? w-%y f >,1 hfiT#* TfiB HoHINtT PLAUTDKJLLlK .'•<:.•*• • . ?' • -'f i.;«; j ;•,, •i"*f. «^,'f4 '{* -r-'-r-" ' fx i&P- if-r -<s Ifhiiriday; March 9, 1950 MMilM LmrkHin And Party W I'ntrlck's Day There will be a public luncheon and card and bunco party held in the new St. Peter's school auditorium at Spring Grove at 1 o'clock on the afternoon of March 17, St. Patrick's Dav. Proceeds will benefit the school. Thirty beautiful prises are to be offered. Price of admission will be $1, with no exttas. Mrs. John Jung and her committee will be in charge of .the event. The luncheon will include tuna salad and crackers, German style potato - salad, baked beans, pineapple and carrot sa^ad. cake jello. coffee or tea. • .i " Runnd-li* linli S p o n s o r s R e v n o --> On March 15 Ukwowi Hound-Up club is* sponsoring " Mar^h revue at the Ringwoo< cinirch hall. It will consist of .• chorus line, short plays, reading; anil surprises. Admission will b< fifty cents for adults and twenty five cents foE children. All pro ceeds will go to th« cl\,urch build ing fund. The entire family is in vitedto attend for an •vetting erf fun. '* KhehMr Camp To. *\ OWwrve Annivertiary Riverside Camp. R.'N-.A., will observe, its anniversary at a paj't^ I o'clock, to be held oil March 21. • Dinnjpr will be served at 6 o'clock in the evening at the Cinema Grill. Reservations must be made not later than March . 17 by calling either Mary Weingart. phoue 3 27.-W, ' or Mary Freuiid, phone 127-J. . , After March 21, it has been voted to have only onp meeting a month. Circle 1 To v.p.V,'.:... Xv;'*•;* At Egbert Home. Circle 1 of W.&.Cjfc the home of Mrs. Norman logger' on Waukegan street o;i Tuesday. March 14, with Mrs. A. Corkell, an co-hostess. The meeting will begin with « dessert luncheon at 1 (V D. of A. Pinns For Evening At Cards The C. 1>. of A. met in>the K. of C. hall last Thursday, March 2, at which time the business meeting was conducted by the grand regent, Miss Mildred kinsala. Cards were played following the business meeting. The next meeting will be a social gathering on Thursday. March 16, at which time the fifth party ia the current card tournament will be held. P. T. A. Plans _ Style Rente St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P. T. A. held its regular meeting last Wednesday afternoon, at which time Rev. Fr. Kdward C. Coakley, pastor of St. Patrick's church, spoke on his receiit trip to Mexico. During the business portion of the meeting, plans were discussed for the children's style show which will be presented by the Toddler Shop at the local high school on Sunday afternoon, April 23, with Mrs. Verona Kent in charge: Mrs. Joseph Freund will serve for the April 12 meeting." Cherry Valley 4-H Meeting The .last meeting of the Cherry Valley 4-H club was held at the school, with Mr. Curran sp^pking on tractor projects and the window display for 4-H Week. Farm Advisor Tammeus was present and announced that prises would be made for the be«t window displays. Later he showed movies. Refreshments were servift at liMt close of the meeting. COMING EVENTS SOCIETY PAGE Lotus Club Held Meeting The Lctus Country Woman's Club met at the firehouse recreation room op March 1. Twelve members were present. The program topic was "Birds in my yard", presented by the president, Viola Jones. Mrs. Harriet Olsen was hostess and served a lovely lunch. The ladies were grateful for such a beautiful room in which to meet during the inclement weather. Arvilla Fisher's Engagement Told Carol Ann Dehn Baptised Snnday The infant daughter of Mr Richard l»ehn was--Sfi'tTs "Carol Ann" at baptismal services held at 12:30 o'clock last Sunday at St. John's church. Fr. Joseph Blitsch officiating. Sponsors were Miss Betty Dehn of OIiumro and Richard May of Johcshurg, aunt and uncle of the baby, wUh James Hettermann acting las proxy for Mr. May. A dinner was served afser the ceremony at the . home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William • May. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn. Hetty, Joann and Rita Dehn all of Chicago: James Hettermann, Harold May, Mrs. Catherine Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dchn. It was a four generation gathering. Mrs. Catherine Freund is the great grand-mother, Mrs. William May ife the grandmother and Mrs. Dehn aiid her daughter complete the group. Mr. aud Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, who reside in the Volo community announce the engagement of their daughter. Arvilla Ann, to Donald K. Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Petersen of Libert.vville. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Fisher attended Whitewater State Teacher's college,""" Whitewater, Wis,, and was a member of Alpha Sigma sorority. At preseat she ia a member of the faculty at and the Wauconda Consolidated school, ned Her fiance graduated from The Libertyville Township high school and served with the army air corps for three years. He is employed at the. Lake Couaty trading Company. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those *tfcO visited me and sent me cards while I was in the hospital. They were very much appreciated. MRS. MARY B. SCHMITT *43 CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this, opportunity to thank friends and relatives for cards, gifts and other remembrances given to our infant daughter. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD DEHN •43 March 9 Jinner Sponsored by W.S.C:S. of Community Methodist Church-- o:30 to 7:30 p.m.--church Hall. Mareh 7 Girl Scout Breakfast--Mrs Earl Krukow Home- 9:30 A.M. Stated Meeting of McHenry Lodge, No. lf>S, A. F. ft A. M.--Second Degree Work. /. March 10 . McHenry Woman's Cltfb Meeting. Mjtreh lli Pre-Teen CluV Meeting, j Old Time Dancing--American Legion Home. * March 14 , Circle 1 W. S. c/S. ^-Mra. 'Norman Eggert Home--1 p.m."~"^T March 15 V Frozen Food Demonstration---McHenry Equipment Company---2 p.m. March Revue--Sponsored by Kingwood Round-lTp Club"*-'--; fijrigwood Clturch* Hall. March 1C '• C. D. of A. Card Tournament-- i-f. pf.'d. Hall. • March 17 Luucheon ahd Card and Bunco Party--St Peter's School Auditorium. Spring Grove--1 p m! March ID instrumental and Vocal Program--: High School Auditorium---Pfer aehted By High School ttontest Groups--8:15 p.m. Mareh 21 Third and Final Day In Immunization Program--Public Grade School. ( Riverview Camp, R. N. A. Anniversary Party. March 25 Old Time Dancing--American Legion Home. March 37 McHenry Business Men's. Association. March 30-81 Rummage Sale--Citv Hall--Sponsored by Circle 3, W.S.C.S. April 13 St. Mary's-St. Patrick's P.T.A. 1 APRIL 23 iuvenile Style Revue J McHenry High School--Sponsored by. St. Mary'B-St. Patrick's School P.T.A. Children's Style Revue -- High School--Sponsored by Parochial School P. T. A. Pe rsonaI s OMrcntMfl 25 25,000 mil#* Mrn. 3. C. Purvey and daughters, Mary Lynn and Peggy, ,of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller were Elkhorn visitors last Monday. Those from here .who attended the Wynkoop funeral in Woodstock last week Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, Mrs Carl Weber, Miss Jjena Sto'- fel and Henry Schafferl Donald Hayes and daughter, Mary Jean, of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, on- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Pries, Jr., have returned from a trip to Florida. ; Mibs Laurayne Themes of Warren is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Frank Gernde. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams \'4eii ed in the George Frankle home in River Forest on Sunday. The Carl Courier family of M;i rengo visited her mother, -Mm Nellie B;>c.on, • last Sunday. . ' • Mrs. William Heimer and daugh ters. Mrs. Janu Gitzke and Mrs Elaine Laures, visited Mrs. Vet non Knox at Sherman hospital in Elgin Friday afternoon. Mrs. Heimer spent Sunday in the Knox home in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow York and children of Sharon, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons of Richmond and Robert Low of Ringwood were dinner and supper guests, in the Leslie Olsen home on Sunday.; Robert Condon of Richmond was au afternoon caller. • ; <•<"!'< n I • I 'l'l* I »•! "I 'I M BIRTHS » • < < i H i i i i m i l l m t i n i ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Qvsxa<- do are the* parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital on March 2. / Mr. and Mrs. Karl Betts, Jr., of Ringwood are the parents. of a daughter, born March 4 at the Woodstock hospital.' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grasser of Volo became the parents of a son on Feb. 28 at the Woodstock hospital. \ Residence The Anton Frell family has moved from Crystal Lake to the Whiting farm near Ringwood, which they recently purchased. The Gene Dowell family haB moved from the Town House to their new home oil Third avenue. There are 200 different >tyi)eg. cpf cheese made from -milk* ' • • , AMONG THE SIC* Wtl!fam Pries. Af„ is reported improving nioely in Stuart. Fla., from surgery which he underwent two weeks ago. Mro. Jo^n Blake is a patient at Rogers Memorial boapital, Oconomowac, Wis. Mrn. Clarence J. Freund of Rt. 3, McHenry, underwent surgery at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. •on Wednesday of this week. Her sister, Mrs. Robert Crichton, R.N., of Rockfovd is caring lor her in the hospital. Dark Room M is predicted that photographic ind darkroom equipment will soon be available in black stainless steel to reduce the chance of accidental exposure. » THE PINE TREE ^TOWER • WILL RE-OPEN March idth.f 1950 Ice Cream and Sandwiches From 8 Til' Midnight Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! 4. /t, , 1 , • . .11 \ ' •»j«tf»L#'iiitri"ii:l Order vttur rubber «ttainpt> at The Plaiwdoaft'T-.-» r. =«AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION: HEWABD FM EXTRA EFFMT - In some countries, people are forced to produce 'finder the threat of punishment, imprisonment or deadi. How different it is in America! Here workers receive extra rewards for greater effort. Extra rewards ^ which they can spend or save, as they choose. And v those who save are free to choose where they will ^put their money -- in a bank, in government bonds • or in new enterprise! Let's keep the American way. McHENRY STATE BANK, Member Federal Reserve System Hcmbix Federal Deposit |p«i)^nce Corporation ' e Cold Rubber Multi-Grip are strong, e Rayon Cord Car catss »ate tires because they • 30% More Mileage are made of Cold Rub- • Set for 1.25 a Wk. ber jand Rayon Cord. GAMBLES The Friendly Store Next To The Bank McHenry. Illinois GuwuihH Box Boatoluuf Ketui&U, Located 3 Miles South of Fox Lake, 2 Miles North of Volo on Route 12 Individual runs for dogs. 7 INGLESIDE, ILL. Phone. MccJteHSiy 632.-M-2. <$» #J» •*« ej» iH^» <$»•»» •*» <$> tjt e^e <$» »^» e^e «$» •*» i) 4ij CLUB . ^ lialn HI07)11 Yliis jvoek to the 4-H clubs of America, who are obwM viiig National. 4-H Club Week." - Thioujih the ingenuity and hard work of members of tlie ('lieiTy 4-IJ ( lub, out* windows have taken 011 a very attractive look this past week and drawing tli'e National 4-H Club Week Observed In City, on admiring glancing of passers-by. It you haven't yet passed our way, do so this week. One of our windows is given over to the typical 4-H farm, with the caption "4-H! Parms .\re (iood Farms." The setting is that of a'1950 farm, with attractive white barn, modern machinery and neat surroundings. The other window is centered with a beautiful gold 'cup, surrounded »v inan^ ot in aw aids and certificates woiii by members of the Cherry Valley Club I ictures of several of the members are also included 4lt W disjilay. Tills caption leads, "Build A Better America With 4-11.'; -X^ain wi say longratulations to a group of young people of whom tileir parents, their leader and their many friends may well be pioud. ley aie glowing up the American way and may well feel confident to face what the future may have in store for them. We especiallv; wish to commend the following: Florence l acy |; president; Rosina Curran, vice-president; Marita Thomson, Sec.-Trea» Frauk Pechait, li'injiter; Mr. J. Curraii, adult leader, NICKLES HARDWARE WATTLES DRUG STORE A ( HMtt • StolMly's Pb»,tFr»t or «!!»•• 9VMliy .;P B i MSVUpbicots m k*tr «e.2V>«AI» HO. M S GOLQEN--VACUUM BACKED WHOLE KERNEL CORN. STOKELT'S FANCY--OOLDEN CREAM STYLE CORN STOKSirS PANCT RED KIDNEY No. 303 CMS HONEY POD PEAS... ... No. 303 Cans NNIST 9UAUTY No. 2 mmm FANCY HALVED STOKiLYS r AWICflTS.... SAUCE. 2 STOKELY'S FANCY _ _ . r • CORN ON THE COD ...... Vs. 29* STOKELY'S TOMATOES . ftVOMLY t WHOM KMMCl TOLDEN CORN WMITf CRIAM SITU A STOKELY'S CORN . .2 JTOKUT A IfWST DOT 8REEN DEANS . ,»TOKttVS«INnT CIIT WAX DEANS . . M* STMKIT t MUSI c SUCCOTASH M. iTOUILT S flMIST C TOMATOES. STOKtlV't U 19* TOMATO JIIIOE . iWltr J PIMtST *&* 19 TOMATO CATSUP STOMIIV'S MMCT ' CHILI SAU6E..... STOKIIV'S SCA MOO COCKTAIL SAME .. VAN CAMP'S TASTY PORK AND DUNS. . VAN CAMP'S M«W QftUAMI KIDNEY DEANS. . MNOMtT CANMM . WHOLE cmmtciv... HCINZ CRIAM Of TOMATO SOUP. . . . UMY S--HOtTARIAM OR WITH POM * DEEP DROWN DEANS .3 PACNIft HI OH A «AIRE SARDINES. . .*3 Ritzy Meals Made Ready With Broadcast Brand REDI-MEAT W£") Wi ."tfUijl KmmIV Diwn !•'» *«iM^ W^AS t toft -- toft -- •w* Pl««ic Mmm --Inv •• SAft 9*4 W«»( S* IM* --wlfl TM MATIOMAl'S LOW NWt 12-OZ.TW 35 With Ckocso and Tomato Sawi M t C SCAGNETTI. J V*9*tarian or With Pork--D»op Brows UBBY'S BEANS ... } Calvort or Waterfall PINK SALMON.... California--Oval Mustard SARDINES. 2 Chof Boy Ar Dee SPAGHETTI a . . . Natco Fancy SALAD DRESSING... Kraft'c Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP Evorbest Candied Sweot CWE CHIPS Clndorolla Pnr« SHAPE JELLY..... 16-Ot Can* I40x. Cant 14>CT. C«ut No. I Tins »M>s Can H. Jar IM>« la* ll-Oi Otoss 25' Ready Meals Made Ritzy With Ritter's Tobasco CATSUP e TW OMy •••Oi l titiill p»» nx Ma* n* trw MiHknai'1 Tik«i«* low Added ta JmI TW *lf»* A»m*l *• s«Mttv tw f«(t Me MM* liMttof C«H«» MHP*. 14-OZ. DOTTLE... 15 SUNSHINCL UNIST TM> HI HO CRACKERS. . "• SUHSHIMI MSH. cntn GRAHAM CRACKERS Swift's Vegetable Shorteeinf SWIFT'NING .... - Oeliciees Coke* or Coohiet 2r 29c New Low Price Broadcast Brand PIGS FEET c Ntvwtd. Pi|t' #eo>--^athod hi Wpr* »o in Na«or omI 0**lity. Try nil TamHiM. En^oyaMo T'M* T*doy, wd M«h« • |if HW With Yoor tonlly. 9.QZ. JAR..... 17 BROADCAST PI6S FEET. t25e Melee Harris** FRENCH DRESSING 11^« Con 39* SI* 29* ^ OCCIDENT MIXES 31 35* 19* 25* 29* 25' 25* 28° t- 7few)P#/fitwecC> SOFT N TENDER TOP&5& BREAD H**0*rui luMCMMM MM MORMEL'SSPAM. . MOSMCi'S TASTY CNILI CON CARVE. OKAIMAtn ,t(IH If, , o J AC WIENERS •&' 41 ** cku hi. ot torn 10| SARDECUE MEATS. - 43* tun M wooum . A£| LDX PUKES p\rr\ wNtHHH m "OU» «ASM RIRS0 . . . XW n.N)»iir» ff--m LVX SOAP Tlie Softest--Freshest --Teederest (read Yee Over Tested And It Still Testes test decease It's Tee Teste, Finest Sliced Wkite •reed. Ml. LOAF PEANDT SUTTER SwM»'« CROPFED HAM. . NAMD0R6ERS . . %wm'% Pftmiwm FRANKFVRTS . . Swilt'i towlwi CORNED SEEF. . ROAST DEEP. . . FULL IVj- ,found Loaf btfo ISO- CalHo m Si rnia Novel of J„it# Put Viptrt1* itirMq 29c CRISCO :79e Mil -W. I- tl FUVOMUST SALTWES < 27' NATIONAL FOOD 5TORES I v/i"--p , " i l , mi-*-' *• S F R V I N G YOU ETTIRRR _ S A V I N G YOU MORT mmis «5':, S^2SC **U00MS.. £25' das. I, fake Toiiatoes Wot ,7e or Over TtfBf IJ 10 £ 45' o W fifties •j;*. jA,.**' v