Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1950, p. 2

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, V -'*r* -r " '"Hi fi $, &T^v V'* "'tt!. 'to,* * ,..v*-v*. ^%?.\-: -*-A| *H»TW» ' ; *'< ... > 4 ** 'vif •* " % : , > ' . ; f c - f ' H * . t ' - , * * > - . • , • * » , ' 0,\W« *•»-, . ! - » , # . r * " \ ' . ' . : .A • . 1 « <• , . fc • .\ i \ f - - ' raX McHKNKY PLAIKDtALI* .XmM Thursday} January 26, 1950 MARRIED 46 YEARS^ JOINT INSTALLATION OF R. N. A. OFFICERS M"R AND MRS. MIKK FRKl'NI) Observing their forty-sixth nodding anniversary on Friday, Jan. 27, a^e Mr. and Mrs. Slike fVeund, who reside on Richmond Road. They were married in 1904 ftt Johnsburg bv Rev. Fr, Mehriiig. The couple resided on a farm all fbeir married life until moving (o McHenry nine years ago. Last Jan. •17. on the occasion ol' their fortyfifth anniversary they were-honored at a surprise party in the home of o«ie of their daughters ifa Chicago? 1 iie Freunds had nine children, seven of whom are alive and will be extending best wishes to their patents tomorrow.- -Mrs. Esther Wagner and Mrs. Kathryn Miller of Chicago, Mrs. Olivia Hiller of Johiisbarg, Arnold, Klmer and Harvey Fmind of Chicago and I.'f , Mildred Uai rett of Hatavia. &'•*$» an • impressive ceremo.iy ;hat marked the joint installation oi' officer:; of the Royal Neighbor c amps of -McHenry, West .McH *nry and Woodstock, held at the IOOF l-.all in the latter city last Thursday evening. This was the first such service ever to take place. Highlight was the installation of v I race Justen of Woodstock ithe lcrmer Grace Granger of Mci i ie'.iry i, Alpha Peterson of McHenry and Lillian Miller of West McHenryCjU^d' their officers for . i,e ensuingTycar. Gladys Ames of Gurnee, -'district supervisor .and her staff in- Mailed the grojip.; They incluuo-1 Marcella Craft, ceremonial mari :;al: Hetty UiohT of McHenry, as- ! s-stant ceremonial marshal, Eva Wagner of McHenry, installing j chancellor": Marilyn Hackm;:n, in- ! calling, musician: Mary Eisbury, Nellie Porter. Marv Jermac and i Marjqr% Engnath, escorts; - Mary Merinac,: installing soiuist. ": , / • iiecause the c or.Mnouy was £Oii- 'deleted- in Woodstock. Mrs. Jjusten acted; as presiding oracle. Gifts Were pivf-emed the in- . stalling officers fr «n • the three i .unps and edch' oracle received a •lift from her own cahip. The hall was especially beautiful, having been decorated with colorful lights and bouquets of flowers. McHcnry's Riverview camp officers are as follows: Alpha Peterson,, oracle; Alida Freund, viceoracle; Kathryn Worts, past oracle; Frances Vycital, chancellor; Mary Freund. recorder; Mary Weingart, receiver; Gertrude Schaefer, marshal; Lena Bohr, assistant marshal,; Barbara Weber, inner sentinel: Laura Weber, outer sentinel: Lena Bohr, manager; Ethel Holly, musician; Ann Boley, flag bearer; Hattie Adelmeier, Couragef Elsie Reiker, Modesty; Theresa Freund, Unselfishness; Maud Rothcrmel, Enduraqpe. Fox River Valley Comp, McHenry, offcers are: Lillian Miller, oracle: Beatrice Peterson viceoracle; Susan Olson, past oracle; Gertrude Thurlwell, chancellor; Alice Lindsay, recorder; Carrie Justen, receiver; Eleanor Althoff, marshal; Amanda Browi|« assistant marshal; Carolyn 9chlessle inner sentinel; Lelah Howard, outer, sentinel; Marie Ntesen, manager: Lena Stoffel, musician; Mabel Johnson, flag bearer; Mildred Nickels, Faith; Marie Niesen, Courage: Susan Elizabeth Olson, Modesty; Helene Pepping. Unselfishness; Loretta lvunz Endur- Imitate the Gal ^ ; Cats are clever. When they wake, they stretch and yawn. Humans should follow suit. The fuU-$K>died stretch relaxes muscles and get.- :,hem ready for work. lrl(rnrv Itait At •oy Morrison Home Mrs. Rov Morrison of Lily Lake * Was hostess to members of the McHenry unit of the Home Bureau last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Marlon Simon. hojn<. adviser, WJIS gffesent to give the major lesson. Eddie Meath was chosen dele tte to attend the Farm and Honi^. eek at Urbana next niorfth. Mrs. Clyde Pillar will be hostess to the unit on Feb. 15. when Miss Simon will again be present to " talk on "Color in the Home."- Lil.v Lake P. T. A. Anniversary Party Lily Lake's Parent Teacher's A s s o c i a t i o n i s p l a n n i n g for a . founders' Day and anniversary party at the Lilymoor clubhouse on Feb. 3, honoring past presidents and observing " the tenth anniversary of the founding of the P. T. A. Mrs. Roy "Whitchuck, distrie director of Belvidere will -be guest speaker. Mrs. John Milinnc i# president of the P. T. A. ! McHenry County Theater Guild PRESENTS THE WOODSTOCK PLAYERS IN ICEBOUND" mm? ™'" Flowers Win Her Heart! 'VVr' . A COMEDY DRAMA* AT WOODSTOCK OPERA HOUSE Fri., Sat, and Sun., Jan. 27-28-29 Reserve your seats now. Phone Woodstock 1290 Prices: 55c; 90c; $1.20 and $1.80 Curtain Time 8:30 p. m. Promptly • v ' . • • • • • ' lowers--tlie tried and true Way Jto w-iu her love. In your ehoice of freshly cut bouquets, carefully ensembled corsages oi* decor-right J>otted plaut*r --delivered to her door. Place your order todav! ; • Kenny Sadwo First Talent Niffht Winner Kenny Sawdo. 11 years old, of McCullom Lake, waa the bltte ribbon winner on the first talent night program presented at Roy- AL Inn last Saturday evening. The young piano accordlan player entertained with a medley of popular songs. He is a sixth grade pupil tn the McHenry public school. Second and third prizes went to two McHenry Plaindfcaler employees, Anne Gehri won second honors for a well executed tap dance routine, while William Moore took third place with his trumpet rendition of 'Bugar Blaes' in the style of Clyde McCoy. Other entertainers who drew the applause of the crowd of 200 were Mr. and Mrs. Whifield Pietsch, accordian and guitar duo. and Clem Wirfs, piano accordionist, Paul Struck acted as the very capable M. C. The next contest will be held Feb. J 8 at S: 30 and thereafter every month. Finalists will participate in a contest to be held before Labor Day for the grand prize. Arrangements are being made for radio and television broadcasts sometime in the future, according to AlVin and Roy Blake, sponsors. Applications to appear may^Be made by writing to "Stars of the Future," Boi lit, West McHenry. » Newljweds Leave For Future Home In Sweden p. T. <r. PLANS For Founders Day Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Lars Edman are now enroute aboard th« S. 8. Stockholm for Lidingo. Sweden, a honeymoon trip that takes them to their future home. Mrs. Bdmftft Is the former Pol!y Kuby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ewing Kuby of "Rolling Acres," McHenry, and a former student at the Royal Academy of Stockholm. The bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emi) Edman, and a brother, Gosta Edman, flew from hejr home in Karlavagen, Sweden, in timfe to b£ at the wedding, which took place in Bethany Lutheran church, Crystal Lake, On Jan. 14. Brucellosis Prevalence Brucellosis is found In About 20 per cent of the nation's csttle herds and in 5 per cent of all cattle. Portable Heaters - Inspect the wiring on portable betters before putting them to use. ACCURATE TO THE OUNCE The weight of the medicine in your prescription may weigh less than an ounce' but you know it's measured accurately if we fill the prescription. Every tiniest measurement is made with keen accuracy so that you get exactly what the doctor ordere^You can always trust us for accuracy. NYE DRUG STORE Jhe McHenry P. T, A/s fJr»f game night held last Thursday evening in the Legion Home proved very successful, wfth a large crowd in attendance. Followiitf a business nieeting, cards were enjoyed, with prizes for each tabic. Hefhesliment8 wpr© served by mothers of seebnd and fourth grade pupils. ^ It has been reported that $120 was realized from the recent style show conducted bv the Toddler Shop and sponsored by the P.T.A. Together with a twenty-five dollar It tU P.T.A . who trill l*ad &m- • munjlty singing. l At the Founders' Day program, i; there will be a report of the nom- ; inatfng committee, after which the P.T.A. pin will be awarHed to PasV President Mrs. Howard RelnboldtO" Plans are now being made for a community style show to be held in conjunction with the March meeting. Mrs, Bay McGee wlU f^ct as n a r r a t o r . - • . . *•• " • •• > , ' ; V Entertained At Canasta Party Mrs. Keith Foster l»nteriajttted friendB at her home at ShaUlMal* „ rr, r *r " , . oonnee aanfteerrnnoooonn llaasstt wweeeekk,, tthhee ggrroouutp f'V f' . " a ° enjoying a pleasant hour at caijRk- $145 will be turned over to the asj.. Present were Mrs. Mary March of Dimes campaign. Hopkins, Mrs. Walter Haug, Mrs. Plans are now under way for the . Bei.t Roesch, Mrs. Irene Heide - Founders Day and Fathers' Night and Mrs. Norman Eggelt t observance to be held on Feb. 16.1 A member of the Woodstock Play- ! ers will be present to offer entertainment Also present will : be j Mrs. George AndCrson of the • Cndslant Fevlt^ 'r-:^ : Germs that cause brucellosis In livestock are responsible for tmmusic committee of the state l>oard dulant fever in humans. > "-jgw AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION . S rj . 'A TO KEEP INDUSTRY'S WHEELS TUBNIHG Business needs capital. Where does it come from? From the savings of thrifty people. St# " ings invested in business and industry help make jobs for America's workers. Thus die saver not * only benefits himself but his neighbors and his community as well. Our bank serves in two important ways: As a depository for thrift fundi and as a source of credit for productive loans. • Depositors and borrowers are always welcome. >AcHENRY STATE BANK - '4K . Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation mom 7^ mmsm% McHenry Floral Co. PHONE McHENRY 404 1 Mile South of McHenry on Route 31 WW"'/, mm i m w% W'*^ m %Mw fti l m %Iw t#M Wm/. mWa m ill m wmm. 7' VWt % 'm m mw m m, !r;' '* At>VANCE-DESISN TRUCKS PERFORMANCE L Introducing a Great Load-Master "105" Engine ) It's the most powerful truck engine in Chevrolet history! And it's here now to give you a new high in on-the-job performance for your 1950 hauling. This great Load-Master Valve-in- Head engine with 105 horsepower enables yoikto speed up heavy-duty schedules -- complete more deliveries in less time. And for light- and medium- duty hauling, Chevrolet's fanned Thrift-Master Engine also deliver*^ more power with improved perform-^ ance. ' ^ > Come In and look over these new ^Chevrolet Trucks in the light of your own hauling needs. See all the important improvements for 1950. See how Chevrolet offers just the model you want--with more power and greater value than ever! S THIS TRIP NECESSARY?" you were asked in 1941, when every inch of space was needed for troops and war supplies. To discourage travel then, a tax was added on your travel dollar, a tax that grew to 15% during the war. The Federal Government collected it through the railroads. The Government still collects it, though your tffwd need not be rationed now. Today, the original purpose of this tax is as obsolete as an Air Warden's helmet. But, four years after the war's end, YOU are still paying the Gorernment at the rate of $250,000,000 a year in travel tax. * EADERS And, of the billion *rid three quarters collected sin eel 941, over half came out of your pocket jfltr tht gfoen light oa went on again. You don't have food rationing today... you don't have gasoline rationing today. Yet, a very feal brake is still being put on travel. On a coach trip from New York to Chicago, for example, YOU are still paying $4.61 in Federal tax. And the same with the goods that are shipped to your home community. On every dollar you pay for freight, you pay the Government an extra 3 cents (4t* a ton on coal). That means YOU are still paying over $300,000,000 a year --freight tax alone, * * * This tax should be repealed NOW. There ti no longer any reason you should pay $1.15 for every dollar's worth of travel;.. $1.03 for ercqr dollar of railroad freight. PAY LOAD LEADERS * POPULARITY LEADERS * PRICE L EADERS V V" " J'.- - §:• •< I# •' GLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE McHENRY, ILLINOIS CORNER IJjL. 31 AND 120 -- (Eastern .n 141 LIBERTY STREET * NEW YORK 6. N.Y. V * <: -i .

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