonderfal Product and Yoa WiU Uae No Otljer.""'*' Nickels Hdwe. Main St. >. West McHenry -i?flume 2 ititVEYOUll! OATOBtuinisf « Cleaned By EDDIE'S' SANITARY WfcVICE ft? u- . .... i, 1, 1 ^,JUIJ * • •••*& ;.... Restaurant and Taveni;-* wifl be open all day and evening, on THURSDAY, NOVKMBU and will serve a complete Thanksgiving dinner, with turkey and all |he trimmings Unless you are having a family dinner at home, this is your best bet! • J • ".U; - f f I, iiJJ1 - -MAKE rOD| SELECTIONS EASLT HANDY HELPS FOR THAT DELICIOUS THANKSGIVING DINNER BASTER Pyrax glow. Ideal for basting meat and^fowi. Skimming grease and lot from gravy, soup, ale.' DUTY ROASTER Qroy anomalworar Self basting. Holds 15 lb. fowl. UM top and bottom con be r boko giwrjjf gmxji. ALUMINUM Jt|>ASTn gouge--large size. Self basting, with trivet/ MIUO-MATK MASURE PAN »12.M Ad|u«table. Selact correct pressure Ibr aoch food.' FTMM W&ife-r--- "'V Phone 284 SPAsns SACK 98# Resigned for bettor ' toasting succpts. CARVING M • wm iHHI ike i»#e Iw*-' Nfw--mix sun OIAMOND OtfT SCT +2.K Consists of: 1 Vi^qt. double^ ,«ij ^ Casserole, aM . Utility Dish#| Flavor Saver Pie' Rata, 1 pr. aiea. cup, six 4 azj cwKtfd cups lo band wire rack^ Althoff Hdwe Main Street West McHem a '--'-fe 'a Jwv