*--&*•<-iff •*£+ ~ -51+. "» -k- ' '*- *• . .. | "*. v t ^ jj ¥*v v*:» ? v/ ~ jr^ip rr*.-w,'v ' ;* ;w *,v ;v^c:~ • ' ' ' • - * * V - " - -- -- • ! ' • * » w r f • .« ..-^..i ' ; - • '11 Q %r iT* "miyjv" t*' yT:-."TT'"."'v *'"7.? ;> *'3 ^ *\\ \ **t'4 :*\-i vm; \ y > ., _jv, * - Fife Two THE McHENItY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 18, ft Ijjwip m*l«'wii<iii*i«»>iiiii>m»ii • BRIDAL COUPLE * ' ,J CHfltritr ImihMWy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause of 110 Kim street were surprised on (the occasion of their forty-fifth Wedding anniversary last Sunday, flie family enjoyed dinner and gup per and friends called to spend * social evening. Prizes in cards Were awarded to Mrs. Elizabeth Michele, first; Mrs. Julia Justen, Necond; Frank Blake, third; la.vd - Frank Marzhal, consolation. < Present besides the immediate fhniily, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krause * ' and son. Dale, and Mr. and , Mrs. ^William Donnelly and dauber, • Eoherta. wert tlie following guests: 1:3..liar, and Mrs. Frank Miirzhal .of iticlimood. Mr. and Mrs: Frank <••' :-Blake, -Mr. and Mrs., Ben Justen,. ~vrs. Rofee. Fieund, Mrs. Kli/agelli icljels, Mr. and Mris. Fred Meyers. - "and Mrs. John Ulossoii, Mrs. d Rotherniel. Mr. 'and- Mi's.- i Thennes and Mr., fatid Mrs. les Brown. , - A tasty lunch, featuring a beau-. :% :Jlfuily decorated' cake, was" served : during the evening. . national Military Tribunal for the •United States. Me showed many interestifcp pictures of participants fa the trials, such as Goerring, Hess, Rib hentrop *and others in informal poses. Chairman Named For Style Kerne Mrs. Edward Frett has been named chairman of the '"Spring: Heir" style-, revue, to be held in the McHenry high school auditorium on April 23. More details concealing the revue will appear in succeeding issues. Tan Hellenic Meeting In City The next Pan-Hellenic meeting will be held in McHenry at "the Veterans of Foreign WarsTiall at 8 o'clock on March 27. Circle 3 Will Sponsor Rummage Sale March 311-31 Circle 3 of the W.S.C.S. will Sponsor a rummage sale, to be held on March 30 and 31 at the city liall. Any contributions will be very much appreciated by the chairmen, Mrs. C. H. Duker and • 3Mrs. George Johnson. These ladies J ' Will pick up articles for those who ^^ave no way to bring them to the liall after Sunday, March 26. Those Who wish to turn in articles are ftBked to do so not sooner than the above mentioned date: Articles may be left with Mrs. Duker or Mrs. Johnson. AnniversaryParty" 7 For Kit en lew Camp An anniversary party will be held on Match 21 by RiverView Camp R.N.A. Dinner will - be served at o'clock at the Cinema prill, followed by a social evening. Reservations must be made riot later tha:i Friday. March 17. bjv notifying either Marv Weingart. phone 127-W., ,or y, Mary^ .Freuftd, phones 127-J. „• Pinochle Clnb , • At (I'llriMi Home The Canadian Pinochle club jnet last week at the home of Mrs. Grace O'Brien, when a 1 o'clock luncheon was served. Winners in cards were Mrs. Victor Bassi. Mrs% Clemens Adanjs, Mrs. Goettsche atid Mrs. Jack Barthel. Mrs. Herbert Freund will entertain the club next. 1M RCHASE HOME Mr. and Mrs Harold A. Maurer and son. Jack i.e. have purchased the home of Anthony Wagner at Pistakee Bay. Mr. Maurer is a son of Mrs. Wagner. The family moved here. recently from Zion. Medlar Photo MR. AM) MRS. JOHN SAM EC Mr. and Mrs. John Prince have bean residing in Chicago since their return from a short trip following their wedding on Feb. 11. The Wonder Lake man and his bride/ the former Miss Albina Sainec, exchanged, vows at St. Mary's church. 'McHenry,- in an afternoon service. Parent-Teacher Magazine- Now Availiable To Public The national Parent-Teachefs magazine will be on sale as usual this month. The greater the. circulation.", of tlie magazine, the greater \yiil be the- achievement of the P.T.A. in the fields of child welfare. education and - community improvement. Each, issue of the National Parent- Teachers is a rich source of material all ready for use. whether in regular meetings, in study group, in committee meetings or by individual members in their homes. Each month it contains eleven articles. , Anyone who is not acquainted with the magazine but wishes to have a copy to see and examine before they buy it. may do so by contacting the magazine chairman, Mrs. Charlotte Reinboldt. Pctwrine for The P nintfenlp* :--Mr:- and--Mrf^Rlehardand family of Kalamazoo, Mich., visited McHenry relatives last Weekend. c. Royal Neighbors Plan For Ilhiner Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A . Will celebrate the camp's birthday anniversary on Thursdav, March H3. A dinner will be served on Thursday. March 23. A dinner will :%« served at 7:30 o'clock at the Nook, followed by a party in the Woodman hall. Dinner reservations must be made immediately bv calling 128-W or 53-M; Former Resident Addressed Club William Martin oik Sterling, for merly of tyeHenry, recently ad dressed members of the Catholic Woman's Club of Dixon. Hi- spoke and showed pictures of the 194,". Nurenburg trials, in which he participated as adjutant of the Inter- Vote for a man who rail . Win in the fall! HAROLD A. (Hud) VOGEL Republican Candidate for Stale Representative--. lias the support of Lake comity to Win in Sovemlier Three votes for Vogel in the pri- Hoone counties the* real representation they have been without for twenty years. ELECTION APRIL 11,1950 Your, Vote and Support Appreciated Fine Talent Displayed By Mc Henry Freshmen The freshman English class; under the direction of Mrs. John Bolger. presented an amateur prograin last Thursday before the assembly. The talent exhibited proved unusually fine, with music, dancing, dramatic readings and original skits. Gilbert Mercure acted as announcer and introduced the following in their special acts: Oarlene Andreas. Dorothy Doherty, Mary Nye. Patsy Gorenson. Valeri Cappelle. Rosemary Grimm, Harvey Sand, Tom Holochwost, Rita Bjorkman, Craig Baldwin, John Bolger. Bill Cl^risman. Charbne Grosso. Eileen ' Bassett, Charles Gies. Jack Anderson, Dolores Smith, Doris Bauer, Richard Mathews and Donald Audino. ? *'-C . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steileji of Bellewood spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Mr. ajid Mrs. Carl Bradley spe»< Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. Fred Dickson, a former summer resident here,, who now lives in Cincinnati, visited old friends here last week. kR. J. Miller has returned from a 'trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Quintan spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCracken of Union Grove visited in the Fred Bienapfl home on Saturday. Sunday guests were Mrs. Otto Schenning and daughter, Margaret, of Fox River, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiston of Ridgefield. Sodality Plans 8t. Patrick's I>ay Party The Altar and Rosary "it&£ility of St. Patrick's church is planning a pOt-luck dinner and social evening for parish members on the anniversary of the patron saint, March 17. The dinner will be served at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Grace O'Brien and Mrs. William F. Doherty are co-chairmen, to be assisted by Mrs. Clarence Anglese, Mrs. Earl Marshall. Mrs. Walter Walsh, Mrs. Robert Khox, Mrs. George Knight, Mrs. dward Thompson, Mrs. Larry Huck, Mrs. Wesley1 Guffey, Mrs. William Staines and Mrs. Herman Schaefer. Young ladies .assisting will be Rita Bolger, Nancy Siemon, Faith Laiigworthy, borothy Doherty. Joan Weber, Jean Weber, Ruth Schaefer, Geraldine Thompson, Maureen Henn, Georgia Stenger, Jean Smith, Shirley Conway, Ann Weber and Lucille Knox. Admission to the supper will be fifty cents for those of high school ace and over. » Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty are visiting in Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Curtis Westfall returned to her home in Chicago the last of the week after spending a few days with iher' mother, Mrs. Simon T Corn Carryover • Carryover of old corn next faB may reach a billion bughali. Read the \Vant /- ta! „~.j' Victor Adding Machines ' Royal Typewriters V V ./'..Bales-- Servic# New'and Used -- All Makes S. W. BECK QO*{ *21Douglas Aye % Tel. 1546V o v El^ni til. Order your rubber stamps at Th< ^la in dealer. Floyd Colemarfs Taverii 124 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Now Serving Home--Cooked Food BILL COLEMAN, Chef HOURS: 11 A. M. to 11 P M. AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION >1 : HERE COMES A CAPITALIST! It could be die president of a big corporation ... or the president of a bank . . . or the Presi*; dent of the U. S. A. But it isn't any of these, ? It's the worker who helped build die car he! owns.... who has stock in the company he works' for . . . and cash in the bank for the future. In America, everyone who earns and saves is a capitalist, No American wants to be anything else! MCHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation L U E S FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY NATIONAL'S ALE F HOUSEHOLD AND LEANING SUPPLIES THE CLEAN-UP OF THE YEAR! Oac* a Year A Store Wide Sale of Household and CleaRin^ SappUet Like This. & Oace a Year Sach a Parade of Honcccleaniag a«d Home Sappliet All Assembled lato Oae WiW Great Sale! •'« Spriaf HNSKhwiil S*Im fit bifqer uj bfHw Ml Mb *m l« MMcaptiea. 1ft by far Mm ywhrt HMHdHtiM Sete i NattoMl't History. * GREATEST IN TIME SAVERS! * GREATEST ON STEP SAVERS! GREATEST IN MONET SAVERS! DIAL TOILET SOAP «e I I««r e! Diol , f rr,«»-Ge» I I ' SK ' 0LIV-IL0 Oirevs Paefc Soap IVORY ar SWAN TOILET SOAP NtfltMl'i K»lp Mttti la Nmhi Iraad AMERICAN FAMILY NU NAPHTHA Ptft NAPHTHA WMt SOA# toTlet soapss P«IIH(I«« $Hf Lat Sn^ Cnwy Smp RM*a C«a*Ma '«*M la >rn< LAUNDRY SOAPS •r AN It--4t 1065 BATH SOAPS T«r CSrtt. Amy O*. mr AM Srm* C|«H ««•> 6=59 SMOKED BACON SQUARES lb. 21' BRAIZE STEW BOIL BOILING BEEF 29' I ftl }^tW C«Mf 3-18: CUMALENE SOILAX CLEANER. REVfTE SAL SORA ; and SPAR . . KITCHEN KLENIER. SWIFTS CLEANSER . 2 AJAX CLEANSER 0L0 DUTCH CLEARSER 2ii{: VW z:->i EASY i»ii lig LIFE AMMORIA. . 15' RO PEEP AMMOHIA ... T* 18* FLEECY WHITE RLEACN Z 13* VHCQ BLEACH " 47* UDSERS J§fc* POLISHES & WAXES --\S( '-i 0*CEIAR SPOHfiE MOP . AEROWAX FLOOR WAX WILRERT*S FLOOR WAX TIDE BRI FAB DREFT • YEL SWERL PASTEL RROOMS BROOMS /// TSJR Hr SAVE ALL WAX PAPER ROE mm NAPKINS 3^2T VANITY FAIR FACIAL TISSKS .^.15' PROTEX TISSUE ... 3 ^ 21C National's H«lp Mates in PORK BUTT ROUNDS BACON STEAK SEA PERCH FILLETS WOODBURY'S TOILET SOAP - •fmryU it. l•««n# Ma Ii I ^ Car P«r (My k. 3-21' SOAP POWDERS Y*«r Clwlc*--Aay mm ar AN tr-- 2*49 (very Snw OxyM KROMU KVW IMFROVKO 11LUXI MOOCL COFFEE MAKER 2» NrihMl'l H*lp M«tn ia Faaiaat Braad SOAP FLAKES :fc»lc» Aay aa« or A!l iroi 2«49 -ftur Ckaica--Braa4t Chlffoa SMp American Paarily Wary Hafcai Lai Hohas r* FMit < Ofi FOODS, TQ0. WHEN SHOP FOR HELP-MATE SUPPLIES Pit CHERRIES - IS* MI»Im C«ttf*rnl« citof * A SLICED PEACHES cans 35c EVERBEST TOMATO PRESERVES Dtrkn't C«l*r (•»« MARGARINE ... r««p»--fim 9MN»V CORNED BEEF .. Sa!tr«>-*^rMli T«sty BUTTER COOKIES r 39* C?: 43* ; 12 oz. jar 25c i m m % 29**c 3U.O. 100 "-i I 2 " 49c HAMBURFLERS, FRANKFURT* SvMV's PreasleC .. __ CORNEO BEIF. . "Z 43* «S5«RBEEF . . C.T 49° ^KORMEL'S'span 38" STROMfiKEART 3' Tkt L'>« A CHICK-ft RICH . . 2 Ks^r »rl•a aAlyf tnirM ' • P>I--wHi» HMeM»#! eX srtf_t_ SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP IMvym I. l»«t«rMi mUtM I >+» Oaly U 4 - 22! Notloeal's Day Doted Top Taste Coffee.-. Vacaam Packed HATC0 COFFEE.. Top Taste Brown 'N' Serve DINNER ROLLS .. Top Teste Brown 'N' Serve HOT CROSS BUNS. Mott's Fancy APPLE JUICE-- Ocean Spray Saace CRANBERRY iHTO EASTER CLEANING-BUY fftfiONAI •COPOTATOES 0>49« [&SSI • •- ^ 19' SHLS«ks .. .49* tomatoes Xweet POTAfOts 3 ^29' IS4 YBIIow OHIONS 5^9Cc ***" i,r*« C . M f • ' V * 2 0 Frttk JM f?«al CELERY... z jg< CAIMlOfflM AMimCAN MAUTY HCAVY ALUMINUM *•&!* y***"1 M--r a.9« v«i j Mott's Fo«y APPLE JELLY. Rltter's Foacy T0BAS00 CATSUP. 14-Os. itasrr •HS ctrt 14-Os • W»tar* 'R 27- 23* mkCmrioSS2^2r OHl Lore It a 14^, DASH 000 F000 2 c 27* CAT MF* 0tw(}rUt- .... 3m #c---«i 2M5 | J..> : itb» !•» »m m It*.. Ma PAffO D0P FOOD Z cm.Hr m mm - Sin 2 25' -25 ?^"ots NwCrapiaiONS ^fge hUu futr. r.>Mt .Jctoeta BEANS -49" 2^29" y--r partktM «F mjt knit MIn. * 'tf» «t r*ar Fm4 Sh'« 'kta rn l«i 1 Mrtm •< AU»T JEMIMA SILVER CAKE, Ml4l Mil . » AUNT JEMIMA DEVIL'S FS00. •! Mi lrH4 •Xmimt'- SERVING you better _ SAVING you more 1