Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1948, p. 8

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•09m the Mil KATHRYN (Pab. Dec. 25 - Jen. I fftd 8) >4iiiiM#r|iiki WMM »« T|L W DR. cut AND •,*, • -' " f more country cheese ere ynnorgas bu brod 11816 has arrived fta bat how It leavee m M*k e# as. •1 kepe aid wr essferstisa to ntti tNtlli best year the wrtl '•A-> Suaday Afternoon Skating Session^ 2to4:S0n. # %or tta* Ohlldfrai 46c inclndin^ Just For Fun Roller Rink MeHenry, I& . • -.A! ' •: m Subscribe i«r Abe Fiaiadeaier WBLDING --< Csaatraetlsa Portable lqai|aMt H. B. VANCB--McHeary 114 Ml Saatk Green 8L, McHeary, IB. MeUDfRY FLORAL CO. ef McHeary »1 Fbweri fer all FRAgK 8. MAT "S««i --'1*i$ "^*S*T15©tttoa THE OPENING OF Modern Home Decorators AT 117 a NORTHWEST HIGHWAT -- Berriagtoa, Dttaob HtM Mil apkelatered faraitare, slip uwaw, <ia>ii: waitha Mhii, skadeo aad carpets. Wiie Selection ef Fin* Fabrica Aha Giasrsl Farattnre Repairs Prempt aad Coerteeao Service Tihjfciii Berriagtoa 138-R-l ar Cary 5318 • FOE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY t-Beams, Columns, Angles . Basement Sash of all Sizes *;j. |p*«i«fixe in Ornamental Railings ' r\To SCHROEDER IRON WORKS P. 0. Address: Et. $, Box 514 MeHenry, III Two Mite South of MeHenry on HI. State Route 31 Saad -- Black Dirt -- CfeaakedGrevel CTadws --- UmMmn TiwI tar Bin DR E 8. ItKE Oa Hlgkway II -- Office aad TeLJMeHear^MH Office Bans: 1 ml ta t Tharsdays ky * DR. R. W. DONNHLLY Chirspodiet -- Feet SpedaHal 168 8a. HvenUe Drive Pkeae 417 McB Office Hoars: by appetatauat Daily aad Stealage Cleeed Wedaesday Day often hea proved a Biemofrabl» day in history. Among 41m areata t$at stand out are: Hm era of the Caesars began, 38 B. C. in, of England, anthe French before Calais, 1M0. Paul Banff* araa bom, 1738. 3.; Betsy Roes, bom, 1781. • A.J£ George Washington unfurled the first UnioaBag of 13 stripes, 1778. Ireland waa united with Britain in tw. Haitian Tadoasadsar. Day. 1886. General Jaikson turned back the Brttfab at New Orleans in 181S. Abraham Lincoln's emancipation proclamation issued, 1883. Greece gain* ^dependence, 1881. New York CHy ef five boroughs k»- _ it 8:88 p. wurnAim * m. ivMiy NMi np ywiBi " Mter.Ml Ifim ei 9m 8:00 p. wl aad fM a. m> Mscr. q «. Ms, Hmk * St. Patrick's Ca*eBs CIwhI ftmdjg MOjp 8J* (Agh MM) •ML tribvtal «t 8J8L 7t8ft, 7 Bm aad 6atbZ*M m Cen^iarienas -- 4M M toJ&9 la. and Tilt teli cMporatad, 1838. CommonweaMi of 1881. Australia uAited, U. S. pure food law |tat into effect, , 1807. Republic of China founded, 181S. VA^UL fonnad, 188S. United Nations Declaration signed, IMS. divinity, iS. Heir Tear QUOTES "The objeot of a new year is not that we shodHl have a new year. It ia that we ahfcdd have a new soul and a naw ntiae; new feet, a new backbone, n4# «ars, and new eyes. . . . Unle-- a man starts afresh 'about things jie will certainly do ^nothing afltodfge. . . . Unless a man be born agami-he shall by no means enter into the kingdom of heaven." --G. %. Cheeterton. .vf St. Jsieii 8.-08 and 10^0. 1: 1M and 1:8 m. n UK mitm Batedays: 1M aad Thursday before Flat -8:80 aad 7JI. Rev. A. J. Meidert, Bt Faterls YBDCOIf KNOX . AtOnaeji At-Lsw Oae. « Ma Mi Bte StsM McHeary 9mm by md Mfer Afteraeaas oS ec Daya % Appointsteat Vksa^. JUPSary 43 AVB fOae Meant TjaiiayaadS Itaia 18 ta 4. Ereafaga by P. O.--McHeary WATER PUMPS Falrbaalw Mane Efectar aad Paaip types. All riaea. Caaiplete and Eaay Take BSSSTROM" SALES AND SERVICE Tel. McHeary 552>W-1 (308 ft. frma NelTs BaUream) -- WAN!ED TO BUY -- We pay 88 ta 88B ^er €Hi leaa for dewa feanaa aad cattle. MATT8 MM RANCH Jahaabarf - Sittaf Grave Road Phone JeaawEwf 814 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOG8, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay pkeae cfcargee DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST ^ % At 514 Main St., West McHeary Stettin's Jewelry Store •"7 (Olosed Thursday Afternoons) Eyee Exaaiiaad -- Glaaeee Fitted •leaa! Traiaiag -- Ylaaal Rehabilitatiea Cwaplsts Yieaal Aaalyala Dafly: 8 ft* 12 aad 1 te S--Satarday Evaaiaga: 8 ta J: PHONE McHENRY 488 ri -r& MOimY BOOKKEEPING SOtnCE ' -' ISsssiris and Business, Partnership, Individual, fiduciary and Farm Income Tax Returns Prepared. Phoae for Appointment--Avoid Waiting: ELMER P. ADAMS Certified Tax Consultant MUs North of Yox Lake on Rt f. S. 12 Phone Fox Lake 5501 FOX LAKE, ILL. rr,-.; Formerly Barnard's Mill orth End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge ON TUESDAYS DURIHO WINTXK MONTHS PLASTIC WALLflLE T Eighteen colors of beautiful Wall covering. See them, befora decorating your bath or kitchen/ Colors are through the tile--will not peel or scrathch off. Write for estimate or put it on yourself. Engstrom Sales it Service, MeHenry, 300 feet from Nell's ballroom. Phone Plstakee 652-W-l. JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal qad Faraaea Week 101 N. Green St, McHeary, III. 343-R MeMAHON REFRIGERATION SALES AND SERVICE McHeary 418 er Weader Lake 888 518 Mala St. McHeary, Illiaois HIGHEST CASH PJ Dead aad C aad Haga -- lag -- for sale. 118 er McHeary Ckargea. Palatiae A. P. FREUND SONS JBuavatiag Ceatracten Traddag, Hydraalie aad Craaa Sertiaa --ROAD BUILDING-- Tel. 384-M McHeary, IB. Teiepheae Na. 888 STOVrSL A RHIHAN8PBRGBR Iaearaace ageata fer all dasasa ef ftaperty ia the beat West TMOm "New leaves, to be sure! Let them turn them that are ashamed of their okl ones." --Edward Pay son Powell. * * "Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The year is going, let him go; Ring out the falae, ring in the true." --Alfred Tennyaon. . • • • "We are bound, by every rule of •justice ftrrd <eqjui&y, to give the New Year credit for being a good one until he proves himself unworthy the confldence. we qqwarte trim." • Charles Dickena. » • • "The good old year is with the past: Ok be th«. new. as kind!" <4»Willialin CuUan Bryant mJ&ncimt Custom *of £xckan^in^ H Was once the custom in Britain to extend gifts on New Year's. The ancient druids presented branches of the sacred mistletoe, and the Saxons observed the day with gifts and festivities. The Roman custom of honoring* the eiflperor with gifts was introduced in England during the time of Henry III. Good Queen Bess waa said to have obtained most of the Jewels and attire of her wardrobe from New Year donors. Under thlMgift custom preVtiling during the Tudor and Stuart dynaaties, ladies received expensive gloves and pins. Sometimes these gifts were wrapped in money, and from this practice we derived the term "pin money." The young laoaa in the receiving 'ine, smiling coyly with every little movement would preaent each comer with some little memento of the occaaion. Maybe a ailken badge, a.card artth mottoea, a metal souvenir. Pinning theae on the lapela, they would then seunter into the front and back parlor to flatter their boat's ago. Wealthier boats would have an orchestra, and as the crowd thinned the gay young blades would swirl their lynx-like lady\friends around to tea lilting straina of "The Picture That Is Turned to the Wall" or "In the Baggage Coach Ahead." Sunday--8 .*00, 10:00 and 11*8. Holy Days: 6:30 aad 8:00. Weekdays: 6:00. Flnt Friday: 8HW. Confessfbi ?:^r Ji: W 8:88 aad 7:16. Zioa (The John 8t % Wes Rev, F. C. 8onday Worship. Ueuaie 10:15. 8unday School and Bftb Study . 8 o*elock. ^*5 CaaianiaHy Church School: 1040. Chunk Morning Worship: Rehearsals: 11:00. Choir Junior Choir on Wed. at 8^0 p. m. Cherub Choir on Hum. at 3^0 p. m. W. 8. C. S. on third Thursday of month at 1 p. u. Church board of education on second Wednesday of month at 7:30 p. m. Official board on aeeond Wednesday of month at 8:30 p. a. A cordial invitation is extended to you and vour family ta come and worship with us. ayne B. Price, Vsfe WBNGART TRUCKING Ml -- Gravel Hack Dirt -- Limestone Tracka fer Hire Free Bstiantiag Mctfeary, flL •TT • T vie D REPAIR MeHenry Weldiag and Cattlag Operatar 1 or 464 * , ILL. ^ BR. B. DeROME 188 Gnea Street M9-J. McHeary iy and Saturdays 584 K-3 vsting -- AND GRAYELi Gravel til Dirt Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 48 . : v MeHENRT (Nonaeetariaa) Servieea Bible 8chool--10:16 aa. Moraing Worship Service -U16O a.m. Midweek Prayer 8erviee oa Thuraday Sveniaga at 8M pja. A cordial Welcome la extended ta all the people at the oonwaunity ta worahip with us. ± FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Ckriet Ike King Weader Lake Sunday: 10:00. wl Hoiyoays: 6:80 sad S^0^ Confessions: Sundays: lhunediat^y before the 10 o'clock "»tt« Holy Days: 6:16 aad 7:00 ia 816O Bar. Jaaea A. VaadstssL . - ^ ftiagweed Ctanfc Rfagwood, H. Sunday--PubUe worskip. 648. Chun SdMal: 10J0. -180480 Cincinnati Rede of 1368-1870 waa 83 conaecutive games. Choir Beheataala Wedaesday aveiing. Rav. George MawkaH, paaftsr Wassail Bawl Long h- Symbol a/ Mcrriment The waaaail bowl ling has beea a source of Joy and a»a««lnMnt la celebrating the prospects tor the New Year. In merrie %glanrt, calebraata would stick clovaa in the sklae of aa orange and drop it into the waaaail bowl, where it would he aBowod ta float aad Savor the drink. Bpieod ale waa a popular Near Tear's serving. Early American eelealals whooped it up on New Year's night It was tike custom in the south Am young folks, aarvanta sad even Negroea to go from tavern to tavern, drink on the houae, sad igsh all 55S Both knaa si heada to wear at lOOCKTAILS - LIQUOR - WINES COMPLETE DINNERS SERVED 6 to 9 p. m. Daily Except Monday and Tuesday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m.; Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY k" . ,x, W* OATSB TO PAKTIBS Jerry Wiedeman Phone cHENRY MeHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane SmtyI^ [Black Dirt ^ Sand aad Oravil Ondlaf ~ -J m 0 . ' " V CALL McHKMBT #7-J "J H . "if? I I . McHENRY CAMidUKJ If yon are in a hmxy For prompt and oonrteong serriM, Don't start to worry. We have 24-honr osrvioe. • - r MANY RESALES at •*" Gen and Is's StoreMi J BHnf in articles on commisgion basis for resale;)11- - Gone in and bny at reduced prices. Nylon hoee for Xmas from $1.00 to $1.65. -- T E L E P H O N E 2 7 6 - M Third hmue on East River Road, going south Stole Bridge. PYROFAX GAS SERVICE soiirorBorrjxE GAS«^«»" MagfcOhef^anjres WateTj^nters Servel Gas Refrigerators ^ tOm and COUNTRY UTLLITptS 490-W LeROT M. SMITH Apt. 91419 M*in 8t MeHenry i' , |teeT. P. on Lake Shore for your Seal Estate and Insurance t e AotoniqlNle and Truck Owners IMS STATS LI0XNSE SERTIOt iM lne fill out your application foe, avt^nobile or truok lic^ise, notarize and pick up plates at the Chicago office of the Secretary of State. $1.00 for this * com- _ T. P. MATHEWS JtfTATE AND INSURANCE BROXEB Shore Drive, Wonder Center ip., P. O. Ringwood ^* Phone Wonder Lake 306 } Come To BUCK'S . JpcHENRY, ILLINOIS i . t A'?; ' v ^ I'brYour ' v m YEAR'S EVE Favors

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