Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1950, p. 14

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• t.S tiaiftliable Board i ISO. &-';• ip.j; Ss V', k-> i\-v.v ' ' • ** ; l\ • , I' ' '%!•: • M FnIi Bwlwi *4 Miban- «i M ttw fiscal Tear tallif *».* *£»« OOUnty of McHenry, ; v Town of McHenry, as. OftlcO of the TresaMr of the Kaal aM Bridge Fundi of said tm. to the Highway Commissioner. Town of McHenry, County of Mc- Heary, State of Illinois: t. Math N. Schmitt, Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds for the Town and County aforesaid, State ot Illinois, be tag duly sworn, depot* and say that the following statement by me subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of road and bridge funds on hand at the beginning of the fiscel year above stated; the amount of road and bridge funds received; the sources from which received; the amount expended, and the purpose for which expended, as set forth In said Mtatement. MATH N. SCHMITT, Treasurer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day* of March, 1950. ALBERT KRAUSE. SBAL ' Notary Public March 28, IMS J Math N. Schmitt, Bal- , ance on hand as per meeting 196.67 April 88 Math N. Schmitt, Treas. Transfer poor fund, 8.000.00 Jane H Henry Nulle, Co. Treas., Taxes, 1st distribution Henry Nulle, Co. Treas., Spec. Assessment .... Aagast 80 ; Henry Nulle, Co. Treas* 2nd distribution Taxea Henry Nulle, Co. Treas., Spec. Assessment December S Henry Nulle, Co. Treas^- Final DIst. Taxes ...... Henry Nulle, Co. Treas* ' Back Taxes Henry Nulle, Co. Treas* Final Spec. Assessment October 30 Suburban Oil Co, Return on error of over payment Mix * jtecemher' llj"" Henry J. Stilling. Sale dt . old grader McHenry County State aid on construction McHenry County, Stat* aid on construction McHenry County, Stati aid on construction .... Total Receipts u $34*460.34 SummaYy of Expendl- •torea $21,758.01 Balance on Hand 2,702.33 y t*WWS PA|» April 87 Buchert, Gas an# ^ - - * A«f«*t 18 JOB. Frett. Bridge pairs 4* •*: 61.00 42.74 ---v "*T' •' J ^'T' II.OaiTl" Ed Buchert, Labor Herman Dowe, Mowii§ Vance Welding, Welding Hillman Equip. Road Torches Central Oarage, Oof " 4b Oil McHenry Mills, 15 Weed Killer *» Grayslake Sand 4b Gravel- Trac. Scoop rent Don Michels,,, Truck Rental Wonder Lake Repaid Work -on culvert ^ Welter Freund, Labor on tires 'v *3.05 W. Hergdt, Labor .... ...33.12 Alexander Lumber, Sew» er Pipe •: B. T. Butler, Lath Gene Miller, Spread sand 4b snow plow ..I 114.76 U008.00 18.00 2.00 m i#i.4o 171.10 8.600.00 18000.00 4,200.00 IQQQM ##27.00 840.59 t.460.34 188.76 25.00 150.00 1450.00 656.82 Anderson Tree Ser. Cul Brush Tonyan Bros. Trk. Rent ft Gravel . Ernest Harth, Labor Jack Magera, Labor „ ' Ed Buchert, Labor ......fc Logansport Culvert Culverts » Anderson Tree Ser. Spray Weeds a' Pete Lieser, Labor ....... Jack Magera, Labor .... Hgrry Buchert, Labor .... E. Harth, Labor Jack Magera, Labor ........ Harry Buchert, Labor .... Harry Buchert. Labor .... Thomas Phaltn, Labor E. W. Harth, Labor tr- W-. k. i' •./ Ernest Harth. Labor Hettormana Service. G*§ and ell Frevnd Oil Co., Gas .... Wonder Lake Repair Gas and oil Joe Crick. Gas ; . ;> James P. Flynu Co* Grader blades _ Holloa Service, Gas i Vance Welding, Welding ' ; Alexander Lumber, LurijsLL B! tar ..........J Patten Tractor, Tractor Parta Tonyan Bros. Snow Plowing Ben Bmith, Gravel Merrillat RD. Supply Co., Road Signs Schreiners Service. Gas A. 8. B!ake, Storage and labor J Ed Buchert, Labor Swenson Pulverizers, Band Spreader Pts. Walter J. Freund, Tire aad tube (trk) Jane 81 Mrs. Chas. Miller. License and Title Ed. L. Buchert, Labor Ernest Harth, Labos ...... Jack Magera, Labor Ed Buchert, Labor Ernest Harth, Labor Jane S3 Joe H. Huemann, Oil Storage. Gas Suburban Oil Co. Patch and seal blk. tp W. R. Meadows, Patching material McHenry Lumber, Culvert A. S. Blake, Truck Storage Alexander Lumber, Posts and Nails ^ Anchor Steel Co., Cut* ting blades McHenry Plalndealer. Dis-play signs Patten Tractor, Tractor rent and cutting edges Patten Tractor, Tractor - Rent and cutting edges Central Garage. Test Truck. Gas, oil Weingert True king, Trench Hoe Hucks Service, Gas *»j|[ oq Crystal Lake Truck, . ' Gravel Nickels Hdwe.. Shovel* .%»yan Bros., Roa<§ ' Gnvel , Service, G** Harry Buchert, Labor .... E. W. Harth, Labor .... Clinton Culvert Co. Cul, verts • Grayslake Sand Sc. Gra vel, Tractor Rental Patten Ti actor, Grader Blades v Angnst 88 - McHenry State Bank, Warrant ft Int Angast 88 Ed Buchert. Labor, October 18 Harry Buchert, Labor .... Iowa Mutual, Insurance Jack Magera, Labor .... Ernest Harth, Labor ..„ Harry Buchert, Labor .... McHenry Garage, Welding ana Labor Schrelner Service, Gas" A. S. Blake. Repair Anderson Tree Ser. Tre* Trimming Geo. P. Freund, Labor On Equife .*. October 18 Walter Troxel, Mowing Butchs Auto Serv., Battery (Koehr Supply, 50' Tap* Ketts Sand, ft" Gravel Joe Frett, Bridge Rej Suburban Ott Co. Coat Tonyan Bros. Gravel .... 107.82 Herman Dowe, Mowing 259.26 Gloseon. Labor .... Vance Welding, Repair 11.94 Otto Adams. Gas ft OM 8.80 p- F- Pettlbone, Offic* Supplies 6.17 James P. Flynn, Road 8.88 Signs Alexander Lumber Co. 110.28 poi^ 89.74 Worts Service, Gas 4 50.00 0,1 Patten Tractor, Part* 6.18 Beceaiber 8f ErneBt Harth. Labor .... ^07.82 Karry Buchert, Labor .... Ernest Harth, Labor .... 298.56 Harry Buchert. Labor .... Ernest Harth, Labor .... Daniel Edstrom, Labor 82.00 Eraest Harth, Labor .... 6.08 Daniel Edstrom, Labor Hctternians Service. Ga* 89.02 * 0|1 181.53 Ernest Ilarth, Labor .... Harry Buchert, Labor H4.14 Patten Tractor, Final I Pay."on Grader, 155.50 ! McHenry Garage, Storage ft Repairs Anderson Tree Ser., Cut Brush E. P. Lange, Culverts .... Aferrilat Rd. Supp. Sign* Worts Service, Gas ft Oil Grayslake Sand, Tractor Rental Tonyan Bros., Trench Hoe Netts Sand ft Gravel, Gravel R. F. Justen, Gas O'Leary Bros., Grader .... Geo. Wegner, Mow Weeds Walter Freund, Tire Repair Fred Smith, Mdw Weeds Martick ft Nixon, Tire Reair Smith Sheil Service, Gas Central Garage, Gas Clinton Culvert Co. Culverts Patten Tractor Co., Machinery Repairs Nickels Hdwe., Paint ft Bolts 114.15 203.60 181.25 148.65 221.05 214.86 6,160.93 936.36 5.72 30.72 • / 10.31 79.73 82.50 15.73 2,000.00 mi on 8.79 3.60 .838.71 *686.60 J63.80 •^82 90 4 10.12 > 81.57 %017.65 1620.36 35.62 46.25 *125.00 880.40 62.25 151.25 128.75 31.25 880.40 150.00 148.10 869.28 1,020.00 41.70 A. P. Freand. Crane X Rahtal % Tonyan Bra*., Gram ft Move Dirt Tonyan Bros., Gravel ft Move Dirt Ernest Harth, Labor .s, Ed Buchert, Labor March 8|8 McHenry Garage, Stor& age ft Repair Wonder Lake Repalf« • Gas ' i Hetterman Sinclair, Gag McHenry ffalndealer|% Printing ^ Alexander Lumber Co, Posts ft Planks Hester Oil Co., Gas |r Oil I, Martlcke ft Nixon, Grader Tire ft Rep ~^|18.66 Merrillat Rd. Sap., Patch Roller Peter E. Lieser. Labor Guettler Service. Ga*- ft Oil ...., Tonyan Bro*.. * Snotil^ ; Plowing .": v7. '•», 78.88 Gene Miller, Gravel,: Grading, Plow .192.20 Ernest Harth, l^abor ..i ^ V|il8.76 EMward Buchert, Ldbor" r^fl3>86 Joseph Hneman, Storagr ^ - 86.48 7.98 8.87 ISO 671 87.41 669.93 1,48.76 68.78 8,041.39 24.16 112.60 830.38 10.00 870.80 158.60 15.80 14.81 3.8$ 872.00 14.88 38.76 11.15 «98 ^40.00 176.00 *l8tt.»7 . 68.82 31.60 6.26 4.00 46.6t 4.00 188.98 ; 12.48 48.68 1.60 \ 818.00 148.10 132.20 78.00 142.90 100.65 192.25 46.82 115.18 130.00 22.50 6346.26 124.18 45.00 393.82 179.35 83.11 614.00 64.51 56.00 62.6F 116.25 10.00 4.50 10.0( 3.50 10.7? 2.18 18.20 33.21 ! 54.83 Rental Commercial Union Ins, E. H. Ha<th. Labor ... Ed. Buchert. Labor ... Geo. J. Wegner, Cutting Weed* Patten Tractor, Interest E. H. Harth, Labor Ed Buchert, Labor «' C.T.M. Industrial, 81gn* Iowa Mutual, Compensation Ins E. H. Harth, Labor Barbara Krause, Interest Town Fund, Employee* With. Tax Math Schmitt, Comm. Paid out DISTRIBUTION OB EXPENDITURES Earth Road Construction Hard Road, Construction Hard Road, Maintenance Bridges and Culvert*. Construction Machinery Purchased .... Machinery Repaira ........ Labor ft Supplies ........ Miscellaneous Total #09.22 186.00 118.80 101.86 49.37 188.10 $60.00 223.80 484.86 4,886.16 11^28.47 16,308.39 8^)764$ M06.18 1.429.9^ 4.135.48 1420.42 60,122.70 ttent^ . frill, 1st. tton* Taxes Aagwt8* Henry A. Nfcllv, Oi. Treas, 2nd Dtetrib^- tion Taxes ..& DN«ntar Henry A. Nulle. Trea*. Final Dl*trlba tion Taxes ...... Math N. Schmitt. Tranafer From ' To Fund Total Income Total Bxpisa*** .1.... Bal. On tfan'4 Jane 8» Continental Ilia. Nat. Bank and Truat Co. a Chicago. Interest Bank Charges 1.00 A *5^' |i886.62 460.00 8v8.676.12 I" 8^44.85 8.27 ....^ tTC.OO 6.00 Decmntar . Continental Ills. Nat. Bank ft Trust. Co. of Chicago, Bood|;..... ...i -, f*000.00 IiiereM ...... 775.00 Bank Charges $n.85 ^.T.,._..r::by. I^4TH N. 8GHMITT, •' . - '.i4 Township Treas. c'i licHenry T»wn*hip wn TOfNSHIP TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT Bnd FaadMa 11 -1 Orders PaM 'J8*ad Faad N« |' 13.18 68.15 Thennes Oil Co., Delsel Fuel 37.66 68.25 1850 66.24 • February 87 • ' Ray Stilling, Hauling .... 22.50 109.08 Ed Huff, Haul Water .... 50.00 7.35 Roy Geske, Rent Tractor McHenry Farmers Co192.00 41.63 ops, Posts 11.70 Smiths Service, Gas 61.62 99.61 McHenry Mills, Salt .... 23.20 84.20 McHenry Garage, Repair ft Rental 91.93 8.76 Geo. p. Freund, Paint, 6.88 1818 Harck 87 Math N. Schmitt. Treat Balance on Hand Jan* It Henry A. Nulle Co. Treas., 1st D!*tribu-> tton Taxes ....... Aagast 80 Henry A. Nulle Co. Treas., 8nd Distribution Taxes Deeegtar f Henry A.. Nulle Co. Trcas.. Final Pajr Taxes Total Income Total Expense Bal. On Hand Expenses Bend 9a. 1 May 88 Continental Ills. Nat Bank ft Trust Co. of Chicago. Interest Bank Charges 6.00 du* from 1948-50 ck- ........... Deceatar 6 Continental Ills. Nat. Bank ft Trust Co. ojf Chicago, Bonds Interest 1: Bank Charges Total Expense ... ....8J676.70 Bond Fsad H*. 8 Income March 87 _ . Math N. Schmitt, . y. Treas., Balance on Hand $ 170.50 8460.00 8J15.00 8 8^78.13 $ 8,876.70 1.43 480.00 6.60 •<000.00 480.00 11.10 surravraoB's ahitoal STATE OF I LL5SOI8.N( County of McHenry, s*.| T*wa *t XeHei OFFICE OF TOWH SCptamSOR The following Is a *tal<iii*ni by Math N. Schmitt. fit^Htoor of the Town of McHenry in (jn County and SUto aforsffM*. the amount of public r*oelved and expended by htj^ iihulAg the M*cal year ju«t clo*ed» jptliij on the 27th day ot March. 18M; mowing the amount of pu^^ binds on hand at the comm«tkd*^ent of said fiscal year; tlie aiiio«nt of public funds received, and from what sources received;' th* amount of publte fund* expended,' anil for what purpose* expended, daring fiscal year ending as aiforesa68. The said Mttth N., dchinttt, talng duly swofln, *^(th (fopoifee and; say, th^t flu fdllowiftg stateineYit by him suhscribedj is a correct statomevt of (irt amount of public foods on habdv a$ ther- coitkmencemeht of the/fiacal year abdve stated, the am4ttkt of public funds received, and the sou roes from which received, and Hie amount expended, and the purpose* for which ex- P*hd*d, as set ^ aaid state- Wnt... 1 Subscribed and S^oirn to before me, this 28th day .of March. 1§50. MATH tf . SCHMITT, ALBBRT KRAt8£|. McHenry, HI. '/• •>• Notary Public Fands Received Sonrees . Amount of public fuAiii on hand at* the oat mencement of Oft .} cal year, comm«^ciiig' Mth day of Mar6|k " (SEAL) What 16.08 42.00 10.00 sesaor, Town canvaaalng votes pervisor Election Expanse prw^V .'**• cinct No. 1, 3 JudgMi' • 3 Clerks ^ ^ Frank Muxsy, Rent PoB% ing* Place Election Expense, Pr^r-ffm cinct No. 2, 3 Judgefe j 3 Clerks City of McHenry .Relit:"if: Polling Place Election Expense, Pr*^ ;3i cinct No. 3, 3 Judge)! 3 Clerks 1J7 A. S. Blake Motor Saleli Rent Polling Place .k. ->>' 10.00 Election Expense Prefef^lj cinct No. 6,. 3 Judge! li 3 Clerks Busches Store Rent ; Polling Place * April 8 ' P. F. Pettlbone ft Co, - Record Books Super; >. visor. Town Clerk McHenry Plalndealer^';- Publishing Notice of Meeting, ,Notice 0^:^ /r. Election, y Specimattt" ,? Ballots, Official Bal*;~ lots April 18 Meeting Town Bdard .._i April 28 , Collector of Internal' Revenue Witholdi'ng Tax 48.00 S.* 42.00 48.00 184)0 22.69 10360 .00 the 29th i 1848 [it; •Vl fit $ 4,173.19 •i '-riijoo. oo 146846 Jane 17tk Received frorfi Hehfy 4* NOlle COupty Trea* " 1st Taxes ......L' "" A«gi*t'|S8(|r' Received from HMuty.A^. Nolle, CottfttyTreaf- 2nd Taxes Becekptar 6tk Received from Henry J£ Nulle, County Trea*| Final Taxes Received from Henry A.. Nulle, County Treas., Back Taxes Harck 84tk Math N. Schmitt. Twp*. Highway Treas, for Withholding Tax pahL by Town Fund ; f 23.80 Total Receipts. #11.42^.72 Total Expensea 7,720.07 Balance on Hand - 8,756.66 Fand* Expended And For What Ftrpases Expenftd Marck 88 . Meeting Town Board ...Vj| Joslyn, Parker, Vand< Attorney Fees % yi Caroline Schieale, H year H. Walter Anderson, Extra work Town Clerk Math N. 8cbmltt, Extra work Board of Health Earl Walsh, Supervisor! Bond May 8 McHenry Plalndealer 600 letter heads P. F. Pettlbone ft Co. Town' Clerk Supplies McHenry Plalndealer' Printing Annual Report Meeting Town Board .... July 18 Meeting Town Board .... July 18 Collector of Internal Revenue, Witholdlng Tax August 10 Meeting Town Board .... August 18 Troy A. Koat, Sec. State Assn. Dues Twps. Officials September 3 Jos. N. Schmitt, 5 Mo. Sal. Assessor, 750.00 Use car, 150, Tax Witheld, 81.50 H. Walter ..Anderson, 5 Mo. Sal. at 33.33 per Me Math N. Schmitt, 5 Mo. Sal. at 75.00 per Mo. Charlea J. Miller, 130 days as Road Commissioner at 8.00 per day Caroline Schlesle, Rent Vj year iosl|)a* Parker, Vandorn, Attorney Fee8. Va year Meeting Town Board .... Charles T. Dunning, Sec. .(Jaunty Assn. Dues .... October 4 McHenry Plalndealer, Publishing Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing tober 80 Internal Witholdlng Collector .r Revenue Tax December 14 Perfection Legal Blank Co., J. P. Supplies becember 28 Meeting Town Board Math N. Schmitt, Twps. Highway Treas. for transfer to Bond Fund No. 8 to make payment 59.40 200.00. 6.5Q 11.83 100.20 25.00 26.00 133.30 25.00 25.00 818.60 166.67 375.00 1,040.00 50.00 75.00 20.00 7.00 8.70 116,10 Collector of Re-venue Tax F*kruary i|; .' Burdett* Smith ft ,Ca*' J. P. Supplies Atlas Printing Co., J. Supplies ' P. F. Pettlbone ft O# Town Clerk Supplh# Meeting Town Board ,l» < Marck 84 W'* Jos. N. Schmitt, 7 M Sal. Asaessor at 1 per mo„ Tax Wlthh 123.70*. H. Walter Anderson, ^ Mo. sal. at 33.33 pet' - « mo --^S3S«S8 Math N. Schmitt, 7 Sal. at 75.00 per *0 ' 626.00 Charles J. Miller, 178 t days at 8.00 per da*-*,' 1,424.00 Meeting Town JSoard 80.00 37.60 83.87 8.16 <4m 888.30 BorMan Bro*., Orooarl*«i for poor Henry A. Null*, CountF Trea*., Board Horn* June .... Auguat . Bee Dosler* Sanatorluia* Board aad oar* for poor Dr. Donald B. Douglaa Medical ft operatlott for poor ^ April 1 ^ McHenry Stat* Banl, Check book April Math N. Schmitt, way Treas.. Transfer to road ft bridge funtf as per meeting J / September 1 Barblan Bros., Groceries for poor St There*** Hoapi Hospital car* for Soptember 8 . Henry A. Nulle, County Trea*., County Hem* Home July ^ September 81 Bee Hosiers Sanatorium* Board and care ftfr poor ^ October 5 :: Barblan Bros» Grocerio* 88,17 I 110.88 181.04 ,64 SUPKEVISOB'S FINANCIAL STATBMENT A FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the Town of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, fpr the year A.D. 1949, made by Math N. Schmitt Supervisor of said, Town: , . Amount received from . predecessor in qffic*, j| 8446.38 Amount received frpm , any other source^ . Taxes i.... $ 6,918.17 \ tor P°°r Total Receipts .i.. $16,563.49'HenrJr A- Nulle, County TOWN EXPEN8E$ PAID April 1 \ Dickows Grocery ft Mam ket, groceries for poQ$^g - Barblan Bros., Grocerle*^ for poor • Alexander Lbr. Company ^ coal for poor V Bee Dosiers Sanatoriump ;a Board and care, .for; poor Mmr $ « Barbian Bros., groc*rle* for poor, Dickows Gfocery ft kct, grocejdes for Alexander (br. Com*, pany, Coal lor . poor Hester Oil $omp* Fuel oil .for lipor .. n m 30.22 «fti sn 80.T8 27.10 87.76 836.00 88.87 29.78 18.16 30.00, Bee Dosler* SanaWium* v Board, and caft fo& ' poor > Dr. R. G. Chamberlain^': Dental work Couktfi. Home .....rJiw, Henry A? Nulle, Counti Treas., Board Cottntl^. Home March * x' Junel - Peter M. Justen, Ambulance for poor ' Borbian Bro*., Girocerlepl for poor Dickows 9foceryr ft M* ket. Groceries fpr p ; V Ju« n Bee Dogi Board A ca^ fcir., Barbian Bro*., Grocerie# for poor ' Dickows Grocei^. ftif ket, Grdc<3rte8,fqyr. ^^, . National Tea CqmiFasfo* ^ Groceries for poiqrr ..':.i ' . v 80.00 • July 8*- Henry A. Nulle, Count* ^ Treas., Board Count^" Home, April ^ 119.85 Dr. C. E. Wittenberg^; . . Medical County Homo July 88 F Henry A. Nulle, County Treas., Board County Home May ,/ Hester OH Company,. Fuel Oil for poor ^ August 8 •v. . 135.00 6.D0 116.60 8.00 88.18 30.28 136.00 89.06 81.28 Treas., Board Count} Home August 4 ^etotar 8 / j. St. Therese*. HosplUt . Hospital Care for poor I Dr. J~. F. Waldzunas, 08* '4 era tion ft. medical far ' Poor : ^ Dr. J. F. Harris, Mfedic«| County Home J, October 21 Dr. J. F. Harris, Medical i County kome ....i November i & Bee Dosiers Sanatorium* f Board and care fdfr. Poo' Becember 1-.^ Bee Dpsiers Sanatorium*« Bo*rd and care fd$ poor Becember It Barblan Bro*., Grocerie* Groceries for poof Alexander Lbr. Companp Coal for poor Becember 28 Woodstock public Hospital, Hospital care for Poor...,. 4 Bee Doslprs S&natorlums Board and care for poor :. 1868 . ; January 8. Henry,A. Kulle, County . Treas., Board County • Home Sept., Oct. A Nov. ;..i. * • Janaary 8 Barbian Bros., Groceriea for poor Alexander Lbr. Company Coal for poor McHenjfy Lbr. Company. Coal poor Dr. H. S. Fike, Taking care of stray dog ^ Dr. Lee Gladstone, Op» eration ft medical for poor Dr. J. E. Sayler, Dental 1 work lor poor ; ^ January 11 ,108.60 • ":S -:^r 1 88 Jt 108.60 71 JO 300.00 86.00 16.00 160.00 160.00 67.36 88.98 321.46 160.00 883Jd 28.30 62.16 13.66 18.00 160.00 Dr. JI. F. Harris, Madid* County qHom* Tebruary 1| Alexander Lbr. Compaqy Coal for poor * Wm. Pries, Groceries fgg poor Huppy ft Leos Grocery Grlcerles for poor • Barbian Qros., GroceriM for poor p Bee DoziersSanatorluti*^ Board and care for '- poor &•<•- Victory Memorial Hoi#* i pltal, Hospltallsatldii * tor poor .....ri LI February 28 ^ Henry A. Nulle, County Treas., Board County Home Dec. and Jan. i,.,, Harck 1 : \ ;v Huppy ft Leos Grocery Groceries for poo*' Wm. Pries, Groceries f#. poor Barbian Bros., GroceriH for poor v Hester Oil Company Fuel oil for poor McHenry Lbr. Com] Coal tor poor .. March 4 Paul Turpel, Rent an§ J ^ Incidentals Marck 10 ; f.': Thennes Oil Company, , % Fuel oil for poor L . 36: 36.1 160.® 688.' 48.1 16.68|| 88.18k- 34.98: "t3 Bee Dosiers Sanatorlumi Board and car* fopr poor Marck 18 Dr. Donald B. Dougla*, Operation and care f^ ;i< poor Joseph Wegner, Diggli and closing grave poor Amount Received Amount Paid .......... Balance on Hand STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry County, Town of McHenry, ss. .1* I, Math N. Schmitt Supervisor i of said Town, do hereby certify' that the foregoing statement !•' true and correct, as I verily be-/ lieve. WITNESS my hand, thl* 24th* day . of M^rch. A.D. I960. [ |^ MATH H, SCHMITT, I Supervisor o# Town McHenrj' $1^,543.49 $ 9,149 11 8 8,414.38 : «• & VydUl Brothen Attended ' Indoor Comfort Oonfn-oio« Harold and Stanley Vycltal attended tlie Indoor Comfort Conference held in Chicago last week. •- While there they studied Methods' of designing and installing the new perimeter type of home hfeat-l ing, as well as the larger type <4* heating installations for storey garage*, bowling alleys, churches,! etc> ^ ) Among Interesting problems discussed was that of measuring heat; losses. It was decided to change j the name heating unit to that of ; winter air conditioning unit. It. was further brought out that comfort depends on automatically. controlled air temperatur* (liu ^ eluding radiant temperature)* humidity, air motion and air clean* liness, with winter air conditioning giving all these. n QTI.UA JHl WALL PAINT MADS WITH OIL let IN shew you the new kmwriov* colors ... Vev'l - • be thrilled with gay, deeper tenes tlwt wM M*nd *o well wiili your furawhingt. HATIUX IS th* waders BOS glare Hal wot pghtf. d»ot has ad the *dv*ptagsi . . . bacovse fLATlUX » a real OH point... not thinned with water. 8LATIUX . . . applies M easily without bnwhiaaHU ... dries fast... no *ff*asiw* odor ... one ceat covers most any swfae* , . . wodiable with soap - •••d water... One GaNoa wii do the avarag* room. KATLUX colors as* IdewtieaHy Matched with ^ATty. LUX Semi-Gloss and GtOS-UIX High Gloss. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE I ««RKI( M. KrlEXIT, III. ' V?'n" f" f'. ' ^ + *. Svhserlke for The 119.36 Dickows Grocery ftMhty ket. Groceries for poof 450.00 30.28 ationally Advtrtlsed Fishing Tai^W At MONEY SAVINO Valuta FLY RODS AND RSBL8 sernt BEND BAXBOQ BOB ACTION OLA MS ROB PFLIJEOEB REEL MARTIN AUTOMATIC B8l£ CASTING RODS AND REELS GLASS CASTING ROD, i ft* $U8 mEEL CASTING RODS 88JB to 818J8 8HAKESPEAR WONBEB BEBL 88J6 FEBFECTOBENO BEEL 81848 fSR 100.00 18 YDS. NYLON LINE With Psrckase of tCKAN CITY REELS KPO* FAN FISB FLIES Tka Ikf t lk ##WILSHIRi Modal tyeatwUiiq. • Continuous waistband • Doop Pleats -- Drape Modol. • Customized extonsion French fly. • Handy change pockot on insido of i rifht pocket./^ FLY TYING KIT FITTED FISB LINES 12 Ft. IMPORTED BAMBOO POLES 19 All Other S berdine $12.09 from $8.95 to $19.96 Nl «AL Tke Friendly Store Next B*er To The Bank Ttf 8. Ote«n Street McHenry* Illinois

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