Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1950, p. 12

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• fc * *• «| v , f • .» . •* •< . Tt -1 pi«« t •-^« ***** «:*<: " . . ,. . . , ;•. •, . " -irr^tM. 14** WRxriv tekSHT PAW/ OUICK WHAX 5*cyiN<s W?MXN II \ .<Zr<2& CC- 7 ^ CAW£U,j5liLlG,I KNOCKBO V'DOWN WIT- HYCLOCK I DID r HUZT YAf 7 -^q ...8irr why DONT YOU CARRY A W£l4T W4T<TW LI KB FVeeVBOPV EL*E? CAN X MANAGE A LITTLE OL'CLOCK? <3AW^W/X'LL WrT THGfZB AIN'T N&tft BBBN A CLOCK. OL ' &AMMY COULOhtT HAUU *AJAMY,1 WANT yOU TO <Zt>N THAT CLOCK AtSOUNO TO H&NfSY*. TU£V CAN'T WAIT FOR TMG TKUCK, „ THINK VOL) CAN N\AHA69 lt ? K N-NO,I NOT McHXNRY PLAINSKALER v; &rS*: -da^K(,^S( ».•. a -fefr- Thursday, March 30, 195^ Vi" '/jou \ nn nrii ' Sunday through the usual Sunday School hour, with the second at 11 instead of the ushal time of 10.45. We lo,o k, forward to seeing- you at _,• •. , .. 5 6 ' .Saturday, the one of these services. * SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that on 8th "day of April | ffclm Sunday i960. We greet it wflh hosannas for we look forward to the promise of a bright tomorrow, a day of victory. However 1 wonder just how, many of us ever think Of the road that must be traveled before Easter caa come I names of the trustees, stewards , to pass. Frequently, we as indi-' and committees will be announced •iduals and as institutions or J in this column. They will be duly fellowships have our Palm Sun- J day our day of triumph and every- Sunday evening we met together for a Fellowship Supper, following which Dr. Weldon E. Brad burn, : our district superintendent, conducted the annual Fourth Quarterly Conference. At this time the reports of various committees organizations were given. All in all. it was a very informative and interesting meeting. The officers and committees for the church board were nominated and elected and these will take up their duties July 1. From time to time, the thing seems bright and hopeful to thoae who are looking on, but those who are being acclaimed know full well that there must come a Good Friday or several before the Easter morn. It was a great day for those who were lookins on when Jesus entered Jerusalem, but for Him it was anything but a triumphal entry for He saw the gathering storm and knew that victory would come only after a great sacrifice. It was a sacrifice far greater than his physical strength could bear bat with the ever abiding presence of the Father it would be possible. With that knowledge He went into the Passion Week and Easter with us hope, assurance, and victory was given to mankind. There is always a price to pay for Easter, a surrender, "not my will but Thine be done." But for those who will enter the Passion Week there is the knowledge that we do not face it alone for we have a lamp, a guide, a companion, someone who knows the* whole way, oar Christ. We were deeply touched bv the message Rev. Tavenner of Woodstock brought to us the other evening. It helped us see anew what the spirit of Christ can do in and through a life. When the spi"ii enters in, a new creature is the result and a drifting boy becahu a man of purpose. There will be no Wednesday -evening nervier this coining week but there will be Communion on Holy Thursday and special service on Qood Friday, both at 8 in the evening. There is always an open invitation to join us at the Lord'B table. © On Easter Sunday there will be two services as in the past two years. The first will be at 9:30 notified of their office and duties Mrs. Duker and Mrs. Johnson have asked me to remind you of Circle 3's rummage sale to be held in the City Hall today and Friday. If you have donations for the saltplease don't feel that Friday morning is too late to bring them in, they will be accepted gladly. This circle will meet April 5 at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Howard Fike. Mrs. Einar Olson will be hostess. Circle 4 announces their meeting for the same day at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Schaefer. Don't forget that this is Palm Sunday. There will be reception of members and administration of the Sacrament of Baptism. The combined junior a:vl cherub choir., will sing "All Glory' Laud and 1950, an election will be held at Johnsburg School, in School District No. 12, in McHenry County and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing One School Director for the Full Term. JOSEPH G. HUEMANN The Polls will be opened at* 7 o'clock P. M. and close at 9 o'clock P.M. of the same day. . By order of the* Board of Directors of said district. Dated- this 27th day of March, 1950. . , J0S. G. HTTEMANN. President. EDWIN H. HETTERMANN f Clerk. ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that on Friday, the 28th day of April A.D. 1950 a special election will be held in the City of McHenry. County of McHenry and State of Illinois for City Treasurer, one Alderman in Ward No. 1 and one Alderman in Ward No. 3 to fill vacancies in said offices. The polling places for said election shall be as follows: Ward 1--City Hall. Ward 2--Lee & Ray Electric Shop, 516 MJ»in Str> et. W*rd 3--A. S. Blake Motor Sales. "01 East Pearl Street. The judges and clerks of elec- Honoi" by Tesckuer. "Sec you iij'!*ion at -shcIv"election TsiiaH 'tiPr church Palm Sunday. adv. Cakes by the Thousand Westinghouse home economists baked 50,000 cakes to determine the best heat distribution for a new electric range oven; also frr^e and stored 25,000 pounds of food in re- 'Ward 3 Ward 1 -- Judges: Vera Purvev, Margaret Simon, Delia Freiind Clerks: Clara Miller, Bertha Fdcman, Margaret Simon. Ward 2--Judges: Susan I. Olsen, Vera Kane. Marion Schoenholtn Clerks: Ella -Buss.' Elsie Smith, Kvelvri Hart. Judges: H. J. Miller, frigerator and home freezer research. Arlsena'a Indiana There are 54,000 Indians, or onesixth of the national total, living on reservations in Arizons, according to U.S. department .of Interior figures. Nick W'eingart. Katie Weber. Clerks: Lillian Huck. Ellen Phulin. Evelyn Freund. The polls of said Election will be opened at Six o'clock in the morning, and will close at Five o'clock in the evening of that day. i Dated at McHenry, Illinois this ! 30th day of March, in the vear of our Lord, one thousand nine tyun dred and Fifty. EARL R, PALSH, dlerk. SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice/if hereby given that on Saturday the 8th day of April," 1950 an election will he held at Ringwood, in School District No. 34, in McHenry County and Htutc of Illinois for the purpose of electing > One School Director for the Full Term. > , The polls will be opened at 8 o'clock P. M. and close it 9 o'clock P. M. of the same day.. By Order of the Board of Directors of said district. \ Dated this 24th Day of March, 1950. FRED WIEDRIC^, JR., President JOHN C. PEARSON. Clerk. Mary's Catholic Oh^MH ussen: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, ll:.1fl (Iillv Day*: fi-00, S:00, 10:0(1 Week Daysy-Jr:411 and 8:00. KirM Friday: (i:30 and 8:00. / '(iiifeHNionx: ...Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00ft.* Thursday before First Friday: Af4er 8:i)0 Mass on Thursday :t:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Mstrr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. • St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: .* ' Sunday: 8:00; 9:30 and 11:00 Daily Mass: 7:00. Week buys: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:00. distributed at. 07:00, during the 7:10. mass, 7:30 and 8. . , OoiifVssioiis: Saturdays: 4:00 to. 5:00. p. m. in<l > •, 7:J)0 to 8:00 j>. iu., and on TTdrf i >5day» before Prst Fridays: 4:0< fo ,r»:iM) j>. iti. :tiid 7:00 to 8:0' r»'m. -, * . 0 Zion Evangelical butheran Church (The ( hun b of the Lutheran Hour) 408 John Street' West Mrllcnry. Illinois. " . * Sunday School: 9 a. m. • ' * Sunday Worship Hervice: 10:15 a. m. on ar • cordially invited to attend ytfr^servii-es. Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor. NOTICE OF CAUCUS Also under Section 6-4 of the School Law as amended. Notice is hereby given that a caucus is called for the nomination or »• ths oftie* of' School Director at 7 o'clock P.M. j on the same day as tlio above election, at the place of the electi< m. 1 FRED WIEDRICH, JR.. President. JOHN C. PEARSON, Clerk. Community Methodist Church •'Church School: 9:30. ' Morning Worship: lOf'^S, .Jtluior League: 7 p. Hi Official board nieet.jng on second tVednetelay of mouth at 8 p. ui. A < ordial invitation is extended to .-<>u and your family V. come and • i>r>hip with iif. V Wavne R. Price, Pjist.oi Ale-Henry Bible Church t»rj S. (»reen Street (Pries BIdg.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. ra. Sunday Worship, 11 a. in. Young People's Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic, 8 p. in. Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. Yuu're always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible i Church, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 601-J-2 * St. John's Catholic Church < .Tobnsburg Masses- Sunday: 8:00 and 10:U0. Holy Days: 7:0H and 9:00. Weekdays: 8*00. First Friday: 0:3r> and 8:00, • <onfessions: Sntnrdnys: 7.S0 to 8 and 2:30 to H Thursday before First Friday Maaaaf: J Sunday: t:00 and 10:60. Holy Oajra: 6:80 and 8: Confessions: Sunday: Before each Mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 7:45 "itechetlcal Instruction: Sunday: 9:00 a. m. Itev. James A. Vangerpool, Administrator. « • Suspei Otntir " 'C' - T~~ Wonder Center, Woimw l«ha (Nohsectarin'u) ^•rvices: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. •Sunday Evening Service: 7:4; p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday -• |[:0< m. \ Bring the family with yon to Sun day School and Worship Services There is a place and a welcome f veryone. i, . FRANK W. ANDEKSCiN ••'• ' .Pastor^" •J:30 and 7:30, Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch. 8t" Peter's Ca'hollc ChordlC 'Spring Orove Order your rubber The Plaimlealer. stami at /Huiinav--o.CC, t"ij*, ii •' Hol\* l>!iys: ft:.'10 snd We^-kdays: 8:00. Fir4t Friday: ®:00. "onfesKioim; Saturdays: -:.">0 and 7:15. , Thnrsilav before First Friday"-' •i:30 '»ud 7>5? °ev. John L. Daleiden. Pastor.. *, « .Alngwooa Churoli v fV',; Ringwood, I1L " Siimiay:' Public Worship, 9:30. • Church School: 10:20. , Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday ev« »ng. Rev. Charles Stevens, i'astor 8t, Joseph's Church • . Richmond, Illinois Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Daily: 8:00. Fr. Fra• nk gJ . M, ..i ller, pastor. St, Mary's Ry The Lake, Episcopal Oriole Trail > and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Rev. Donald Piatt, Prlest-in-Charg* Mission House, 331 McHenry Ave Sundays: 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 10 a m. Sunday School at ttl* Missimi Houser On 3rd Sunda> of the month at Church fo? Family Eucharist. 11a.m. Morning Prayer excep. Rain or shine, our taxi service Is on call fo the people of McHenry and snrronndlng community. We promise quick service In comfortable i-ars. Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723" jChrlst The King Church Wonder Lake Easter Cards there's • MoNiwork Cord dmt lay* "Happy CatfM"-- jwt the woy la tay h. Ceme W» •ad tm 4MM ayf. k o . AGATHA SHOP till Ii finn HL KeHenry Ptow I4W I '1 iiff f0"Efl[STER Loveliest momento of all" --a corsage, bouquet o r potted plant of her favori t e S p r i n g , blooms. Order today. M No matter your choice --our flowers are fragrant and fresh from out own greenhouse** ipTe deliver. McHenry Floral Co. PHONE 404 1 Mile South of McHenry on •ONMI fllVICt FROM Antonsoh's Candy Shop .'{(Mi VV. Kim SI. . I'liono 'J.'JO-M 1 Ii^h^tayn .'IKaml 1 JO > - * . . . Delight Your Young Friends With mir rcX^USITK UASTKR RASKKTS craiiiinod i'lill of caiuly and no\ 39* to $5.00 CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS I'illcil wit It .Mil IT and Nl'T wliicii ait' choi'kod lull «*l ])iiica|»|>U>, I'lu'iries, <lat«'s and ytH'tms. .- ('()('()AXI T, The IIIOKI »luscious of cocoauiil cicam cciilcrs in sizes of 5 Ik, 1 ll>., '-lh., and 2 oz. e^s. ; ^11 hand di))pc<l,TolIel1lin(r d^cornt('d witlTniiv name vou desire. • •• •'.. ' 15* to »4.85 . MILK AND DARK CHOCOLATE MOLDED RABBITS, CHICKENS, EGOS, ETC., IN ALL SIZES. 15* to *1.25 FOR YOUR EASTER BASKET We have jelly bonus, lnarslmiollows, hen oggs, •Waster ci'emes, straw, empty baskets and 'novelties at our usual low prices. See our select ion of stuffed animals, dolls' and or lun clt ^------- • -- •- Shop early to avoid disap|)ointment.. for 1st Sunday of the month and holy days when there- is Holy ISucharist. Sermon and Choir, rtoly Days (Prayer Hook). 6:30 Holy Eucharist Lenten Schedule: Daily celebration: 6:30 Monday, Wednesday a*ad and Friday. ; 9:00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. v * Week nights: , 8:00: Litany and Evening praye; with sermon. Spice lipj 'Ginger is one of the only seasonings that can make a filet mignon taste even better than it already is. Simply rub the meat on both sides with ground ginger before broiling. The same goes foi any steak. Old hands at fowl cookery know that it is essential to rub the bird inside and out with ground ginger before cooking. Rut here's a flavor tip for* pot roast which you may not kriovt about. Rub a little powdered ginger on the roast before cooking, just when yon ace dredging ttiie,-nie$t in flour.,' . ' -•» flfbi iCgainsi Tuberculosis , A nationwide attack against tuberculosis was launched in 1904. with the founding of the National Tuberculosis association: .Today the NTA has 3,000 state and local affiliated associations through con* tinental United States and the territories. Right now's the time to feed grass VIGORO! VI60R0 I Ik yiGORO VYCITAL'S rdwiro - ••*•>;»- Sheet Metal Shop ROBINSON for CONGRESS this young aggressive ex-serviceman merits your REPUBLICAN Support READ THIS , IMPORTANT MESSAGE We need an intelligent approach to the problems of government. We need a NEW FACE -- we need a VITAL FORCE -- we need INDEPENDENT ACTION in the 14th Congressional district. Bob Robinson, as your Representative in Congress, will do this for you The Robinson Plan For Real Representation The Robinson plan is the answer to 16 years misrepresentation in Congress. Every individual voter -- the members of Labor, Management and Agriculture - will find in it the answer to the crying need for a voice in government. Under this plan, every person within the 14th district will be responsible for the acts of their Congressman -- because their dicta*os will he followed. Hefe 4s the four-point Robinson Plan -- Point One -- THE PUBLIC PULSE Bob Robinson will have no ptlier occupation to take his time away from his duty as Congressman. He will spend the days, when Congress is not in session, in close contact with the voters of the 14th Congressional District. By regular discussions with the voter who elected him -- in their towns, cities and villages -- he wiU learn, first hand, just what the voter wants from Washington. Thus, Bob Robinson wiU know in what legislation the public is interested and how it wants him to vote. Point Two -- THE PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN^--) No man can be two places at once. Bob Robinson will ask your elected precinct, committeeman to conduct surveys during the time Congress is in session to determine the voters reaction to legislation before the house. The precinct committeeman wiU then transit the information to a central otTice within the county. Bob Robinson will be in daily contact with this office and use the information to guide his vote. In this way it will be your opinion which determines the action -- not "down-the-line" voting for political greed. Point Three -- ADVISORY BOARDS In the past, organized groups have been disregarded by ©«relected Congressman. Because Agriculture, Labor and Industry have many individual problems to be threshed out. Bob Robinson will ask that each of these groups select an advisory committee made np of responsible members of the individual groups to advise him of their problems. Tiiis phase of the Robinson Plan wUl be conducted before each session of Congress, or at any time deemed necessary by the Congressman. At time* when there are organised efforts put forth on the part of any gr«m|u. of constituents, these voters will be invited to participate In round-table discussions of their problems. Point Four -- PUBLIC INFORMATION Bob Robinson wiU prepare an outline of Congressional activity which will be offered to the newspaper in your community :Js& keep you full appraised of all legislation. This monthly letter wUl be concerned with facts and not.' cditoral comment, so you will know at all times just what is going on in Washington. This plan cannot fail to bring real representation because ^Bob Robinson is sincere and abU MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO VOTEREPUBLICAN ON TUES, APRIL 11th and NOMINATE ROBERT W. "BOB" R O B I N S O REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Signed: Robinson Veterans Copi. Will Jones, ,See'y. JOHEPH X. WAYNNB Attorney-at-law *<#9 Wauliegan Road (RFD Bm WEST iVfrllENKY. iLL. • Phone McHenry 492-W niCJHEST CASH PRICES paid t»k l*«md ami ('rippled Horses, {ailife • nil Hogs--.Sanitary IVmw Loo nig Tankage and Meal Scrap* i« sale. Phones ArlinKton Height IHt or .>1 cHenry 814. Keterat rhanrex. Palatin«> Renderfng Serv* HARLES S. PARKKR. Attorney _ (Joslyn & Parker) • 1 Office Hours: Vcdnesday Afternoons--1:00-5 :'M Office--Koehr Supply Company, , »42 Warn Street, Weat McHenry I hone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 11S5 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONftEK LAKE R. 1. RINGWOOD, .ILL. - ,• Cleelric Wiring Motor Repair? ' * Pumps Sold and Repaired - TEL. WONDER LAKE, 402 Home Furniture Recovering >iiid Repairing 20 years experienof^>^ Phone Pistakee 551-R-J V'-'v VIC'S tTHOLSTERY SERVICE ; RR. 1, Pistayua Heights McHenry, 111. VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law % Cor. Green and Elm 8ts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoon* Other Days By Appoint Meat Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horaefl) <ss for down horses trnd catthk MATT'S MINK RANCH iohiiMburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD ilOUS, HORSES AND CATTH We pay phone charges A. P. FREUND SOtfS Excavating Contractors Trucking. Hydraulic and Crane Service -road building-- !Vi. J4-M McHenry, III E. E. PKASLEE, D. C. Chiropractor , 180 8. (lireen St., Mi'Mniy Office Honrs* Daily ea -ep* Thursday 9 to 1S 1:30 to 6 Mon„ Wed. and Frl., ^renle^*- 7 to » Pho-- " • "lenry iW-R McHnNRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 One. Mile South of McHenry \ On Route 31 Flowers for all occasional FALL CLASSES OF -- INSTRUCTION Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks. Cut* Loma. Ray Noble, Griff William# Chicago and Oriental Theatric organizing fall classes. (!all Mq* Henry 5:ia-J-l for appointment ana int»rriei» TeU>|:hor«^i ??•* SIOFFEL ft REIHAMSPUtfilftlk .f * ur»lice agents for all citMe* c ' AM>i»frty in the best rotnpanie* West >I«-Henry.' lllinoiw INSURAMCfc iRARL R. WALSH . Fire. Auto, Farm & Life itisaranat Representiny KKLIAHLE COMPANIES When you need mauraaee of any kiwi Phone 43 or 118-M '•reen & Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 41t DR. R. H. WATKINft , Dentist • --Office Houra-- Tues., Thurs., ft Sat. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Lookout Point. Wonder Lake, Dl FRANK S. MAY Trucking *and--Black Dirt--Crushed Grave Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M*l R-l McHenry AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Weld»ig and Catting-- ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY. ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL; iR. Attorney-at-law 110'o Benton St. Phone Woodstock 1334 Woodstock. Illinois l>R. MARTIN H. STONF CHIROPRACTOR o f f , , - t'orner & Hn» Tues., Thurs. t Mat. ThnmriayK «:30 Tnesilays and Sutnnfays !• S Tel. .Hcltf;;r> «« WELDIVO Maintenance and ConstrnctfciB __ Portable Equipment % H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 61-J *•••9 South Green St., McHenry. HI ^and Limestone VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Dtatk (Hrt Truck for Hire ®L McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-1 B"x 172. Rt. 1. McHeiiry DR. H. S. FIKE ' Veterinarian :r< r*- *>n Highway 31--Office and HwKr Te«. McHenry 31 'MTice Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. w Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hour*: 10 a. m. to 2» p. Bk except WcilneMilay. Office close# all Jay Wednesday. Viea'.nga ky appolataieiils Md|

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