Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1950, p. 9

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Thursday, March 16, 1950 Ticklers r -V, »• i M.B. " : . ?7T- l'fW THE HcHENSY PLAINDEALER TALKS 'Yhat's Sergeant Cameron, the famous mounted police. ... He always brines in his man!" FEDERAL EXCISE TAXES COST CAR OWNERS $78,100,000 Federal excise taxes cost the motorists of Illinois approximately 178,100,000 according to a preliminary estimate made today by Chaii&l M. Hayes, president of.ti^e Chicago Motor Club. "Thfse taxes were imposed back groups, by many state governments tlirour.U action of the hgisiauiresi and by .nany/ax'experts who have studied the problem. 'The taxes placv a 'iauble burden on the motorist. Alter he has paid his income tax?s and'various other taxes to Uncle Sam, he is called upon to shoulder "a disproportionate share of the. cost of government simply because ,he owns an automobile. Car owner' J|n If32 for the announced purpose j ship, with the majority t>f families, of 'balancing the budget,' " Mr, j js a necessity of life and the leu- Hayes' pointed out. "At the present time, they are costing motorists more Vh,an $1,300,000,000 yearly. "Since imposition of the taxes, they have taken nearly nine a;id a half billion dollars out of motorists' pockets--an amount greater than the total expenditures of the federal government for any peacetime year prior to 1 !*41. "The taxes have never been defended except on the basis of expediency. The government felt it needed the money and found ,the i --ttiotorist a handy source of revenue."a«es The federal automotive levies-- which include one and a half cents a gallon on every gallon of gasoline1 the motorist uses have been condemned bv all highway user eral levies rest most heavily on the lower income groups ..that are least able to al'foid then, "At a time when.rising costs arc stretching motorists' pocketbooks to Che breaking point, repeal of these unjust and unjustifiable federal taxes should be given first priority in any revision of the. excise tax schedule." Important Lesson A child learns to see Just as he learns to swim, and unless he develops the proper- coordination of the eyfcs and the muscles and nerves used in seeing he is likely * to have trouble in school. Winter-Started ?oultrymen gain these advanfrom starting chicks during the winter:- large eggs are obtained during the period whent, are usually scarce and coc- -5X osis causes little trouble. for once, we had no new friends visit us this Sunday but we anticipate many more in the near future. We at the Bible church have assurances from other children and adults that this will be so. Cod has been ^ood in giving willing workers kud fellow prayer warriors, J . Prayer is the order-of the day. Assurely as Cod promises lie will do exceeding, abundantly above all lliitt,We ask or think, so it will be. As Elijah prayed for the fire to i.ill from heaven to 'prow that his Cod was the only Cod, so Cod will today prove<.if mighty pn our behalf, lie i^rt just .the same today. Last" Wednesday we had a wonderful time of discussion and study in the, Hook of l'hilippians before t>up-'prayer time. These studies will i nmtinue tlu'(jiugh..iMarth. aiid April, ' taking the book verse by verse. Won t you join-.uis at S p in. next Wednesday, fioin us ,rh Praise for answered prayer and iu petition that bur blessed Lord might meet, your and our needs.. . • • >* Thiscoming Sunday tiit- pastor's me-^age in the 11 ovlock \service will he, "Think on Tliese Tliiags."i Tile evening message will be. Wilt Thou Set Thine Eyes lrp,oii That' Which Is Notr* - The Rodney Anderson family. Vitli Miss Fischer, from the Kimball Ave. Itiited Evangelical eiiurch of Chicago, will be singing for us in the S o'clock meeting. Bring your friends. Bring the whole family. If the kiddies get tired we have a crib and large the hack. If you who read this column know of any chairs and a crib that aren't making themselves useful. please let us, know. Write P.O.Box 2.'12, McHenry, 111. Remember-- "You're always, welcome here." DONALD C. LIBERTY adv.. Pastor First Picture-Strips European monks, skilled as manuscript illuminators, employed the pictu're-strip to relate the story of id am and Eve, and other religious themes. They, too, saw the spiritual appeal of the" stained glass mosaics developed by Byzantine and Venetian artists of the 10th century, and thus created storytelling cathedral windows. End Your Coal Worries! PHONE 465-R FREE ESTIMATES AT NO OBLIGATION IWVI A parent who attempts to break his child of thumb sucking by scolding, or even coaxing, is not using good judgment. Either practice can be harmful because it denotes a lack of everyday common sense in rearing a child, the educational committee of the- Illinois State Medical Soeicty advises in ,a Health Talk. . A child's first automatic sense of comfort is through sucking. Wheather breast oY^bottle fed. sucking satisfies his huffger, and it isn't long before he discovers that the thumb is a handy gadget for his mouth and thus is established the thuiiibsucking habit. As the child grows older, lie, usually resorts to sut king his thumb to fill emotional need. Feeling unwanted and alone may be responsible, so he seeks' to satisfy himself. I'lihappiness, ^tear and insecurity are emotional problems that loom high, pn'a-child's horizotl.. *• " . It is generally - conceded that up: to '-the yfirst few i 'years""" thunibsut king inay . be • considered.' nt>i liial with tlie habit acting as a sort trf pacifier or comforter. A child's curiosity is ati ever present "wonder. The more he explores- the new things about, him. the more . his mind- is taken from himself; l-stlally bv. the time he reaches the wonders of his. five to six years- of age woi Id, the thuiubsuckiug habit is forgotten. If the practice continues beyond this age, however, definite steps for correction should be undertaken by consulting with youV physician. In the very young child, it is unlikely that much pressure will be exerted against the roof of the mouth or on the jaws. However, as the child grows older, it is possible to exert. greater pressure which, in many cases, may result in some structural defects of the jaws. And then again, in an older child the hab-it suggests an emotional need, a gap that should be filled to insure normal mental growth. Thuiiibsucking is often associated with going tot) sleep. Parents ^islike seeing their children grow up too soon, yet many will berate them for being afraid of the dark or' being left alone in the room. They scold youngsters for not being "grown up", and for having baby fears. Instead of threateain>;. why not coni^de a littk;, so that the child understands you are tryiilg'to iielp overcome these tears? Shaming, threatening, scolding and conversely, bribing und; coa.ving are all methods used in the correction of thuiiibsucking. I'lifortunately, the application t)f bii- _ter. solutions, splints. 4md--other restraints are also tried.. Wise parents will understand that thumbsuckiiig is a normal practice for the-• very young and that the child will slop it uj^ consciously as he grows older. "They will understand too that, in addition to food and clothing, 'a good share of affectum and love are essential to meet the y«hing>- ster's emotional needs. Notice when your child sucks his thumb, don't call attention to it,' but try to understand the circumstances surrounding the action. Then try to attract his interest by treating new and happy situations and satisfactions. TENANT HAS CHIEF , RESPONSIBILITY IN RENT PROTECTION . A tenant himself has the greatest. responsibility for gaining the protections that tlie federal rent law-seek^ to afford him, it was stated today by J. Edwin Porter. Associate Relit Director. lie referred specifically > to the need the reiit office has for tenant complaints in 'cases- of overcharges, and also to. the:.need' of notification concerning a threatened illegal eviction. "The rent office does not go abohtr looking for ,refit law violations,"; -thi#' • relit official explained. -. •- - • _ / .."it i« . thjf inte/itiori. of' the law ^ifiafyweTdoTjsoi, to ia\estigate wr|t-' ten coin plaints of , violations to iicl. promptly when there are proper grounds." Eviction cases that violate the law. lie cited, are #s follows: \\ lfen the owner seeks possession for his own occupancy, or for members of his immediate family, ajvd the tenant knows that the'properly will he sold or rented to Others. •" . When, the owner claims nonpar- meat of rent, but the tenant is actually refusing to pay a bonus or rent in excess of the legal rent. When the owner states that the eviction is necessary to carry oul substantial alterations or remodeling which can't be done practicably while the unit is occupied, and the tenant can show that the proposed .work can be do<ie without eviction. In any case where the tenant can show that the purpose of the eviction is different from that stated by the landlord, particularly when the action is in retaliation for a complaint filed by the tenant with the rent office. c "As a rule, we must accept the landlord's stated reason for eviction and authorize him to take! action according to local laws," Porter explained. "In all casfs where the owner plans an eviction he must serve notice on the tenant .stating his reasons for asking possession. If the tenant has any knowledge that his rights are being violated or ajiy doubt about the validity of the landlord's action, he should get in touch with the rent office." Horned Lizard When the Pacific horned is frightened, it squirts blood out of its eyes. 1950 JOSEPH X. WAYNNB Attorney-a t-law W WaaktfH Road (RFD B*I WEST McHENRY. ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W HIGHEST ( AMI I'KICES paid to* Dead and Crippled Horses CatiJft and lings-Sanitary Power Lwuk ing Tunkaffp and Meat Scrap* foff sale. Phones Arlington Height# 116 or McHenry 314. ReversO Charges. Palatine Rendering Serr« lee. Brighten Up The New Year With Custom Made .. . ' Curtains Valancejl< Corniced Pillows Bedspreads Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICE 204 S. Green St., Phone McHenry 490 CHARLES S. PARKER. Atfon^M| (Joslyn & Parker) '**, Office Honrs: IS W e d n e s d a y A f t e r n o o n s -- ^ Office--Koehr Supply Company* 542 M&rn Street, West McHenry kS I hone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE ^ • WONDER LAKE !.'• • "'/"--/r It; 4. RINGWOOD, ILI* Electric Wiring Motor Repai^i^^^ Pumps Sold and Repaired > -:- TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 I Home Furniture Recovering X'v'ff, and Repairing 20 years experienos' • * Phone 'Pistakee 5.»l-R-l k' - ' VIC'S • ("PIIOLSTKRV SERVICjr^Z BLR. 1, Pistaqua Heights v ] McHenry, 111. , , "SPEEDY" by McHENRY GARAGE CAN I eeop AMY ASSISTANCE - I'M ONE or -THE COMPETENT MECHANICS from HICK MILLER'S MCHENRY OARA6E S. ( WOO CCRTAIMD/ CAMV SP6EOV-- I'M OUT APTBR DONATIONS WILL VOU HELP THE, *I>LO LADIES HOME S.USAEME,S B TUOT YFO rUr.s S AIRLL- THE <, rp RATHER HELP THE LADIES HOME DIAMOND T TRUCKS^ 604 Front Street WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES Phone 403 Na $h sah's growth since the ivar has been more than ---- ^ 4 times as great as that of the Automotive Industry as a whole* • • • c o s T LOW PRESSURE PRINCIPLE (Only 1 to 2 lb(. atomizing prtnuri) ASSURES MORE HEAT FROM LESS FUEL OIL! Oil and air are scientifically mixed at low pressure for better combustion. That means more he-at per gallon--and money in your pocket. ALSO--Oil-O-Matic Oil Burners have a clog-proof oil-air nozzle and burn with ease those hotter, but harder-to-burn new catalytic fuel oil^ Remember this important fact--with hundreds of makes to choose ffom--EVERY EIGHTH OIL BURNER IS AN OIL-O-MATIC! Come in today for details. No matter how cold the weather, cut factory-trained experts will inttell your new Oil-OMatic in just a few lioors... without I discomfort or | inconvenience to you. < FUEL OIL J SUPPLY ! Guaranteed! rTfcreisa C o s T | in Oil forcers 505 SO. GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS Why Nash? Because Nash has consistently led in the power parade--builder, of valve-in-head engines for a ihird of a century ---a leader in high compression. ' Because today Nash alone l>iiil<lg a valve-inhead engine of 7.3 l<> 1 compression ratio that utilizes regular gasoline. Why Nash? Because Nash was first with aulomatiiaHy-conlrollcd. pressurized heating and ventilation, prohahly the greatest single health, comfort and safety feature of the mo«lern automobile. Because to<lay~K Nash ^Valher Eye Conditioned Air System is still first in effiriency ami in safety--with fresh, untainted air drawn from outside, above the engine compartment. " Ser Your Xatih neater Titmy--take an Airilyie ride mud you'll discover why \'a»h earm hre the Wdimr9» Gremiest Ymiuem! Why Nash ? Because Nash has been first .and foremost in advocating--and delivering greater gasoline mileage. Because Nash today builds a big full-siae car that delivers more than 25 miles to tlw gallon at average highway speed. „ Why Nash? Because Nash was first to mass-produce the Unitized, welded body-andframe car that is more rigid, durable, safer and free of squeaks and rattles. Because today. 12 billion owner miles have proved that Unitized Nash Airflyte Constriiction has set a new standard for long life and economical operation. Why Nash? Because today's Nash Air? „Seat and Twin Beds DELIVERED HERE * 1732.01 * 2060.58 . (Car illustrated) fSlatr and local ta*M. if any. eiira. Hydra-Malic Drive available on thr Nash Auiba«»ador at new low price. Whiirnrrs. Airlinrr Rrcliatn|(Sr4t and Weather Kvr SvMrm optional at rxira cot>t. Pncr« may varjr •lighih iu adjoiotDg cocomunmcs due to traaaportatioa ' charge#. 9 In th9 four post-unr year* just fnrfed. Na$k aefet kmr* incrtmjwd 95.7% over far tame pen<ul pre war, while tk* induMry registttvi mly a 21.3% gain, pott-war oier prt-war. flyte cars hy scientific wind-tunnel test have been proved to have 20.7% le&s^ir drag titan the average of 10 other cars tested--with noticeably less wind-noise, less fuel consumption, and noticeably greater stability. Why Nash? Because Nash was first to attack the problem of rust by Bondcrizing and by more durable baked enamels. Beeausie today all sheet metal parts of a Nash Airflyte are many times more resistant to wear and fading. Why Nash? Because today's Nash Air- Bytes offer more combined passenger and luggage space, dollar for dollar, than any other «*r. Why Nash? Because Nash has been years ahead in the development of the car interior. First to have the curved, one-piece windshield on all models, and I'niscope--and today, is the only car offering an Airliner Reclining VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Oreen and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoom Other Days By Appointaeat Phone MeHenry 43 * -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horse* less for down horses ?nd cattk MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg • Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTi* We pay phone charges tl A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contract*!* Trucking, Eydraulit and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- Tel. ^4-M McHenry, II { . -.m £. E. PEASLKF, D. C. Chimpraeter ' 180 S. Green St., McMeuy - Office Hoar*, Bally except Thnrfidaf 9 to 12 1:30 to I Mon„ Wed. and KrL, 7 to 9 Phort lelenry 898-B - i McHENRY FLORAL Ca Phone 404 One Mile South of McHenry On Route 31 Flowers for all occasional FALL (LASSES OF lNSTRriTION Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks, Cam Lonia, Ray Noble, Griff William*. Chicago and Oriental Theatre* organizing fall classes. Call M*> Henry 533-J-l for appointment aad interview. Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL & REIIIAXSPHMM •turance agents for all classes al property in the best comi West McHenry. Illinois INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Aato, Farm & Life lnaarasl Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need msarancs of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Ureen & Elm McHcnft ^ Tel. Wonder I^ake 411 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist ^ --Office Hours-- Tues., Thurs., ft Sat. . " 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings, by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake, Ml FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand--Black Dirt--Crushed Grave. Light Excavating -- LinttlMM i Truck for Hire 13 Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry t AL'S WELDING AND "REPA8 SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry • Electric Portable Welding Acetvlene Weld'.ag and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 404 M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attornev-at-law llOV'a Benton St. , Phone WOIMI stock 1334 Woodstock, Illinois DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office t'orner i;r»*« & fclm Tues^ Thnr*. k Thursdays v:30 U -:30 Tuesdays an.i Satnrdajs to t TeL Mcllr;:ry INI AMBASSADOR • THt STATiSUAN Crsal Car* S/an> IMX Not/i Motors, Dnition Naih-Kmh motor. Corporation, DottoH, Mkfcigee * Th ere9$ Much o-f Tomorrow iii All Nash Does Today * DOWNS NASH SALES "l&MMBat.:: . rt 405 ELM STREET f HONE McHENRY 484 ----^ WELDING Maintenance and Construction PortaMe Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J M0 South Green SU McHenry. IA ctniij Limestone VERN THELEN Trucking ^ - Gravel Black Dfrt Truck for Hire »aL McHenry 588-B-2 or 588-w-lm Boa 172. Rt. 1. McHenry DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and Soito# Tel. McHenry 31 *lffice Hours: 1 p. s». to S P» at Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment McHENRY, ILLINOIS •OR. It DeROMB -- Dentist -- 120 Greea Street Phone 292-J McHe«Dry '~r^. Office Hours: 10 a. *. ««• * P~ » except Wednesday. Office cloeed all day Wednesday. ETen!nga bj stfotetmfti J. M

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