l,.V^ &. <'&& ichels of Chicago els home the last Wlteh of South Bend, Miller vi sited their J«lf Wttsh, on Thura • flwedy vVMP ' Dm " "^HL- «t MdUBHT. 0L, Dny irtth '!'-•.: ak« act <( ibr b, in*. 5S lean Blake to after her recent at the Kenoeha stored her to . and Mrs. LeRoy Conway, Mr. Mr*, Phalin end Mrs. ice qpent Friday evein tile Howard Phalin BMMitk Mm McCnlloai Lake Oa Parade - - it <8y Yardstick) I pei It is a yearly custom among- aJ £)a group of Knollwood residents to fOJ call on their neighbors on Christmas j day and sing Christmas carols. A beautiful custom we might say. One never knows from year to year where this congregation has its begining. like a rolled snowball it usually starts off with two couples arid gains in size and momentum as the evening goes on. Last Thursday it had its beginning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George IBeumbeck, from there to the Pvritz's, then to Jensen's, Thomsen's Ronjstands, the Harold Vycitals, Ames, Wetle's. On and on they traveled, spreading the j Christmas spirit and absorbing a j lot of the same stuff in the plural at i every stop. By the time the forty! manpower avalanche . of yodlers i reached the home of the Rourke's I on' the east end their tonsils were | in a bad shape. Frank Rourke, being j a true desciple of^ Margaret Truman,! suffered a strain on his sensative j ears after the first few notes and | invited the gang to the Howard i cowbarn, where they all enjoyed a j thorough lubrication job on their | vocal cords. • "Twenty Grand's" forty-eight | wives furnished the lubricant. After j this unusual treat the boys gave; out with "Jingle Bells," which caused | their audience of bovine quadrupeds j to go into a shimmy, with the result that the next day Manager Leo | Smith had twenty cans of butter- j milk on his hands. Thus the bearers of goodwill and peace at McCuullom ! Lake wound up their day's activities. That new arrival at the- home of Mr. and Mra/Brerttt fttfttaol just before Christmas will be rem* by them as their most joydtw Equally happy were Mr. and Mrs. their Billy Beid, who too have blessed with an addition to twosome. Flaying the rote of _ parents is a new and thrilling exrience for "Senator" and Mrs. ave Reid. Weeks of practice before this happy event took place should make them model sitters in the future, a task they both eagerly look forward to. • yJ The best of has to offer durin is our wish to 1948. everything this world ring our snort journey » all our readers for AJOTOS. ' COMING EVENTS . January 2 East River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. Eleanor Nye. January 5 Altar and Rosary Sodality--Election of Officers. . Janaary 6 Johiubursr Community Cluhr^Nell's Ballroom. Ringwood Unit, Home Burean. January 7 Concert--High School Auditorium-- Sponsored by Library Board and Mothers Club. St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School P.T.A. January 8 St. Clara's Court--Pot Luck Slipper-- 6:30 p. m. January 9 Mothers Club--Election of Officers. January 15 C. D. of A. Social Meeting and Card Tournament. John J. Vycital Hardware will be closed every Sunday from now until further notice. 30-2-Soc. P. Sorry to report that our good neighbor, John Scharff, ^suffered a j Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. 8-tf seminary at St been spending the w with their parents in MeHraiy. W< Jr., iB of 81 Hastens Wfck, have vacation *pent last in Chicago. _ In the Mir- Conway home wan members of Irfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Miss Barbara weekend visiting • Christmas Eve tin their Smith, and son, Dennis, of Rockton, Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ed HoUe of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Harry" Conway, Mr. and' Mrs. Sari Conway and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns, all of McHenry. The family enjoyed Christmas Day dinner in the Earl Conway home. Mrs. Herb Reihansperger and daughter, spent a few days last 4reifc with her parents, Dr. and Mra. Clarence Keinfned, in Madison. Mrs. Emma Smith, daughter, Mrs. Helen Young, and the tatter's son, Alfred, visited in the Fuller Boutelle home in Lake Geneva on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles phalin of Kenosha, Wis., spent Sunday visiting Miss Ann Frisby. Mr. and Mrs; Harry Alexander of Hebron were Monday visitors in the Robert Thompson home. 1 Holiday guests in the Joseph May home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and family and Mrs. Mae Bungard of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smallefldt and Children of Kenosha, Wis.; Mrs. Mary May and Mrs. Irene Guffey of McHenry. " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were guests in the Harry Alexander home in Hebron on Christmas Day. Mrs. Mary Powers of Round Lake visited McHenry friends and relatives on Friday. Christmas D»y guests in the Charles Michels home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch and family and Mrs. Helen Weber and daughters. wn. A1 Phannenatill and daughter, Ruthanne, and Mrs. Joseph May and daughters, Joann and Lots, were Chicaners on Saturday. Lillian Reutell has closed her „ in Fair Oaks subdivision and will spend the winter months in California. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Jean Conway and Mrs. Clarence Whiting attended the wake of Mrs. M. J. .Walsh on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Minteer and Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton of Maywood spent Christmas Day in the E. R. Sutton home. Miss Georgianna Donahue of Huntley and John Sutton of Elgin spent the weekend visiting in the home of Marty and Genevieve Knox. Mrs. E. R.* Sutton and sons, Charles and' Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoelscher, Miss Genevieve Knox and William Sutton attended the annual holiday reunion ef the Sutton family at the Jos. J. Sutton home in Elmhurst last Saturday evening; Miss Joan Reihansperger spent the weekend with friends in Oak Park. The William Wicke family, summer residents here, have sold their Des- Plaints home and will spend the remainder of the winter in California. Upon their return they intend to make their permanent home in Fair Oaks subdivision. Mrs. Nellie Bacon, accompanied by the Harold Bacon family of Crystal Lake, spent the holiday with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon of Trenton, N. J., visited Bill Bacon at Hines hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin left Friday morning on a three weeks trip to Bellevue, Fla. They were accompanied by Ray Page, who will spend some time in Jacksonville, Fla. Dinner guests in the Stephen N. Schmitt home on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith of Art Smith, 0r. * son, Mei ^ in the day and pi* Art Smith, Jr„ . >» Ixmis Yeang and daugh- £r of otJM1 Clarence Young and Charles Dew* families of McHenry* Holiday guests in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon of Trenton, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang and family of Hammond, lad., Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mitchell and family and the Carl Waukegan, the Kenosha, Hyatt family of Harvey Damn family of , Wis., the H. M. Rapps of Arlington Heights and Bob and Inez Bacon of Chicago. Miss Eileen Fitzgerald, a teacher in the Oak Park schools, spent several days the past week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Duker of Alton, 111., spent the Christmas vacation with his parents. Miss Clara Miller has been spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. P. Moritz, in Ottawa. Hugh Murphy is enjoying a vacation from his studies at Georgetown University Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stilling of Lake Forest are visiting relatives in McHenry over the holidays. Miss Nancy Carey, who is attending St. Mary's college at Notre Dame, has been visiting her parents, the Walter Careys, during thfe holiday vacation. Miss (Barbara Carey of Barat Forest,. is home for and lbs. and son^ Robert, of M Marre a c< Ctftetmas Say* guests in the home of Mrs. MonSI Jivers were Mr. and Mrs. Harry lifcwrence of Chicago Mrs. Lawrenee remained over the Mrs, Curtis Westfall <rf Chicago and daughter, Doris, of New York City, spent Christmas day with the formers mother, Mrs. Simon S tonal. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs spent the weekend with her relatives in Macomb. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese and daughter, Kathleen, visited# his parents in Morrison, HI., the last of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skow and son Charles, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Krueger and children of Williams Bay, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Chris Krueger of Palos Park, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Justen of Chicago and Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Justen and children and Kathleen Peete of Momence, 111. were Christmas V*.y Eiiests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. en Justen. The Jerome Justen family remained until Sunday. George Honeyager of Milwaukee, Wis., visited in tne Laura and Joe Weber home last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Miller served a turkey dinner on Christmas evening to their family, Dr. fend Mrs. J. C. Purvey and children of Crystal Lake, Mr, and Mrs. William Morgan and Jeanne of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and children and Terry Miller. „ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schaeffer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Skoney of Oak. Park spent Christmas Day in the Frank Weingart home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of *nd Chris Burns --- <P®t Christmas Day he %teeRe^. ^ ®Cheid n4 Guffey Mr. and Guffty l^M and daughter, Patricia Ann, Sunda^ nner guests of Mr. and Mra. Staines. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those wh»- sent me cards, flowers and gifts du^ ing tne time I was in the hospHaL Thanks so much. •83 DIANE FREUND. IN MEMORIAM , memory of our ton and brother^ William E. Adams, who passed awtv1 °ne year ago on Jan. 4, 1947. MR. AND MRS. MATH ADAMB AND CHILDREN. * SS CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to express our thanks for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars*, cards of smpathy and the many other kindnesses extended in our recent; bereavement. 33 THE M, J. WALSH FAMILT DIVORCE GRANTED i Frederick Pudsell was granted a?' divorce from Dora E. Pudsell he-1 county court[ last week. :: : if ,:S Complete line of Bcafec - livettadfr -' remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. |^f wa I C E C R E A M • FLAVORS PEPPERMINT STICK , , TOASTED HAZEL-NUT CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLQW STRAWBERRY ROY ALE * - NEAPOLITAN RASPBERRY TARTS SPECIAL NEW YEAR BRICK _ . OTRAWBERRY ICE CREAM BELL IN FRENCH VANILLA WOUDAY ICE CREAM CA|E ORDER NOW! r PHONK 40 " MoHENET HEW HOPE* BEST WISHES DOWNS MOTOR TRANSPORT, INC. w "A Service Institution" • •" ." ' • • k. • , ^ DOWNS MOTOR EXPRESS Sztend to y«i I ' ^ Best WigbM for the Coming Yajr.-.. '/Service" is our objective-- tlUB is our commitment to you. GtunMtSl 2-DAY SALES EVENT JFriday'Saturday, January 2 and 3 -- QUANTITIES LIMITED -- 1HOP EARLY A FEW OF THE OUTSTANDING VALUES * -if:;.. I • INFANTS' CLOTHES' E«r. Pri» Mb HAPPY NEW YEAR i a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, to all reetingA to tyoul ' Yes, it's time to-change the figures , again. Nineteen hundred and foriy- „ eight . . Let's look optimistically into the future. With any kind -of luck, this should be the best year » we ve ever hadl On this cheerful note, we extend to you our heartiest Vishes for, a Happy New Year. Times have changed since we started bMneu in this community many years ago, * and we have seen a great many changes. But one thing always remains the same. We continue to serve in the best possible manner the ' irery best people it is possible to serve. We . «Duld ask for no finer Ust of custQi^gra, no better group of friends. V And to all of you our entire organization ' Wishes loads of good chear aad ^ |Lappy aa4 I .v. 'prosperous New Tear. k BUSS MOTOR SALES -j ^cHENRY STATE BANK \ • ••e •, EDWARD J. BUSS t Geew J. Freand David Page Bd BUM. Jr, Prank C Meyer Norman Freud Bette ^69 2.19 $2:29 1.89 Sleeping Bags, Pink and Blue Buntings Bath Robes, Pinkl and k Blue Cardigan Sweaters, as- . sorted colors Snowtime Gloves and Mittens One Piece Snow Suits . With Helmets, sizes * • 1 to 3 (...... ........ 3.98 ^Flannelette Diapers 2.49 doz. 2.29 doz. BOYS' CLOTHINP 2,98 129 M 3.29 Fleece Lined Sweat : Shirts Plaid Flannel^ Shirts Wool Mackinaws Flannel Bath, Rtobee, sizes 8 to 14 Kip Over Sweeaters, part wool, sizes 4 to 10 'S CLOTHES SW-Prfo* Sale Price IM V?9 4.i» EEADYTO-WEAi^l-~-- Reg. Price Site • Price Misges> Pull Over Sweaters, all wool $s, 3*98 $ 3.29 Indies' Cienille Robes ; ' • S i z e s 4 0 - 4 2 10.89 7MGirls' Snow Suits, siz^s i -• 6-10 ^ ||.50 12.95 Ladies' All Wool Skirts t 26% disc. Assorted Colors and Styles,' tB Mies Ladies' Cotton Stockings, sizes 101/2 .39pr. 3/$1.00 Ladies' Blouses Floor , Samples 25% disO. 4 Misses' Blue Denim Slacks, sizes 30-32 ^ r 2.8$ Ladies' Flannel Pajamas sizes 36-42 TOOTWEAE 3.98 2.69 • 'i 1.98 5.95 2.98^ .1.29 Her. Price Sale Price Grey Covert Work Pants ; --flannel Work Shirts. Blue & Grey ...... " Ilpither Jackets, assorted styles Wool Makinaws, sizes 36-46 10.95 Covert Work v - Shirts , I-98 3lue Denim Coverall 0 38-46 ^ 4.89 hickory Stripe Carpenter : Overalls sizes 32 Beg. Price S«|i 2.98 Prfce 2^9 2.49 11.69 7.96 1.79 4.69 Men's Black Work Rubbers, Sizes • . 7-7% .... 2Afii - Men's Black. 5 Buckle ~~ - Overshoe^; Sizes y v' 8-13 ZM 4M Men's Chippeva 16-in. Hi Top Shoea 13.50 Men's Hunting and Fishing Hip Boots Women's Light Sandal Rubbers Hi Cuban Heels 1.79 1.59 Women's 2-snap Overshoes 1.98 1.09 Women's Leather Shear-.. liug Lined House Slippers, Blue, Sizets . 6 to 9 ; 3,98 $.45 €ShildV Shearling House" Slippers 1.95 1J9 Youth's Leather Romeo i lather Slipjjers 249 to 42 Planters White Overalls, size 34 to 40 3.15 . Fleeoe Lined Sy^at Shirts all sizes "Z. 2.19 Cotton Underwear Long Sleeves & Legs size 36 to 42 White Dress Shirts, sizes 171/2 to 21 4.95 449 Child's Btormtite Over- 1JM 3.95 .44 Canvas Work Gloves 12 oz., pair Sport Shirts, Rayon Wools akd Cotton Wools Lined Denim v Chore Coat, size 36 3^8 it Sweaters, part wool l^zes 34-36 2.29 189 L89 1.69 3,29 .35 im 2.19 shojas 1 2.49 Child's Cowboy Boots 2.79 ICE-FIStlNa OLOTHES. Leather Flight Paats, Reconditioned 6.95 Pslt Shoeft With leather Soles 3.96 Fleece Liqed Winter Helmets 2.19 Alpaca Lined Navy Parkas, New -.vr" Size 48 22.96 mmmNwp 131/3% diM. 3.19 li59 . ^'••I.AI XCWH UQQ . •hone-McHenry 4St Tbe Friewiy Store GEO. COLL^TTE, Owner 100% Wool Boot Soxs 18" Grev ^ sizes 10-12 • » " 1.HLined Pants Reconditioned, size 32 Jackets Alpaca Lined sizes 36 to 44 ,12.95 tp l$jfc 1,1 Hiln Street Weet McHenry