Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1950, p. 5

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MCHENRY PLAMDEALER published every Thursday at Mc- Hanry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL iblTOtlAi #c5t@n W. BURFEINDT, Geni Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. Entered as second-class matter the postoffice at McHenry, 111., wider the act of May 8, 1879. (4p SUBSCRIPTION BATE v I Year Plaindealer Want Ads . ;No ads counted less than 25 jrerds. 75c minimum.. ' 1* insertion . 75c (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Gird of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum t Reading notice 15c per line. <0, Want Ads close promptly at 10 ft.m. Wednesday. AUTOMOTIVE FOB SALE--1949 Willys Express, Jne Ton model with four-wheel, rive. McHenry Garage, 604 Front Bt., McHenry, 111. ^ 46tf BUSINESS SERVICE ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 59(52. 45tf COMPLETE THEE SERVICE --J3S Waukegan Road. Phone 7.24 Anderson Tree Service 40tf •XPERT PIANO AND OROAN Refinish- Used i>ianos for salt;. E. Zaboth, call .colect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf ATTJNINO--Repairing and Refiuit ^€ng, work futty guaranteed. Us JANITOR SERVICE -- We clean woodwork, floors, windows, walls Daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally. Reasonable prices. McHenry Janitor Service, Don I>ewcy, Mgr. Phone J*IcHeniy 430-J. 32tf FOR BABY SITTERS--In your Neighborhood, call Pre-Teeu club, *4he Toddler Shop, McHenry, 746. V 38tf HAVE YOUS CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie B Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf O. J. H. DIEHL it Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington 8t. Woodstock, 111. fOtf TREE SPRAYING FRANK**" W. HENKEL Volo Illinois - P. O. Round Lake, 111. Phone McHenry 543-J-1 46tf PLOWING--Rototilling, wood sawlifg, bhirk dirt, cinders, trucking. Herman I)owe, 208 Richniond Road, t^lcHenry. Phone 241. 47-4 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Bo* 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf PAINTING--Decorating and paper hanging. Thirty vears experience. Froe estimates. C. Gustafson, phone McHenry 665-J-l. Call after 5 p.m. *49-2 * LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Flower beds prepared and planted. Guaranteed. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course Subd. Phone 210-J McHenry. 49 BUSINESS SERVICE PROPERTY OWNER8 FREE ESTIMATES?* All Kinds of Roofing Af>be3to*, Insul Brick, Stone and Shak^. Shingle siding. Bock Wool Insulation Lightening Rods Eve, Troughs . - , % fiarfee Bros. Roofing fflfc': ? Jack Scott, Rep. Tele. 456-B • ;-v"* 45tf SAVE -- SAVE -- SAVE Homes, Remodeling, Roofing, Sidrne SPECIAL 7 Room Ranch Type Hove " .15,995.00 '. v f ^^Terms on all work, i /- , FREE ESTIMATES " Phone Wonder Lake l>98 after 5 n.m AIRSPUN INS. CO. V *47-4 OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN .. .CIVILIAN AND -VETERANS Write, for full particulars. IIow you can be prepared easily and quickly for a good paying job as a master machinist, tool maker, drafts man, tool designer, and tool engineer. We train you and help you to a worthwhile position. Write box 48. *48-3 HELP WANTED--American Terra Cotta Corp. Steady employment. 49 ATTENTION! Immediate openings . for active men; steady work, good pay. Apply at oncc in person or by phone. Ironer Division of Speed Quern Corp., Algonquin, 111. Phone Algonquin 2131 (formerly Simplex Division of Barlow ft Seeling Mfg. Co. 49 2 POB SALE--Toloure goose eggs for hatching, $1.00. Please call McHenry 367. 49 SALESMAN WANTED Large feed company ne^ds salesnan in this vicinity. No investment. Home nights. Adequate field training. Prefer married man between 25 ;nvd 50. Must have car. Write Box 50 care McHcnry Plaindealer. *49 HELP WANTED--Man wanted for general nursery work. Inquire at Pitzen's Nursery. Phone Round Lake 5570. * 49tf HELP WANTED-tt--Male, wanted at -»nce, for general farming. Call Richmond 948. *49 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED-- Will do plan* ironing, in my own home. Also baby sitting. Call 77-W. *491- FORSAJLE FOR THAT SPRING DECORATING-- paper hanging and painting, see Joseph M. Freund, 700 Center Street or call 93-J. *48 4 TREE SPRAYING GARDEN PLOWING J. W. Raycraft Phone McHenry 298-B 48tf C. D. KINSEY . Contractor and Builder Homes, Remodeling. Cabinet Estimates Given Phone 893-J. 'I <-Worl 48-7 NOW READY TO SHOW-- Good quality Hereford and Angus steers suitable for cheap feed or grass, weighing from 500 to 800 pounds. At the farm on Route No. 20, two miles west of Belvidere, 111. Visitors always welcome, whether you want one or a hundred. No she-stuff at present. II. L. Dunning. 48-4 CLUB LILYMOOR PRESENTS, Saturday night April 22, the return engagement of Don Olsen, accordion and piano. Sunday April 23, feature film and cartoon, Bill Elliott in "The Return Of Daniel Boone." Showing at 3 p.m. for children, 8 p.m. adults. Free Fried Shrimp, Bar-B-Qne, etc. 49 HELP WANTED* FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill , Co. Fpr estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 1^. 40tf FOR SALE--Generatoiy, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Cia^ St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf HELP WANTED--Jobbers to - call on Auio Stores and Filling Stations selling reputable products. High commissions with good chances for advancement. Write R. Duane Fowler, Bo* 334, Woodstock or Phone 464-JX. 40tf TOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of °wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf HELP WANTED--Waitress wanted, experienced or inexperienced. Mosley's Cafe, 314 Elm Street, Phone McHenry 393. 48-2 HELP WANTED--Girl to help in delicatessen, some waiting on trade. Apply in person. Pantry Delica tessen, Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 754. 48tf FOR SALE -- Antiques. Clothing for family. Formals. "This clothing J in good condition." Miscellaneous ' items. Open all winter, Tuesdays, thru Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road. Consignment and Resale, % mile west Terra Cotta Factory which is on Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 32tf FOR SALE--Complete line of nursery stock. Evergreens, shrubs, fruit and shade trees, roses, magnolias, etc. Get our prices and Bee our stock before you bay. Westman's Evergreen Nursery, % mile west of Woodstock on South St. Phone Woodstock 1023-M. *49-3 FOR SALE--Four good used 30x3% tires, tubes and rims. Stilling's "66' Service, 300 Elm St., McHenry. *49 FOR SALE -- IS ft. speed boat, double cockpit forward, and 4- wlieel trailer. Phone McHenry 767-J. 48-2 FOR SALE--Lawn roller, used Oiice, $10. Thor electric mangle, large size, like, new, $70. PUpne McHenry 699 W l. SIT'S HEBE ; C>. ^ We hae just received a new jrtiip tneat of pure *• -V • Kentucky Blue On* . By the pound, 96c • ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE 501 Main St. McHenry, 111. PHONE 264 49 RUMMAGE SALE -- At Burton Bridge School House, April 28 nnd 29, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 49 FOR SALE--To liquidate estate. Modern eight room year round Fox River front home, acreage. Good transportation. Phone Cary 5814. 49 FOR SALE--New grocerv business located at Lily Lake OIJ Hwy. 120. Business and living qttrfrters avail aide. Terms can be arranged. Call Owner, McHenry 503--W-2. 49 ALL YEAP. HOfilZS FOB SALE PISTAKSE; near Villa Club 5 rooms, 2 large lots. Ideal location, Price $7500. WONDER LAKE: 5 rooms on Blacktop Road. Price $6,850. RIVERSIDE DRIVE: 5 rooms and breakfast room, four car garage and work sho|i,- new hot air furnace, laundry tub, recreation room also river front lot across the road, included, for appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, in .TOHNSBriM, Tel. McHenry 37. 49tf FOR SALE--2 family modern brick home, forced air heat, 4 rooms on first floor, 3 rooms upstairs, fully insulated, storm windows, corner lot and garaged Must be seen to be appreciated. Call after 5 p.m. or all da v Sunday. Phone ilcHenrv 53? W l. - *47.4 FOB SALE---5-room house, living room, 2 bed rooms, full bath, cabinet kitchen, heated porch, oil heat, automatic hot water, on black top road. Immediate possession, $6,800.00. Call Wonder Lake 456. 47-3 FOR RENT FOB BENT--To employed men only, rooms and good meals; bath shower, plenty of hot water. Tel. McHenrv 853. 46t"f FOB BENT--^ dern 4 r'jom apt., adults only. Chapel Hill. Phone Mc Henry 668 M-l. 49 FOB BENT-- 4 room house, auto matic oil heat, inquire Farm House Tavern, 1 mile south on Route 31. *49 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repai*. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 16tf REAL ESTATE WANTED Bring in your property--we will furnish the customers. Bushels of 4% money to loam on farms. A business that reputation built for over one-half century. It must be right or not at all. Large ones, small, ones, we sell farms in northern' QUINLAN LAND OFFICE, Wood stock, 111. 46-4 FOB SALE--Modern 5-room house; automatic oil heat; hot water, insul at.ed. Lot 199x66. Venetian blinds throughout. Second floor suitable for additional rooms. 1 car garage. 804 Center street. Ernest Bohr, • p h o n e H>7 R . . 4 9 FOR SALE--Near Melieury, House 7 rooms, rock wool insulated, 2 glassed in sun rooms, 1 Vis baths, 3,000 sq. ft. in house, oil heated, 7 rooms furnished, living room and dining room carpeted wall to wall, inlaid liaolcum in kicthen, automatic gas hot water heater in basement, electric pumping system in house, 2 good wells 50 ft. deep, 40 assorted fruit and shade trees, flowers, shrubs, chicken house, 30 rod run, steel posts and gate,. 6 lots, 1 is a Fox River front with sea wall. If river lot is not wanted will give an easement to river which Would reduce price which is $15, 900. Immediate possession. Adjoining 20 lots for sale if so desired. For appointment write Ben J. Diets McHenry, Illinois. (Courtesy shown to Brokers). 48-2 FOB SALE--5 room year round home, automatic oil heat, large attic, priced at $9800. Corner lot on Lake Shore Drive, in Wickline Bay, Wonder Lake, or call Chicago Bucking ham I 1182. 48 2 SALESMEN WANTED--.Just bcccome available good established Rawleigh business in Woodstock and McHenry. No experience needed to start. Sales easy to make and profits large. Start immediately. Write Rawleighs, Dept. ILC-52-216, Free port, 111. *46-4 HELP WANTED--rM n n for service station, experience preferred. Selling's "66"Service, 300 Elm St., Mc Henry. 48tf FEED SALESMAN Manager's position open" for man willing to work hard and wanting go places. Old concern. Write Sal«8 Manager, P. O. Box 357, Ottawa, Illinois. • 48-3 HELP WANTED--Woman for general house work, 5% day week. Must like children. State references and expected wage. Write Box 49 'care McHenry Plaindealer. 49 HELP WANTED--Cook and wait ress; steady; days. The* Nook, West McHenry. Call 244-J. 49 s Clean C7o(/ic« WearLonger ...... Clean Clothe* Wearlonger llelen Weber Says: e e e. i i • * 00C1DB,THERf» (WW FEAST TIME FOR MOTHS Moths are especially fond of soiled winter garments-^ you'll be much safer if they are cleaned now before putting them away. McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M 118 Elm St. WINDOW SHADES--OB VENETIAN BLIND8--New line of removable flat and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderited and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling Window Shade & Vjenetian Blind Co., 5640 W. Division street, Chicago. Phone Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l Fri. evening, Sat. or Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. & 27tf FOR 8ALE--1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa. Hugh J. O'Brien, Phone Wauconda 2317. 48tf PIANOS 40 miles from high prices SPRING CLEARANCE SALE New and Used Spinets and Grands Unusual bargains - Call Elgin 780 DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO, Cor. W. Chicago ft Union Sts. Elgin, m . 46 4 TOR SALE--Man's suit, blue sierge, size 40, also white gold matched set, engagement, and wedding bnnd, reasonable. Call McHenry 663-R-l. *48 FOR -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on land scaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOR SALE--14 ft. Nepeco freeser, used onlv 3 years, excellent con dition, $225.00. *48-2 FOR SALE--1st and 2nd cutting of alfalfa hay. Call McHenry 525-J-l. .foe Blake, Route 31. *48-2 FOR 8ALE--Davenport-; Metal bed and spring; ehifferobe and 9x12 rug. $15.00. Phone McHenry 821 -R. *40 FOR SALE--Complete welding and repair shop, new building, best loa.- tion Care of Box 5?, Post Office, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE -- Concession trailer completely equipped with Dri-Gas 4 burner plate, 48 cap Gas heated coffee urn, etc. Floor measures 6x12 with 6' ceiling and plenty of cupboard space. Must sell. Priced for quick sale. Call either McHenry 447-B or 423-J after 6 p.m. 49 FOR SALE--21" Power lawn mower like new; double sink; and car radio and electric pump. Call McHenry 584 M-l after 6 p.m. 49 WANTED-- Well established and good going business in McHenry. Will purchase outright or substantial interest of one planning to retire shortly. Can exchange best of references. No tavern or restaurants. Replies will be held in strict confidence. WTrite Box 45 care McHenry Plaindealer. *46-4 WANTED TO BUY FOR SALE--Seven-room brick home in McHenry; IV2 bath; modern kitehen with automatic washer; hasenjent; automatic oil heat; large landscaped lot; ^ 2 blocks from C & XW station, two blocks from church, schcol and shopping. Call McHenry 436. *48-3 WANTSD TO BUT -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce. Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf WANTED TO BUT--Business pro lperty on Route 120. Improved or vacant. P. O. Box 236, McHenry, Illinois. *49 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- McHcnry business man and wife wish to rent 6 or 7 room home, in or near McHenry. Can furnish best of ref erences. Pantry Delicacies, Phone 754. 42tf WANTED TO BENT--Cottage for 4 grown-ups. Must be modern. Waterfront. Write Box 51 care McHenrv Plaindealer. 49 WANTED TO BENT--Year round unfurnished home with at least 2 Call Wauconda rence J 5185. •49-2 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS--IN HOMES, FARMS --CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PRO PERTY. BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, ILL.--LICENSED ILL. AND WIS. BROKKR. PHONE McHENRY 421 J. 44tf FOB SALE--Residence; 6 rooms, bath; 2 screened-in porches; full basement with laundry; hot water heat. Garage 22x20; two chicken houses 10x20 and 10x60; area of property is 165 ft. by 265 ft., with orchard of 40 assorted fruit trees. Priced to selL 715 Center St., West McHenry. Owner on premises. Tel. 278-J. 44tf XGTIOE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Henry B. Buch Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that June 5. 1950, is the claim date in the estate of Henry K. Bucb. Deceased, pending in the County Court of -McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. HENRY E BUCH, JR. Administrator VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer, Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. April 13-20-27) FORSAJLE--5 roorfi modern year round home on Wickline Bay. Holly wood floor furnace, automatic hot water heater, completely insulated. 2 bedrooms up stairs. Lot 150x75. Partially furnished. Only $7,900. See Mr. Raedel. Inquire Shore Hill Grocerv. *49-2 FOR SALE--100x200 ft. homesites, gas, electricity, water. Two minutes to town, one minute to Fox River. Walter J. Walsh, McHenrv 608 R1. *49 FOB SALE-- Universal gas stove, good condition, $15.00 or best offer. Phone 585 J 1. *43 ' ** fr * at mS'W i-. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods " of all kinds. A1 Pliannen- •tiiL- 49tf - .\J HAVING SPENT THE WINTER In Florida, I am glad to say I am again working for Jacob Fritz Realty. If you have anything to sell we will gladly list it. Haven't many places for sale at this time, so if you have a place tfall me and I will come and talk to you. and do my best to sell it. If you are looking for a Farm, Business, Home or Summer Cottage, I wiH get Tf "for you. Call McHenry.37, Houry NeU. 49 HO T I f E INT THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF OAK PARK NATIONAL BANK, AS TRUSTEE AND CHARLES H. FRITZSCHE AND • AMANDA S. FRITZSCHE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS UNDER THE EXISTING ZONING ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the zoning classifications a public hearing will be had before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of Oak Park National Bank, A national Banking Association, as Trustee under a Certain Township 44 North, Range 9 1947 and known as Trust No. 1748 aind Charles H. Fritzsche and Amanda S. Fritzsche that the zoning classification of the fpllowing described real estate be changed from its present "F" classification to a "B-l" classification: "FRITZSCHE ESTATES" being a Subdivision in a part of the North one-half of Section Five (5) Townshop 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian. McHenry (County, Illinois according to the Plat thereof recorded in Book 10 of Plats Page 126 in 'the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in McHenry County, Illinois. The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, May 9th, 1950 in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, By Harold Bacon. 50 Its chairman Loose e&d KJnne, Attorneys. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE A PLICATION OF OAK PARK NATIONAL BANK, AS TRUSTEE AND CHAftLES H. FRITZSCHE AND AMANDA S. FRITZSCHE FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS EXISTS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That in compliance with provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change of the zoning classifications now in effect a public hearing will be had before the Board of Appeals in connection* with the application of Oak( Park National Bank, A National 'Banking Association, as Trustee under a Certain Trust Agreement dated June 9, 1947 and known as Trust No. ,1748 and Charles H. Fritzsche and Amanda S. Fritzsche that the coning classifications of the following described, p^rcela: as follows: Parcel No. 1: \ - •">' / That part of the "West one-half of the Northeast quarter In Section Five (5), Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McHenry County. Illinois^ described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the North east quarter of Section five (5), Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian and running thence North along said West line of the Northeast quarter a distance <it 623.0 feet to a place of beginning, thence East on a line parallel with the South line of said quarter section of the East line of the West one-half of the Northeast quarter of gaid section, thence North on said East" line of the west onehalf of the Northeast quarter 709.8 feet, thence West on a line parallel with the South line of the West one-half of the Northeast quarter to the west line of the Northeast quarter, thence South on said West Hne to the plaee pt beginning. Petitioners request a change from "F" classification to a "B-l" classification. PARCEL NO. 2: ' « A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Section Five (5), Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, thence North along the West line of said Northeast quarter a distance of 1337.1 feet for a place of beginning, thence East along a line parallel with the South line of said Northeast quarter to the East line of the West one-half of the Northeast quarter, thence North along said East line of the West one-half of the Northeast 'quarter to a point even with the most Southerly extension of Lot eight (8) of Wegener's subdivision, thence West on a line parallel with the South line of said Northeast quarter to the West line of said Northeast quarter, # thence South along said West line to the place of beginning meaning and intending thereby that the North line of said Parcel 2 shall in ho way encroach upon or bisect in any portion of Wegener's Subdivision, but shall touch the most Southerly part of Wegener's Subdivision; Petitioners request a change from "F" classification to a "B-2" classification. The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, May 9th, 1950 in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, » By Harold Bacon 49 Its chairman Looze and Kinne, Attorneys. HOT IC B IN THE MATTER OF THE AP* PLICATION OF ANTHON^ A. VARESE AND EVELINNA A. VARESE FOR A VARIATION IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION UNDER THE EXISTING ZONING ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: I That in compliance 'with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the zoning classifications a public hearing will be had before the Board of Appeals In connection with the application of Anthony A. Varese and Evelinna A. Varese that the zoning classification of the following described real estate be varied to allow a "Ba1" usage: . • Beginning at the most North Easterly point of Hunterville Park Subdivision thence North Easterly on a line parallel with the Mc- Henry-Pistakee Bay Road for a distance of One Hundred Forty Four (144) feet: thence at right angles. North Westerly on a line parallel with the North Easterly line of Hunterville Park Subdivision for a distance of Two Hundred (200) feet: thence , at right angles South Westerly on a line parallel with the McHenry- Pistakee Bay Road, to the North Easterly line of Hunterville Park Subdivision: thence South Easterly on a line along the North Easterly line of the Hunterville Park Subdivision to a place at beginning. . ^ Above described property being located on the Plat of Rosedale, recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County. Illinois, in Book 1 of Plats, on Page 67, said Rosedale being a subdivision of a part of the West half (Mi> of the Southwest quarter (M) of Section Twenty-five (25) and of Lots Number One (1) and Two (2) of Maplewood Park in the East fraction of the Northwest quarter (%) of said Section Twenty-five (25). all in Township Forty-five (45) North, of Range Eight (8). East of the Third Principnl Meridian and situate, lying and being in the County of McHenry, In the State of Illinois. The hearing will be held at 3 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday. May 9th 1950 in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By Harold Bacon 49 its chairman Looze and Klnne, Attorneys. NOTICE OF APPLICATION fH PROBATE OF WILL. Fer STATE OF ILLINOIS, * McHljjJfBY COUNTY, sir T f To ALVAN STANLEY WRIGHT, AI*IN P. COLBY, ALFRED COLBY JESSE WRIGHT, DOROTHY WRIGHT, CLARA WRIGHT, MER WRIGHT, JR., ANN WRIGHT and the UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ROBERT WALTER WRIGHT, deceased heirs at law and legatees, so far as known of, ROBERT WrALTER WRIGHT deceased, late of McHenry County, Illinois. You are hereby notified that application has been made to the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, for the probate of the will of ROBERT WALTER WRIGHT deceased, and that the hearing of the pi'oof of said will has been set by said Court for the 8th day of May AD. 1950, at the hour of 10 o'clock D.S.T. in the forenoon, at the Court House in Woodstock in said County, when and where yonj can appear, if you see fit, and show cause, if any you have, why said will should not be admitted to probate. RAYMOND D. WOODS, County Clerk. April 3, 1950. (COURT SEAL) FARMERS URGED Tf COMPLETE CENSUS QUESTIONNAIRES Read the Want Ads. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drag Store. McHenry. 8tf *7/te RiuieAa Show Place of tlu» Middle West Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Presenting The Musical Sensation of The Nation from ttoe big Name Bands of Jimmy Dor sey, Skinny Ennis, Artie Shaw, Alvino Rey, Art Kassul and Glenn Gray, comes FREDDIE MANN and his Great Orchestra with Seventeen Sparkliag Entertainers featuring TOMMY MORGAN Bad Lovely SHERRY LEE Every Saturday Night "SPECIAL NOTICE TO THOSE UNDER ar If you cannot furnish bonified proof of your age, please" do not order intoxicating bet crapes. LIQrOR SERVim TO MINORS" » ^ •• * 'i1 •> * 1 1950 is not only a population sad housing census year but also an , agricultural census year and as a result farmers are urged to complete their agricultural questionnaires at once, before U>ey are approached by the census enumerj ator. Forms were brought to farmers by rural mail carriers the latter part of March. Anyone residing on three acres of land, has 100 chickens, produced 300 dozen eggs or had three hives of bees last year muA complete one of the forms; also anyone who operates a greenhouse. Ten days remain this igpnth for the census to be completed if it is finished according to schedule. Bad roads have hampered the enumerators in the country and some farmers have been reluctant to fill out their forms, thinking they had been passed up. Evei yone will be approached and having the agricultural forms completed! when the census taker arrives wilt speed up this important work. Miss Marie Ropp of Chicago spent one day this past week with McHenry friends. Miss Ropp was formerly kindergarten teacher here. '.The Beautiful EL T0VAR 1 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry* Co's. Leading Theatre Prescribe for The Fiaindealet. FRI. . SATDan DaRy APRIL 2USS Corlnne Calvft In "WHEN WILLIE COMES MARCHING HOME" SUN. . MON„ APRIL 23-24 Sunday Copt From 2:16 P.M. Betty Grable Victor Matmre In "WABASH AVE.ME" (In Technicolor) Sparkling with songs and loaded with dancing and romance. ^^^TUEirTvnEDr. THTRN! Al'RIL 26.2H-27 Shelly Wfclfrs McDonald C#rej In "SOPH! SEA SINNER" , COMING SOON "CAPTAIN CAREY" •CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" "RIDING HIGH" IIMIIIINNIHmiiniltllllttllttlllllllllUlllHHHHIMMMNI •eHENRY, ILLINOIS FRI. . SAT, APRIL 1141 Dan Dalley Cerlnne Calvet "WHEN WILLIE COMBS MARCHING HOME" Cartoon • News SO. - MON. - TI ES. APRIL 2t-M>fli ^ Donald O'Conaer " ^ Patricia •edUw •FRANCIS" With the Talking Mala World News aad Carteaa m (ONE DAY) APRIL Geo. Montgomery EUea Draw Philip Reed Noah Beery, Jr. "DAVY CROCKETT INDIAN SCO I T" STARTING THCR8DAT ~ S DAYS (In Technicolor) Betty Urable Victor Xghm t , Phil Harris ^ " "WABASH AVENCB* SOUTDOORK WED. THURS.-FRI.-8AT., APRIL 19-20-21-2 Jane Mussel -- Jack Beutel "THE OUTLAW SUN.-MON.-TUES., APRIL 23-24-25 Exclusive Showing Yvonne DeCarlo -- Philip Friend "BUCCANEER'S GIRL"t STARTING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 Betty Grable ' --< Victor Maturt "WABASH AVENUE' BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:15 P.M. WEEK DAYS 5:45 P.M. SUNDAYS ? Bert Pietaree of the Week Ifwrj ; 3 .. ' •

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