Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1950, p. 6

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ft:* \<w. >.<*r "**w}my^ ^ f.v^e - * s^V, <•> »' » '^ • ' LOUT PUBHI M.B.C. News McHenry Le . '«_ Vi'""n •*". 'V k..i> I"1*, .'»". . -w-*<--: ' 4 v • •' W<m* THK MsknntY PLA1MXXALXB ." ' ' - 'f " * * ***V-; . ' ;V •* ; .."» •V> "•' * * • •* '• Thursday, January 26,1960 OK Time Dancingcfoo Clubhouse r- n-A*er« Clab -- 12:80 p.m. School School X 1 V-Todfller Shop. Jaaaary SI Agers Club--Square Danctaf Legion Home. Fekmry 1 8t Kwy'»-3t. Patrick'* P T A --3 p.m.--Parochial February 2 !rt qI A. Business Meeting. Fehraary 8 _ tajy Lake PT.A. Founder's Day aBd Anniversary Party --Lllyfnoor Clubhouse, v i February 4 llksouerade Dance --Legion Home v-Sponsored by Post No. 4900. ' FebrusrT J cer Program--McHenry High hool Auditorium -- # P-"». February 10 an's Club Meeting --; Legion ome. " February K MfHenry Unit, Home Bureau •-- Mrs. Clyde Pillar Home, i Fehraary It iifoHtfary Community P. T. A. * Jpioundew' Day and Fathers •Jttfht Program. CJ. P. of A. Social Meeting. Febraary 25 _ rt Card Party -- Legion ome -- 1 p.m. -- Sponsored by rcle 1, W. S. C. S. JAN. 31 DEADLINE J*0E FARM PRICE IpFPORT FOR '49 Illinois farmers have a de&fttfne of Jan. 31 to meet if they want price support for their 1049 crop --soybeans, oats and wheat. This announcement waB made by Harry K. Combrink, state production a id iqaiketing administration committeeman. Regulations provide that price support loans and purchase agreements on wheat, oats and soybeans will be available to formers through Jan. 81, 1&50. However, action must be taken tqunediately by and producers desiripfc take advantage of the MM feature of the program. •• fWr. Combrink explained tha* ftpns must be fully complete* "" (fee deadline date. This involves ltfapaBttng the storage facilities, log and testing the coray and processing the neces- Twrr paperB. If this is to be accompHBhed in time, farmers must their application for loans the next few days. respect to purchase agreemWta, procedures are somewhat ttMfeDi, said the state comniit- ' tlijiwn Purchase agreement t<Mrh»s can be executed in a relat^ fely short period of time at county HM offices, and will be avail- "^ihla until the close of business on SI. Both loans and purchase agreeoffer farmers the same supprice level. Under the loan program, tbe farmer puts up his commodity as security for aa actual advance of money. If be does tot choose to pay off his loan by the maturity date, the commodity ,f| turned over to the government. Under, the purchase agreement, there la Ho advance of money and Ik* termer is free to handle or dispose of his commodity as he aaes fit. It merely gives him an ' option to aell ,his own commodity to the government at the regular fcrlce support loan rate. • • The 1949 price support rates in tills county are as follows: $2.10, ,*heat; .70, oats; and tail aoy- »tarns. Miss Dolores Dowel 1 has resumed her duties at the McHenry State Bank after spending several weeks vacationing in Orlando, Fla. Arthur Patzke of Elgin spent the weekend visiting his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Mollie Givens, last weekend. The Donald Hayes family of Chicago spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Jacob Buss of Chicago visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. Vernon Kramer and son, "Stormy", are spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer, in North Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill and children of Aura a spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Anna Diedrich. Sunday guests of Mrs. Martin May and Mrs. Irene - G»ffey were Mrs. William Johansen and daughter,, Roseann, of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchison and son, Bobby, and Joseph Fitzgerald of St. Charles; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard and Mrs. Mae Bungard of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Heniken of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. William Guffey and daughter. Patty, of Richmond. Mfs. Henry Ekeroth left Tues-< day of this week to spend a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. F. Zinck, in New York. Mrs. Marge Thompson of'Fox street is spending a few weeks vacationing in Arizona. Mrs. Al. Wilmberly of Skokie visited in the Joseph J. Miller home on Smiday. The Millers greatly enjoyed Mrs. Wimberly's account of her experiences on her trip to Alaska last year. She is the former Hilda Karls of Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and children, Joyce and Dan, attended the wake of Anna Wagner Jenen in Chicago last Wednesday evening. More BOW faces--adult* Hid children--encouraged as to hope for even more rapid growth than previously expected. God has really been gracious to us in the Bible church work. Several we hope will b^ over their llv and colds by next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs| MacNeil, recently moved to McHenry from Chicago, were certainly welcome visitors at our evening service. Prayer fellowship continues on Wednesdays at 8 p.m., The first Wednesday of Fehruary will be the l&st of the series of Bible studies on the Book of Romans. Jafjjp^ us then. The Lord willing, we shall be studying the Harmony of the Gospels in the following Wednesday meetings of February. Next Sunday morning the pastor will speak in the worship service on "God in Us", In the evening, we shall be preaching on "Why I A in A 'Dry' Preacher" --a challenge to every drinking person. The group, with assistant pastor Mavfield from Grace Missionary church in Zion, will be with us. Iu addition to the brass quartet and the high school athlete turned Christian, a ladies' duo will sing. Young people, whoever or wherever you are, you are invited to join us in this 8 o'clock service Jan. 29. At our church we aim to meet your soul need with the word of God. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life", (John 3:36) is a simple truth but the sum and substance of our message of salvation for you. There is enough here to save you for eternity. If you trust that Jesus died for your sin and as the Son rose again you have (now) everlasting life. Join us for further help and encouragement. "You're always welcome here." DONALD G. LIBERTY, > Pastor Adv. AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Math Blake - underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. . Hugh Murphy, Sr., has been a medical patient in Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, the paat week. SAVINGS AND LOAN GROUP ESTABLISHES AGENCY OFFICE HERE BIRTHS ~fcLECT N. S. WEINGART TO COMMITTEE OF l#ARM-LOAN GROUP child, a daughter, Bonnie. A son, Bruce Edward, was born on Jan. 11 in Tlior, Iowa, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raemaker. Mrs. Raemaker is the former Miss Jeannette Miller of Ringwood. The couple has one other child, a son, Barry, 2 years old. CARD OF THANKS In this way we wiuld like to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. All remembrances were greatly appreciated. MARTIN COONEY AND SONS 37 Hi MEMORIAM Paul Allanson, Mundelein, and **|«ouiB Borchart, Huntley, were fefleeted directors to serve three f fears at the thirty-first annual Jjneeting of the National Farm Sj^Loan Association of Woodstock. ^rJPbe meeting was held in the opera "'liouse in Woodstock, Wednesday ^flight, Jan. 18. Although the ther- ..Inometer hovered around zero. j£*bout 200 members and friends of the association braved the cold to "Intend. ttf'. Ralph L. Ostrander, secretary- ; . treasurer of the association, in his ; report stated that this is the first fjiime Iq several years that the new business written had equalled the ^loans paid off in full. The printed * ^.report showed a loss of four mem- ^jjbefrs but a gain of $19,100. Mr. Ostrander introduced the ^"members of the board who have • had 100 percent attendance at meetings since February, <1946. A chart was displayed Bhowthe Individual records as fol . Sflotrs: N. S. Weingart of McHenry, r%/a member for sixteen years, with one absence in 1930; John Paul fourteen years and not absent * #Bce Feb. 1940; Win. Meyer foifht years and not absent since fDecember, 1948; Paul Allanson. * seven years, with his last absence November, 1943 and Louis Bor- : i\ chart, three years, with 100 per " cent attendance. f Entertainment for the evening iwac furnished by Le« Kortetneier ' 9-at the piano during registration * and the Woodstock Players. Fol- *-«dv the three act comedy "Fresh vVIMda," which caused much laugh- * ter and sent everyone home in a frame of mind. * At the organization meeting. 4 Thursday, Jan. 19, the directors t aateeted the following officers for j| {hp MMUtag year: Paul lI. AUanviiijlMl, president; John A. Paulsen, Yfefhpresideat; Ralph L. OstranjMcrotary- treasurer; Lola Aatt. secretary-treasurer; Wa|»«art was elected to the of 1940 nearly to service in art!- assodatloM. On the aires were serving UW «n eMk," , •' In loving memory of our husband and father, Edward Bauer, who passed away three years ago, Jan. 29. Our hearts ache with lonliness, Our eyes shed many a tear. God alone knows how we" miss you AB it ends the third sad year. LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN Alfalfa seed Early ordering of alfalfa seed is recommended if you are to get the variety and amount you want. Henry Patrick, president of the Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association and Fred R. Ketley, secretary-treasurer of the association, were in McHenry last week to. establish the Kent company as ah agency office for the association's business In the McHenry territory. The employees of the Kent company were given instruction in the procedures and operations of the association, such that the local office will be able to more satisfactorily take care of the business Itfris. Raymond Wegener^ of I n g l e s i d e a r e c e n t h ri d e is a very lucky pereon Last Saturday evening she attended th« movie in MfcHenry and later upon returning home, discovered that she had lost her purse. She was at loss to even guess where it could be as she had traveled a considerable dlatance that night. Beore she had figured just what steps sht would take to recover' it, she was notified by Police Officer John «J. McCarthy that it was found. Morris and Harry Ketchum discovered the purse early Sunday morning when passing through the Legion parting lot. They turned it over jto Officer McCarthy, who opened it and discovered identification papers, considerable money and, important papers. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportun- ;ty to thank those who helped at the scene of the accident in which we were injured and also those who visited us and remembered us with cards while confined to the hospital. MEL arid MRS. PETER SMJTH yfe' *37 : : : •• • • * > *~{ Mr. amf-Mrs. Charles Brda are the parents of a daughter, born at the "Woodstock hospital on Tuesday, Jan. 24. They have one other jof tfre ^gBsociation 4n this terrl- • ^ tory. Mr. Kelley stated that the association has over $500,000 of first mortgage loans on homes In, the McHenry area, and that it was necessary that a local office be arranged to service these and future loans of the association in this area. " Your Federal Income Tax*' Ranks Among Best Sellers "Your Federal Income Tax," the official guide for taxpayers published by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, has established itself near the top on national best-seller lists, according to information released this week. Over 200,000 copies of this 138-page tax book, which is available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, at 25c a copy, were sold during the first five weeks since publication. This new and improved edition of "Your Federal Income Tax" covers, in a series ° of 'short articles, questions which may come up concerning tax returns; it covers the latest laws, Bureau rulings, and court decisions. Chapters have been added which cover installment sales and the important appeals procedure. Also Included are facBimilies of tax forms and a detailed index. Anotl^jluyip£cde.' HENRl FREEMAN and ED VOGEL* Auctioneers expired the undersigned will sell on the tarm known "mliiiees. eCasto of Volo on State Route 1W20s omnl le"west ot Rou",! . „,d " WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1st #~n , „ at 11 oVIork sharp the following listed personal property: 90 HEAD of LIVESTOCK (bred)* 11 » Holntein heifers, 15 to is nionthN old, ' 1" 12 mont,,s 12 Holsteln heifers, 2 vyeeaarras IoJlldd;t 11 IH^oIIlx tein Vb u.l.l c-awlf." 161 ' M1O5N TlnHoSn t«hINH . 7 I»J1 Holsteln bull, 8 GS average weight 15 lbs. each. onths old; FEED ton*. .rr c„orn; 2'000 b«8hels oats; 50 tons chopped hay; 20 tons baled alfalfa, (2nd cutting); 25-ft. of sUage „ , MACHINERY cofn planter • MpTjUm^k^n T"20 tract<>r; McCormick Deering 4 row mick Deerine S-ft • D®?rin^ 3 bottom 14" tractor plow; McCor- Deere haral m,n « ^ 80: Rosenthal 4 roll corn husker; Join un^d nrr "11! K? v I>"Wer corn teller; Skyline blower; Self hole ste«l W rubl'er,: T^° 1° hole steel hog feeders; Two 12 milker units- 1 <447 „Ve belt; plow; Milk cart; 4 Surge electricTni Wo™ kfS Wa8°" 4 Comh'n*tton TK-WMC Ail LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS ™fTAI BUms "f and under, cash; over that amount % cash fne oharepiaiAn l° ln 6 el,ual monthly installments plus carryproperty to be settled for an the day of sale No property to ho removed until settlement is made. P HENRY RICHERT I !LJj!_Pgy-erwi Representative FINANCE CORPORATION Phone Woodstock 110 NEWS FROM THE JUST FOR FUN ROT , ;.. * (by Ann Gehrl) J A huge crowd was at the roller rink over last weekend making it altuost impossible to skate at our rink Sunday night, they were from Ambrose, 111. Quite a few traveled froin Dixon, 111. on Friday evening so they could join in the fun. $ny Hoist, Tvanhoe, 111., had a birthday on Friday, January 20th and celebrated by roller skating in McHenry, Dorothy Weber played "Happy Birthday" in his honor. John Wolowic was minus a partner Friday night when Grace Kilday and Lois Kurbyun went to the basketball game in Elkhorn. Tracy Hill of Pistakee Bay has a new Chrysler conv. and its really a beauty. Jane Betts and Tracy seem to be having loads of fun raring each other around the rink floor. Dorothy Weber played Marzi- Doats, a snappy old tune, in the fox trot Sunday night wKTcV everyone seemed to like quite well. Drttie Steckie, of Ingleside, and Bruc? "Howie" Harrison, of Richmond, seem to be doing quite, well skating to gether lately. , Roiunn "Wimpy" Bauer was quite lost the. other evening without his usual partner, so RaV Stilling and VVinmv sat and watched most of the skates. Hope you're all looking forward to the Valentine's Party coming in February, as it .will be a lot of fun. "' - PETER A. FRELND AUCTION ED VOGEL, Auctioneer. Solon Mills Having decided to quit -farming, will sell the following described property at public auction on what is known as the Old Kennebeck Farm, one mile east o* McHenry on Route 120, on Tuesday, JaiL 31st starting at 11:00 sharp. 38 HEAD of LIVESTOCK 34 HoMein milk rows, ±2 of these have freshened in the Inst month, bnlnnee springing, this herd is milking 17 cans daily 1 Holsteiji bull, wt. 1H<>«. Team of sorrell mares, wt. 52(H), FEED 1500 bu. Clinton Oats; 2500 bu. 404A ear corn DeKalb; 50 toas Nbaled alfalfa and timotliy mixed hay; 22 tons baled strawy MACHINERY ; ; 2 McD. F20 tractors on rublier with cultivator, one with roan gear; Model A Ford truck Willi grain box; McD. hand corn sheller (new); Mcl) power corn sheller with blower and elevator (new); Papec 16 inch silo filler; McD. hand corn sheller (new); Case 6 ft. Hay Mower (like new); McD. 6 ft. mower; 30 f^. extension ladder (new) 800 lb. scale; R electric pig brooders; 4 hog self feeders; cattle dehorner; New Idea 6 roll corn hufeker; Buss saw; Land roller; A. C. Hay Baler (new); 44 ft. elevator with motor; Hay rake: 2 horse cultivator; McD. 2 row cultivator; 2 rubber tired wagons with racks; 3 steel wheel wagons; 2 ttfp box; set of dump boards; side delivery hay rake; New Idea Manure Spreader on rubber; Fanning mill, motor driven; McD. 7 ft. tractor disc; Case 10 ft. grain drill fertilizer and grass seed with power lift (new); McD. corn binder with bundle loader and wagon hitch, extra lugs; John Deere 8 ft. grain binder; 2 McD. 2-214 tractor plows; 4 Sec. steel harrow folding draw bar, (like new); John Deere corn planter with fertilizer attachment; Oliver corn planter with fertilizer attachment; Potato digger; Garden cultivator; Walkfcig plow. MILK EQUIPMENT Universal milking machine 2 double units with pump and motor; Electric automatic hot water heater; 20 milk cans; rubber tired milk cart; rubber tired bag cavt; silo cart; Stewart Warner cow, clipper (new); POULTBY ; 85 white leghorn chickens; eral chicken nests Mid fountains. < HOUSEHOLD GOODS Antique love seat; 2 dressers; 2 antique tables; overstuffed rocker; other* articles too numerous to mention. \ TERMS--All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. Peter £ Freud, OWMT McHenry State Bank, ClerMa| Moth Damage In one year a female moth and her descendants canL destroy at much wool as 13 sheep can duce in the tame time. ..; Subscribe loi The Plaindealer. WE ARE SPECIALIZING IN PERMANENTS , _ Both Qqld Wave and^Qrpguiiioles, , For • ' - • * ' ' : ^ $ 5 . 0 0 a n d u p * : ; Hair Cuts, Shampoo and Hair Dress Included. THE CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPl>E 200 S. GREEN ST. ' McHENRY, ILL. PHOtfE 10 © Lake Jewel Next 207 East Brink Street Completely Self-Seryice SE}.F.$EftyiCE MESH MEAT> SELF-SERVICE GROCERIES tY. AHD SEAFOOD SELF-SERVICB FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Only One More Week... to the grand opening of your brand new, ultra-modern Crystal Lake Jewel at 207 East Brink Street. & NO WAITING-- / NO ASKING FOR SERVICESNO RUSHING-- Choose fresh meats, poultry and seafood in the same casual manner you are accustomed to selecK ing your groceries. All cuts are ready-packaged in glistening cellophane. Self-Seryice Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Self-Service---ready-packaged--fresh fruit and vege tables. Everything you need crispy fresh, *pd readypackaged for your glider basket. New --Streamlined Grocery Shelving--clean and white with all prices plainly marked. Everything easy to reach and extra wide aides to make your shopping even more convenient. Designed for Easier Shopping I 207 East Brink St. < jluvffL (pJoodStom Crystal Lake, IR. f m+rr. y<: • ...

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