Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1948, p. 1

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f,' i \ S , . *; ^fe^'\i:-V- f \-t?:1 if Ik! T-^r ni'ipr v .--rye i-:srt&-*r- V *4 >i'. f* « • ; >~ ' :S.yL-'^4-2^^||^B, *'i • ?..• , ,yP~ *. t .,. %»: -• " ' ' '" -" #!f VI f'•" T r'H $ r.'.Vv • i _ - J.". % ^ ( -- >-yr^ f - t * BEATHS HAK MMYIUMY CELEB1AH0NS V,,: Mrs. Joune Walsh ' "/. bid T» Bat Last ,v-iK fltttarfoy Morning Death relieved the long suffering '•ef Mrs. Joanne Walsh on Wednesday HOThing, Dae. 24, 1947, when she passed away at her home on Court street following an illness of fifteen months. -- *n»e deceased was torn Joanne Ethel Doherty, Nov, 80, 1878, on the Photo by A- Worwtck. MeHenry MRS. JOANNE WALSH family homestead south of MeHenry, and lived all her life in this community. On April 25. 1900, she was married to M. J. Walsh at old St. Patrick's church, and through their many years of married life the ceaple prnined a host of friends who •w mourn her passing as they did Iris seven years ago. Mrs. Walsh's attractive personality made her home a favorite gathering place for friends and relatives, and rarely a week passed that she was not called upon to act as hostess to who enjoyed the homelike ataphere which existed in the Walsh She was a faithful member of St Patrick's church and a loyal meuibor of the Altar and Rosary sodality. UH. to mourn are three daughter*. Mary and Dorothy .Walsh at home Mrs. Eleanore Young of Waum; four sons, Quentin and Melof MeHenry and Joseph and of Woodstock; two sisters. Ellen Doherty at home and Mary Ann Knox of Terra Cotta; niece, Miss* Louise Welsh, who tides at the Walsh home; and Ave grandchildren, Joanne Ellen and Mary Dolores Young, Sandra, Judith and Guerin Walsh. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Saturday mornmg at 10 o'clock, when a requiem high mass was sung at St. Patrick's church. Rev. J. A. Venderpool officiating. Other priests on the altar were Rt. fee*. Msgt.C. S. Nix; the Reverends OHovrke and Baumhofer of McJVenry; Coleman of Fox Lake; Brag' and Bbefcs of Wbodstock and Kilderry ofCary. Pallbearers were Harold and Yemon Knox, Earl and Thomas Pender Walsh, George Stenger and Rfehard Overton. William F. Kegebehi "•he many MeHenry acquaintances ar WWiam F. Kegebein, 81, of Crystal Lake were sorry to learn of Us death last Saturday morning, Dec. 27, 1947, in an Bmn hospital, where ha had been confined for the previous five days. Be was vieeoniaideat of the McReary County Farmers Cooperative Association at the time of Ms deeth and eatil seven jeers ago had been director ami. aasnsgor ef m ItaMn' Co-operative Sill in Ci/slal Lake> Survivors inclede the widow, Minnie; thrad daughters, Mrs. Frieda Sehimpf and Mrs. Hilda flenderaan, both of Crystal Lake, and Miss P<fotldf Kegebein ef Chicago; three grandchildren and five great grenddUldren. The body rested at the Warner ' -» t s ,, M- 1 -ik> <& trnmim JANUARY 1 .... ^ n **. «# m MUSK levers in M«3?enry anxiously awaiting the date of Jan.. ,IW 7, when tfe* second of the four pro- . .,?i *nd Us. accompanist 'and aim anloist •a, wui u g--tatu - ^ ; 8:16 o'dodt. Many pnrihsSfsSinn ** - tidcets earli«r in the year, fast fhoae ; > ^N^O did not will find that ma mm, . s^p- |2 it is possible to save twmrty Ave cents on the next three meats, suites: store or it on COR With Fl Mr. Hniqr has been ia Work for many ymurs, havteg started % fas a boy sonrano at th* age ef 9. to foUowedfhis voice trainta* wUh otel dining cert and dnb worh taifio work over NBC ^Broadcasting systems. f > . Following a tour of duty in the Infantry and air forces, Mr. Hurley ^ mpleted a four tttoatta" ran va» ^ _ t *nh m.-mrnm- mm eidleberg octet a Mr. Hurley is the cisatei ef "One t World In Soar," a mythical tour ef Europe taken «t wings ef iea». Crftural monuments tad, with aa llastrative tries viftited. It's all over now, but it really was: Not to be too far in the j especially to distant Uads . Heny Christmas .fur .Il,.tl«st h.ok«n,a^, bid I ,7^in.'u^ ^ «* J* •» as merry as each of us could make it m 1 his presence known and demon-1 number of persons availing them- the announcement that theTiUir^ 1 or *n buiMing project to J to the travelogae ts yea to a worid still working against great j strated to a disgruntled public that BelveV of the "opportunity of"Wuring Radio Cor^ritron had'purchased* the 200 more beds, leading «uch_ tri«« as Ne|l»y,_ Getinany, odds for a real peace. Almost a j the oldest news can be the latest I free chest X-ttays when the mobile kaiser Frasier building and would McKenry county citisens expressed week sincf the big holiday and now; with a few unexpected changes, unit located here. Hie health mea- onen for business early in the New their desire for a hoepital of our sure was new throughout the nation j Year. | own. Still in the planning stages, and local response demonstrated the j One of the most controversial sub- | j4 *iU Probably be well into 1W8 progressive spirit of t^i community, j jects to come before the public in Outlying districts grafted with en-; many a day was the tentative rethusiasm the announcement that the i port submitted by the county school WAF Transportation company had survey committee. Vitally important it's time to say goodby to 1947 and Late January and March days were sure was new hid welcome to its successor. j filled with conversation on but one For the most part, the departing i tcpic, the freak storms which intwehe months in MeHenry were' vaded this entire area, bringing quite uneventful, a welcome change snow, rain, sleet, thunder, lightening for. ft** to whom. the war years waj» ...u .u.,„ ,1MHiy ,mponani and their repercussions seemed end- h,Kh dr,ft« and fallen power lines. ^ granted a petition to operate to everyone, the question still receiv Several progressive movements i a bus line between the various con- i ing a variety of answers. While some tragic notes crept in were either launched or had at! ters and MeHenry am! Sherrington.: Another Issue which has attracted occafagally, most of the major news, east reached the planning stages by By fall it was noteJHfeo* at Mast! eonsidereMe- attention among MccoiufitMd asw ventures begun and, late m the year. One record of; eight new businesses had been re- Henry residents has been the move- w-- j --, -- -- new;plans for the future laid out. : which community residents ^ wars cently established or were slaking' ment for a new hospital. .With Wood- week's issue of the Plafndealer France, Italy, Auetna, Spain and othera. 4'i/- Mre. PhilHpe, who was described HM by one music critic aa "playng with | > the ease of a bora maucian and a -1, . trained techf^cian,** will not only provide Mr. Bnfivt •paahi hut alio offer several aiaaa sslwWons .V . -- which are sua. to Veast .her andi-. •nee. f- ' i • .? MUW OF STOLEN CAB CAfBBED BT WE LUNDY WUh most MeHenry residents, happy aad contented at the con- EXPECT SPI&1TED RACES IN &PSXN0 STATE PEIMABIIS Mi HAEOLD DICKOW HOME DAMAGED BY FLAXES ON SUNDAY TAVEEH DEALERS OFFER REWARD IN S0REN3EN MTSTERT Interest in politics increases __ the new year approaches, and' even at tUe early date it stems that clmfat of Christmas Day, retired for spirited races wilt take pMwe in the a MHpeful nightfs slew, William | April Republican primaries. Opening Lufdy, local police officer, spent! day for filing is Jan. If. Candlthe airly hours of Dec. 26 in captur-' " ing _a Kentucky man who sped Announcement was this past ci*8r through the nearby commdoHv in • stolen yellow cab. The j flees wiM file with the county derk. tUrf identified, himself as Leonard The doadlinea for filing portions will K# of Owenboro, Ky., when I be Jan. 26 and the last day for fimiy caught behind the barn on the i withdrawals will be Jan. 81. Jfia tool ferm, located two miles Governor Dwight H. Green is ijsl of Rts. 31 and 12, neer Rich- j expected to announce his candidacy I for a third term. Two other candi- ! |Kr. Lua<far received his first notifi- I dates in the field for governor are cttien ef the stolen cab making its I Hugh Cress, present lieutenant ^ay north froni Wauconda at 2:42 i governor, and Warren Wrig|U, formm. over poltpe radio from Wood- i er state treasurer. Senator C. Way- The celebration of their fifteenth j The fate of Andrew Sorensen, wedding anniversary was marred for Chemung tavern keeper missing since . • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickow last; Dec. S, remained a mystery this j week by J. Leonard Sunday evening when word reached week as a report was made that general chairman, that the them in ^Crystal Lake that a portion MeHenry county tavern keepers and • March of Dimes drive will » _ of their home on Golf View Road liquor dealers deposited $500 in a I officially in the county on JSBL dates for state offices win file with | had been destroyed by flames. 1 Harvard bank list week as a reward This year, according to Mr. Towntne secretory of the state In Sprinj- i Mrs. Dora Lang was at home with for discovery or information as to: send, there will b* • united effort field, while those seeking eoonty of-her grandchildren, Richard Dickow, his whereabouts. It was also re-, by all towns to go over the top in 7ft, and Randy, when one of j ported that wel|s, abandoned barns, t the estiamted quota of the dilldren remarked thet the i 'choolhouae* and, cemeteries nirough- hafji^ing thf county ihajtmaa Christmas tree was on fire. Mrs. j out the northern part of MeHenry i McWenryi 10 be Ray Wlee, v before any final decision is made. These are oaly the highlights of progressive steps UAiw during 1947 in this locality for the purpoee ef making MeHenry a prominent place on the map of the county. The, "little" news, but still important to j •vrM1|c V«mtuf«r Ir Vow the many of us who mada ij daring t * -f-' the nast yearL will _ » > n c x t i A t V f t w i a i BoqwUl J , Word wee rsceived thle week Mrs. Albert Yalss, who is vWttar^%C^'^ her daaghter in Medford, Oida. •• reports that her son-in-law, Frank ^'.if Kmpftr, Jr., who was swioasljr;;-:^' ' burned in an explosion in his bakary i J at Medford aevoal weeks agti is progressing nicely at U. & Veterans' hospital in Wienta^ Kas., eighty-five , miles from their heme. Fertaaatdv,/ ' his legs were aot horned and he is 1 able to walk to the recreation room,! making the days pass more quickly. For the maay MeHenry I Heads who may wish to write to Mr. Kemfr fer, this is his addrees: Veterans Hospital, Kellog at Inschsly Drive, Wichita, 8, Kas. RAY McGEE AGAW MARCH OF DDES D»TE in who The chase for the driver had a short time before at Lake bat autboritiee had been unto overtake the car. , ||r. Lundy was first instructed fs'Wsth- the hi^nray at Vole, but ^fce tirief changed his course, the iff officer was advised to try to at JPax Lake, later at and then at the intersection of : H and 15, neer Sidunond. At latter point he was informed by Lake county sheriff that in atto 4odge those who had i op the chaae, the thief had |mm into a cornfield on the John >1 t»rm. Hie movements were ttotsctsd by pursuing police, who lint at the llfmg man. Within a few minutes, Crystal !L#ke police, Officer Lundy and Lansr immediately summonded the j county have betn inspected in an I has. ahjy handled this work in past MeHenry Arc department and be-! effort to find the body of the missing j years. Other local chairmen will be fore their arrival worked intently to) man. ...... Joe JYeund, Spring Grove; Joyce keep it from spreading further and' It was suggested that the Ftox IKatsenberger and Howard Christianthen removed the. children from the j river be dragged in an effort to * house. She sustained second de-1 solve the case because of the belief gree burns on the face and head in that John A. Provancher, a suspect her efforts. in the case, was seen in MeHenry. _ Through the speed' and efficiency: the night before Sorensen's dison tjp»- Republican ticket of the iocal fire fighters, only the; apnearance. f j living room was totally destroyed, I' Informed that the mining man t/ be a candidate for re- TWHE BUREAU MEETS JAN. • filled in MeHenry' amounting to $2,600, includ- j had spent three years in Rines hos land Brooks is election also. county include circuit clerk, coroner I j/1* f1,000 in antique guns. The and state's attorney. Afl present J"™™1™#* ^afaatertad office holder Circuit Cleric Lester j defective Wiring in the tree Edinsrer, Coroner Harry flL. Ehorn; . . . 4. and State's Attorney Don A. Wicks,! Mr- Dickow '» » member of the The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau will meet in the Legion hall at 1:30 o'clock on Tuesday, Jan. 1, hostesses being Mra. A H. Frsuml, " L. B. pital for treatment of wounds received in World War 1, Chief of Police Folke Bengston of Rockford has written to the hospital for the. _ determination of Sorensen's blood. pairn. Of this number, seven are still | sen, Richmond; Claire Carney, Marengo; Melvin Strueing, Algonquin; W. E. McClerry, Crystal Lake; Donald Palmer, Harvard; Ray Kelley,, u Huntley; E. Hynous. Fox Ri^rer; *»• John Untoxf>lb*> Grove end Cary; Melvin Begun, [ W!^loik *"d, Hebron and Alden and Otto Heilman, | Kw Ringwood and Wonder Lake. | the Storage Space by Af nMUns thirtv of: adviser, and the second lesasn will th^Vo^ntv 3SSin Sfferini from "Immunisation and Innoenlatkm.'* S! ^r^ai briir SrfffJr w?th There will be an exhibit of home 1 unds ^-aised by^this anniuS ^m-1 ^ for silent action. are expected to seek re-election. ' MeHenry volunteer fire departrhent.1 type. The hospital record will be' confined to hospitals • ^ i i • --i• I• i • a ik* a i >•.^ Adnlt Evening Schools FofT MISS HTTTLE WILJL SPEAK FOB P. T. A. An irteres*itiK meeting has been planned by St. Mai v's-St. Patrick's schcol P. T. A. for Wednesday after- McCULLOM LAKE PAIR OBSERVED GOLDEN WEDDING DEO. 24 Christmas Eve was observed na- ^ is^'SISNR RATIv',™ " ™ * will again sponsor the adult evening ^ for farmers. Am will he fimeral home until Tuesday after-I g g f f L t h T s c e r e Ind sunervisor nurse of the Illinois State;cay. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Marnoon, when services were heU at|ffJJJ" !£ inSSve wath of the i Department of Public Health. She i tin, formerly of Peoria and now re- Immaniwl (Lutheran church. Burial IS**1 ^ se> » j*?* expects to show a film in connection siding with their niece and nephew, noon. Jan. 7. at 3 o'clock in the j tionwide as usual, but in one local mobile, the strongest evidence1 totalled $13,579.63. Expenses reached "••ohorl hall. Guest speafchr will be \ ^ome there was reason for more • against Provancher will be elimi- " Miss Elizabeth Hittle, R. N., district | than the usual joyous spirit of the in Union cemetery. Patrfch H. Setton Patrick Henry Sutton, 88, native . . . - _ ef MeHenry, died last Saturday *?*** footp;in,t?„ . .. morning, Dec. 27, at the Harvard, ^ rear of f ^ hoepital. He was bom here on Nov. f "e an end the cap- S», 186ft, and in 1882 was married I iu!? °l %!fe* ° over to Lake aeanty police. Pierce gave his home as Owenm?^ ieo!raernof the^fari^hoieier I ^ith^her talk. It is hop«|d thatall- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, at wwiitthh tthhee aaMid oofr aa sseeaarrechhlliigrhhtt ddee -|! members will be oresent t^ hear this McCullom Lake, celebrated their Jve and interMtil^ progr,m>. golden wedding anniversary. Many ch ,ed them to, r «s relatives and friends were in at- James, Wffllam and Delbert, all of BUrvard; five daughters, Mra. Pearl WflHama of Kenoeh% Wis^ Mae. Mary BaOey, Mra. Agnes Morris, Mrs. Mabel Lehman aad Mra. Irene •rickaon. all of Harvard; also a sister, Mra. Thomas Hayes, of WoodFuneral services were held at 10 o'dedt ea Monday morning ftem 5*. au Osanea, 88, ef 6BS8 N. Mosart street, Chicago, who died two days previous ia Balnwaif hoepital. She had boon a leshieat of the Chicago area since she came te the United States from Germany in 1888. Survivors include the husband. Urban W.; two sons. Dr. Urban V„ chief aurgeon at "Belmont hoepital. aad William R.; also two grandchildren. Both sons are well . known in this community, where of boro, Ky.,- and told .authorities that the efir had been taken from Chicago. MMFNIMM CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Doherty and aaa have moved from the Conway on Lake street to their new on the TOTOS read. aad Mrs. Robert Stoller aad ~ eve moved from Chicago to ea south Fourth street in McBenry. So-ial chairman for !re,auv®8 ana lneml8 in at- being her birthday anniversary. will be Mrs Gus Freund anisted bv tendance to offer congratulations to t Those present to enjoy a few hours mnfhera of "the fifth s-rad^wfntZ the ^'P^^d couple on an evening! of cards were Mr. and Mrs. Frank1 mothers of the fifth grade. Indent*, whfch will Iin?er }onv ,n Blake. Mr. and Mra. John Stake, Mr. round in the trunk compartment of is evidenced by the automobile of Provancher, who nroximately $25,000 was spent in i . , v was arreated on a forgery charge on ! the county last year, either for | Mcnenry Community^ aim Dec. I, tWa daya after the dis- j patients confined in hospitals or achool wishes to announce thet it appearance. If the blood type re- {those recuperating from the disease ^orded at the hospital is not the! who are being given special cara. . ame as thet found in the auto-1 The receipts of last year's drive j Wl^nmetin^rs in all. Tne flret of $686.80, leaving a balance of $12,- nated. 892.83 to be divided equally between •• , ,. t«e county and national funds. - _. , This made it necessary to have BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION advances of several thousand dollars Miss Rena Scheid entertained frem the national fund to meet the friends at her home on Green street ( nted ior county patients. last Saturday evening, the occasion ' FAMILY GATHERING FOLLOWED BAPTISM Tbe infant daughter of Mr. and ^ ™^w23H-J" I Mrs. Alfons Adams was christened j £ff. Joyce Ann at a baptismal service' ,°."n - Veld last Sunday afternoon at 3 were P,l,ced on_ their wrists by their o'elc " ~ Rev mories. • ; and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, Miss Helen The home was attractively deco-1 Schneider, Miss Mayme Buss and rated in gold, red and green. Among Miss Clara StoffeL 'clock at BL ViMtVr ehnnh gnmt niece*' Mr» *««aret Joyce tov Fr * * I and Mrs. Anna Feeley. During this ' •" -n» Anniuncle, Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Wau- a eonda and Mathias Adams of Mc- i ^ „ ^ " ' Henry. Following the eervice, a '^r# w t^t h t^* * gathering and Earner were enjoyed et throueh^ha »aaia^ «. ~WC,AL SE"!aa^:.. 'Xr^ssirwrjssi , 5" Wednesdav evming, Dec. SI, j were the happy smiles of the many beginning at 8:80 o'dodk there will \ guests, especially that of their greet ce a Fun and Fdlowship party for j great grand niece, Lorain Lee Feeley, OOOAE»«***#A»»AA'»»O»*»« M I AMONG THE 8I0X MtllinMUMIH at the Woodstock Mrs. William medical patient hospital. Michael Kerrigen hah been a patient at the Woodstodc noepltaL Shirley Wallciagten ef Ringwood and David Ackenon ef West Mc T -'mpfcn-Cites Owners . Of Downs Motor Transport . New owners of the former Downs Motor Express, now known as Downs Motor Transport, are Loren Thompson of Greenwood township and L. G. Cites of Woodstock. The two men purchased the business recently from C. Jsmes Downs and since that time have been operating with Mr. Thompson aa president, Mr. Cites as vice-president and general manager, and Mrs. Cites as secretary and treasurer. Mr. Thompson is well known in this vicinity, hscrinr been in the trucking business for fifteen years. Mr. Cites spent the fast three years with Henry underwent tonsillectomiee at ^e American ftonscontiaeirtal Bus the Woodstock hospital during the past week. a Bill Bacon is WWi sring from surgery which he underwent at Hines hospital last they have lived for several years. Complete line of Lee's aedies at Wattles Drug ' .rqS.ttf™-"'-' *' Lines, where he was director of training and safety, located in Chi- PATROLL BOOKS FOB 1»48 «a grmnd niece, Lorain Lee Feeley, C*Ke new owners recognise the fact The Plaindeeler has a supply of' °niy a oW-v week. that they have only service to offer payroll books, especially suitable for; ^ -1?, ^ 'P>rch h*11- Luncheon and the customary toasts the public. To offer the best service small payrolls. Place an order for ; closed a delightful evening. , Complete Mne^ of Beebe livestock ^ibie to the people of northern your needs now end get atartedI at, Watch Night Wbrship Service in the D** Store, Mo- IUinoig ,nd »outhern IUinois is their the beginning of the year. 88-fp j church. NAMED VICE-PRESIDENT , Henry. ^ objective. ---- ] On the following Sunday, Jan. 4, j George J. Miller hes been named j • j 1 NEW TEAR'S EVE DANCE ' there will be a Communion service at! vice-president of the MeHenry We are equipped to cut, wrap, j COMMUNITY CLUE Club Lilymoor on Route 120; eest 11 o'clock. < Farmers' Co-operative Association, cure and smoke year home killed j „ MeHenry, will sponsor a new; • ' . t ; to fill the vacancy created by the meats. MeHenry Locker System.: The Johnsburg Community club Veer's Eve Dance, from 9 till "T 1 1M8 Christmas savings club now e'eath of William F. Kegebein of Central Market. S3-fp' will hold its next meeting en Jen. Al Cepons' 5-piece Orchestra from starting. Join at once and save! Crystal Lake. j --. 18 in Nell's ballroom. The committee Poultry WanV«ran will furnish the musk. ] money for next year. Deposit fifty; -- ! John J. Vycital Hardware will be, includes Bob ^ Frett, Don Freund, Mc- Admission is free--no cover charge. >»nts nor week and up. MeHenry: Need Rubber Stamps? Order at. closed every Sunday from now until | John M. Freuad, George Hiller and held Wednesday, Jan. v ^ 7, at the high school at 8 p. m. The M topic for the fir*t meeting will be • ' fFseding of Dairy Cattle." < AU farmers are urged to attend -3-- the series of meetings, as they wfll : be very beneficial. These meetings » '% will be conducted by tbe vocational -'j . agriculture instructor, Leo IX Kerber, _ 1^4 ind outside men that are specialists'1' hi their field. t -g CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Celebrating the occasion of their forty-second anniversery, St. Ctara'a Court, C. O. F. will have a pet-lock urprr at 6:30 o'clock, followed by a social evening on Thursday, Jan. 8. Charter members aad older hers will be especially gathering, which will St Mary's chinch hdL Georgia is the aaias whish lfr. and Mrs. George Blake, have mleetod 'or their new daughter, bora en Dec. <2 at the .Woodstock hsspitod. Tim little lady, who weighed S lha. I ea. at birth, brother first Christmas. former Miss Christina Justen. th, hasAtwo sisters and a who helped her ceMnh her hristmas. Mrs. Blaka ia the NEW TEARt EVE Ttorkcv and aB thf t he served at The Ml and Tavern New Tear's Eve. tfcsre will be favors for all. The tnhV dinner will be served sle tarts far v i' $1.50; complete diniter v< a - / i / i . it, -ifijVvf)4fe

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