Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1950, p. 2

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Slip. "> ' vs i I 0 I > u' < *- 5 VMM , 1 ^ j w S j t ' ^ u J u t i w i , j i i y p p f c w ^ i ^ i * * * u y | j | j | p w . $•*/«>»' . '.^"»». . c ' . ^ A ' < " - ' • \ 1 TBI MAHHtt* miUDKALB* •« #'• ThnrwUy, April 90,1968 kto mb ok ftfiwti I desire to thank the voters of till* community for the generous support given me at the primary election April 11. 49 . THOMAS A. BOLGER CARD OF THANKS , i DMuld like to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent me cards and gifts and who visited me during the time I was confined to the Waukegan sanitarium. I greatly appreciated these ry kindnesses. * WILMA SCHROEDER . CARD OF THANKS . I wish to take this opportunity, to thank the voters of precinct 2 for th*ir support at the polls last1 week Tuesday, resulting in my election as precinct committeeman. 49 LESTER BACON r* MISS BETTY BLAKE, VOLO KAN MARRIED HI CITY SATURDAY i A very beautiful early spring wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's church in XIoHenry last Satarday morning at 10 o'clock, f-' Vnittng in marriage Miss Betty -*** Blake, daughter of the Anton Blaken of Green street, and Mr. Louis Piagentini. son of the Nick • Piagenttois of Yolo. Rt. Rev. • Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated st the nuptial service. - |v The charming, dark haired "bride was attired in a white lace • gown over satin, with which she .. gyjirore a long train and fingertip $4 veil, the latter held in place by a. . \. ..#eed pearl tiara. She carried a cascade bouquet of white carnadons and an orchid. Her matron of honbr was Mrs. Joseph Mar tinned, sister of the bridegroom, and bridesmaids were : » Miss Ann Piagentini. another sis- W ter, and Miss Marilyn Schmitt of ^ McHenry. Mrs. Martinneci wore a gown of~pHtlr-saMn with white net trim and a white set hat. The ** bridesmaids were attired in light *#• blue satin with net trim and white Bet hats. All carried cascade bou- Mf. quets of red roses. Bob Blake, the bribe's brother, | "* served as best man and Ray i Blake, another brother, was groomsman. Ushers were Angie I* Piagentini, his brother, and J* Charles Blake, her cousin. The children's choir sang the nuptial mass and Mrs, - Marguerite 4„.« Adams was soloist, singing, "Ave I : Maria" and "At Your Feet Bless- J Mother I'm Kneeling". 4 -• A breakfast followed the cere- J ' monby at The Bridge for forty i members of the 4wo families and ^ the bridal party, and dinner was Hit served there to 120. A reception •» was held during the afternoon and Jj * evening for between 500 and 600 • i guests. 1 * The former Miss Blake is* .a i { graduate of the McHenry high i • school and has been employed at the Oaks in Crystal Lake. Her ^ husband received his education in the Chicago schools. After a wedding trip through the lir South, the couple will operate the S* Coty Cottage at Volo, where they ^will reside. > Mrs. Piagentini has been guest honor at two showers in re- 5t6eBt weeks. One was given by her JJK, .attendants at the Cozy Cottage 4Dpnnd was a linen shower. The other (> was a single gift shower given J by co-workers at the Oaks at The jj Evergreens in Dundee. ] Among those who attended the wedding from out of town were Dr. sad Mrs. P. F. Natali and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stefani of Des Moines, Iowa, Ml*, and Mrs. Joseph Piagentini of Waukesha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Piagentini and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Settino Cassattari and son, Leo, and Mrs. Ben Wegener and daughter, Helen, at Chicago. Chop Suey Sapper Planned For May I . Those who delight ta good food are asked to put a big red ring around May 3, the date when the McHenry chapter of the O.E.S. is serving a chop suey supper, fol- 1oWd by a card party, at the Masonic Temple. More particulars concerning plans for the evening will appear in next week's paper. white with the colors carried oat in nut cups and favors. Attending the party were Monica Phalin, Kathleen Anglese, Ruth Ann Phannenstill, Mary Ann Williams, Mary Kay Stenger, Jnlie Tonyan, Lois Brefeld, Phyllis Schmitt, Barbara Schroeder and Zelinda Bennett. The young hostess received many lovely gifts. snrm* HWH You will be too . . . when you see the Mi£ SAVINGS at our , CLEAN-UP PAINT-UP SALE muzes for au VYCITAL'S < vnn-ty Federation >)d J* HoHenry first meeting of the Mc- H ?nry County, Federation of Vcnien's clubs to be held in Mc- Heivry took place last week in the Loeiion:- Home, with about eighty irt attendance. The local club has just completed' its first year of membership in the county organization. Officers were elected, including Mrs. John Jolly of Crystal Lake as president and Mrs. L'msted of the same city as secretary. An interesting portion of the program was a reading of the article "Complacency or Liberty", by Mts. S. F. Beatty of Chapel Hill, a story which warned of the necessity of being aware of Communism and its insidious manner of spreading. Mrs Beatty secured this very interesting and informative material from Paul Clovis. Entertainment was furnished by the boys' octet from the high school and by a marimba solo. tt;.. Entertained Friendf On Ninth BfrtMay l Jill Siler entertained friends at a party honoring her ninth birthday anniversary on Wednesday afternoon, April 12, at her home in Fair Oaks subdivision. Qames were enjoyed, after which a tasty lunch was served. Guest« attending the party were Nancy Caldwell, Joan Adams, Carole Reinboldt, Eleanor Springman and Helen Olson, County Council Of Auxiliary Met Friday The county council of the American Legion Auxiliary met last Friday evening at Harvard, at which time they received a citation for their outstanding cooperation with the department's eightpoint rehabilitation program. The next oounty council meeting will be held at Wonder Lake on- Friday evening. May 5. Jahnke of Chicago senrsd as beet man. Following the wedding, H. Ross, Sr.Pwas host at a wedding dinner at Art & Lee's on Riverside Drive, McHenry. Later, to add his bit, Henry Ross, Sr., arranged a sur prise wedding party at Club Lilymoor. Part of the surprise was the appearance of a large group of former buddies of the bridegroom who served overseas with him, including Sgt. Rex Finney, his business partner, of Urbaaa, and Dan Hah man of Chan nel Lake. . Friends and relative* attended from Chicago, Arlington Heights, Libertyville, Waukegan and Wonder Lake. An enjoyable reception was held at Lllymoor, with music furnished by AL Kruger and hi* concertina. Announce Troth Of Rose Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. J. Dietrich Qt Terra Cotta announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Rose Dietrich, to Roy Waterman, son of . Mrs. Mildred Waterman of Barrington. No date has been set for the wedding. " ' 0. E. S. Sponsors Rsmmage Sale The McHenry chapter of the Order of Eastern Star is sponsoring a rummage sale, to be held April 21 and 22 at the City Hall. The sale will open each day at 10 o'clock in the morning. Greenwood Church Dinner April 20 A dinner, served cafeteria style, will be the attraction at the Greenwood church on Thursday, April 20, with serving to begin at 5:30. This will be a roast beef dinner. O.E.S. Chapter Enjoyed Movie A slated meeftog W** *M.S. was held in th Masonic Temple on April 11, with a movie on cancer following the meeting. Lunch was served at the conclusion of the evening's entertainment. The local worthy matron and worthy patron will serve in the East at Crystal Lake tonight, Agril HENRY ROSS. JR. AND URBANA GIRL MARRIED APRIL IS P.T.A. MAKING PLANS FOR ENTERTAINMENT OF SENIOR CLASS Something now in the way of entertainment for the seniors of the local high school is the program planned for them by the McHenry Community P.T.A. for Thursday evening, April 27, in the high school auditorium. Lt; Jmdrews of the Evanston police will show a short film, "Last Datk", after which the class members will dance in the ifew cafeteria. Mothers of Freshmen and juniors will furnish refreshments. The P.T.A. will have its regular monthly meeting and refreshments upstairs. •« The local P.T.A. is sending its president, Mrs. Fred Svoboda, to the golden jubilee state convention on Thursday, Friday and flaturday, April 20, 21 and 22, at the Stevens hotel in Chicago. On May 26 the P.T.A. will give a party and dance for the grade school graduates from ? to 10 o'clock In the grade school gymnasium. «- MARINE'S ADDRESS Those desiring to wr\te to Les- , ter Duane Bacon, who recently rarf jiM wedding paity was joined the marine corps may do Henry Ross <80 by addressing him as follows: U.S.M.C., Recruit Batallion, Marine Entertains On Niece's Birthday " MIbs RoVena Marshall entertained at a very lovely pdrty last Saturday in honor of the twelfth birthday anniversary of her niece, Patricia Lee Marshall- Oam< were enjoyed and prizes awarded, after which the guests assembled at an attractively decorated table to enjoy a tasty lunch. The room was decorated in pink, blue and of Wonder Lake last Saturday April 15, in honor of their son, Henry, Jr., and Wilma Hak of Uj-bana. A quiet wedding had been planned by the young bridegroom prior to the honeymoon trip, but these plans were altered somewhat by his parents. The wedding was a quiet one at home, with Rev. F. C. Guise of Messiah Evangelical Lutheran church of Chicago performing the nuptials at 5 o'clock. The bride, an Urbana girl, was attired in a beautiful gray gabardine suit. Ardeil Ross, who attended her as maid of honoi^ wore a navy blue gabardine suit. Arthur Corps Recruit Island, S. Car. Depot, Parrls CARD OF THANKS We would like to take <gthis means of thanking friends and neighbors for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, donations of cars and food and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereaves ment. They have all been greatly appreciated, ' ? MRS. ANNA BRdferN 49 AN^f*a&Y Order your rubber stamps at Plain dealer. Announcing The Opening OF CARPET-MAT Uncle Bob's Doghouse Saturday, April 22 -- 4 p. m. At Hi-Ho Golf Course a. On Hwy. 120, 2 Miles East of McHenry A unique process of vul canizing carpet with a rub j1>er back gives a fion-skid mat. Ideal For: Doorways. | Laundry Room, at kitcher sink, ironing board. ~~ SIZE: 18"x30" Only $3.95 ul Sk»" IP. M. Jnsten Fnrnitnre C«. McHenry, 111. | W. McHENRY PHONE 6; THANK YOD! Featuring NEW YORK STLYE HOT DOGS ^^.-'-,l^|^kMBURGE&ci..r^;|S01TEE,, . COLD DRINKS COME AS YOU ARE -- INFORMAL Thank You! f To the People of Boone, Lake and McHenry Counties: Thank you for your enthusiastic support at the recent Primary Election. I shall try to merit the confidence you have shown in me. Republican Candidate for Representative J* the General Assembly. L • ' f>', <*rv McCLORY I wish lo thank the voters of McHenry Oounty for thier support and confidence in me at the primary election, Tuesday, April 11* 1950. Personals rlf" , i ' , 5 ' « A i' Mrs. Barbara Homburg spent a recent day with her brother in Elkhart, Iud., and with sisters and brothers In LaPorte, Ind. Mrs. Elsie Gerlach of Lombard spent the weekend with Mrs. Barbara Homburg. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Freund Waukegan Road and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pierce of Harvard spent Saturday evening in Elgin, where they attended the wedding of Shirley Schroeder and Robert S wen son at the First Methodist phurch. Sunday dinner guests in the Peter W. Freund home were Mr. and' Mrs. Burnice Mackey of Marengo, Mrs. Neil Wilson of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Grace Thomasson of Indiana and Mr. and. Mrs. William Merrill of Belle Plane, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill remained for a longer visit. . ' i Relatives who attended the funeral of Rev. Ft. Wm. A. O'Rourke last week were Rev. Fr. Raymond Murray, ,C.S.C., of Notre Dame, Frank Murray of Toledo, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. William Murray of South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. John Bngeln atid daughter, Mrs. Virginia Thomas, and the. latter's daughters of Fenton, Micli., spent a few days in McHenry this past week, where they were called by the death of Mrs. Barbara Engeln.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, Jr., and family of Detroit, Mich., are visiting in the Fred Krohn, Sr., home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hart of Chicago spent Sunday at their McHenry home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Chicago were weekend visitors here James Weber, Jerry Wegener ind Richard Paddock returned to fct. Nazians, Wis., this past week after spending their Easter vacation in their respective homes. Alodph Weideman has returned to the seminary at Baltimore, Md., after visiting in his home here. Mr. aad Mrs. William Hay and family are enjoying a two-weeks' vacation 1a and around Nashville, Tenn., where they are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Toy East, and taking in points of interest in that area. Frank Kempfer, Sr., left the Woodstock hospital, last Thursday and is now resting at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Fred Simon, in Chicago' ( Unfiif 4' » 4"I"H"I' • 'I' ft 4 BIRTHS <• •»' <• .g. <• <• * THANK YOU! We would like to tell all those who supported our benefit program last Sunday evening how very sincere are our thanks. Contributions received at the doo# and those which have been sent in later this week amounted to |160, which will do much to defray the expense of our trip to Taylorville next we£k. We are very grateful and will do our best td merit the support given us. . CHORUS" and ORCHESTRA MEMBER^ CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who supported me at th« polls last week Tuesday, resulting in my election as precinct committeeman. 49 HENRY A. MILLER Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Steffan are the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital April 12. The Steffan's have two other boys and a girl. CARD OF THANKS We would like to tha"nk friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We especially want to thank Msgr Nix and the other priests who took part In the services. •49 THE ENGELN FAMILY PAINT UP - CLEAN U P -- SPECIALS -- LAWN BROOMS . ... 44c SPRINKLING CAN ...... 9iM PICK-UP CARTS ....... $t^46 SPADING FORKS ........ $149 GALV. SCREEN WIRE 84" BUNKING FT .16c EXTRA 100% PURE WHITE HOUSE PAINT $3.98 per gal. 25 FT. 5/8" GABDEN HOSE 9&2» MIXED GRASS SEED 5 lb. $3.19 • lb. 69c WHITE CLOVER SEED $1.89 lb • YIGORO PLANT FOOD M0 lb. $445 MILORGANITI 100 lbs. $&50 U, Next Door To Bank ip McHenry .;• .fr •> fr •{. •$. fr I?, fr friyfr •£• fr 4- fr ;i Try Our Drug Store First /We carry a completei line of Drugs, Cosmetics, •; Candies, Vitamins, Baby Needs, Films, Fountain Service, Stationary, Biologicals and Cigarettes. % RELIABLE' PRESCRIPTIOKi" i WONDER LAKE DRUGS P. J. BACK, R. Ph.O. Iliiitfwood Drive and Summerrille Ave. Wonder Lake Illinois 4 frfr <'!• 4"!1 <• 4' 'i"!11' >'!"{' -i1 AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION =s=n VOIDS TIAT NEVER TARNISH generations Americans! have proved .the truth and wisdom of words like these: You get paid only for what you produce . . . you prosper only by giving a little more than you get.. • aad your progress is limited only by your ability willingness to work and $#vt.--:-- ---- Every American boy who reads and heeds these time-tested truisms will be a better citizen and a better man. Furthermore, he will get more joy 1 •wBof earnings >livicg w'a-h that tLne arriviaL 1 McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System Mettibez Fedenl Depodt Inw ranee Oorporatlon Here Are America's Most Outstanding Truck Values NEW PL • ^ • /CHEVROLET/ RICHARD L TAZEWELL See these great new truck buys in our showroom* todayI ^brfbrmance Xeaders ,^iylpad Xeaders JR>pu!arity Xeaders JPhce Xeaders Mosf Powerful Chevrolet Trucks Ever Builtl Cost Less To Operate Per Ton Per Mile! Preferred by Par Over All Other Tracks! , Now of N*w Lower Priced PAM AHEAD wMb dfif these PXtUS PtATUMS • TWO OREAT VALVC4N-HEAD ENGINES: Dm New lOS-h^t. loa«l-M«star and thr Improved 92-h.p. ThHfl-Mostar • THE NEW POWER-JET CARSURETOR • DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH . SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS e HYPOID REAR AXLES • DOUSLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES • WIDE-BASE WHEELS • ADVANCE-DESIQN STYLING • BALL-TYPE STEERING • UNTT-OISIGN BODIES CLARK CHEVROLET SALES o PHONE 277 MoHEMRT. ILUffSTB

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