Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1947, p. 6

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fore, in the ale paid for ef the paper goes to p ofalock on Wednesday wfll be prinliil at 10 i FOR SALS--1947 Kaiser Spegal; ; excellent condition. $2,200. B»jr H«|* low Tap Soon, U. S. Rt. is and 59, Ingleside, 111. *28 FOR SALB -- Berkshire boar for pork tiriee. Elmer Schaefer, Ringwood, ni. Phone McHenry 607-M-2. •28 n Ha^^Celhe^WoOdttock 1063-W or Harry J. Gearman--Cary 4602 Members of American. Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf JUST ARRIVED -- overalls and striped eralls. Most all Gamble's. ^ Paifiters' white carpenters' ov in. stock. r» FOR SALE -- Seven storm windows, $2.50, each; one heating stove, food condition, $25. Tel. McHenry 283-J. *28 f}3 . - FOE SALE !»»* FOR SALE--Coronadb Deluxe electric washing machine, 26-gal. vm- $115.95. Electric Handy Washer, $29.50. Gamble's. 2S pacity, Hot -- 160 acres, ^RHwyLI6-room hwisetF<)R SAL.® -- S'*"™01" house; audrive throve* dairy tarn, silo, milk j tomafac oil heat; 150 ft. on m«: immedate possession. 6-room house, ' Henry 484. ft. on river; Phone Mc- Umie. 28-tf 160 acres, on Hwy. dtive through dairy barn milk house FQR SALE _ Davenport and chair ***•' drinking cups, stlo, m*ch- shed. set excellent condition; very reahouse, hog house, corn crib, KanmMm. alg0 small KU heater (arch poss. $142.50 acre. , 100 acres, 2 houses, drive through sonable; Phone McHenry 442-R. dairy barn, cement silo, mach. shed,; for SALE -- Table model Speed com crib, new hen house and g*r- Que«n ironer, like new. Tel. Mc- "aige, close town, $21,000. - •; Henry 608 W-1. *28 , 1 1 5 acres, 6-room house, bath, fur-, ----•--------; nace, running water, dairy barn, FOR SALE -- Dining room and liv- 4rinking cups, silo, garage, other [ ing room sets; also double bed. lildings, $160 acre. Phone McHenry G90-J-1. 28 : 30 acres On Hwy., good 8-rw»m house. barn, hen house, other buildings, all till, and level. $11,000. Several houses in WoodstoclP, 2- toom house, large lot, furnished,j FOR SALE--Four-room house with FOR SALE'-- Two innerspring mattresses, twin size; excellent condition. Phone McHenry 810. *28 fl,000 ; 6-room hous#, furnace, bath, f6,500; 5-room house, good location, furnace, bath, $10,000. ...u . I" Crystal Lake--7-room house, ! McHenry 638-M-2. bath, furnace, new floors, $8,500; 4-room house, close stores, $6,500; 4-room house, bath, furnace, full tenement, $4,500. I am no longer associated with Carl M. Larsen Realty Co., E. Howe, 310 Gates Street, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 496 bei »n 10 a. m. *28 attic; summer or winter use; 80-ft. frontage. Also for sale, garbage burner, white and gray enamel. TeL •28 A All fc*c FOR SALE -- In Woodstock, twoapartment house; one apartment vacant, $6,500 ca«h. TeL Crystal Lake 1200. *28 FOR SALE--New refrigerator, 7 FOR SALS -- Gasoline table-top] cubic ft., used three weeks; studio range, reasonable. Burch, Pheasant Road, Wonder Lake. Inquire at Shell station. *28 FOR SALE--Krisschains. Gamble's. Kroes tractor 28 davenport; vacuum cleaner, tank type; steam electric iron; kitchen work table; chrome breakfast table; 1 i 6^4-ft. custom made awninc: baby FOR SALE --- Fresh .egg*, clean, with mattress; also many other graded Casket SST-5 and candled. Bring ownj items, ©ill Hay, next to Springdale (Farm, 2 miles Harbor Inn, on East River irth of Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry " "-1. *28-2 POR SALE--Spotted Poland China boars and gilts. Frank Jung, R-2, Richmond. Phone Richmond 796. *28 FOR SALE--Motorola car radios, fit all cars. Ideal Xmas gifts. Gamble's. 28 SALE - shares, stock FOR SALE -- 1946 Ford pick-up truck, practically new. Stanley All or any part of : Johnston, Pistakee Bay. Phone Mc- McHenry Mfg. Co.,! Henry 579-W-l. *28 AMAZING NEW OH ^ FURNACE yttft' SERMAT HEAT-O-MATIC It's portable, complete in one unit. Now imagine a different type of oil furnace, that sets new standards of heating efficiency. Has incomparable utility; can be placed anywhere; it's portable; gives heat when you want it, where you want it. For -factories, garages, warehouses, auditoriums, fteldhouses, loading platforms, retail stores, term buildings, brooder houses, hay drying, corn drying. frteit and vegetable storehouses, building contractors. Economical, efficient, automatic), Minneapolis Honeywell controls, Underwriters' approved gun-type burner, propeller-type fan. Compact, only 78" L. x 25" W. x 32" H. 1.35 npzxle delivers 120,000 B. T: U.'s per hour. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED. Exhibited at the National Farm Show. Factory Representative-- H. a WILLIAMS, R-S, McHenry. Phone 227-J for Demonstration. 28 SITUATION WANTED Mile, 24 yrs. old; fjjjiMar with bookfcoepihg, sua at odd Jobs, such as painting, paper hanging *nd carpentry. Send card to'Geo. Panea, Emerald Park, McHenry, 111. .. *28 ADVISSB'S ' COMMENTS • Henry Marlowe of Huittley has been a 4-H leader for sixteen yean in McHeniy county. He has Mess grey hair than many of his students. He has. been Agriculture teacher at r than that and I haw REPAIR WORK--Available for re pairing farm tractors and other farm machinery of all kinds. For free estimates call or see John E. Nett, Johnsburg. ' Phone McHenry 584-R-2. 27-4 CEMENT WORK -- And Carpenter Work. CEMENT MIXER for hire by the day. J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. McHenry. Tel. 686-M-2. *27-2 GENERAL HAULING -- Available for general hauling and moving. Le- Roy M. Smith. 419 Henry. TeL 499-M. Main St., Mc* 21tf SEPTIC XANKS and GREA8E TRAPS cleaned, • built, repaired; a complete drainage service; modern equipment; complete engineering. Clogged sewer? Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No dig*- ging, no lawn mess. Lake County Siaitarr Ce, Libertyville, 111. Preeten Weodall, Ihg. Phone 1346. 17-tf WELL8 DRILLED OR .DRIVEN. WATER SYSTEMS--We Mil, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone U-J. TS-tf and 50 shares 5% cumulative preferred stock, owned by an estate. Inquire Vernon J. Knox, 101 N. Green St., McHenry. Phone 43. 27-2 FOR SALE--Eight (8) bowling alleys, including tavern and property. ~ ill-y FOR SALE -- Radiola stovtf, good condition; heats four rooms; bums coal or wood. Can be seen at 105 Court street, or call McHenry 56-R. •28 FOR SALE--Kelvinator refrigerator in good running condition; also 1930 _ "cHenry 144-R. *28 McHenry 37, or j ^r~. ~ :--~-- (SiinM T.tnrnln i.Tts 25-tf' FOR SALE--Chair and guri blue i mohair lounge chair; good condition; FOR SALE -- JOHiNS-MANVILLE! may be seen at home. Brand new TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN-1 Mossberg 46B ball action repeater SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. I rifle, .22 cal.; special sling and a Overlooking Fox River; ali-year business. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, i Chevrolet. Tel. at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenrv S7 Chicago, Lincoln 1333. MOTOR REPAIR -- Electric motors repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of Johnson bronze cored bats. McHenry Electric Motor Service. 102 West Waukegan Road. Phone 181. 20-tf SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK--Gutters and * furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., K-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry 660-R-L 44-tf WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, I1L Phone 277. . 49-tf Installed by the Walllill Co. Call or write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf FOR SALE --?For immediate occupancy, new 4-room year "round home, one mile from McHenry. TeL McHenry 227-J. « hand rubbed, oil finished stock, $25. A. C. Dick, R-l, Seminole Drive, Indian Ridge Section, Wonder Lake. *28 FOR SALE -- Year round 4-room home at McCulloih Lake; furnace LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50x350 ft., en Route 31, about two block from depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. JmL McHenry 278-J. 22-tf 16-tf heat; garage. For information call McHenry 678-W-l. *27-2 fOl SALE -- Registered Holstein NA calves Carnation, Pafcst, Cur- Ragapple and other leading Wood lines at farmers' prices. Hkk- aCreek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors and WANTED WANTED -- All-year homes, in or near McHenry, from $8,000 to $15,000; must have possession within 30 days of closing deal. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHeniy 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 26-tf WANTED TO BUY--All-year 'round -house or cottage with some land. Can be in McHenry or outside of city limits. Address Box "B," care Plaindealer. • *27-4 W ANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony_ Noonan, 200 So. ignition parts for Ford and all other | Green street, McHenry. (Front part ears. Seaco Sales & Service, Lily-; of Claire BRJuty Shopped 16-tf moor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. • Tel. -- -- McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf j WANTED--Plowing and woodsawing m> 8ALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD-1 Pho^i?" ING MACHINES. Service on all1 f7' makes. Also ribbons for all makes; | «i*4>on paper. L. V. Kiltx, Clay St.,1 Woodstock. Phone 549, 7-tf FOR RENT j FOR RENT--^4-room cottage at Mcuiu >bi ii- 1 Cullom Lake. For information call room; also 10 room s. on Fox River, | CHenry 68-R between 6 and 7 P.^wl FOR SALE--^Tavern and large ballroom; also 10 rwma. on Fox River, tpdjldin? property. Owner will take improved property as part payment.! For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. Mc- 0enry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 25-tf FOR SALE -- Garage and modem ipur (4) room residence, 100 feet frontage on main highway near intersection of State 31 and 120, in McHenry. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR. For appointment call McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 25-tf the HAVE ROOM AND BOARD --For gentleman. Call McHenry 607-R-2. *28 TYPEWRITER SERVICE--Typewriters and adding machines repaired and rebuilt. Ribbons and carbon paper. Frank J. Immekus, Jr., 103 Main St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 203-J. 52-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING-- Let us dispose of ysur garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Flaindealer. 52-tf Huntley yet to hear anyone say anything against him. Italy a grand recoil Others to bo honored at a 4-H teachers banquet Thursday evening, Dec. 4, ait George Gehrke of Crystal Lake, who has been a' 4-H leader for ten years, and John Miller or Richmond, who has been a leader for eight yeai-3, six in Wisconsin and two in Illinois. Only three of our sixteen clubs attained recognition this year; They were: Two Harmonies with Duane Died rick, Hnntley. and Rev. Arnold Lambarth, Hampshire, leaders; South Dunham 4-H with Stuart Wells a ad twmi attendedfroai of * •y®*?*1 up production L A. A. now Those ^ who Henry co Richiirdson, Hansen, Woodstock; T Richmond: > Stanley CmrIl « Arthur Hoppe and f ' Weet McHenry; H. R. stock; apd E. M. Hughes, who attended representing Mc county Farm Bureau saemb«ra. Bmployees of the norm Bureau and affiliated organisations attew&w fn. eluded, M. F. Howe, JadTr* I* A. Lafond, EtHs Jones, _ Higrins, D.D . Heidenreich, and H. Tsmmeus. A few things that stick in my mind of the trip are:, Hitting a pH-tin truck and killing' its driver in &HnEfleld with our train; Father Flanigan in his address Wednesday n&ht about Coys Town in Nebraska; Jack Sexton, the master of ceremonies en Tuesday night's Entertainment program, and his rendition of the ' Specialist;" Sunday night's radio pro^ gram, "Quit of Two Cities," on Columbia Broadeasting System with officers of the I. A. A. competing with the officers of the Missouri Farm Luke Oberwiso, Jr. of Hafvani as Bureau--Illinois got ninty points and leaders; and Huntlcy 4-H with Henry ilisaouri got sixty; and last tat Marlowe and Vernon Brunschon of | not least seeing all my old friends Huntlry as leaders. In order to be ; from counties where 1 Have worked aonn aacAhhiieavvesmmaennft c*ll«u«bk the group must j! 1b e*fo re" have six meetings, 75 per cent or more or the members complete their work, have a judging team and have a local achievement program. State dairy project honor members Harold Borchart, Huntley; Luke Oberwise, Jr., Harvard; Rowan Lockwood, Crystal Lake; Ray Horenberger, Jr., West McHenry, and Clinton Diedrick, Huntley, will be guests of Bowman Dairy Co., Dec. 6, on a tour of their Chicago plants and other places of interest in Chicago. Hawkeye soybeans are to be distributed by the University of Illinois for 1948 planting to farmers in moet counties in the north half of Illinois. McHenry county fanners who are interested shoul farm adviser soon for an applica tioQ blank. Preference will be given experienced certified bean growers. There will be a number of rather stiff requirements to meet. Hawkeye beans are a Mukden-Richland cross snd are a week earlier than Lincolns and a week later than Earlyonas. Fourteen tests in Illinois in four years show them to yield 1.2 bushels less than Lincoln, 1.7 bushels more than Illini, 2.1 bushels more than Mukden, !!.8 bushels more than Richland, and 3.5 bushels more than Earlyona. Norman Specht, conservationist for the McHenry county soil conservation district, has arranged for his first work group of farmers who are co-operating with the district on farm plans on their farms to meet. This group will meet at the Hebron high school this winter with Mr. Specht. Lawrence Johnson will be chairman. Others in the group are M. J. Slavin, O. C. and E. M. Miller, Arthur Erickson, Jens Nor, and Erling Nor. Other groups will be set up soon, including tliA sixty farms mapped this fall. Farm plana will be completed with eacK "fanner before crop season starts next spring. D. D. HeidenreiA, extention farm labor assistant, reports 264 farmers making application for help during 1947 and he has made 204 placements, including twenty youths and four women. These contacts were made at t'.e Farrr Bureau office. i«w laMitttlto M* folks if iMNlltel Many new synthetic insecticides are on their way to join DDT and its analogs as effective insect kUL era, according to Dr. Walter EbaHag of University of California. Benzene hexacloride, or 666, is deadly to many of the SUM insects as DDT and at least smn times mors deadly to houseflies. It was judged the best of soma 75 compounds as a soil poison for chiggers. ty fanners lt.«l»o tfyws premise against the Id see the 11)011 weevil and other pests of cotton. Hexaethyl tetraphosphafte, or HEPT, is highly useful against many aphids and mites, against which DDT is relatively ineffective. Velsicol 1066 is another new insecticide assuming ever-increasing importance in this country, especially against household pests. Soil fumigation f for nematodes apd wirewprms is now practL -- with two relatively new compounds, D-D and EDB. In some instances, the cost of fumigation was more than paid for by the increase in crop in the first year following treatment. Many other new insecticides ars now being tested by scientific investigators of large chemical companies, as well as by entomologists and insecticide chemists of federal •M state experiment {tattoos^ Typewriter Can Count As electrical attachment for typewriters that cotmti the words as they are typed has just been pat> ented. V- ;<y$y( be<*n which _ . ^->nly one. Certain toxic pttMrtSS^ ^f cottonseed that have always been attribthat ^one guaiHttl -- may Hrt to» due to S0«N) of these pigments. It is fftnl now that tte bhst4ft*ck and TwMbck dascoloration observed in cottonseed meats and oils is caused by some of the 11 rather than by the light* yellow gossypol. Three of the new pigments have been isolated and are purple, blue, and orange. ^ WEINGART TRUCKING Dirt -- ItsMotssw Trucks for Hire Free KsHmethig ' TsL 666-R-2 McHSMy, HL VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Ce^. Grsen and Elm StsM McHenry IHaeeday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry. 43 AL"» WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 661 Main St., McHenry •foctrie Portable Wddiag Welding end Catting W. WIRF8, Operator 615-W-l or 46* , M'HENRY.ILL. DR. B. DeROME -- Dentist -- 116 Green Street 292-jr: McHenry Office Hews: Tuesday and Satndays from 16 to 4. Evenings by appoint- Phone 564-R-2 Excavating -- NBTTS SAND AND GRAVEL Special Ratee pm, Bead Gravid and Let Filling . . Mack Dirt . . Fewer Leveling and Gradiuj^ P. O. McHenry JOHN F. BRDA * SON Sheet Metal and Furnace Work Green St, McHenry, m. Phone 243-R McMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE McHenry 419 or Wonder L^ke 568 516 Main St, McHenry, Illinois HIGHEST CASH Dead and Cri PRICES paid for Crippled HHoorrasecee,, CCaattttkle and Hogs -- Sanitary Pow^ Load ing -- Tankage aqd Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. The in France as of women not tered and permitted to do teaching and community work. Ins feeen motive in Philadelphia for more than 166 years. DR H. S. FIKE Vetsrinarian On Highway SI --Office and Heps " TeL McHenry 61 ^ McHenry, BL . Office Bonn: 1 pju to 2 pjfe Thnredays by Appsintnisnl Ml DR. K. W. DONNELLY Chirepodtet -- Feet flpulsllst 161 So. Bivenido Drive Phone 41T McHenry Office Honrs: by appointment Daily and Branings Clooed Wedneaday «r MIII.I.I TeL Wonder Lake 416 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- . ASaturdaye: Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout PP«o int Wonder Lake^, ID. •>'-j WELDING Maintenance and CoustructhNg '• Portable Eqaipmort . H. B. VANCB-McHenry 114 666 South Green St, McHenry, HL McHENRY FLORAL CO. 464 One Mile South of McHenry ~ 61 Flewera fer all A. P. FBBUND SONS jBxcuvating Contractors Trnddng, Hydraulic and Crane Sert ko --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 264-M McHenry, HL No. 666 8TOFFEL ft BEIHANSPERGBB lasaraace agents for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois CHARLEB S. PARKER, Attorney (Joelyn ft Parker) Office Hoars: Wedneeday Afternoons 1.66-5.66 Office--Koehr Supply Cea»any, 4 542 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 466 Woodstock 1115 A U C T I O N , On Port Clinton Rd., being 1 mile! north of Hwy. 22, % mile east of' Hwy 83, 2 miles west of Prairie View, 6 miles east of Lake Zyrich,_3 ! miles northwest of Half Day, on farm known as former Holtzee Fi WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pump types. All sixes. Complete and Eaay! to ftsstsB. ^Samp puaja. Take old ENSROM SALES AND SERVICE TeL McHenry 552-W-l (166 ft from N«Te Ballroom) INSUBANCB • EARL R. WALSH Fire; Ante, Farm and Life Insurance RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of any kind Phone 41 or 118-M Green ft Eba McHenry --mi*---- i 11 •arm, HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Cleaning lady for adult family. $6 with transportation, $5 without, Phone McHenry 661-R-2. ' ! *28 HELP WANTED---Maintenance man to do general pipe fitting, pump repairs, metal working, etc. Starting rate based on experience. THE ED W Alt LABORATORIES, INC., Ringwood, Illinois. Tel. Richmond 5. 28 FOR RENT --• Rooms; weekly or monthly rate; with or without bath; ideal. Oak Park Hotel. Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 26-tf FOR SALE--Kindling wood by tl track load. Ivar Fredrickson, Pho Wonder Lake 221. MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. A. Lessard. Pnone McHenry 634-R-2. *25-8 HELP WANTED--Woman, white, for general housekeeping; no heavy laundry or cleaning; stay. Own room, bath and radio. $25 per week. Mrs. Nate Horn, 2624 Jerome St., Chicago Phone Ambassador 4452. *28-2 ne 23-tf FOR SALE -- Lake front 6-room house, at McCullom Lake. Partly furnished. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 276-J. Sat. nights and Sundays. Riverside 3743 week days. 21-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash , CQ<WW, prices paid for cows, horses and | ^r_e?r nogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86-tf Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindenler. DISTRICT MANAGER -- Can you hire and tram men to sell direct to farmers? We have an opening for one high grade, honest, hard-working man to hire, train and supervise men. Territory in 4 to 6 counties surrounding your home. Sixty yearold, well rated company. Highest references. Will refer you to other managers as to earnings, permanency, and so forth. Earnings $4,000 Will fill position soon. Must have car. If you want a pleasant permanent job with a future, write to "Sales Manager," 1319 So. 79 St., Omaha, Nebraska. . 28 HELP WANTED--Laborers. See I. Fredrickson at Wonder Lake or call Wonder Lake 221. 19-tf SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 at 1 o'clock WATCH FOR AUCTION A3SROWS HORSES AND HARNESS--Team of good farm chunks, S snd 16 years old; Breeching harness! and cei! Poultry--75 mixed heavy bens. The Illinois Agricultural Association convention isf over. St. Louis was our host for fOur days last week evd did a very fin|B job. Hassil Schenck.i president of the Indian Farm Bureftu Federation said he had heard of ftrmers growing so much grain on a field that the shocks had to be set outside the field, but he had never seen a state with so many farm bureau memters, that they had to go outside the mate to find room _ - wv. £^%LC°nVenti.n- S^e"c-k hj*h- i toi\ on rubber 7w7th"*powW Uf^'andl ,ripV^T„Ch|^ Tdl' P<""ir *1 He says Germany '.needs 100 or more men like oflr IIIir|ois farm advisers, each backed by h couple of train loads of farm fields and processing machinery. Then: the people could help themselves.- We say they shotrkf if we are t4 send them money, but how can the«? They have nothing. i The point fs, tpey need scientific methods __ and mechanization. The biggest job would be to get all the little landowners jto work together, because he saw |ne plot of ground of 150 or so acrea divided into strips less than six fe« wide each owned and operated by a different person. Sometimes man mid wife have land, inherited, portions erf an acre each a mile apart Charles B. Sfcuman, 40-year-old farmer of SuUfvan was relected president. He farms about 400 acres and feeds cattle jand hogs. He has a masters degree in agronomy from the University at Illinois Mr.. Shuman said in his yuinual address that -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to 125 fer Old Horace, leea. for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring CSreve Road Phone Jonnsfinm 114 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE Wo pay Sand 1 "Crushed ART JACKSON Hauling -- Black Dirt -- CisM Gravel.-- Limestsme Track for Hire Phono McHenry 405-W ; McHenry, IUinois ' FRfcrr BROTHERS * . Generaf Contractors IMdmtial --_ Industrial Woodstock 664 Washington St Phone 566-W 625-M-t MACHINERY--J.D. model trac row power lift cultivator; KcD. 10- 20 tractor (good condition); new J.D. 2-bottom 14 inch tractor plow; D-B 7 ft. tractor disc; 2-section drag; broadcast seeder; new Geht Model "C-40" silo filler and pipe;- McD, hay loader; Deering corn binder; J, D. corn planter with fertilfanar attachment; side delivery rake; dnspp rake; Deering 6 ft. mower; S-incn wood wheel wagon and rack^ New Idea manure spreader; McD. 'fised grinder. FEED--500 bushel ear corn. ROTHERMEL ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contractom , Radio Repairs.-, Let as estimate that next stent ileal! job of yours. tEO G. ROTHERMEL, ,/ Phone MeHenry 272-11 104 Riverside Driver , FRANK S. MAY Trucking -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gbnvel Otadera -- Limestone1 Track for Hire McHenry 580-JM 1-1 McHleeni ry MISCELLANEOUS--A large m of new forks; aew shovels andi rakes; electric watei' heaters saddle: pails; strainer; bairebr etc. AUTOMOBILE, 1938 Plymouttk, ^aor sedate good condition. SOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ERNEST HOFFMEIER, Wick and Froelich, Auctumfcra Pubilc Auction Service C<x, Clerk m Helen Weber Says: Thanksgiving Greeting to all • v« .inay you be bountifully blessed with Health and Happiness* m McHenry Cleaners ^ Phepe 164M 166 Elm M«r. HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRL8 TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FAR THOSE INTERESTED IN TfflS TYPE WORK. AP» PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 16. 20-tf WANTED TO RENT • WANTED TO RENT -- House or apartment in McHenry territory. Can furnish references. Call McHenry 6S8-W*-2 or write box 233, McHenry. *28 Johnion't CREAM WAX "Pel en o polish wMe yen wipe en cr OeaBMi'aa pslhlisifyiwl|ei» white woodwork, refrigerate** etc. PHONE MM »11111 4 1 I I I I I I H I I IM l 1 1 61 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 11 1 6 6 6i» 1111« 11 McH( ;nry Samt and Gravel Ce. Excavating and Orane Servioe Black Dirt -- Sand and Gravel , fend Grading OAULKeHBlBY #T-J , FLOOR SANDING Reflniehing, varnishing and wax ing new and old floors; also Kentfts, a lifetime floor. Free es GtO MrTlenff 497-R ' CLARENCE'S SHOP: k^rlrct (filjriBtinaa (Sift* L ChiUttni'i barn yards, doll boom, ; table ietot writing desks, children's kitchen ; cabinets, die! Hand: woven, wash baskets, shopping and market : baskets. Full ]in4 of lawn furniture, kitchen cabinets and.; cupboards, made to older. : Johnsbnr^ Illinois Phone McHemy 68SJ-1 : i i i i i i i n m > r n n n i i i i t i i m i M H > > i i n n > n M i < i i FOE IMMEDIATE DEL1VEKT . " * I-Beams, Columns, Angles Basement Sash of all Siaes ' We Specialise in Ornamental Iron To Order SCHROEDER IRON WORKS P. O. Address: Et. 3, Box 514 McHenry, I1L Two Miles South of McHenry on HL Slate Soote 31 PYBOFAX OAS 8BE¥X0B 8UPKKIOK BOTTLE GAS Magio Chef Eangee , r ^ Water Heaters SOTel m-w ?0WN and COUNTRY imUTlES I^BOTIL 8WTH Ap».»• 41> Kaia 8k K- 4.?.-.-.. rr~Fir^

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