^ ^^ « Vi * A* ! <* •*-"•: '• :k y ' '• <• m .11>-'v<»jSL.*^*:•aaijfeA>* , »..'.fo'i. yffaw* irS#^ •ft' '•• »_# V •i$- • *«vr.- - • ^-> - '"• ' & ' ,"5* 1 -•-- "Jtijir,if/i?a^.. -..-Ai ^ :^S^ ;,, *~ jf|^ , »J^, *4 i-W.' j..-. ^i.v ,., . . . .?/^if ' ^:--;# .«*'/. :, ..'" v j" < '*• ' ' ' ** **&*£' -._••> .,., -r»" * r < * *P" , /r ^ W&V& • v z"t -, *« '?S» 1 M**_, tlEWVBtift t H i l l ' , That the New Year Holiday bells 393#* p e e l New x e i r s to# W't***' brinjj you the happiness and joy you so tightly deserve -- health, prosperity and food luck. Tonyaa Construction <k ' A^"*1 •*#*• y# Johashurg t ." ^ i ... "s,i .s, .-I?,, fcw • j,#. j0ur wishes for you threefold: health, prosperity and lots«sd lots of good luck. The Nook -- West Mcflenry ww-ifflar-TEMi M*y we extend our sincere wishes to you and yours for • Happy Merry and Joyous New Year filled with rfwinn fom* true. Wi®?: JW •** • world' livin* T *" • h*™«>ny and *• ,v^ tranquility--a world at p * - peace is the best wish we know. "5 . •' •IJ-. &V.k-a.J*L ••; Smith NON-YEAR May the joyous New Year bells peal their tune of happiness and joy for you and yours all through the year. Our entire staff joins in wishing you a very, very happy and prosperous New Year! ii. ftP. Stor* •fif •>* ... To all our^friends go our very best wishes for a glorious and happy New Year and our heartfelt thanks for your patroipp of the Hj BMS* McHenry Siga SarWt As the minutes of the old year tick away, we want to extend to you and yours our sincere wishes for a hapf and prosperous ew Year! ' Otto Adams % t ;> As the bells in the steeple ring in the New Year wall be wishing you the very best. Aimtht Shflli ' 7 - Bound into the New Year followed by our very sincerest wishes for a Year of Happi- Distributor ^ Prager Beef, Our round little snow man is rolling your, way bringing aeasoifs greetings and our wishes for a happy - New Year. McHenry Electr•i cVj Motor Service Brace Khmts greetings to one and all, and we echo those greetings to you and' - roan! Happy New, •'<>/&: - M £* ' 4 V' ' m ^ 1 i Chevrolet '• .-A £5f PJ It is our pleasure at this time of year to wish you every happi* ness and joy during " the New Year. Holly's Jtervice Station Welcome to the New; Year and oar hmitoesfc-y wishes to yo«t:fbr • wonderful hapi^r year, , ? « Marion uxty 81 lift S. RIveiaMe Drivf .-•V4 * • v.i ;;r y f "" .'-is Around the town--to each and every home go our vary best wish* es for the , happiest New Year ev#r. Mag. every day be filled with joy. John, the Tailor GREETINGS Open your door* and let the joy and happiness <xf the New Year enter! T< you and all you loved ones we extend our deep wish* es for a New Yea*' chock full of luck and health! Oentral Gang* Johnshurg May health, happiness and prosperity fill every day of the wonderful New Year to come. John F. Brda & Son MO/YlEMr Here's hoping 1948 if , your lucky year. Ma* you enjoy the best of everythiog! Pr. Robert W. Donnelly Ve hasteli to wish ym^: - an exciting New Year, and look forward to ; enjoying your pat* ^4j§)nafte. *4" ? :;tv, • . :au's Wddinc m Repair Service , t" ^ .}?•'« -if, ^ : '-i* - ; ^ v y."nV ^ -i '11 #. " " • J. My »oa mi to M» make your New Year more important and more economical. John B. Hill i •i»« • May the New Year bring you and you|» all the happiness, health and joy that you deserve. Our whole staff joins in extending Nfcw Year g r e e t i n g s to you. We look forward to •erving tyou in the future. Koehr Supply Go. Cut up the cake and pull out a favor. May yours be Good Health and Good Cheer Wt the entire year. Smith's Service St&ti •> ' M 8. Wt j|»s a great day, Mtherinr in a New Year. Happy January first to you and afi your. Poultry Ranch ..|lay health, happiness end good fortune come to each of yoa daring |he next twelve mpnths and may you be happy m never before. v f .•*« The light is green aad ,We're speeding to wish toil a wonderful New Yf«e ar filled with joys. f Shore Hilb Food Shop Wwider Lake is 0ytru«r'.w«wds wore ^ spoken. Yet far . of at, - *'-%ttems long. That is , ,• .^..--jwhy we should make •,.:>..!the most of k by w- . '^eomplishing whs* we {t;-;j«an to heb aUdce a fr£'T$,better world. Happy New Year. wK.i ' gf*r' 'j . k4-. v i- .,£ 'asf & *• ^ yt 'kf ,.,v P- * «#* )Q K' b -fvf 'Vs „' "t !•{ -^-i Hail! 1948! Good health, good task, tr Jrou, our friends, every --r~^ay in the coming year. And--thanks a .. jnillion. Sch&efer's Recreation vy-p. •' i-i «. • /it hul of a Wn with you. 4m To yoa and your loved ones we extend oar sincere best wishes for a hanpy and prosperous New Year. May your year be bright with joy and the fulfillment of all your dreams! FitsOerald's Hen's 8hop;: Good lack, good fas and good old fashioned sincerity makes tfcfta new fashioned (tasting. Oanfe twing on in with the ew Year, and may 4t bring you prosperity and joy in everything TOU undertake! Happy ^ew Year to you ypurs from our s' McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. -Uss A" Our New Year wishes for yoa are as warm, colorful and bright a* tiMhe Yule log burning fr||n the fireplace. *Mj| Mueller & Son WsMing A MachiM Work ass- _|n all the merriment *©f New Year's Eve, , remember that we, too, have a cheerful thought for you. r hoff's dware IPH>|| #1111.11 ' With merry wishes let's combine to ring in the New Year that's ahead. . Watties Store y-3%; . " • 3 ' 'i « < w >4: >iW v,„ hf HA - '• t j. . Wv- Ai Here's a wish for ,¥'• •' - to enjoy all %: the year. May iv but happiness """" your way. Shoe Repair Shop Is.'" ».V; 1 : <v\. Here's to the New Ysar. Go forward to meet it with a heart full of cheer aad pay our good thoughts^**; you help yoa . mfm; 'come it wamlfHr s John MBfali s Service State • W^TT*.: •' A ->