<•. >•«»• t, v s . * ? ^ < - 5 " v * * ' S T * J. . ••"*•-.--4*4 ,. --%lJ...j „, ^ |, - >... _JIl_ f> jr ,«V'i. unf* «#* .JMPV' « ' ! >»-.... u. 14V- ~ ^ < ..ZS4-. ,4#r - -- -- ?, • „_m_: 8?»W« _> 4$*.. - ' |« U 111 Irtl^', '. ;-r" A - KcHENftY GIRL SCOUT NEWS fclrart&y, January 26, 1#0 PUUNDEALER KUfai^d every Thursday at lle| Henry, Hi., by the McHenry Pub- Company, Inc. Editor--Adele froehlich JGpterefl ar eecond-class matter at tti (rtptiflte at McHenry. 111., under the a«.t of ICay 8, 1879. Oat Tear $2.80 mpi AUXILIARY NOTES A meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held .last week, With First Vice-President Henrietta Vycltal presiding. Lillian Miller, child welfare chairman, reported on the Christmas gifts sent to the Woodstock Children's Home to needy families. •The Auxiliary wishes to thank Mrs. Roy Sabboth, Eleanor Roliar 4,. Alice Barbian, , Mrs. John Reed, Dorothy Miller and Pearl Nerstad for their geaerous contributions which helped to make happier the holiday season for' those less fortunate. A letter was received from. the president of "Gifts For Yanks", thanking the Auxiliary and Legion |6r their cooperation in making "f^riatmaa, 1949, one of the pier-, riest for those yanks so deserving. Mention was made of the .polio drive which was launched this month and members were urged to remember those less fortunate. An interesting cancer program will be held for the public at the McHenry high school on Feb. 7. Principal speaker will be Dr.tO. E. Nelson, of Woodstock. Entertainment included songs by two high school students, who #0g "Pack Up Your Troubles" and "Keep the Home Fires Burning." Movies were shown by Walter Aeverman, one about law and legislation and the other concerning the Foundation^ of Infantile Paralysis. Refreshments were served at the of the evening. :i V CHURCH DINNER The W.S.C.S. of the Ringwood church will serve a dinner at the W)Vrch on Thursday, Jan. 2J. starting at 6 o'clock. The menu will include baked boneless ham, escalloped potatoes, chili. and crackers, baked beans, deviled aggs, cabbage with sour creum, green beans, individual salads, pie, we, coffee, milk and fruit juices. - Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. 1-1 FOR RENT fLOOR SANDER . EDGER CABINET SANDER FLOOR POLISHER |jorkman Hdwe, PHONE 722 The Leaders' Club breakfast will be held at the home of Mrs. William Green on Feb. 7. Troop No. 1 held election of officers on Jan. 9, when the following officers were elected: president, Roberta *Wirfs; secretary, Gail Brefeld; treasurer. LOIR Clabaugh; color bearer. Elaine Vycital; color guards, Patty Long and Shirljpy Thurwetl; reporter, Barbara Eggert. For those who sent their Girl Scouts to- their annual Christmas party with a gift of food and a toy for a needy child, the following letter will be a real source of satisfaction. December 30, 1943 *Dear Mrs. Gans: "We want to thank you for the nice donation you recently sent to our Children's Home. "This donation consisted of hew and used toys, and canned goods valued at approximately $13. These things were Sent "by the Girl Scouts of McHenry and we do appreciate not only the gifts, but also the interest which prompted your girls to thus remember our children at this holiday season. "For us, will you please express, our sincere thanks to all who had any part in making these gifts possible, .... '"Yours truly. "(Miss* Ruth Brown "Office Secretary" About seventy-fivi? Girl Scouts of the community participated in the party on Dec. 18 at the grade school gymnasium. Games wer*- played, movies were shown by Mrs. Chuck Miller and refreshments were served. Each girl received a box of candy, an orange and a scout gift. The party was given by the leaders and committee members who furnished the sandwiches. Chuck Miller donated the oranges. Tlu> funds received from the recent cookie sale made the party possible. Mrs. Frank Gans was chairman of the event, Mrs. Bob Richardson of decorations and Mrs. Anthony Wirt* of refreshments. A new troop is being added to the roster. A group of Intermediates is being sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of America and the leaders are Miss Madeline Freund and Miss Joan Kennebeck. Thus a place has been found for a few more of our local girls who have been asking for the privilege of belonging to the Girl Scouts. There are openings for five girls in this new troop. Those interested should call Mrs. Avis Gans. Sixteen Cousins Enjoyed Reaniog Sixteen cousins enjoyed a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Hood Avenue apartment of Mrs. Charles Lasch in Chicago last Thursday. Present form this community were Mrs.* Norman Eggert and Mrs. Bertha Berger. " Entertains At : Birthday Party Jimmy, son Of Mr a*4 Mrs. Leonard Thennes, ' 'Mitertainad friends at his home last Sunday In honor of his third birthday anniversary. Games were played and movies were bftown of interest to the little folks. Each child was given a favor and the little host was presented with a variety of gifts. > At the close of the afternoon, lunch was served from a table attractively decorated with a merrygo- round birthday cake as centerpiece. Attending the party were Johnny Corso, Jon Meyers, Dave Klapperich, Freddie Thompson, Steve Kleinhans. Henry Justen, Penny Scholz, Nancy Lockwood and Janice Thill. Eibscribe for The Piaindealer. % 4^ Third Party la Card Toaraameei The C. D. of A. met in the K. of C. hall last Thursday evening, Jan. 19, to enjoy the monthly social meeting and the third party in the current card tournament. Prizes were awarded to Elizabeth Pich in auction bridge; to Catherine Clark and Mildred Kinsala in contract bridge; to Katie Weber, Ann Rodenkirk, Lee Bassi Anna Hay, Eleanor Miller And Miry Zimmerman in Pinochle. Following cards. Marie Yegge and her committee served lunch. The next meeting will be a business meeting on Feb^ft'. ' < Cherry ""Vallej 4-H Meeting The Cherry Vallef 4«ll «t«b held a meeting in the schoolhouse last Thursday, Jan. 19, at 8:20 in the everting. Marita Thomson presented the minutes of the preceding meeting, after which James Curran, leader, talked about tractor projects. Mr. Fordham, engineer from the Public Service company, was guest speaker, confining his remarks to "Better Methods". He also showed movies on hay curing and chicken raising. ' v" Frank Pechort is reporter for the Cherry Valley club. Ed. Cropleys Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cropley of Solon Mills, who are spending a few months in Florida, observed their golden wedding anniversary on Jan. 25. The Cropleys, well known in this area for many years, are located at 517 H. Hugtiy avenue, Orlando, Fla. Their friends extend best wishes and congratulations • on this memorable occasion. 1 ^ Read the Want Ada. F. T. A. Will •Meet Feb. 1 >r * St. Mary's-St. Patrick's stfrool P.T.A. will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 3 o'clock in the school hall. Second grade pupils will present readings and recitations, the boys octet of the high school will sing two numbers and Mary Ann Wiedrich will give two vocal solos. Mothers of fourth grade students will act as hostesses, with Mrs. Clemens Wirfs as chairman. Livestock A profitable livestock enterprise depends upon breeding, feeding, management and costs. Shirley Hienapfl To Wed 1'ekin Jtaa *- | Announcement has bain Mid*! by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Benes of Pekin, 111., of the engagement of their daughter, Shirley, to Richard Rapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rapp of Pekin. Miss Bienapfl, a graduate of the McHenry high schooU-in 1945, is emploved in the office of the Middle States Telephone Co. Mr. Rapp was a graduate from the Pekin high school and has his own photography studio in Pekin. Leopard Frog Hie leopard never change* *rf» spots. But the leopard frog does; Dairy Feeding Liberal feeding of grain will keep cows in good body condition ai stimulate production. m , j s . -piAMINOS .\.V "WATCIIR& JEWKLRY Records RTEKFAtS JEWELRY Windbreaks When planning a windbreak, termioe the,duration e* windk. ... NIGHT SPECIALS VARCOM X ?" ** I 'W . * '"DELUXE" •;-$ t»my«r> wM talliriil at It.M :• *t GUARANTEED 24 MONTMe 10" EXCM. -vi-i Made to give that *>• ing power for starting whanfV, it is needed most. 45 piatos. . ' .:,'- Instant, reliable 120 amp. out- , \ pot, 100 amp-hour copocify.\.;v~<{;." •. C A(I sizes. • • C"' 'V.' • VARCOM "super Acnvr Compar* «Mi katlwi** 'mt ttM 0VARANTSSO 30 MONTHS 13" EXCN. Has cril the reservs power needed for all accessories. 51 plates. 150 amp. output for the sudden drain of cold weather starting. 110 ampere hour capacity. llext Deer to Beak . IrMwy NATIONAL ^_F£OD^STORIS/ " lai'r?*7rFHi ways to STAR with a Last Minute Loaf Cake Pillsbury'sl I You'll find just the right messag* (or •ach friend and loved one in our variety of finer Gibson Valentines.^ «! 9 Nye Drug Store 129 Riverside Drive McHenry NATIONAL'S STAR VALUE C% FEATURING THE FOOD STARS OF THE DAY! f JljL Delicately Flavored WHITE CAKE MIXI NntMiffM i it rifkt In Mil* f «9«l TM nMr«ly m44 ••Wti, *Mff» Mlf simply 4 • I i c I • • t wkito call* -- ia • WNMMI bifk 1-Lb. Pkg. Regular 35c _ Value Only L ri #>i>ren tenflafi Mitlefilt He* M4TCO CHERRY Pure Fruit PRESERVES vi->' LIBBY'S fancy Syrup foeM PEACHES Make These TRIUMPHANT LOAF CAKES-With Remarkable Ease-Speed & Economy ,--___ "TEST DRIVE" the '50 FORD at your FORD DEALER'S NOWI Pillsbury's Richly Flavored Chocolate FUDGE CAKE MIX •n fmt mi< *• i hiclm «liniliii Mkt Nk» Ah. Rick «iH •••itrfil ckM*M*(h««rii4 c«4«r--a * 4 luiir j MMmi lSlT TtwSKtTsSrart.. jRegular 35c Value Only l-Lb. Pkg. 19 HERSHEY'! Chocolate SYRUP T FP WTT* vM| 4*€*RMH4 WH* _ I NESTLE'S Chocolate JLM a. ORAN6E PtKOt A PHOf-IMS. H (t. Ph«. Itc UPTON'S TEA. HBH PACK ft DELICIOUS NON PAREILS OR. PRICE'S FAMOUS VAMLU EXIMCT a a 1^-Oc. Btto. MAZ0LA OIL '^ 3lC SALTINES. . £ 23' _Jft Ford's V-i-- Ifce type of angina found in America's cosrt»*s» care--offers you 100-horsepewer cloaked in an amazing new qviat. It whbpere wMe IT |§Hfa. And now, too, yoa rida in a quiat, sound-conditioned interior--so s»««t you can bear scarcely a e wend--even at sixty. And the Ford "feeT • }-' is more oomfortabia, safer than ever, wMi a stronger "Ufegward" Oody ... 3j% easier-acting Kfaig-Sise Brakes . . . 50 i edvanc*d features which make Ford v ' Nee cer 4n the lew-price 4eM> . ' % • M #31 MAIN ST. BUSS MOTOR SALES McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 1 KAR0 SYRUP 16C n-HO CRACKERS 25* GOOD LHCK. n!. 29C WHITE CAKE u,'.'^ 45e «eMCUffM |4_ Pock C«"dr ,.l 9Ac X-PERTIMX. iT 27 MHPKD CREAM 39 BROOK'S ,' _ _ cam DOT IEMS 2~-"25' 12-Os. BROOK'S OLO ORIGINAL TOMATO CATSUP HI-POWER T AM ALES . • > • SWIFT'S IbK aBEEAUTYN SAW? INiSS SSINkIy NOODLES PU I IEK H nKjAia 1 »Oi. n«. far 17c tnm rtmMt tin* wm fm- H i Czlra Pk«. far Oaly »c Pillsbury's Best FLOURI 5-43 ««« > u-Foawi in & 2S-PoiN Bat ^ Milk. Crisp. Mint ar AtaMa4 Ckacatata Caa4y _ ^ SUCHARD SQUARES ^19ti M«tfa e.«'»l ~ APPLEJELLY . CRISCO 'c. 28« - id' CNIU COM CARNEY 27' bm+qwi~ekrs ^isr doTFOOB . .2 £ IT* mbytSns .3*r 2T fTniiuiM. X 21* TMufSotf .2 r 23* urailiis .. X 29* VoiUTloAr .3 71 2T msiisit .. Z 2* w53d0ur.. ril'l SWIethiart.4 £ 12* pXimouvF. .9 ^ 22* swliTitm.4 22* woobbhTt's.2 r ir blTwrite . .«<*£ 21* woowirvs.3 ^ 2lr CHARMIHISaS?E,rw Weei *e Sate Yea Mere TIWELS tT 28 iW 2» ROUE BEAUTY S-19* «aL0« TWOS M» MM KORIOA ORANGES 5~sr REP POTATOES 10-45' TANGERINES 3 GRAPEFRUIT B^ST YELLOW ONIONS i Z * GREEN CAMAGE fit »r RED GRAPES £, 2 u.W WHITE CELERY 12S 2^ir CALAVO PEARS TtZ r *1 r CRANBERRIES «^TL. Uir MNC1 mm TtMMB HMH CARROTS - S* <55&#**"» I / tTr P Y - O - M Y| PIE CROSTi /"^ FREE SUGAR SCOOf P ' '-4 .... (Mk Ntrtaa al 1 flilim