- "*'*£>- 7^r nw^wt McHENRY PLAINDEALEB' *! ^ ? " * 4 < 1 .' > * *1* fcfiw I wage Thret SPRING GROVE •t-.... k ;• »• Freud) On March 15 the Lotus Country Woman's Club met at the home Of Mrs. William Shotliff. Fifteen * ... members and two guests answered to roll call. A program was given by Mrs. LeOn Van Every, the subject being "Where the fat grows slim!" A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. * The card party held on St. Pat- ^rick's Day at St. Peter's parish hall ^was a great success. Many prizes were awarded those achieving 'high scores in pinochle, five hundred and bunco. A delicious luncli- * eon was served. • Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. -Bob Lent, daughte'r, Linda, visited relatives in Chicago on Friday. The Christian Mbther% held their ; I - , regular meeting at St. Peter's ; lia.ll on Thursday night. Plans were I ':]0titscu8sed for the celebration of _« -the golden jubilee of the parish, ' -Twhich will be held on Sunday, "\,Aprll 16. After the meeting cards iCltnd bunco were played and prizes .Went to Mrs. Peter May, Mrs. Charles May, Mrs. Charles Freurtd, Mrs. John Jung, Mrs. Clara Deinlein and Mrss Barbara Schmitt. . The Charles Freund family mov- ' ed on March 17 to the new apart- , ^nent above their store, which has v*ust bean completed. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner were Ml-.and Mrs. Ed Hoffman of Wil- ' mett-e, Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch and family of Bristol, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson and family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Ray May, Mr* and Mrs. William May and family of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of Antioch and £Mrs. Regina Schaefer and sons of Fox Lake. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold May and daughter have returned from China and are visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May. Arnold has been on an engineering project in China. A large crowd enjoyed . the fashion show and program at the high school auditorium in Richmond on Monday night. Those from here who participated in the 'show were Misses Evvie Busch, Betty Lennon, Marilyn Myer, Lois Myer, Edna Hanford and little Vie Freund. Refreshments were served after the show. Ticklers By George j "I wonder what happened to our waiter? I told him, I was so hungry I could eat one of them Texas longhornsi" HUNTLEY ATTORNEY SEEKS DOMINATION FOR LEGISLATURE REPLACEMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY ' CARDS EXPENSIVE - "The Social Security Administration has set up 94,429,877 individual accounts since Jan. 1, 1937," Bernard Barnett, manager of the Waukegan field office has announced. .. "We are establishing new accounts and issuing new num- - bets to approximately 146,000 people per month, and es- -- tablishing new accounts for each "Nof these persons. However," Mr. Barnett explained, "approximately 195,000 persons are losing their account number cards monthly. Each account number card lost costs the government forty-five cents to replace. This cost is part of the administration costs of the Social Security Administration. "Nationally, the cost of replacing of workers' lost cards is $87,- 750 per month and yearly, the cost is 11,053,000. - "In Waukegan area, about fiftyone cards per monUu|ire replaced at a cost of $22.5w*^per month. Workers are urged to keep their Social Security account number cards in a safe place in order to eliminate this expense. "The Waukegan office of the Social Security Administration is located in the post office building. H^and workers having questions about their numbers or accounts should contact this office." Atty. Rayynond J. Kelley of Huntley is fighting hard to unseat the present incumbent, "Representative Thomas Bolger, ill .the Democratic race for nomination to the slate legislature on April 11. Kelley is making a throughcampaign of the entire district. The popular young attorney from McHenry county polled over fi.nno votes in the race for state's attorney of McHenry county in 194N, setting a record for a Democrat seeking a county office., Kelley is a justice of the peace and a practicing lawyer. He obtained his legal education in tHe evening school at IH> Paul 1'niversity and was admitted to the Illinois bar in 1946. Previously he attended the University of Notre Dame. He was appointed postmaster of Huntley in 1934 and resigned in January of this year to seek the nomination as state representative. Kelley is the secretary of the. McHenry county Democratic central committee and has been active in Democratic politics since the Roosevelt administration. Kel- !ey spoke to the Polish (Vntralia Club in North Chicago on Sunday, March ,2(5. Previous to his appointment as postmaster*. Kelley taught school. , Cottonseed Meal Cottonseed meal and hulls are used as feed for dairy cattle, being rich in the elements needed for growth and milk production. , <AIR DEFENSE Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson has an- * nounced th$t air defense observation posts will be established in 330 cities, towns and villages in thirty-nine northern Illinois counties, including McHenry, in compliance with a request of Secretary of Defense Louis C. Johnson at Washington. The govei-nor said that he had directed Major General Leo M. Boyle, .state director of Civil Defence for Illinois, to take immediate steps toward organization of the observation posts. The Illinois observation posts will be part of a nationwide network of 8,250 such lookouts to be manned by volunteer citizens, male and female, and linked with the United States air force's radar warning system. The observation posts will -be used to cover "blind spots" and gaps in the. radar System. , v, .Using the Illinois CiVil Defense* plan as a basis for operations. General Boyle said that each mayor. village president, f township supervisor or comparable official in each of: the 330 selected cities, towns and villages in the thirtynine northern counties in Illinois has been asked to»appoint a supervisor for the observation post in their community. Detailed instructions have been mailed to the Various officials. General Boyle said that when organization of the observation posts has been completed and the volunteers have 'been trained by the U. S. air force, the posts would he manned on a 24-hour-a-dav basis by volunteers during several tests: thereafter the organization «nd personnel would be placed on a standby basis ready to answer a call in an emergency. It is expected that several actual tests will be conducted by the air force late this summer, after organization and training has • been completed. Under present plans it is contemplated that each post wfll be manned by a staff of twenty-three persons, male ,and ieniale, 4o tie chosen by the supervisor appointed for each station. After the supervisor has been appointed for each eomm,unity, the Eastern Air Defense Force of' the U. S. air force at Mitchell Field, N. Y., will communicate directly with him and initiate the training program o{ the volunteer personnel. Six other down state eities,*Roek Island. Ivockford. Peoria. Urbana. Kankakee- and Joliet have been designated as air rajd ' warning centers in addition to ^the ground observation posts in their respective communities. General Boyle explained that it will lie th*> duty of the observation 'posts to report to the Chicago fitter, center 'on low flying planes. The Chicago center In turn will, flash alert1 and warning signals to .tighten fields., $ntiafh'Vaff batteries J^d;; ;air^ "raid warning centers. Y. Order your rubber st&anps ait The FMaindealer. »'•' , SAVINGS BOND SALES REMAIN HIGH IN COUNTY Residents of McHenry county are stilf preparing for their future through regular buying of U. S. Savings Bonds, In February, this year, people in this county invested $122,2t)l in the popular Series "K" Savings Bonds, and - ?121,3S2 in the s&nie type bond in. February 1949. ' Most of the investments in savings bonds are made for one of the following reasons: (li an education for one's children: (2) future security: (3) future homo buying; (4) emergencies. Merchants. bankers and other business m<?n in the .county recognize the vafue of, steady investnient in savings bonds because of the future buying power it represents. In; this .comity alone , during February, purchases of >*E" bonds totaled £122.261: "F" .bonds. $444 : boinds. $37,700,' bringing the total to $160,405. vY - May 15 to July 4 are dates for the spring Independence drive for stepped-up in vestments' jrtj savings bonds. Director Rauen said. A replica of the original Libertl Bell will tour a number of communities and counties in Illinois sometime dur ing the drive. , School children, historical units and the community1 in general will be interested in viewing this bell, Rauen said. VIHITH HOME Walter Rk-hardson io enjoying a 20-day delay en route from army duties at Ft. Belvoir, Va. He will leave soon for the Far East |§H: complete eighteen months of trait* ing. ' Y RE-ELECT IfErtRY I. MILLER Democratic Candidate Tot PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN McHenry Precinct 3 PRIMARIES APRIL 11, 1950 GOOD NEWS FOR HARD OF HEARING Why make tiresome trips to Chicago or 'other distant cities lor your hearing aid needs, when now you may buy aud be serviced locally in this field. Coine in today and see the amating new VOXTRON 3 0 1 Here is the truly fine one-piece hearing aid you ve been waiting lor. Blest of all,this high-quality, high-fidelity instrument. is (poderulely piu ed at only So why pay more? Coii'e in and compare with any aid costing twice the pi ice. I'"ree demonstration. No obligation. ONE YEAR SERVICE GUARANTEE 10 Day MONEY-BACK Guarantee BURGESS BATTERIES FOR ALL HEARING AIDS mWm J" IV rw ai WHIJ 8950 NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY. PHONE 26 McHENRY V Oil Heater A smoky flame in the oil heiter means you're wasting fuel. liwelry and many othe' appropriate gifts. _ RECORDS - Easter Square Dance Popular VOTE REPUBLICAN Classical Stella*jvtoeUy £14 1?. Main St, MeHenry, nt ~ PHONE 128-J HARRY C. HERENDEEN JR. Crystal Lake, 111. for SHERIFF of McHenry County + LIFE LONG RESIDENT OF McHENRY COUNTY * WORLD WAR II VETERAN + ' HOLDS RANK OF POLICE CAPTAIN if YOUNG, AGGRESSIVE. HONEST + I. TRAINING COURSE * ACTIVE YOUNG REPUBLICAN "A \4>l«* tor ll<nntl<«'ii f' is a v«t«' f»r >!«'Ilcnry < oitnlj*' PRIMARIES APRIL1I,TW0 AWNINGS Tarpaulins Canvas Goods Large Selection of Materials ORDER EARLY Specializing in Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, Prop. • W onder^^ke -:- DRU oS -:- P. W. BACH, R. Ph. G. Wonder Lake, Illinois -o- PRESCRIPTIONS FOUNTAIN SERVICE CIGARETTES A Complete Line of Drugs Service Our Specialty , • • Tune in HENQY J. TAYLOR. ^ Your Budget, too, says WEICOMESPRINB! H• ow about it- -got that "new-car" fever? Got a hankering to take hold of a brand-new wheel--touch off the power in a smooth, firm, lively new engine-* set out to meet spring in fresh new styling and sparkling colors? " *~ >ith ai Standou Wu, all its room t styling? and comfort Got a suppressed desire to make it really something good this time--and step away in a Fircballing new Buick, AT YO DOOB |f,is Sleek 6-P«"*"9er Buick Sedanet. only.- why not? You know there's no better buy you -can make--and no wider choice thaayou're going to find among Buick's array of beauties for 1950. You know there's no livelier action-- no smoother ride -- no roomier comfort for the money than you'll find right here. .A.nd if you don't know if-- we'd like to repeat this: If you can afford a new car, you can afford a 1950 Buick. The SPECIAL'S prices start just above the lowest bracket. You can choose between thrifty standard-finish models -- ana de luxe versions a bit and outside finish. # • You can have a Coupe, two-door Of four-door models--sleek-lined jetbacks .or tourbacks with roomy luggage com* partments. -You can dress them up, if you like, with a long list of added equipment--including 1950 Dynaftow Drive* for instance --or hold the list down to the everyone wants. .^V.nd your budget is going to find -continuing reason to be content that you blossomed out in a Buick. For in the hands of owners, the SPECIAL is proving thrifty to run as well as thrifty to buy--and what more could you ask? Which suggests--why not see your Buick dealer now and ask him the exact details apd prices, trade-iM» delivery and terms? due to transportation charges. •SkuuUiritm KOADMASTEX. •ttitnU mt txtrm tmt •* SUPER mmd SPECIAL yot/fi rout KEY TO Greater Vhue Pheme ymr MVICK dvaier far * R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 8 400 FRONT STREET 1 fcHONfiXIffl McHENRY, When bettew automobiles are built BUICK will build tkem .